Obituary of Presvytera Helen E. Kalangis


It is with grave sorrow but also with hope in the Resurrection that we announce the passing in Christ of our beloved Presvytera Helen E. Kalangis, wife of the departed Priest of the Holy Archdiocese of America the Rev. George Kalangis, mother of Denise Kalangis Freeman (Florida), Demetra Kalangis (New York), Crystal Kalangis (New York) and our beloved Peter George Kalangis of blessed memory, survived by his wife Cynthia (New York). The family is blessed with three grandchildren, Kristeena Freeman (Florida), Amy Freeman (Florida) and Sotiris Kalangis (New York).


Presvytera Helen was born May 13th,1940 in Boston, the daughter of Jimmy Limperopoulos of Roslindale and Denise Thedusa Limperopoulos, who was later tonsured a nun with the monastic name Ioanna; both have reposed in the Lord. Her brother is the Rev. Nicholas Limperopoulos (married to Presvytera Georgia), living in California. She studied at the Boston Conservatory of Music, in Boston Massachusetts.


She was married on October 30th, 1960 and with our beloved Rev. George of blessed memory they served our Holy Archdiocese with great dedication and faithful commitment. Father George was ordained a Deacon on November 27th, 1960 and to the Priesthood March 26th, 1961, by His Eminence Archbishop Iakovos and served as assistant Dean at the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Boston until June 1963. In the summer of 1963, he was appointed by Archbishop Iakovos as the Presiding Priest of the newly established Saint Demetrios Greek Orthodox Community in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Following a one-year ministry in Florida, Fr. George and Presvytera Helen were transferred in 1964 to the Saints Anargyroi Greek Orthodox Church in Marlboro, MA. 


In September 1966 he accepted the position of assistant Librarian at the Assumption College in Worcester, MA. In September 1967, Brandeis University in Waltham, MA offered Fr. George the Gifts & Exchange Librarian Position. In 1971, Fr. George and Presvytera Helen were transferred to the Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church in Portsmouth, NH. In conjunction with his transfer, Fr. George was appointed Assistant Librarian and Associate Professor in Psychology at the New Hampshire Technical Institute. Meanwhile, Fr. George opened new horizons in his academic pursuits by being accepted to Boston University to complete graduate studies in Counselor Education. In 1972, Fr. George attained his residence and graduate degree requirements and received the C.A.G.S (Certificate of Advance Graduate Studies) from the Boston University, School of Education. In September 1973, Fr. George was accepted to the School of Theology of the University of Thessaloniki, Greece, to pursue doctoral studies in Cross-Cultural Education Systems. In 1976, Fr. George was awarded a HEW Fellowship to pursue Ph. D. studies in Bilingual/Bicultural Education at The Florida State University in Tallahassee, FL. During his tenure in Tallahassee, Fr. George served the Holy Mother of God Greek Orthodox Community. During the academic year of 1977, Fr. George received a Doctoral Dissertation award from the Rockefeller Foundation to write his thesis, entitled, "The Socio-cultural and Religious Ethos of the Greek Parochial Schools in the American South." In that same year, he was appointed Director of the Multilingual/Multicultural Learning Resource Center, College of Education at FSU.


Presvytera Helen always supported Fr. George in his pastoral and academic endeavors, culminating on June 1979, when Fr. George received his Doctorate of Philosophy from FSU; he was also assigned to the Saints Markella and Demetrios Greek Community in Fort Walton Beach, FL. He became the Learning Resources Director at Okaloosa-Walton Junior College in Niceville, FL and was appointed Chairman of the Commission of Greek Studies and Culture in the American South by His Grace Bishop John of Charlotte, N.C. In 1983, Fr. George and Presvytera Helen were recalled to the Archdiocesan District serving the Transfiguration of Christ Church in Corona, Zoodohos Peghe Community in the Bronx, Panagia in Island Park and the Community of Saint Markella in Wantagh, NY. Coupled with his pastoral duties, Fr. George was also appointed by New York Governor Mario Cuomo to the New York City's Psychiatric Centers and in a leadership position at the Creedmore Psychiatric Center.


Presvytera Helen served alongside Fr. George assisting him with many benevolent, spiritual and religious events as well as his academic pursuits. They both raised together an exceptional family, leaving an indissoluble mark in the history of the Holy Archdiocese of America. Presvytera Helen passed away on Febuary 17th, 2025 at the age of 84 at NYU Langone Winthrop Hospital. Just few hours before her repose, she received the Life-Giving sacrament of Holy Communion, administered by the Rev. Fr. Nikiforos Fakinos, to whom she expressed her love, gratitude and warm wishes. Thousands of families have been inspired by Presvytera’a example, kindness and fervent faith. All the Parishes that she served next to Fr. George are mourning her passing, together with the entire Archdiocese of America.

His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America conveys most heartfelt condolences, praying for the comfort and support of her beautiful family. His Eminence will be represented by His Grace Bishop Athenagoras of Nazianzus at the Funeral service, which will take place at Saint Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church in Merrick, New York, on Friday, February 21st at 11 am (visitation at 10 am). The Burial service will take place at Forest Hills cemetery, in Massachusetts, on Saturday, February 22nd.

In lieu of flowers, the family kindly requests that donations are made in memory of Presvytera Helen to Saint Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church in Merrick. May her memory be eternal. Aἰωνία ἡ μνήμη αὐτῆς.Dear friends and supporters of Saint Demetrios Church,

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

ΔΟΓΕ Is Better Than DOGE

Dear friends and supporters of Saint Demetrios Church,

$2,045,000 for incense (λιβάνι) from the Himalayan mountains.

$15,238,033 for pencils and office supplies.

$2,492,483 for sushi, souvlaki and kontosouvli lunches for the employees.

$9,383,484 for brand new Church microphones designed for the height disadvantaged.

These would be some budget items for our next General Assembly if the Parish was operated like a government. The Parish Council would not be volunteers but employed professionals, with salaries of few hundred thousand dollars each annually, and somehow still manage to make tens of millions in personal profit. The Church deficit would be in the billions (or trillions), nothing would get built since the Eisenhower era, the infrastructure would be deteriorating, and Parishioners would still have to contribute from their hard-earned salary to unwarranted expenses.

Thankfully, we do not need DOGE here, because centuries ago we had invented ΔΟΓΕ: Δωρίζουμε, οικονομούμε, γιορτάζουμε Ελληνικά. You see, Greeks invented everything, we learned the value of οικονομία – economy, νοικοκυριό – good house-keeping, εθελοντισμός – volunteering, and φιλοξενία – love for strangers from a young age. And we manage to take care of our spiritual Home and also contribute to philanthropy without any outside advisement. We have contributed for more than 640 families with children stricken with leukemia through Pins for Pauly. Not just Greek children, all children, because they are all children of God and we love them. We have assisted thousands of families in need through Saint Barbara’s Philoptochos, as well as worthy causes, including Saint Basil’s Academy (for children without a family), Holy Cross School of Theology (training the future clergy of the Archdiocese), missions, orphanages in Africa, our iconography project, the building projects of the Church, the purchase of properties to further the mission of our Parish, Saint Nicholas Shrine at Ground Zero (destroyed by the atrocious terrorist attacks of 9-11) and the neighboring Saint Michael’s Home for the Aged in Uniondale (as well as the existing facility for the senior citizens in need).

Noteworthy, that without any outside assistance, just with donations of love and φιλαγαθία – love for good deeds, we maintain our Church to the highest standards, expand our programs and ministries, for spirituality, education, philanthropy, fellowship and our religious experience. We are building our Constantine and Carol Cassis Center and we need ALL families to be part of this miracle, in order to complete construction before the end of the year, hopefully in the Fall. I go over the list of names of contributors with great gratitude, but, together with the Parish Council, we cannot help but notice that some people are still waiting to offer their first donation, months after the project started. As we just forwarded a payment of $400,000 for much needed building supplies to continue the project, I implore you to wait no more! This is the year for sacrifice, without sacrifice and faith miracles cannot happen. And with the Grace of the Lord, we want our miracle to be completed earlier than initially projected, and under budget.

As soon as the year 2025 arrived, Presvytera, Katerina, Natalia and this humble priest give our Stewardship (since our daughters turned 18, they contribute every year individually) knowing that this donation is the most blessed way to direct our funds to. All expenses in our lives are superficial; supporting our Church is the most sacred way to offer from what God has given us. We are expressing our gratitude to the Lord for everything He bestows upon us. We are contributing for the most worthy and sacred cause we can think of, our spiritual Home, our ministries, and our faith. And we come together with all of you, all the friends and supporters of Saint Demetrios Church, to make another miracle happen.

Yes, we believe in miracles, we love God and not gold, τον Θεό όχι τον Μαμμωνά, and all of us, together, as a Parish family, we are celebrating our faith and our heritage under the blessed dome of our Church, under the roof of the School, and under the heavenly Grace of the Lord. I love you all, and I ask you to show your love for our beautiful Church, to come to the services, volunteer, help, and make miracles happen. Show your love, today, tomorrow, everyday!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Schedule of Services and Events

Sunday, February 16th, Sunday of the Prodigal Son, Orthros and Divine Liturgy starting at 9 am. Candles / Lambades are available for all Godparents at the Narthex of the Church for the Godparents who were not able to come last week due to the adverse weather.

Memorial: Andreas Calogridis of blessed memory (1 year). May his memory be eternal. Αιωνία η μνήμη αυτού.

Saturday, February 22nd, 1st Saturday of the Souls, Orthros, Divine Liturgy and Memorials starting at 9 am.

David and Georgia Pereira Church School:  No Classes this Sunday (Family Worship). Saint John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival Workshop after Liturgy.

Rev. Nikiforos Fakinos Greek School: Winter recess 2/18 - 2/21

Jr. GOYA movie night, Monday, February 17th, at 7 pm in the Church Hall.

Jr. GOYA Scavenger Hunt, Monday, February 24th at 7pm.

JOY, Games and Fellowship, Friday, February 28th at 7:30 pm.

Orthodox Study, Thursdays at 7 pm.

Little Angels, Thursdays at 11 am.

Greek Language lessons for adults, Fridays at 7:30 pm.

KANARIS dance group, February 15th at 11 am.


Κυριακή 16 Φεβρουαρίου, Του Ασώτου Υιού, Όρθρος και Θ. Λειτουργία στις 9 π.μ.

Σάββατο 22 Φεβρουαρίου, Πρώτο Ψυχοσάββατο, Όρθρος, Θ. Λειτουργία και Μνημόσυνα στις 9 π.μ.

Μελέτη της Αγίας Γραφής και Ορθόδοξος κύκλος, κάθε Πέμπτη στις 7 μ.μ.

Μικροί Άγγελοι, κάθε Πέμπτη στις 11 π.μ.

Μαθήματα Ελληνικής Γλώσσας, κάθε Παρασκευή στις 7:30 μ.μ.

Χορευτικός Όμιλος ΚΑΝΑΡΗ, 15 Φεβρουαρίου στις 11 π.μ.


Thursday, February 13, 2025

Αγαπητοί μας ενορίτες,

            Το Σάββατο 22 Φεβρουαρίου είναι το πρώτο Σάββατο των Ψυχών (Ψυχοσάββατο).  Θα τελεστεί επιμνημόσυνος δέησις υπέρ αναπαύσεως των ψυχών όλων των προσφιλών κεκοιμημένων εν Χριστώ αδελφών μας.  Θυμίζουμε στην αγάπη σας ότι είναι ιερό χρέος και πνευματικό καθήκον να θυμόμαστε όσους έχουν εκδημίσει για το μακάριο ταξίδι της αιωνίου Βασιλείας, να προσευχόμαστε για την ανάπαυσή τους και να διδάσκουμε τις νεώτερες γενεές να πράττουν το ίδιο.  Το δεύτερο Ψυχοσάββατο ακολουθεί στην 1η Μαρτίου  και η ανάμνησις του θαύματος των κολύβων του Αγίου Θεοδώρου (τρίτο Ψυχοσάββατο) στις 8 Μαρτίου. 

Μπορείτε να φέρετε κόλυβα και τα ονόματα των κεκοιμημένων αδελφών μας στον ιερό ναό κατά την διάρκεια του Όρθρου (9 με 10 π.μ.) ώστε να μνημονεύονται και στην Προσκομιδή και κατά τη διάρκεια της Θείας Λειτουργίας.  Το Μνημόσυνο θα ακολουθήσει αμέσως μετά.  Μπορείτε να παραγγείλετε κόλυβα μέσω του Γραφείου της Κοινότητος (τηλ. 516-379-1368). 

Dear Parishioners,

            Saturday, February 22nd is the first Saturday of the Souls, when it is our tradition to commemorate our beloved departed brothers and sisters in the Lord, who passed away for the eternal trip to salvation.  Remembering our loved ones is not only a holy and sacred blessing, but also a spiritual opportunity to teach the younger generations to pray for the departed and honor their memory.  The second Saturday of the Souls will be on March 1st and the third on March 8th (when we also commemorate the miracle of the Kolyva, by Saint Theodore). 

            We would like to request that you bring the Kolyva together with the list of the names of the souls that you would like us to pray for in the morning, during the Orthros service (9 to 10 am) so that their names may also be commemorated during the Divine Liturgy.  A memorial service will follow the Liturgy.  You may also arrange the Memorial and Kolyva preparation by calling the Church Office (phone #: 516-379-1368). 

In the Lord’s Service,

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


My beloved friends:


            This Sunday is that of the Prodigal Son, we will hear the most beautiful parable in the entire Bible, a story which summarizes, in a very brief manner, the most important elements of our Faith:


1.        God’s unconditional love for us.

2.        The consequences of our rejection and departure from God.

3.        Our need to turn back, to repent, whenever we have sinned.

4.        A readiness to accept God’s mercy and enter into his joyous love with utter humility.


            Now, two weeks from the beginning of Great Lent, we are reminded of who we are: beloved children of God who need to come to our senses and return to our loving, forgiving Father.  No matter what we have done, no matter how we have diminished ourselves, no matter how broken we have made our relationship with God, He patiently awaits our return, runs to greet us, and welcomes us back into His family with joy and celebration.


Let us review the Gospel parable: A father has two sons. The younger son greatly offends the father by asking for his inheritance. Imagine how offensive such an action would be. Well, even though the Father knows the son is terribly wrong, and quite immature, he still gives his son his inheritance. The Father understands that true love can only come where freedom exists. He loves His son so much that he gives his son the freedom to make a terrible mistake.


The son takes the inheritance and runs away to a distant land. This separation from the Father vividly portrays a fruit of his sin. Anytime we choose evil over good, we are running away to a far and distant land, far from our beloved and divine homeland. While in this foreign land, the son foolishly spends all his money. He is without friends, without finances, and without life. He finds himself quite desperate. The boy’s situation has reached such a catastrophe, that he finds himself living among pigs, longing to eat the swine’s food – utter disgrace.


Here is the ultimate portrayal of sin. Whenever we reject our loving Father, and foolishly choose our own path, the destination is always the same. Maybe for a period of time, we think we have discovered a pleasure-filled life. Yet it is temporary. Our vain pursuit of happiness, riches and prosperity will eventually reveal its emptiness. In that moment of truth, whether it comes at the end of our lives, as we face death, or earlier in life when we face various crises which challenge us to find ultimate meaning in life, we discover how meaningless, senseless, and egocentric our pursuit has been.


At this point in the parable, something crucial occurs. The boy begins to remember. He remembers who he is. He remembers his father. He remembers his father’s house. He remembers the abundance of love and blessings that exist there. He remembers that even the servants of the household had food and drink in great quantity. He beings to see how meaningless his own life has become, and how blessed his life could have been. True repentance begins to form from within.


            Yet authentic repentance only begins with remembrance. The boy remembers. He begins to see himself as he truly is. He does not try to hide his faults. He comes to his senses by realizing, “I have sinned before heaven and before my father. I am not worthy to be called his son. I will ask to only return as a slave.” In this essential state of humility, he finds the courage and the strength to get up and begin his journey home. There is no self-pity. No judging others. No justifying himself. Simple, yet clear, self-evaluation and deep repentance! Without these, we cannot begin our journey back to the Father, and back to our original homeland.


            When the boy is still far from his home, we see the old, loving Father waiting for his son. As the Father sees his beloved in the distance, the Father forgets all dignity and runs towards his son. He does not wait for apologies. He does not demand an admission of guilt. He does not stand with his hands folded, waiting for the son to fall on his face and admit his mistakes.


            Although the son attempts to do all this, the Father ignores the son’s pleas and with a radiant joy, shouts out, “Bring my son the best robe in the house. Bring him shoes to show that he is not a slave. Bring him a ring to give him his authority as my own. And kill the fatted calf. A feast! A most merry and joyous feast we must celebrate because this, my son, was lost, and is now found. He was dead, and is alive again.” We see in this figure of God only love, unconditional, unlimited, radiant love! The father does not focus on the sins of the son. He sees only a broken heart, longing to be healed. And he offers his healing freely and generously.


            Do we understand that we have a Heavenly Father whose love is far greater than any sin we can ever commit! Our sins, no matter how great, are as a drop of water compared with the entire ocean of God’s unconditional love. May we always remember this fact, especially when we have fallen away from God. God’s love and goodness is far greater than any sin or evil we can ever commit. Although this parable is often called The Prodigal Son, a more accurate title would be the Parable of The Loving Father, since He is the main character in the story. This is the heart of what the Gospel, and Christianity are all about.


            The parable did not end with the return of the lost son, and the love of the Father. As the Father welcomes the younger son, and begins to celebrate over his resurrection from death to life, the older son returns home from the fields. Now we need to remember that the older son has never left the side of the father. He has been the dutiful son, staying close to the father, obeying the father, trying to fulfill the father’s wishes. But there is one problem. Although he has been close to the Father, he has never adopted the Father’s spirit of unconditional love. He has obeyed the father out of duty, but not out of love. He has focused more on the rules and regulations of what an older son should do, instead of looking at the father and realizing that he needs to cultivate the same spirit of joy and love which the Father possessed. Although he never left the house of the father, his heart departed from the Father long ago, becoming hard, cold, and unloving.


            So the older son returns, and when he hears the music and sees the household celebrating a feast, he’s annoyed. “Why is there a feast and I have not been informed? A feast for my good-for-nothing brother who wasted all his money on prodigal living? Where is the justice my brother deserves? My father should not give him a feast, but a beating. He deserves it, and I am not taking part in this unjust celebration until he gets it.” The older son is right. The father has not been just. He has not given the younger son what he deserves. Instead of justice, he has shown mercy. Instead of a beating, he has shown love and compassion. Instead of rejoicing in the pain of another, he rejoices that one who was dead is alive again. The older son cannot understand such unconditional love and mercy, and thus, stands outside the feast, angry, jealousy, and self-righteous.


            This parable has it all – the unconditional love and mercy of our heavenly Father; the rebellious rejection and sin of the younger son; the deadly consequence of sin; the joyous fruit of repentance. And then the cold, self-righteous stance of the older son, who prefers to stay in his self-imposed hell, than enter into the joy of the feast. As our Lord often emphasized, God does not desire the death of a sinner, but longs for his repentance and return home. The fruit of repentance is full and complete restoration. God’s forgiveness is immediate and absolute.


            This parable of the Prodigal Son should shape all the repentance that we do in our lives, whether in Lent or not. For it reminds us Who God is and who we are.  As in this parable, there are no limits to our Lord’s mercy, no restrains on His compassion or forgiveness. Our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ was Born, Baptized, taught, worked miracles, was Crucified and Resurrected, and Ascended into Heaven for our salvation.  He came as the Second Adam to restore us as the children of God, to put us in our proper place in the family of heaven as those created in His divine image and likeness.


            Praying that the abundant blessings of our Lord and the prayers of the Holy Theotokos be with you and all your loved ones, I remain,


With paternal love in the Lord,


+Protopresbyter Panagiotis


            The 17th Sunday of Saint Luke narrates one of the most powerful and meaningful parables of the Bible.  It is the story of the Prodigal Son, or, should we call it, the story of the Forgiving Father.  The younger son of a family demanded that his portion of his father’s wealth be given to him.  He spent all that wealth living in sin and corruption.  He wasted so much that the Father had labored to establish.  When the son lost everything, he realized that even his Father’s servants were living a better life than him and he repented for his mistakes.  The story reaches an emotional climax when the son returns home.  The Father rushes to embrace him, to welcome him and to give him presents and a celebration on the occasion of his return.  Only the older son does not share the joy of everyone else.  Rather, he feels bad that his father’s best calf was sacrificed for the celebration.  He laments for the animal more than for a brother who was lost and in danger.

            It sounds irrational, yet, there are many families that have been divided over financial and other differences.  Often times, people would like to monopolize someone’s love and attention.  Jealousy and love for money are the primary causes for the breakup of families and friendships.  Are there prodigal sons today?  Look around!  How many of us don’t we use the property of our Heavenly Father, the wealth that was created and entrusted to us, for reasons other than good, charity and benevolence?  How do we digest the fact that in all “Christian” nations casinos and the industry of pornography prosper, yet Churches and Schools struggle?  There are many prodigal sons who waste the wealth of their Father and live in corruption and sin.

            God is Forgiving and Loving.  He awaits the return of all His children with open arms, as He is depicted in the icon of the Crucifix.  His mercy knows no boundaries and His love is beyond compare.  He gives us the first garment, the radiant grace that was bestowed upon us at the time of creation, when we return and become members of His family, the Church.  For this reason, on the day of our baptism we chant “whoever has been baptized unto Christ, has put on Christ.”  God the Father offers us a ring, a symbol for holy Chrism, which is the seal of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit (in Roman times, seals were made us rings, so that dignitaries always had them with them).  And God gives us shoes; in those days, slaves were not allowed to wear shoes.  God wants us to be free and to rejoice in our lives.  He even sacrificed the fatted calf, the best He has to offer, Jesus Christ, so that we may celebrate the Eucharist and give thanks for the blessing of salvation.  The parable of the Prodigal Son makes reference to all the foundational sacraments of the Church, baptism, chrismation, eucharist and confession, so that we may receive the grace of God through the life-giving mysteries of the Church.

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


            Μία από τις κορυφαίες αφηγήσεις του Ευαγγελίου είναι το σημείο αναφοράς της 17ης Κυριακής του Λουκά.  Η παραβολή του Ασώτου Υιού είναι μία ιστορία που αγγίζει κάθε έναν από εμάς σε προσωπικό επίπεδο αλλά και που αποκαλύπτει την φιλανθρωπία, την παναγαθότητα και την συγχωρητικότητα του Θεού.  Ίσως ένας πιο ακριβής σε νόημα τίτλος θα μπορούσε να είναι όχι η παραβολή του Ασώτου Υιού αλλά η παραβολή του μεγαλόκαρδου Πατέρα.  Ο νεώτερος υιός κατασπατάλησε την περιουσία του Πατέρα, διεκδικόντας την για δική του.  Με θράσσος απαίτησε τα πλούτη που ο Πατέρας του με κόπο δημιούργησε.  Και με ανωριμότητα και αφέλεια σπατάλησε ό,τι με αγάπη του εμπιστεύτηκε ο Πατέρας.  Με πόνο και συντριβή καρδίας ήρθε ο γιος εις εαυτόν στον καιρό της πενίας και της πνευματικής του ακαρπίας.  Διαπίστωσε ότι ακόμη και οι υπηρέτες του Πατέρα του είχαν καλύτερη ζωή από εκείνον που ζούσε μέσα στην αμαρτία, στην ακολασία και στην παρακμή.

            Μία συγκινητική σκηνή της αφηγήσεως είναι η επιστροφή του Ασώτου.  Ο Πατέρας, όχι μόνο συγχωρεί τον γιο του, αλλά τον αγκαλιάζει με όλη του την αγάπη και την μεγαλοκαρδία του.  Του χαρίζει δώρα και του ετοιμάζει ένα γιορτινό τραπέζι ώστε να πανηγυρίσει τον ερχομό του.  Μόνο ο μεγάλος αδερφός δεν συμμερίστηκε την χαρά όλων και ζήλεψε για τις τιμές που δέχτηκε ο μικρότερος αδερφός του.  Δεν γιόρτασε την επιστροφή του αδερφού αλλά στενοχωρέθηκε για το άψυχο μουλάρι που ετοιμάστηκε για την γιορτή.  Ακόμη και το ζώο το συμπάθησε πιο πολύ από το σπλάχνο του, το αίμα του, το αδέρφι του.

            Ακούγεται δυσανάγνωστη η παραβολή; Μα και ανά τους αιώνες, πόσες οικογένειες δεν υπάρχουν που διαπληκτίζονται για περιουσιακά στοιχεία ή αφήνουν τη ζήλεια να καταστρέψει την οικογενειακή αγάπη και θαλπωρή...  Υπάρχουν Άσωτοι Υιοί; Μα πόσοι από εμάς δεν χρησιμοποιούμε την περιουσία του Ουράνιου Πατέρα μας, που με πανσοφία δημιούργησε και χάρισε σε εμάς, αλλά όχι για αγαθούς σκοπούς.  Άλλωστε πως συμβιβάζεστε στην ιδέα, στα Χριστιανικά κράτη τα καζίνο και οι «επιχειρήσεις» πορνείας να θησαυρίζουν αλλά οι Εκκλησίες και τα σχολεία να μαραζώνουν; Είναι από τους πολλούς Ασώτους, που πετάνε ό,τι με αγάπη τους εμπιστεύεται ο Θεός και κατασπαταλούν στην σύγχρονη οικουμενικότητα διαφθοράς.

            Ο Θεός, ο Συγχωρός και Φιλάνθρωπος, έχει ανοικτή την αγκαλιά του για να μάς υποδεχτεί, ώστε να επιστρέψουμε στην θαλπωρή της χάριτος και του ελέους του.  Μάς χαρίζει δώρα, την στολήν την πρώτη, την λευκή και αμόλυντο που ενδυθήκαμε στη Δημιουργία και μετά την πτώση την φορούμε πάλι στη Βάπτισή μας.  Για το λόγο αυτό ψάλλεται μετά την βάπτιση το «’Οσοι εις Χριστόν εβαπτίσθητε, Χριστόν ενεδύσασθε.»  Ενδυόμασθε την Χάρη του Κυρίου που μάς εισοδεύει στο σώμα της Εκκλησίας.  Ο Πατέρας της παραβολής χαρίζει δακτυλίδι, σύμβολο του Χρίσματος που είναι η σφραγίς Πνεύματος Αγίου (οι Ρωμαϊκές σφραγίδες ήταν τοποθετημένες σε δαχτυλίδια).  Και τέλος, δωρίζει υποδύματαμ διότι στα Ρωμαϊκά έτη ανυπόδυτοι ήταν μόνο οι δούλοι.  Ο Θεός μάς θέλει να είμαστε ελεύθεροι και να χαιρόμαστε τα αγαθά του.  Θυσιάζει τον σιτευτό μόσχο, τον Σωτήρα και Κύριο, ώστε να πανηγυρίζουμε την Θεία Ευχαριστία και να εορτάζουμε το γεγονός της σωτηρίας στο δείπνο της ζωής.

+Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος


This Sunday, February 9th, is Godparents’ Sunday and we welcome all the children with their Godparents to participate in the service, receive the sacraments and enjoy our delicious free luncheon in the Church Hall after the service. It is also my nameday, and I look forward to sharing the celebration of Saint Nikiforos the Martyr with all of you. The luncheon includes a menu of some of my favorite dishes and I am very grateful to all the volunteers who are putting this event together, namely the Parish Council, the David and Georgia Pereira Church School and Saint Barbara’s Philoptochos, as well many volunteers from other organizations. The Church School Board has prepared beautiful lambades (baptismal candles) for all the Godparents to hold as they assist their Godchildren in receiving Holy Communion. That experience renews our baptismal vocation and blessing, and I will speak about the significance of the sacrament and the bond with our Godparents. Tonight, Thursday, February 6th, we have our Orthodox Study discussion with the Rev. Protopresbyters Panagiotis Papanikolaou and Nikiforos Fakinos at 7 pm. This is the highest level of our religious education programs and we invite you all to participate: all ages are welcome.


This weekend, our GOYAns are participating in the Ski-Trip, which is an exciting inter-GOYA event involving hundreds of teenagers from the Archdiocesan District. We wish them a lot of fun skiing, dancing, watching the super-bowl and enjoying their fellowship, experiences which are only possible through GOYA. For any members of our youth who are not yet registered for GOYA, I remind their parents to reach out to Mrs. Eleni Frasiolas and Eleni Gerasimou so that their child does not miss out on all these fun, spiritually uplifting and culturally edifying events.


Speaking of culturally enriching events, last Saturday, we had the PARATHOSI Dance Festival, with the participation of our dance group KANARIS. Words cannot describe how proud we are of all dancers, the instructor and our volunteers. Our Saint Demetrios in Merrick Church Dance Group KANARIS performed amazingly, had fun, made friends, and brought home a trophy, blessed by the venerable hands of His Grace Bishop Athenagoras of Nazianzus and with the prayers of our Chancellor, the Rev. Protopresbyter of the Ecumenical Throne Elias Villis.

The PARATHOSI 2025 Dance Festival was spectacular. Every dance group from the entire Archdiocesan District was exceptional, and all the members of the youth learned and cherished our most distinguished heritage. The event was organized very well, and we are grateful to the committee that made everything possible.

Furthermore, we need to all express our heartfelt gratitude and congratulations to our outstanding dance instructor and KANARIS leader, Ms. Geanna Koulouris. She prepared and coached our team so well. Congratulations to the dancers, earnest appreciation to the GOYA Directors Mrs. Eleni Gerasimou and Mrs. Eleni Frasiolas for their hard work, and thank you parents for investing in our traditions, our PARATHOSI!


All ages are dancing, from the Little Angels, to the students of the Rev. Nikiforos Fakinos Hellenic School, all the way to the young adults and the KANARIS dance group, we love to dance.

In the circle of life, Jesus is at the center, and we hold hands supporting, loving, and helping each other. With our faith at the center of our life, everything becomes a joy and a blessing. And following the footsteps of salvation, we proceed with gladness and hope. Life is like a dance. We are so blessed we found the perfect dance partners to share it with.

Let's Dance!


The celebration of the Greek Letters in honor of the Three Hierarchs took place on Sunday, January 26th, at Saint Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church in Merrick. The Rev. Nikiforos Fakinos Hellenic School celebrated the exceptional contributions of the Three Hierarchs for education, theology, and the Orthodox faith. The Reverend Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos spoke to the students about the value of education and the significance of preserving our heritage, cultivating our faith, and learning our moral values. The dialectical homily engaged the students of our School, who also presented about the monumental contributions of Saint Basil the Great, Saint John Chrysostom, and Saint Gregory the Theologian. The students, under the direction of their teachers and Principal kyria Panagiota Perlegis, presented a beautiful tribute honoring the Three Hierarchs.

We were very honored to have the Rev. Deacon Gregory Gounardes concelebrate the Divine Liturgy with us that Sunday, assisted by our many altar servers and the distinguished chanters kyrios Antonis and kyrios Argyris (Alex was away last week). At the conclusion of the service, Father Nikiforos congratulated the coaches and the athletes of our victorious Volleyball teams, who presented their recent trophies.

There was an Artoklasia service for all the students, the teachers, and the educators of the Parish; Father expressed our collective gratitude for their phenomenal work. The PTA offered Spanakopites and Tyropites for the entire congregation at the Coffee Fellowship, and we were blessed to spend time with the Rev. Deacon Gregory, his wonderful diakonissa, the chanters, and their families.

On the same day, Parish Council President Nikos Poulikidis was able to survey the progress of the roof installation for the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Gymnasium, which will extend to the entire Constantine and Carol Cassis Center, with exceptional engineering prior to the installation of the insulation, the drainage, the HVAC system, and the roof materials.


The affirmation of the Parish Council took place on Sunday, January 19th, after the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy. The Rev. Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos thanked the members of the Executive Board who diligently and with great dedication served during the previous year and announced the new member Michael Savvakis:

Nikos Poulikidis (President); Nikos Stathopoulos (Vice President); Joe Rocco (2nd Vice President); Thomas Zervas (Treasurer); Triantafilos Tzaras (2nd Treasurer); George Menegatos (Secretary); the names of our additional 2025 Council members are: Chris Aivaliotis, Evangelos Argyros, Patricia Boultadakis, Angelo Frasiolas, Hristos Karangunis, John Katsigiorgis, Peter Louca, Demetrios Mantikas, George Menegatos, Andreas Pavlou, Michael Plias, Gus Potaris, Nikos Poulikidis, Joseph Rocco, Nicholas Sarantakos, Michael Savvakis, Nick Stathopoulos, Kostas Tsakos, Trantafilos Tzaras, Vasilios Zarboutis and Thomas Zervas.

Fr. Nikiforos congratulated the Council members announcing that with the Grace of the Lord, this will be the team commissioned with the completion of the construction of the Constantine and Carol Cassis Center. Fr. Nikiforos expressed his gratitude to all past members who have worked since 1962 to fulfill their duties; from the establishment of the original Church in Freeport, the purchase and erection of the current Nave in Merrick, the Patriarchal visit of 2009, the reconstruction of the Church after the destructive fire of 2013 and up to the purchase of the properties and the construction of the Constantine and Carol Cassis Center to date, many historic events have been realized thanks to the tireless endeavors of the Parish Council.

Parish Council President Nikos Poulikidis thanked Fr. Nikiforos for his inspiring guidance and pastoral leadership, remarking that he has taken significant initiatives towards the successful fundraising efforts for all the aforementioned projects, from the beautification of the Church, to the construction of the new edifice; Nikos Poulikidis gave updates regarding the progress of the project, thanking the generous donors. The next meeting is on Tuesday, February 11th.


Congratulations to the Saint Demetrios Boys & Girls Volleyball Teams for winning the Annual Michael Baritis Memorial Tournament hosted by Saint Nicholas, West Babylon. Also, congratulations to the Saint Demetrios Boys on their division championship win and to the Saint John's, Blue Point Girls for their division championship win. In a highly contested day, the overall winner came down to the point differential tiebreaker. We congratulate all of the athletes from the 16 teams of the 9 participating Parishes for their exceptional athleticism, and for creating everlasting friendships through our Inter-GOYA athletic ministries.

We also congratulate the coaches and volunteers of the surrounding Parishes, and our coaches Nikos Poulikidis and Katerina Perlegis, who all made this event unforgettable. Through athletic activities, the youth is inspired by the values and ideals of fair competition, teamwork, cooperation, trust, adherence to coaching strategies, and, most importantly, making long-lasting friendships in Christian fellowship, and immersed in our cultural ethos.

We express our gratitude to the Rev. Father Demetrios Kazakis, Volunteer Peter Vorilas, and the entire Saint Nicholas Community for hosting such a well-organized event, and we can't wait to reciprocate the loving hospitality and start planning our Saint Demetrios Tournaments upon completion of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Gymnasium in Merrick.

We would like to also announce that our 9 Basketball teams are enjoying a fantastic season, all of them are on the entering brackets for the playoffs, with two of our teams UNDEFEATED for the entire season, one from the girls and one from the boys. The senior girls’ team is enjoying a 9-0 winning streak, which is a testament to the exceptional performance of all players and coaches. Thank you!

Little Angels Activities and Vasilopita Blessing

On Thursday, January 23rd, our Little Angels group had the honor of receiving the blessing of two priests during their regular activities and Vasilopita blessing. The Rev. Economos Vasilios Louros joined our Parish Presiding Priest the Rev. Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos for the cutting of the Vasilopita. Mrs. Sophia West was the joyous winner of the coin, the φλουρί.

Mrs. Anna Tsirigos and Mrs. Sophia West had prepared a morning with many activities in both the Greek and English languages for the participating children, plus music, playtime, and healthy snacks. Fr. Nikiforos spoke about Saint Basil and the significance of the Vasilopita. He also thanked Fr. Vasilios for his beautiful visit as well as the parents and grandparents who bring their Little Angels to the activities to prepare them for their future education.

Golden Years

Our Golden Years had a fantastic luncheon with fellowship last Tuesday, which was very well attended. Join our senior citizens group and don’t miss the fun and fellowship.


His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America convened the Archdiocesan District Clergy Syndesmos pre-Lenten retreat at Hellenic College - Holy Cross School of Theology in Brookline, Massachusetts. His Eminence offered the blessing of the Vasilopita for the staff and the students of HC - HC as well as the clergy of the Archdiocesan District. On Wednesday, February 5th, during the 40-day Memorial of the clergyman Thomas Fitzgerald of blessed memory, His Eminence elaborated on the theological, spiritual, and pastoral contributions of the beloved priest and professor.

The clergy of the District Syndesmos attended the Vespers and Orthros services at the Chapel and had discussions with the students of the School. Our Presiding Priest, the Reverend Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos, met with our Seminarian Mr. Angelo Michael Bruno, who is studying at the School of Theology and congratulated him for the completion of the previous semester with the highest scholastic accolades. The Reverend Protopresbyter of the Ecumenical Throne Elias Villis spoke to our Seminarian, inviting him to serve at Camp Saint Paul during the summer months. Many of the Seminarians collaborate for various National and Distirct ministries as well as Parish programs and events as part of their continuous educational and pastoral cultivation.

One of the most prodigious benefits of the retreat was to listen to His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America, strengthening the bonds of the clergy under the benevolent embrace of the Mother Church of Constantinople and serving her valued daughter the Holy Archdiocese of America.

The family of Mr. David and Mrs. Georgia Pereira hosted an unforgettable cocktail celebration in honor of the Rev. Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos, and in the presence of his family, political dignitaries, and the great benefactors of the Constantine and Carol Cassis Center. 


Since we recently celebrated the feast of the Three Hierarchs, Patron Saints of education, and Godparents Sunday, which is sponsored by the David and Georgia Pereira Church School, we express our gratitude to the benefactors of the new Church edifice, which will be a hub of spiritual, intellectual, cultural and physical education.


We are especially grateful to Mr. David and Mrs. Georgia Pereira who welcomed our Priest to their gorgeous home last weekend to honor him for his contribution and tireless work. Mr. David and Mrs. Georgia Pereira have proven their unwavering support and generous contributions towards the spiritual cultivation of the youth. We are looking forward to seeing all our Parish members on Sunday, February 9th, for the feast of Saint Nikiforos, the nameday celebration of our Presiding Priest, and Godparents Sunday!

Schedule of Services and Events

Sunday, February 9th, Saint Nikiforos the Great Martyr and GODPARENTS’ SUNDAY, Orthros and Divine Liturgy starting at 9 am. Candles / Lambades are available for all Godparents at the Narthex of the Church.

Godparents’ Sunday Luncheon, Sunday, February 9th after the Service. Delicious menu as we celebrate the name-day of our Priest and our Godparents’ Sunday Sponsored by the David and Georgia Pereira Church School.

Monday, February 10th, Saint Haralambos the Great Martyr, Orthros and Divine Liturgy starting at 9 am.

Greek School Parents & Teachers Conference February 4th through the 7th.

Orthodox Study, Thursdays at 7 pm.

Little Angels, Thursdays at 11 am.

Greek Language lessons, Fridays at 7:30 pm.

KANARIS dance group, February 15th at 11 am.


Κυριακή 9 Φεβρουαρίου, Άγιος Νικηφόρος και Κυριακή των Αναδόχων, Όρθρος και Θ. Λειτουργία στις 9 π.μ.

Πρόγευμα της Κυριακής των Αναδόχων, Κυριακή 9 Φεβρουαρίου, με γεύμα από το Κατηχητικό Σχολείο Δαυίδ και Γεωργίας Περέιρα και τα ονομαστήρια του Ιερέα μας για την εορτή του Αγ. Νικηφόρου του Μάρτυρος.

Δευτέρα 10 Φεβρουαρίου, Άγιος Χαράλαμπος ο Πολύαθλος Μεγαλομάρτυς, Όρθρος και Θ. Λειτουργία στις 9 π.μ.

Συνεδρίαση γονέων και διδασκάλων του Ελληνικού μας Σχολείου Αιδ. Νικηφόρος Φακίνος, από τις 4 έως τις 7 Φεβρουαρίου.

Μελέτη της Αγίας Γραφής και Ορθόδοξος κύκλος, κάθε Πέμπτη στις 7 μ.μ.

Μικροί Άγγελοι, κάθε Πέμπτη στις 11 π.μ.

Μαθήματα Ελληνικής Γλώσσας, κάθε Παρασκευή στις 7:30 μ.μ.

Χορευτικός Όμιλος ΚΑΝΑΡΗ, 15 Φεβρουαρίου στις 11 π.μ.


Beloved in the Lord:

This year Triodion begins of Sunday, February 9th. As we start our spiritual preparations to traverse the journey of Great Lent, allow me to share with you some reflections on what is the make-up of an Orthodox Christian. It is human nature to categorize and evaluate others, and this nature also applies to us as Orthodox Christians. We apply words like good, real, indifferent, lukewarm, or bad to this title, perhaps because we understand there are entirely too many nominal Orthodox Christians. Surely, however, most of us consider ourselves pretty good Orthodox Christians. This raises the question, what is a “good” Orthodox Christian? What are the qualifying criteria?

Some suggest that a “good” Orthodox Christian does not do those things the Church prohibits. This is the negative test of the Orthodox Christian life.  It is good, but not enough.  Others consider a “good” Orthodox Christian one who is faithful to the teachings of the Church, who tries to live up to its formal requirements by attending services, receiving Holy Communion and contributing money. Still others contend that the supreme test of Orthodoxy is activity – teaching in Church school, working with youth, assisting the Priest in pastoral work, belonging to various auxiliaries or pitching in to help with the many chores around the Church buildings. A few people feel that a “good” Orthodox Christian should not confine himself only to our tradition, but should get out into the community and participate in resolving the problems. Anyone providing leadership for a worthy cause, they contend, is a “good” Orthodox Christian because that person is using the Orthodox background for the good of the greatest number of people.

            The list can go on and on. You can readily see yourself or others in these categories.  Taken together, they do characterize a “good” Orthodox Christian; however, no one of them is the supreme test. We may refrain from drinking and swearing, may be faithful to the formal requirements of Orthodoxy, may be active in the Church and community, and yet not be “good” Orthodox Christians.

            To be “good” Orthodox Christians, we must live faith above and beyond these practices.  A “good” Orthodox Christian needs to understand the source of Christian living. As children of God, we have been brought into a vital union with the Resurrected Lord, and that relationship changes us. A “good” Orthodox Christian is a “new creature” in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  According to Holy Scripture and the Holy Church Fathers, to be a real Orthodox Christian means to let that which was potentially in our initial experience become a living and dynamic reality. We must let the Resurrected Lord live within us and express Himself through us. We are “good” Orthodox Christians to the degree that we are Christ-like.

            The supreme test of an Orthodox Christian is positive rather than negative. It is a relationship so deep and meaningful that all of life is influenced by it. Yes, obey the commandments and moral laws.  Deeply believe in the teachings of the Holy Church. Fully live up to the requirements of the Church. Work with love for the Holy Church and the community.  Faithfully attend Church services regularly. Support His Church, which He has placed in our hands, both financially and morally. But let the motivation for all these expressions of the Orthodox Christian life be your love and gratitude to Almighty God for the blessings that have been bestowed upon you through the Resurrected Lord.  A “good” Orthodox Christian life flows from within outward, and its source is your vital relationship to the living Lord, the Panagia and all His Saints.

When we live as “good” Orthodox Christians, then we too may confess those most beautiful words spoken by Saint Paul in Galatians 2:20, “It is not I who lives but Christ Who lives in me.”

With love in the Lord,

+Protopresbyter Panagiotis Papanikolaou


On February 9th, we celebrate the name-day of Saint Nikiforos the Martyr. The life of my Patron Saint is a source of inspiration for every Christian. Saint Nikiforos was faithful, pious, and loving.  He followed the teachings of the Gospel. There was a priest, whose name was Saprikios, who had a controversy with Saint Nikiforos. Saprikios could never forgive Nikiforos.  Although, being a priest, he should be an example of forgiveness, his heart was hardened by egoism. Nikiforos was trying to ask mediators to bridge their differences. He also personally begged for the forgiveness of Saprikios, without a result.

            Christians were persecuted during that century very severely. The authorities found out that Saprikios was one of the Christian priests and ordered his execution. Nikiforos heard about the potential martyrdom of Saprikios, which would take place in public. He rushed to ask for his forgiveness once again. “You will be a Saint soon” he cried, “please, forgive me and give me your blessing.” However, Saprikios could not forgive Nikiforos, not even at that sacred hour. His heart was hardened and his faith was weakened. He saw the sword of the executor and he asked to be let free.  He renounced Christ and his priesthood…

            Nikiforos was sad to see that a Saint could be made on that day, but did not. He wanted to receive the forgiveness of Saprikios and he gave him the example of perseverance and strength. He confessed that he was a Christian in public. “Today, there is a crown of martyrdom expecting to decorate a person who believes in Christ” he announced. His execution took place immediately after Nikiforos forgave the authorities and the soldiers who carried out the penalty. His memory is celebrated on February 9th, the day of his martyrdom. For centuries, his example inspires us to forgive others, to have a strong faith and to live a life according to the teachings of the Bible. Nothing should overwhelm a Christian who lives a Christ-like life.

            All of us have been hurt by people, one time or another. Some of us more, some less… Nevertheless, we extend our love and forgiveness to all, because we also ask our redemption from God, for our many shortcomings.  “And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.” A hard and unforgiving heart is like an open wound that allows spiritual diseases to enter our life; egoism, arrogance, hatred and thinking that we are better than others are the outcome of lack of forgiveness. The Lord forgave his executors on the Cross. The Saints followed that example to also teach us the virtue of forgiving. This year, I would like to ask that every Parishioner comes to the Vespers of Forgiveness, that will take place on Cheese Fare Sunday. We need to forgive one another, before we ascend the steps of the spiritual Ladder of Lent, and in preparation for the Great, Holy and Saving Pascha!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos





            Στις 9 Φεβρουαρίου εορτάζουμε την μνήμη του Αγίου Μάρτυρος Νικηφόρου. Ο βίος του Πολιούχου Αγίου μου, αποτελεί πηγή εμπνεύσεως για κάθε Χριστιανό. Ο Άγιος Νικηφόρος ήταν πιστός και εγκρατής, ζώντας σύμφωνα με τις επιταγές του Ευαγγελίου.  Κάποτε, ένας ιερέας, ο Σαπρίκιος, κράτησε κακία στον Νικηφόρο για κάποιο ζήτημα. Ποτέ δεν μπορούσε να τον συγχωρέσει, παρά το γεγονός ότι ήταν ιερέας και έπρεπε να του δώσει συγχώρεση. Ο Άγιος Νικηφόρος, υπομονετικά, έβαζε διαπραγματευτές για να γεφυρώσει τις διαφορές που υπήρχαν.  Έφτασε ακόμη και να ικετεύει για την συγχώρεση του Σαπρικίου, αλλά χωρίς αποτέλεσμα.

            Οι Χριστιανοί διώκονταν και μαθεύτηκε ότι ο Σαπρίκιος ήταν ένας των ιερέων της Εκκλησίας. Δώθηκε διαταγή να αποκεφαλιστεί σε δημόσια θέα για παραδειγματισμό. Ο Νικηφόρος έμαθε για την διαταγή της εκτελέσεως του Σαπρικίου και έτρεξε να ζητήσει συγχώρεση, έστω και λίγο πριν το δημόσιο μαρτύριο. Γονυπετής ικέτευε τον Σαπρίκιο να του δώσει τη συγνώμη του, πριν πέσει το σπαθί του δημίου επάνω του. Ο Σαπρίκιος, όμως, δεν συγχωρούσε τον Νικηφόρο. Και μέσα στη σκληροκαρδία του, είδε το σπαθί του δημίου και ολιγοπίστησε. Ο Σαπρίκιος απαρνήθηκε τον Χριστό και ζήτησε να τον αφήσουν ελεύθερο...

            Πληγώθηκε ο Νικηφόρος βλέποντας τον Σαπρίκιο να χάνει την πίστη και το θάρρος του. Τότε, με παρρησία ομολόγησε την πίστη του στον Ιησού. «Σήμερα ένα στεφάνι μαρτυρίου περιμένει πάνω από αυτό το σπαθί για να στολίσει έναν Χριστιανό.» Σε μία τελευταία απόπειρα να συνετιστεί και ο Σαπρίκιος και να μαλακώσει η καρδιά του, πλησιάζει τους εκτελεστές και ομολογεί ότι είναι Χριστιανός. Το στεφάνι του μάρτυρος το κέρδισε με το θάρρος και την μεγαλοκαρδία του. Ο Άγιος Νικηφόρος εορτάζεται την ημέρα του μαρτυρίου του, 9 Φεβρουαρίου, διδάσκοντας ανά τους αιώνες όλους μας να συγχωρούμε και να ζούμε κατά τα πρότυπα του Ευαγγελίου με πίστη και αγάπη. Τίποτε δεν πρέπει να φοβίζει τον Χριστιανό που αφιερώνει τη ζωή του στον Κύριο.

            Όλοι μας έχουμε πληγωθεί από ανθρώπους, άλλοι περισσότερο και άλλοι λιγότερο. Το κλειδί του Παραδείσου είναι η συγχωρητικότητα. Αν μπορούμε να συγχωρούμε τα παραπτώματα των ανθρώπων, τότε και ο Θεός θα συγχωρέσει τα αναρίθμητα δικά μας («ως και ημείς αφίεμεν τοις οφειλέταις ημών»). Η σκληροκαρδία είναι σαν μία πληγή που μολύνει την καρδιά του ανθρώππου με πολλές άλλες πνευματικές ασθένειες, τον εγωϊσμό, την αλλαζονεία, την κακία και το μίσος. Ο Άγιος Νικηφόρος μας διδάσκει να είμαστε απλοί, γνήσιοι και άνθρωποι ανοιχτόκαρδοι και συγχωρητικοί.

Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος

 Archepiscopal Encyclical on the Feast of the Three Hierarchs and the Day of Greek Letters

January 30, 2025

Unto the Most Reverend and Right Reverend Hierarchs, Pious Priests and Deacons, Monks and Nuns, Presidents and Members of Parish Councils, Honorable Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, Members of Leadership 100, Day and Afternoon Schools, Philoptochos Societies, Youth, Greek Orthodox Organizations, and entirety of the Christ-loving Plenitude of the Sacred Archdiocese of America:

… philosophy more especially was given to the Greeks, as a covenant peculiar to them — being, as it is, a stepping-stone to the philosophy according to Christ….

(Clement of Alexandria, Stromata, 6:viii.)

Beloved Brethren in Christ,

As we celebrate the Feast of the Three Holy Hierarchs and the Day of Greek LeUers, let us consider the implications of this profound observation of a Christian writer who flourished 150 years before these Great Church Fathers, Clement of Alexandria. When he speaks of philosophy as a “covenant peculiar” to Greeks, he recognizes a fundamental truth that is the foundation for the celebrations of January 30. The revelation and salvific actions that the Lord Jesus Christ manifested in the Holy Land were not only for the local populace. Through the incredible educational labors and philosophical agility of the Church Fathers, the Gospel of our Lord was made intelligible to the pagan Roman Empire, which would eventually be transformed by the Great Constantine three centuries after the Resurrection. Greek, the lingua franca of the Mediterranean environs, would power the Message — the Logos of the Gospel — to find purchase throughout the entire Western World.

Saints Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom are perhaps the greatest examples of the innovation and adaptation of that “covenant peculiar.” They combine in themselves the fruition of the Greek philosophical mind with the faith and understanding of the Gospel of our Lord. All were Hierarchs (two virtually against their own desires), and all are revered throughout the entirety of Christendom as some of the greatest Christian minds ever to flourish. Their writings remain a testament to the genius of the marriage of the highest mental achievements of the Hellenic spirit with the Message — the Logos that was carried by the Apostles “to the uUermost part of the earth” (Acts 1:8).

The Three Holy Hierarchs understood that faith and reason are not opposed, but rather, are in service to one another. In our current age, where we are faced with the challenges of Artificial Intelligence and increasingly disconnected interpretations of what is factually true, the example of the Three Hierarchs is much more than a mere reminiscence of past attainments. Now, more than ever, the methodology of the Three Hierarchs is needed to regain a well-founded and well-rounded approach to science, philosophy and their roles with faith. Their legacy of the “covenant peculiar … a stepping-stone to the philosophy according to Christ” is a guarantee that we shall abide a people of the truth, even as the Lord Jesus Christ revealed that He came to our world “to bear witness to the truth” (John 18:37b).

Therefore, my beloved brothers and sisters, let us honor this day by reclaiming the wisdom of reason and knowledge — exemplified by the “covenant peculiar” to the Greeks — and put it in the service of the Gospel in order to share the blessing of our heritage and faith with the world.

