Pins for Pauly
Andreas Pavlou (President)
This is a non-for-profit organization that assists children stricken with leukemia. The members of Pins for Pauly organize events in memory of Paul Pavlou, an altar boy of the Church, who passed away fighting the dreadful disease. Children and adults of all ages are sponsored in order to raise donations and help families, who are unable to pay their medical expenses; often times, parents, who have a child stricken with leukemia, have to leave their job and take loans to offer the best possible medical care for their suffering child. Many children who are now free from Leukemia have come back healthy and strong to assist the organization in its worthy cause to raise moneys for research and to help other children who suffer from the disease. Fr. Nikiforos Fakinos provides spiritual and psychological support and together with the members of the Board and the Parish Council they work to organize events and help those in need.