With paternal blessings in Christ,


Archbishop of America

Ἀρχιεπισκοπικὴ Ἐγκύκλιος γιὰ τὴν ἑορτὴ τῶν Τριῶν Ἱεραρχῶν καὶ τὴν ἡµέρα τῶν ἑλληνικῶν γραµµάτων.

30 Ἰανουρίου 2025

Πρὸς τοὺς Σεβασµιωτάτους καὶ Θεοφιλεστάτους Ἀρχιερεῖς, τοὺς Εὐλαβεστάτους Ἱερεῖς καὶ Διακόνους, τὶς Πρεσβυτέρες καὶ τὶς Διακόνισσες, τοὺς Μοναχοὺς καὶ τὶς Μοναχές, τοὺς Προέδρους καὶ τὰ Μέλη τῶν Κοινοτικῶν Συµβουλίων, τοὺς Ἐντιµολογιωτάτους Ἄρχοντες τοῦ Οἰκουµενικοῦ Πατριαρχείου, τὰ µέλη τῆς Ἡγεσίας τῶν 100, τὰ Ἡµερήσια καὶ Ἀπογευµατινὰ Σχολεῖα, τὶς Φιλοπτώχους Ἀδελφότητες, τὴ Νεολαία, τὶς Ἑλληνορθόδοξες Ὀργανώσεις καὶ ὁλόκληρο τὸ Χριστεπώνυµο πλήρωµα τῆς Ἱερᾶς Ἀρχιεπισκοπῆς Ἀµερικῆς.

«...τὴν δὲ φιλοσοφίαν καὶ µᾶλλον Ἕλλησιν, οἷον διαθήκην οἰκείαν αὐτοῖς, δεδόσθαι, ὑποβάθραν οὖσαν τῆς κατὰ Χριστὸν φιλοσοφίας...»

(Κλήµεντος Ἀλεξανδρέως, Στρωµατεῖς Βιβλίο 6, κεφ. 8, 67).

Προσφιλεῖς ἀδελφοὶ καὶ ἀδελφὲς ἐν Χριστῷ,

Καθὼς ἑορτάζουµε σήµερα τὴν ἑορτὴ τῶν Τριῶν Ἱεραρχῶν καὶ τὴν ἡµέρα τῶν Ἑλληνικῶν Γραµµάτων, ἂς ἀναλογισθοῦµε τὴ σηµασία αὐτῆς τῆς σηµαντικῆς παρατηρήσεως ἑνὸς χριστιανοῦ συγγραφέως καὶ φιλοσόφου, τοῦ Κλήµεντος τοῦ Ἀλεξανδρέως, ὁ ὁποῖος ἤκµασε 150 χρόνια πρὶν ἀπὸ τὴν ἐποχὴ τῶν µεγάλων Πατέρων τῆς Ἐκκλησίας µας. Ὄταν ὀνοµάζει τὴ φιλοσοφία «διαθήκην οἰκείαν τῶν ἑλλήνων», ἀναδεικνύει µία θεµελιώδη ἀλήθεια, ἡ ὁποία ἀποτελεῖ τὴν ἀπαρχὴ τῶν ἑορτασµῶν τῆς παρούσης ἡµέρας. Ἡ ἀποκάλυψη τῆς σωτηριώδους οἰκονοµίας, τὴν ὁποία φανέρωσε στοὺς Ἁγίους Τόπους ὁ Κύριος ἡµῶν Ἰησοῦς Χριστός, δὲν ἀφοροῦσε µόνο τὸν τοπικό πληθυσµό.

Μὲ τὴν ἀπίστευτη παιδεία καὶ τὴν ἱκανότητα τῶν τριῶν Ἱεραρχῶν, τὸ Εὐαγγέλιο ἔγινε καταληπτὸ ἀπὸ τοὺς ἀνθρώπους τῆς Ρωµαϊκῆς Αὐτοκρατορίας, ἡ ὁποία ἀπὸ εἰδωλολατρικὴ µεταµορφώθηκε τελικὰ µὲ τὶς ἐνέργειες τοῦ Μεγάλου Κωνσταντίνου, τρεῖς αἰῶνες µετὰ ἀπὸ τὴν ἀνάσταση τοῦ Χριστοῦ. Ἡ χρήση τῆς ἑλληνικῆς γλώσσας, ὡς κοινῆς διαλέκτου τῆς Μεσογείου, ἐπιτάχυνε τὴ διάδοση τοῦ εὐαγγελικοῦ µηνύµατος σὲ ὅλο τὸν δυτικὸ κόσµο.

Οἱ ἅγιοι τρεῖς ἱεράρχες, Βασίλειος ὁ Μέγας, Γρηγόριος ὁ Θεολόγος καὶ Ἰωάννης ὁ Χρυσόστοµος ἀποτελοῦν ἴσως τὰ σηµαντικότερα παραδείγµατα τῶν ἀνθρώπων ποὺ προσάρµοσαν τὴν «διαθήκην οἰκείαν τῶν ἑλλήνων». Συνδύασαν τὸ ἑλληνικὸ πνεῦµα τῆς φιλοσοφίας µὲ τὴν πίστη καὶ τὸ µήνυµα τοῦ Εὐαγγελίου τοῦ Κυρίου µας. Καὶ οἱ τρεῖς ὑπήρξαν ἀρχιερεῖς (οἱ δύο παρὰ τὴ θέλησή τους), οἱ ὁποῖοι τιµοῦνται ἀπὸ ὅλους τοὺς χριστιανοὺς ὅλων τῶν ἐποχῶν ὡς τὰ µεγαλύτερα χριστιανικὰ πνεύµατα ποὺ ἄνθησαν ποτέ. Τὰ συγγράµµατά τους παραµένουν µοναδικὰ προϊόντα τῆς σύνθεσης τῶν ὑψηλοτέρων ἐπιτευγµάτων τοῦ ἀρχαίου ἑλληνικοῦ πνεύµατος µὲ τὸν εὐαγγελικὸ λόγο, ὅπως κηρύχθηκε ἀπὸ τοὺς ἀποστόλους «ἕως ἐσχάτου τῆς γῆς» (Πραξ. 1, 8).

Οἱ Τρεῖς Ἱεράρχες κατανόησαν ὅτι ἡ πίστη καὶ ἡ ἐπιστήµη δὲν ἀντιπαρατίθενται, ἀλλὰ ἀντιθέτως ἀλληλοσυµπληρώνονται. Στὴ σηµερινὴ ἐποχή, κατὰ τὴν ὁποία ἀντιµετωπίζουµε προκλήσεις, ὅπως αὐτὴ τῆς τεχνητῆς νοηµοσύνης, µὲ ὁλοένα καὶ πιὸ κατακερµατισµένες ἑρµηνεῖες τῆς ἀλήθειας, τὸ παράδειγµα τῶν Τριῶν Ἱεραρχῶν δὲν εἶναι ἁπλῶς µία ἱστορικὴ ἀνάµνηση, ἀλλὰ µία ἀναγκαία πρόταση πρὸς µίµηση. Σήµερα περισσότερο ἀπὸ ποτὲ ἡ µεθοδολογία τῶν Τριῶν Ἱεραρχῶν εἶναι ἀναγκαῖα γιὰ νὰ ἀνακτήσουµε µία καλῶς θεµελιωµένη καὶ σφαιρικὴ προσέγγιση στὴν ἐπιστήµη, τὴ φιλοσοφία καὶ τὴ σχέση τους µὲ τὴν πίστη. Ἡ κληρονοµιά τους ὡς «διαθήκην οἰκίαν ὑποβάθραν οὖσαν τῆς κατὰ Χριστὸν φιλοσοφίας» ἀποτελεῖ ἐγγύηση ὅτι θὰ παραµείνουµε ὁ λαὸς τῆς ἀλήθειας, καθὼς ὁ Κύριος µᾶς ἀποκάλυψε ὅτι «ἐγὼ εἰς τοῦτο γεγέννηµαι καὶ εἰς τοῦτο ἐλήλυθα εἰς τὸν κόσµον, ἵνα µαρτυρήσω τῇ ἀληθείᾳ» (Ἰωαν. 18:37).

Γιὰ ὅλους αὐτοὺς τοὺς λόγους, προσφιλεῖς ἀδελφοὶ καὶ ἀδελφὲς, ἂς τιµήσουµε τὴ σηµερινὴ ἡµέρα, ἐκτιµώντας τὴν ἀξία τῆς γνώσεως, τῆς φιλοσοφίας καὶ τῆς ἐπιστήµης, τὰ ὁποῖα ἀποτελοῦν τὴν «οἰκίαν διαθήκην» τῶν ἀρχαίων ἑλλήνων, καὶ ἂς τὰ θέσουµε στὴ διακονία τοῦ Εὐαγγελίου, ὥστε ἡ κληρονοµιὰ καὶ ἡ εὐλογία τῆς πίστεως µας νὰ ἁπλωθεῖ σὲ ὁλόκληρο τὸν κόσµο.

Μετὰ πατρικῆς ἐν Χριστῷ ἀγάπης,

† ὁ Ἀµερικῆς Ἐλπιδοφόρος

Why Is Education so Important

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

This Sunday, January 26th our Rev. Nikiforos Fakinos Hellenic School will present a phenomenal celebration in honor of the Three Hierarchs, the Protectors and Patrons of Greek Letters, religious education and the academic endeavors. We pray to Saint Basil the Great, Saint John Chrysostom and Saint Gregory the Theologian to illumine our children on the path of academic excellence. In my 28 years of serving in the priesthood, I have written thousands of recommendation letters, connected young professionals with amazing employment opportunities and guided our youth to realize their fullest potential through personal cultivation and hard work.

I am honored and blessed to see our young Parish members excel; last year, I saw several of my past Church School and GOYA graduates come to Church to become Founders for the Constantine and Carol Cassis Center. They became great benefactors of the new edifice that will help raise the next generation of Greek American leaders, teach the faith and promote the heritage. I see our young Parish members become entrepreneurs, scientists, medical or legal professionals, engineers, architects, educators, pilots, therapists, priests, technicians, and, most importantly, happy and successful volunteers with their families and their children. This is my greatest joy and honor as a priest, to see the children of our Parish grow and prosper, making the most of their God-given talents and bequests.

I ask all of you to attend the service this Sunday; I will stress those points to the youth and, with my humble voice, I will do everything to inspire them to aspire for educational excellence and hard-work ethic. It does not matter what they select to do, as long as they do it with love in Christ, a contrite heart and the passion to make a positive impact in our lives. I love our beautiful youth, and with the grace of the 3 Hierarchs, I pray that each child is blessed with health, intelligence, moral virtues and the charismas to reach the fullest potential. I will keep writing those recommendation letters and blessing their new endeavors as their proud and humble Spiritual Father.

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Schedule of Services and Events

Sunday, January 26th, Orthros and Divine Liturgy starting at 9 am.

The Celebration of the Greek Letters – the 3 Hierarchs

By the Rev. Nikiforos Fakinos Hellenic School

Tyropites and Spanakopites sale (Spinach & Cheese pie sale) by the School PTA during the Coffee Fellowship.

Funeral Arrangements for Markella Bouloukos of Blessed Memory

It is with much sadness and hope in the Resurrection that we announce the passing in Christ of our beloved Markella Bouloukos of blessed memory. The viewing for Markella Bouloukos will be at Massapequa Funeral Home South Chapel, located at 4980 Merrick Rd., Massapequa on Friday, January 24th from 6 to 8 p.m.  The Funeral Service will take place in our church the next morning at 9:30 a.m. May her memory be eternal. Αιωνία η μνήμη αυτής.

Philoptochos Valentine’s Brunch, Sunday, February 2nd after the Service. Celebrating Love by Loving the Poor! Delicious menu.

Golden Years Lunch: Tuesday, February 4th at 12:00 pm.

Godparent’s Sunday, on February 9th, followed by the David and Georgia Pereira Church School Brunch.

Orthodox Study, Thursdays at 7 pm.

Little Angels, Thursdays at 11 am.

Greek Language lessons, Fridays at 7:30 pm.

KANARIS dance group, January 23th, 25th, and 30th at 8 pm.


Κυριακή 26 Ιανουαρίου, Όρθρος και Θ. Λειτουργία στις 9 π.μ.

Πρόγευμα του Βαλεντίνου από την Φιλόπτωχο, Κυριακή 2 Φεβρουαρίου.

Κυριακή των Αναδόχων, Κυριακή 9 Φεβρουαρίου, με πρόγευμα από το Κατηχητικό Σχολείο Δαυίδ και Γεωργίας Περέιρα.

Γεύμα με τα Χρυσά Χρόνια, 4 Φεβρουαρίου το μεσημέρι.

Μελέτη της Αγίας Γραφής και Ορθόδοξος κύκλος, κάθε Πέμπτη στις 7 μ.μ.

Μικροί Άγγελοι, κάθε Πέμπτη στις 11 π.μ.

Μαθήματα Ελληνικής Γλώσσας, κάθε Παρασκευή στις 7:30 μ.μ.

Χορευτικός Όμιλος ΚΑΝΑΡΗ, 23, 25 και 30 Ιανουαρίου στις 8 μ.μ.

Knowledge: the Way to the Truth

          The Orthodox Church distinguishes three Hierarchs for their contribution to the theological thought, for their example of holiness and piety and for their charitable work.  Saint Basil the Great, Saint John Chrysostom and Saint Gregory the Theologian are the Patron Saints of Greek letters and Religious Education since they also cultivated a synthesis of the ancient systems of thought within the Orthodox faith.  Saint Basil is celebrated on the first day of January; there is a custom of blessing pies in his memory, which also became a way for extending philanthropy in the past.  A golden coin would be inserted in the pie, so that the recipient could receive financial assistance.  Saint Basil founded the first organized philanthropic institutions in the history of the world.  Being a son of a rich family, when he became a monk, he donated all his wealth for good causes.  He instituted the “Vasiliada” which was an institution assisting the poor, the lame, the paralyzed, the elders and the orphans.  His vision was for the Church not only to preach but to also organize philanthropy as an expression of faith and love.

          Saint Basil, Saint John Chrysostom and Saint Gregory the Theologian were very educated; they had the equivalent of many contemporary Ph.Ds, since they received both secular and religious education.  For this reason, they are celebrated as the Patron Saints of Greek letters.  Saint Basil preached that we should be like honey bees, going from flower to flower to select the best ingredients in order to produce a sweet and tasty honey.  Education is a means of exploring knowledge and using the best elements of it for the betterment of our lives.  God created the laws of nature, our intellect and science so that we can advance spiritually and mentally.  Thus, we may offer service to others and glorify Him.  Knowledge without virtue is a vice, as many crimes and means of destruction have proven.  Knowledge with virtue is wisdom.  And “the awe for God is the beginning of wisdom.”

          The Three Hierarchs are outstanding examples for all young people and every person who looks forward to enrich the intellectual wealth.  We expand our horizons of wisdom through the illumination of Truth and Faith.  The Three Hierarchs were prolific writers and exceptional thinkers.  But, most importantly, they were Saints.  They practiced their faith.  They lived and loved their principles.  They became examples through words and works.  We celebrate them on January 30th as protectors of our Greek School, our Sunday School and every faithful who aspires to use knowledge as an instrument of salvation.

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos



          Η Ορθόδοξη Εκκλησία ξεχωρίζει την προσφορά τριών ιεραρχών της στους τομείς της ανάπτυξης της θεολογικής επιστήμης, του παραδείγματος αγιότητος και πραότητος, και για την φιλανθρωπική τους δράση. Οι Τρεις Ιεράρχες που κοσμούν το εορτολόγιο της Εκκλησίας μας είναι οι Άγιοι Βασίλειος ο Μέγας, Ιωάννης ο Χρυσόστομος και Γρηγόριος ο Θεολόγος. Οι Τρεις Ιεράρχες είναι Πολιούχοι των Ελληνικών Γραμμάτων και της Θεολογίας, διότι καλλιέργησαν την σύνθεση της αρχαιοελληνικής γραμματείας και σκέψης με την Ορθόδοξο πίστη. Ο Άγιος Βασίλειος μάλιστα προωθούσε τους μαθητές του να αναλύουν την σκέψη των αρχαίων. Ο ίδιος ήταν βαθύς γνώστης των συγγραφέων, ποιητών και φιλοσόφων.  Προέτρεπε τη νεότητα να μιμηθεί τις μέλισσες που πηγαίνουν από λουλούδι σε λουλούδι συλλέγοντας μόνο την καλύτερη γύρη ώστε να παράγουν νοστιμότατο και γλυκύτατο μέλι. Έτσι και ο Χριστιανός, θα μάθει από την θύραθεν σοφία ώστε να γλυκάνει τον κόσμο με πρίσμα την πίστη της αγάπης και της ελπίδος που πηγάζει από το Ευαγγέλιο.

          Ο Άγιος Βασίλειος εορτάζεται στην αρχή του κοσμικού Έτους, κατά την οποία περίοδο του αφιερώνουμε και την παραδοσιακή Βασιλόπιτα. Η Βασιλόπιτα ήταν δοχείο χάριτος και θαυμάτων ανά τους αιώνες. Πολλές φορές, ευσεβείς χριστιανοί συγκάλυπταν την φιλανθρωπία του δωρίζοντας πίτες, στις οποίες υπήρχαν χρυσά ή αργυρά νομίσματα, ώστε να βοηθηθούν οι οικογένειες που χρειαζόντουσαν στήριξη. Ο ίδιος ο Άγιος, ώντας γόννος πλούσιας οικογενείας Αγίων γονέων, είχε ιδρύσει την γνωστή Βασιλειάδα, που στήριζε ορφανά, ηλικιωμένους, παραλύτους και ασθενείς. Χρησιμοποίησε τις γνώσεις και τις δωρεές που ο Θεός του έδωσε για να υπηρετήσει τον συνάνθρωπο και να δοξάσει τον Κύριο.

          Ο Άγιος Ιωάννης ο Χρυσόστομος ή χρυσορήμων, μιλούσε με δυναμικά και καυστικά κηρύγματα για την σωτηρία και κατά της υποκρισίας. Εδιώχτηκε και πέθανε στην εξορία. Ο ίδιος πέρασε στην αθανασία ενώ οι διώκτες του έχουν κερδίσει μόνο μαύρες σελίδες στην ιστορία της ανθρωπότητος. Ο Γρηγόριος ο Θεολόγος, απέφευγε τις τιμές και τις διακρίσεις. Ήταν πολυγραφότατος και ικανότατος θεολόγος. Τα βιβλία του αποτελούν και στις ημέρες μας πηγή έμπνευσης για κάθε πιστό. Και οι Τρεις Ιεράρχες χρησιμοποίησαν τις γνώσεις τους με γνώμονα την διάκριση και την πίστη. Γνώση χωρίς αρετή είναι κατάρα. Και η πίστη στο Θεό είναι η αρχή της σοφίας για τον άνθρωπο.

   +Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος

The New Parish Council

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

This Sunday, January 19th, we will have the affirmation of the year 2025 Parish Council; we are very blessed and honored to have an exceptional Parish Council, comprised by dynamic, dedicated and talented volunteers. Each one of them takes time out of their busy lives to donate their three T’s: Time, Talents and Treasures. When most people opt to stay home, or take a weekend trip, or play golf, our Parish Council leadership leads by example. They are in the front of the Church, in the Narthex, welcoming us all for worship, and preparing everything we need: the Church maintenance, the Parish financial documents, the fundraisers, the events, the supplies and everything required to operate as a beautiful and God-loving Community.

This Sunday, please, come to Church and express your gratitude to our Parish Council volunteers; every single one of them deserves our appreciation and respect. Whether they carry the new desks for the School, or fire the grills for the Festival, or pay the utilities of the Church, or donate, or organize an event for hundreds of people, they do all that and much more with love for our faith and our Community. Their time could be invested for a myriad other purposes; but they are here, in our house of worship, ensuring that we find everything in place and well organized, for each Parish member, from the babies to the seniors. Speaking of seniors, Golden Years will express their support with a Loukoumades sale during the Coffee Fellowship this Sunday; don’t miss it!

This year, we welcome a new Parish Council member, Michael Savvakis; Michael, his wonderful wife Susan, and their beautiful little daughters Evangelia and Sophia are in Church every Sunday. Michael has worked at our Festivals, youth events, fundraisers and he has helped with everything we have asked for assistance. Susan is the co-director of the HOPE and JOY group, and we are grateful that they are so immersed in the life of our Parish. AXIOS!

They are joining a group of exceptional volunteers, whom you all know for the years they are serving. The 2024 Executive Board: Nikos Poulikidis (President); Nikos Stathopoulos (Vice President); Joe Rocco (2nd Vice President); Thomas Zervas (Treasurer); Triantafilos Tzaras (2nd Treasurer); George Menegatos (Secretary). And the Council members: Chris Aivaliotis, Evangelos Argyros, Patricia Boultadakis, Angelo Frasiolas, Hristos Karangunis, John Katsigiorgis, Peter Louca, Demetrios Mantikas, Andreas Pavlou, Michael Plias, Gus Potaris, Nicholas Sarantakos, Kostas Tsakos, and Vasilios Zarboutis. AXIOS (to each one of them)!

After the Affirmation, we will have the elections for the 2025 Executive Committee, with the express mission to complete the construction of the Constantine and Carol Cassis Center within the coming months, and before the conclusion of the year. For this reason, we are deputizing every member of the Parish to also become a member of the Parish leadership, and lead by example to make this objective a reality.

How can we help ensure our building is completed in time:

1)     Spread the good word! Become ambassadors of the mission for our Constantine and Carol Cassis Center, the David and Georgia Pereira Church School, the Rev. Nikiforos Fakinos Hellenic School, the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Gymnasium and the Elaine Cassimatis Kafeneio. Tell your relatives and friends about the role they serve and ask them to donate. Share our social media posts and promote the phenomenal purpose this new edifice serves.

2)     Donate time, donate talents, donate treasures! Give from what God has abundantly bestowed upon us and help this great goal. In 2024, we broke records and reached approximately 450 families with full stewardship contributions. If each one of us gives what we can, the Constantine and Carol Cassis Center will be completed in record time as well.

3)     Participate! Come to our events, our services, our youth functions, and our fundraisers. The new edifice will be an empty building without our laughter, our voices and our participation. We build it stronger when we are all part of our Community experience, sharing precious moments together.

4)     Learn about our programs! Learn why it is so important to have a Church School; there is no other place where the youth can learn about our faith. Why do we need a Greek School? There is no other place where we can explore our heritage and celebrate our traditions. Why do we need a Gymnasium? There is no other place where our youth can safely make friends, learn the ideals of athleticism in a Christ-centered environment, focusing on friendship, cooperation and spirituality. Why do we need a Kafeneio? From the elderly senior citizens, all the way to young couples, families, young adults, College students and children, there is no other place where we can congregate safely, cherish our fellowship, break apart the monotony of loneliness and interact in a God-loving environment. The game-room, the classrooms for the Pre-K and early-childhood groups, the Pins for Pauly office (supporting families stricken with leukemia) and the Board room for the Parish Council, the Philoptochos, the PTA, the School Board and the Youth commission meetings will also enhance all the events for philanthropy, spirituality, heritage and social interaction.

We thank you all who already supported the building of this great new extension. Our weekly meetings manifest that everything is working well. We need to raise more funds to ensure everything is ready for the Grand Opening. When all pledges come in, we are left with a little over $1,000,000 to be raised. We have a few months to make it happen. Let’s do it together. Because, TOGETHER WE BUILD!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

A Blessing for Safety and Protection

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

In the midst of the devastating fires in California, as we pray for the people affected by the tragedy unfolding there, we ask for God’s blessing and protection from any types of disasters, attacks, illnesses and afflictions. For this reason, I will be coming by to bless your homes and businesses these days. Please, call the Church office to arrange the blessing of your families at (516) 379-1368.

We had an unforgettable Holy Theophany celebration, and we co-celebrated the blessing of the Ocean with our neighboring Parish of Saint Markella at Wantagh Park. 7 brave divers were there to retrieve the Cross and we all ask for the Epiphany of the Lord’s Grace to bless us, sanctify us, protect us and illumine our lives.

This Sunday, we have the blessing of the Vasilopita for Saint Basil’s Academy, sponsored by Saint Barbara’s Philoptochos, and all Parish organizations contribute for that sacred cause in support of the children in the Academy. Tonight, Thursday, January 9, we have the Orthodox Study meeting with Vasilopita at 7 pm. Tomorrow, we have our GOYA meeting with Vasilopita and our Jr. GOYA Vasilopita blessing is on Monday. Last Tuesday we had our luncheon with the Golden Years and their Vasilopita cutting; meanwhile, every afternoon, we have Vasilopita for all the students and each class in our Hellenic School. I speak to them about the Saint and his contributions to the faith, and we enjoy the wonderful tradition that inspires philanthropy and solidarity.

Speaking of philanthropy, yesterday, I was visited by a member of our Parish family, who graciously and generously donates $50,000 to become a Founder in our Constantine and Carol Cassis Center; each month, since last year, he and his family contribute a donation and in a few months his pledge will be fulfilled. Another young gentleman came on Sunday, immediately after the blessing of the Ocean, and donated a significant amount, to cover his pledge of $25,000. Not to be undermined, one yiayia in the Parish, came in the office with $5,000 and another pappou with $10,000. These examples give me hope that in the 10 months ahead of us we may collect the remainder of the funds necessary to complete the project and open the doors to our beautiful new edifice.

I would like to remind that all of us can be part of this great endeavor, no matter what we are able to donate, as long as it comes out of our hearts and with love. This is our Acropolis, this is our contribution to all future generations, this is our Zapeion, where we will be celebrating our faith and heritage. We thank with all our hearts the contributors of the Church stewardship for 2024 (all the names are below this message) and we welcome each family to help our Church preserve and grow her ministries and programs for the benefit of all faithful, of all ages and demographics. In 2024, we had an all-time high number of stewards! Congratulations!!! Please, send in your pledge and stewardship for 2025, as these cold months have increased our expenses.

May God bless you all and protect you in the New Year; may our Lord and Savior provide abundant gifts to all who support this beautiful Parish and save our people from any peril or danger. You are all in my prayers, I love you all and you are the reason why my ministry is so meaningful and blessed. Thank you!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Happy New Year!

Καλὴ χρονιὰ καὶ εὐλογημένη, μὲ ὑγεία, χαρὰ καὶ κάθε ἀγαθό!

We welcome the New Year 2025 with new hopes, new aspirations and renewed determination to make the most of every day, and every moment. We live our present to the fullest; we do not hold on to the past, we are not stressed about the future. It is called the present, because it is a gift from God! And it prepares us not just for the future, but also for the eternal blessings; it is so important to love the faith and live the faith to the fullest.

I was unable to type these lines earlier… I was distracted… The first part of the wall enclosures were being installed in our Constantine and Carol Cassis Center and I was overwhelmed with joy and excitement. Like a blossoming flower, from May 19th and the Ground Breaking ceremony, then the day after the Festival, closing up the construction site, and then the foundations in July, the framing the week of Saint Demetrios, October 26th, the first portion of the roof in November, the pipes for plumbing and electrical in December, and, now, January of 2025, the walls!

This flower is blossoming from the ground up, from the soil blessed by His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America on May 19th, 2024, nurtured with your love and generosity, cultivated by the skillful hands of our contractors, Church leadership and volunteers: it is becoming a beautiful flower, our flower, brought up by the seed of faith, hope and love.

Our crew was working even on New Year’s Eve, on December 31st, 2024, to complete the framing of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Gymnasium; the results are outstanding! We pray that the New Year 2025 brings the successful completion of the entire Constantine and Carol Cassis Center in record time, under budget and with the highest quality of construction, just like our gorgeous Saint Demetrios Church.

We pray that we all enjoy health, joy, and blessings as we enter the New Year together. Remember, in the new edifice, we will all be together!

Together we learn!

Together we pray!

Together we play!


Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Schedule of Services for the Theophany Season


Orthros, Divine Liturgy & Great Agiasmos, 9:00 am.

The Blessing of the Waters at Wantagh Park, 12:00 noon, celebrated with the South Nassau Greek Orthodox Communities, Saint Demetrios (Merrick), Saint Markella (Wantagh), Dormition of the Panaghia (Island Park).


Orthros, Divine Liturgy & Great Agiasmos, 9:00 am.

TUESDAY, JANUARY 7: St. John the Baptist, Orthros, Divine Liturgy, 9:00 am.

JANUARY 7, 8, 9 & 10: Greek School Vasilopita Blessing.

Golden Years, Luncheon Tuesday, Januray 7th at 12 noon.

Orthodox Study, Vasilopita, Thursday, January, 9th at 7 pm.

Goya meeting and Vasilopita Friday, January 10th at 7 pm.

Jr. GOYA Vasilopita and playtime, Monday, January 20th at 7 pm.

Little Angels, Thursdays at 11 am.

Greek Language lessons, Fridays at 7:30 pm.



ΚΥΡΙΑΚΗ 5  ΙΑΝΟΥΑΡΙΟΥ: ΠΡΟ ΤΩΝ ΘΕΟΦΑΝΕΙΩΝ                                               

Όρθρος, Θεία Λειτουργία κ’ Μ. Αγιασμός, 9:00 π.μ.

Κατάδυσις του Σταυρού στον Ωκεανό και Παγκόσμιος Αγιασμός των Υδάτων, 12:00 μεσημέρι με την συμμετοχή των Κοινοτήτων Αγίου Δημητρίου Μέρρικ, Αγίας Μαρκέλλης Γουάντα και Κοιμήσεως της Θεοτόκου Άϊλαντ Παρκ.



Όρθρος, Θεία Λειτουργία κ’ Μ. Αγιασμός, 9:00 π.μ.

ΤΡΙΤΗ 7 ΙΑΝΟΥΑΡΙΟΥ: Σύναξις του Αγ. Ιωάννου του Βαπτιστού

Όρθρος κ’ Θεία Λειτουργία, 9:00 π.μ.  

7, 8, 9, & 10 Ιανουαρίου: ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΟ, ευλογία Βασιλόπιτας.

Χρυσά Χρόνια, γεύμα, Τρίτη, 7 Ιανουαρίου στις 12 το μεσημέρι.

Μελέτη της Αγίας Γραφής και Ορθόδοξος κύκλος, Βασιλόπιτα, Πέμπτη 9 Ιανουαρίου στις 7 μ.μ.

Συνάντηση Γκόγια και Βασιλόπιτα, Παρασκευή 10 Ιανουαρίου στις 7 μ.μ.

Jr. GOYA, Βασιλόπιτα και ώρα παιχνιδιού, Δευτέρα 20 Ιανουαρίου στις 7 μ.μ.

Μικροί Άγγελοι, Πέμπτη στις 11 π.μ.

Μαθήματα Ελληνικής Γλώσσας, Παρασκευή στις 7:30 μ.μ.




Ἀριθµ. Πρωτ.: 449/2024

1 Ἰανουρίου 2025

Ἀρχιεπισκοπικὴ Ἐγκύκλιος γιὰ τὸ νέο ἔτος 2025.

Πρὸς τοὺς Σεβασµιωτάτους καὶ Θεοφιλεστάτους Ἀρχιερεῖς, τοὺς Εὐλαβεστάτους Ἱερεῖς καὶ Διακόνους, τὶς Πρεσβυτέρες καὶ τὶς Διακόνισσες, τοὺς Μοναχοὺς καὶ τὶς Μοναχές, τοὺς Προέδρους καὶ τὰ Μέλη τῶν Κοινοτικῶν Συµβουλίων, τοὺς Ἐντιµολογιωτάτους Ἄρχοντες τοῦ Οἰκουµενικοῦ Πατριαρχείου, τὰ µέλη τῆς Ἡγεσίας τῶν 100, τὰ Ἡµερήσια καὶ Ἀπογευµατινὰ Σχολεῖα, τὶς Φιλοπτώχους Ἀδελφότητες, τὴ Νεολαία, τὶς Ἑλληνορθόδοξες Ὀργανώσεις καὶ ὁλόκληρο τὸ Χριστεπώνυµο πλήρωµα τῆς Ἱερᾶς Ἀρχιεπισκοπῆς Ἀµερικῆς.

«Εἰς Μίαν, Ἁγίαν, Καθολικὴν καὶ Ἀποστολικὴν Ἐκκλησίαν».

Προσφιλεῖς ἀδελφοὶ καὶ ἀδελφὲς ἐν Χριστῷ, Καθὼς εἰσερχόµαστε στὸ νέο ἔτος 2025 καὶ στὴν χιλιοστὴ ἑπτακοσιοστὴ ἐπέτειο (1700) τῆς ἐν Νικαίᾳ Πρώτης Οἰκουµενικῆς Συνόδου, ἂς ξεκινήσουµε τὴ σηµερινὴ πρώτη ἡµέρα τοῦ ἐνιαυτοῦ τῆς χρηστότητος τοῦ Κυρίου, ἀπαγγέλλοντας καὶ πάλι τὸ Σύµβολο τῆς Πίστεώς µας, τὸ ὁποῖο συντάχθηκε καὶ µᾶς παραδόθηκε κυρίως ὡς καρπὸς τῶν ἐργασιῶν αὐτῆς τῆς Οἰκουµενικῆς Συνόδου. Στὴ συνέχεια τελειοποιήθηκε πενήντα ἕξι χρόνια ἀργότερα κατὰ τὴν Δεύτερη Οἰκουµενικὴ Σύνοδο στὴν Κωνσταντινούπολη, ἐνῷ ἐπιβεβαιώθηκε ἀργότερα ἀπὸ ὅλες τὶς Οἰκουµενικὲς Συνόδους ποὺ ἀκολούθησαν. Τὰ δώδεκα ἄρθρα τοῦ Συµβόλου τῆς Πίστεως, ταυτίζονται ἀπόλυτα µὲ τὴ διδασκαλία τῶν Δώδεκα Ἀποστόλων καὶ µᾶς καθορίζουν ὡς ὀρθόδοξους χριστιανούς, οἱ ὁποῖοι ἀποδέχονται τὸ πλήρωµα τοῦ Εὐαγγελίου. Θὰ ὀργανωθοῦν πολλὲς ἐπετειακὲς ἐκδηλώσεις καὶ ἑορτασµοὶ ἐπ᾽ εὐκαιρίᾳ τοῦ ἱστορικοῦ αὐτοῦ γεγονότος κατὰ τὴ διάρκεια τοῦ ἔτους αὐτοῦ, συµπεριλαµβανοµένης καὶ µιᾶς πολὺ σηµαντικῆς προσκυνηµατικῆς ἐκδροµῆς τῆς Ἀρχιεπισκοπῆς µας στὴ Ρώµη, Κωνσταντινούπολη καὶ Νίκαια, ἀπὸ 14 ἐως 24 Ἰουλίου (hÖps://

 Ὅµως ὀφείλουµε, ὡς µέλη τῆς Ἐκκλησίας, νὰ πραγµατοποιήσουµε καὶ ἕνα ἐσωτερικὸ προσκύνηµα, καὶ νὰ ἐµβαθύνουµε σὲ αὐτὰ τὰ δώδεκα ἄρθα τοῦ Συµβόλου τῆς Πίστεώς µας, τὰ ὁποῖα ἀποτελοῦν πηγὴ γνώσεως, ποὺ µᾶς ὁδηγεῖ σὲ µία βαθύτερη σχέση µὲ τὸ Θεὸ καὶ τοὺς συνανθρώπους µας. Οἱ πλέον φωτισµένοι θεολόγοι τῆς ἐκκλησίας µας, ὅπως γιὰ παράδειγµα ὁ ἅγιος Βασίλειος ὁ Μέγας ποὺ ἑορτάζουµε σήµερα, ἑρµήνευσαν πολλαπλᾶ τὸ Σύµβολο τῆς Πίστεως, ὥστε καὶ οἱ ἁπλούστεροι τῶν χριστιανῶν νὰ µποροῦν νὰ κατανοοῦν τὴ θαυµαστὴ αὐτὴ σύνθεση τῶν ὅρων τῆς χριστιανικῆς διδασκαλίας. Τὸ ἐθνικὸ ἵδρυµα, ποὺ φέρει τὸ ὄνοµα τοῦ ἑορταζόµενου σήµερα ἱεράρχη εἶναι ἡ Ἀκαδηµία τοῦ Ἁγίου Βασιλείου, ἡ ὁποία ἀποτελεῖ παράδειγµα γιὰ τὸ πῶς ὀφείλουµε νὰ ἀνατρέφουµε τὴ νεολαία µας µὲ τὴν πληρότητα τῆς πίστεώς µας. Κατὰ τὴ σηµερινὴ ἑορτή, ἡ Φιλόπτωχος Ἀδελφότητα σὲ ὅλη τὴν Ἀµερικὴ συλλέγει πόρους γιὰ τὴν ὑποστήριξη αὐτῆς τῆς Ἀκαδηµίας.

Ἡ ἐθνικὴ µας Φιλόπτωχος ἀπεφάσισε ὅτι τὸ πενήντα τοῖς ἑκατὸ τῶν συγκεντρωθέντων πόρων θὰ διατεθεῖ στὴν Ἀκαδηµία, ἐνῷ τὰ ὑπόλοιπα θὰ διατεθοῦν σὲ ἄλλα προγράµµατα τῆς νεολαίας. Διότι πιστεύουµε ὅτι ἡ πρόσβαση τῶν νέων µας στὴν ὀρθόδοξη πίστη µας, µὲ τὴν ἐνστάλαξη τῶν ἀληθειῶν τοῦ Συµβόλου τῆς Πίστεως, εἶναι τὸ µεγαλύτερο δῶρο ποὺ µποροῦµε νὰ τοὺς προσφέρουµε. Ἂς ἀνοίξουµε, λοιπόν, τὶς καρδιές µας µὲ ἀγάπη καὶ γενναιοδωρία πρὸς τὴν Ἀκαδηµία τοῦ Ἁγίου Βασιλείου, καὶ εἴθε τὸ νέο ἔτος 2025 νὰ ἀποτελέσει µία ἀκόµη εὐκαιρία γιὰ νὰ νιώσουµε τὴ χάρη τοῦ Θεοῦ στὴ ζωή µας καὶ νὰ κατανοήσουµε βαθύτερα τὸ Σύµβολο τῆς Πίστεως, ὥστε νὰ γευθοῦµε τὰ πλούσια δῶρα τῆς σοφίας καὶ τοῦ φωτισµοῦ τοῦ Θεοῦ.

Μετὰ πατρικῆς ἐν Χριστῷ ἀγάπης,

† ὁ Ἀµερικῆς Ἐλπιδοφόρος

Archepiscopal Encyclical on the New Year

January 1, 2025

Unto the Most Reverend and Right Reverend Hierarchs, Pious Priests and Deacons, Monks and Nuns, Presidents and Members of the Parish Councils, Honorable Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, Members of Leadership 100, Day and Afternoon Schools, Philoptochos Societies, Youth, Greek Orthodox Organizations, and the entirety of the Christ-loving Plenitude of the Sacred Archdiocese of America:

In One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. (The Symbol of the Faith)

Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ,

As we enter into the New Year of 2025, and the Seventeen Hundredth Anniversary of the First Ecumenical Council in Nicaea, let us commence this first day of God’s Grace with a re-commitment to a full embrace of the Creed — the Symbol of our Faith — that first emerged from this Holy Council. This Creed was perfected at the Second Ecumenical Council in Constantinople fifty-six years later and reaffirmed at every Ecumenical Council thereafter. The Creed’s Twelve Articles, standing for the teaching of the Twelve Apostles, are what define us as Orthodox Christians who accept the fullness of the Lord’s Gospel.

There will be many celebrations and observances of this historic anniversary throughout the year, including a special Archdiocesan Pilgrimage to Rome, Constantinople and Nicaea, July 14-24 ( But every member of our Church can journey in an internal pilgrimage to become more deeply immersed in these Twelve Articles of our Faith, which are doors of knowledge that lead us into a more profound and richer relationship with God and with one another.

The most enlightened theologians of our Church — like Saint Basil the Great, whom we celebrate this day — forged the Creed so that even the simplest of Christians could possess this remarkable synthesis of Christian doctrine. Our National Institution of Saint Basil’s Academy, which bears this saintly hierarch’s name, stands as a reminder of how we are to raise our youth in the fulness of the Faith.

On this Feast Day, then, our Philoptochos Sisterhoods around the country are collecting funds for its support. National Philoptochos has resolved that 50% of the monies collected today will be allocated to the Academy, and all the remaining funds will be directed toward other youth programs. Because giving our young people full access to their Faith by instilling in them the truths of the Creed, might be the greatest gift we can bestow upon our precious children. May all our hearts open with loving generosity for Saint Basil’s Academy, and may this New Year of 2025 be an occasion for renewing God’s grace through a deeper understanding of the Creed, so that we may be filled with the rich blessings of His divine wisdom and enlightenment.

With paternal love in Christ,

† ELPIDOPHOROS Archbishop of America

Holy Theophany

Beloved Faithful in the Lord,


     We call the Feast of Theophany by several names. We know it as "the Feast of Lights" and "the Great Blessing of the Waters." These names signify the universal significance of this High and Holy Feast of the Lord. Light and water: These two elements establish the basic conditions for life, the fundamental needs of all creatures. In the creation story of Genesis, the Lord begins His mighty work by calling forth light out of darkness, and by setting apart the waters of the deep. It was over these shimmering waters of creation that -as the Scriptures say- the Spirit of God hovered, like a mother dove brooding over her newborn offspring. And it was over the light and the water that God pronounced His blessing - "it is good." In this first day of creation, we see the Holy Trinity at work: God the Father, who calls all things into being by His own good will; God the Logos, through whom all things were made and God the Holy Spirit, who enlivens and enlightens all things. Ever since that first day of creation, light and water have been the vital elements for all living things.

     In the same way, we again see light and water in the New Creation of God's redeeming love in Christ. For on the day of the Theophany - the day of Christ's Baptism in the Jordan River, and the first day of His public ministry in Judea -  we see again a day of light, a day of revelation, and a day for the setting apart and the sanctifying of the waters. In that day the Holy Trinity once again is revealed to us, but in even greater fullness and splendor. God the Father, pronouncing His blessing from heaven on His Beloved Son; God the Son, through Whom the water of the Jordan and all water everywhere, is sanctified, and God the Holy Spirit, descending once again from Heaven, descending in the form of a dove, and resting upon the Firstborn of all Creation. For this reason, we call this day the Feast of the manifestation of God. For on this day, the Triune splendor of the Godhead was revealed for the first time not only unto us, but unto the whole of creation. How shall we, as new creatures in Christ, as members of His Body through Baptism, how shall we celebrate this great Feast? Let us give thanks, first of all, for the light and the water through which God grants us new life. Let us walk in the light of Christ -the light of truth, the light of knowledge, the light of God's Commandments, the light of justice, and the light of unconquerable Faith.

     And let us rejoice in the waters of salvation; the waters of Baptism, in which we receive the washing of regeneration; the waters of agiasmos, in which we receive strength and healing; and above all, let us rejoice in the living water of God's Holy Spirit, manifested unto us in Theophany and welling up within us unto life eternal. I humbly pray that the joy, the life, the light, and the blessing of the Feast of Theophany will truly be yours as you receive the grace and the glory of the Holy Trinity on this great day.

                Praying that Christ our true God, who condescended to be baptized in the Jordan for our salvation, shine upon you His true light, and refresh you with His waters of blessing, throughout the New Year 2025, I humbly remain

In Christ Jesus,


+Protopresbyter Panagiotis Papanikolaou


            Καλή Χρονιά! Ευλογημένο, ευτυχισμένο και χαρούμενο το Νέο Έτος, αγαπητοί ενορίτες, με υγεία και ευημερία για όλους.  Στην ανατολή του 2025, προσδοκούμε ένα κόσμο ειρηνικό και αγαπημένο για εμάς και για τις οικογένειές μας.  Και ο καλύτερος τρόπος να γίνει η προσδοκία μας ευχή, προσευχή και πραγματικότητα είναι να ζητήσουμε την θεία πρόνοια με την ακολουθία του Μεγάλου Αγιασμού των Θεοφανείων.  Τα Άγια Θεοφάνεια είναι η ημέρα που εορτάζουμε την Βάπτιση του Κυρίου και Σωτήρος Ιησού Χριστού.  Επίσης ενθυμούμεθα την φανέρωση του Τριαδικού Θεού, του Πατρός, του Υιού και του Αγίου Πνεύματος (εξ ου και ο ορισμός Θεο-φάνεια).  Η εορτή ονομάζεται επίσης ημέρα των φωτών, διότι ο Τριαδικός Θεός φωτίζει την Οικουμένη με την προστάτιδα Χάρη Του.  Επίσης, είθισται να δεχόμαστε την θεία Χάρη με την μετάληψη του Μεγάλου Αγιασμού και τον ραντισμό των σπιτιών και των επιχειρήσεών μας, ώστε ο Θεός να προστατεύει εμάς, τις οικογένειες και τις εργασίες μας.  Ο ιερέας ψάλλει το Απολυτίκιο της εορτής κατά τον ραντισμό: «Εν Ιορδάνη βαπτιζομένου σου Κύριε η της Τριάδος εφανερώθη προσκύνησις».

            Η Κοινότητά μας πανηγυρίζει την περιώνυμο ημέρα της εορτής των Θεοφανείων με το Μεγάλο Αγιασμό και την κατάδυση του Σταυρού στον Ωκεανό.  Μεταλαμβάνουμε τον Μεγάλο Αγιασμό με την κατάλληλη προετοιμασία, που συμπεριλαμβάνει προσευχή και νηστεία. Όλοι προσευχόμαστε για να έχουμε την φώτιση του Θεού, ώστε οι αποφάσεις της ζωής μας να είναι προς σωτηρία.  Επίσης, αιτούμε την προστασία του Θεού, διότι ζούμε σε ένα κόσμο γεμάτο πνευματικούς και άλλους κινδύνους.  Είθε ο Κύριος να φυλάττει όλους και τις οικογένειές μας, να δωρίζει υγεία και ασφάλεια στον κόσμο και σωτηρία στις ψυχές μας.  Η Χάρις του φανέντος Θεού να γεμίζει το Νέο Έτος με χαρά και κάθε αγαθό.

            Και σίγουρα, το έτος που διανύουμε είναι σημαντικό και ιστορικό,  διότι έχει να κάνει με την πραγμάτωση του πόθου των ενοριτών γιατην ανοικοδόμηση του ιερού μας ναού και την ανέγερση σύγχρονου Πολιτιστικού Κέντρου και σχολείου.  Γένοιτο!

+Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος


We all welcome the New Year with the hope that this year will bring peace, love and a better world for us and our families.  And what a better way to pray for the spiritual and social prosperity of everyone than the Great Agiasmos or the Great Blessing of the Waters of holy Theophany.  Holy Epiphany or Holy Theophany is the day when we celebrate the Baptism of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and when we commemorate the appearance (φανέρωσις) of the triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Holy Epiphany is also called the day of lights, because it illuminates the world with the divine inspiration of faith and the knowledge of the True God.  This illumination, this blessing and this divine inspiration are brought to us when we receive the Great Agiasmos.  It is also customary to receive the blessing of divine protection in our homes and our businesses, when the priest sprinkles the Great Agiasmos chanting the hymn «Ἐν Ἰορδάνῃ βαπτιζομένου σου Κύριε ἡ τῆς Τριάδος ἐφανερώθη προσκύνησις» (Having being baptized in the river Jordan O Lord, the veneration of the Holy Trinity was revealed).

Our Community celebrates the sacrament of the Great Blessing of the Waters and the faithful are encouraged to prepare to receive the Great Agiasmos on the day of Holy Epiphany, with fasting and prayer.  Also, we conduct the service of the universal blessing of the waters, by dunking the cross into the ocean.  This way, the oceans are blessed, in commemoration of Christ’s blessing of river Jordan and all the waters of the earth.  We all need the protection of God.  We need God’s inspiration and illumination, so that our choices in life are for our spiritual benefit.  We need to follow the message of the Gospel, in order to fulfill the will of God in our lives.  God revealed Himself to us, so that we may know Him; when we know God, we can communicate with Him more effectively through conscious prayer and the participation in the holy sacraments.  When we know God we can ask Him for His divine protection, His miraculous intervention and salvation.  We hope and pray that God will bless all of us with every gift from above.  May the divine illumination of holy Epiphany inspire the world with peace and faith, so that we may cherish the New Year in harmony, love and solidarity.

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

The Time Machine

What would you do if you had a time machine? Imagine the possibilities… To go to any time in the past and visit your favorite persons in history. To dial in the year and the place, and instantly get there. Imagine that, to dial the date 2024 years back, and the place to Bethlehem in Judea. As the knees bend before Jesus, in pious worship of our Lord, it is a prodigious honor to stand next to the shepherds and the wise men, under the miraculous star of Bethlehem, graced by the presence of the Ever-Virgin Mary and the All-Good Joseph.

So, let us set our time machine and make the time necessary to bend the knees before our God and Savior this Christmas. Enter the warm manger of the beautiful Church, bringing your gifts of gratitude, and receiving His most precious and eternal Gifts. Receive Holy Communion like it’s your first time. Immerse into His glory; let the star of Bethlehem be your beacon, leading your footsteps to the sanctuary. The wise men of the past did so. It is wise and prudent to be there, it is His feast, it is Him we honor and worship, it is CHRISTMAS!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Η Μηχανή του Χρόνου

            Τί θα κάνατε εάν είχατε μία μηχανή του χρόνου; Φανταστείτε τις δυνατότητες... Να επισκευτείτε όποια ημερομηνία στην ιστορία θέλετε και να συναντήσετε το πλέον αγαπητό πρόσωπο που επιθυμείτε να γνωρίσετε. Να ρυθμίσετε την ημερομηνία 2024 χρόνια πίσω στο παρελθόν και την τοποθεσία στην Βηθλεέμ της Ιουδαίας. Γονατίζοντας ευλαβικά μπροστά στον Ιησού, δίπλα στους ποιμένες και τους σοφούς Μάγους της Ανατολής, κάτω από το φως του λαμπρού άστρου της Βηθλεέμ, και με την χάρη της παρουσίας της Αειπάρθενου Μαρίας και του Πάγκαλου Ιωσήφ.

            Ας ρυθμίσουμε λοιπόν την δική μας μηχανή του χρόνου και να δώσουμε τον απαραίτητο χρόνο ώστε να γονατίσουμε μπροστά στον Κύριο και Θεό μας. Ελάτε στην ζεστή του φάτνη, στην Εκκλησία, με τα δώρα της ευχαριστίας σας, για να λάβετε τα δικά Του τίμια, άχραντα και αιώνια δώρα. Να μεταλάβετε σαν να είναι η πρώτη σας φορά! Να λουστείτε την δόξα Του. Να κάνετε το Άστρο της Βηθλεέμ τον φάρο που θα οδηγήσει τα βήματά σας μπροστά στο ιερό. Οι σοφοί τότε έτσι έπραξαν. Είναι σοφό και συνετό να κάνουμε το ίδιο, είναι η δική Του γιορτή, Εκείνον τιμούμε και προσκυνούμε, είναι ΧΡΙΣΤΟΥΓΕΝΝΑ!

Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος 

Christmas Message by the Protopresbyter Panagiotis Papanikolaou

“Behold, the Virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Emmanuel.” (Matthew 1:23)

                The Logos became flesh; it is, the Son of God, co-eternal with God the Father and with the Holy Spirit, became man. Having become incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary. The One who had no beginning took on a beginning according to humanity. The One without flesh assumed flesh. God became man without ceasing to be God. The unapproachable One to all, becomes a humble servant. Why and for what reason was there such condescension on the part of the Creator toward His transgressing creatures – towards mankind which, through an act of its own had fallen away from God, its Creator?

                It was by reason of a supreme, inexpressible mercy toward His creation on the part of God, Who could not bear to see the entire race of mankind – which He in creating had endowed with wondrous gifts – enslaved by the devil and thus destined for eternal suffering and torment. And the Logos became flesh in order to make us earthly beings into heavenly ones. In order to make sinners into saints. In order to raise us up from corruption into incorruption, from earth to heaven, from death into immortality. In order to free us from the enslavement to sin and the devil into the glorious freedom of God’s children. Finally, in order to make us sons of God and to dwell together with Him, as His royal children, in the kingdom of heaven.

                Let us glorify God! With the coming of the Son of God in the flesh upon the earth and with His offering Himself up as a sacrifice for a sinful mankind; there is given to those who believe the blessing of the Heavenly Father. We receive the promise of an eternal inheritance of life. To a humanity orphaned by sin, the Heavenly Father returns anew through the mystery of re-birth, that is through Holy Baptism, repentance. People are freed of the tormenting, death-bearing authority of the devil, of the afflictions of sin and of various passions. The nature of man is deified for the sake of the boundless compassion of the Son of God, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Its sins are purified, defiled and sanctified. The ailing are healed. Upon those in dishonor are boundless honor and glory bestowed. Those in darkness are enlightened by the Divine Light of grace and reason.

                The mind of man is given the rational power of God. Saint Paul the Apostle says that we have the mind of God (Corinthians 2:16). To the heart of man, the heart of God is given. The perishable is made immortal. Those wounded by sin and by passions are adorned in Divine Glory. Those who hunger and thirst are satisfied by the nourishing and soul-strengthening Logos of God and by the most pure Body and precious Blood of Christ. The inconsolable are consoled. Those ravaged by the devil have been and continue to be delivered.

                What then is required of us in order that we might avail ourselves of all grace brought unto us by the Son of God? What is necessary is faith in the Son of God and in the Holy Gospel as the salvation-bestowing heavenly teaching. A true repentance of sins and the correction of life and of heart. Communion in prayer and in the Holy Sacraments. The knowledge and fulfillment of Christ’s commandments. Also, necessary are the Christ centered virtues: Christian humility, almsgiving, continence, purity and chastity, simplicity and goodness of heart. Let us then bring these virtues as a gift to the Christ-Child who was born for the sake of our salvation. Let us bring them in place of the gold, frankincense and myrrh which the Magi brought Him, as to One who is King, God and Man, come to die for us. This from us shall be the most pleasing form of sacrifice to God and to the Christ-Child. I humbly extend to you and your families my heartfelt best wishes for a blessed and joyful Nativity, filled with God’s love and the true life that He offers to us.

The Saint Who Transformed a Brick

Today, the Church celebrates Saint Spyridon of Trimythus the Miracle Worker. Saint Spyridon is the Saint who transformed a brick to soil, water and fire in order to manifest the dogma of the Holy Trinity (Three Persons, One God). We are asked to transform bricks to manifest the dogmas of the faith and the teachings of our heritage through the construction of the Constantine and Carol Cassis Center. We are commissioned to participate in a miracle, to work together and see the steel, the bricks, and the cement become a gorgeous edifice; under its roof, there will be laughter, physical education, friendships, prayer, learning, heritage, philanthropy, community and love. That’s a miracle!

On Sunday we celebrate our Chapel of Saint Eleftherios. The Chapel was the inspiration and the model after which the entire Church was adorned with iconography, Byzantine style windows, and exquisite hand-carved woodwork. The sponsors of the Chapel, the families of Mr. Nick and Mr. George Boultadakis, named it after the Patron Saint and protector of their late father Eleftherios. His legacy lives forever in the precious beautiful sanctuary of worship and spirituality.

Mr. Nick Boultadakis has donated dozens of events and fundraisers, as well as iconography and building contributions, asking only one thing in return: for all of us to honor the legacy of our families by supporting our state-of-the-art new edifice. This Christmas we can make our gift really meaningful by contributing towards the construction and completion of the new School, Gymnasium, Kafeneio and Church offices. A meaningful gift for all ages, for all generations, for us and for our loved ones. We need to collect the remainder of the funds necessary to complete the Constantine and Carol Cassis Center. Everything counts and everything makes a difference.

Saint Spyridon transformed a brick to manifest the faith and protect it from false teachings. The Center needs 75,000 sq. ft. of bricks, over 230,000 of them, plus cement, steel and so much more. Our miracle will protect our youth from false teachings, and keep them safe, to play, to make friends, to learn and to grow well with the Grace of God.

On Sunday, the Rev. Protopresbyter Panagiotis Papanikolaou will offer the relics of Saint Eleftherios for veneration. He is the protector of mothers and the youth. In the sermon, we will speak about his life and contributions as a young Christian. This will be a great learning experience for all our young students. I look forward to seeing you all on Sunday and I wish with all my heart health and blessings to Spyro and Spyridoula, Lefteris, Eleftheria, and Anna who are celebrating this week.

Χρόνια πολλά στους εορτάζοντες και ο Άγιος Σπυρίδων να μας χαριτώσει ώστε να ολοκληρωθεί το Κοινοτικό Κέντρο "Κωνσταντίνου και Κυριακής Κασσιμάτη" σύντομα, με επιτυχία, και με πολλά χαμόγελα μέσα στις αίθουσές του!

The Gift that Keeps Giving

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

This is the time of the year that we are stressed to find the perfect gift for our loved ones. Will it be a sound system, a coat, a toy, or something for the house?

This Christmas, we have an opportunity to give our families a present that will keep on giving. By donating towards the completion of the Constantine and Carol Cassis Center, we give our senior citizens a space to meet with their friends, celebrate their faith and heritage, and escape the confines of loneliness and boredom.

By donating towards the completion of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Gymnasium, we give our families a space to exercise, turn off their devices, and have social interactions instead of social media interactions. Our basketball, volleyball, and soccer teams can practice. Our Little Angels, HOPE, JOY, Jr. GOYA, GOYA, and YAL can play, meet their friends, and make new friends.

By donating towards the completion of the Rev. Nikiforos Fakinos Hellenic School, we preserve our heritage, our language, our history, and our God-given faith. The precious Orthodox faith that will be taught at the David and Georgia Pereira Church School, with emphasis on teaching our youth values, moral principles, and instilling hard-work ethic and commitment to achieve their goals in life.

By donating towards the completion of the Eleni Cassimatis Kafeneio, we provide a space for all our Community’s members to come and taste scrumptious pastries with Greek coffee, enjoy a Bible Study and an Orthodox faith discussion, spend time with their friends and play games in the Game Room.

By donating towards the completion of the Evangelia Boultadakis Clergy Office, you ensure that all couples meet their priest before their wedding or the baptism of their child and receive much needed spiritual direction on the path of life.

By donating towards the completion of the Paul Pavlou Community Office, you help children stricken with leukemia and ensure the safekeeping of Church records and resources.

This is indeed a Christmas present for everyone you love, for all generations, and of higher spiritual, philanthropic, and educational value of any gift from the Mall. This Christmas, give the gift that keeps giving!

Namedays of the Week

Today, we celebrate Saint Nicholas of Myra, the Wonderworker, and we wish a happy nameday to everyone who celebrates in the Parish, to Niko and Nikoletta.  We extend special wishes to Mr. Nikos Poulikidis, Parish Council President, who is tireless, committed and always present to the Parish events and festivities, from the youth programs, all the way to the services, the fundraisers and all other programs. He is a true inspiration of a young volunteer and leader who dedicates his time, talents and treasures for the faith.

We wish wholeheartedly to our Parish Council Vice President Mr. Nikos Stathopoulos, who is an motivation to all volunteers and never ceases to amaze us with his contributions for the Church; as the head of the fundraising committee for the new edifice, and as a Church benefactor, Mr. Stathopoulos is the epitome of Christian ethos and dedication.

And he has found the perfect co-benefactor to ensure that our Constantine and Carol Cassis Center is completed on time, without unnecessary delays and with grand gifts by major donors from outside the Community: Mr. Nick Boultadakis. Mr. Nick Boultadakis, the sponsor of our Saint Eleftherios Chapel and dozens of major events and fundraisers for the Parish, has motivated us to become givers, not takers, to reach into our hearts and contribute for worthy causes. On a daily basis, he calls me to check on the progress of the project and to see how he can help to make sure our kids fill its spaces with their laughter and joy for the years to come.

To Niko, Niko and Niko, we say Χρόνια Πολλά and best wishes for health and happiness. We are grateful for all that you do for the Church. Thank you!

We wish to everyone who celebrates today, Niko, Niki, Nick and Nikoletta (this email sounds dangerously familiar to the Big Fat Greek Wedding) and we also have many important namedays this week. Yesterday, Saint Savvas the Sanctified; on Wednesday, Saint Barbara the Great Martyr. This coming Monday, Saint Anna; then, next Thursday Saint Spyridon. Happy nameday to all who celebrate these days. Χρόνια Πολλά και ευλογημένα!!!

On Sunday, we have the School Christmas Party, with music, lunch, Christmas carols and dancing. There, we may see all our friends and celebrate with them. Also, next Sunday, December 15th, we celebrate our Chapel of Saint Eleftherios. We will have breakfast and we will speak about the exceptional inspiration of our 2nd Patron Saint, a young Martyr of the Church, Saint Eleftherios.

The Rev. Nikiforos Fakinos Hellenic School Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony

During the entire week, the teachers, the students, and the PTA of the Rev. Nikiforos Fakinos Hellenic School had the Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony at 6:30 pm; the event started on Tuesday, December 3rd and before the Vespers of Saint Barbara the Great Martyr. The students performed Greek Christmas songs, and the PTA offered hot chocolate and sweets to all parents and students present.

The front of the School has been transformed to a Winter Wonderland with Christmas sights and sounds. The Ceremony will be repeated on Friday evening at 6:30 pm, and the principal, Mrs. Panagiota Perlegis invites parents and students to participate as we all celebrate this holy Advent season preparing for the Metropolis of feasts.

Καλά και ευλογημένα Χριστούγεννα!

Το Ελληνικό Σχολείο "Αιδ. Νικηφόρος Φακίνος" είχε την πρώτη εκδήλωση φωτισμού του Χριστουγεννιάτικου Δέντρου την Τρίτη 3 Δεκεμβρίου πριν τον Εσπερινό της Αγίας Βαρβάρας. Οι μαθητές τραγούδησαν Χριστουγεννιάτικα τραγούδια και ο Σύλλογος Γονέων και Κηδεμόνων προσέφερε ζεστή σοκολάτα και γλυκά στους παρευρισκομένους γονείς και μαθητές.

Το προαύλιο του Σχολείου έχει μεταμορφωθεί σε ένα Χειμερινό Πάρκο με Χριστουγεννιάτικους στολισμούς και μελωδίες. Η εκδήλωση θα επαναληφθεί κάθε βράδυ στις 6:30 μ.μ. και η διευθύντρια του Σχολείου κ. Παναγιώτα Περλέγκη προσκαλεί γονείς και μαθητές να συμμετάσχουν καθώς το 40ήμερο των Χριστουγέννων προετοιμαζόμαστε για την Μητρόπολη των εορτών.

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Happy Thanksgiving,

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

I would like to wish you with all my heart a very blessed, joyous, healthy and fun Thanksgiving celebration. This Thanksgiving is special! I am grateful to have our Faith, our Culture, our Church, our Parish family. I am grateful for my beautiful family, my loved ones, including all of you, the beautiful souls I pray for each day. I am grateful for everything God has given us, many bequests of His inheritance, many blessings, that I cannot even count.

In addition to those phenomenal treasures, spiritual and blessed God-given gifts, let me also say thanks for some less recognized gifts I chose to enjoy each day:

1)    Caller ID. The younger generation doesn't appreciate how great a feature Caller ID is. Before it was invented, I answered the phone, without any idea who is calling. I had the privilege to speak to quite a few Nigerian princes, desperate to move their diamonds and gold to NY. They only needed my full name, social security number, mailing address and date of birth to make it happen. When they finally forward the 10% they promised, we can complete the construction of the Center. Still waiting...

2)    My music Playlists. There was a time, not too long ago, when we had to store the music in cassettes, or discs, or 8 tracks, or vinyl records. Purists will insist they sounded much better. They didn't. And for a serious music lover, half the living room was filled with them. And there was no space for much else. Plus, someone would always misplace them in the wrong case, or put them next to the heater, or break them. Believe me, it's so much easier now. Music has gotten much worse, but it's so much easier to listen to it. And, in all honesty, some of the singers who are now "popular" would not even make the cut into the 20 best in the 80s. So, I choose to use 21st century technology to listen to music from previous centuries (from our blessed Byzantine chants, all the way to my beloved 80s tracks). Thankful for that!

3)    Books. I am glad they still exist. Unlike music (technology is definitely a huge advantage for music listeners), I prefer a hard copy of a book to read. It doesn't hurt my eyes, it feels great to hold, you don't need to be on the grid or next to a power source to read, and, especially for the Bible and books of the Church Fathers or Saints, it's a sacred item, one that we treat with much respect and even veneration.

4)    The good chair. Each house has at least one. After an exhausting soccer game, or, even worse, a visit to the Mall, it's the place to be. Especially combined with #2 and #3, good music and a great book, I am glad we have the good chair. When it's too early to sleep and too late to roam aimlessly around the house, don't fight the urge. The good chair is waiting.

5)    Home-cooked meals. Coming home, to open the door and it smells like heaven. The brain sends signals. Could it be Greek, American, Italian, Mexican, or Asian cuisine? The whole world fits into the kitchen with a home-cooked meal. And after dinner, it feels like the whole world fits into the belly. Grateful for the delicious meals by presvytera, filled with love (it is the most important ingredient), sprinkled with laughter, never interrupted by phone calls (thank you caller ID), beautified by music (there is a playlist for every occasion), enriched by amazing cookbooks (presvytera should definitely publish one) and enjoyed on the good (dining room) chair.

Indeed, many reasons to be thankful. Happy Thanksgiving!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


This week, we celebrate the memory of two Saints who exemplified the virtues of our Christian faith: Saint Catherine and Saint Nikon. Saint Catherine was a princess, yet she loved a King who was crowned with thorns, the Bridegroom of the Church Jesus. Her love for Christ was superior to the desire of human glory and wealth; for this reason, her memory is eternally venerated and celebrated, proclaiming to all of us an example of Christian character and holiness. We also celebrate the memory of Saint Nikon, who taught people to repent. His life is a manifestation of the fact that this life is temporary, but the Kingdom of God lasts forever. Therefore, we should strive to save our souls through repentance. Saint Nikon expressed his love for God with personal sacrifices, he loved God more than wealth and vanity; this is how he earned the eternal glory of the Kingdom of Heaven.

The faithful of this Community have proven their love for God again and again. Our continuous support and work for the vineyard of Christ secures the future of the Community, so that the coming generations may be illumined by the ideals and the principles of Orthodoxy and Hellenism. We can all help. Our good words and our good works are the instruments of progress in the Parish. This way, we may not just be called Christians, but also live and act as Christians!

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


Αυτή την εβδομάδα εορτάζουμε δύο Αγίους που έκαναν αυτή τη διδαχή του Κυρίου μας πράξη και πραγματικότητα.  Η Αγία Αικατερίνα, στις 25 Νοεμβρίου, πριγκήπισσα στην καταγωγή και στη μόρφωση, αλλά και δοσμένη παντοτινά στον Βασιλέα του λαού του Θεού, στον αγκανθοστεφανωμένο Νυμφίο Χριστό.  Δεν αγάπησε ούτε την κοσμική δόξα ούτε τα πλούτη της περισσότερο από τον Χριστό και για αυτό η μνήμη της τιμάται αιώνια.  Στις 26 του μήνα εορτάζουμε την θεία μνήμη του Οσίου Νίκωνος του «Μετανοείτε». Ο βίος του αποτελεί επίσης δυναμική υπενθύμιση ότι η ζωή είναι παροδική, ο Παράδεισος μόνο είναι αιώνιος.  Όλοι μας είμαστε διαβάτες, περαστικοί και οδοιπόροι του βίου, και –πρέπει να- προετοιμαζόμαστε για τον Παράδεισο.  Η μετάνοια είναι το κλειδί του Παραδείσου, η αρετή που μας γεμίζει για αγάπη για το Θεό.

Το πιστό πλήρωμα της ιεράς μας Κοινότητος έχει αποδείξει και καλείται να συνεχίσει να αποδεικνύει ότι αγαπούμε τον Θεό και ότι εργαζόμαστε για το καλό της Εκκλησίας Του.  Το μέλλον της Εκκλησίας είναι και το μέλλον των παιδιών μας, το περιβάλλον στο οποίο θα καμαρώσουμε γεννεές και γεννεές αξίων και αγίων Χριστιανών.  Εμείς έχουμε την ευθύνη να συνεχίσουμε στην οδό της προόδου. Ο καλύτερος τρόπος για να ολοκληρωθούν αυτά τα έργα είναι ο ενθουσιασμός και ο οραματισμός όλων μας.  Η καλή κουβέντα του κάθε πιστού αποδεικνύει το πόσο αγαπούμε την Κοινότητα.  Όταν κάποιος μιλάει με ενθουσιασμό και καλωσύνη για την Κοινότητα και τα έργα της, αυτό δείχνει αγάπη.  Κανένας δεν λέει άσχημα λόγια για την οικογένειά του στον κόσμο.  Έτσι κι εμείς, πρέπει να εκτιμούμε την Κοινότητα ως πνευματική μας οικογένεια.

Είναι όμορφο να βλέπει ο πατέρας τα παιδιά του αγαπημένα, μονιασμένα και εργατικά.  Είναι ευλογία να μας βλέπει ο Θεός πάντοτε μονιασμένους και αγαπημένους, να εργαζόμαστε για την Εκκλησία Του.  Ανταποκρινόμενοι στην πρόσκληση και στην πρόκληση του Κυρίου από το σημερινό Ευαγγέλιο, καλούμαστε να εργαστούμε και να  συνεργαστούμε κι εμείς ως μία Χριστιανική οικογένεια, ώστε να είμαστε Χριστιανοί όχι μόνο στο όνομα, αλλά και στη συνείδηση, και στην πράξη και στη ζωή μας!

+Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος

My beloved in the Lord:

This week’s news:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

This Sunday, our Little Angels will host a delicious breakfast together with the Demetria 2024 Celebrations, with live music, dancing, arts and performances for your entertainment. You are all invited to enjoy this beautiful program immediately after the Divine Liturgy in our Church Hall. There will be games, arts and crafts for the children and all our Little Angels are welcome to come and enjoy a beautiful time. The KANARIS dance group will perform dances for our guests and there will be an art exhibition as well.

After the service, I will also speak to the children of our Church School regarding significant topics of our faith. This week, I had the joy to see our Golden Years, our Little Angels, our HOPE, JOY, Jr. GOYA and GOYA (who received their Executive Board affirmation and hosted a bake sale last Sunday) and our Greek School students. We have an amazing community and the youth inspires us all to work hard and provide them everything necessary to cherish our faith and culture. We played sports with the teams, we enjoyed an amazing altar servers’ retreat on elections’ day, we played football, basketball and we even had a great practice with our volleyball teams yesterday. Adding the soccer games with the Young Adults and all other appointments and meetings, I will probably lose 5 lb.s by the end of the week (much needed).

You all give me the energy to commit sermons, attention and pastoral care for the youth. I can only imagine how everything will be next year, with the grace of God, when our Constantine and Carol Cassis Center is fully erected. We are very close to our goal; we need to collect the remaining pledges and also we kindly ask the 100 families who have not yet pledged and contributed to do so. This is for all our children and grandchildren. All future generations. Every week, we spend tens of thousands, certain weeks hundreds of thousands, of dollars for the building. Soon, we are placing the order for the windows, for about $130,000. The HVAC is even more, plus we just paid more than half a million for the steel. We need to collect this last portion so that the building is completed by next Fall and paid off. It is up to every single one of us!

On this note, we had a phenomenal pledge recently by one of the most prestigious and well- known Foundations worldwide. It is with exceptional jubilation and prodigious honor that the Greek Orthodox Community of Saint Demetrios in Merrick, New York, announces that the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) awarded a significant grant in the amount of $500,000 toward the capital campaign to build the Constantine and Carol Cassis Cultural Center adjacent to the magnificent Saint Demetrios Church. In recognition of the grant, the athletic facilities at the Cultural Center will be named the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) Gymnasium.

          SNF, an international grantmaking organization, aims to build a better world for all, guided by a broad-by-design mission that encompasses program areas of Arts & Culture, Education, Health & Sports, and Social Welfare and a belief that everyone should have access to life’s essentials in these areas. Therefore, the SNF Gymnasium in Merrick will serve the aforementioned ideals, inspired by the Olympic principles, cultivating the ethos of athletic prowess and collaboration, as well as investing in the health, spiritual, and social benefits of exercise and good sportsmanship for all ages.

It is a distinguished privilege to partner with SNF in this phenomenal endeavor of creating one of the most gorgeous, modern and benevolent structures in the South Shore of Long Island. This privilege reflects on the tireless work of the hundreds of contributors, benefactors, volunteers and leaders in the Community. Among them, Ms. Voula Makrinou, a distinguished educator of the Community’s School, became the ambassador of this exceptional new project and set in motion the process that led to the grant. That the project, which strives for financial transparency, architectural excellence, and a community-driven mission, was selected for grant support is a testament to its promise.

The Community of Saint Demetrios in Merrick, including the Rev. Protopresbyters Nikiforos Fakinos and Panagiotis Papanikolaou, the Parish Council President Mr. Nikos Poulikidis, the entire Parish Council, the members of the Building Committee, the teachers including Ms. Voula Makrinou, and all the Parish organizations, would like to express a most heartfelt gratitude to SNF Co-President Mr. Andreas C. Dracopoulos and the entire SNF team for their unwavering commitment to serve the common good, fulfilling the legacy of one of the most inspiring and significant figures from the global Greek community in modern enterprise, Stavros S. Niarchos.

From this day on, thousands of persons of all ages will benefit from the programs, the activities, and the pastoral ministries of the Community. The new space, the SNF Gymnasium, will become a beacon, welcoming persons of all ages to a safe harbor of hope and positivity, engaging in these programs for the generations to come. We are looking forward to the completion of the building, awaiting the moment when many smiles will joyfully decorate it and make it even more beautiful than the already gorgeous architectural renderings suggest. The smiles and the elation of the people are the real reason we are committed to offer our contributions and complete the project sooner than expected and under-budget. We wholeheartedly thank SNF for partnering with us in “building a better world for all!”

These exciting news bring us closer to meeting our budget for the construction. All classrooms and areas of the Center have a sponsor. Only thing left is to fill the wall with all our names for the donors and contributors. Please, donate in time for your Christmas present to your Community, a present that comes back to benefit your family and all future generations. We have so many worthy events and organizations which participate in the programs that will be under the roof of the Center. The GOYA Executive Board affirmation, frape, and bake sale took place on Sunday, November 3rd, after the service. I exemplified the contribution of our youth, stating:

"As offices of the GOYA Executive Board, you are now part of Church leadership. You are commissioned to take initiatives and work together in a perfect synergy for the progress of the Parish and the amazing youth programs.

You are all exceptional Honors students, involved in a plethora of extra curriculum activities and with distinguished talents. You have well surpassed the amount of community service hours required by your High School and for your College applications, yet you comit your time to be a volunteer. What you have been doing additionally is because of your faith and good heart.

Volunteering for the Patriarchal institutions, the Ronald McDonald House, Saint Basil's Academy, Saint Michael's Old Age Home, serving at the Festival, the Gala, the weekly services and Community Fundraisers, all those additional hours amount to significant contributions that positively impact the lives of others.

As GOYA Executive Board, you are also responsible to organize activities for the youth's spiritual, cultural and academic edification, as well as for athletics and fellowship. You will learn to maintain a budget, promote events, keep inventory, assign duties and communicate with vendors, tasks that should be taught in School, real life skills which you only learn through GOYA. Congratulations to our 2024-25 GOYA Executive Board:

Co-Presidents - Maria DeSabato and Stamatis Kayantas

Co VP ls - Anastasia Perlegis and Brooklyn Scavo

Treasurer - Eleana Gerasimou

Secretary - Demetra Frasiolas

Event coordinators - Ellie Tzaras and Christos Perlegis

Media coordinator - Christina Karadimas”

On Monday, Veterans’ Day, our HOPE, JOY, and Jr, GOYA has been invited to a joint event with the youth of Archangel Michael Church, in Port Washington. Please, contact the advisors for details.

Tonight, there will be no Orthodox Study meeting because of the Vespers at AMC with His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America. Next week, fr. Panagiotis will lead the Orthodox Study discussion while I will deliver the presentation for the Parish Council Candidates Seminar at AMC.

Our General Assembly is on Sunday, November 17th after the service. Come and be informed regarding all the progress for our Constantine and Carol Cassis Center construction. We will also review all aspects of our Parish growth and progress. Our Parish Council will also meet this coming Tuesday, November 12th at 7:30 pm to prepare for the General Assembly.

Do not miss Presvytera’s Thanksgiving Brunch on Sunday, November 24th after the service. Delicious food, music and a great time for all.

St. Barbara's Philoptochos is hosting a "Thanksgiving Pie and other Treats Fundraiser" in conjunction with White Post Farms. For details, please, call Matrona Koutsouras at (516) 567-4077. Pick up date is November 26th.  Also, Philoptochos Christmas Dance Party, December 12th (6:30 – 10:30 pm) at Coral House (70 Milburn Avenue, Baldwin). And the meeting for the sisterhood is next Wednesday, November 13th at 7 pm.

A fun night of OPA-cize (Zumba) on Tuesday, November 19. All are welcome, $10 pp! We are adding a new class: Adult dance lessons, starting November 22 at 7:00 pm in the Church Hall. Please contact Miss Gianna to register: (516) 510-4225. We also offer Greek language lessons for adults on Fridays (7:30 pm) and Byzantine music lessons on Sundays after the service. A month filled with these and many more amazing events and activities. See you in our beautiful Church to pray together and receive the Lord’s blessings in our lives.

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

Our Church is celebrating! Happy and blessed Saint Demetrios weekend! Best wishes to Demetri and Demetra and to our entire Parish family. Χρόνια πολλά! You know that Saint Demetrios loves us, because, we had the most sunshine in these last weeks that I can ever remember for October, exactly at the time of the installation of the steel frame for the Constantine and Carol Cassis Center.

Come to the services of our Saint, and I look forward to make several significant announcements that will make us all exceedingly happy. Saint Demetrios is miraculous, he is a healer, he is a protector of the youth. Come and light your candle, chant his hymn and praise his inspiring example.

Sacred Services and Lectures:

1)    The speech of Geronda Philemon, Dikaios (Abbot) of the Skete of Prophet Elijah in Mount Athos, Thursday, October 24th at 7 pm, in the Church. We thank Mr. George Proios (the General Contractor of our new edifice) and the entire Proios family for arranging the visit of the Geronda to our Parish.

2)    Great Hierarchal Vespers, Saint Demetrios the Great Martyr, His Grace Bishop Nektarios of Diokleia presiding, Friday, October 25th at 7 pm. Reception after the service sponsored by Saint Barbara’s Philoptochos.

3)    Saint Demetrios festive Orthros and Divine Liturgy, Saturday, October 28th, 9 am. Souvlaki luncheon after the service sponsored by the Parish Council.

4)    Memorials on October 26th: Evangelos Papanikolaou (3 years), Georgios Karamouzis (10 months) and Anastasios Karamouzis (9 years). May their memories be eternal.

5)    OXI Day Celebration, Sunday, October 27th, with Orthros at 9 am, followed by Divine Liturgy and the celebratory presentation of our Rev. Nikiforos Fakinos Hellenic School at the conclusion of the service. Tyropita and Spanakopita Sale during Coffee Fellowship.

Youth Events:

1)    Saint Paul's Cathedral Hempstead Volleyball coaches have invited our boys and girls teams to have a get-together with them and the coaches this Tuesday, October 29th at 7:30pm to play volleyball at their gym and hang out.

2)    Altar Servers’ Retreat, AMC, Port Washington, on Tuesday, November 5th (Elections Day) from 9 am – 12 noon. Fr. Nikiforos will be there to present with the other clergy of Nassau County. Have comfortable clothing for the games in the Gym.

3)    YAL Night Out, Panos Kiamos with Eleftheria Eleftheriou (and DJ Pitsi) at Melrose Ballroom, January 24th. Please, speak to our YAL directors for details.

4)    A fun night of OPA-cize on Tuesday, November 19. All are welcome!

5)    November 27th, INTER-GOYA Dance, AMC, Port Washington.

6)    Our amazing Rev. Nikiforos Fakinos Hellenic School will welcome His Grace Bishop Nektarios of Diokleia on Friday at 6:45 pm. Student pick up is from the Church. Please, also support the Fall Fundraiser, which includes giftwrap material, treats, cookies, gifts, pies and more. To order or for assistance, please, contact our Board at

7)    Jr. GOYA, HOPE & JOY Costume Party, Saturday, November 2nd at 6 pm.  Also, HOPE & JOY Fall Fun gathering on Saturday, October 26th (2 – 5 pm). And Scavenger Hunt on November 8th at 7 pm. Do not miss DR. SEUSS’ MAGICAL ADVENTURE on December 27 @ 11 am.

8)    Kanaris Dance Group practices, on the following Saturdays: October 19th, November 9th and 23rd, December 7th and 21st from 10:30 to 11:30 am.

9)    Little Angels is every Thursday (at 11 am), with amazing and creative games and instruction for our little angels.

10)                        Meetings: Friday November 1st  Monday November 4th and Friday November 8th   from the Group "Dimitria" at 7:00pm.

11)                        GOYA: On November 27th, the youth will have an amazing Inter-GOYA party at AMC in Port Washington (7:30 – 11 pm, $25). Our Basketball and our Volleyball practices are continuing with the participation of many young athletes. Ski trip is February 7 – 9, 2025. More information will follow.

Parish Schools - Archdiocesan and Parish Organizations Events:

1)    General Assembly, Sunday, November 17th at the conclusion of the service.

2)    Presvytera’s Thanksgiving Brunch, Sunday, November 24th after the service.

3)    Philoptochos Christmas Dance Party, December 12th (6:30 – 10:30 pm) at Coral House (70 Milburn Avenue, Baldwin).

4)    Nameday Gala for His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros, November 17th at Terrace on the Park (5 pm).

5)    Greek Youth Symphony Orchestra, celebrating the 33rd anniversary since the Enthronement of His All Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew, at Carnegie Hall, Stern Auditorium, on November 3rd at 7:30 pm.

6)    The Rev. Nikiforos Fakinos Greek School, has a fun trunk or treat for our kids (10/29, 10/30, 10/31, 11/01).

7)    Parish Council Seminars in Nassau County, presented by the Rev. Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos at AMC, Port Washington on November 14th, and Saint Paul’s Cathedral on November 15th (6 pm).

8)    Every Thursday, we have our Orthodox Study Meeting at 7 pm. On Thursday, October 31st, we are meeting in the Nave of the Church. The Rev. Protopresbyter Panagiotis Papanikolaou and I will explain the Divine Liturgy and its meaning. Learn the faith, love the faith, live the faith!

9)    Greek Language courses for adults Fridays at 7:30.

10)                        Byzantine Music courses, Sundays after the service.

These are some of the most exceptional opportunities to come together celebrating our faith and our heritage. Especially with the feast of our Church, our spiritual home. Saint Demetrios invites us all to give us his mercy and grace. Happy nameday to our Parish and to everyone who celebrates. Xρόνια πολλά!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

We are enjoying gorgeous weather these days, which is a great gift from God for our construction crew. Moments before I started typing these lines, Parish Council President Nikos Poulikidis and I were looking at scoreboards and retractable bleachers for our Gymnasium to send them to our contractors. Thanks to the great work of Mr. Georgie Proios and our building committee, we were able to save $30,000 from the windows’ cost for the entire Constantine and Carol Cassis Center.

The savings we brought in from the electrical work, the plumbing and the steel frame are already in the six digits margin! All projects, usually, run more expensive than anticipated and we are managing to bring the cost down. We should probably have Niko and George run the country too! Just like Saint Demetrios, there would be no deficit, and people would be glad to contribute, seeing that every penny and dollar is transforming our world to a better place.

Our world will indeed be a better place with the beautiful Constantine and Carol Cassis Center up and running in about a year from today. Mr. Nick Boultadakis spoke about that vision last Sunday in Church. He stated that all major grand benefactors have contributed and all areas of the Center have a sponsor, from the naming rights, to each and every classroom. In less than 8 months, we managed to find our grand benefactors. But we now need to ask all the remaining families, who have pledged or who have not yet contributed, to make up the difference, so that we build the entire project on time and without any delays. It’s up to all of us! The edifice belongs to all of us, and we need to find an area that we will actually help build, a wall, a window, a hallway or anything else.

Mr. Nick Boultadakis mentioned that if each family donates either on a monthly basis (he gave an example of $300 @ month) for the next 10 months, we can raise what is needed to build the structure and open its doors next Fall. He was gracious enough to host hundreds of us for the June 9th Gala and to make his vision a reality, by bringing donations from all his friends, relatives and business acquaintances. We can do the same, a donation to Saint Demetrios is tax deductible, and, best of all, our families, our children and our elderly will cherish these gifts for the generations to come.

Do not underestimate what many of us can do together. Together, we built (and re-built) our Church. Together, we made our School and our Parish ministries so amazing. And now, TOGETHER, WE BUILD! We build our new edifice, on the foundation of our faith, our ideals, our culture and our love for the Community. We build our future, in gratitude for our history, our past and our present, which is a gift from God.


Was Christopher Colombus Greek?

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

As I am typing these lines, the steel frame of the Constantine and Carol Cassis Center is being installed. We were supposed to begin installation on October 15th, but our amazing construction team has again pulled another miracle and we are ahead of schedule by a week. When you come on Sunday, you will see the actual shape of the new edifice. We will marvel at its dimensions, the size being necessitated by the need to allow enough space for an NCAA Basketball court size, the large classrooms to accommodate the many students and all these beautiful babies who will enter our School system in a few years, the Kafeneio (for all ages, young and young at heart), the offices and all the pertinent spaces. But without you, these walls would be just piles of brick and cement. It’s our laughter and the joy of our children that will give purpose and meaning to the beautiful Center.

On Sunday, October 13th, we celebrate the nameday of our beautiful Presvytera Chrissy, who is the fuel that keeps me energized and committed to the purpose we both serve in the Church. We will wish her χρόνια πολλά, a happy, blessed and most unforgettable nameday; her present will be to see you all in Church and to celebrate her Saint together.

Also, this Sunday, we welcome Congressman Anthony D’Esposito, a friend and avid supporter of our Parish and the new project. The congressman gave a very generous donation towards the completion of the structure at the June 9th Gala, and spoke very enthusiastically about the exceptional work of our volunteers and Parish members. He has been impressed by our commitment and our hard work; it is admirable to have the Mr. D’Esposito attend all our significant events, the Ground Breaking ceremony, the Gala, many services and Festivals, and we look forward to welcoming him to express our appreciation for his support and for his generosity.

Our beautiful Rev. Nikiforos Fakinos Hellenic School will be part of this structure and I am already impressed with the phenomenal work of our teachers and staff for the cultural enrichment of our youth. Last Saturday’s, “Back to School Glendi” was tremendous fun and all week I have been pleasantly impressed with the Pumpkin decorations of our students. Please, also support the Fall Fundraiser, which includes giftwrap material, treats, cookies, gifts, pies and more. To order or for assistance, please, contact our Board at

Every Thursday, we have our Orthodox Study Meeting at 7 pm. Participation has been excellent and it is a beautiful way to deepen our understanding of the faith. Learn the faith, love the faith, live the faith!

Last week, I was the presenter at the radio program «Ραδιοφωνικός Ἄμβωνας» of HellasFM. If you missed the live broadcast, feel free to listen through Facebook at:

Today, Friday, October 11th, we have our first Jr. GOYA Meet and Greet at 7:30 pm, for children ages 10-12 years. Meet our new advisors and see the schedule of activities, as we launch this exciting new ministry for this specific age group of our youth. We will have a Scavenger Hunt during the event.

Little Angels is every Thursday (at 11 am), and yesterday I was impressed with the number of children in attendance and the beautiful, education and fun activities for the little angels of the Parish.

GOYA Pumpkins and Pizza at the Church Hall, Thursday, October 17th at 7 pm. The youth has a wonderful opportunity to help the All Saints Monastery with their Fall clean-up on November 9th. Please, contact the advisors for details. On October 18th, the youth will have an amazing Inter-GOYA party at Saint Demetrios in Jamaica. Our Basketball and our Volleyball practices have started this week, with the participation of many young athletes.

I wish you all a happy Colombus day. You all know that Christopher Colombus was Greek, his real name is Christos Kolovos, from Chios, and a story like that has to be true. Only a Greek would look for India, get lost, not ask for directions, and then happily name all the tribes he finds “Indian” (Greek men can never be wrong).

But even if he is not a Chiotis, we are certainly grateful to him for finding this amazing land, the land of the free, where everyone can open a restaurant, build a Church, or start a School, and teach the children that Colombus was from his island, and probably a koumparo of his great-great pappou. A story like that HAS TO BE TRUE!

Happy Colombus day and see you all on Sunday, so you can actually pray, listen to the Bible and hear the TRUTH!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Saint Demetrios Church: Where All News Are Good News!

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

In the last 2 weeks, we blessed 11 babies in our Church services. An entire soccer team became the newest and most innocent members of our Parish family and we welcome them with much love. For them and for the hundreds of children, young adults, adults and seniors in the Parish, we are building the Constantine and Carol Cassis Center, adjacent to the Church, the two buildings combined to become, arguably, the most beautiful edifice in Merrick and one of the most recognizable, artistically intricate and gorgeous one in Long Island. Thanks to the 11 babies mentioned above and all our children and families, these buildings will be filled with smiles and wisdom, with spirituality and philanthropy, with culture and faith.

We have a little more than 12 months to complete our goal. We are doing this together, with every single family contributing what we can and sacrificing to create this roof under which we will enjoy many blessings for the generations to come. We had 2 Church renovations in the past, both built under budget and in record time. We are committed to even better results now with the new structure. When all projects are raising their costs, we have managed to reduce ours, while elevating the quality and the building parameters. Tomorrow, the steel frame structure materials are being delivered; we will see the actual skeleton of the project within the next few weeks and we will all be amazed.

Our beautiful Rev. Nikiforos Fakinos Hellenic School will be part of this structure and I am already impressed with the phenomenal work of our teachers and staff for the cultural enrichment of our youth. This Saturday, October 5th, the Board, the PTA, the principal, the teachers and all volunteers of our School invite us for an exciting “Back to School Glendi” at 6 pm. All proceeds will assist our educational programs; music, dancing and dinner will be offered for just $10 (adults) or $5 (children). Little Angels, HOPE, JOY, Jr. GOYA and GOYA are welcome to the party. Please, also support the School’s Pumkin Sale from October 8th - 11th and the Fall Fundraiser, which includes giftwrap material, treats, cookies, gifts, pies and more. To order or for assistance, please, contact our Board at

Tomorrow, Thursday, October 3rd, we have our Orthodox Study Meeting at 7 pm, with light dinner generously offered by Mrs. Elaine Cassimatis. The Rev. Protopresbyter Panagiotis Papanikolaou will present the topic of the discussion and I would like to invite you all to participate. Learn the faith, love the faith, live the faith!

Tomorrow, Thursday, I will be honored to be the presenter at the radio program «Ραδιοφωνικός Ἄμβωνας» of HellasFM. The program will begin at 12 noon and will last about one hour. If you would like to tune in, please, visit the website of the radio-station:

On Sunday, October 6th, we are honored to welcome Senator Steve Rhodes during the morning service; the Senator will be available to meet and speak with our congregation. We are excited to show him the progress of our project and to showcase the exceptional contribution of our Parish members in the spiritual education, philanthropy and social work in the South Shore of Long Island.

On Friday, October 11th, we have our first Jr. GOYA Meet and Greet at 7:30 pm, for children ages 10-12 years. Meet our new advisors and see the schedule of activities, as we launch this exciting new ministry for this specific age group of our youth. Little Angels will resume on October 10th (at 11 am), since tomorrow they do not have their regular weekly activities.

GOYA Pumpkins and Pizza at the Church Hall, Thursday, October 17th at 7 pm. The youth has a wonderful opportunity to help the All Saints Monastery with their Fall clean-up on November 9th. Please, contact the advisors for details. On October 18th, the youth will have an amazing Inter-GOYA party at Saint Demetrios in Jamaica. We also had our initial meeting and registration, our Basketball meeting (with a total of 9 teams this year!!!) and our Archdiocesan Volleyball Championship meeting with the participation of all coaches in the area.

Golden Years had their lunch yesterday, with great participation. We also visited Holy Protection Monastery in Pennsylvania last Saturday, with a bus donated by two Parish Council members, Patricia Boultadakis and George Menegatos. It was a wonderful experience.

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Τι θα συνέβαινε αν το κακό κυβερνούσε τον κόσμο

Τι θα συνέβαινε αν το κακό κυβερνούσε τον κόσμο; Πρώτον, θα υπήρχε έξαρση σε πολέμους και συγκρούσεις, έτσι ώστε οι άνθρωποι να γίνονται απαθείς απέναντι στον ανθρώπινο πόνο και τις σκληρότητες. Ακόμα κι αν όλοι γνώριζαν ότι υπάρχει άπληστη κερδοφορία από την τραγωδία των πολέμων, η προπαγάνδα θα ήταν τόσο ισχυρή που κανείς δεν θα μπορούσε να μιλήσει.

Αν το κακό κυβερνούσε τον κόσμο, η ανθρώπινη αξιοπρέπεια θα εξαλειφόταν. Θα μάθαιναν στα παιδιά «είναι εντάξει να είσαι κακός. Το να είσαι καλός είναι βαρετό». Βλέπετε, αν στερήσουν από τα παιδιά την αθωότητά τους, είναι πιο εύκολο να τα χειραγωγήσουν και να τα οδηγήσουν στην ανηθικότητα.

Εάν το κακό κυβερνούσε τον κόσμο, θα ήταν εντάξει για τους ανθρώπους να χρησιμοποιούν παράνομες ουσίες, να καταναλώνουν ανθυγιεινά και καρκινογόνα προϊόντα και να ακρωτηριάζουν το σώμα τους. Αλλά η Θεία Κοινωνία ή η από κοινού προσευχή στην Εκκλησία θα καταγγέλονταν ως δημόσιος κίνδυνος για την υγεία.

Αν το κακό κυβερνούσε τον κόσμο, η νοοτροπία των πολλών θα ήταν εγωκεντρική, όχι Χριστοκεντρική. Οι κήρυκες του κακού θα φανέρωναν ότι «είναι οι ίδιοι θεοί» και ότι όλα τους ανήκουν. Βλέπετε, αν δεν μας δημιούργησε ο Θεός, είναι πιο εύκολο να καταστραφούμε και να σκοτωθούμε. Αν το σώμα δεν είναι άγιο, δεν είναι δικό Του, τότε είναι «δικό μου», και μπορώ να κάνω ό,τι θέλω, προς την αμαρτία, τη διαφθορά ακόμη και τον θάνατο.

Αν το κακό κυβερνούσε τον κόσμο, όλες οι κοσμικές δραστηριότητες θα είχαν ανώτερη προτεραιότητα, πάνω ακόμα και από την πίστη και τον Θεό. Οι εκδηλώσεις θα προγραμματίζονταν την Κυριακή το πρωί και ο κόσμος θα συμμορφωνόταν ευχαρίστως. Οι Χριστιανοί θα διώκονταν σε όλο τον κόσμο και δεν θα υπήρχε τίποτα στις ειδήσεις σχετικά με αυτό. Δεν θα υπήρχαν ρεπορτάζ για αποκεφαλισμούς, δημόσιες εκτελέσεις, καταστροφές Εκκλησιών και αρχαίων μοναστηριών.

Εάν το κακό κυβερνούσε τον κόσμο, οι διασημότητες και η «ελίτ» θα έκαναν τις πιο αποκρουστικές πράξεις και οι άνθρωποι θα εξακολουθούσαν να τους ακούνε και να τους ακολουθούν στα τυφλά. Οι ηγέτες θα ήταν ανήθικοι και οι άνθρωποι θα συνέχιζαν να τους ψήφιζαν ως ανίδεοι οπαδοί.

Αν το κακό κυβερνούσε τον κόσμο, οι άνθρωποι δεν θα ήξεραν πώς να συγχωρούν, πώς να προσεύχονται και πώς να αγαπούν.

Αν το κακό κυβερνούσε τον κόσμο… Αν;;;

Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος  Νικηφόρος Φακίνος  

What Would Happen If Evil Ruled the World

What would happen if evil ruled the world? First, evil would normalize wars and conflicts, so that people would become apathetic to human suffering and cruelties. Even if everyone knew that there are people who make a profit from the tragedy of wars, the propaganda would be so powerful that nobody would be able to speak up.

If evil ruled the world, human dignity would be eliminated. They would teach children “it’s ok to be bad; being good is boring.” You see, if they deprive children of their innocence, it is easier to manipulate them and demoralize them.

If evil ruled the world, it would be ok for people to use illicit substances, consume unhealthy and cancerogenic products and mutilate their bodies. But receiving Communion or praying together in Church would be proclaimed a health hazard.

If evil ruled the world, the narrative would be ego-centric, not Christ-centered. The preachers of evil would manifest that “they are their own gods” and that everything belongs to them. You see, if God did not create us, it is easier to be destroyed and killed. If the body is not holy, it is not His, it is “mine”, and I can do anything I want, unto sin, corruption and death.

If evil ruled the world all secular activities would be a higher priority above faith and God. Events would be scheduled on Sunday morning and people would gladly comply. Christians would be persecuted around the globe and there would be nothing in the news about it. No reports about beheadings, public executions, destruction of Churches and ancient monasteries.

If evil ruled the world, celebrities would perform the most repulsive acts, and people would still listen to them and even follow them blindly. Leaders would be immoral and people would still vote for them.

If evil ruled the world, people would not know how to forgive, how to pray and how to love.

If evil ruled the world… If???

Protopresbyter Nikiforos FakinosWhat an Unforgettable Week!

Dear Friends and Supporters of our beautiful Church,

I would like to express our collective gratitude to Ms. Elaine Cassimatis for the beautiful surprise that she gave us last Sunday; personally, I feel honored and blessed to receive such a great gift. For the years to come and for all future generations, her mark will remain on this Parish. Her example will always be cherished by the thousands of people who will enter the gorgeous Church of Saint Demetrios to marvel at the magnificent chandeliers she donated and the splendor of the icons she sponsored.

And then, the faithful will move next door to the Constantine and Carol Cassis Center, named after her amazing parents of blessed memory, who were also great philanthropists and made a positive impact serving the Church and their fellow neighbor. The Constantine and Carol Cassis Center will open its doors with the grace of the Lord and, thanks to everyone’s committed efforts, it will welcome all ages, all Parish members, from the youngest to the oldest.

Ms. Elaine Cassimatis gave us the initial push, and she also contributed for two additional, very significant, parts of the edifice. On the one side, the South side of the building, the Eleni Cassimatis Kafeneio, a Greek style coffee shop, welcoming all ages to come and share beautiful fellowship, making new friends and sharing together what we love. And just next to the Eleni Cassimatis Kafeneio, the Rev. Nikiforos Fakinos Hellenic School, which is also donated by Ms. Elaine.

As a great benefactor of the Community, she inspires us all to commit our efforts and gifts for what is greater than any single individual person: our faith! Our Saints gave their lives for the faith. We teach our children to live by the principles of the faith. We make sacrifices, small ones (like fasting), and great ones (like a large donation, volunteering, manifesting the Gospel etc.). I feel great contrition and honor to receive such a distinction from Elaine and from all of you last Sunday. Together, we will keep working with all our talents and gifts in order to keep the progress of the Parish and ensure that our children receive proper spiritual instruction, learn their heritage and honor the faith which makes us proud to be Orthodox.

On this note, I would like to ask every single family to help this cause: we only have the remainder balance to cover in order to ensure that the new edifice opens its doors in the year 2025. We need every family to be part of this great blessing; we may donate a wall, a door, a few windows, anything we can. Almost 300 families already placed their gift, please, do not stop now that we are approaching the finish line. This is a great lesson in sacrifice and commitment. I look forward to seeing you in Church (look below at how many amazing events and activities we have scheduled for all ages); it was beautiful seeing many of you during the blessing of the students, the Little Angels, GOYA, HOPE, JOY and Jr. GOYA this week, and I cannot wait to see all the children enter the new edifice in about 12 months from today. It is up to all of us to make it happen!  

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


Do you like surprises? I love surprises, and I do not know who doesn’t. This Sunday, September 15th, we have a surprise for the entire Parish, a day we will never forget. For me, as your priest, it is one of the most prestigious and exceptional moments, and I wish to share it with all of you, my beautiful Parish family.

At the conclusion of the service, I would like to invite all of you to receive something that, I believe, we will all cherish for the years to come. It is a gift from one of our most kind, loving and beautiful Parish members. After the Church, our Church School and our Greek School (together with the Parish Council) invite you all for a delicious breakfast, better than any resort or hotel you visited during summer vacation.  And then… well the rest is all part of the surprise!


Yesterday, we had a sorrowful commemoration for one of the most horrid events on American soil, the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001. We have lost members of our Parish family on that day, many friends and thousands of unsuspecting and innocent Americans, who went to work, only to never come back. Fanaticism and hatred fuel all conflicts; especially this year, with the ongoing conflicts around the globe and the extremist rhetoric that motivates hateful behavior, we have more reasons to pray for peace and to manifest our faith. We pray for the souls of those who passed away on that dreadful day, and for their families, who still mourn them.

I would like to include the message of His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America, from yesterday’s memorial on the very site of those atrocious attacks, where we have now one of the most recognizable Churches in the world, Saint Nicholas Shrine in Ground Zero:

“We may come from different traditions and different life experiences, but we all share a common love and respect for sanctity of human life. And what was taken from families, friends, and truly – from the soul of our Nation on 9/11 – can never be replaced or superseded.

But we can remember. We can renew our spiritual ties with those whose loss still creates a deep void in our hearts. We can re-connect in love to those we lost – through prayer, through memory, through sharing stories and filling those blank pages on family albums with reminders of what was best in them. For what was best in them, will always remain part of the best of us.” His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America on September 11, 2024


On Saturday, September 14th, we celebrate the Universal Exaltation of the Holy Cross. Christ asks us to deny ourselves, pick up our Crosses and follow Him.  Our Christian vocation requires sacrifices and personal endeavor.  Christ Himself became the example of self-denial and sacrificial love on the Cross.  The Lord was crucified because He pointed out the hypocrisy of the people who take advantage of other human beings. In our age, there are people who also suffer because of the hypocritical ways of modern-day Pharisees.  Drugs, wars, crimes, moral corruption, hunger and diseases are some of the evils that afflict the lives of millions in the planet.  What is our responsibility, to be indifferent, or to minister to the needs of others?

As we prepare for the Elevation of the Holy Cross, and every day, we are all asked to pick up our crosses, to endure our personal sacrifices and to offer our service to the Lord to the suffering brothers and sisters in Christ.  When others hurt us, we should forgive.  When they persecute us, we should bless.  When they judge us, we should love.  When they harm us, we should serve.  And when we are “crucified,” then we may Rise!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message from September 3, 2024:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

As I am typing these lines, I look from the office window admiring the dynamic volunteers of the Parish, who are all coming together to prepare the programs of the new Church and School year. The principal of our School, Mrs. Panagiota Perlegis, just planted beautiful flowers, and she decorated the entrance of the School with festive flags and banners to welcome the students into their spiritual home. At the same time, our Parish Council President, Nikos Poulikidis, is arriving for our meeting with the architects, the engineers, the contractors and several of the sub-contractors for the continuation of the amazing construction of the Constantine and Carol Cassis Center.

All inspections were granted the green light and we are progressing with the project on a very good pace. On Friday, we have meetings with prospective donors to raise the necessary funds towards the completion of the project. Every single member of our Parish Council is appointed to be part of the fundraising committee. We have only one year until the completion of the project, which also means that we only have only one year to raise the remainder of the funds. This is a historic and a very exciting time, we are blessed to contribute and sacrifice for the new edifice, where all of our Parish ministries will be taking in the very near future.

This Sunday, September 8th, is Parish Ministries Day. You may come to the Church Hall after the service and register for all Parish organizations that are of interest for you. On that day, we will have continuing Church School registration, Little Angels, HOPE, JOY, GOYA, Athletics, Golden Years, Greek School PTA and YAL, the Adult Greek Language Classes, and the Byzantine Music Classes registrations, with booths in our Church Hall and our volunteers ready to assist you and your families. We will have a delicious breakfast sponsored by the Parish organizations after the service. The new additions to the arsenal of ministries for the Church will be the Greek Language courses for adults, taught by Mrs. Panagiota Perlegis every Friday at 7:30 pm and open to all interested members of our Parish family, as well as the Byzantine Music classes, offered by Mr. Alexandros Avgeris (M.Div.) on Sundays after the service. We will add several seminars and special courses, such as Greek Cuisine classes, baking meetings, as well as marriage prosforo and koliva seminars. And our Orthodox Study meetings will resume on Thursday, October 3rd at 7 pm, and every Thursday from then on.

Although this is the last school year during which the current School building is going to be used for the Church and the Greek School, our dynamic volunteers ensured that it is fully renovated and prepared for classes. AlCon and the Proios family prepared the grounds, donated the disinfection, the maintenance, the installation of the new carpets, and everything that had to do with the painting and upkeep of the edifice.

Our new principal, kyria Panagiota Perlegis, and her family, donated the carpets, the flowers, the wall art, the educational material, the decorations, the IT equipment, the computers, the printer, and the new baseboard covers. The Pragias family donated all the tablets and the pertinent equipment, and the Liagas family donated the new signs. The Archdiocese forwarded the new Smart Boards, donated thanks to the generosity of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation; our Board with Phil Tzaras and Tom Zervas installed them. Parish Council President Nikos Poulikidis and Alfa Windows, together with Brothers Alluminum and the Boultadakis family, donated the new siding and roof repairs. Bathrooms were redone, closets were organized, and every classroom is ready to welcome our amazing students.

It is with mixed emotions that we are preparing for the last school year of our existing edifice. Over the past 4 decades, thousands of students have learned our language, history, and faith, and they have gained appreciation for our heritage there. We have been blessed with the most exceptional educators, phenomenal teachers who have dedicated their lives for Hellenism and Orthodoxy.

We are now incorporating the most modern and effective didactic methodology, in collaboration with curriculum and teaching material developed in conjunction with academic centers dedicated to bi-lingual learning and the instruction of Greek as a second language. Thus, we are preparing for an exceptional year, and we will witness the building of our state-of-the-art, brand new Constantine and Carol Cassis Center, and the new Educational Wing. Indeed we pray that this will be a good new school year: καλή νέα σχολική χρονιά!

On Saturday, September 21st, we have our Church School and youth outing to upstate New York, to the breathtaking Saint Basil’s Academy. The youth can enjoy BBQ, sports (soccer, basketball, swimming), hiking, and many games (carnival style games with inflatables and many more). To get there, please, use your own transportation, or carpool with your friends. The address of the Academy is 79 St Basil's Rd, Garrison, NY 10524 and the activities begin at 11 am. Please, use your own transportation or carpool to get there. Can’t wait to see all our youth organizations there!

Greek School has started the registration process, please, register your children as soon as possible to avoid late class selection or additional late fees and charges. The program this year includes many new ways to make our culture and language easier and more fun to learn and comprehend. Agiasmos for the students from September 17th through the 20th, for each class of our Greek School.

Church School: On Sunday, September 8th, we begin our Church School Registration immediately after the Divine Liturgy. On Sunday, September 15th, we will have the service of the Agiasmos – the blessing of the students, and Breakfast after the service.

I would like to thank you all for your contribution, love and passion, which sparks the ignition to make our Parish a wonderful embrace of spiritual renewal. You all give me energy so that at the tender age of 53, I may serve you as I did when I was ordained, 29 years ago; with the same enthusiasm and joy (just added the gray hair and a few extra pounds). This Sunday, I can’t wait to listen to the sermon of our dearest Rev. Protopresbyter Panagiotis Papanikolaou, another source of faith, love and inspiration for the Parish family. We will concelebrate the liturgy together, administer the sacraments to the faithful, and be ready to serve your spiritual needs, as we welcome all our families (and especially the youth) for this new beginning. We will remember these moments forever. Make them count!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message from August 30, 2024:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,


This wish is not in error; I am not in a hurry to leave this beautiful weather behind and rush into January yet. And, no, we did not do the favor to the atheists and agnostics to skip Christmas and Saint Demetrios feast-day to jump straight into 2025. Sunday, September 1st is the beginning of the New Ecclesiastical Year. We begin the New Church Year with the Agiasmos, the blessing of all our people and especially with prayers for the protection and the Divine illumination of our students and our youth. We need the blessing and we need divine illumination, all of us, even the people who pretend they do not need God. They will find out they do…

September 1st is also marked by the celebration of the MOST NAMEDAYS of any other day of the year in the Orthodox calendar. Look at all the names of Saints we commemorate on Sunday and do not forget to extend your wishes to all your friends and relatives who have their nameday celebrations:


Symeon Stylites, Righteous Joshua, Saint Meletios the Younger, Holy New Martyr Angelis, ADAMANTIOS (Adamantios, Adamantia, Amanda),  APHRODITE (Afrodite, Fregia), AKRIVI, ANTIGONI (Antigone, Antigoni),  ASPASIA (Aspasia),  ATHINA (Athena, Athina),  CLEO (Clio),  CLEOPATRA, (Cleopatra, Kleopatra, Patra, Patroula, Cleo), CORALIA (Koralia, Koralou), DIAMANTO (Diamando, Adamandia, Ada), DIONI (Dioni), DODONI (Dodone), EFTERPI (Evterpi), ELPINIKI (Helpiniki), ERASMIA (Erasmea), ERATO (Erato), HAIDO (Haido, Haideftos), HARIKLIA (Hariklia, Haroula), ISMENE (Jasmin, Yasmin, Jasmeen, Yasmeen, Ismini), JOSHUA (Joshua, Jesus of Navi), KALLIROI (Kaliroi), KALLISTI (Kalisti),  KALLISTO (Kallisto), KLEONIKI (Kleonikos), MANDO (Mando, Mandi, Manto), MARGARET (Margarita),  MARIANTHI (Marianthe), MELETIOS (Meletios, Meletis), MELPOMENI (Melpmene), MOSHO (Moshoula), OURANIA (Ourania, Urania, Rania), PANDORA (Pandora), PENELOPE (Pinelopi, Bilio), POLIMNIA (Polimnia), POLINIKI (Polynike, Polyniki, Polyna, Polina), POLYTIMI (Polytimi, Timi), RALLIA (Rallia,Raylee) RALLIS (Rallis, Ralis), SAPFO (Sapho), SIMEON (Simeon), TERPSIHORI (Terpsihori), THALIA (Thalia)  THEANO (Theano), THEONIMPHI (Theonymphi).

Χρόνια πολλά and best wishes to Alexandros and Alexandra who celebrate today and all of you who celebrate on Sunday; best wishes to our chanter Alexandros Avgeris, who makes every service beautiful with his melodious voice. We will see you on Sunday to express our prayers to all for health, salvation and divine protection!



As you know, the feast days of our holy Tradition have been arranged in a cyclical form starting with the Birth of the Virgin Mary (September 8). Then, we proceed to all other significant holy days, including, to name a few, the Presentation of the Virgin Mary into the Temple (November 21), Christmas (December 25), Theophany (January 6), the Presentation of the Lord into the Temple (February 2) until the feasts of Holy Week, the Crucifixion and the Resurrection of the Lord - Pascha, the Ascension of the Lord, Pentecost, and the Dormition of the Virgin Mary (August 15).  Thus, the Orthodox cycle of feasts moves in cycles, starting in September and concluding in August.

The celebrations of our Tradition signify the realization of the divine plan for the salvation of humanity (Incarnation, Resurrection, Ascension, Pentecost) as well as the journey of every human being toward Heaven (through the observance of these feasts, the glorification of God and the participation in the holy sacraments). God gives us the opportunity to nurture our souls with His Grace and the spiritual admonition of His revealed wisdom. His message is given through holy Tradition, in the Bible, in the literature of the Fathers and in the unwritten wisdom of the Church. The fruits of the Grace of God are love, faith, charity, repentance, peace and discernment.

The New Ecclesiastical Year begins with hope and joy. We need to use as many spiritual blessings our Church provides as possible. Receiving the holy sacraments, studying the Holy Scriptures and being edified with other spiritual opportunities are the steps that take us closer to God, the steps we have to walk on. This way, we may look forward for a blessed year, for a year that brings salvation and redemption, for a


Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Highlighted Events – Coming Up, Do not Miss!

Sunday, September 8th is Parish Ministries Day. You may come to the Church Hall after the service and register for all Parish organizations that are of interest for you. On that day, we will have continuing Church School registration, Little Angels, HOPE, JOY, GOYA, Golden Years, Greek School PTA and YAL registrations, with booths in our Church Hall and our volunteers ready to assist you and your families. We will have a delicious breakfast sponsored by the Parish organizations after the service.

On Saturday, September 21st, we have our Church School and youth outing to upstate New York, to the breathtaking Saint Basil’s Academy. The youth can enjoy BBQ, sports (soccer, basketball, swimming), hiking, and many games (carnival style games with inflatables and many more). To get there, please, use your own transportation, or carpool with your friends. The address of the Academy is 79 St Basil's Rd, Garrison, NY 10524 and the activities begin at 11 am. Please, use your own transportation or carpool to get there. Can’t wait to see all our youth organization there!

Greek School has started the registration process, please, register your children as soon as possible to avoid late class selection or additional late fees and charges. The program this year includes many new ways to make our culture and language easier and more fun to learn and comprehend. Agiasmos for the students from September 17th through the 20th, for each class of our Greek School.

Church School: On Sunday, September 8th, we begin our Church School Registration immediately after the Divine Liturgy. On Sunday, September 15th, we will have the service of the Agiasmos – the blessing of the students, and Breakfast after the service.

In all, we are starting the new ecclesiastical year with more energy and more resolve to make this year productive and spiritually beneficial. Our families need it. Our world needs it. Enjoy these beautiful summer days and see you all in Church!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message from August 23, 2024:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

On Monday evening, we celebrate the Vespers of Saint Phanourios (at 7 pm), a miraculous and newly revealed Martyr of the early Church. I will speak extensively about the Saint at the service in his honor. You may bring the pies of the Saint – φανουρόπιτες - and the names of your loved ones, so that we pray for health, salvation and divine protection for our families and friends.

In life, we all search for something. Sometimes we even stress about it. Stress is the dialogue with our own selves for the things we cannot change. Prayer is the dialogue with God for the things that are entirely in His control. Pray to Saint Phanourios to find what you are looking for in life. Sometimes, he even helps you find what you were not even looking for, but God knows what you need. It is the fulfillment of the prayer “thy will be done” instead of “my will be done.” And Saint Phanourios has manifested the grace of God with many miracles and amazing blessings.

May we all find what we seek; through the intercessions of Saint Phanourios, we receive the Lord’s revelation, illuminating the path of salvation. Monday is also the feast of Saints Andrianos and Natalia. I would like to wish a very happy name-day to all the Natalias in the Parish (we have 3!). And to my beautiful daughter Natalia we send best wishes as well: «χρόνια πολλά κι ευλογημένα αγάπη μου!» Below, is the summary of the life of the Saints, a great and inspirational example of love between a husband and a wife.

Saints Adrianos and Natalia

The holy Martyrs Adrian and Natalia confessed the Christian Faith during the reign of Maximian, in Nicomedia, in the year 298. Adrian was a pagan; witnessing the valor of the Martyrs, and the fervent faith with which they suffered their torments, he also declared himself a Christian and was imprisoned. When this was told to his wife Natalia, who was secretly a believer, she visited him in prison and encouraged him in his sufferings. Saint Adrian's hands and feet were placed on an anvil and broken off with a hammer; he died in his torments. His blessed wife recovered part of his holy relics and took it to Argyropolis near Byzantium. She reposed in peace soon after. (from the Synaxarion, or lives of Saints, in the Orthodox Calendar of the Archdiocese Website: )

Saints Adrian (in Greek Adrianos) and Natalia are an example of Christian faith, self-denial and sacrificial love.  The word love is thrown around a lot (use more than any other concept in poems, songs, movies and the arts). Nevertheless, the example of Adrian, who endured severe martyrdom for his love of Christ is admirable. Most Christians do not even participate in a weekly Sunday service, let alone give their whole life to Christ.

Saint Natalia, on the other hand, is an inspiring wife, who risked her life to support her suffering husband. Furthermore, she walked a long journey, just to offer her husband a proper burial and the honor of a Christian martyr. Her love for him is in antithesis of many contemporary couples, who hardly do anything for each other, who hurt each other and commit acts that break the unity of their matrimony. Like a Christian version of Romeo and Juliet, Saint Natalia died as soon as she fulfilled her mission, after a long trip and many tribulations. Her death was not in vain, since it was thanks to her that we know of the Saints who became an eternal symbol of self-sacrifice and true love!

Apolytikion in the Third Tone

“You did deem that Faith, which has salvation to its wealth, never lost or plundered. You had forsaken your father's impiety, and you did follow your Lord, becoming rich in His divine gifts, O glorious Adrian. With the godly-minded Natalia, who emboldened you, entreat Christ our God, O Martyr, that our souls be saved.”

Kontakion in the Fourth Tone

“Having wisely laid to heart all the divine words of your godly-minded wife, Adrian, Martyr of Christ God, in torments you persevered ardently; and with your yoke-mate you now have received your crown.”

Άγιοι Ανδριανός και Ναταλία

Οι Άγιοι Ανδριανός και Ναταλία ήταν έγγαμοι μάρτυρες της πρωτοχριστιανικής εκκλησίας. Ζούσαν στη Νικομήδια και μαρτύρησαν την πίστη στο Χριστό κατά το έτος 298 μ.Χ. Ο Άγιος Ανδριανός εγκατέλειψε την ειδωλολατρεία βλέποντας το θάρρος, την πίστη και την αγάπη των μαρτύρων. Φυλακίστηκε εξ’ αιτίας της Χριστιανικής του ταυτότητος και βασανίστηκε οικτρά. Η σύζυγός του, η Αγία Ναταλία, και η ίδια κρυπτοχριστιανή, του έδινε θάρρος κατά τη διάρκεια των βασανιστηρίων. Του μιλούσε για το στεφάνι της Αγιότητος που περιμένει και να μην προδώσει την πίστη του. Όταν του έσπασαν τα άκρα με σφυριά και του άνοιγαν τις πληγές, εκείνη ερχόταν στη φυλακή για να τον περιποιηθεί, χωρίς να φοβάται αν την συλλάβουν.

Όταν εκδήμησε ο Άγιος Ανδριανός, η Αγία Ναταλία, έλαβε το σκήνωμά του (τα λείψανα που είχαν απομείνει μετά τα οικτρά βασανηστήρια) και τα μετέφερε στην Αργυρόπολη, κοντά στο Βυζάντιο. Μετά το μακρύ ταξίδι και αφού εκπλήρωσε την αποστολή της να διαφυλάξει το σεπτό σκήνωμα με τιμή, η Αγία Ναταλία εξεδήμησε εν Κυρίω. Αποτελεί υπόδειγμα αγάπης και αυτοπροσφοράς. Το μαρτύριο των Αγίων θυμίζει σε εμάς, τους σύγχρονους Χριστιανούς που οι περισσότεροι δεν θυσιάζουμε ούτε μία ώρα την εβδομάδα για εκλησιασμό, να δίνουμε τη ζωή μας και να προσφέρουμε για τον Θεό, τον συνάνθρωπο και αυτούς που μάς εμπιστεύεται ο Κύριος, την οικογένειά μας.

Η σύγχρονη οικογένεια πάσχει γιατί λείπει το πνεύμα θυσίας και προσφοράς. Ζητάμε αλλά δεν δίνουμε. Οι σχέσεις γίνονται μονόδρομες και όχι αμφίδρομες. Οι σύζυγοι δεν παραμένουν σύζυγοι, να σηκώνουν μαζί το ζυγό με ισορροπία, αρμονία και αγάπη. Μεγαλώνουν τα ποσσοστά συζύγουν που απατούν ο ένας τον άλλο, που τους κακομεταχειρίζονται και υβρίζονται ακόμη και μπροστά στα αθώα και ανήμπορα παιδιά τους. Έτσι μεγαλώνουν και οι παιδικές ψυχασθένειες και τα παιδιά είναι τα θύματα ενός πολέμουν που δεν προκάλεσαν. Ο Θεός μάς τα δίνει ως αγγελούδια και εμείς τους δίνουμε μια κόλαση.

Η Χριστιανική οικογένεια είναι το μόνο λιμάνι σωτηρίας στο οποίο οι αρχές και τα ηθικά ιδανικά του Ευαγγελίου καλλιεργούν αληθινή και καρδιακή αγάπη, ειρηνική συμβίωση και αγαλλίαση. Για το λόγο αυτό, πρέπει να βλέπουμε στους Αγίους μας υποδείγματα και παραδείγματα ήθους και συμπεριφοράς. Παραδείγματα αληθινής αγάπης!

Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος


Orthodox Christians celebrate the Dormition and the Assumption of the Theotokos (ἡ Κοίμησις καὶ ἡ Μετάστασις τῆς Ὑπεραγίας Θεοτόκου) on August 15. Throughout the world, the feast of the Assumption of the Panaghia unites all Christians, who, like the disciples of the Lord, gather to request her intercessions and blessings.  The Orthodox people call August 15 as the Pascha of Summer or Pascha after Pascha.  The faithful honor and celebrate this holy day, because there is very special connection with the Theotokos.

Panaghia has performed so many miracles, that over one thousand names or eponyms have been attributed to her.  The hymnology of the Church calls her the Unwedded Bride, the bridge of Heaven and earth, the throne of the King of Glory, the vessel of divine Grace, the fountain of Life, the more honorable than the Cherubim and more glorious beyond compare than the Seraphim (the orders of the Angels).  In every service there is a request to the Panaghia to intercede for our salvation.  Even when we are in danger, we exclaim “Holy Mother of God,” (Παναγία μου!) asking for protection and for her benevolent grace.

Panaghia is the protector of the Youth, as we chanted in the Vespers of the Dormition.  She is the ultimate inspiration for all mothers entrusted with the spiritual care of their children.  Panaghia embraces all young people who thirst for the living water of the faith, in an age of spiritual drought.  In front of the tomb of Panaghia we ask that the world is illumined by the beacon of peace.  We pray that the Youth is guided by the rudder of virtue.  We voice the petition that the flock of Christ is protected by the shield of her grace and her miracles.

Panaghia brought the incarnate Son and Word of God, through the Holy Spirit and following the divine plan of salvation.  She obeyed the will of God, and thus became the fountain of redemption.  She gave us Christ, the only Redeemer and Savior, the One Who is the Way, the Truth and the Life. In most of the icons, she is portrayed holding her Son and Savior.  In one of the icons, that is painted in our Church (behind the Choir loft, where the life of the Theotokos is displayed), the story of the Assumption is narrated. The Lord elevates Panaghia to Heaven, so that she is not subjected to the natural laws of decay and corruption.  She gave us Life and salvation, and she will be praying for our redemption.  In front of her icon we pray fervently, like the Apostles: “Most Holy Theotokos, save us!”

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos



Η εορτή της Κοιμήσεως και της Μεταστάσεως της Θεοτόκου κατέχει ξεχωριστή σημασία στο Ελληνορθόδοξο εορτολόγιο.  Ονομάζεται το Πάσχα του Καλοκαιριού, ή Πάσχα μετά το Πάσχα.  Πανηγυρίζεται σε όλη την Ελληνική επικράτεια και όπου ανά τον κόσμο υπάρχει Ορθόδοξος ναός.  Άλλωστε η Παναγία έχει μία ιδιαίτερη σύνδεση με τους πιστούς.  Χιλιάδες ονόματα της έχουν αποδώσει για τα θαύματα, τις παρουσίες και τις ευεργεσίες της.  Μεσίτρεια, Γλυκοφιλούσα, Σπηλιανή, Παραβουνιώτισσα μόλις λίγα από αυτά.  Η υμνολογία μας την αποκαλεί γέφυρα Ουρανού και γης, θρόνο του Βασιλέως Χριστού, δοχείο Χάριτος, πηγή Ζωής, Πλατυτέρα των Ουρανών, Τιμιωτέρα των Χερουβείμ και ενδοξοτέρα ασυγκρίτως των Σεραφείμ.  Σε κάθε Ορθόδοξη ακολουθία υπάρχει αναφορά στο πρόσωπο της Υπεραγίας Θεοτόκου.  Αλλά και όταν βρισκόμαστε σε κίνδυνο ή σε έκτακτη ανάγκη ανακράζουμε «Παναγιά μου»!  Είναι η Μητέρα μας, η Προστάτιδά μας, που μας αγκαλιάζει με την χάρη των θαυμάτων της.

Η εξιστόρηση της Κοιμήσεως της Υπεραγίας Θεοτόκου αντανακλάται στην υμνολογία και την ζωντανή Παράδοση της Εκκλησίας μας.  Η Παναγία μετά την Ανάληψη του Χριστού καθημερινώς πηγαίνει στο ζωοδόχο μνήμα και προσεύχεται. Μία Παρασκευή ο Αρχάγγελος Γαβριήλ παρουσιάζεται μπροστά της και την χαιρετά: “Χαίρε, η γεννήσασα Χριστόν τον Θεόν ημών. Ο Κύριος άκουσε την προσευχή σου και θα αφήσης τον κόσμο και θα πορευθής εις την ζωήν την αληθινήν και αδιάδοχον”. Η Θεοτόκος επιστρέφει στον οίκο της, θυμιά και προσεύχεται στον Χριστό να της στείλη τον Ιωάννη και τους λοιπούς Αποστόλους, για να παρασταθούν στον θάνατό της. Η προσευχή της εισακούεται και πρώτος φθάνει, αρπαγείς από νεφέλη, ο Ιωάννης και σε λίγο επί νεφελών και οι λοιποί Απόστολοι οι διεσπαρμένοι στα πέρατα του κόσμου.

Την Κυριακή έρχεται με την απαστράπτουσα δόξα Του και με χιλιάδες αγγέλους ο Κύριος να παραλάβη την ψυχή της Μητρός Του. Εκείνη ευλογεί τους Αποστόλους και τον κόσμο, δέεται για την σωτηρία όλων και αφού λαμβάνει την υπόσχεσι ότι “πάσα ψυχή επικαλουμένη το όνομά της ου μη καταισχυνθή, αλλ’ εύρη έλεος και παράκλησιν και αντίληψιν και παρρησίαν και εν τω νυν αιώνι και εν τω μέλλοντι”, παραδίδει την αγία της ψυχή στα χέρια του Υιού της. Οι Απόστολοι περιπτύσσονται το σκήνος και ψάλλοντες μεταφέρουν την κλίνη με το σώμα για ταφή. Ένας εβραίος ονόματι Ιεφωνίας ορμά και επιχειρεί “κατά της κλίνης”, αλλ’ άγγελος Κυρίου με “ξίφος πυρός” αποκόπτει τα χέρια του από των ώμων, που μένουν κρεμασμένα στην κλίνη. Αυτός μετανοεί και κολλώνται πάλι τα χέρια του, ενώ οι Απόστολοι ανενόχλητοι συνεχίζουν την εκφορά. Το σκήνος θάπτεται σε καινό μνημείο στην Γεθσημανή, την Τρίτη όμως ημέρα “μετετέθη…εν Παραδείσω”.

Και εμείς, συναθροιζόμαστε ενθάδε όπως και οι Άγιοι Απόστολοι έπραξαν θαυμαστώς κατά την Κοίμηση της Θεοτόκου.  «Απόστολοι εκ περάτων συναθροισθέντες ενθάδε.»  Αιτούμε την ευχή της και την ευεργέτιδα προστασία της.  Η Παναγία, πριν την Κοίμησή της, προσευχήθηκε υπέρ ειρήνης του κόσμου.  Σήμερα, περισσότερο από ποτέ, έχουμε ανάγκη την ευλογία της, διότι περιβαλλόμαστε από του λύκους του πολέμου, της τρομοκρατίας και του εγκλήματος, που προσβάλλουν τα κοινά και ήθη βάλλουν κατά του ποιμνίου του Θεού. 

Στην εποχή μας έχουμε ανάγκη την προστασία της, διότι, όπως ψάλλαμε και στο Θεοτοκίο του Εσπερινού της Κοιμήσεως, η Παναγία φυλάττει την νεολαία της.  ς μάνα, αγκαλιάζει τα παιδιά και την νεολαία, που διψούν για το ύδωρ το ζων, το ύδωρ της πίστεως, σε ένα κόσμο πνευματικής ξηρασίας.  Η εικονογραφία του ναού μας, εξιστορεί την εικόνα της Κοιμήσεως, όπου αποτυπώνεται η παραπάνω αφήγηση και η Μετάσταση της Θεοτόκου.  Είναι η μόνη εικόνα στην οποία αντιστρέφονται οι όροι και αντί να κρατάει η Παναγία τον Κύριο, ο Χριστός βαστάει και μεταθέτει την Μητέρα Του στα Επουράνια.  Από την Ουράνιο Βασιλεία να δεχόμαστε και εμείς τις Μεσιτείες της Υπεραγίας Θεοτόκου, προς υγεία, σωτηρία και θεία βοήθεια όλων των πιστών.

Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος

Dear friend and supporter of our beautiful Church,

Someone asked me how many professional or Olympic athletes have come out of the two Parishes that I have served; the answer is “very few.” No Mihalis Iordanou (Michael Jordan), or Lazaros Poulos (Larry Bird). But, we all love sports and we dedicate time and energy for our physical health. That is why the Church has all these basketball, volleyball and Olympics sports teams. Nevertheless, our priority (and our main focus) is not to produce the next (a Greek American) MJ (there was only one MJ anyhow). And chances a super-athlete of that caliber emerges at any point are miniscule.

So, for me, as your priest, and for you, as parents, grandparents, students and members of the Parish family, what is our main focus? If we play the lottery of life, where are the greater chances? To win a gold in a sports arena or win a gold in the arena of life? We might not be able to produce 100 or 200 professional athletes, but we definitely can cultivate at least 100 or 200 young souls who love Christ and they will grow up to be successful in their chosen field, be morally principled, with strong faith and higher values, and who will raise their families accordingly. Now, this is a much better goal to attain.

This coming Sunday, August 11th, we will offer the Agiasmos and the blessing of our College and Graduate School students, as well as all High School graduates who attend specialty school, military academies of other training programs. And when I offer them the Agiasmos, I plan to tell them that those years (for me) were an amazing experience; I cannot fathom how my life would be without this added education and personal spiritual cultivation. It was at that time of my life when I met my wife, our dearest presvytera.

In College I culminated my decision to serve God. I learned the most significant attributes of the faith and I also served in two Boston Parishes as a volunteer (Sunday School and Greek School teacher, chanter, youth director, and hospital chaplain). I made great friends, who are like brothers to me, and I connected with amazing young people, many of whom serve the Archdiocese in various roles and capacities.

It makes me sad to even think how life would be without Holy Cross School of Theology and my unforgettable Hellenic College experience. Many of the parents in the Parish have similar stories. How they started their careers thanks to a productive academic life and dedicated efforts after High School to invest in their chosen path. And how they met their spouses, best friends, even business partners during that time of their lives.

I will also share with our students that for some young people their academic experience is not as exciting. Among my first funerals, shortly after my appointment and ordination at Saint Demetrios Cathedral in Astoria, was of College students, who died tragically (one of drugs and two of car accidents). I also saw some young people suffering for years from drug abuse and I met grieving parents and families of College students, who made a mistake that ruined their entire lives. I even met a student in prison, who missed the best years of his youth, but can never erase those choices, only hopes to make better ones in the future. In College we are surrounded by many people, who will introduce us to their ways and their morals (or lack of).

And here is the question for all parents: when are you going to prepare your children for their life? A week before their first day of classes? A month before? Or maybe you let them figure things out as they go? My humble answer to this question is to prepare our children for adulthood since their conception. Introduce them to God and teach them the gift of prayer and you have nothing to worry about. Make Church and the Faith central in their lives and they will win the gold in the spiritual arena with joy. Do not exclude them from God, because when they need Him, they will not be able to find Him. As stated above, we might not be able to produce 100 or 200 professional athletes, but we can definitely cultivate 100 or 200 young souls who love Christ and they will grow up to be successful in their chosen field, be morally principled, with strong faith and higher values, and who will raise their families accordingly. Now, this is a much better goal to attain.

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


1) Wednesday, August 7, 7 p.m. – 8 p.m.: Paraklesis (Invocation) to the Virgin Mary.

2) Thursday, August 8, 7 p.m. – 8 p.m.: Paraklesis (Invocation) to the Virgin Mary.

3) Friday, August 9, 7 p.m. – 8 p.m.: Paraklesis (Invocation) to the Virgin Mary.

4) Sunday, August 11, 7th Sunday of Matthew, Orthros and Divine Liturgy, 9 a.m.

5) Blessing for College – Graduate School – Military Academy and Special Training Education Students during the Sunday service at 10:30 am.

6) Memorial: Reuben Phillips (1 year). May his memory be eternal.

7) Coffee Fellowship is sponsored by Ms. Elaine Cassimatis and the Cochikas families.

8) Monday, August 12, 7 p.m. – 8 p.m.: Paraklesis (Invocation) to the Virgin Mary.

9) Tuesday, August 13, 7 p.m. – 8 p.m.: Paraklesis (Invocation) to the Virgin Mary.

10) Wednesday, August 14, 7 p.m.: Great Vespers for the Dormition of the Virgin Mary at the Community of Island Park (6:30 pm).

11) Thursday, August 15, 9 a.m.: The Assumption and Dormition of the Virgin Mary, Orthros and Divine Liturgy, followed by the of Panaghia.

Flowers are needed to decorate the Icon of Panaghia. Any donation you would like to offer, would be greatly appreciated. May the supplications of Panaghia be with you!


1) Τετάρτη 7 Αυγούστου, 7 μ.μ. – 8 μ.μ.: Παρακλητικός Κανόνας.

2) Πέμπτη 8 Αυγούστου 7 μ.μ. – 8 μ.μ.: Παρακλητικός Κανόνας.

3) Παρασκευή 9 Αυγούστου 7 μ.μ. – 8 μ.μ.: Παρακλητικός Κανόνας.

4) Κυριακή 11 Αυγούστου, 7η Κυριακή Ματθαίου, 9 π.μ.: Όρθρος και Θεία Λειτουργία.

5) Αγιασμός για τους φοιτητές μας μετά την ακολουθία.

6) Μνημόσυνο Ρούμπιν Φίλλιπς (1 έτος). Αιωνία η μνήμη αυτού.

7) Καφές και κέρασμα από την Δ/ιδα Ελένη Κασσιμάτη και την οικογένεια Κότσικα.

8) Δευτέρα 12 Αυγούστου, 7 μ.μ. – 8 μ.μ.: Παρακλητικός Κανόνας.

9) Τρίτη 13 Αυγούστου 7 μ.μ. – 8 μ.μ.: Παρακλητικός Κανόνας.

10) Τετάρτη 14 Αυγούστου Μέγας Εσπερινός της Κοιμήσεως της Υπεραγίας Θεοτόκου στην εορτάζουσα  και πανηγυρίζουσα Κοινότητα του Άϊλαντ Παρκ.

11) Πέμπτη 15 Αυγούστου, 9 π.μ.: Όρθρος και Θεία Λειτουργία της Κοιμήσεως και Μεταστάσεως της Υπεραγίας Θεοτόκου, Εγκώμια της Παναγίας.

Θα χρειαστούμε λουλούδια για την Εικόνα της Παναγίας μας. Παρακαλούμε στείλατε τις προσφορές σας στο γραφείο της Εκκλησίας μας. Σας ευχαριστούμε.




Beloved in the Lord:


“For behold, all generations will call me blessed.”

(Luke 1:48)


          For two thousand and twenty four years the Holy Church has preserved the memory of the Panagia (Virgin Mary) as the prototype of all Christians – the model of what we are to become in Christ. The Panagia was truly pure and unconditionally obedient to God. The tradition of the Holy Church holds that the Panagia remained a virgin all her life (reference Matthew 12:46-50). While lifelong celibacy is not a model for all Christians to follow, Mary’s spiritual purity, her wholehearted devotion to God, is certainly to be emulated.


          The Panagia is also our model in that she was the first person to receive our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. As the Panagia bore Christ in her womb physically, all Christians now have the privilege of bearing God within them spiritually. By God’s grace and mercy we are purified and empowered to become like Him.


          The honour we give to the Panagia also signifies our view of who Jesus is. From early times the Holy Church has called her the Mother of God (Theotokos – God-Bearer), a title which implies that her Son is both fully man and fully God. As His mother, Mary was the source of Jesus’ human nature; yet, the One she bore in her womb was also the eternal God. Therefore, because of her character and especially because of her role in God’s plan of salvation, Christians appropriately honour Mary as the first among the saints. The Archangel Gabriel initiated this honour in his address to her: “Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women!” (Luke 1:28). This salutation clearly indicates that God Himself had chosen to honour Mary. Her favored status was confirmed when she went to visit her cousin Elizabeth, who was then six months pregnant with Saint John the Baptist. Elizabeth greeted the Panagia with these words: “Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb! But why is this granted to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?” (Luke 1:42, 43). The Panagia herself, by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, predicted the honour that would be paid her throughout history: “For behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed” (Luke 1:48).


          In obedience to God’s clear intention, therefore, the Holy Orthodox Church honours Mary in icons, hymns and special feast days. We entreat the Panagia, as the human being who was most intimate with Christ on earth, to intercede with her Son on our behalf. We humbly ask the Panagia, as the first believer and the Mother of the Church, for guidance and protection. We venerate her – but we do not worship her, for worship belongs to God alone.


          In the Orthros, Vespers and all the services of the hours of prayer, we chant this hymn which expresses Mary’s unique place in creation: “It is truly right to bless you, O Theotokos, ever-blessed and most pure, and the mother of our God. More honourable than the Cherubim, and more glorious beyond compare than the Seraphim, without defilement you gave birth to God the Logos: True Theotokos, we magnify you.” 


In Christ Jesus,


+Protopresbyter Panagiotis


          On August 6th, the Orthodox Church celebrates the feast day of the Transfiguration of Christ.  The Transfiguration of the Lord is a revelation of Christ’s theanthropic identity (He is both a perfect God and a perfect human being).  Jesus fulfilled the promise of His Father, being Himself the Savior and the Redeemer of mankind.  Peter, James and John witnessed of the miraculous Transfiguration of the Lord.  They had a pre-taste of the eternal Kingdom.  That experience was enough for them to forget all their worldly cares and to request that they stay there for the rest of their lives.  A glimpse of the uncreated light was enough for them to put their lives into perspective.  Nothing is more important than the Kingdom of God.  Everything is temporary, yet the Kingdom of Heaven is eternal.  Like the hesychasts who also experienced the uncreated light through unceasing prayer, the disciples also found their purpose in life in communicating with God and being transformed by His divine Grace.

          We also request the invocation of God’s Grace, so that our daily realities may be inspired by the Heavenly joy of the eternal Kingdom.  We look forward for our lives to be spiritually transformed on the basis of virtue and divine Grace.  The unending light of faith is the beacon guiding us to the safe harbor of salvation.  It was the experience of this light that changed the disciples; and they, in return, changed the world.  Christians are bestowed with the sacred vocation to be the light of the world, illuminating and transfiguring the society to become a Community of love, faith, hope and salvation.  The sacraments of the Church are the fuel that empowers us to fulfill such a sacred task.  Our example is the way to reflect the illumination of Christ upon others, the same way the stars reflect the radiance of the Sun.  The Sun of Righteousness, our Savior, was bathed in the light of His Holy Transfiguration to break apart the darkness of corruption and to lead us to the everlasting joy of salvation.

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos



          Στις 6 Αυγούστου, η Ορθόδοξος Εκκλησία εορτάζει την πανήγυρη της Μεταμορφώσεως του Σωτήρος.  Η Μεταμόρφωσις του Σωτήρος είναι μία αποκάλυψη του Θεανθρώπου, που γεφυρώνει την Παλαιά με την Καινή Διαθήκη και εκπληρώνει το πρωτευαγγέλιο με τον ερχομό Του.  Ο Χριστός στην θεία Του Μεταμόρφωση ανοίγει μία χαραμάδα ώστε και εμείς οι θνητοί, με εκπροσώπους τους μαθητές Του, να αναγνωρίσουμε την μακαριότητα και την αγαλλίαση της αιωνίου Βασιλείας.  Ο Πέτρος, ο Ιάκωβος και ο Ιωάννης, προγευόμενοι την Θεοπτία και την Θεωρία της Μεταμορφώσεως ζητούν να κατασκευάσουν τρεις σκηνές, μία σκηνή για τον Κύριο, μία για τον Μωϋσή και μία για τον Ηλία, που συμμετείχαν στο μέγα μυστήριο της Μεταμορφώσεως.  Δεν νοιάζονται για τους εαυτούς των, αλλά είναι έτοιμοι να αφιερώσουν όλη τους την ζωή ώστε να συμμετέχουν στην μακαριότητα της συγκεκριμένης εμπερίας.  Μία χαραμάδα προς το άκτιστο φως του Παραδείσου αρκεί για να φωτίσει και να δώσει νόημα στη ζωή τους.  Αρκεί για να ξεχάσουν τις υποχρεώσεις και τα φορτία της καθημερινότητος.  Όπως οι ησυχαστές, που με την αδιάλειπτο προσευχή εβίωσαν την εμπειρία του ακτίστου φωτός, έτσι και εκείνοι πληρώνονται με Χάρη και Ουράνια αγαλλίαση.

          Στις 6 Αυγούστου επικαλούμαστε την ίδια Χάρη και αγαλλίαση να μεταμορφώσει και την δική μας καθημερινότητα σε μία Ουράνια εμεπειρία.  Επιζητούμε να μετασχηματιστεί ο βίος μας με βάση όχι τις βιοτικές μέριμνες, αλλά την σωτήριο πορεία και με φάρο το ανέσπερο φως της λυτρώσεως.  Ο Θεός αποκαλείπτει τον Υιό Του, τον Σωτήρα και Λυτρωτή του γένους των ανθρώπων, ως χορηγό της θείας αποκαλύψεως.  Για τους μαθητές Του, ήταν αρκετή μία μόνο εμπειρία για να τους μεταμορφώσει και δια αυτών να μεταμορφωθεί η Οικουμένη.  Για εμάς, οι ουρανοδρόμες δωρεές των Μυστηρίων της Εκκλησίας, δια των οποίων μεταλαμβάνουμε την θεία Χάρη και το ζωηφόρο φως της πίστεως, θα πρέπει να αποτελούν το καύσιμο για να κινούμαστε προς τον Θεό, για να μεταμορφώνουμε τον κόσμο.  Οι Χριστιανοί, το αλάτι της γης και το φως του κόσμου, οφείλουμε να λάμπουμε δια του παραδείγματος, των πράξεων και των έργων μας.  Οι πράξεις μας να αντανακλούν το Ουράνιο φως που έλουσε τον Κύριό μας στο υψηλό όρος της Μεταμορφώσεως.

Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος


Dear Parishioners of Saint Demetrios Community,


It has been 22 years since we first started our spiritual journey together in this beautiful Parish of Merrick. My first service in Saint Demetrios was a Paraklesis to the Panaghia, praying for the health and salvation of our blessed Parish family. At the time, I was reading the names from the papers you sent to the altar and all the names were all new to me. Now, you send me the names and I know which family sent them and who you all are. In 22 years, I have been with you for all the significant events of your lives.

These years have been blessed and graced by the benevolence of our Lord and great accomplishments that will be cherished by the generations to come.  One of those historical marks in the progress of the Community was the completion of the major icons of the Church. The icon of the Platytera in the sanctuary of our Church was the first of these spectacular icons.  Starting August 1st, and during all weekdays and Sundays before the feast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary, we will be praying under the loving arms of the Panaghia for the health, salvation and divine protection of our families. 

There are countless persons who need our prayers and the intercessions of the Blessed Mother; persons who are in hospitals, persons who are mourning, persons who need God’s grace, salvation and holy illumination. We are also praying for our youth and children, knowing that she, a Mother, and the greatest Saint of the Church, will intercede on our behalf and for our loved ones.

            It will be a blessing for our Parishioners to participate in the divine services of the Paraklesis (Invocation to the Virgin Mary).  The services take place every evening, Monday through Friday, from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.  You may also send the names of your family members and the names of those who need our prayers via mail.  The first Paraklesis will take place on Thursday, August 1 at 7 p.m.  The names will be commemorated until the great feast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary.  Have a beautiful summer and may the intercessions of the Theotokos be with all of you.


Αγαπητοί ενορίτες του Αγίου Δημητρίου,


Έχουν συμπληρωθεί ήδη 22 χρόνια που βρισκόμαστε μαζί στον πνευματικό αγώνα και την σωτήριο πορεία της Κοινότητός μας. Η πρώτη μου ακολουθία στο Μέρρικ ήταν η Παράκληση στην Παναγία, ευχόμενος και προσευχόμενος για την υγεία και σωτηρία των οικογενειών μας. Τότε, διάβαζα τα ονόματα που στέλνατε στο ιερό κι όλα τα ονόματα ήταν άγνωστα σε εμένα. Αλλά τώρα, γνωρίζω όλα τα χαρτιά που στέλνετε, τα ονόματα και τις οικογένειές σας. Έχω ευλογήσει τις σημαντικότερες στιγμές στην ζωή σας αυτά τα χρόνια.

22 χρονιά στην οποία ο Κύριος μας χάρισε τις ευλογίες και τις πλούσιες δωρεές Του.  Σε αυτό το διάστημα, η αγιογράφηση του ναού θα μάς μείνει αξέχαστη. Θυμόμαστε πως άρχισε με την εικόνα της Πλατυτέρας στο ιερό του ναού μας να αποτελεί σταθμό στην ιστορία της Κοινότητος.  Αρχίζοντας από την πρώτη του Αυγούστου και για κάθε εσπέρα της εβδομάδος, θα ψάλλουμε τον Παρακλητικό Κανόνα προς της Υπεραγία Θεοτόκο υπέρ υγείας, προστασίας και θείας βοηθείας των ενοριτών μας και των οικογενειών μας.  Κάτω από την Θεία Σκέπη της Πλατυτέρας, θα προσευχόμαστε για τους ασθενείς, για τους πενθούντας και για όσους χρειάζονται τις πρεσβείες της Μεσίτριας Μητέρας του Θεού. Ως Μητέρα κατανοεί και πρεσβεύει για τους γονείς, τη νεολαία, τα παιδιά μας κι όσους αγαπούμε. 

Όποτε το πρόγραμμα των ασχολιών σας επιτρέπει, είναι ευλογία να συμψάλλουμε την Παράκληση.  Κάθε εσπέρα, από Δευτέρα μέχρι Παρασκευή.  Μπορείτε επίσης να στείλετε τα ονόματα των οικογενειών σας και όσων χρειάζονται τις ικεσίες της Υπεραγίας Θεοτόκου και ταχυδρομικώς.  Η πρώτη Παράκληση θα λάβει χώρα την Πέμπτη 1 Αυγούστου στις 7 μ.μ.  Τα ονόματα θα μνημονεύονται μέχρι και την εορτή της Κοιμήσεως της Θεοτόκου.  Καλό Δεκαπενταύγουστο και οι ευχές της Παναγίας να είναι πάντοτε μαζί σας!


In the Lord’s Service,   Με εν Χριστώ ευχές,



Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos     Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος



Αρχή Νηστείας:


Πέμπτη 1 Αυγούστου,          7 μ.μ. – 8 μ.μ.: Παρακλητικός Κανόνας


Παρασκευή 2 Αυγούστου    7 μ.μ. – 8 μ.μ.: Παρακλητικός Κανόνας


Κυριακή  4 Αυγούστου      9 π.μ.: Όρθρος και Θεία Λειτουργία


Δευτέρα 5 Αυγούστου          7 μ.μ. - M. Εσπερινός, Μεταμόρφωση του Σωτήρος στην Κορόνα.


Τρίτη  6 Αυγούστου,           Η ΜΕΤΑΜΟΡΦΩΣΙΣ ΤΟΥ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ

9 π.μ.: Όρθρος και Θεία Λειτουργία (Κατάλυσις ιχθύος)

                                                7 μ.μ. – 8 μ.μ.: Παρακλητικός Κανόνας


Τετάρτη 7 Αυγούστου,         7 μ.μ. – 8 μ.μ.: Παρακλητικός Κανόνας


Πέμπτη 8 Αυγούστου           7 μ.μ. – 8 μ.μ.: Παρακλητικός Κανόνας


Παρασκευή 9 Αυγούστου    7 μ.μ. – 8 μ.μ.: Παρακλητικός Κανόνας


Κυριακή 11 Αυγούστου,    9 π.μ.: Όρθρος και Θεία Λειτουργία


Δευτέρα 12 Αυγούστου,       7 μ.μ. – 8 μ.μ.: Παρακλητικός Κανόνας


Τρίτη 13 Αυγούστου            7 μ.μ. – 8 μ.μ.: Παρακλητικός Κανόνας


Τετάρτη 14 Αυγούστου Μέγας Εσπερινός της Κοιμήσεως της Υπεραγίας Θεοτόκου στην εορτάζουσα  και πανηγυρίζουσα Κοινότητα του Άϊλαντ Παρκ.


Πέμπτη 15 Αυγούστου, 9 π.μ.: Όρθρος και Θεία Λειτουργία της Κοιμήσεως και Μεταστάσεως της Υπεραγίας Θεοτόκου, Επιτάφιος και Εγκώμια της Παναγίας.


Θα χρειαστούμε λουλούδια για τον Επιτάφιο της Παναγίας μας. Παρακαλούμε στείλατε τις προσφορές σας στο γραφείο της Εκκλησίας μας. Σας ευχαριστούμε.






Fasting Begins on August 1.


Thursday, August 1,              7 p.m. – 8 p.m.: Paraklesis (Invocation) to the Virgin Mary


Friday, August 2,                    7 p.m. – 8 p.m.: Paraklesis (Invocation) to the Virgin Mary


Sunday, August 4,                 9 a.m.: Orthros and Divine Liturgy


Monday, August 5,                7 p.m.: Great Vespers of the Transfiguration at Corona, NY


Tuesday, August 6,               The Transfiguration of Christ (we consume fish)

                                                    9 a.m.: Orthros and Divine Liturgy

                                                7 p.m. – 8 p.m.: Paraklesis (Invocation) to the Virgin Mary


Wednesday, August 7,           7 p.m. – 8 p.m.: Paraklesis (Invocation) to the Virgin Mary


Thursday, August 8,              7 p.m. – 8 p.m.: Paraklesis (Invocation) to the Virgin Mary


Friday, August 9,                    7 p.m. – 8 p.m.: Paraklesis (Invocation) to the Virgin Mary


Sunday, August 11,               Orthros and Divine Liturgy, 9 a.m.


Monday, August 12,              7 p.m. – 8 p.m.: Paraklesis (Invocation) to the Virgin Mary


Tuesday, August 13,              7 p.m. – 8 p.m.: Paraklesis (Invocation) to the Virgin Mary


Wednesday, August 14, 7 p.m.: Great Vespers for the Dormition of the Virgin Mary at the Community of Island Park.


Thursday, August 15, 9 a.m.: The Transposition and Dormition of the Virgin Mary, Orthros and Divine Liturgy, followed by the Epitaphios procession and the lamentations of Panaghia.


Flowers are needed to decorate the Epitaphios for Panaghia. Any donation you would like to offer, would be greatly appreciated. May the supplications of Panaghia be with you!



          Pentecost is the Birth-day of the Christian Church.  The Lord had promised that the Holy Spirit, the Paraklete, would be sent after His Ascension to guide and to illumine the Apostles.  Fifty days after the Resurrection (and ten days after the Ascension) His promise was fulfilled.  The Holy Spirit, Who proceeds from the Father, illumined and inspired the disciples to become Apostles, “to go therefore to all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them whatsoever the Lord had commanded them.”  The Gospel of salvation is being preached for two millennia by the Orthodox Church, without interruption and without confusion.  The Orthodox Church is the only Christian denomination that has not been divided neither has it changed the principles and the precepts of the original, apostolic and evangelical faith.

          On Sunday, on the feast-day of Pentecost, we bow our knees to request the inspiration and the divine illumination of the Holy Spirit.  We, as members of the Body of Christ, receive the divine Grace through the participation in the sacramental life and the spiritual experience of the Church.  Therefore, we need the illumination of the Holy Spirit to be guided on the footsteps of salvation, to be graced with the virtues of the faith, and to be taught the commandments of God.

          The Apostles established Churches in Asia, Africa and Europe.  The Church of Jerusalem is a fine example of the fact that the Orthodox Church exists for more than two thousand years, and was instituted at 33 A.D.   Thus, it is our holy task and our sacred vocation to follow the example of the Apostles and to convey the message of the Gospel to the modern world.  Our tradition is beautiful and the apostolic faith is the sweetest nutrition for the human soul.  Christ entrusts us with the responsibility to continue their ministry, as their successors and as their spiritual children.  Such a task may be only accomplished through the Grace of the Holy Spirit that unites and preserves the Church.  “For the peace in the whole world, the stability of the Holy Churches of God and the unity of all, let us pray.”

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


          Η Γεννέθλιος ημέρα της Εκκλησίας μας είναι η Πεντηκοστή ημέρα μετά την Ανάσταση του Κυρίου Ιησού Χριστού.  Το Πανάγιον Πνεύμα, το εκ του Πατρός εκπορευόμενον, εφώτισε και ενέπνευσε τους Αγίους Μαθητάς και Αποστόλους του Κυρίου για να εκπορευθούν εις πάντα τα έθνη και να διδάξουν το Ευαγγέλιο της σωτηρίας.  Αυτό το Ευαγγέλιο πρεσβεύεται για δύο χιλιετηρίδες από την Ορθοδοξία, την μοναδική Χριστιανική ομολογία που ανόθευτα και αδιάκοπα διαμηνύει το αναστάσιμο μήνυμα της λυτρώσεως, κατά την αποστολική ομολογία και κατά την αγιοπατερική παράδοση.

          Την Κυριακή, στην περιώνυμο ημέρα της Πεντηκοστής, κατά τον πανηγυρικό Εσπερινό του Αγίου Πνεύματος, ή άλλως αποκαλούμενον και Εσπερινόν της γονυκλυσίας, συγκύπτουμε εις τα γόνατα για να αιτήσουμε και εμείς, οι διάδοχοι και τα πνευματικά τέκνα των Αγίων Αποστόλων, την επιφοίτηση του Αγίου Πνεύματος.  Το Πανάγιον Πνεύμα να οδηγεί τα διαβήματά μας σε οδό λυτρώσεως.  Να φωτίζει τη νόσησή μας με τα νοήματα του Παραδείσου και την μνήμη της αιωνίου κρίσεως.  Να χαρίζει την ζωηφόρο και θεόδοτο Χάρη στην Εκκλησία του Χριστού.

          Πεντηκοστήν εορτάζομεν και υμνούμε τον «ευλογητόν Χριστόν, τον Θεόν ημών».  Οι Άγιοι Απόστολοι, οι ιδρυτές της Εκκλησίας μας εις την Ιερουσαλήμ, την Αφρική, την Ασία, την Ελλάδα, την Ευρώπη, μας εμπνέουν να κηρύττουμε το Ευαγγέλιο εις πάντα τα έθνη.  Για εμάς, τους Ελληνορθοδόξους της Διασποράς, αυτό είναι το κάλεσμα και η ευθύνη μας.  Να γίνουμε ιεραπόστολοι του Ορθοδόξου δόγματος, της Ορθοδοξίας.  Να πρεσβεύσουμε τα ιδεατά της πατροδιδάκτου παραδόσεώς μας.  Να καλέσουμε όλα τα τέκνα του Θεού, πάντων των εθνοτήτων και γλωσσών, να γευτούν από την γλυκυτάτη τράπεζα της αιωνίου Βασιλείας και να πορευτούν στα σκαλοπάτια των Ουρανοδρόμων αρετών.  Έτσι θα εορτάζουμε ευσυνειδήτως την Αγία Πεντηκοστή.  Γένοιτο!

+Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος


Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord:


                On the Sunday of Pentecost we commemorate the event in which the Holy Spirit makes the Risen and Living Christ present among us. In the Divine Liturgy, all things are accomplished by God through Christ in the Holy Spirit. Where the Holy Spirit is, there is Christ; and where Christ is, there is the Holy Spirit. Christ is present in the Divine Liturgy by the power and presence of the Holy Spirit, making the Holy Eucharist the source and summit of the Orthodox Christian life, what Saint Maximos the Confessor called “the mystery of mysteries.”  When we are receiving the Precious Body and Blood of the Lord in Holy Communion, we are also participating in what Saint Paul and the text of the Divine Liturgy calls “the communion of the Holy Spirit’ (II Corinthians 13:14).


                In Orthodoxy, the epiclesis or invocation, the “calling forth” of the Holy Spirit upon the faithful and the gifts of bread and wine being offered, is an essential element in the Eucharistic action, affirming the fact that it is only in and by the power of the Holy Spirit that the Church worships, lives and acts. The Church is the Body of Christ and it is the Holy Spirit that constitutes the Church on the day of Pentecost, at every Baptism and at every Divine Liturgy.


                To have received “divine grace and the gift of the Holy Spirit” and to be in communion with God means that God has touched our lives and filled us with the inexpressible joy of His love. God has called us to Himself so that we can become, by His grace, like Him in every possible way. God is good, holy, righteous, merciful, true, forgiving, loving and compassionate – and we, as baptized Orthodox Christians, are given the gifts of the Holy Spirit so that these qualities can blossom in us. Saint Paul writes, “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control” (Galatians 5:22). Does this describe us? Are we generous and gentle, kind and loving, patient and joyful? Have we allowed the Holy Spirit to be active in our lives so that we can become the living icons of His glory that we are called to be? It is my sincere pray that your answer is YES!



With love in Christ Jesus,


+Protopresbyter Panagiotis Papanikolaou


The Blind Man Who Saw the Light

          For centuries, medical science attempts to find a cure for blindness.  A blind person is limited to experience only a fragment of the beauty of creation; furthermore, blindness compromises the professional abilities and other talents that sight enhances.  The pain of a blind man was felt and empathized by Christ. The Lord miraculously healed the blind man by placing clay on his face, where his eyes were supposed to be. When the blind man washed off his face, his sight was restored.  Some of his acquaintances could not even identify him, since he now received a new expression, a new “look.”  His parents recognized the miracle performed in him.  And the ex-blind man accepted Christ as a prophet, but, more importantly, Jesus revealed His divinity to him. This is the second Sunday on a row (after the Sunday of the Samaritan Woman), that Christ reveals His Divinity to a mere human being. The blind man could now see, not only with his eyes, but also with the eyes of his soul. He sees the Θεάνθρωπος, Perfect God and Perfect Human, the Word of God, the Son of God, Christ!

          God used clay to create human beings.  Now clay is implemented again to re-create eyes and to restore the fallen nature of a human being; after the fall of Adam and Eve, corruptibility, illness and death entered the realm of human existence. Christ restores our brokenness; He pays off our debt and He offers His eternal blessings abundantly to us. Christ signifies and reveals with this miracle that He is the One who also created us and made the world. He is the One who turned lifeless clay into life, containing His sacred breath our soul, which is eternal. Science validates that the elements of the earth (soil and water=clay) are the ingredients of our human body. But our compilation of all these elements, from the microscopic cells all the way to the spectacular organs and the way they work together is harmony and great wisdom, are guided by the one undefined element, our soul. We are unique in the Universe of this reason, we are cells that we can contemplate about our cells. No other creature or organism can accomplish that. We can contemplate the meaning of our existence, not just the instincts to stay alive, but why, and how and with whom; even unto eternity!

God is the Creator and Maker of the Universe. Christ reveals His Divinity to the blind man to indicate that he is not just a prophet or teacher as people thought him to be.  He cures blindness and, most significantly, spiritual blindness from the darkness of sin and corruption.  The Lord reveals the Resurrectional light of faith that radiates the virtues of hope and salvation.  Clay can break and deteriorate.  The immortal and heavenly God, though, renews the clay of our nature so that it may live forever. We are baptized in the fountain of incorruptibility, as the blind man was baptized in the fountain of Siloam (which means, the One who is sent).

          There are many people who have the gift of vision. However, we should ask ourselves: do we see with the eyes of our souls as well as the Blind man of the Gospel?  Do we see God in our lives? Before we do, say, or think something, do we try to see what is God’s will? There are still persons in the world who suffer from blindness. But the worst illness is spiritual blindness, because it may cause eternal death… The symptom of spiritual blindness is when we see nothing but ourselves and we fail to see God’s will and the needs for our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Spiritual blindness makes people egoistical and arrogant; they often times think they are right, even when they commit mistakes. Reading the Gospel narrative of the Sunday of the Blind Man inspires us to open the eyes of our souls and to try and find the will of God in our lives. This is what a blind man teaches us, a blind man who could see!

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


          Για εκατοντάδες χρόνια η επιστήμη προσπαθεί να βρει ίαση για την τύφλωση.  Είναι δύσμοιρος ο άνθρωπος που δεν μπορεί να δει εκείνους που αγαπά, το μεγαλείο της κτίσεως, τα επιτεύγματα της τέχνης, την ομορφιά του κόσμου. Ένας τυφλός, παρά τα επιτεύγματα της επιστήμης και της κοινωνίας, δυσκολεύεται να λειτουργήσει και να απολαύσει σε πληρότητα ό,τι ο κόσμος προσφέρει. Τον πόνο ενός τυφλού, πριν από 2000 χρόνια, αφουγκράζεται ο Κύριος.  Και απαλύνει τον πόνο του θαυματουργικώς.  Δεν είχε καν μάτια στο πρόσωπό του ο τυφλός του σημερινού αναγνώσματος. Και ο Κτίστης και Δημιουργός μας, έπλασε πηλό και έφτιαξε οφθαλμούς. Ο Κύριος αποκαλύπτει την Θεανθρωπότητά Του, διότι μόνο Εκείνος δύναται να μετασχηματίσει στο άχαρο και άψυχο πηλό σε κάτι τόσο όμορφο και πλασμένο εν σοφία, στον άνθρωπο. Και η επιστήμη συνηγορεί στο ότι τα συστατικά που συναποτελούν το σώμα μας προέρχονται από την γη μαζί με νερό, είναι δηλαδή τα συστατικά του πηλού. Από τον μορϊακό μικρόκοσμο, έως και το μεγαλείο του Σύμπαντος, ο Θεός εποίησε τα πάντα εν σοφία. Και εμείς, οι άνθρωποι, είμαστε μοναδικοί από όλα τα δημιουργήματα της πλάσεως στο να αναγνωρίζουμε ότι είμαστε μόρια, όργανα, νους, σκέψη, ζωή. Έχουμε πνευματικές αναζητήσεις, είμαστε σκεπτόμενα, φιλοσοφούμενα και πνευματοκινούμενα μόρια. Αναζητούμε το «γιατί» και το «πως» και με το «ποιους», όχι απλά την επιβιώση όπως τα ζώα της πλάσεως. Ενέχεται στον πήλινο κορμό μας η Θεία Πνοή, η αθάνατη ψυχή, η κινητήριος δύναμη της αθανασίας του «είναι» μας.

Ο τυφλός «είδε» τον Χριστό, και επίστεψε σε αυτόν, χωρίς να έχει μάτια. Είδε με τα μάτια της ψυχής αυτό που πολλοί, ακόμη και η θρησκευτική ελίτ της εποχής του, δεν μπόρεσαν, ή δεν ήθελαν, να διακρίνουν. Αποπλένοντας το πρόσωπο στην πηγή του Σιλωάμ, ο τυφλός ανέβλεψε.  Ούτε να τον γνωρίζουν δεν μπορούσαν, αφού το πρόσωπό του πήρε νέα μορφή, έκφραση και όψη. Και οι γονείς του αποδέχτηκαν τον θαύμα και εκείνος ανεγνώρισε τη Θεότητα του Κυρίου, όχι μόνο με τα πήλινα μάτια του, αλλά και με τα μάτια της ψυχής του.

          Ο Θεός, που με πηλό έπλασε ολόκληρο το σώμα του ανθρώπου, πλάθει τους οφθαλμούς για να αναπληρώσει την πεπτωκύια φύση του μετά τον Αδάμ παιδιού του.  Ο Ιησούς αποδεικνύει και αποκαλύπτει ότι είναι Κτίστης και Θεός με το συγκεκριμένο θαύμα.  Δεν είναι απλώς διδάσκαλος και προφήτης, όπως νόμιζαν οι ακόλουθοί Του, αλλά Θεάνθρωπος.  Αποκαθιστά την τύφλωση του ανθρώπου και ιδιαιτέρως την πνευματική τύφλωση από το σκότος της αμαρτίας.  Αποκαλύπτει το Αναστάσιμο φως της πίστεως, το ελπιδοφόρο και λαμπαδηφόρο μήνυμα της αιωνιότητος και της αφθαρσίας.  Ο πηλός σπάζει, λιώνει και αλλιώνεται.  Ο Θεός, όμως, διά της Αναστάσεως ανανεώνει και ανακαινουργεί την φύση μας.  Την βαπτίζει στη πηγή της αφθαρσίας, όπως ο τυφλός βάπτισε το πρόσωπό του στη πηγή του Σιλωάμ, που ερμηνεύεται «απεσταλμένος».

Πολλοί από εμάς έχουμε το χάρισμα της οράσεως.  Πρέπει όμως να αναρωτηθούμε: βλέπουμε τον Χριστό στη ζωή μας ως Σωτήρα;  Έχουμε την πίστη και την ελπίδα ότι θα μας γεμίσει με τη Χάρη Του σε κάθε μας δυσκολία ή απελπιζόμαστε;  Βλέπουμε με τα μάτια της ψυχής μας το θέλημά Του ή τα κρατάμε κλειστά;  Υπάρχουν πολλοί τυφλοί σε αυτόν τον κόσμο. Η χειρότερη αρρώστεια, όμως, είναι η πνευματική τύφλωση. Όταν ο άνθρωπος βλέπει μόνο τον εαυτό του και δεν γνωρίζει τον Θεό του ούτε τον συνάνθρωπο. Η πνευματική τύφλωση κάνει τους ανθρώπους εγωϊστές, τους οδηγεί σε εγκλήματα και παραστρατήματα. Διαβάζοντας την ευαγγελική περικοπή της Κυριακής του Τυφλού, διδασκόμαστε από έναν τυφλό να έχουμε τα μάτια μας ανοικτά και να βλέπουμε.  Να βλέπουμε το θέλημα του Θεού στη ζωή μας και να το πράττουμε με πίστη και χαρά.

+Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος

MESSAGE OF MAY 30, 2024:

Χριστὸς Ἀνέστη! Christ Is Risen!

          Χριστός Ανέστη!

          Yesterday, we saw our Greek School student’s Moving Up Ceremony (up to the 2nd grade). Tonight, we have the other grades and the Graduation ceremony at 5:30 pm. We are all so proud of our intelligent, multi-lingual students; according to recent studies, speaking and understanding multiple languages is significant for the cultivation of intelligence, problem-solving skills and creativity. Many entrepreneurs and successful persons are multi-lingual. The new and improved curriculum will enhance the students’ conversational and comprehensive abilities and we look forward to the new School year! We congratulate our students and express our gratitude to the principal and the teachers for their amazing work!

          On Sunday, June 2nd, we have the Church School Graduation and Moving Up Ceremonies. We will also recognize all our graduates who have completed their High School, College and Graduate School studies. Please, forward your academic and extra-curriculum accomplishments together with your future plans to my email ( ) or to Mrs. Panagiota Perlegis by tomorrow (Friday) the latest. We thank with all our hearts our principal and all Church School teachers who dedicate their selfless efforts for the spiritual edification of our youth. Thank you!

          On Sunday, we have Loukoumades offered by the Golden Years after the service. We will also announce all the athletic accomplishments of our teams and athletes at the recent Memorial Weekend Archdiocesan Olympics. We are grateful to Nikoletta Markouli who organized the event for the entire District and to Natasia Brienza who coordinated every team and athlete from our Parish. We express our appreciation to the Advisors Eleni Frasiolas (who celebrated her birthday during the Olympics) and Eleni Gerasimou (GOYA), with Patty Konstantinopoulos and Patty Guerin (JOY). They were assisted by our coaches and many parents and volunteers, who stayed at Suffolk College the entire day. I was able to spend 4 hours with the youth in between my other appointments and I share my admiration for our Community, the commitment and dedication of all our athletes and volunteers. On Sunday, I would like all the athletes to bring their medals in Church as they will be announced together with their teammates.

Here are the medal winners from the Olympics:


Anastasia Perlegis - Bronze in swim freestyle

Anastasia and Elise Gjezo - Gold in swim relay

Antonios Mihail Tsirigos - Bronze in swim relay



-Chris Brienza - Gold 50m dash

-Anna Konstantinopoulos - Silver- 50m dash

-Tony Guerin, Aris and Triton Cimino, and Chris Brienza - Bronze in the 4x50 relay AND silver in the 4x100 relay

-Melina Konstantinopoulos, Melina Vourvahis, Angelina Menegatos and Christina Plias - Silver in 4x100 relay

 Angelina Menegatos  and Melina Vourvahis – Dash Medals (TBD)


Ping pong:

Antonios Mihail Tsirigos - Silver


Softball throw:

Nicoletta Papaemmanuel - Silver

Chris Brienza - Gold


Long Jump:

Anna Konstantinopoulos - Gold


Basketball Free Throws:

Melina Konstantinopoulos - Bronze



Christina Plias, Chrisanthi Berenson, Melina Vourvahis, Angelina Menegatos, Melina Konstantinopoulos and Aya Pappas (Team) - GOLD

We were in the semifinals for 7-8-9 ages co-ed kickball and for 10–11-12 ages boys’ soccer. We were also in the semifinals for our girls’ volleyball team. Our boys’ team didn’t enter because most of the players were away at tournaments with their School; the boys did win the Championship for the entire District though. Thanks to the coaches because all these teams need a coach to participate: Natasia Brienza, Eleni Frasiolas, Eleni Papaemmanuel, Nick Brienza, Niko Poulikidis, Katerina Perlegis, Steve Demetropoulos George and Kally Menegatos.

We are building our Constantine and Carol Cassis Center to ensure that our teams and all athletes will have the proper facility to train, practice and bring even more medals to the trophy wall of the new edifice. Imagine the potential! On that note, I would like to announce that our Ground Breaking Gala is SOLD OUT and the event promises to be an enormous success. Please, arrive at Sand Castle at 4 pm for the cocktail hour, dinner will begin at 5 pm sharp!

Due to the high number of guests, we have secured the parking lot across the street from the venue; the police will be there to assist you and also help you cross the Street. Mr. Nick Boultadakis is donating the entire event free of charge to the Parish and he also has a surprise for us that evening. Stay tuned!

The two artists for the event are preparing an amazing program for our entertainment. Our own Maria Pragias (artist name Maria Ellis) will open the program with exciting dance hits. After the dance floor is all warmed up, the world-renowned singer Evangelia will start her program with her hits, transitioning from American to Greek music. The KANARIS dance group will perform pentozali (since Evangelia is a Cretan, her dad was Mr. Nick Boultadakis’ classmate in Greece). They will also lead us to dance other Greek dances and Euphoria productions with our own Triantafillos Tzaras will ensure the party will go on as long as we wish to stay and dance. We would like to thank Triantifillos for covering all the expenses for the singer who is coming to our event (she is actually returning from concerts in Greece and then continues with performances in California and other American cities).

Already the Gala has been a successful event, the most successful in the history of the Parish. Our Journal has more than 100 Gold Pages and brought in more than $130,000 for the Center. The Gala is sold out and I have no words to express my gratitude to all of you for ensuring that this project will be successful. We are exactly on the half point mark of our fundraising, we are starting to pour in the cement after the Festival and we need to bring in another $3,000,000 between today and August of 2025. Together, united by our resolve and love for the faith and our heritage, we can make this goal, the same way Olympiakos scored the goal at the 116th minute of overtime to win the first Greek team European soccer cup in history (in 2004 we had the National team win, and in the past Panathinaikos had the final in Wembley and AEK a semi-final for the European Champions League, both extremely difficult feats). Therefore, let’s score and make our goals! Now, let’s build!

Ἀληθῶς Ἀνέστη ὁ Κύριος! Truly the Lord Is Risen!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Servant Leadership Award Ceremony and General Assembly

          On Tuesday, June 4th, we have been invited to participate in the Servant Leadership Award Ceremony of our Archdiocesan District. His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America will decorate two of our volunteers with the prestigious Archdiocesan Servant Leadership Award: Mr. Demetri Fillas will receive the Award for his many years of service to the Parish and the Archdiocese. Mr. Fillas, his wife and children, have served in every single organization of the Parish (except for the Golden Years, he has not yet reached retirement age). As a Parish Council President, Executive Board member, as well as an expert in construction, representative in several federations, a patriot and a devout Orthodox, Demetri has been an example for many volunteers and Church leaders. Thank you Demetri!

Every year, the Archdiocese also decorates the same award to a Parish member from the group of the young adults, and this year’s recipient is Mr. Alexandros Avgeris, our chanter, who has also served as GOYA advisor and volunteer is several positions in the Community. He has also chanted as a volunteer for long periods of time and has taught our youth how to chant for free; thank you Alex! Congratulations to both and we are looking forward for many such distinctions to follow in the future for our many worthy and hard-working volunteers.

          On Wednesday, June 5th, we have our General Assembly and Festival meeting at 7 pm. Please, be there to discuss the many exciting news and events that are taking place in the Parish, especially in light of the upcoming construction and all our projects and ministries.

          On the same note of recognitions for our Community, the 4E TV network has broadcasted a beautiful dedication for Saint Demetrios Church in Merrick. You can watch the episode at the following YouTube links:

See you all for the exciting upcoming events. May God bless and protect our beautiful Parish and all our families!

ΜΕSSAGE OF MAY 22, 2024:

Χριστὸς Ἀνέστη! Christ Is Risen!

          What a beautiful way to greet each other for forty days after Pascha! And what a beautiful Pascha celebration and Holy Week observance we all had together. We express our heartfelt appreciation to President of the Parish Council for donating the mageiritsa, the presents for the Easter Egg Hunt, and all the supplies for the meals and the services, as well as all their hard work throughout Holy Week, cooking, cleaning, serving and assisting Parishioners. The Council was also providing the beautiful pictures of the services and the sound system operation for the entire Holy Week.

We express gratitude to the Philoptochos for the gorgeous Epitaphios decoration, the baking, as well as the Golden Years, and Church School for the floral Church decorations and all volunteers and donors for their commitment and love. GOYA, JOY, Greek School and Little Angels for the Palms and cleaning, you are all much appreciated. Thanks to Presvytera Tina and Presvytera Chrissy, together with the amazing ladies, Elaine Cassimatis, Georgia Pavlou Pam Perlegis and her children, for the Easter Eggs, cooking, decorating and together with kyrio Kosta Piyis (the chef, who also kept the Church pristine) preparing the meals and the Church for the services. They were assisted by numerous volunteers, from all age groups, and the results were phenomenal!

I express heartfelt appreciation to the Rev. Protopresbyter Panagiotis Papanikolaou for the spiritually uplifting service, assisted by Alexadros Avgeris, Antonis Koutsoumbis, the chanters, the myrofores, and the altar servers. Very thankful to His Grace Bishop Nektarios of Diokleia for the Paschal service. This Holy Week will remain unforgettable.

On Sunday of Thomas, we celebrate Mother’s Day; all the mothers of the Parish will receive a flower as a blessing and a token of gratitude for the great love and the institution of motherhood. HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! And next Sunday, is a historic day: the GROUND BREAKING CEREMONY!!! The Ground Breaking Ceremony for the Constantine and Carol Cassis Center is on Sunday, May 19th at the morning Divine Liturgy!!! We are honored that His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America will bless the laying of the foundation at the Ground Breaking Ceremony on that auspicious day.

We will all be there, our School students, our youth, our teams, our organizations, supporters, volunteers, and all our families. We will have a tent in case the weather is not favorable. The Parish Council is preparing a delicious steak luncheon for all to enjoy. Most importantly, May 19th is a historic day we will all cherish, honor and remember forever!

For this reason, every single one of us needs to send our greeting for the celebratory Journal for the Gala, featuring the event of the Ground Breaking Ceremony, honoring Ms. Elaine Cassimatis and Mr. Nick Boultadakis, and celebrating the beginning of construction for the Constantine and Carol Cassis Center. Ms. Elaine Cassimatis has given the most generous donation to kick start the project. The least we can do is express our appreciation for her dedication and love. To send your greeting and congratulations, and become a part of this historic commemorative edition, please, call our Church office at (516) 379-1368.

And Mr. Nick Boultadakis is giving us the Catering Hall for free, plus generous donations and much legwork to assist us with fundraising and many other ways to ensure the project begins on time and on budget. As our host, he needs to see all of us all at the Ground Breaking Dinner Dance of June 9th, which will be an amazing event, with live performances from distinguished artists, and an unforgettable celebration to cherish this new beginning. He is donating the venue, and he is asking that we fill it up; in a way, he is asking us to force him to spend more! Out of love for his Church, he wants to ensure that our event is successful, even if it costs him a lot.

Please, call our Church office to reserve your seats / table for the Gala. I promise, it will be the most fun event you have experienced in a very long time. We are Saint Demetrios in Merrick, and we love to do the right thing, while also enjoying our time together. So, keep these dates in your calendar, May 19th, the Ground Breaking ceremony in the morning, June 9th, the Gala at 5 pm; and send your good wishes through the Journal (deadline is this coming Tuesday, May 14th.

These are historic days; many generations will be appreciative of our hard work and commitment. Now, let’s build!

Ἀληθῶς Ἀνέστη ὁ Κύριος! Truly the Lord Is Risen!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

          Christ will be welcomed on Palm Sunday with glorious festivities, with palms and branches. Yet, in a week, people will demand His Crucifixion, the most humiliating punishment by death in Roman times. People change; these were the same people who saw Christ cure the paralytics, the blind men, the lepers and even bring the dead back to life. He fed their families, preached to them like none before and showed them love and care. He gave them hope and a true faith of salvation.

          People change. They forget easily… and they can become thankless and arrogant. Do we want to change? Or do we prefer to remain steadfast on the faith? Should we leave the Mystical Supper, when He is offering even His Precious Body and Blood for us? Should we sleep, when the Lord is experiencing an agony in the Olive Garden? Should we deny Him, when people ask us if we are His followers and believers, when they mock us for the faith, and ridicule our Savior? Should we hide, when He is Crucified on Golgotha, leaving only a few women and one young disciple with Him? Should we follow orders and pierce His flesh with nails, His side with a lance, and offer vinegar, while stealing His garment, His only possession? Should we leave His Body unattended on the Cross, without a proper burial, or a tomb, afraid to provide what Joseph of Arimathea offered? Should we deny His Resurrection, unless we put our hand in His side and touch the print of the nails? Should we let this Holy Week be wasted and not follow His every footstep towards a sacred Passion and a glorious Resurrection?

          We have a week to answer these questions: Holy Week!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


            “This child is chosen by God for the fall and the salvation of many” (Luke 2:34). The Elder Simeon’s words were fulfilled in the Lord’s ministry. None generated so diverse a reaction as our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ did among His contemporaries. To those who came to the Lord with faith, Jesus was sent by God to heal, forgive and teach the people. Saint Peter confessed the Lord with these words: “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God” (Mathew 16:16). Jesus Christ was God’s Anointed, full of the Holy Spirit, one in whose person, words and actions the age of salvation was dawning.  The more the people were attached to the Lord, the more the Lord seemed to threaten the security of the religious and political order of the day. When the Lord came to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, the atmosphere was one filled with hope and controversy; enthusiasm and hostility; joy and tension.

            In the ancient world, kings often led triumphal processions into cities. These were magnificent spectacles of power and pomp involving chariots, horses and armies. However, the Lord’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem included no such external signs of power and splendor. In the Gospels, we find the Lord always walking. There is no reference that the Lord was ever on a horse. And now the Lord entries into Jerusalem accompanied by simple Galilean fishermen riding a donkey. What king, asks Saint John Chrysostom in a homily, ever entered into a city on a donkey?  The Lord and Savior Jesus Christ came as the Prince of Peace. A spontaneous crowd and enthusiastic children gave the Lord a hero’s welcome. The Lord accepted their warm acclaim as a joyful expression of His Spiritual Kingship. In this humble setting of fishermen, ordinary people and children, the central event of Palm Sunday fulfilled the prophecy of Zachariah: “Rejoice, rejoice, people of Zion! Shout for joy, you people of Jerusalem! Look, your King is coming to you! He comes triumphant and victorious, but humble and riding on a donkey – on a colt, a the foal of a donkey” (Zechariah 9:9).

            Praying that we faithfully begin the solemn lenten journey of Holy Week, laying aside every worldly care so that we may receive the Risen Lord into our hearts on Holy and Great Pascha, I humbly remain,

In Christ Jesus,

+Protopresbyter Panagioti


Dear members of our Parish family,

This is it! The final stretch before the Finals! Holy Week is almost here! This is the most sacred time of the year, as we participate in the completion of our Lenten journey by previewing the triumph of Life over death (Saturday of Lazarus) observing the entrance of the Lord into our Church (on Palm Sunday), being inspired by the Bridegroom of the Church (Nymphios services), receiving the healing of the faith (on Holy Wednesday), participating in the Last Supper (Holy Thursday), lamenting the Sacred Passion, Crucifixion and Burial (eve of Holy Thursday and throughout Good Friday), enthusiastically anticipating the Rise from the Dead (Holy Saturday morning) and celebrating His Glorious and Life-Giving Resurrection (Pascha).

We will not miss a step, we attend the services to receive His Grace and salvation, for the health of our souls and bodies, to manifest our faith and proclaim His message of hope. Our Church will welcome you all throughout the services of Holy Week. On Palm Sunday, we will offer delicious bakaliaro skordalia meals TO GO or to enjoy in our CHURCH HALL for our Parish members. To reserve your meals, please, call the office at (516) 379-1368. You come to Church, receive the sacraments and Palms and you also take home a delicious, traditional and cooked to perfection by our Parish chefs fish meal. What can be better than that? Please, call this week to reserve your meal, I already pre-ordered myself, and I know it will be delicious.

Holy Communion will be administered on the Saturday of Lazarus (9 am), Palm Sunday (9 am), Holy Wednesday (6:30 am), Holy Thursday (8 am), Holy Saturday (9 am) and Pascha Sunday (12 midnight). Holy Unction will be offered on Holy Wednesday (4 pm and 7 pm).  We are known for our beautiful, traditional, melodious and quick services. As a father I understand all parents with small children and so we make sure that everything is well organized and to make our services uplifting, so that our youth keeps coming back for more of God’s blessings.

Flowers are needed to adorn the icons of the Nymphios, the Crucifix, the icons of the templon, the Epitaphios and the Paschal decorations. Please, support our Church beautification and either call the Church office or approach a Parish Council member for your donation. Please, remember to send the names of the departed souls for the Good Friday commemoration on the Epitaphios (3:30 pm). We have prepared the Palms, the eggs for the Paschal service and all the other beautiful adornments of our Church. The President of the Parish Council has provided the gifts for the children Easter Egg Hunt, which takes place on Pascha Sunday at the Vespers of Agape, 12 noon. After 2 years, we are again together for Holy Week and Pascha. We will immerse in the beauty of those services with double the enthusiasm, with all our heart and with devoted faith in Christ Jesus our Risen Lord. Have a blessed remainder of Great Lent and a beautiful and unforgettable Holy Week.

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


Αγαπητοί φίλοι και μέλη της ενορίας μας,

Σας εύχομαι από βάθους καρδίας καλή και ευλογημένη Αγία Τεσσαρακοστὴ, υγιέστατη, πανέμορφη και αξέχαστη η Μεγάλη Ευδομάδα! Η Μεγάλη Τεσσαρακοστή είναι κατ’ εξοχήν πνευματική περίοδος κατά την οποία καλλιεργείται η μετάνοια και αυξάνεται η προσευχή μας.  Και την Μ. Ευδομάδα, κάθε ημέρα μνημονεύουμε κάτι σημαντικό για την σωτηρία μας.

Κορυφώνεται η πορεία προς το Θείον Πάθος και την Ζωηφόρο Ανάσταση του Σωτήρος. Μαζί θα γιορτάσουμε αυτές τις Άγιες ημέρες με προσευχή και κατάνυξη. Ο ναός είναι έτοιμος, στολισμένος και περικαλής, ώστε να εισέσθη ο Βασιλεύς της Δόξης μετά Βαΐων και κλάδων. Να Τον προσκυνήσουμε ως Νυμφίο της Εκκλησίας. Να λάβουμε την ίαση του Αγίου Ευχελαίου (την Μ. Τετάρτη) και να μεταλάβουμε το Άχραντο Σώμα και το Θείο Αίμα στο Μυστικό Δείπνο (αλλά και σε όλες τις Θ. Λειτουργίες της Μ. Εβδομάδος, Σάββατο του Λαζάρου, Κυριακή των Βαΐων, Μ. Τετάρτη, Πέμπτη, Σάββατο, και στη μεταμεσονύκτιο Αναστάσιμη ακολουθία). Να προσκυνήσουμε τον Νυμφίο (από την Κυριακή των Βαΐων μέχρι και την Μ. Τρίτη εσπέρας), τον Νιπτήρα (Μ. Τετάρτη), τον Σταυρό (την Μ. Πέμπτη στα Άγια Πάθη), τον Επιτάφιο (στην Αποκαθήλωση, όταν μνημονεύουμε και τους κεκοιμημένους), να ψάλλουμε τα Εγκώμια (το βράδυ της Μ. Παρασκευής) και να προγευτούμε την δόξα Του στον Πάταγο και τον σεισμό (το Μ. Σάββατο), ώστε να προσκυνήσουμε τον Αναστημένο Σωτήρα του κόσμου (το Πάσχα). 

Καλό Πάσχα, ευλογημένη Μεγάλη Ευδομάδα, υγεία και σωτηρία στις οικογένειες της ενορίας μας και σε όλο τον κόσμο!

Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος


Schedule of Sacred Services and Events

1)    The Akathist Hymn - Ὁ Ἀκάθιστος, Friday, April 19th at 7 pm. We welcome donations for the flowers of the icon of Panaghia.

2)    Sunday, April 21st, Sunday of Saint Mary of Egypt – Κυριακὴ τῆς Ἁγίας Μαρίας τῆς Αἰγυπτίας: Orthros and Divine Liturgy starting at 9 am.

3)    Memorials: Sophie Moniodes (40 days), Despina Kilimitzoglou (1 year), Paul Moniodes (8 years). May their memory be eternal.

4)    Coffee hour sponsored by the Skenderis family.

5)    Breakfast sponsored by the Little Angels this Sunday after the service.

6)    GOYA Luminary Bags sale: $10 each. The names of your loved ones will appear on the illuminated bag and placed on the path of the Epitaphios procession on Good Friday. Please, see a GOYA member or Venmo $10 for each Luminary Bag together with the name of your loved one to @saintdemetriosMerrick -GOYA.

7)    Funeral for Ioannis Xerakias, Monday, April 22nd at 9:30 am.

8)    GOYA Medical Career Event sponsored and organized by Northwell Health, Thursday, April 25th at 7 pm. It is open to all the young adults of the Parish and anyone who is interested in a career in the medical field. Don’t miss it! April 19th is Trivia Night at 7:30 pm hosted by St. Nicholas Babylon following the Salutations; $10 per person.

9)    On Friday, April 26th our GOYA will start preparing the Palm Crosses for Palm Sunday at 7:30 pm (the adults will begin making Palm Crosses at 5 pm). We will also have a Holy Week Retreat for the youth during that time and community service letters will be given to all the young volunteers who assist with the Palms.

10)                        The sacrament of Holy Confession will be offered from 5 pm until 7:30 pm on Friday, April 26th.




9:00 a.m.: Orthros and Divine Liturgy - Youth Retreat – Holy Week Explained - Confessions.                  


a)      9:00 a.m.: Orthros and Divine Liturgy.  We will offer delicious bakaliaro skordalia meals TO GO or to enjoy in the Church Hall for our Parish members. To order your meals, please, call the office at (516) 379-1368. Philoptochos delivers the Paschal Tsourekia after the service and offers a Bake Sale of delicious Greek pastries!

b)     7:00 p.m.:   Service of the Bridegroom.      


April 29: HOLY MONDAY     

7:00 p.m.: Service of the Bridegroom.


7:00 p.m.: Service of the Bridegroom (with the Hymn of Kassiani)


a)      6:30 a.m.: Liturgy of the Pre-Sanctified Gifts.

b)     4:00 p.m.: Holy Unction

c)      7:00 p.m.: Orthros of the Washing of the Disciples’ Feet and Holy Unction.         


a)      8:00 a.m.: Vespers and Divine Liturgy of St. Basil (Mystical Supper).

b)     6:30 p.m.: Service of the Holy Passion (The Twelve Gospels).


a)      11:00 a.m.: Great Hours.

b)     3:30 p.m.: Great Vespers of the Descent from the Cross (Apokathelosis). Please, remember to send the names of the departed souls for the Good Friday commemoration on the Epitaphios.

c)      7:30 p.m.: Epitaphios Service. (Lamentations).                          


a)      9:00 a.m.: Vespers and Divine Liturgy.

b)     11:00 p.m.: Vigil of the Holy Light.


a)      12:00 Midnight: Resurrection Service. Orthros and Divine Liturgy, His Grace Bishop Nektarios of Diokleia presiding.

b)     Traditional mageiritsa soup after the service.

c)      12:00 noon: Vespers of Love. Easter Egg Hunt after the Vespers.    



9:00 π.μ.: Όρθρος, Θεία Λειτουργία – Σεμινάριο για την Μ. Εβδομάδα


α) 9:00  π.μ.:    Όρθρος, Θεία Λειτουργία. Γεύμα μπακαλιάρος σκορδαλιά για όσους βάλλουν παραγγελία, καλώντας το γραφείο μας στο (516) 379-1368. Γλυκά από την Φιλόπτωχο.

β) 7  μ.μ.:   Ακολουθία του Νυμφίου.


7 μ.μ.:     Όρθρος Μ. Τρίτης.

30 Απριλίου: ΜΕΓΑΛΗ ΤΡΙΤΗ

7 μ.μ.:    Όρθρος Μ. Τετάρτης (Τροπάριο Κασσιανής).


α) 6:30 π.μ.:   Προηγιασμένη Θ. Λειτουργία.

β) 4 μ.μ.: Άγιο Ευχέλαιο.

γ) 7 μ.μ.:   Ακολουθία του Νιπτήρος και Άγιο Ευχέλαιο.


α) 8 π.μ.: Εσπερινός, Θεία Λειτουργία (Μυστικόs  Δείπνοs)

β) 6:30 μ.μ.:  Ακολουθία των Παθών (Τα 12 Ευαγγέλια).


α) 11 π.μ.:      Ώρες.

β) 3:30 μ.μ.:  Αποκαθήλωση. Παρακαλούμε να δώσετε εγκαίρως τα ονόματα των κεκοιμημένων ενοριτών μας, ώστε να μνημονευθούν μπροστά στον Επιτάφιο.

γ) 7:30 μ.μ.:   Επιτάφιος (Εγκώμια).


α) 9 π.μ.: Εσπερινός και Θεία Λειτουργία.

β) 11:00 μ.μ.: Ακολουθία του Αγίου Φωτός.


α) 12  μεσάνυκτα:  Αναστάσιμος Όρθρος και Θ. Λειτουργία προεξάρχοντος του Θεοφιλ. Επισκόπου Διοκλείας κ. Νεκταρίου. Παραδοσιακή μαγειρίτσα μετά την ακολουθία.

β) 12 μεσημέρι: Εσπερινός της Αγάπης. Παιχνίδι μετά την ακολουθία με τα Πασχαλινά                 αυγά για τα παιδιά!


            This Sunday is the Fifth Sunday in Great Lent, the day we commemorate Saint Mary of Egypt.  Mary’s early life was decidedly un-saintly. She spent 17 years of her life pursuing a life of sin, driven by lust. The turning point came when she was in Jerusalem at the time of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, when a fragment of the Cross of Christ was held up for all to venerate. Out of curiosity she joined the crowds that were streaming toward the Church, and pushed her way into the Narthex with the others. But when she reached the door to enter the Nave of the Church, some mysterious force prevented her from going in.  She tried again, three or four more times, but each time she reached the door she could go no further. Finally, exhausted, she stood in a corner of the Narthex, trying to figure out what was happening. Gradually she realized that it was the sinfulness of her own actions that prevented her from entering the Church.

            As she stood weeping at this realization, she noticed that there was an icon of the Holy Theotokos on the wall near where she was standing. Looking into the eyes of the Panagia, she asked for Her help. She begged to be allowed to look on the Life-Giving Cross, where the Panagia’s Son had died for her, and promising that she would renounce the world and its temptations, and go wherever the Theotokos led her. Then she tried again and nothing kept her from entering the Church.  After kneeling before the Cross she returned to the icon and asked the Panagia to lead her. Then she heard a voice saying “If you cross the Jordan, you will find rest.”  She obeyed, crossed the Jordan River and went into the desert, where she lived alone for the rest of her life.

            So how do we know about her? Because there was a monk, Father Zosimas, who had become well known for his asceticism. Eventually he came to believe that he had probably attained perfection in asceticism; that there was nothing more anyone could teach him. Then he visited a monastery, where it was the custom that the monks spend all of Lent alone in the desert, not knowing how anyone else lived or fasted. When they all returned on Palm Sunday, no one would ask anyone else how he had succeeded in his Lenten fast.  Thus no one was tempted to impress anyone else; each one had to struggle only with himself, before God.

            So he went into the desert, and after twenty days, as he stopped for prayer, he saw a woman in the distance. It was Mary – she was old now.  He tried to approach her but she avoided him until he threw her his cloak. Then he begged her to tell him her story, and she reluctantly complied. He could tell, by the way she talked and things she knew about him that she lived in close communion with God.

            The Holy Church commemorates Saint Mary of Egypt every year, as an example of repentance. Repentance is about self-awareness. The first step in coming closer to God is seeing ourselves as we really are. Not as we think others see us, not as we want others to see us; and not as our parents told us we would turn out, either. But as we really are, with all our pretenses and defenses stripped away. Self-awareness is seeing ourselves as God sees us. So repentance starts with self-awareness.  Then it’s about recognizing the obstacles that keep us from coming closer to Him - not our specific sins, so much as our sinfulness; not the things we do, so much as the desires that make us do them. The Holy Fathers boiled it down to a list of eight “passions” that drive us all: gluttony, unchastely, avarice, anger, listlessness, despair, vainglory, and pride.

            Repentance also involves recognizing that we cannot do it on our own. Saint Mary knew she could not subdue her passions on her own, even with extreme asceticism; that’s why she begged for help from the Theotokos. Each time Saint Mary was overwhelmed by temptation she would bring to mind the image of the Theotokos, remembering her promise and asking her help, and afterwards she would see a great light all around her and be filled with peace. Instead of dwelling on the things she had done or wanted to do, she focused her attention on that image – single-mindedly, receptively, and expectantly. This is the essence of Christian meditation, focused on the present moment and attentive to God, receptive. And more and more she did experience that peace and rest that the Theotokos had promised she would find. She knew the Theotokos as her intercessor. And we have the same help available – from God, who loves us, and from the Theotokos and all the saints (including Saint Mary herself), who pray for us and encourage us.

            Saint Mary’s example shows us that repentance begins with self-awareness, that it involves vigilantly resisting the characteristics in ourselves – the passions – that draw us away from God, and that God loves us so much that His help is always available.  As Father Zosimas saw, the result was that Saint Mary grew closer and closer to God and became more and more like Him…if she did, then we can too!

+Protopresbyter Panagioti

Dear members of our Parish family,

This is it! The final stretch before the Finals! Holy Week is almost here! This is the most sacred time of the year, as we participate in the completion of our Lenten journey by previewing the triumph of Life over death (Saturday of Lazarus) observing the entrance of the Lord into our Church (on Palm Sunday), being inspired by the Bridegroom of the Church (Nymphios services), receiving the healing of the faith (on Holy Wednesday), participating in the Last Supper (Holy Thursday), lamenting the Sacred Passion, Crucifixion and Burial (eve of Holy Thursday and throughout Good Friday), enthusiastically anticipating the Rise from the Dead (Holy Saturday morning) and celebrating His Glorious and Life-Giving Resurrection (Pascha).

We will not miss a step, we attend the services to receive His Grace and salvation, for the health of our souls and bodies, to manifest our faith and proclaim His message of hope. Our Church will welcome you all throughout the services of Holy Week. On Palm Sunday, we will offer delicious bakaliaro skordalia meals TO GO or to enjoy in our CHURCH HALL for our Parish members. To reserve your meals, please, call the office at (516) 379-1368. You come to Church, receive the sacraments and Palms and you also take home a delicious, traditional and cooked to perfection by our Parish chefs fish meal. What can be better than that? Please, call this week to reserve your meal, I already pre-ordered myself, and I know it will be delicious.

Holy Communion will be administered on the Saturday of Lazarus (9 am), Palm Sunday (9 am), Holy Wednesday (6:30 am), Holy Thursday (8 am), Holy Saturday (9 am) and Pascha Sunday (12 midnight). Holy Unction will be offered on Holy Wednesday (4 pm and 7 pm).  We are known for our beautiful, traditional, melodious and quick services. As a father I understand all parents with small children and so we make sure that everything is well organized and to make our services uplifting, so that our youth keeps coming back for more of God’s blessings.

Flowers are needed to adorn the icons of the Nymphios, the Crucifix, the icons of the templon, the Epitaphios and the Paschal decorations. Please, support our Church beautification and either call the Church office or approach a Parish Council member for your donation. Please, remember to send the names of the departed souls for the Good Friday commemoration on the Epitaphios (3:30 pm). We have prepared the Palms, the eggs for the Paschal service and all the other beautiful adornments of our Church. The President of the Parish Council has provided the gifts for the children Easter Egg Hunt, which takes place on Pascha Sunday at the Vespers of Agape, 12 noon. After 2 years, we are again together for Holy Week and Pascha. We will immerse in the beauty of those services with double the enthusiasm, with all our heart and with devoted faith in Christ Jesus our Risen Lord. Have a blessed remainder of Great Lent and a beautiful and unforgettable Holy Week.

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos




Αγαπητοί φίλοι και μέλη της ενορίας μας,

Σας εύχομαι από βάθους καρδίας καλή και ευλογημένη Αγία Τεσσαρακοστὴ, υγιέστατη, πανέμορφη και αξέχαστη η Μεγάλη Ευδομάδα! Μία μόλις εβδομάδα μας χωρίζει από την Μεγάλη Εβδομάδα.  Και την Κυριακή, η Εκκλησία μας εορτάζει την μνήμη της Οσίας Μαρίας της Αιγυπτίας.  Η Οσία Μαρία αποτέλεσε παράδειγμα μετανοίας και υπόδειγμα προσευχής.  Η Μεγάλη Τεσσαρακοστή είναι κατ’ εξοχήν πνευματική περίοδος κατά την οποία καλλιεργείται η μετάνοια και αυξάνεται η προσευχή μας.  Και την Μ. Ευδομάδα, κάθε ημέρα μνημονεύουμε κάτι σημαντικό για την σωτηρία μας.

Κορυφώνεται η πορεία προς το Θείον Πάθος και την Ζωηφόρο Ανάσταση του Σωτήρος. Μαζί θα γιορτάσουμε αυτές τις Άγιες ημέρες με προσευχή και κατάνυξη. Ο ναός είναι έτοιμος, στολισμένος και περικαλής, ώστε να εισέσθη ο Βασιλεύς της Δόξης μετά Βαΐων και κλάδων. Μπορούμε να συνεορτάσουμε την Κυριακή των Βαΐων με την παραδοσιακή ισχυοφαγία. Να παραγγείλετε το γεύμα σας στο γραφείο της Κοινότητος και στο νούμερο (516) 379-1368 και να βοηθήσετε και με τον ανθοστολισμό του ναού μας, ώστε όλα να είναι έτοιμα εγκαίρως για να δοξαστεί ο Αναστάς Κύριος.

Να Τον προσκυνήσουμε ως Νυμφίο της Εκκλησίας. Να λάβουμε την ίαση του Αγίου Ευχελαίου (την Μ. Τετάρτη) και να μεταλάβουμε το Άχραντο Σώμα και το Θείο Αίμα στο Μυστικό Δείπνο (αλλά και σε όλες τις Θ. Λειτουργίες της Μ. Εβδομάδος, Σάββατο του Λαζάρου, Κυριακή των Βαΐων, Μ. Τετάρτη, Πέμπτη, Σάββατο, και στη μεταμεσονύκτιο Αναστάσιμη ακολουθία). Να προσκυνήσουμε τον Νυμφίο (από την Κυριακή των Βαΐων μέχρι και την Μ. Τρίτη εσπέρας), τον Νιπτήρα (Μ. Τετάρτη), τον Σταυρό (την Μ. Πέμπτη στα Άγια Πάθη), τον Επιτάφιο (στην Αποκαθήλωση, όταν μνημονεύουμε και τους κεκοιμημένους), να ψάλλουμε τα Εγκώμια (το βράδυ της Μ. Παρασκευής) και να προγευτούμε την δόξα Του στον Πάταγο και τον σεισμό (το Μ. Σάββατο), ώστε να προσκυνήσουμε τον Αναστημένο Σωτήρα του κόσμου (το Πάσχα). 

Καλό Πάσχα, ευλογημένη Μεγάλη Ευδομάδα, υγεία και σωτηρία στις οικογένειες της ενορίας μας και σε όλο τον κόσμο!

Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος

Message of April 12, 2024:


In the Divine Liturgy, prior to the Great Entrance, the chanter chants the Cherubic Hymn. It is a most solemn moment when the Holy Gifts are brought before the people and we hear the words, “Let us, who mystically represent the Cherubim and who sing the thrice-holy hymn to the life-creating Trinity, now lay aside every worldly care. So that we may receive the King of all Who is invisibly escorted by the angelic hosts.” These are words that we hear at every liturgy. As we traverse the Great Lent, we should all take these words to heart. For indeed, Great Lent is a time when we are called to “lay aside every worldly care” so that we may receive the Risen Lord into our hearts.

            The worldly cares that surround us are easy to identify for they are the vanities of life that constantly occupy our thoughts. We are concerned with our relationships, our health, our finances, our jobs, our homes and our possessions. We pursue personal pleasure, only to lament that once we have reached our heart’s desire we still feel unfulfilled. We faithfully text and post as though virtual relationships were preferable to personal contact.

            Then, as winter seems at its most dreary and spring appears so far away, our Orthodox Christian Faith makes one of its most exacting demands. Great Lent is a time when we are all called to fulfill the command of the Cherubic Hymn and lay aside our worldly cares. Perhaps this is the best invitation to fasting. And why do we fast? We fast not to punish ourselves, but rather to put ourselves in a right relationship with God. We fast not to deprive ourselves of pleasure, but rather to restore a sense of balance in our lives. We fast so that we may drown out the noise that prevents us from hearing the word of God calling out to us.

            Fasting is more than the simple, formulaic avoidance of specific foods. We fast to lighten our bodies so that our souls might ascend to God. Our dietary fast is not an end in and of itself, but rather it is the first step in a greater fast – a fast from physical and spiritual appetites and avoidance of those things that are impediments to our salvation. With this type of fast we refrain from hateful speech, we resist covetousness and we renounce our selfish desires. When we engage in this type of fast we will find ourselves able to focus on the weightier matters of life. While there are a myriad of vanities to vex us, the weightier matters of life are only two in number. They are our relationship with God and with each other.

            In terms of our relationship with God, our fasting must always be associated with prayer. During the Great Lent the sacred services are multiplied and our prayer life intensified – for fasting without prayer is simply a diet. The Holy Church encourages us to pray both as individuals and as members of a supportive, devoted community. Prayer without the focus of true fasting from the cares of the world is ineffective.

            Regarding our relationship with each other, our fasting is always associated with philanthropy. In Great Lent, and throughout the year, we are called to put flesh and blood on the bones of our fasting. Our fasting is a sacrifice that we are called to offer on the altar of those who have encountered the shipwreck of distress. It is only when we set aside the cares of life that we can see those who need our assistance.

            To summarize, fasting is a means to an end. That end is our relationship with God and each other. In the Church we have a name for these two relationships and it is called “communion.” The Great Lent, therefore, is a great spiritual exercise in which we come into communion with God and with each other. When we fast we must always remember that the fast is more than dietary proscriptions. In a true fast, we engage in the work of the angels. In a true fast, we abstain from the vanities of life. In a true fast, we lay aside every worldly care so that we may receive the Risen Lord into our hearts, not only at the Great Paschal Feast, but also throughout every day of our lives. 

+Protopresbyter Panagioti

Message of Friday, April 5, 2024:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

This Sunday, April 7th, we celebrate the Veneration of the Holy and Precious Cross, and every faithful Parish member will receive a flower from the blessed Cross to take home. As this Lenten season is a journey towards the Crucifixion and the Resurrection of the Lord, the blessing of the Precious Cross will protect us and guard our lives. I will also speak to our children and the Church School students about the meaning of the day. The sermon will focus on significant life lessons, which, especially the youth, needs to receive and learn. I highly recommend that we do not miss this beautiful service. After the service we will enjoy fresh, delicious Loukoumades by the Golden Years. And the Parish Oratorical Festival is this Sunday after the service.

Also, this Sunday we have the exceeding blessing to welcome His Grace Bishop Athenagoras of Nazianzus for the Lenten Vespers of Contrition at 6:30 pm, followed by a beautiful reception. The Archdiocesan Byzantine Choir will adorn the service with their melodious chanting and the serene melody of Orthodox worship. This is a service that you all should look forward to experience, with the very spiritually uplifting vesperal hymnology.

Tonight, Friday, March April 5th, we have the beautiful service of the SalutationsXαιρετισμοί, at 7 pm. We welcome donations for the floral decoration of the icon of Panaghia. On Mondays, during Lent, we also pray the beautiful Great Compline – Μέγα Απόδειπνο (at 7 pm). On Wednesdays, we have the Divine Liturgy of the Pre-Sanctified Holy Gifts – Προηγιασμένη at 7 pm.

JOY game night and movie gathering is on Friday, April 12th at 8 - 10 pm in the Church Hall. April 14th is the Greek Parade at NYC. Please, call the Church office to reserve a seat on the bus. We will also have a float for the little children. Philoptochos will still be hosting a Comedy Night event on May 9th at the Brokerage comedy club in Bellmore. Save the date! And on Monday, April 8th we have our Philoptochos Meeting at 7:30 pm.

This Saturday, April 6th, we have the Archdiocesan District Clergy Laity Conference with the participation of our Executive Council and our clergy. We are preparing our teams and athletes’ registration for the Memorial Weekend Olympics with the participation of hundreds of Greek Orthodox Youth from the entire District. As of April 7th, the cost per participant will rise for registration. Early bird pricing is $75 per participant. To register and declare which sports your child would like to participate in, please, email Natasia Brienza at: . A Google form will be available for participants to select events of interest for Olympics if you plan to sign up and be there May 24-26th.

Wednesday April 10th is GOYA Behind the Scenes Nassau County Supreme Court tour. April 19th is Trivia Night at 7:30 pm hosted by St. Nicholas Babylon following the Salutations; $10 per person.  Also, GOYA gear order form is on GroupMe. Proceeds will go towards the new Gymnasium. To order, use the link:



The Ground Breaking Ceremony for the Constantine and Carol Cassis Center is on Sunday, May 19th at the morning Divine Liturgy!!! We are honored that His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America will bless the laying of the foundation at the Ground Breaking Ceremony on that historic day.

The Ground Breaking Dinner Dance of June 9th will be an amazing event, with live performances from distinguished artists, and an unforgettable celebration to cherish this new beginning. Save the day, it will be the most fun event, but also historic and memorable.

The commemorative Journal for the Gala, featuring the event of the Ground Breaking Ceremony, honoring Mrs. Elaine Cassimatis and Mr. Nick Boultadakis, and celebrating the beginning of construction for the Constantine and Carol Cassis Center. To send your greeting and congratulations, and become a part of this historic commemorative edition, please, call our Church office at (516) 379-1368.

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


This Sunday is the Sunday of Saint Gregory Palamas. Saint Gregory taught that the whole ascetical tradition of the Holy Church that he defended is about stripping off the layers of falsehood to reveal the true self that lies buried underneath – and this true self is the human person as it was created by God. Is this our Orthodox Faith about self-sacrifice. We sacrifice the old man, not just for the sake of it, but to become the new man. As Saint Paul says, we crucify the old self with its passions, and we are transformed into the radiant beauty of the transfigured and deified self.

            Allow my humble person to share with you a little story that comes from Saint John of the Ladder – a story about someone who walked this path, and began to discover his true self. Saint John tells of a rich and powerful man named Isidore who wished to become a monk. But when he first arrived in the monastery he was arrogant and troublesome. And so the abbot stepped in to deal with him and said to him, “Isidore, the first thing you must learn in the monastery is obedience, so here’s what I want you to do, go down to the gate of the monastery and every time someone passes through that gate I want you to do a prostration in front of him and say ‘Father pray for me for I have an evil spirit.’” So Isidore went down to the gate and did this for a whole day. And the next day he did the same thing, and the next day, and the next, until a year had passed, and then another and another. Only after 7 years, the abbot said to Isidore, “Now you’re able to become a monk.” And Saint John of the Ladder says that he asked Isidore, “What were you thinking about all of those years?” And Isidore said, “The first year I felt as though I had been sold into slavery. The second year my heart was no longer full of grief and I began to think that God would reward me. But in the third year I began to see that I am unworthy to be here and to receive the Mysteries with these Fathers. And then I began to sincerely ask each and every person who passed through that gate for their prayers.” And Isidore asked Saint John to intercede for him with the abbot. He no longer wished to be a monk, but wanted to pass the remainder of his life doing what he had been doing those past 7 years.


            Like the treasure buried in a field for which we sell everything else that we have Isidore found his true calling and began to find his true self. Through the prayers of our father among the Saints, Gregory Palamas, may all of us through God’s Grace do likewise during this holy season of Great Lent.      

In Christ Jesus,

+Protopresbyter Panagioti


            Αυτή την Κυριακή είναι η Κυριακή του Αγίου Γρηγορίου Παλαμά. Ο Άγιος Γρηγόριος δίδαξε ότι όλη η ασκητική παράδοση της Αγίας Εκκλησίας που υπερασπίστηκε έχει να κάνει με την απογύμνωση των στρωμάτων του ψεύδους για να αποκαλυφθεί ο αληθινός εαυτός που βρίσκεται θαμμένος από κάτω – και αυτός ο αληθινός εαυτός είναι το ανθρώπινο πρόσωπο όπως δημιουργήθηκε από τον Θεό. Αυτή είναι η Ορθόδοξη Πίστη μας περί αυτοθυσίας. Θυσιάζουμε τον παλιό άνθρωπο, όχι μόνο για χάρη Του, αλλά για να γίνουμε ο νέος άνθρωπος. Όπως λέει ο Άγιος Παύλος, σταυρώνουμε τον παλιό εαυτό με τα πάθη του και μεταμορφωνόμαστε στο λαμπρό κάλλος του μεταμορφωμένου και θεωμένου εαυτού.

            Επιτρέψτε στην ταπεινότητά μου να μοιραστεί μαζί σας μια μικρή ιστορία που προέρχεται από τον Άγιο Ιωάννη της Κλίμακος – μια ιστορία για κάποιον που περπάτησε αυτό το μονοπάτι και άρχισε να ανακαλύπτει τον πραγματικό του εαυτό. Ο Άγιος Ιωάννης μιλάει για έναν πλούσιο και ισχυρό άνδρα ονόματι Ισίδωρο που ήθελε να γίνει μοναχός. Όταν όμως πρωτοέφθασε στο μοναστήρι ήταν αλαζονικός και ενοχλητικός. Κι έτσι μπήκε ο ηγούμενος για να τον αντιμετωπίσει και του είπε: «Ισίδωρε, το πρώτο πράγμα που πρέπει να μάθεις στο μοναστήρι είναι η υπακοή, οπότε να τι θέλω να κάνεις, κατέβα στην πύλη του μοναστηριού και κάθε φορά που κάποιος περνάει από εκείνη την πύλη, θέλω να κάνεις μια υπόκλιση μπροστά του και να του πεις «Πάτερ προσευχήσου για μένα γιατί έχω μιαρό πνεύμα». Έτσι ο Ισίδωρος κατέβηκε στην πύλη και το έκανε αυτό για μια ολόκληρη μέρα. Και την άλλη μέρα έκανε το ίδιο, και την άλλη μέρα, και την άλλη, ώσπου πέρασε ένας χρόνος, και μετά άλλος και άλλος. Μόνο μετά από 7 χρόνια, ο ηγούμενος είπε στον Ισίδωρο: «Τώρα μπορείς να γίνεις μοναχός». Και ο Άγιος Ιωάννης της Κλίμακας λέει ότι ρώτησε τον Ισίδωρο: «Τι σκεφτόσουν όλα αυτά τα χρόνια;» Και ο Ισίδωρος είπε: «Τον πρώτο χρόνο ένιωσα σαν να με είχαν πουλήσει σαν σκλάβο. Τον δεύτερο χρόνο η καρδιά μου δεν ήταν πια γεμάτη θλίψη και άρχισα να σκέφτομαι ότι ο Θεός θα με ανταμείψει. Αλλά τον τρίτο χρόνο άρχισα να βλέπω ότι είμαι ανάξιος να είμαι εδώ και να λάβω τα Μυστήρια με αυτούς τους Πατέρες. Και τότε άρχισα να ζητάω ειλικρινά κάθε άτομο που πέρασε από αυτή την πύλη για τις προσευχές του.» Και ο Ισίδωρος ζήτησε από τον Άγιο Ιωάννη να μεσολαβήσει για αυτόν στον ηγούμενο. Δεν ήθελε πλέον να είναι μοναχός, αλλά ήθελε να περάσει το υπόλοιπο της ζωής του κάνοντας αυτό που έκανε τα τελευταία 7 χρόνια.

            Σαν τον θησαυρό που είναι θαμμένος σε ένα χωράφι για το οποίο πουλάμε ο,τιδήποτε άλλο έχουμε ο Ισίδωρος βρήκε το αληθινό του κάλεσμα και άρχισε να βρίσκει τον αληθινό του εαυτό. Με τις προσευχές του πατέρα μας των Αγίων, Γρηγορίου Παλαμά, να κάνουμε όλοι μας με τη Χάρη του Θεού το ίδιο κατά τη διάρκεια αυτής της ιερής περιόδου της Μεγάλης Τεσσαρακοστής.

Εν Χριστώ Ιησού,

+Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Παναγιώτης


Beloved in the Lord:


“It is my prayer that your love may abound more and more…”

(Philippians 1:9)


          As we begin our solemn journey through this holy time of Great Lent, we are guided by the beautiful services and traditions of our Holy Orthodox Faith to dedicate ourselves to prayer and fasting. To gather faithfully more frequently in worship. To contemplate the direction of our lives in repentance and to strengthen our faith in the hope of the light and life to come. The spiritual impact of this sacred time of year is tremendous if we dedicate our full being – heart, body, soul and mind – to Almighty God.


          This transformation in our lives and the witness of life and faith we offer others through Great Lent is affirmed in the opening of Saint Paul’s letter to the Philippians. In giving thanks to God for the Christians in Philippi and their partnership in the Gospel, Saint Paul writes, “It is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with all knowledge and discernment” (Philippians 1:9). From their faith in and experience of the love of God and their love for one another, they were growing in spiritual wisdom.


          When we come before God in repentance, we too experience His great love for us. His abundant and saving grace is revealed and acknowledged throughout this Lenten season as we are guided to the complete and ultimate act of love in the Passion of the Lord. As we receive His love and our lives are renewed in it, we are blessed with a deeper knowledge of truth and His will. Blessed by His grace and presence, we gain a higher level of discernment to see what is pure and holy. This is affirmed by Saint Paul as he continues his letter: “So that you may approve what is excellent, and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ” (Philippians 1:10). In these words we can see how Great Lent is a preparation to receive the Risen Lord; however we also see how this sacred time should influence our lives in our preparation for eternity.


          Through repentance and the forgiveness of the Lord we are able to see the way to salvation. Through grace and faith we become a new person in Christ, knowing and seeking the abundant blessings that He offers to us. Saint Paul refers to these blessings as the fruits of righteousness which come through the Lord Jesus Christ (Philippians 1:11). During Great Lent and though our prayer, worship and fasting we experiences these blessings, and we see the great spiritual fruit that comes. We see this journey as the journey of our entire life, culminating in the blessings of eternal life and communion with God. We see the blessings through our witness and ministry to others during this holy season, as we prayerfully anticipate the light and joy of Holy and Great Pascha.


          As we look to the days and weeks ahead, I humbly pray that you commit your time to the spiritual opportunities offered in Great Lent. Please be faithful in prayer and worship. Please keep the fast. Offer your time and resources to help those in need. Above all, seek God’s grace that your love may abound for Him and each other, and from the abundant blessings and spiritual fruit we receive, we will offer thanksgiving, glory and praise to our Lord and God and Saviour Jesus Christ!


          Praying that we faithfully traverse the journey of the Great Lent so that it may lead us to a greater level of spiritual awareness and closeness with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, I humbly remain,    


In Christ Jesus,


+Protopresbyter Panagioti




Sunday of Orthodoxy is the day when we commemorate the restoration of the holy icons.  The iconoclasts considered the veneration of the icons as an idolatrous and pagan practice.  Muslims, most Protestants and Jehovah witnesses share a similar perception. What should we say in defense of our faith and our Orthodox traditions with regards to the veneration of the holy icons?  First, iconography is a God given blessing, since Christ Himself allowed to be depicted in the holy shroud. Second, Saint Luke the Evangelist painted an icon of Christ, the Virgin Mary and Saint John the Forerunner. Third, the Orthodox people do not worship icons, but they venerate them. As Saint John of Damascus points out, we worship Christ, Who is depicted through the icon, but we venerate and respect the icon as a holy article, because it depicts the All Holy Lord.

Icons are called the Bible of the illiterate.  We respect and cherish the pictures of loved ones; it would only be natural to respect, cherish and venerate the icons, through which we communicate with God in prayer. Icons are instructional instruments. They often times narrate a story, and they describe the virtues and the attributes of a Saint. The first things we learn about our faith are taught through the icons. A baby cannot read the Bible or a patristic and a theological document. But a baby knows Christ and loves Him thanks to the depictions of the Lord. Icons bring the inspiration of God in our lives.  They bless our homes and they have become the vessels of divine Grace and miracles.

The litany or the procession of the icons has as an objective to offer hymn and doxology to the holy Fathers of the Church who restored them and inspired us with the right doctrine, our Orthodox Tradition. We commemorate the event of the veneration of the icons and we emphasize their significance in our tradition and our lives. It is the Christian vocation of all of us to spread the light of our faith to the younger generation and to other people who thirst for spiritual nutrition and salvation.


+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos



Lord and Master of my life give me not the spirit of laziness, idle curiosity, love for power and vain talk.

But grant to me, your servant, the spirit of prudence, humility, patience and love.

Yes, Lord and King, grant me to see my own faults, and not to condemn my brethren, for you are blessed in the ages. Amen.

Lord of the Powers

Lord of the Powers be with us, for in times of distress we have no other help but you, Lord of the Powers have mercy on us.




Την Κυριακή της Ορθοδοξίας εορτάζεται η πανηγυρική και θριαμβευτική αναστήλωση των ιερών και σεπτών εικόνων.  Οι εικονομάχοι των Βυζαντινών χρόνων, θεωρούσαν την προσκύνηση των εικόνων ως ειδωλολατρεία.  Σήμερα, οι Μουσουλμάνοι, οι Προτεστάντες και οι Χιλιαστές έχουν τις ίδιες αντιλήψεις.  Τί θα μπορούσατε να απαντήσετε σε αυτούς που ειρωνεύονται τους Ορθοδόξους πιστούς για τον σεβασμό τους προς τις ιερές εικόνες;  Πρώτον, η εικονογραφία είναι θεόδοτη, καθότι ο ίδιος ο Κύριος αποτύπωσε την ιερά του και θεία μορφή στην Αγία σινδόνα και στο ιερό μανδήλιο, όπως η Αγία Γραφή αποκαλύπτει.  Δεύτερον, ο ίδιος ο Απόστολος και Ευαγγελιστής Λουκάς φιλοτέχνισε εικόνες του Κυρίου, της Υπεραγίας Θεοτόκου και του Τιμίου Προδρόμου.  Όπως αναγιγνώσκουμε το Ευαγγέλιο που συνέγραψε, έτσι και πρέπει να τιμούμε τις εικόνες που πρώτος αγιογράφησε. Τρίτον, εμείς ως Ορθόδοξοι πιστοί, δεν λατρεύουμε τις εικόνες, αλλά λατρεύουμε τον Χριστό που απεικονίζεται σε αυτές.  Όπως θεολογεί ο Άγιος Ιωάννης ο Δαμασκηνός, λατρεύουμε Τον εν τη εικόνι προσκυνούμενον.

Οι εικόνες αποτελούν την Βίβλο των αγραμμάτων.  Όπως με συγκίνηση κρατούμε την φωτογραγία ενός πολυαγαπημένου μας προσώπου, έτσι και με θείο δέος σεβόμαστε τις εικόνες ως ιερά σύμβολα, δια μέσου των οποίων επικοινωνούμε πνευματικώς δια της προσευχής με τον Θεό.  Οι εικόνες είναι διδακτικά εγχειρίδια.  Μία εικόνα είναι περισσότερο περιεκτική σε νάματα πίστεως από ένα κήρυγμα ή ένα βιβλίο, ιδίως για τα παιδιά και τους απλούς ανθρώπους.  Πόσα βρέφη ξέρετε να διαβάζουν την Αγία Γραφή ή τα πατερικά κείμενα; Όλοι μας, όμως, από βρεφική ηλικία, μαγνητιζόμαστε από τις εικόνες και νιώθουμε την παρουσία του Θεού στη ζωή μας δι’ αυτών.

Στην ιερή λιτάνευση των σεπτών εικόνων όλοι μας θα δοξολογήσουμε την μνήμη των Αγίων Πατέρων που αναστήλωσαν τις εικόνες και μας παρέδωσαν το ορθό δόγμα, την Ορδόδοξη Παράδοσή μας.  Κυριακή της Ορθοδοξίας, κι όλοι μας οφείλουμε να νιώσουμε και να δώσουμε τα φώτα της πίστεως στη νέα γενιά και στους συνανθρώπους μας που διψούν για πνευματική αναστήλωση, ανάταση, και ανάσταση.


+Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος


Ἡ εὐχὴ τοῦ ἁγίου Ἐφραὶμ τοῦ Σύρου «Κύριε καὶ Δέσποτα τῆς ζωῆς μου»

Κύριε καὶ Δέσποτα τῆς ζωῆς μου, πνεῦμα ἀργίας, περιεργείας, φιλαρχίας καὶ ἀργολογίας μή μοι δῶς.

Πνεῦμα δὲ σωφροσύνης, ταπεινοφροσύνης, ὑπομονῆς καὶ ἀγάπης, χάρισαί μοι τῷ σῷ δούλῳ.

Ναί, Κύριε Βασιλεῦ, δώρησαί μοι τοῦ ὁρᾶν τὰ ἐμὰ πταίσματα, καὶ μὴ κατακρίνειν τὸν ἀδελφόν μου, ὅτι εὐλογητὸς εἶ, εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων. Ἀμήν.

Κύριε τῶν Δυνάμεων

Κύριε τῶν Δυνάμεων, μεθ᾿ ἡμῶν γενοῦ, ἄλλον γὰρ ἐκτός Σου βοηθὸν ἐν θλίψεσιν οὐκ ἔχομεν.

Κύριε τῶν Δυνάμεων, ἐλέησον ἡμᾶς.


Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

What a beautiful event we had yesterday! Tsikno-Sunday was so much fun. We thank all the donors, the DJ, Demetris Zervas, our dance teacher Ms. Geanna Koulouris and the KANARIS dance group, our volunteers, cooks and all the guests who had a fantastic time. The Church Hall was filled with laughter, dancing and delicious traditional food. This is the best way to celebrate the gradual entrance into the fasting season, as we all support our beautiful Church. Thank you!

This week, the Rev. Protopresbyter Fr. Panagiotis and I will attend the 3-day clergy Syndesmos meeting with His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America. Later in the week, I will be with His Eminence on official Archdiocese meetings out of State and Fr. Panagiotis will cover the Orthodox Study meeting (Thursday, March 14th, at 7 pm; the YAL has organized a Game Night as well) and Saturday’s services. On Saturday, March 16th, we have the 2nd Saturday of the Souls – Ψυχο-Σάββατο, with Orthros at 8:30 am followed by Divine Liturgy and Memorials for all those who repose in Christ. Please, come to Church early and bring the names of your loved ones to be commemorated.

On March 16th, we will have a GOYA retreat from 11 am to 2 pm. Guest speaker is Mr. Steven Christoforou. On March 16th, Inter-GOYA party hosted by Cathedral of Holy Trinity. Pre-registration and pre-purchase tickets only. We will also send detailed information about the Medical Career Night hosted by Northwell Health and inter-GOYA social in our Church Hall.

This Sunday, March 17th, Cheese Fare Sunday, we will have our beautiful service in the morning (9 am) and in the evening, we will participate at the Vespers of Forgiveness at 6 pm. That is the service when we all forgive each other before Great Lent begins.

Great Lent begins on Clean Monday, March 18th, with the beautiful Great Compline – Μέγα Απόδειπνο and the Canon of Clean Monday (at 7 pm). On Clean Wednesday, March 20th, we have the Divine Liturgy of the Pre-Sanctified Holy Gifts – Προηγιασμένη at 7 pm. And on Clean Friday, March 22nd, the SalutationsXαιρετισμοί, at 7 pm. We welcome donations for the floral decoration of the icon of Panaghia.

The last Saturday of the Souls – Ψυχο-Σάββατο, is on March 23rd, with the commemoration of the miracle of the Koliva by Saint Theodore. Orthros begins at 9 am followed by Divine Liturgy and Memorials for all those who repose in Christ. Please, come to Church early and bring the names of your loved ones to be commemorated.

          On March 23rd, we have our Greek School Hellenic Independence celebration. And March 24th is Sunday of Orthodoxy. All children and boards of the Parish organizations will bring their icons in Church to celebrate and honor our faith and the restitution of the sacred images.

          On Thursday, March 28th we have the Hellenic Heritage event at Nassau County Headquarters honoring Mr. Andreas and Mrs. Georgia Pavlou (6 pm).

          We are preparing our teams and athletes’ registration for the Memorial Weekend Olympics with the participation of hundreds of Greek Orthodox Youth from the entire District.  As of April 7th, the cost per participant will rise for registration. Early bird pricing is $75 per participant. To register and declare which sports your child would like to participate in, please, email Natasia Brienza at: . A Google form will be available for participants to select events of interest for Olympics if you plan to sign up and be there May 24-26th.

GOYA cooked and baked at the Ronald McDonald House last Saturday. It was a tremendous offering of love by the Agape group, in conjunction with Philoptochos and the Church Youth, who provided delicious brunch, lunch and deserts for the residents undergoing treatments and their families. KANARIS is on Saturday March 23rd 11-12.

April 14th is the Greek Parade at NYC. April 19th is Trivia Night at 7:30 pm hosted by St. Nicholas Babylon following the Salutations; $10 per person.  Also, GOYA gear order form is on GroupMe. Proceeds will go towards the new Gymnasium. To order, use the link:



The Ground Breaking Ceremony for the Constantine and Carol Cassis Center is on Sunday, May 19th at the morning Divine Liturgy!!! We are honored that His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America will bless the laying of the foundation at the Ground Breaking Ceremony on that historic day.

The Ground Breaking Dinner Dance of June 9th will be an amazing event, with live performances from distinguished artists, and an unforgettable celebration to cherish this new beginning. Save the day, it will be the most fun event, but also historic and memorable.

The commemorative Journal for the Gala, featuring the event of the Ground Breaking Ceremony, honoring Mrs. Elaine Cassimatis and Mr. Nick Boultadakis, and celebrating the beginning of construction for the Constantine and Carol Cassis Center. To send your greeting and congratulations, and become a part of this historic commemorative edition, please, call our Church office at (516) 379-1368.

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Schedule of Sacred Services and Events

1)    Little Angels, Wednesdays at 10:30 am.

2)    YAL and Orthodox Study discussion Thursdays at 7 pm. This Thursday, March 14th, the YAL has organized a Game Night!

3)    2nd Saturday of the Souls, 2ο Ψυχοσάββατο, March 16th. Orthros, Divine Liturgy and Memorial Service starting at 8:30 am!

4)    On March 16th, GOYA retreat from 11 am to 2 pm. Guest speaker is Mr. Steven Christoforou. On March 16th, Inter-GOYA party hosted by Cathedral of Holy Trinity. Pre-registration and pre-purchase tickets only. Medical Career Night hosted by Northwell Health and inter-GOYA social in our church hall: details to follow.

5)    Cheese Fare Sunday– Κυριακὴ τῆς Τυρινῆς, Sunday, March 17th, with Orthros at 9 am, followed by Divine Liturgy.

6)    Memorial: Georgia Fountas (40 days), John Strifas (5 years). May their memory be eternal.

7)    Church School is in session.

8)    Coffee Fellowship sponsored by Georgia Strifas and family after the service.

9)    This Sunday, March 17th, the Vespers of Forgiveness at 6 pm. That is the service when we all forgive each other before Great Lent begins.

10)                        Clean Monday, March 18th, Great Compline – Μέγα Απόδειπνο and the Canon of Clean Monday (at 7 pm).

11)                        Clean Wednesday, March 20th, the Divine Liturgy of the Pre-Sanctified Holy Gifts – Προηγιασμένη at 7 pm.

12)                        Clean Friday, March 22nd, the SalutationsXαιρετισμοί, at 7 pm. We welcome donations for the floral decoration of the icon of Panaghia.

13)                        3rd Saturday of the Souls, 3ο Ψυχοσάββατο, March 23rd (when we also commemorate the miracle of the Koliva, by Saint Theodore). Orthros, Divine Liturgy and Memorial Service starting at 9 am.

14)                        On March 23rd, we have our Greek School Hellenic Independence celebration.

15)                        Hellenic Heritage event at Nassau County Headquarters honoring Mr. Andreas and Mrs. Georgia Pavlou on Thursday, March 28th (6 pm).

16)                        April 14th is the Greek Parade at NYC. April 19th is Trivia Night at 7:30 pm hosted by St. Nicholas Babylon following the Salutations; $10 per person. 



My Beloved in the Lord:    


          Through the saving grace of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who has authority over all seasons, we are once again traversing the sacred and holy season of the Great Lent which began this year on Clean Monday, March 18th. As one of the hymns, which we will chant in the Orthros from the Triodion, says: “The time is now at hand for us to start upon the spiritual contest…let us put on the armor of abstinence.”


          These two short phrases are key to all our various Lenten disciplines and practices:  “spiritual contest” and “armor of abstinence.” In whichever way you describe Great Lent:


·        A season of intense prayer and fasting

·        A spiritual journey to prepare for Holy Week

·        A 6-week period of longer Church services


…or any other description, it is first and foremost a season of combating the passions and training in the Christ-centered virtues. Thus, the phrases “spiritual contest” and “armor of abstinence.” When you look at passions and virtues, they express respectively, man’s life contrary to nature and man’s life in accordance with nature. Time does not permit me to fully develop this theme completely in this writing, however in brief, please concentrate on the following.


          In Mantzarides’ book, Orthodox Spiritual Life, it is noted that our various passions are not sins unto themselves, but rather “conditions” or “attitudes” which are given effect by sin.  For example vanity, sensuality, enmity and evil desire, are not sins as such, but they thrust us into sin if we do not control them.  We see this exact point in the teaching of our Lord in the Sermon on the Mount as He built on the Mosaic Law of the Old Testament. Our Lord not only spoke against sin, but also urged the people to avoid the passions:


                   When the Law said – Do not murder (Ex. 20:15),

                   Christ said – Do not angry (Mat. 5:21-22)

                   When the Law said – Do not commit adultery (Ex. 20:13)

                   Christ said – Do not desire it (Mat. 5:27-28)


          Concerning Christ-centered virtues please let me list them for our review: humility, liberality, chastity, mildness, temperance, happiness and diligence.  These are the “foci” of Great Lent.  At first glance, these virtues might sound strange as foci of Great Lent, for usually we say fasting, alms giving, more prayer and forgiveness are the foci of Lent. However, when you look at:


·        Fasting and how the real intent is to discipline the body in physical and sensual aspects and to hunger for God.

·        Alms giving and how the real intent is to understand the needs of people less fortunate than ourselves and to teach us to not be so self-centered.

·        Prayer and how the real intent of this additional time in both public worship and private prayer is to bring us, more frequently, to the feet of our Lord for instruction and conversation.

·        Forgiveness and how the real intent is to make us understand our own weakness and our own sins, and through the humility that will result, to find true happiness.


All these Lenten practices have expanded rewards which are the nurturing of the Christ-centered virtues with the hope that these virtues will be lived even and especially after Great and Holy Pascha and throughout the entire year! 


          As I already noted, we are called to a “spiritual contest” and to dress ourselves with the “armor of abstinence.”  Abstinence not simply as concerning the fasting of food, but abstinence from all passions and sin. Another hymn, chanted at the beginning of Great Lent, gives us a beautiful and meaningful reflection on how we should dress ourselves for this contest which is indeed a battle:


                   “Gird yourself with the Cross, as armor; with faith as an invincible rampart;

                   with prayer, as our breastplate; with charity as our helmet and instead of a

                   sword, with fasting, for it cuts out all evil from our hearts.”


          Praying that we faithfully traverse the journey of the Great Lent so that it may lead us to a greater level of spiritual awareness and closeness with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, I humbly remain,


With paternal love and blessings in Christ,


+Protopresbyter Panagiotis


My beloved in the Lord:

            This coming Sunday is called “Judgment (Meat-Fare) Sunday” because during the week following it a limited fasting from meat only is prescribed by the Holy Church. This prescription is to be understood in the light of what has been said about the meaning of preparation. The Holy Church begins now to “adjust” us to the great effort which she will expect from us seven days later. She gradually takes us into that effort – knowing our frailty, foreseeing our spiritual weakness.

            On the Saturday before Meat-Fare the Holy Church invites us to a universal commemoration of all those who have “fallen asleep in the hope of resurrection and life eternal.” This is indeed the Church’s great day of prayer for her departed members. To understand the meaning of this connection between Lent and the prayer for the dead, one must remember that Christianity is the religion of love. Christ left with His disciples not a doctrine of individual salvation but a new commandment “that they love one another,” and He added: “By this shall all know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” Love is thus the foundation, the very life of the Holy Church which is, in the words of St. Ignatius of Antioch, the “unity of faith and love.”

            It is love that constitutes the theme of “Meat-Fare Sunday.” The Gospel lesson for the day is Christ’s parable of the Last Judgment (Matthew 25:31-46). When Christ comes to judge us, what will be the criterion of His judgment? The parable answers: love – not a mere humanitarian concern for abstract justice and the anonymous “poor,” but concrete and personal love for the human person, any human person, that God makes me encounter in my life. Christian love is to be understood and maintained if the Holy Church is to preserve Her unique mission and not become a mere “social agency,” which definitely she is not.

            Christian love is the “possible impossibility” to see Christ in another man, whoever he is, and whom God, in His eternal and mysterious plan, has decided to introduce into my life, be it only for a few moments, not as an occasion for a “good deed” or an exercise in philanthropy, but as the beginning of an eternal companionship in God Himself. For, indeed, what is love if not the mysterious power which transcends the accidental and the external in the “other” – his physical appearance, social rank, ethnic origin, intellectual capacity – and reaches the soul, the unique and uniquely personal “root” of a human being, truly the part of God in him? If God loves every man it is because He alone knows the priceless and absolutely unique treasure, the “soul” or “person” He gave every man. Christian love then is the participation in that divine knowledge and the gift of that divine love. There is no “impersonal” love because love is the wonderful discovery of the “person” in “man,” of the personal and unique in the common and general. It is the discovery in each man of that which is “lovable” in him, of that which is from God.

            Christian love aims beyond “this world.” It is itself a ray, a manifestation of the Kingdom of God; it transcends and overcomes all limitations, all “conditions” of this world because its motivation as well as its goals and consummation is in God. And we know that even in this world, which “lies in evil,” the only lasting and transforming victories are those of love. To remind man of this personal love and vocation, to fill the sinful world with this love – this is the true mission of the Church.

            The parable of the Last Judgment is about Christian love. Each one of us has received the gift and the grace of Christ’s love. We know that all men ultimately need this personal love – the recognition in them of their unique soul in which the beauty of the whole creation is reflected in a unique way. We also know that men are in prison and are sick and thirsty and hungry because that personal love has been denied them. And, finally, we know that however narrow and limited the framework of our personal existence, each one of us has been made responsible for a tiny part of the Kingdom of God, made responsible by that very gift of Christ’s love. Thus, on whether or not we have accepted this responsibility, on whether we have loved or refused to love, shall we be judged. For “inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of these My brethren, you have done it unto Me…”

In Christ Jesus,

+Protopresbyter Panagiotis



          The Church has designated Lent as a time of preparation for Holy Week and Pascha. We wish each other “have a blessed Lent.”  In order to have a blessed Lent, we need not just a wish but also prayer.  For this reason, during the forty days of preparation for Pascha, the Church has instituted many wonderful and serene divine services, which enhance the Lenten experience of the faithful.  If nothing changes during these days, then we cannot claim that we celebrated a blessed Lent.  If we did not prepare for Pascha, then we cannot announce the Christ’s Resurrection is deemed as the most important event in our lives.  For a conscious Lenten experience, we need to participate in the spiritual preparation of our holy Orthodox Tradition.  An athlete practices fervently before a big game.  We pray fervently before the championship of divine salvation.  The Great Lent is the last stretch before the finish of a spiritual race, since the Resurrection is the most significant event for all faithful.  Therefore, we put all our effort for this last stretch, so that we may be crowned as victors with the crown of holiness and redemption.

          The first service of Great Lent is the Vespers of forgiveness, which is Sunday at 6 pm.  Before we go for confession to prepare for Pascha, we ask forgiveness from our spiritual family and we offer forgiveness to our brothers and sisters in Christ.  This way, we do not celebrate these days hypocritically or with a blemished consciousness. Clean Monday marks the beginning of Lent with strict fasting (for everyone who is physically capable to observe fasting).  Clean Week is a time for physical and spiritual cleansing, with fasting and confession.  Clean Monday, we will the Great Compline, which is a beautiful service, graced in richness of meaning and blessing.  Every Monday, during Lent, we will be praying the service of the Great Compline to start the week with a beautiful, serene, evening prayer for all the faithful to find peace and rescue in their Church.  Every Wednesday, we will be celebrating the Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Divine Gifts.  This way, the faithful will be receiving Holy Communion more frequently in preparation for the holiest time of the year.  Every Friday, there will be a service of the Salutations to the Virgin Mary, glorifying and thanking the Mother of God who brought salvation into the world.

          It is a blessing to experience the beauty of our services, which transform us spiritually.  What happens if we are tired after a long day?  We find rest and peace in the serenity of the Church.  What if we have studying and housework to do?  We can do all that, plus the studying of the divine lessons, which are eternal and heavenly, thus much more important.  This way, we may all graduate in Heaven.  This way, we may all have a blessed Lent!

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos











          Την Καθαρή Εβδομάδα ευχόμαστε όλοι μας «Καλή Τεσσαρακοστή».  Για να έχουμε καλή Τεσσαρακοστή, χρειάζεται όχι μόνο η ευχή αλλά και η προσευχή μας.  Για το λόγο αυτό, οι σαράντα ημέρες προετοιμασίας προς το Άγιο Πάσχα συνοδεύονται από θεσπέσιες και κατανυκτικές ακολουθίες που καλλιεργούν την συνείδηση των πιστών, ώστε να εορτάσουν και να συμμετέχουν στην εμπειρία μίας καλής Τεσσαρακοστής.  Αν δεν αλλάξει τίποτα στη ζωή μας αυτές τις ημέρες, τότε δεν μπορούμε να νιώσουμε την πνευματική κάθαρση και την ψυχική αγαλλίαση που επιφέρει η πορεία του πιστού προς την Αγία και Μεγάλη Εβδομάδα.  Τί μπορεί να αλλάξει στη ζωή μας;  Όπως ένας αθλητής πριν από την μεγάλη αναμέτρηση, ή ένας μαθητής πριν την σημαντικότερη εξέταση και ένας πολιτικός πριν τις εκλογές, όλοι μας συνενώνουμε τις πνευματικές μας προσπάθειες για να πετύχουμε τον στόχο μας, που δεν είναι άλλος από την σωτηρία.  Η Τεσσαρακοστή είναι η τελική ευθεία πριν από την κορυφή των γεγονότων την πίστεως, την Ανάσταση.  Εντείνουμε τις προσπάθειές μας στην τελική ευθεία, για να στεφθούμε νικητές, με το στέφος της Αγιότητος και της λυτρώσεως.

          Πρώτη ακολουθία της Μεγάλης Τεσσαρακοστής είναι ο Κατανυκτικός Εσπερινός «της συγνώμης» (Κυριακή στις 6 μμ).  Πριν εξομολογηθούμε για το Πάσχα, οφείλουμε να συγχωρέσουμε και να συγχωρεθούμε με την πνευματική μας οικογένεια, για να μην εορτάσουμε αυτές τις Άγιες ημέρες με βεβαρημένη συνείδηση ή υποκριτικά.  Την Καθαρά Δευτέρα, αρχίζουμε την αυστηρή νηστεία για όσους η υγεία τους το επιτρέπει.  Το βράδυ της Καθαράς Δευτέρας θα έχουμε το πρώτο Μεγάλο Απόδειπνο, με το απόσπασμα του Μεγάλου Κανόνος του Τριωδίου.  Κάθε Δευτέρα σε όλη τη διάρκεια της Τεσσαρακοστής θα ξεκινούμε τις ακολουθίες με το Μεγάλο Απόδειπνο, μία κατανυκτική και μεστή πνευματικής τροφοδοσίας ακολουθία.  Κάθε Τετάρτη, θα έχουμε την Θεία Λειτουργία των Προηγιασμένων Τιμίων Δώρων.  Το Σώμα και το Αίμα του Κυρίου θα περιμένουν τους πιστούς κάθε Τετάρτη εσπέρας για περισσότερο συχνή Θεία Μετάληψη, ώστε όλοι ως Χριστοφόροι και καθαγιασμένοι να προσεγγίσουμε το Άγια Πάσχα.  Κάθε Παρασκευή, θα ψάλλουμε τους Χαιρετισμούς στην Υπεραγία Θεοτόκο, που μας έδωσε τον Χριστό και έφερε την σωτηρία στο ανθρώπινο γένος.

          Με ιερό πόθο συμμετέχουμε στην εμπειρία της Τεσσαρακοστής για να ζητήσουμε το έλεος του Θεού.  Αν σε όσες ακολουθίες που μπορούμε να συμπροσευχηθούμε φέρουμε τα παιδιά και τις οικογένειές μας, τότε θα μεταλαμπαδεύσουμε την δική μας εμπειρία και σε εκείνους.  Μα, τί γίνεται όταν είναι κουρασμένοι από το απαιτητικό ωράριο της ημέρας;  Θα ξεκουράζονται στην κατάνυξη και ηρεμία της Εκκλησίας.  Αν έχουν μαθήματα;  Θα διδάσκονται τα διδάγματα της σωτηρίας, που είναι Ουράνια και ανώτερα.  Και όλοι μας θα προβιβαστούμε στην θεοπτία του Παραδείσου.  Έτσι θα έχουμε Καλή Τεσσαρακοστή!

+Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος


Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

As I am typing these lines, I see the bright sun outside my office window and I am reminded that a new beautiful season is ahead us. God has blessed us with so many great reasons to be joyful and to thank Him every day. “Rejoice and be gladdened” this is the Springtime of spiritual rebirth and renewal. We entered the blessed Triodion and we approach Great and Holy Lent, which leads to Pascha, the Resurrection, the victory of life over death, light over darkness, joy over lamentation, mercy over sin, salvation over damnation. This is a new beginning, brightened with the light of faith, replete with many blessings and spiritual opportunities.

To embark on this new spiritual journey, we first remember those before us, those we love and miss. Tomorrow morning, Saturday, March 9th, we have the Saturday of the Souls – Ψυχο-Σάββατο, with Orthros at 9 am followed by Divine Liturgy and Memorials for all those who repose in Christ. Please, come to Church early and bring the names of your loved ones to be commemorated.

On Sunday, we have the beautiful Meat Fare Sunday service, followed by the Tsikno-Sunday event to celebrate the last day prior to Cheese Fare week and before fasting begins. The event will take place on Sunday, March 10th immediately after the service. The menu includes souvlaki, kontosouvli, kokoretsi, traditional loukaniko, Greek fries, and many more delicacies. There will be dancing to burn off the delicious calories and a performance from the KANARIS dance group to warm up the dance floor. Please, reserve your table by calling our office at (516) 379-1368. It will be an amazing celebration. All proceeds from those events will help cover the expenses for our Ground Breaking ceremony, which include the tent rental, the grounds preparations, the material needed and the luncheon to welcome His Eminence and our entire Parish.


The Ground Breaking Ceremony for the Constantine and Carol Cassis Center is on Sunday, May 19th at the morning Divine Liturgy!!! We are honored that His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America will bless the laying of the foundation at the Ground Breaking Ceremony on that historic day.

The Ground Breaking Dinner Dance of June 9th will be an amazing event, with live performances from distinguished artists, and an unforgettable celebration to cherish this new beginning. Save the day, it will be the most fun event, but also historic and memorable.


          Parish Level Oratorical Festival is on Sunday, April 7th after the service. HOPE AND JOY had an amazing day at the Barkley Center, watching the Nets vs the Knicks; the children were able to see the player up close and take pictures as well. Golden Years had a phenomenal Tsikno-Pempti celebration yesterday with great participation.

          Orthodox Study discussion will take place on Thursday, March 14th, with the Rev. Protopresbyter Panagiotis Papanikolaou delivering an amazing presentation. Don’t miss it! This Thursday, March 14th, the YAL has organized a Game Night!

          Second Saturday of the Souls is on March 16th, bring the koliva and the names of all loved ones that morning. The service begins at 8:30 am! And on March 24th is Sunday of Orthodoxy. All children and boards of the Parish organizations will bring their icons in Church to celebrate and honor our faith and the restitution of the sacred images.

          On Thursday, March 28th we have the Hellenic Heritage event at Nassau County Headquarters honoring Mr. Andreas and Mrs. Georgia Pavlou (6 pm).

          We are preparing our teams and athletes’ registration for the Memorial Weekend Olympics with the participation of hundreds of Greek Orthodox Youth from the entire District.  As of April 7th, the cost per participant will rise for registration. Early bird pricing is $75 per participant. To register and declare which sports your child would like to participate in, please, email Natasia Brienza at: . A Google form will be available for participants to select events of interest for Olympics if you plan to sign up and be there May 24-26th.

GOYA will cook and bake at the Ronald McDonald House on Saturday March 9th from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm. KANARIS dance practice is today, Friday March 8th from 6:30 to 7:30 pm. and on Saturday March 23rd 11-12.

On March 16th, GOYA retreat from 11 am to 2 pm. Guest speaker is Mr. Steven Christoforou. On March 16th, Inter-GOYA party hosted by Cathedral of Holy Trinity. Pre-registration and pre-purchase tickets only. On March 22nd, (6 pm) Medical Career Night hosted by Northwell Health and inter-GOYA social in our church hall following the Salutations (7 pm).

April 14th is the Greek Parade at NYC. April 19th is Trivia Night at 7:30 pm hosted by St. Nicholas Babylon following the Salutations; $10 per person.  Also, GOYA gear order form is on GroupMe. Proceeds will go towards the new Gymnasium. To order, use the link:

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


My beloved friends:

            This Sunday of the Prodigal Son, we will hear the most beautiful parable in the entire Bible, a story which summarizes, in a very brief manner, the most important elements of our Faith:

1.     God’s unconditional love for us.

2.     The consequences of our rejection and departure from God.

3.     Our need to turn back, to repent, whenever we have sinned.

4.     A readiness to accept God’s mercy and enter into his joyous love with utter humility.

            Now, two weeks from the beginning of Great Lent, we are reminded of who we are: beloved children of God who need to come to our senses and return to our loving, forgiving Father.  No matter what we have done, no matter how we have diminished ourselves, no matter how broken we have made our relationship with God, He patiently awaits our return, runs to greet us, and welcomes us back into His family with joy and celebration.

Let us review the Gospel parable: A father has two sons. The younger son greatly offends the father by asking for his inheritance. Imagine how offensive such an action would be. Well, even though the Father knows the son is terribly wrong, and quite immature, he still gives his son his inheritance. The Father understands that true love can only come where freedom exists. He loves His son so much that he gives his son the freedom to make a terrible mistake.

The son takes the inheritance and runs away to a distant land. This separation from the Father vividly portrays a fruit of his sin. Anytime we choose evil over good, we are running away to a far and distant land, far from our beloved and divine homeland. While in this foreign land, the son foolishly spends all his money. He is without friends, without finances, and without life. He finds himself quite desperate. The boy’s situation has reached such a catastrophe, that he finds himself living among pigs, longing to eat the swine’s food – utter disgrace.

Here is the ultimate portrayal of sin. Whenever we reject our loving Father, and foolishly choose our own path, the destination is always the same. Maybe for a period of time, we think we have discovered a pleasure-filled life. Yet it is temporary. Our vain pursuit of happiness, riches and prosperity will eventually reveal its emptiness. In that moment of truth, whether it comes at the end of our lives, as we face death, or earlier in life when we face various crises which challenge us to find ultimate meaning in life, we discover how meaningless, senseless, and egocentric our pursuit has been.

At this point in the parable, something crucial occurs. The boy begins to remember. He remembers who he is. He remembers his father. He remembers his father’s house. He remembers the abundance of love and blessings that exist there. He remembers that even the servants of the household had food and drink in great quantity. He beings to see how meaningless his own life has become, and how blessed his life could have been. True repentance begins to form from within.

            Yet authentic repentance only begins with remembrance. The boy remembers. He begins to see himself as he truly is. He does not try to hide his faults. He comes to his senses by realizing, “I have sinned before heaven and before my father. I am not worthy to be called his son. I will ask to only return as a slave.” In this essential state of humility, he finds the courage and the strength to get up and begin his journey home. There is no self-pity. No judging others. No justifying himself. Simple, yet clear, self-evaluation and deep repentance! Without these, we cannot begin our journey back to the Father, and back to our original homeland.

            When the boy is still far from his home, we see the old, loving Father waiting for his son. As the Father sees his beloved in the distance, the Father forgets all dignity and runs towards his son. He does not wait for apologies. He does not demand an admission of guilt. He does not stand with his hands folded, waiting for the son to fall on his face and admit his mistakes.

            Although the son attempts to do all this, the Father ignores the son’s pleas and with a radiant joy, shouts out, “Bring my son the best robe in the house. Bring him shoes to show that he is not a slave. Bring him a ring to give him his authority as my own. And kill the fatted calf. A feast! A most merry and joyous feast we must celebrate because this, my son, was lost, and is now found. He was dead, and is alive again.” We see in this figure of God only love, unconditional, unlimited, radiant love! The father does not focus on the sins of the son. He sees only a broken heart, longing to be healed. And he offers his healing freely and generously.

            Do we understand that we have a Heavenly Father whose love is far greater than any sin we can ever commit! Our sins, no matter how great, are as a drop of water compared with the entire ocean of God’s unconditional love. May we always remember this fact, especially when we have fallen away from God. God’s love and goodness is far greater than any sin or evil we can ever commit. Although this parable is often called The Prodigal Son, a more accurate title would be the Parable of The Loving Father, since He is the main character in the story. This is the heart of what the Gospel, and Christianity are all about.

            The parable did not end with the return of the lost son, and the love of the Father. As the Father welcomes the younger son, and begins to celebrate over his resurrection from death to life, the older son returns home from the fields. Now we need to remember that the older son has never left the side of the father. He has been the dutiful son, staying close to the father, obeying the father, trying to fulfill the father’s wishes. But there is one problem. Although he has been close to the Father, he has never adopted the Father’s spirit of unconditional love. He has obeyed the father out of duty, but not out of love. He has focused more on the rules and regulations of what an older son should do, instead of looking at the father and realizing that he needs to cultivate the same spirit of joy and love which the Father possessed. Although he never left the house of the father, his heart departed from the Father long ago, becoming hard, cold, and unloving.

            So the older son returns, and when he hears the music and sees the household celebrating a feast, he’s annoyed. “Why is there a feast and I have not been informed? A feast for my good-for-nothing brother who wasted all his money on prodigal living? Where is the justice my brother deserves? My father should not give him a feast, but a beating. He deserves it, and I am not taking part in this unjust celebration until he gets it.” The older son is right. The father has not been just. He has not given the younger son what he deserves. Instead of justice, he has shown mercy. Instead of a beating, he has shown love and compassion. Instead of rejoicing in the pain of another, he rejoices that one who was dead is alive again. The older son cannot understand such unconditional love and mercy, and thus, stands outside the feast, angry, jealousy, and self-righteous.

            This parable has it all – the unconditional love and mercy of our heavenly Father; the rebellious rejection and sin of the younger son; the deadly consequence of sin; the joyous fruit of repentance. And then the cold, self-righteous stance of the older son, who prefers to stay in his self-imposed hell, than enter into the joy of the feast. As our Lord often emphasized, God does not desire the death of a sinner, but longs for his repentance and return home. The fruit of repentance is full and complete restoration. God’s forgiveness is immediate and absolute.

            This parable of the Prodigal Son should shape all the repentance that we do in our lives, whether in Lent or not. For it reminds us Who God is and who we are.  As in this parable, there are no limits to our Lord’s mercy, no restrains on His compassion or forgiveness. Our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ was Born, Baptized, taught, worked miracles, was Crucified and Resurrected, and Ascended into Heaven for our salvation.  He came as the Second Adam to restore us as the children of God, to put us in our proper place in the family of heaven as those created in His divine image and likeness.

            Praying that the abundant blessings of our Lord and the prayers of the Holy Theotokos be with you and all your loved ones, I remain,

With paternal love and blessings in the Lord,

+Protopresbyter Panagiotis




            Μία από τις κορυφαίες αφηγήσεις του Ευαγγελίου είναι το σημείο αναφοράς της 17ης Κυριακής του Λουκά.  Η παραβολή του Ασώτου Υιού είναι μία ιστορία που αγγίζει κάθε έναν από εμάς σε προσωπικό επίπεδο αλλά και που αποκαλύπτει την φιλανθρωπία, την παναγαθότητα και την συγχωρητικότητα του Θεού.  Ίσως ένας πιο ακριβής σε νόημα τίτλος θα μπορούσε να είναι όχι η παραβολή του Ασώτου Υιού αλλά η παραβολή του μεγαλόκαρδου Πατέρα.  Ο νεώτερος υιός κατασπατάλησε την περιουσία του Πατέρα, διεκδικόντας την για δική του.  Με θράσσος απαίτησε τα πλούτη που ο Πατέρας του με κόπο δημιούργησε.  Και με ανωριμότητα και αφέλεια σπατάλησε ό,τι με αγάπη του εμπιστεύτηκε ο Πατέρας.  Με πόνο και συντριβή καρδίας ήρθε ο γιος εις εαυτόν στον καιρό της πενίας και της πνευματικής του ακαρπίας.  Διαπίστωσε ότι ακόμη και οι υπηρέτες του Πατέρα του είχαν καλύτερη ζωή από εκείνον που ζούσε μέσα στην αμαρτία, στην ακολασία και στην παρακμή.


            Μία συγκινητική σκηνή της αφηγήσεως είναι η επιστροφή του Ασώτου.  Ο Πατέρας, όχι μόνο συγχωρεί τον γιο του, αλλά τον αγκαλιάζει με όλη του την αγάπη και την μεγαλοκαρδία του.  Του χαρίζει δώρα και του ετοιμάζει ένα γιορτινό τραπέζι ώστε να πανηγυρίσει τον ερχομό του.  Μόνο ο μεγάλος αδερφός δεν συμμερίστηκε την χαρά όλων και ζήλεψε για τις τιμές που δέχτηκε ο μικρότερος αδερφός του.  Δεν γιόρτασε την επιστροφή του αδερφού αλλά στενοχωρέθηκε για το άψυχο μουλάρι που ετοιμάστηκε για την γιορτή.  Ακόμη και το ζώο το συμπάθησε πιο πολύ από το σπλάχνο του, το αίμα του, το αδέρφι του.


            Ακούγεται δυσανάγνωστη η παραβολή; Μα και ανά τους αιώνες, πόσες οικογένειες δεν υπάρχουν που διαπληκτίζονται για περιουσιακά στοιχεία ή αφήνουν τη ζήλεια να καταστρέψει την οικογενειακή αγάπη και θαλπωρή...  Υπάρχουν Άσωτοι Υιοί; Μα πόσοι από εμάς δεν χρησιμοποιούμε την περιουσία του Ουράνιου Πατέρα μας, που με πανσοφία δημιούργησε και χάρισε σε εμάς, αλλά όχι για αγαθούς σκοπούς.  Άλλωστε πως συμβιβάζεστε στην ιδέα, στα Χριστιανικά κράτη τα καζίνο και οι «επιχειρήσεις» πορνείας να θησαυρίζουν αλλά οι Εκκλησίες και τα σχολεία να μαραζώνουν; Είναι από τους πολλούς Ασώτους, που πετάνε ό,τι με αγάπη τους εμπιστεύεται ο Θεός και κατασπαταλούν στην σύγχρονη οικουμενικότητα διαφθοράς.


            Ο Θεός, ο Συγχωρός και Φιλάνθρωπος, έχει ανοικτή την αγκαλιά του για να μάς υποδεχτεί, ώστε να επιστρέψουμε στην θαλπωρή της χάριτος και του ελέους του.  Μάς χαρίζει δώρα, την στολήν την πρώτη, την λευκή και αμόλυντο που ενδυθήκαμε στη Δημιουργία και μετά την πτώση την φορούμε πάλι στη Βάπτισή μας.  Για το λόγο αυτό ψάλλεται μετά την βάπτιση το «’Οσοι εις Χριστόν εβαπτίσθητε, Χριστόν ενεδύσασθε.»  Ενδυόμασθε την Χάρη του Κυρίου που μάς εισοδεύει στο σώμα της Εκκλησίας.  Ο Πατέρας της παραβολής χαρίζει δακτυλίδι, σύμβολο του Χρίσματος που είναι η σφραγίς Πνεύματος Αγίου (οι Ρωμαϊκές σφραγίδες ήταν τοποθετημένες σε δαχτυλίδια).  Και τέλος, δωρίζει υποδύματαμ διότι στα Ρωμαϊκά έτη ανυπόδυτοι ήταν μόνο οι δούλοι.  Ο Θεός μάς θέλει να είμαστε ελεύθεροι και να χαιρόμαστε τα αγαθά του.  Θυσιάζει τον σιτευτό μόσχο, τον Σωτήρα και Κύριο, ώστε να πανηγυρίζουμε την Θεία Ευχαριστία και να εορτάζουμε το γεγονός της σωτηρίας στο δείπνο της ζωής.

+Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος


Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

This Sunday, Presvtere’s Brunch will celebrate the beginning of the preparations for the Constantine and Carol Cassis Center GROUND-BREAKING CEREMONY! Yes, we are starting the project!!! So, this Sunday, please, bring yourselves (and your appetites) so that we can make significant announcements regarding this historic event.  Presvytera Tina and Presvytera Chrissy with their amazing team invite you for delicious food, music, dancing and a great way to celebrate a new beginning. This Sunday, February 25th after the service.

This new beginning will commence with the Ground Breaking Ceremony for the Constantine and Carol Cassis Center on Sunday, May 19th at the morning Divine Liturgy!!! We are elated to announce that His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America will bless the laying of the foundation at the Ground Breaking Ceremony on May 19th, 2024. Last Sunday, I made the announcement during the morning Liturgy and stated that May 19th will be a historic day for the Community; a day to remember, and an event that future generations will cherish. We are honored that His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros will bless this new beginning, as May 19th is the only Sunday available in the hectic Archiepiscopal schedule until September. Our children will remember May 19th and talk about it to their children and grandchildren. They will recall pushing the groundbreaking shovels into the ground so that our foundations are firm and based on the great mission the Center serves, which is to promote Orthodoxy and our culture for the years to come.

When we were in College we needed a deadline to submit an assignment. May 19th is our deadline so that every single family makes a pledge and offers a donation for the Center to be built without loans and without high interest debt in the future. We have been inspired by the donations that were already given, from College students all the way to senior citizens. This is OUR new edifice, and we should all be part of it, whether we commit a brick, a door, a classroom, or even the new Greek School. No gift is too small, especially when everyone contributes. The athletic teams, the Church & Greek School, the philanthropic missions, our elderly, our families, and our youth will congregate to celebrate our precious heritage.

It is amazing that almost every Sunday we have baby blessings and Sunday; even at the time of the Ground Breaking, 4 baptisms and 1 wedding! Our new edifice will be the ideal extension of our Church, a spiritual shelter for the safe and blessed upbringing of the next generations, for the loving embrace of our senior citizens and for all our families to create memories together. Whether we play sports, listen to a presentation, have coffee or learn our heritage, our Church will be complimented with many activities for our Christian fellowship. The design and architecture of the Constantine and Carol Cassis Center is magnificent. The stone and brick match those of the Church. The surrounding garden will be exquisite. Additional parking and an edifice replete with everything we need for the Parish ministries will make this extension of our Church an extension of our homes.

Speaking of embracing our senior citizens, Golden Years Tsiknopempti Lunch is on Thursday March 7th at 12:00. Fellowship, lunch, music and games for our young at heart. Don’t miss it!

GOYA will cook and bake at the Ronald McDonald House on Saturday March 9th from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm. KANARIS dance practices coming up are on Friday March 3rd and 8th from 6:30 to 7:30 pm.

Saturday 3/23 11-12 Also, GOYA gear order form is on GroupMe. Proceeds will go towards the new Gymnasium. To order, use the link:

This year, we will have a Tsikno-Sunday event to celebrate the last day prior to Cheese Fare week and before fasting begins. The event will take place on Sunday, March 10th immediately after the service. The menu includes souvlaki, kontosouvli, kokoretsi, traditional loukaniko, Greek fries, and many more delicacies. There will be dancing to burn off the delicious calories and a performance from the KANARIS dance group to warm up the dance floor. Please, reserve your table by calling our office at (516) 379-1368. It will be an amazing celebration. All proceeds from those events will help cover the expenses for our Ground Breaking ceremony, which include the tent rental, the grounds preparations, the material needed and the luncheon to welcome His Eminence and our entire Parish.

These are historic days; we will speak about these events for the years to come. Let’s break ground!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


          Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

Last Sunday, I was talking to a nice gentleman at coffee fellowship. He was so excited with anticipation of Valentine’s Day and he even told me:

-I can't wait for Valentine’s Day.

-Awwww, you are really in love..., I responded.

-Not really, I am just a florist!

Flowers are great, but are good for about a week (which is coincidentally the amount of time many celebrities decide to stay in love for nowadays). I hope and pray that you all stay in love and celebrate Valentine’s every day. For the person you love, give a gift that will withstand the test of time.

I hear the girls on the other side of this screen: "Yes, father, we prefer a gift that lasts a long time. Like a diamond necklace, or a precious ring." No, I mean a different gift, one that is eternal. The gift of prayer. Pray for each other, daily, with all your heart. This is what differentiates a couple of faith from other couples: prayer. Praying for each other and with each other secures a spiritual attachment that is much stronger than any other attraction.

 The matrimonial service in the Orthodox Church makes a direct reference to the longevity of genuine love and the spiritual attachment of the couple when the priest offers wine to the bride and groom. This represents the miracle at Cana, where Christ changed water into wine. The Lord is also present in our weddings, blessing and sanctifying our union. He changes our tasteless existence to the sweet union of love, trust, devotion and mutual surrendering to each other. When in love, we are drunk in happiness and passion for life. We cannot get enough of each other.

 Our life is a celebration, just like the wedding at Cana, where Christ started His public ministry. He gave wine to people who were already drunk; back then wine was not abundant and alcoholism was not an epidemic. Plus, what is the worst that could happen when drunk back then (there were no cars), maybe fall of a donkey. So, Christ teaches us to enjoy life and be perfectly united to each other: "for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and shall be joined to his wife and the two shall become one flesh. And let none separate those whom God has united." Jesus is present in our wedding too, blessing the bride's and groom's common cup with wine. From that day forward everything is common, they share it all. Plus, a good relationship is like good wine, it gets better with time.

 So, celebrate love every day, and look forward to manifest your love each moment. It will make our Parish florist very happy. Be jubilant and elated about the person God reserved for you to share your life with. Be in love! Love God. Love life. Love your families. Love yourselves. By the way, love your priest too, he loves you so much as well and he is accountable for your spiritual well-being.  At the end of this Sunday’s service, I will not give you no flowers or chocolates. But I will give you tasty antidoron and one gift that is eternal. My love and prayers.

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


On February 9th, we celebrate the name-day of Saint Nikiforos the Martyr. The life of my Patron Saint is a source of inspiration for every Christian. Saint Nikiforos was faithful, pious, and loving.  He followed the teachings of the Gospel. There was a priest, whose name was Saprikios, who had a controversy with Saint Nikiforos. Saprikios could never forgive Nikiforos.  Although, being a priest, he should be an example of forgiveness, his heart was hardened by egoism. Nikiforos was trying to ask mediators to bridge their differences. He also personally begged for the forgiveness of Saprikios, without a result.

            Christians were persecuted during that century very severely. The authorities found out that Saprikios was one of the Christian priests and ordered his execution. Nikiforos heard about the potential martyrdom of Saprikios, which would take place in public. He rushed to ask for his forgiveness once again. “You will be a Saint soon” he cried, “please, forgive me and give me your blessing.” However, Saprikios could not forgive Nikiforos, not even at that sacred hour. His heart was hardened and his faith was weakened. He saw the sword of the executor and he asked to be let free.  He renounced Christ and his priesthood…

            Nikiforos was sad to see that a Saint could be made on that day, but did not. He wanted to receive the forgiveness of Saprikios and he gave him the example of perseverance and strength. He confessed that he was a Christian in public. “Today, there is a crown of martyrdom expecting to decorate a person who believes in Christ” he announced. His execution took place immediately after Nikiforos forgave the authorities and the soldiers who carried out the penalty. His memory is celebrated on February 9th, the day of his martyrdom. For centuries, his example inspires us to forgive others, to have a strong faith and to live a life according to the teachings of the Bible. Nothing should overwhelm a Christian who lives a Christ-like life.

            All of us have been hurt by people, one time or another. Some of us more, some less… Nevertheless, we extend our love and forgiveness to all, because we also ask our redemption from God, for our many shortcomings.  “And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.” A hard and unforgiving heart is like an open wound that allows spiritual diseases to enter our life; egoism, arrogance, hatred and thinking that we are better than others are the outcome of lack of forgiveness. The Lord forgave his executors on the Cross. The Saints followed that example to also teach us the virtue of forgiving. This year, I would like to ask that every Parishioner comes to the Vespers of Forgiveness, that will take place on Cheese Fare Sunday. We need to forgive one another, before we ascend the steps of the spiritual Ladder of Lent, and in preparation for the Great, Holy and Saving Pascha!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


            Στις 9 Φεβρουαρίου εορτάζουμε την μνήμη του Αγίου Μάρτυρος Νικηφόρου. Ο βίος του Πολιούχου Αγίου μου, αποτελεί πηγή εμπνεύσεως για κάθε Χριστιανό. Ο Άγιος Νικηφόρος ήταν πιστός και εγκρατής, ζώντας σύμφωνα με τις επιταγές του Ευαγγελίου.  Κάποτε, ένας ιερέας, ο Σαπρίκιος, κράτησε κακία στον Νικηφόρο για κάποιο ζήτημα. Ποτέ δεν μπορούσε να τον συγχωρέσει, παρά το γεγονός ότι ήταν ιερέας και έπρεπε να του δώσει συγχώρεση. Ο Άγιος Νικηφόρος, υπομονετικά, έβαζε διαπραγματευτές για να γεφυρώσει τις διαφορές που υπήρχαν.  Έφτασε ακόμη και να ικετεύει για την συγχώρεση του Σαπρικίου, αλλά χωρίς αποτέλεσμα.

            Οι Χριστιανοί διώκονταν και μαθεύτηκε ότι ο Σαπρίκιος ήταν ένας των ιερέων της Εκκλησίας. Δώθηκε διαταγή να αποκεφαλιστεί σε δημόσια θέα για παραδειγματισμό. Ο Νικηφόρος έμαθε για την διαταγή της εκτελέσεως του Σαπρικίου και έτρεξε να ζητήσει συγχώρεση, έστω και λίγο πριν το δημόσιο μαρτύριο. Γονυπετής ικέτευε τον Σαπρίκιο να του δώσει τη συγνώμη του, πριν πέσει το σπαθί του δημίου επάνω του. Ο Σαπρίκιος, όμως, δεν συγχωρούσε τον Νικηφόρο. Και μέσα στη σκληροκαρδία του, είδε το σπαθί του δημίου και ολιγοπίστησε. Ο Σαπρίκιος απαρνήθηκε τον Χριστό και ζήτησε να τον αφήσουν ελεύθερο...

            Πληγώθηκε ο Νικηφόρος βλέποντας τον Σαπρίκιο να χάνει την πίστη και το θάρρος του. Τότε, με παρρησία ομολόγησε την πίστη του στον Ιησού. «Σήμερα ένα στεφάνι μαρτυρίου περιμένει πάνω από αυτό το σπαθί για να στολίσει έναν Χριστιανό.» Σε μία τελευταία απόπειρα να συνετιστεί και ο Σαπρίκιος και να μαλακώσει η καρδιά του, πλησιάζει τους εκτελεστές και ομολογεί ότι είναι Χριστιανός. Το στεφάνι του μάρτυρος το κέρδισε με το θάρρος και την μεγαλοκαρδία του. Ο Άγιος Νικηφόρος εορτάζεται την ημέρα του μαρτυρίου του, 9 Φεβρουαρίου, διδάσκοντας ανά τους αιώνες όλους μας να συγχωρούμε και να ζούμε κατά τα πρότυπα του Ευαγγελίου με πίστη και αγάπη. Τίποτε δεν πρέπει να φοβίζει τον Χριστιανό που αφιερώνει τη ζωή του στον Κύριο.

            Όλοι μας έχουμε πληγωθεί από ανθρώπους, άλλοι περισσότερο και άλλοι λιγότερο. Το κλειδί του Παραδείσου είναι η συγχωρητικότητα. Αν μπορούμε να συγχωρούμε τα παραπτώματα των ανθρώπων, τότε και ο Θεός θα συγχωρέσει τα αναρίθμητα δικά μας («ως και ημείς αφίεμεν τοις οφειλέταις ημών»). Η σκληροκαρδία είναι σαν μία πληγή που μολύνει την καρδιά του ανθρώππου με πολλές άλλες πνευματικές ασθένειες, τον εγωϊσμό, την αλλαζονεία, την κακία και το μίσος. Ο Άγιος Νικηφόρος μας διδάσκει να είμαστε απλοί, γνήσιοι και άνθρωποι ανοιχτόκαρδοι και συγχωρητικοί.

Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

This Sunday, February 3rd, we have Godparents’ Sunday, which is a beautiful tradition to invite all Godparents to come to Church, receive with their Godchildren and relive the most significant event of their lives, their baptisms. A breakfast will follow, sponsored by the Church School.

          Every week, we have baby blessings, 40-day blessings and baptisms. This manifests that our Parish grows radically, since we have far more baby blessings than funerals, thank God. We are a young Parish, and our youth programs, our Greek School and our Church School are the epicenter of our ministries. We are thankful to our teachers, volunteers and all contributors for those.

I would like to announce that we seek a sponsor for our School, to offer the naming rights for the entire educational program of our Parish. The sponsor will receive the naming rights immediately and our School will have the name of the sponsor’s choosing. Please, contact me if you are interested and obviously these naming rights will be carried over to our Center edifice for the entrance of our School, on the East side of the building facing the parking lot. It will be a testament of our love for education, for our heritage and for the present and future mission of the Parish to serve the youth. Through the intercessions of the 3 Hierarchs, we pray for all those who contribute to our Greek Letters, to our culture and our spiritual heritage.

Our Golden Years group meets this Thursday at 12 noon for lunch and fellowship. On Thursdays, we have Orthodox Study discussion and an “Ask the Priest” Q&A followed by fellowship at 7 pm. Little Angels meet on Wednesdays at 10:30 am. This weekend, we have our GOYA Ski Trip. 33 GOYAns from our Parish will join the hundreds of other GOYAns from the District for the Inter-GOYA ski trip. We have the second largest group participating, which is a testament of our wonderful youth and the great work our advisors, coaches and volunteers commit for GOYA.

Saint Barbara’s Philoptochos 2024 Super-Bowl Fundraiser:


User: stbarb24

Password: stbarb24 (all lower case)


PREFERRED METHOD of Payment Venmo @StBarbaras-Philoptochos or Checks to made out to Saint Barbara's Philoptochos. Let the best team win and let Philoptochos help the poor no matter who wins!

It is with much sadness and our hope in the Resurrection that we announce the passing in Christ of our beloved Fotis Bitis. The Wake will take place today at Charles J. O'Shea Funeral Home (603 Wantagh Ave., Wantagh from 2-4 pm and from 7-9 pm). The Funeral service will be at our church on Thursday, February 1st at 11 am. Fotis Bitis, affectionately known as “Pappou”, passed away peacefully on January 26th, 2024 at the age of 87. Beloved husband of Fotini, devoted father to daughters Eva and Suzie and son-in-law Peter, proud and loving grandfather/pappou to Alexis, and adored uncle to many nieces and nephews.

Fotis immigrated to the United States from Greece in his late teens with many of his siblings and cousins. On a return trip to Greece years later, he met and married Fotini whom he treasured beyond words. They just celebrated their 62nd wedding anniversary on January 21st and their namedays on January 6th. This was a marriage filled with love, respect, joy and laughter that was inspirational to all who witnessed it.

Fotis and Fotini raised their daughters in Inwood, Manhattan and Wantagh, NY. They also played a huge role in raising their grandchild Alexis – who brought endless happiness to pappou and vice versa. Family meant everything to Fotis and it was obvious to see the look of pride on his face when he was in their presence. It was his main joy in life to see that his family was provided for and happy, healthy and always there for one another.

Most will remember Fotis as someone who loved to laugh, and someone who LOVED to make others laugh. He was incredibly funny and quick-witted. He was also a genuinely good person - kind, gentle, loving, caring, patient, appreciative and grateful for everything. He worked hard his whole life and never once complained about it. He just loved life and nurturing all of his relationships. He also enjoyed striking up conversations with anyone he would meet on the street and was very much loved and respected by all who got to know him. May his soul find eternal rest in Heaven. Αἰωνία ἡ μνήμη αὐτοῦ.

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Schedule of Sacred Services and Events

1)    Wake and Funeral for our beloved Fotis Bitis of blessed memory. The Wake will take place today at Charles J. O'Shea Funeral Home (603 Wantagh Ave., Wantagh from 2-4 pm and from 7-9 pm). The Funeral service will be at our church on Thursday, February 1st at 11 am. Eternal be his memory - Αἰωνία ἡ μνήμη αὐτοῦ.

2)    Golden Years, Thursday, February 1st at 12 noon, lunch and fellowship.

3)    YAL and Orthodox Study discussion Thursdays at 7 pm.

4)    The Presentation of the Lord in the Temple - Ἡ Ὑπαπαντὴ τοῦ Σωτῆρος, Friday, February 2nd with Orthros and Divine Liturgy starting at 9 am.

5)    15th Sunday of Matthew - Saint Isidoros of Pelousios, Sunday, February 4th, with Orthros at 9 am, followed by Divine Liturgy.

6)    Godparents Sunday – We attend the service with our Godparents.

7)    Coffee hour and breakfast are sponsored by the Church School.

8)    Vasilopita for Hofstra Hellenic Club, Monday, February 5th at 1 pm.

9)    Parish Council Meeting, Monday, February 5th at 7:30 pm.

10)                        Little Angels, Wednesdays at 10:30 am.

11)                        Saint Nikiforos the Martyr, Friday, February 9th with Orthros and Divine Liturgy starting at 9 am.

12)                        GOYA Annual Ski Trip this weekend!




Love:  such a small word, but such a huge concept for our lives. We say that we can’t live without love. “All you need is love” said the Beatles. We turn on the radio and we hear the word “love” over and over. We watch a movie, and it is a “love-story”. We read novels about love and we are moved about the romantic experiences of others, even fictional characters. Love seems to be an integral aspect of our social lives.  Actually, it has been more commercialized than any other virtue. Because of love we buy things, we watch films, we listen to songs. Love is the highest commodity. Love is gold!  That’s why we buy golden items to those whom we love…

Where can we find love? If we were gold-seekers, we would know where to look for gold. But where is love? Is it in the songs, in the movies, in the books? Where do we find love? We find love in our enemies. We find love in the person who cursed at us. We find love in the person who humiliated us. We find love in the person who assaulted us. Even the person who crucified us. That’s where (real) love is!

The Gospel teaches us to love those who hate us, because even sinners love the ones who love them back. Christ on the Cross embraces all of human race, even His persecutors. We also wear a Cross, not as a golden jewel, but as a sign and a reminder of our love for our neighbor, even for those who harm us and hate us.

We celebrate GODPARENTS’ SUNDAY, cherishing the loving relationship established amongst Godparents and Godchildren. As Godparents, we made a commitment in the presence of God and people to teach the faith, love our Godchildren and offer them spiritual edification, to support them as friends, relatives, even as spiritual parents. Such commitment presupposes an active and involving role, a loving presence and a positive example. Godparents need to have a conscious spiritual life, participating in the sacramental experience of the Church and setting the paradigm for their spiritual children. Godchildren need to honor, love and respect their Godparents; their life has to illustrate the presence of Christ, a presence ever apparent since our existence and sanctified through holy Baptism. We hear, watch and read about love day in and day out. But what kind of love is that? Is it the love of promises and self-interest or Christ’s love? Christ’s love is such a small word, but so enormous for our lives!


+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos




Αγάπη: λέξη μικρή, αλλά τόσο μεγάλη για τη ζωή μας.  Πολλοί μιλούν για αγάπη.  Στο ραδιόφωνο την τραγουδούν νύκτα και μέρα.  Στην τηλεόραση την προβάλλουν με αισθησιακή λεπτομέρεια.  Στον κινηματογράφο της δίνουν όσκαρ.  Ακόμη και «ρομαντικές» νουβέλες γράφουν για την αγάπη.  Τόσο μικρή λέξη, αλλά καταλαμβάνει την ζωή μας.  Στις ημέρες μας η αγάπη έχει γίνει η πιο εμπορική αξία.  Αγοράζουμε επειδή αγαπάμε.  Ντυνόμαστε για να μας αγαπάνε.  Ακούμε ραδιόφωνο, διασκεδάζουμε, τραγουδάμε από αγάπη.  Ακόμη κι αν το Χρηματιστήριο πέφτει, η αγάπη είναι μία αξία που ολοένα ανεβαίνει και περισσότερο.  Η αγάπη είναι χρυσός, για αυτό και όσους αγαπούμε, τους στολίζουμε στο χρυσάφι!

Όλοι ζητούν να βρουν αυτό το χρυσάφι.  Όλοι μας είμαστε χρυσοθήρες της αγάπης.  Πού θα βρούμε την αγαπή τελικά;  Στον ρομαντισμό των τραγουδιών, στον ηδονισμό της τηλεόρασης ή στη φαντασία των βιβλίων;  Ποιός θα μας μάθει να αγαπούμε;  Την αγάπη θα την βρούμε στον εχθρό μας!  Σε αυτόν που μας πρόσβαλλε.  Σε αυτόν που μας έβρισε.  Σε αυτόν που μας χτύπησε.  Σε αυτόν που μας σταύρωσε.  Εκεί είναι η αγάπη!  Το Ευαγγέλιο μάς διδάσκει να αγαπούμε αυτούς που μάς μισούν, γιατί και οι αμαρτωλοί αγαπούν αυτούς που τους αγαπούν.  Ο Εσταυρωμένος αγκαλιάζει στην κορυφή του Γολγοθά όλο το ανθρώπινο γένος, τους πονηρούς, τους δικαίους, ακόμη και τους βασανιστές και σταυρωτές Του.  Κι εμείς φορούμε σταυρό, όχι ως κόσμημα, αλλά ως ένδειξη και υπενθύμιση αγάπης προς τον πλησίον, τον κάθε πλησίον!

Όλοι θα έρθουμε στην Εκκλησία για να τιμήσουμε και την Κυριακή των Αναδόχων. Ως ανάδοχοι, παίρνουμε την πρωτοβουλία, παρουσία Θεού και ανθρώπων, να διδάξουμε την πίστη μας στα πνευματικά μας παιδιά, να τους καθοδηγούμε με το παράδειγμα και με την αγάπη μας, να είμαστε παρόντες και συμμετέχοντες στη ζωή και στις αποφάσεις τους. Πρέπει να είναι συνειδητά μέλη της Εκκλησίας συμμετέχοντας στο μυστηριακό βίωμα των Ορθοδόξων. Τα βαφτιστήρια έπισης οφείλουν να σέβονται, να αγαπούν και να τιμούν τους νονούς και τις νονές τους με το Ορθόδοξο βίωμά του, ένα βίωμα που να καθρεπτίζει την παρουσία του Κυρίου στη ζωή μας. Η αγάπη μεταξύ νονών και βαπτιστήριων είναι άρικτη και στερεωμένη σε πνευματικά θεμέλια. Όταν, λοιπόν, στο ραδιόφωνο, στην τηλεόραση, στον κινηματογράφο, και στα βιβλία αναφέρεται η αγάπη να διερωτόμεθα.  Ποιά αγάπη είναι αυτή;  Είναι η αγάπη των υποσχέσεων και της ιδιοτέλειας ή η αγάπη του Χριστού;  Γιατί η αγάπη του Χριστού είναι λέξη μικρή, αλλά ασύληπτα μεγάλη για τη ζωή μας!

+Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος  Νικηφόρος Φακίνος

Message of January 26, 2024:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

          The Orthodox Church distinguishes Three Hierarchs for their contribution to the theological thought, for their example of holiness and piety and for their charitable work. Saint Basil the Great, Saint John Chrysostom and Saint Gregory the Theologian are the Patron Saints of Greek letters and Religious Education since they also cultivated a synthesis of the ancient systems of thought within the Orthodox faith. Saint Basil is celebrated on the first day of January; there is a custom of blessing pies in his memory, which also became a way for extending philanthropy in the past. A golden coin would be inserted in the pie, so that the recipient could receive financial assistance. Saint Basil founded the first organized philanthropic institutions in the history of the world. Being a son of a rich family, when he became a monk, he donated all his wealth for good causes.  He instituted the “Vasiliada” which was an institution assisting the poor, the lame, the paralyzed, the elders and the orphans. His vision was for the Church not only to preach but to also organize philanthropy as an expression of faith and love.

          Yesterday, we celebrated Saint Gregory, who is an inspiration of piety, humility and holiness. His Homilies or Orations are very poetic and spiritually uplifting, replete with theological wealth and literary magnificence. Saint John Chrysostom, the “golden mouth”, was known for his phenomenal sermons. His exegesis of the Biblical texts is outstanding and he was courageous to stand up to the imperial abuses and speak the truth against the immorality of public figures and secular leaders.

Saint Basil, Saint John Chrysostom and Saint Gregory the Theologian were very educated; they had the equivalent of many contemporary Ph.Ds, since they received both secular and religious education.  For this reason, they are celebrated as the Patron Saints of Greek letters.  Saint Basil preached that we should be like honey bees, going from flower to flower to select the best ingredients in order to produce a sweet and tasty honey.  Education is a means of exploring knowledge and using the best elements of it for the betterment of our lives.  God created the laws of nature, our intellect and science so that we can advance spiritually and mentally.  Thus, we may offer service to others and glorify Him.  Knowledge without virtue is a vice, as many crimes and means of destruction have proven.  Knowledge with virtue is wisdom.  And “the awe for God is the beginning of wisdom.”

          The Three Hierarchs are outstanding examples for all young people and every person who looks forward to enrich the intellectual wealth.  We expand our horizons of wisdom through the illumination of Truth and Faith.  The Three Hierarchs were prolific writers and exceptional thinkers.  But, most importantly, they were Saints.  They practiced their faith.  They lived and loved their principles.  They became examples through words and works.  We celebrate them on January 30th as protectors of our Greek School, our Sunday School and every faithful who aspires to use knowledge as an instrument of salvation. For this reason, this Sunday, we have a special celebration by the students of the Parish in honor of the 3 Hierarchs. After the celebration, you are all invited for cheese pies and spinach pies during the coffee fellowship, sponsored by the Greek School PTA.

Our Golden Years group meets this Thursday at 12 noon for lunch and fellowship. On Thursdays, we have Orthodox Study discussion and an “Ask the Priest” Q&A followed by fellowship at 7 pm. Little Angels meet on Wednesdays at 10:30 am. Yesterday, we had our GOYA Ski Trip meeting after the Bible study discussion. 33 GOYAns from our Parish will join the hundreds of other GOYAns from the District for the Inter-GOYA ski trip. We have the second largest group participating, which is a testament of our wonderful youth and the great work our advisors, coaches and volunteers commit for GOYA. The following Sunday, February 3rd, we have Godparents’ Sunday, which is a beautiful tradition to invite all Godparents to come to Church, receive with their Godchildren and relive the most significant event of their lives, their baptisms. A breakfast will follow, sponsored by the Church School.

          Every week, we have baby blessings, 40-day blessings and baptisms. This manifests that our Parish grows radically, since we have far more baby blessings than funerals, thank God. We are a young Parish, and our youth programs, our Greek School and our Church School are the epicenter of our ministries. We are thankful to our teachers, volunteers and all contributors for those. I would like to announce that we seek a sponsor for our School, to offer the naming right for the entire educational program of our Parish. The sponsor will receive the naming rights immediately and our School will have the name of the sponsor’s choosing. Please, contact me if you are interested and obviously these naming rights will be carried over to our Center edifice for the entrance of our School, on the East side of the building facing the parking lot. It will be a testament of our love for education, for our heritage and for the present and future mission of the Parish to serve the youth. Through the intercessions of the 3 Hierarchs, we pray for all those who contribute to our Greek Letters, to our culture and our spiritual heritage.

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message of January 18, 2024:


The Gospel reading of this Sunday refers to the miraculous healing of the Ten Lepers.  Leprosy was a terrible illness that was wide spread during ancient times.  Christ was merciful toward the lepers and cleansed them.  Imagine their amazement and their joy when they saw their flesh becoming normal and healthy again.  One of them came back, found Jesus and thanked Him for his cure.

There are two points that may be brought about for discussion.  First, Jesus asked the lepers to go to the priests of the synagogue and show themselves.  On the way to the synagogue, the lepers became well.  This indicates that Christ has the power that the priests of the Jewish faith do not possess.  It also explains why the Christian faith has been blessed by so many miracles, from the time of the apostles till the end of the world.  Christ also makes is apparent that the Jewish faith no longer has the Grace it enjoyed in the Old Testament, when miracles were performed by the holy figures of Israel.

Thee second point of reference could be the fact that out of the ten lepers only one came back to the Lord to express his appreciation.  This leper was a Gentile, a foreigner!  This is a prophetic indication of the fact that the Christian faith would spread throughout the world.  The people closest to the Lord, who were the beneficiaries of His goodness, would turn against Him and deny Him.  Jesus healed their sick, gave them food, cleansed their lepers and offered them the salvation for which the prophets had spoken off.  In return, they crucified Him!  This is also a learning experience for all of us.  As Christians we should be vigilant to follow the will of God.  If we deny our faith, then we jeopardize our soul. How often do we give thanks to the Lord? On a daily basis? On Sundays? Twice a year? Never? How do we express our gratitude, with words alone, or also with deeds and love?

It is important to offer thanks to God for all the blessings He offers to us.  In our prayers, it is significant to express our appreciation for the Grace of God and His divine protection.  Secondly, we should never judge people because of their nationality or race.  The leper who came back to the Lord was a foreigner.  We never know which people will be saved.  There are good and praise-worthy persons among all nations.  God sees their good works, and so should we.  We should emphasize on the good elements of everyone’s personality and we should avoid criticizing their limitations.  We would prefer that others do the same to us as well…

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos



Το Ευαγγελικό ανάγνωσμα της Κυριακής αναφέρεται στο θαύμα της ιάσεως των δέκα λεπρών.  Για όσους έχουν ακούσει για την ασθένεια της λέπρας που μάστιζε τις αρχαίες κοινωνίες, θα είναι κατανοητό το μέγεθος της μεγαλουργίας του Κυρίου.  Οι δέκα αυτές ανθρώπινες υπάρξεις υπέφεραν μία από τις πιο επώδυνες ασθένειες.  Οι ίδιες τους οι σάρκες εσάπιζαν και κανένας δεν τους πλησίαζε.  Ο Χριστός, όμως, όχι μόνο τους λυπήθηκε, αλλά και τους χάρισε τον καθαρισμό.  Φανταστείτε την χαρά των λεπρών που έβλεπαν το σώμα τους να καθαρίζεται θαυματουργικώς!  Ένας από αυτούς επέστρεψε στον Ιησού για να τον ευχαριστήσει, πέφτοντας στα γόνατα

Δύο σημεία θα μπορούσαν να μας απασχολήσουν στην ερμηνεία του Ευαγεελικού αναγνώσματος.  Πρώτον, ο Κύριος στέλνει τους λεπρπούς στους ιερείς του ναού του Σολωμόντος, για να δείξουν τις πληγές τους.  Με αυτό τον τρόπο αποδεικνύει ότι η Ιουδαϊκή θρησκεία δεν έχει την Χάρη να θαυματουργεί, όπως στον καιρό της Παλαιάς Διαθήκης.  Αυτή η Χάρις και η εξουσία ανήκει στον Χριστό, δια του Οποίου γίνονται τα θαύματα και οι ιάσεις.  Στην Χριστιανορθόδοξη πίστη μας έχουμε αμέτρητα παραδείγματα θαυμάτων και της ενεργείας της θείας Χάριτος στη ζωή του ανθρώπου.  Από τους πρωτοχριστιανικούς χρόνους, με τους αγίους Αποστόλους, στις ημέρες μας, έως και τις ημέρες των εσχάτων, η Εκκλησία θαυματουργεί και παρέχει την θεία βοήθεια στους πιστούς που την αποζητούν.

Το δεύτερο σημείο αναφοράς είναι ότι από τους δέκα λεπρούς ένας μόνο επέστρεψε να ευχαριστήσει τον Χριστό και αυτός αλλογενής, ξένος δηλαδή.  Διαφαίνεται και πάλι προφητικώς ότι κυρίως οι αλλογενείς και εθνικοί θα ακολουθούσαν το δίδαγμα του Ευαγγελίου.  Οι Ιουδαίοι, επί το πλείστον, φάνηκαν αχάριστοι στις ευεργεσίες του Θεού, όπως αναφέρεται και σε τροπάριο της Μεγάλης Ευδομάδας.  «Τί σου έκανα λαέ μου, και τί κάνεις εσύ σε εμένα.»  Ο Χριστός που γιάτρεψε, ξεδίψασε, χόρτασε και καθάρισε το λαό των Εβραίων σταυρώνεται.  Λίγοι θα τον ακολουθήσουν.  Οι περισσότεροι Χριστιανοί είναι οι προσύλητοι.

 Ητελευταία επισήμανση αποτελεί και δίδαγμα για όλους μας.  Πρώτον, να είμαστε ευγνώμονες για τις ευεργεσίες του Θεού στη ζωή μας.  Να ευχαριστούμε τον Θεό με την προσευχή μας αλλά και με την πιστή αφοσίωσή μας στα διδάγματά Του και στο θέλημά Του.  Δεύτερον, να μην κάνουμε φυλλετικές ή ρατσιστικές διακρίσεις.  Δεν γνωρίζουμε αν οι άνθρωποι που λανθασμένα θεωρούμε κατώτερους εισέλθουν στη Βασιλεία του Θεού.  Τρίτον, να μην είμαστε αχάριστοι στις ευεργεσίες που δεχόμαστε.  Να αφοσιώνουμε την  προσοχή μας στα θετικά των άλλων ανθρώπων και να μην επικεντρώνουμε την κριτική μας στις ελλείψεις τους.  Το ίδιο θα επιθυμούσαμε να κάνουν οι άλλοι και για εμάς...

+Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος

Message of January 12, 2023:



We celebrate two Saints of the Orthodox Church, who are characterized as “Greats,” because of their contribution to the faith, to Orthodox theology and for their inspirational example to the faithful. Saint Anthony the Great and Saint Athanasios the Great illuminate throughout the centuries the light of holiness and through their words of wisdom and Evangelical Truth. They are celebrated on the 17th and on the 18th of the month respectively.


            Saint Anthony was an Egyptian Christian, son of a very rich and aristocratic family.  Although he never went to School, he managed to memorize the Scriptures.  Since the age of 20, he gave all his property to the poor and he became a monastic. He lived in a cave, in the company of wild beasts and harsh weather conditions. His warmth emanated from prayer and from divine Grace.  It was his piety and holiness that attracted many to come and seek counsel and wisdom from Saint Anthony.  He supported Christians during persecutions by the pagan Romans. At the age of 90, he faced another persecution; it was the heresy of Arianism that afflicted many people.  That was the second time Saint Anthony had to leave the desert and go to Alexandria, in order to support the faithful to remain on the path of salvation. He considered heresy a betrayal of Christ and a great danger to all Christians.


            Saint Anthony was the reason why Saint Constantine turned to Christianity and became an advocate of the Church. The Emperor of the Roman Empire requested the advice of Saint Anthony and he maintained correspondence with him. The Emperor’s sons, Constantios and Constans, were also mentored by the Saint. Saint Anthony passed in Christ at the age of 105; although he lived a simple and ascetic life, he enjoyed health and clarity of mind until the last day of his life. His only possessions, a garment and two cassocks, were left to his disciples, Serapion and Athanasios the Great.


            Our age has been stigmatized by the sectarianism of Christianity. Although there is only one Christ, many different groups and sects claim authenticity and truth. There can be only one Church, apostolic, genuine and true to the message of the Gospel. Saint Anthony protected the unity of the Church and supported the faithful not to fall in the trap of heresy. Although he was illiterate, he is called “the professor of the desert,” for his wisdom and spiritual admonition. The monks and the nuns consider him as their patron Saint and protector. We all request his prayers and intercessions. We are inspired by his holiness. Saint Anthony teaches us not to be misled by the worldly cares and passions, but to use the gifts of God for our salvation and for charity. Saint Anthony and Saint Athanasios are truly great for their contribution, their example of holiness and their nourishment that transcends time and illuminates Christians throughout the ages.


+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos



          Η εβδομάδα που ανοίγει ενέχει τον εορτασμό δύο σημαντικών Αγίων της Ορθοδοξίας και φωτισμένων μορφών του Χριστιανισμού. Και οι δύο αυτοί Άγιοι έχουν χαρακτηριστεί με το επωνύμιο «Μέγας» για την προσφορά και την πνευματική τους συνδρομή στην θεολογική σκέψη και στην έμπνευση των πιστών. Ο Άγιος Αντώνιος και ο Άγιος Αθανάσιος είναι οι σεπτές μορφές της πίστεως που εορτάζονται στις 17 και στις 18 Ιανουαρίου αντίστοιχα.


            Ο Άγιος Αντώνιος ήταν Αιγύπτιος Χριστιανός, από αριστοκρατική καταγωγή. Μολονότι δεν είχε γραμματική μόρφωση, απομνημόνευσε τις Γραφές. Από τα 20 χρόνια του έδωσε όλα του τα πλούτη για να ταχθεί στην μοναστική ζωή. Ζούσε στην έρημο, σε ένα σπήλαιο, με συντροφιά την προσευχή και ζεστασιά την θεία Χάρη. Και κατά τους διωγμούς από τους Ρωμαίους και κατά την περίοδο της εξάπλωσης των αιρέσεων, άφηνε το ασκητήριό του ώστε να στηρίξει τους πιστούς, που εβλαβόντουσαν την χάρη και την αγιότητά του. Ιδίως κατά του Αρειανισμού, σε ηλικία 90 ετών, ενέπνευσε τους Χριστιανούς να μην προδώσουν τις αρχές του Ευαγγελίου και της Εκκλησίας και να μην παρεκλίνουν από την οδό της Αλήθειας και της σωτηρίας.


            Ο Άγιος Αντώνιος υπήρξε ο λόγος της μεταστροφής και της πνευματικής στήριξης του Μεγάλου Κωνσταντίνου και των υιών του Κωνστάντιου και Κώνστα. Οι επιστολές του προς τον Αυτοκράτορα έδωσαν ώθηση στην εξάπλωση του Χριστιανισμού, στην προστασία από τις αιρέσεις και στην ελεύθερη λατρεία του Εσταυρωμένου και Αναστημένου Κυρίου. Σε ηλικία 105 ετών εξεδήμησε εν Κυρίω, αφήνοντας στον Σεραπίωνα και στον Μέγα Αθανάσιο τα μοναδικά του κειμήλιο, ένα ιμάτιο και δύο ράσσα.


            Σε μια εποχή που οι Χριστιανοί μας περικυκλώνονται από αιρέσεις και από κακοδοξίες, η φωτισμένη μορφή Αγίων όπως ο Μέγας Αντώνιος και ο Μέγας Αθανάσιος μάς διδάσκει να μην προδώσουμε την πίστη και την λατρεία της Ορθοδοξίας. Ο Άγιος Αντώνιος, ο «καθηγητής της ερήμου», μολονότι αγράμματος μάς νουθετεί και μάς καλλιεργεί στα νάματα του Ευαγγελίου. Οι μοναχοί τον έχουν ως πολιούχο, προστάτη και οδηγό. Όλοι μας ζητούμε το στήριγμα της Αγιότητός του, την χάρη και τις μεσιτείες του. Συνάμα, ευελπιστούμε δια του βίου του να μην τυφλωνόμαστε από κοσμικά και εφήμερα αγαθά, αλλά να τα χρησιμοποιούμε προς σωτηρία και προς φιλανθρωπία. Δια πρεσβειών των Αγίων Αντωνίου και Αθανασίου, να έχετε και εσείς κάθε καλό στην ζωή σας.


+Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος

Message of January 5, 2023:


            Καλή Χρονιά! Ευλογημένο, ευτυχισμένο και χαρούμενο το Νέο Έτος, αγαπητοί ενορίτες, με υγεία και ευημερία για όλους.  Στην ανατολή του 2024, προσδοκούμε ένα κόσμο ειρηνικό και αγαπημένο για εμάς και για τις οικογένειές μας.  Και ο καλύτερος τρόπος να γίνει η προσδοκία μας ευχή, προσευχή και πραγματικότητα είναι να ζητήσουμε την θεία πρόνοια με την ακολουθία του Μεγάλου Αγιασμού των Θεοφανείων.  Τα Άγια Θεοφάνεια είναι η ημέρα που εορτάζουμε την Βάπτιση του Κυρίου και Σωτήρος Ιησού Χριστού.  Επίσης ενθυμούμεθα την φανέρωση του Τριαδικού Θεού, του Πατρός, του Υιού και του Αγίου Πνεύματος (εξ ου και ο ορισμός Θεο-φάνεια).  Η εορτή ονομάζεται επίσης ημέρα των φωτών, διότι ο Τριαδικός Θεός φωτίζει την Οικουμένη με την προστάτιδα Χάρη Του.  Επίσης, είθισται να δεχόμαστε την θεία Χάρη με την μετάληψη του Μεγάλου Αγιασμού και τον ραντισμό των σπιτιών και των επιχειρήσεών μας, ώστε ο Θεός να προστατεύει εμάς, τις οικογένειες και τις εργασίες μας.  Ο ιερέας ψάλλει το Απολυτίκιο της εορτής κατά τον ραντισμό: «Εν Ιορδάνη βαπτιζομένου σου Κύριε η της Τριάδος εφανερώθη προσκύνησις».

            Η Κοινότητά μας πανηγυρίζει την περιώνυμο ημέρα της εορτής των Θεοφανείων με το Μεγάλο Αγιασμό και την κατάδυση του Σταυρού στον Ωκεανό.  Μεταλαμβάνουμε τον Μεγάλο Αγιασμό με την κατάλληλη προετοιμασία, που συμπεριλαμβάνει προσευχή και νηστεία. Όλοι προσευχόμαστε για να έχουμε την φώτιση του Θεού, ώστε οι αποφάσεις της ζωής μας να είναι προς σωτηρία.  Επίσης, αιτούμε την προστασία του Θεού, διότι ζούμε σε ένα κόσμο γεμάτο πνευματικούς και άλλους κινδύνους.  Είθε ο Κύριος να φυλάττει όλους και τις οικογένειές μας, να δωρίζει υγεία και ασφάλεια στον κόσμο και σωτηρία στις ψυχές μας.  Η Χάρις του φανέντος Θεού να γεμίζει το Νέο Έτος με χαρά και κάθε αγαθό.

            Και σίγουρα, το έτος που διανύουμε είναι σημαντικό και ιστορικό,  διότι έχει να κάνει με την πραγμάτωση του πόθου των ενοριτών γιατην ανοικοδόμηση του ιερού μας ναού και την ανέγερση σύγχρονου Πολιτιστικού Κέντρου και σχολείου.  Γένοιτο!

+Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος


We all welcome the New Year with the hope that this year will bring peace, love and a better world for us and our families.  And what a better way to pray for the spiritual and social prosperity of everyone than the Great Agiasmos or the Great Blessing of the Waters of holy Theophany.  Holy Epiphany or Holy Theophany is the day when we celebrate the Baptism of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and when we commemorate the appearance (φανέρωσις) of the triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Holy Epiphany is also called the day of lights, because it illuminates the world with the divine inspiration of faith and the knowledge of the True God.  This illumination, this blessing and this divine inspiration are brought to us when we receive the Great Agiasmos.  It is also customary to receive the blessing of divine protection in our homes and our businesses, when the priest sprinkles the Great Agiasmos chanting the hymn «Ἐν Ἰορδάνῃ βαπτιζομένου σου Κύριε ἡ τῆς Τριάδος ἐφανερώθη προσκύνησις» (Having being baptized in the river Jordan O Lord, the veneration of the Holy Trinity was revealed).

Our Community celebrates the sacrament of the Great Blessing of the Waters and the faithful are encouraged to prepare to receive the Great Agiasmos on the day of Holy Epiphany, with fasting and prayer.  Also, we conduct the service of the universal blessing of the waters, by dunking the cross into the ocean.  This way, the oceans are blessed, in commemoration of Christ’s blessing of river Jordan and all the waters of the earth.  We all need the protection of God.  We need God’s inspiration and illumination, so that our choices in life are for our spiritual benefit.  We need to follow the message of the Gospel, in order to fulfill the will of God in our lives.  God revealed Himself to us, so that we may know Him; when we know God, we can communicate with Him more effectively through conscious prayer and the participation in the holy sacraments.  When we know God we can ask Him for His divine protection, His miraculous intervention and salvation.  We hope and pray that God will bless all of us with every gift from above.  May the divine illumination of holy Epiphany inspire the world with peace and faith, so that we may cherish the New Year in harmony, love and solidarity.

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Happy New Year!

We hope and pray that you enjoyed a festive and joyous Christmas celebration, awaiting the exciting new beginning of 2024. We pray to our Lord for a healthy, happy and blessed New Year 2024. We mailed to your homes the stewardship pledge and donation form for the New Year. Additional forms are available in the Church and the Church office. We all share the blessing of sustaining our Parish together. We have one of the lowest stewardship donation requirements thanks to many volunteers and donors. However, for the Parish to sustain its expenses for utilities, repairs, ministries and beautification, it is vital to offer more than $600 per family. Please, do not make the minimum required the maximum donated; as long as you do not stress your family finances, please, offer what you are able to for the growth of our Church.

You may donate your tax-exempt stewardship gift on a monthly, annual or other basis, in person, by mail (Saint Demetrios Church, 24 Kenny Avenue, Merrick, NY 11566) or electronically: (use the “donate” link). May God replenish to you and your family many more gifts, health and blessings, as you support our beloved Saint Demetrios. We wish you a happy, joyous and unforgettable New Year!

In His Service,


Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos                         Nikos Poulikidis

Presiding Priest                                                        Parish Council President

            Καλή Χρονιά!

            Ευχόμαστε και προσευχόμαστε να εορτάσατε τα Χριστούγεννα με χαρά και αγαλλίαση, προσμένοντας με ενθουσιασμό και ελπίδα το νέο ξεκίνημα του 2024. Μακάρι το Νέο Έτος να είναι γεμάτο χαρά, υγεία και κάθε ευλογία. Έχουμε στείλει στα σπίτια σας την κάρτα συνδρομής για το Νέο Έτος ώστε όλα τα προγράμματα της ενορίας να γίνουν πραγματικότητα χάρη στην δωρεά και στην αγάπη σας. Μαζί συντηρούμε την Εκκλησία μας. Διατηρήσαμε το κατώτατο ποσό συνδρομής στα ίδια επίπεδα παρά την αύξηση τους κόστους ζωής, και χάρη στους εθελοντές και δωρητές του Αγίου Δημητρίου. Η αλήθεια είναι ότι τα 600 δολλάρια ανά οικογένεια δεν αρκούν για να καλύψουν το κόστος συντηρήσεως του υπέροχου ναού μας και των ποιμαντικών μας προγραμμάτων.

Σάς ζητούμε να μην περιορίσετε την συνδρομή σας στο κατώτατο αναμενόμενο ποσό, και, χωρίς να πιέσετε τον οικογενειακό σας προϋπολογισμό, να δωρίσετε αυτό που μπορείτε για την πρόοδο της Εκκλησίας. Μπορείτε να καταβάλετε την φοροαπαλλαγίσιμη συνδρομή σας σε μηνιαία, ετήσια ή άλλη βάση, με το ταχυδρομείο (Saint Demetrios Church, 24 Kenny Avenue, Merrick, NY 11566), αυτοπροσώπως ή ηλεκτρονικά: (να πατήσετε τον σύνδεσμο “donate”). Είθε ο Πανάγαθος Κύριος να ανταμείψει την αγάπη σας προς την Κοινότητα με πλούσια αγαθά, υγεία και κάθε ευλογία. Σάς ευχόμαστε ευλογημένο και ευτυχισμένο το Νέο Έτος!

Με εν Κυρίω Χαιρετισμούς,


Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος            Νίκος Πουλικίδης

Ιερατικός Προϊστάμενος                                        Πρόεδρος Κοινοτικού Συμβουλίου

Message of December 21, 2023:


By Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Everyone who knows me well can attest that the Mall is not exactly my favorite place in the world. I have been in high stress situations in my life, including robberies, accidents and the Knicks playing the Pacers at Game 5 of the 1994 Eastern Conference Finals (yes, Reggie Miller, I don’t forget). None of those tragedies compare to the agony of a husband and father in search of Christmas presents. I have actually gone as far as to compare the Mall as the earthly interpretation of Hades, with terrible music to match. I understand that there are those among us who love shopping this time of the year; self-inflicted pain is the scientific explanation for that trend. For the rest of the population, the Mall is a scary place: inflated prices, long lines and turmoil in the parking lot.

Hades by comparison is nearly as bad; both Mall and Hades seem like an eternity of torture. And, please, don’t get me started on the fashion; ah, I will never comprehend the fashion… I think the purpose of fashion is to torture dads and husbands. And, according to verifiable sources, “The Devil Wears Prada.” But with three beautiful young ladies as the voting majority of the Fakinos household, I will always support beautiful fashion, yet never comprehend it or attempt to subscribe to it.

Now, in my defense, I pretty much wear the same outfit year around, and my kind of fashion has not changed much in the last, say… thousand or couple thousand years. So, you may call the cassock classically vintage with an aura of 1st century motif. And it’s sooooo practical, deep pockets for cell phones (even those phones that look like notebooks and have more internal memory than the NASA computers), special space for a pen (always needed), eyewear pocket, storage for tissues and hidden space for a wallet; we live in NY, and the cassock encourages the “thou shall not steal” commandment.

Once, I was in NYC, in the train, and someone tried to pick my pocket. Obviously, I knew right away, because the entire cassock is like an alarm system; remember when in the Bible Jesus knew exactly when someone touched his garments to receive a blessing? Same thing! So, I told the guy: “listen, my wife got to my pockets before you, so you are in bad luck today. My advice, get a job to be on the right path and a wife to keep you on the right path, everything will be fine.”

So, I am writing these lines to convey to all desperate husbands, dads and boyfriends out there this message: Do not despair. If Christmas is a stressful time, come to Church, there is ample parking and a relaxing atmosphere. Sit next to your wonderful wife / girlfriend (hopefully you understand “/” means “or”, for those who think “both” is ok, please, refer to another very significant commandment). When the service begins, say “thank God for my wonderful wife / girlfriend.” And when you get back home, give her a gift that shows exactly how thankful you are to God for her. And the return receipt so that she can get what she really wanted in the first place. Thankfully, there are no return receipts for husbands…

You know that she is also thankful to God for you. And she is also praying to the Lord to have the strength to show enough interest when you are devastated that your team lost, or that nobody knows how to drive anymore. You are pretty much praying for the same things, only using different phraseology. So, I will see you in Church, which means that we both have survived the mayhem of Hades, I mean the Mall, and can enjoy the blessings of Paradise.

I pray for you, and your beautiful family. Our greatest blessings are the persons we love. Cherish every single moment with them. I will be in the altar praying for all of you, as always, wearing the stylistically fashionable red vestments (for Christmas), being also thankful that my beautiful presvytera and daughters are receiving these blessings and praying that they like their gifts this year. Believe me, one thing worst that going to the Mall for shopping, is going to the Mall to return stuff…




Christmas Week Services

1)    The Vespers of Saint Anastasia, Thursday, December 21st at 7 pm.

2)    The Great Hours, Friday, December 22nd at 6 pm.

3)    Christmas Eve, Sunday, December 24th, morning Orthros at 9 am and Divine Liturgy (with Holy Communion) immediately after.

4)    Christmas Pageant by the Church School on Sunday, December 24th after the morning service (around 11:30 am).

5)    Christmas Eve Great Vespers for the Incarnation of our Lord and Savior (no Holy Communion), Sunday, December 24th at 6 pm.

6)    Christmas Day: Monday, December 25th, Incarnation of our Lord and Savior, Orthros and Divine Liturgy (with Holy Communion), 9 am.

Dear friends of our beautiful Church,

What an unforgettable week this has been! First and foremost, we received the most generous, blessed and historic Christmas gift from our exceptional benefactor Mrs. Elaine Cassimatis for the naming of the beautiful, state-of-the-art Constantine and Carol Cassis Center! This gift ensures that we have a significant head-start for the beginning of the construction. Now we need all of us to come forth, because the project belongs to the entire Parish; therefore, we should ALL contribute to make our vision a reality!

At this point, we have collected one third of what we need; therefore, thanks to the generosity of our dearest Elaine Cassimatis, the rest of us, all 430 families, can come up with the two thirds necessary to build the most beautiful edifice, which our children, young families and senior citizens will all enjoy, for the generations to come! It’s up to us now!!!

Remember this Christmas to give our loved ones the best present imaginable, helping the completion of an edifice which will become our second home, a source of learning, philanthropy and fellowship, a place where Orthodoxy, Hellenism, athletic ideals, education, kindness and love will be in abundance. This is our safe harbor, where all future generations can learn what is most important, regardless of the direction society might take. This is an investment for our future, which belongs to the entire Parish.

We are extremely grateful to our dearest Elaine Cassimatis for her generosity and love. She has donated the gorgeous chandeliers of our Church, the icons of the life of Jesus, and even the beautiful trees on the south side of the property. Elaine has also donated for the Cassis Kafeneion, which will be a place that I plan to use a lot, especially after a basketball or volleyball game. This is where you can meet your friends after you drop off your children for sports or Greek School, and even have meetings and events with our Parish organizations. We are indebted to our inspiring Elaine Cassimatis and her gift will become an eternal memorial for her loving parents Constantine and Carol Cassis, who served Orthodoxy and Hellenism with dedication, and became pioneers of philanthropy and leadership by example. We are very honored that this Center will have their name, so that all generations can be inspired by the epitome of the American Dream, and how much hard work can change the lives of many people!

Sunday’s Greek School Christmas Brunch was a tremendous success with hundreds in attendance, and, most significantly, hundreds of smiles and laughs. The children chanted the kalanda / Christmas carols, and we had a delicious brunch and a party with music by Euphoria Productions. We thank our PTA, our School Board, the volunteers, donors, teachers and especially the students, who made the event unforgettable.

Tomorrow, we celebrate Saint Anastasia the Healer; tonight, we have Vespers at 7 pm and we pray for the health and salvation of our loved ones. Happy name to Anastasia and Anastasios! This Sunday, we celebrate Christos, Chris, Christina, Emanuel, Emanuella; don’t forget to wish them happy nameday. To help you remember all feasts and Saints’ namedays, we just mailed the newest 2024 Church Calendar, which included all American and Greek national holidays, as well as religious Orthodox feasts, Saints’ celebrations and significant Parish events. It is free for all Parish stewards. For non-stewards it costs $1,000,000 each copy, so please, contribute to the stewardship of the Church and you will save hundreds of thousands. It took kyria Georgia and me many hours to produce this amazing Calendar, so, for us it really is worth millions, because of all the love and hard work we dedicated to honor our feasts and celebrate our faith and culture.

Tomorrow, Friday, December 22nd, we have the service of the Great Hours at 6 pm. On Friday, December 22nd, our HOPE and JOY will have a Christmas celebration (at 7 pm) with the Christmas Story, which I will read for our children, followed by many games and beautiful surprises, right after the Church School Christmas Pageant Rehearsal. The Readers and the Merrick Melodists Choir will also be there for the practice before the Pageant.

The Christmas Pageant will take place on Sunday, December 24th immediately after the morning Divine Liturgy. The children who will perform in the Pageant will earn a special appreciation of the event that changed the history of the world.

HOPE and JOY has planned Bowling at San Dee Lanes on January 15th at 3 pm. For more details and information, please, contact our dynamic advisors Patty and Patty through the JOY Group Chat.

HOPE and JOY will also watch Basketball Games at the Coliseum on December 27th and March 6th. Alex Antetokounmpo will be in the first game, bring your Greek flags! We are also looking into the NBA game at MSG between the Knicks and the Nets, very important for NY dominance!

On Tuesday, December 19th, we visited the Archdiocese headquarters for a special Christmas reception with His Eminence.

And on Saturday, December 30th, we will have our YAL Volleyball tournament, hosted by Saint Paul’s Cathedral at 10 am with music, and amazing games for our young adults. We will forward more information to register: each team will be comprised of 3 young ladies and 3 young gentlemen and we will remember our past GOYA tournaments and fun.

Saint Demetrios Merrick Winter GOYA Party will be on Friday, January 19th at 7 pm. We our hosting all our neighboring youth from the Inter-GOYA and we are looking forward to an amazing time! Info:

GOBL has the Melrose Ballroom GOYA Dance on Tuesday, December 26th at 7:30 pm. Entrance fee of $25 will be collected at the door. For reservations, please, use the link for the GOYA Group Chat.

Inter-GOYA is also planning Ice Skating Night, on January 7th, Syosset Outdoor Rinks. For information, please, contact Leah Saridakis at (347) 672-6309. The payment is due on December 22nd.

Finally, GOYA is planning the Annual Ski Trip. Please, contact our amazing advisors Eleni and Eleni for details.

New Year’s Day is on a Monday, and we have Divine Liturgy, Doxology and Vasilopita for the feast of Saint Basil. On Saturday, January 6th, we have the very significant feast of Holy Epiphany, with Orthros, Liturgy and Great Agiasmos, starting at 9 am. Immediately after the Agiasmos, we will proceed to Wantagh Park for the blessing of the Ocean and young divers will retrieve the Cross from the water. We invite all our courageous divers to represent Saint John the Baptist; let’s see who will get the Cross!

And right after New Year’s, we have the Philoptochos Vasilopita for Saint Basil’s on Sunday, January 7th. All Parish organizations will support the Academy of Saint Basil’s and enjoy a festive breakfast with our wonderful Philoptochos.

Looking forward to seeing you all for all these beautiful events!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Schedule of Sacred Services and Events

1)    The Vespers of Saint Anastasia, Thursday, December 21st at 7 pm.

2)    The Great Hours, Friday, December 22nd at 6 pm.

3)    Our Church School Christmas Pageant Rehearsal will be on December 10th after the service. The Readers and the Merrick Melodists Choir will have an additional rehearsal on December 22nd, at 7 pm.

4)    On Friday, December 22nd HOPE and JOY Christmas celebration (at 7 pm) with the Christmas Story by Father Nikiforos.

5)    Christmas Eve, Sunday, December 24th, morning Orthros at 9 am and Divine Liturgy and Holy Communion immediately after.

6)    Christmas Pageant by the Church School on Sunday, December 24th after the morning service (around 11:30 am).

7)    Christmas Eve Great Vespers for the Incarnation of our Lord and Savior, Sunday, December 24th at 6 pm. No Holy Communion at this service.

8)    Christmas Day: Monday, December 25th, Incarnation of our Lord and Savior, Orthros and Divine Liturgy, with Holy Communion at 9 am.

9)    And on Saturday, December 30th, we will have our YAL Volleyball Tournament, hosted by Saint Paul’s Cathedral at 10 am with music, and amazing games for our young adults. We will forward more information to register: each team will be comprised of 3 young ladies and 3 young gentlemen and we will remember our past GOYA tournaments and fun.

10)                        Saint Demetrios Merrick Winter GOYA Party, Friday, January 19th at 7 pm. Info: .

11)                        GOBL Melrose Ballroom GOYA Dance on Tuesday, December 26th at 7:30 pm. Entrance fee of $25 will be collected at the door. For reservations, please, use the link for the GOYA Group Chat.

12)                        Inter-GOYA Ice Skating Night, January 7th, Syosset Outdoor Rinks. For information, please, contact Leah Saridakis at (347) 672-6309. The payment is due on December 22nd.

13)                        Finally, GOYA is planning the Annual Ski Trip. Please, contact our advisors Eleni and Eleni for details.

14)                        New Year’s Day, Monday, January 1st with Orthros, Divine Liturgy, Doxology and Vasilopita for the feast of Saint Basil.

15)                        Holy Epiphany, Saturday, January 6th with Orthros, Liturgy and Great Agiasmos, starting at 9 am. Immediately after the Agiasmos, we will proceed to Wantagh Park for the blessing of the Ocean and young divers will retrieve the Cross from the water!

16)                        Philoptochos Vasilopita for Saint Basil’s on Sunday, January 7th with a festive breakfast by our wonderful Philoptochos.

17)                        HOPE and JOY Bowling at San Dee Lanes on January 15th at 3 pm. For more details and information, please, contact our dynamic advisors Patty and Patty through the JOY Group Chat.

18)                        HOPE and JOY Basketball Games at the Coliseum on December 27th and March 6th.



One star and one total eclipse of the sun are the two astronomical phenomena that determine the most significant events in the history of the world. Both phenomena verify that Jesus is a historical person, a perfect God and a perfect human being, Who divided history and Who rules the cosmic powers.  Christ bridged time and eternity through His Resurrection and points to the way of salvation through His preaching and His Life.  He is our Savior who paved the path of redemption with His own divine footsteps.

That path begun in Bethlehem two millennia ago.  A star illumined the dark skies of the little town which, as prophet Isaiah had foretold, would be known and praised throughout the world.  The star of our faith illumines mankind with the ideals of virtue, Truth, hope and the Resurrection.  It is the same star that led the Magi to the manger.  It now leads us to the Church, which is the manger where the Incarnate Word of God is offered for our salvation.  We follow the same star for two millennia, a star that brings us within the embrace of the Blessed Mother, the one who gave birth to the One Redeemer.  It leads us to the cave, which brought forth the illumination of faith, hope and love.  Just like the Angels, the shepherds, the Magi (the Wisemen) and the inanimate creation, we also chant: “Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord.”

Christ is Blessed and comes to save us, yet Herod condemns Him to capital punishment, as an infant; Christ is exiled to Egypt before He can even begin to take His first steps. He returns to teach and preach, to heal and to comfort our pain. And He is repaid with more pain, the nails on the Cross, the execution on Golgotha. Jesus was condemned to the punishment of death for yet another time. But this death will prove to be the gateway to Life everlasting. Remember all His sacrifices this Christmas. Remember that He came for you, for all of us. He loves us. And we love Him back, as we praise His glorious name during the Christmas services: “Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.”

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


Θα έχετε ήδη προσέξει τους Χριστουγεννιάτικους στολισμούς που ομορφαίνουν καταστήματα, σπίτια και αγορές.  Τα Χριστούγεννα είναι περίοδος χαράς και αγαλλίασης.  Η ανταλλαγή δώρων, η γιορτινή μουσική, τα αρώματα των αιδεσμάτων προσάδουν στην χαρά των ημερών.  2021 έτη μετά από την ενανθρώπηση του Υιού και Λόγου του Θεού, όμως, αναρωτιόμαστε αν η γνησιότητα και η ουσία της εορτής των Χριστουγέννων έχει χαθεί μέσα στον όλεθρο της εμπορευματοποίησης και του πλουτοκερδισμού.  Και, ακόμη σημαντικότερο είναι να εξετάσουμε αν εμείς, οι σύγχρονοι Χριστιανοί, μεταλαμπαδεύουμε το μήνυμα της θείας Γέννησης ή εμμένουμε σε εξωτερικές και ανούσιες εκφάνσεις και εκφάσεις χαράς.

Τα Χριστούγεννα είναι γεγονός χαράς και είναι αναμενόμενος ο εορτασμός και η απόλαυση της πανηγύρεως που άλλαξε την ιστορία και τον κόσμο.  Η ιστορική και πνευματική σπουδαιότητα της Γεννήσεως του Χριστού είναι δεδομένη.  Η θεία Γέννηση τέμνει την ιστορία της ανθρωπότητος σε δύο μέρη, πριν και μετά την έλευση του Σωτήρος.  Κοινωνιολογικώς, η επιρροή των ιδεατών του Χριστιανισμού μεταγγίστηκε και στον τρόπο ζωής των ανθρώπων, ακόμη και στα νομικά και θεσμικά τους συστήματα.  Το μήνυμα του Χριστού βελτίωσε τις ηθικές αξίες και τα ανθρώπινα διακιώματα περισσότερο από κάθε φιλοσοφία, πολιτική κίνηση ή επιστήμη.  Όταν βιώνεται χωρίς συμβιβασμούς και με πίστη προς τις αρχές του, ο Χριστιανισμός αποτελεί ιδεατό τρόπο ζωής και κοινωνικής οργάνωσης.

Τα Χριστούγεννα αποτελούν, κυρίως, και πνευματικό γεγονός, διότι κοσμοϊστορικώς ενανθρωπίστηκε ο Λόγος του Θεού, ο Μεσσίας, για να λυτρώσει το ανθρώπινο γέννος από το τέλμα της φθοράς και του θανάτου.  Η Αποκάλυψη του Λόγου και του θείου λόγου, η Ανάσταση και ο θρίαμβος κατά του θανάτου, η ίδρυση της Εκκλησίας ως θεσμός και όχημα σωτηρίας είναι αποτελέσματα της Γεννήσεως του Θεανρώπη και πλήρωση των Γραφών.  Ο Χριστός δεν μας παρέδωσε μία φιλοσοφία, όπως οι Απωανατολικές και Ελληνικές θεωρήσεις, ούτε μία θρησκεία, όπως οι Εβραίοι και οι Μουσουλμάνοι, ούτε ένα νομικό σύστημα, όπως οι Ρωμαίοι και οι διαφωτιστές.  Αντί όλων των άνω, ο Χριστός παραδίδει τον Εαυτό Του, πρώτα ως βρέφος ταπεινό και ένα άκρα πενία και φτώχεια, και ακολούθως ως σταυρούμενο «εγκληματία», που διώκεται αδίκως από τους ανθρώπους τους οποίους γιάτρεψε, νουθέτησε και ελέησε.  Έτσι, κανένας δεν μπορεί να αγκομαχήσει προς τον Θεό ότι υποφέρει από δεινά, αφού ο Ίδιος ο Υιός Του έπαθε αδίκως για χάρη όλων των ανθρώπων.

Τα Χριστούγεννα είναι μία ευκαιρία να μιμηθούμε το παράδειγμα του Χριστού.  Γίνεται ένας από εμάς για να μας εμπνεύσει με το παράδειγμά Του.  «Τέλειοι γίνεσθε, ότι Τέλειος ειμί.»  Το παράδειγμα του Κυρίου μας φωτίζει να είμαστε άνθρωποι αγάπης και συγνώμης.  Τα Χριστούγεννα είναι και πρόσκληση να φέρουμε τον Χριστό στον κόσμο, στις κοινωνίες, στις Κοινότητες, στα σπίτια και στις ψυχές μας.  Ο Χριστός σαρκώνεται μέσα στις πράξεις αγαθοεργίας και φιλανθρωπίας, στα καλά έργα και λόγια των ανθρώπων που Τον ακολουθούν.  Στην Γεννέθλιο Ενανθρώπιση του Χριστού, να μην ξεχάσουμε το δώρο μας, ένα δώρο τυλιγμένο και στολισμένο με αρετές και με προσωπικές θυσίες.

+Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος

Message of December 15, 2023:

Dear friends of our beautiful Church,

Happy nameday to Eleftherios and Eleftheria yesterday, χρόνια πολλά! We had and serene and spiritually uplifting service last night and this morning for the feast of the Saint, celebrated by 3 clergymen, the Rev. Protopresbyter Panagiotis Papanikolaou, presiding, the Rev. Economos Vasilios Louros (concelebrating the Great Vespers), and myself chanting and assisting our wonderful clergymen. Our Saint Eleftherios Chapel celebrated and we love how close it brings us all to the sacraments, experiencing every service like a scenic Parekklisi on a Greek island, chanting together, and participating in many blessings such as Paraklesis services, Confessions, Liturgies and Vespers. We thank the Boultadakis family for generously contributing to the beautification of our exquisite Chapel and we are grateful to the many faithful who came last night and this morning to adorn our services with their prayers and love for Christ.

Today, we installed the new playground for the children of the Parish. I tested the playground extensively and now I have to take my priestly cassock to the cleaners (the new slide was totally worth it). We are looking forward to seeing many children come to Greek School with a big smile! We thank our Greek School Board, the PTA, the donors, the Parish Council and the organizations who contributed to the purchase, and Demetri Mantikas who prepared the installation. A huge thanks to Triantafillos and Theodora Tzaras, as well as Thomas Zervas for all the work to make this possible.

Today, our talented ladies baked the best Greek pastries on this side of the Atlantic Ocean. The Philoptochos Bake Sale is on Sunday, December 17th, and we look forward to selling out again, so that our Christmas table is filled with traditional, delicious and scrumptious sweets from the sweetest ladies ever!

The Greek School Christmas Brunch will take place on Sunday, after the service. The children will chant the kalanda / Christmas carols, and we will have a delicious brunch with a party with music by Euphoria Productions.

This Sunday, we celebrate Saint Dionysios and Prophet Daniel; don’t forget to wish happy nameday to Diosysis, Dionysia, Daniel and Daniella. To help you remember all feasts and Saints’ namedays, we are mailing the newest 2024 Church Calendar in a few days, which includes all American and Greek national holidays, as well as religious Orthodox feasts, Saints’ celebrations and significant Parish events. It is free for all Parish stewards. For non-stewards it costs $1,000,000 each copy, so please, contribute to the stewardship of the Church and you will save hundreds of thousands. It took kyria Georgia and me many hours to produce this amazing Calendar, so, for us it really is worth millions, because of all the love and hard work we dedicated to honor our feasts and celebrate our faith and culture.

On Friday, December 22nd, our HOPE and JOY will have a Christmas celebration (at 7 pm) with the Christmas Story, which I will read for our children, followed by many games and beautiful surprises, right after the Church School Christmas Pageant Rehearsal. The Readers and the Merrick Melodists Choir will also be there for the practice before the Pageant.

The Christmas Pageant will take place on Sunday, December 24th immediately after the morning Divine Liturgy. The children who will perform in the Pageant will earn a special appreciation of the event that changed the history of the world.

On Tuesday, December 19th, we will visit the Archdiocese headquarters for a special Christmas reception with His Eminence, the Archbishop (6-7 pm).

This week’s are as follows:

1)    The Vespers of Saint Anastasia, Thursday, December 21st at 7 pm.

2)    The Great Hours, Friday, December 22nd at 6 pm.

3)    Christmas Eve, Sunday, December 24th, morning Orthros at 9 am and Divine Liturgy immediately after.

4)    Christmas Pageant by the Church School on Sunday, December 24th after the morning service (around 11:30 am).

5)    Christmas Eve Great Vespers for the Incarnation of our Lord and Savior, Sunday, December 24th at 6 pm.

6)    Christmas Day: Monday, December 25th, Incarnation of our Lord and Savior, Orthros and Divine Liturgy, 9 am.

And on Saturday, December 30th, we will have our YAL Volleyball tournament, hosted by Saint Paul’s Cathedral at 10 am with music, and amazing games for our young adults. We will forward more information to register: each team will be comprised of 3 young ladies and 3 young gentlemen and we will remember our past GOYA tournaments and fun.

Looking forward to seeing you all for all these beautiful events!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message of December 7, 2023:


          Our beloved Community celebrates the feast of the Chapel of Saint Eleftherios the Holy Martyr.  The Chapel is a place of worship and a vessel of divine grace and salvation.  On weekdays, there are many Divine Liturgies for the memory of various Saints throughout the year.  Some of the spiritual events that take place in the Chapel are Vespers, Paraklesis (Invocation to the Virgin Mary) and Compline services, as well as of confessions and Agiasmos (or sanctification of Holy Water) services.  Many blessings are offered in the beautiful, Byzantine Chapel of the Community.

          The Patron Saint of the Chapel, Saint Eleftherios, is an example for all Christians, especially for the youth.  He became a deacon at the age of 15 and a priest at the age of 19.  6 years later he became Bishop of Rome!  Saint Eleftherios offered his God-given talents in the service of Christ’s vineyard without delay or hesitation.  He was eager to serve God and to labor for the salvation of the world.  His mission was to evangelize the people, teaching all to follow the commandments of God and baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

          Saint Eleftherios took important decisions early in his life.  He did not procrastinate, as some people chose to do when it comes to doing the right thing in this life.  There are persons who hesitate to do the right thing, such as charity, going to Church, helping a good cause, etc.  The more we delay to do a good deed, the more opportunities we miss to express our faith and show our love to God.  It has been said that “the road of tomorrow leads to the avenue of never.”  The many delays might destroy our chances to offer something good in this life.  It is a blessing that people serve the Church and come to Church without waiting for the eleventh hour.  It is beautiful when young people serve the Community with love and dedication.  Saint Eleftherios certainly inspires them to do so.

          Saint Eleftherios also teaches us to be courageous.  People might persecute us for living a life of virtue.  There are young people who are made fun of for praying, doing their cross in public, coming to Church, maintaining their purity and abstaining from smoking and drugs.  Saint Eleftherios inspires us to withstand the persecutions of others.  He suffered many tortures professing his faith and converting even his persecutors!  God gave him strength not to feel the pain, but to praise him even during the most painful martyrdom.  We can also look to God for strength and support, during the adversities and tribulations of life.  We can all honor Saint Eleftherios and by following his example of holiness, perseverance and decisiveness, we not only honor him, but we also earn eternal glory!

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


          Οι Ορθόδοξοι Χριστιανοί εκφράζουν ιδιαίτερη αγάπη για τους Αγίους τους.  Όλοι μας τιμούμε την μνήμη των εκλεκτών του Θεού που μεσιτεύουν για τις ψυχές μας από την Επουράνιο Χώρα της Βασιλείας του Θεού.  Στα παιδιά μας, δίνουμε ονόματα Αγίων ώστε να έχουν θετικά πρότυπα στη ζωή τους.  Στις Εκκλησίες μας, τιμούμε τις μορφές των ανθρώπων που βίωσαν τις αρχές του Ευαγγελίου, που έκαναν την πίστη τρόπο ζωής.  Στην ιδιαίτερη πνευματική μας ομήγυρη, την Κοινότητα του Αγίου Μεγαλομάρτυρος Δημητρίου, αριθμούμε πλειάδα εορτών ανά το έτος στις οποίες συντρέχουν οι πιστοί ώστε να πανηγυρίσουν την μνήμη των Αγίων και να λάβουν τη Χάρη και την προστασία τους. Είχαμε την ευλογία να γίνουν τα ονομαστήρια του ιερού Προσκυνήματος του Αγίου Μεγαλομάρτυρος Ελευθερίου, ο οποίος εορτάζεται στις 15 Δεκεμβρίου.  Όχι τυχαία, στο θησαυρό του Αγιολογίου, με τους Παρακλητικούς κανόνες όλων των Αγίων, τεθησαύρισται η Ακολουθία του Αγίου Δημητρίου και του Αγίου Ελευθερίου συναπτά, η μία μετά την άλλη.  Έτσι και στην Κοινότητά μας, τα θυσιαστήρια του ναού, το ένα μετά το άλλο, είναι αφιερωμένα στους δύο αυτούς σημαντικούς Μάρτυρες και Προστάτες της Εκκλησίας.

          Ο Άγιος Ελευθέριος ήταν από νέος αφοσιωμένος στην υπηρεσία του Χριστού.  Χειροτονήθηκε σε εφηβική ηλικία διάκονος και ιερέας, για να γίνει επίσκοπος Ρώμης ένας από τους πιο νέους ιεράρχες της πίστεως.  Διώχθηκε και καταπολεμήθηκε από τους ειδωλολάτρες, αλλά εκείνος με αγάπη κατάφερε να προσυλητίσει ακόμη και τους στρατιώτες-διώκτες του.  Μαρτύρησε με φρικτό θάνατο, αλλά ο ίδιος ηρωϊκά και με θάρρος υπέμεινε τα βασανιστήρια και τις ταπεινώσεις.  Συγχωρώντας τους εκτελεστές του, αινούσε το Θεό, και δεν ένιωθε πόνο παρά μόνο τη Χάρη από το στεφάνι του Μαρτυρίου και της Αγιότητος.

          Οι σύγχρονοι Χριστιανοί, επίσης διωκόμαστε από την ειδωλολατρεία και τον παγανισμό.  Από νεαρή ηλικία, τα παιδιά και όλοι μας έχουμε να αντιμετωπίσουμε τις Χάρυβδες και τις θέλξεις του υλισμού, του πλουτισμού και του καταναλωτισμού.  Αναγκάζεται η νέα γεννιά να βάζει σε ανώτερη προτεραιότητα τα χρήματα, τη μόδα, την διασκέδαση, παρά την ηθική ζωή και την εποικοδομητική ψυχαγωγία. Στα αρχαία Ελληνικά, διασκεδάζω σημαίνει διασκορπίζομαι.  Διασκορπίζονται πολλοί νέοι μας με ψυχοφθόρα μουσική, ναρκωτικά, βία και ανηθικότητα.  Αντί να ψυχαγωγούνται, να άγουν την ψυχή τους σε ανώτερα επίπεδα, την διασκορπίζουν και την πετάνε στα σκουπίδια της σύγχρονης διαφθοράς.  Τα εκατομμύρια των εκτρώσεων, η επέκταση του Έϊτζ, η διάβρωση των ηθών και η διάδοση των ναρκωτικών επιβεβαιώνουν με ακρίβεια την δίωξη των νέων μας από τα σύγχρονα μέσα του παγανισμού και της αθεΐας.

          Ο Άγιος Ελευθέριος, ως νέος Χριστιανός που αντιστάθηκε σε ορατούς και αοράτους εχθρούς κατά της Χριστιανοσύνης, μας εμπνέει να είμαστε δυνατοί και να ζούμε σύμφωνα με τις αρχές του Χριστού. Να απελευθερωθούμε από τα δεσμά των μέσων μαζικής διαφθοράς και να έχουμε δική μας γνώμη και άποψη για το πως οφείλουμε να ζούμε.  Να είμαστε ελεύθεροι μέσα από την αλήθεια του Χριστού και να μαρτυρούμε την πίστη που σώζει τον άνθρωπο.  Την Ορθόδοξο πίστη της Εκκλησίας μας.

+Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος

Message of November 28, 2023:


This week is marked with the celebration of significant Saints (and the name-days of many Parishioners and family members). On Thursday, we have the feast of Saint Andreas, the Protector and Patron Saint of our Mother Church, the Patriarchate of Constantinople, and Patron of Patras, Cyprus and Great Britain (along with Saint George). He was the first called Apostle and his martyrdom was by crucifixion; out of humility he requested that his cross is placed sideways, so that he is not crucified like Jesus. This explains the X shape in the British flag (in honor of Saint Andrew) superimposed by the Cross in honor of Saint George.

The Ecumenical Patriarchate evangelized the British people with Orthodox missionaries, many of them Saints of our Church, like Saints Alban, Aristobulus, Brendan, Piran, David of Wales, Columba of Scotland, Theodore, Laurence and Augustine of Canterbury, Melangell of Wales, Aidan, Brannoc, Bede, Felix, Elian, Donald of Scotland, Wilfrid, Bridget, Kieran, Oswald, Edmund, Richard the King, Edward, Gregory Dialogus, Benedict, Herbert, Gerald and many others. Am I forgetting a very significant one? How could I forget Saint Patrick the Apostole of Ireland (493), who illuminated the Irish people with the light of Christian faith? This is why I always say that we have two parades on 5th Avenue every year, one for Greek Independence Day, and one for Saint Patrick’s! And the Orthodox missionaries professed the faith, in representing the Mother Church, under the protection of Saint Andreas!

Last week, we celebrated Saint Porfyrios of Kafsokalyvia, a modern-day Saint who reposed in Christ 30 years ago. I received his blessing as a young High School student and my family loved Saint Porfyrios, whose icon is in our Church amongst other contemporary Saints who blessed our Orthodox faith. His advice and his spiritual instruction are profound and didactic; he was wise and prudent and he brought many of us closer to Christ with his example and love.

On Monday, we celebrate Saint Barbara the great martyr. She is a miraculous Saint and please, listen to the sermon, which narrates her life and how she is also a protector for abused children and for people suffering from pandemics and contagious diseases. Every year, in my sermon on the feast of Saint Barbara, I make special reference to the sacred duty we all have to protect the innocent and angelic children. They are surrounded by corruption and evil, that invades their lives through atheism, moral deception, corrupt social media and public persecution.

Often times, children are pressured to deny their Christian identity and values, especially in School and College. The sanctity of their life is not respected before and not even after birth. International traffickers and exploiters use and abuse innocent lives and especially children from suffering countries and broken families. Recent arrests of such abusers are only the tip of the iceberg, data shows that thousands are abused daily and such crimes are not punished as they should. Movies and series on famous networks and platforms romanticize abuse; directors and film producers, although with guilty verdicts against them, roam free and with punishments much lesser than someone who opened their business during a lockdown (considering the gravity of the crimes against children).

On December 6th we celebrate the memory of Saint Nicholas, Bishop of Myra in Asia Minor. Saint Nicholas is an example of charity, philanthropy and care for the meek. He lived an ascetic lifestyle and he maintained no personal belongings; he was a monk and a Bishop that should inspire all Christians that happiness in the simple things of life. In the West he is also known as Santa Claus. However, we all know that he lived in Asia Minor, not in the North Pole, and that he was never married (there was no Mrs. Claus). He was also a very thin ascetic, vested in black, not in red.  But his legacy of charity became well known. Saint Nicholas was very discrete when helping someone; he did not want his good deeds to be known, unlike some people who advertise their philanthropy. He helped especially the orphans, the widows, the lame, the sick and the elderly.  He gave smile in the faces that were sprinkled by tears.  He gave joy to the hearts that were broken by sorrow. He was the example of faith and piety, as his hymn (Apolytikion) indicates. He is an example to be followed and imitated by more and more Christians.

Saint Nicholas inspires contemporary Christians to be persons of charity and love.  Christmas is a season when it is customary to help the institutions and the poor. But our love for our suffering brethren should be expressed throughout the year. There are many souls that need support and consolation. There are many hearts that need a prayer and a loving presence. There are many people who need to see that Christians live up to their Christian vocation.

Saint Nicholas is also the Patron Saint of Seamen. He protects sailors and people who travel by sea.  Ancient Greeks had Poseidon as the god of the sea. Unlike Poseidon, Saint Nicholas does not trouble the waters, but he mediates for the travelers of the oceans, he protects the people who ask for his intercessions and he saves the travelers who consciously pray to him.

The icon of Saint Nicholas is one of the most ancient and historical icons of Byzantine art.  It depicts the holiness and the piety of the Saint, who is an example of love and Christian values.  Such an example inspired the faithful to announce at his ordination that his is “worthy;” and at his funeral to exclaim that he is “HOLY!”

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


Στις 6 Δεκεμβρίου εορτάζουμε την μνήμη του εν Αγίοις Πατρός ημών Αγίου Νικολάου, επισκόπου Μύρων της Λυκίας.  Ο Άγιος Νικόλαος αποτέλεσε πρότυπο αγαθοεργίας και φιλανθρωπίας διότι μολονότι ζούσε απλοϊκώς και ασκητικώς, μοίραζε αγαθά σε κάθε αναξιοπαθούντα.  Στην Δύση είναι γνωστός ως Σάντα Νικόλαους ή Σάντα Κλάους, που έδιδε δώρα σε όσους δεν είχαν τα απαραίτητα για να ζήσουν.  Βέβαια, ο Άγιος Νικόλαος ήταν ένας αδύνατος ασκητής και Αρχιερεύς και ζούσε στα Μύρα της Λυκίας, όχι στον Βόρειο Πόλο.  Ό,τι όμως δώριζε το τοποθετούσε με τέτοιο τρόπο ώστε κανείς να μην γνωρίζει τις αγαθοεργίες του. Βοηθούσε ορφανά, χήρες, παραλύτους, ασθενείς και ηλικιωμένους. Χάριζε το χαμόγελο στα πρόσωπα που ήταν ποτισμένα μέσα στο δάκρυ. Έδινε τη χαρά στις καρδιές εκείνες που ήταν ματωμένες από το πένθος. Ήταν πραγματικά κανόνας πίστεως και εικόνα πραότητος.  Πρότυπο προς μίμηση και μάθημα προς νουθεσία.

Στην εποχή μας χρειαζόμαστε τέτοια παραδείγματα πιστών Χριστιανών, που να δωρίζουν από το περίσσευμα αλλά και (μακάρι) ακόμη και από το υστέρημά τους.  Τα Χριστούγεννα πολλοί άνθρωποι βοηθούν ιδρύματα και τους αδυνάτους. Αλλά η αγάπη μας πρέπει να εκφράζεται όλη τη χρονιά. Να συμπαραστεκόμαστε στους μόνους, τους αρρώστους στα γηρατειά.  Υπάρχουν πολλές ψυχές που χρειάζονται παρρηγορία. Πολλές καρδιές απαιτούν παραμυθία. Πολλά μυαλά θέλουν παρρησία.  Χρειαζόμαστε ανθρώπους με ανθρωπιά.  Με αγάπη για τον πλησίον και πίστη στο Πανάγαθο Θεό.

Ο  Άγιος Νικόλαος είναι επίσης και προστάτης των ναυτικών. Ως πολιούχος της θαλάσσης και των ναυτιλομένων, αγιάζει και προστατεύει κάθε πιστό που παλεύει με τα κύμματα των Ωκεανών.  Για τους Έλληνες, είναι σαν άλλος Ποσειδώνας. Μόνο που αντί να ταράζει τη θάλασσα και να δοκιμάζει τους πλέοντας, φέρνει θεία γαλήνη, προστασία και σωτηρία σε όσους τον επικαλούνται.

Η εικόνα του Αγίου Νικολάου, μία από τις αρχαιότερες και ιστορικότερες απεικονίσεις Αγίου, εξυμνεί το παράστημα και παράδειγμα Αγιότητος και ευλαβείας σύμφωνα με το οποίο έζησε τον ενκόσμιο βίο του.  Ένα παράδειγμα που έκανε τους πιστούς στην χειροτονία του να αναφωνήσουν «Άξιος.» Και στην κηδεία του να ομολογήσουν «Άγιος!»

+Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος

Message of November 20, 2023:


This week, we celebrate the memory of two Saints who exemplified the virtues of our Christian faith: Saint Catherine and Saint Nikon. Saint Catherine was a princess, yet she loved a King who was crowned with thorns, the Bridegroom of the Church Jesus. Her love for Christ was superior to the desire of human glory and wealth; for this reason, her memory is eternally venerated and celebrated, proclaiming to all of us an example of Christian character and holiness. We also celebrate the memory of Saint Nikon, who taught people to repent. His life is a manifestation of the fact that this life is temporary, but the Kingdom of God lasts forever. Therefore, we should strive to save our souls through repentance. Saint Nikon expressed his love for God with personal sacrifices, he loved God more than wealth and vanity; this is how he earned the eternal glory of the Kingdom of Heaven.

The faithful of this Community have proven their love for God again and again. Our continuous support and work for the vineyard of Christ secures the future of the Community, so that the coming generations may be illumined by the ideals and the principles of Orthodoxy and Hellenism. We can all help. Our good words and our good works are the instruments of progress in the Parish. This way, we may not just be called Christians, but also live and act as Christians!

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


Αυτή την εβδομάδα εορτάζουμε δύο Αγίους που έκαναν αυτή τη διδαχή του Κυρίου μας πράξη και πραγματικότητα.  Η Αγία Αικατερίνα, στις 25 Νοεμβρίου, πριγκήπισσα στην καταγωγή και στη μόρφωση, αλλά και δοσμένη παντοτινά στον Βασιλέα του λαού του Θεού, στον αγκανθοστεφανωμένο Νυμφίο Χριστό.  Δεν αγάπησε ούτε την κοσμική δόξα ούτε τα πλούτη της περισσότερο από τον Χριστό και για αυτό η μνήμη της τιμάται αιώνια.  Στις 26 του μήνα εορτάζουμε την θεία μνήμη του Οσίου Νίκωνος του «Μετανοείτε». Ο βίος του αποτελεί επίσης δυναμική υπενθύμιση ότι η ζωή είναι παροδική, ο Παράδεισος μόνο είναι αιώνιος.  Όλοι μας είμαστε διαβάτες, περαστικοί και οδοιπόροι του βίου, και –πρέπει να- προετοιμαζόμαστε για τον Παράδεισο.  Η μετάνοια είναι το κλειδί του Παραδείσου, η αρετή που μας γεμίζει για αγάπη για το Θεό.

Το πιστό πλήρωμα της ιεράς μας Κοινότητος έχει αποδείξει και καλείται να συνεχίσει να αποδεικνύει ότι αγαπούμε τον Θεό και ότι εργαζόμαστε για το καλό της Εκκλησίας Του.  Το μέλλον της Εκκλησίας είναι και το μέλλον των παιδιών μας, το περιβάλλον στο οποίο θα καμαρώσουμε γεννεές και γεννεές αξίων και αγίων Χριστιανών.  Εμείς έχουμε την ευθύνη να συνεχίσουμε στην οδό της προόδου. Ο καλύτερος τρόπος για να ολοκληρωθούν αυτά τα έργα είναι ο ενθουσιασμός και ο οραματισμός όλων μας.  Η καλή κουβέντα του κάθε πιστού αποδεικνύει το πόσο αγαπούμε την Κοινότητα.  Όταν κάποιος μιλάει με ενθουσιασμό και καλωσύνη για την Κοινότητα και τα έργα της, αυτό δείχνει αγάπη.  Κανένας δεν λέει άσχημα λόγια για την οικογένειά του στον κόσμο.  Έτσι κι εμείς, πρέπει να εκτιμούμε την Κοινότητα ως πνευματική μας οικογένεια.

Είναι όμορφο να βλέπει ο πατέρας τα παιδιά του αγαπημένα, μονιασμένα και εργατικά.  Είναι ευλογία να μας βλέπει ο Θεός πάντοτε μονιασμένους και αγαπημένους, να εργαζόμαστε για την Εκκλησία Του.  Ανταποκρινόμενοι στην πρόσκληση και στην πρόκληση του Κυρίου από το σημερινό Ευαγγέλιο, καλούμαστε να εργαστούμε και να  συνεργαστούμε κι εμείς ως μία Χριστιανική οικογένεια, ώστε να είμαστε Χριστιανοί όχι μόνο στο όνομα, αλλά και στη συνείδηση, και στην πράξη και στη ζωή μας!

+Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος

Message of November 10, 2023:

The Good Samaritan

The Parable of the Good Samaritan is one of the richest in meaning and symbolism narratives of the Gospel.  A Jewish lawyer asked the Lord how it is possible to inherit eternal life.  This question is –or should be- the most significant venture of our lives: how to inherit Heaven!  Jesus directed the lawyer to find the answer in the law of the prophets, the Old Testament.  Being a lawyer, he should be familiar with the law of Moses, which was the code of the Jewish legal system.  The lawyer had no problem finding the answer to the question he originally asked; that indicates that he was rather testing Jesus.  The answer is: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind.  And you shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

God expects us to love Him more than ourselves, so that we may inherit His Kingdom.  We should ask ourselves: do we love God more than ourselves?  The Martyrs loved God more than themselves, and for this reason they gave their lives for their faith.  The Saints also dedicated their lives to express their love to God, through charity, prayer and repentance.  For this reason, the Fathers of the Church do not consider the Orthodox faith to be a religion.  They call it “divine eros”, a perfect experience of love among God and human beings.

Do we love God?  The answer cannot be spoken; it has to be shown through our actions.  When we look forward to go to Church to worship Him, then we love God.  When we talk to Him with our prayers, then we love God.  When we ask forgiveness from Him in holy confession, the same way a child asks forgiveness from His Father, then we love God.  When we prepare to become one with Him through Holy Communion, then we adore God!  When we treat His children, our brothers and sisters, with respect and goodness, then we serve God.  We owe to love our neighbor, the other human beings, as much as we love ourselves (if not more).  The example of love towards the others is inspired by the Good Samaritan.

Every Christian who does not forget why we are Christians is a Good Samaritan.  This Community has been blessed with worthy and conscious faithful, who assist their neighbor, who support the ministries of the Church and who go out of their way to bring people to salvation.  Our Parishioners follow the footsteps of charity and love: the footsteps of the Good Samaritan!

              +Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


Η παραβολή του Καλού Σαμαρείτου είναι μία από τις Ευαγγελικές περικοπές που έχουν πλούσια διδακτική σημασία και συμβολισμό.  Ένας νομικός ρώτησε τον Κύριο πως να κληρονομίσει την αιώνια ζωή.  Αυτό το ερώτημα θα πρέπει –ή θα έπρεπε- να απασχολεί όλους μας.  Ο Ιησούς καθοδηγεί το νομικό να βρει την απάντηση στο νόμο του Μωϋσέως, στην παράδοση της Παλαιάς Διαθήκης.  Είναι άλλωστε γνώριμο για έναν νομικό να γνωρίζει τον κώδικα των κανονισμών που διέπουν τη νόμιμη συμπεριφορά.  Και ο κώδικας αυτός για τους Εβραίους ήταν ο νόμος του Μωϋσέως.  Δεν χρειάζεται να αναζητήσει την απάντηση στη δικονομική ερώτηση ο μελετημένος νομικός, ο οποίος μάλλον επεδίωξε να εξετάσει και να δοκιμάσει τον Κύριο.  Η απάντηση είναι να  αγαπήσεις τον Κύριον τον Θεό σου με όλη την καρδιά, την ψυχή, την δύναμη και την διάνοιά σου και να αγαπήσεις τον πλησίον (τον συνάνθρωπο) όπως και τον εαυτό σου.

Ο Θεός προσμένει από εμάς να τον αγαπούμε περισσότερο από τον εαυτό μας ώστε να κληρονομήσουμε την Βασιλεία Του.  Θα πρέπει να αναρωτηθούμε: αγαπούμε τον Θεό περισσότερο από τον εαυτό μας;  Οι Μάρτυρες αγάπησαν τον Θεό πιο πολύ από τον εαυτό τους και έδωσαν την ζωή τους για την πίστη τους.  Οι Άγιοι αφιέρωσαν το βίο τους για να εκφράσουν την αγάπη τους για τον Θεό με αγαθοεργία, προσευχή και μετάνοια.  Για το λόγο αυτό, οι Πατέρες της Εκκλησίας δεν θεωρούν την Ορθόδοξη πίστη ως θρησκεία.  Την αποκαλούν «θείο έρωτα», μια τέλεια εμπειρία αγάπης Θεού και ανθρώπων.

Aγαπούμε τον Θεό;  Η απάντηση βρίσκεται στη ζωή μας.  Όταν Του μιλούμε (με προσευχή) και δεν Τον αγνοούμε, τότε ναι, Τον αγαπούμε.  Όταν θέλουμε να Τον νιώσουμε στα εσώκαρδά μας (με τη συμμετοχή μας στα Μυστήρια) σίγουρα Τον αγαπούμε.  Όταν μετανοούμε για τα ανθρώπινα λάθη μας (με εξομολόγηση) και ζητούμε συγνώμη όπως το παιδί που πίκρανε τον πατέρα, τότε αναμφισβήτητα αγαπούμε τον Θεό.  Άν προσμένουμε με χαρά την ώρα να έρθουμε στην Εκκλησία, Τον λατρεύουμε.  Αν μεταχειριζόμαστε τα παιδιά Του με σεβασμό και καλοσύνη, τότε υπηρετούμε τον Θεό.  Και οφείλουμε να αγαπούμε τα αδέρφια μας (τον πλησίον) όσο τον εαυτό μας (γιατί όχι και περισσότερο).  Το παράδειγμα αγάπης προς τον συνάνθρωπο είναι ο Καλός Σαμαρείτης, ο άνθρωπος που υπερέβη εθνικές διαφορές και βοήθησε τον συνάνθρωπο όπως θα βοηθούσε τον αδερφό του.

Καλός Σαμαρείτης είναι κάθε Χριστιανός που δεν ξεχνάει γιατί είναι Χριστιανός.  Η Κοινότητά μας είναι ευλογημένη με καλούς και άξιους ανθρώπους που βοηθούν τον πλησίον, που συντελούν στην πρόοδο του έργου της Εκκλησίας, που αγωνίζονται για να γεμίσει ο ναός με ψυχές που αγαπούν τον Θεό.  Σε αυτούς τους καλούς και άξιους ανθρώπους να προσθέτουμε και τη νεολαία που πρέπει να συνεχίσει στα ίδια χνάρια.  Στα χνάρια του Καλού Σαμαρείτη.

+Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος

Message of November 4, 2023:

Dear friends of our beautiful Church,

          I am so proud of you! On the feast of our Patron Saint, I was filled with joy and pride in Jesus Christ our Lord for our Parish and all of you who participated in the feast, the faithful who support and sustain our Church. Our School was present together with the teachers to welcome the Archbishop. The Church was filled with children and young adults. His Eminence commented with enthusiasm and remarked with admiration on how many young families, couples and children filled the entire Church.

The Honor Guard was present, with the Sherrif’s department, symbolizing that Saint Demetrios was also a person who fought to defend the defenseless, to protect the attacked, and to maintain the peaceful co-existence of the Roman citizens. The Saint was eventually persecuted for his beliefs, but managed to strengthen and inspire Nestor, his disciple, to face the undefeated gladiator Lyeos and emerge victorious.

          In life, we are often times urged to face battles we didn’t start, and enemies we did not create. God does not impose on people goodness, kindness and peace. God inspires, but leaves us free to make our choices. Only the truly faithful are motivated to implement those virtues. And, as faithful believers, we are obligated to fight for what is right, protect our loved ones from abusers, violators of peace and perpetrators of atrocities. Saint Demetrios became a Saint dying for his faith in Christ; we are only obligated to wake up on a Sunday morning or volunteer for a good cause, that is our sacrifice, our “martyrdom” or «μαρτυρία Χριστοῦ», that is a public confession of our faith and virtue.

          On the feast of Saint Demetrios, we observed that sacrifice by the Parish Council, the Philoptochos, the Golden Years, the Altar Servers, the Readers, the Chanters, the Little Angels, HOPE, JOY, GOYA, YAL, our Church School and our Greek School. We all came together to clean, to cook, to prepare our spiritual home for the feast of the Saint to whom it belongs. Saint Demetrios protects and strengthens us, we are his Nestors, his disciples, compelled to face the modern day Lyeos of atheism, antitheism, violence and moral corruption.

          The fact that we are doing this together makes me joyous and proud in Christ Jesus! I became a priest for you, before I even met you. You are the reason I put on the vestments, your triumphs are my doxology to the Lord, and your struggles are my supplication for mercy. Seeing you fulfill the faith and practice His commandments makes my priesthood complete. Thank you, thank you, thank you!  

          On the topic of sacrifice, we are getting ready for the General Assembly, which will take place on Sunday, November 12th at the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy; immediately after, you are all invited for Presvytera’s Thanksgiving Brunch in our Church Hall. The food will be delicious, we look forward to seeing all of you then.

          GOYA has the executive board affirmation tomorrow, Sunday morning, at the conclusion of the service. The young volunteers of our youth will welcome us for a bake sale, frape and coffee fellowship in the Church Hall after the service. Our young GOYAns will also visit the Monastery at Calverton on Friday, November 10th for a clean up and to offer additional community service hours. The day before, Thursday, November 9th, we have our Friendsgiving at 7:30 pm. The youth is also collecting food pantry items to donate to the Bellmore Merrick Community Cupboard; sharing is caring, God gives us so much and we reciprocate by caring for those who need our assistance and love. Inter-GOYA has their monthly party, this time hosted by Archangel Michael Church on Wednesday, November 22nd, to celebrate Thanksgiving with music and dancing with hundreds of young people from Long Island. We are also hosting an inter-GOYA dance in January, as these events circulate amongst the Orthodox Parishes on the Island. It is good to be Greek Orthodox and young, isn’t it?

          Our HOPE & JOY had an exceptional Costume Party last week; we thank our advisors, the donors and Euphoria productions for making the event a tremendous success. Patty and Patty will make a special presentation tomorrow after the service, and we look forward to the exceptional events of our youth. We will have our Treasure Hunt, laser tag, trampolines and bounce, bowling and many other games nights, all the way to our Christmas celebrations and our Christmas story under the tree (which we all loved last year). Did we mention that it is good to be Greek Orthodox and young?

The services this week are for The Synaxis of the Holy Archangels, Wednesday, November 8th at 9 am (Orthros and Divine Liturgy) in our Chapel. On Tuesday, we celebrate at the Parish of Archangel Michael the Vespers at 7 pm.  Saint Nektarios of Pentapolis, Thursday, November 9th at 9 am (Orthros and Divine Liturgy) in our Church.

Our Little Angels is on Wednesdays at 10:30 am (no Little Angels this week), with kyria Anna and Mrs. Sophia. We look forward to welcome our babies and our newest and purest Parish members to the group. Golden Years will visit Saint Nicholas Shrine at Ground Zero on Monday, November 13. We depart from the Church at 8:30 am; the cost for the transportation is $45. We will have a tour of the site, pilgrimage in the Church, Paraklesis and then go for early dinner at Stamatis Restaurant in Astoria. For information, please, call Irene Matthews at (516) 314-1645 or Mando Pappas at (516) 867-2979.

Basketball and Volleyball practices have started with phenomenal participation as well as KANARIS dance group practices. Our Orthodox Study group and YAL will meet on Thursday, November 16 at 7 pm. No meeting this Thursday, because of the GOYA event.

I was at the Clergy Conference in Arizona, and we celebrated the nameday of His Eminence at Holy Trinity Cathedral in Phoenix, after a beautiful pilgrimage at Saint Anthony’s Monastery. Yesterday, I was at the Synod meeting, which took place at New York Marriott Marquis, presided by Archbishop Elpidophoros, with the Metropolitans of the Archdiocese and His Grace Bishop Athenagoras participating. Below this message, at the section dedicated for the Archdiocese news, please, find the press release of the Secretariat of the Holy Eparchial Synod, with significant decisions for the progress of the Church.

On Friday evening, I was present at the 50th Anniversary for the Rev. Protopresbyter Dennis Strouzas, a distinguished clergyman and loving family-man, who is a great example for all the younger priests. On November 15th and 28th I present for the Parish Council seminars at Port Washington and Hempstead respectively; for those who are nominated at the General Assembly, please, come and attend after you speak to me first. Tomorrow, a delegation of our Parish will attend the event for the nameday of His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America, which will be celebrated at the Capitale, in NYC, at 5 pm.

You notice a trend: every day is filled with many events and we are all glad to be part of a vibrant and active community, where we can experience our faith, cultivate virtues and connect with like-minded people, who share the same ideals and beliefs. Did I mention? It is good to be Greek Orthodox. No matter what age…

Message of October 19, 2023:

Dear friends of our beautiful Church,

Our Parish is celebrating! Saint Demetrios feast is coming up and we have the exceptional honor and blessing to welcome His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America for the Great Archiepiscopal Vespers, on Wednesday, October 25th at 7 pm. Our Greek School, our youth and Church School students will come early, at 6:30 pm, in order to take pictures with His Eminence and officially greet Him, welcome Him and receive His blessing as He enters the Church. The honor guard will be there with the Sherriff’s department to present and proper reception of our Archbishop. The Parish Council and our Philoptochos are preparing a wonderful reception for after the service. Our Golden Years and our volunteers will work together with Philoptochos for the baking, the decorating and the cleaning of our edifice. On Monday, October 23rd, we will have a meeting of all volunteers to clean and prepare our beautiful Church at 10 am. Our chanters and altar servers will also prepare for the feast, together our clergy and all the faithful.

Our spiritual home, our beautiful Church, is celebrating! We all need to be here for the feast and welcome the guests who come from other areas to honor our Saint. The morning of the feast, Thursday, October 26th, we have Orthros at 9 am followed by Divine Liturgy. A reception will follow. And we are extremely thankful to His Eminence our Archbishop who will preside at the Vespers on the evening before, on Wednesday, October 25th at 7 pm. His Eminence, a distinguished academic, who has taught at prestigious Universities around the globe, speaks and writes proficiently in several languages, has served the Patriarchate as a Hierarch in the past, as an Abbot of the Halki monastery and as the Chief Secretary of the Holy and Sacred Synod, and was elected to be our Archbishop committing His God-given talents for the progress of the Church.

We are blessed to have such an exceptional Archbishop at the helm of the Archdiocese of America, young and dynamic, who tirelessly travels wherever there is a need to represent the Church, to offer His Arch-pastoral ministry and to promote the values of Orthodoxy and Hellenism to the world. Since His arrival, Archbishop Elpidophoros has worked with diligence to restore the academic status of our Hellenic College and Holy Cross, the only Greek academic institution in the western hemisphere; at the same time, great strides were achieved for the completion of Saint Nicholas Shrine in NYC, the financial health of the Archdiocese and its ministries (including the various programs and funds of the Church), the progress of Greek education (with exceptional new programs, seminars, collaborations with academics from Greece and the USA, electronic advancements, improved curriculum and modern teaching methodologies), the elaborate evolution of the religious education and the Church School curriculum, the philanthropic activities, the more intense work of the Holy Eparchial Synod with frequent meetings and resolutions, the foundational work for a new Charter, the solution of chronic problems with the careful work of the legal committee, the valuable administration of the Church and the wise management of the Church, with the lay leadership and the talented volunteers working together for all the programs of the Archdiocese. His Eminence is leading us all to a better future, and I can attest from my personal experience that His hard-work ethic, talents and expert knowledge are a great asset for the Patriarchate and for all the faithful across the globe.

Our youth will be honored to talk to our Archbishop in person, and to also have the opportunity to listen to His sermon and His inspiring words. We need to all work together for the progress of the Church and to offer our talents and gifts for the future of Orthodoxy in America. Furthermore, we need the blessings of our Patron Saint, who was himself a catechist, a religious educator, who inspired young people and brought them closer to Christ. I look forward to seeing you all for the feast of our beautiful Church, the celebration of Saint Demetrios the Great Martyr!

General Assembly is scheduled for Sunday, November 12th at the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy; immediately after, you are all invited for Presvytera’s Thanksgiving Brunch in our Church Hall.

Our Little Angels is on Wednesdays at 10:30 am, with kyria Anna and Mrs Sophia. We look forward to welcome our babies and our newest and purest Parish members to the group. Golden Years will visit Saint Nicholas Shrine at Ground Zero on Monday, November 13. We depart from the Church at 8:30 am; the cost for the transportation is $45. We will have a tour of the site, pilgrimage in the Church, Paraklesis and then go for early dinner at Stamatis Restaurant in Astoria. For information, please, call Irene Matthews at (516) 314-1645 or Mando Pappas at (516) 867-2979.

The ladies of Saint Barbara’s Philoptochos sisterhood cordially invite you for Teas & Tata’s tonight, Thursday, October 19th at the Church Hall from 7:00 – 8:00 pm, with the participation of our GOYA as well: please, RSVP to Eleni Roselli at (516) 232-6202. October is breast cancer awareness month.  The Ladies of Philoptochos have a special tray for breast cancer on Sunday.

Our Greek School has the OXI day celebration on October 29th after the service. Delicious spanakopites and tyropites during coffee fellowship, a great program by the youth. Also, please, support the Greek School fundraiser so that we can purchase a new swing set for the children. All donations are welcome and tax-deductible.

The Basketball (any questions, please reach out to Dominic Milito 516-652-7481) and Volleyball practices have started with great participation. I played Volleyball and Basketball with the youth these days and I am thankful to the great coaches who make these programs possible for all our children. KANARIS dance group practices on Saturday, October 28th at 11 am.And our Orthodox Study group and YAL meets every Thursday at 7 pm. Tonight, Thursday, October 19th, no meeting because of the Philoptochos event. On Thursday, October 26th our Orthodoxy on Tap group meets for the monthly gathering, this time at Saint Paul’s Cathedral in Hempstead at 7 pm: the topic of the discussion is Orthodox Art and Tratidions, with fathers Aristidis Garinis and Demetris Kazakis presenting. All the YAL and young professionals are welcome to attend!

We are also putting together tables for the nameday of His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America, which will be celebrated in NYC on Sunday, November 5th at 5 pm. For details and reservations, please, call our Church office at (516) 379-1368.

Flowers are also needed to decorate our Church for the feast day of our Patron Saint Demetrios. Please, see a Parish Council member to donate flowers for our feast. All this activity manifests the beauty of our vibrant Parish, that encompasses all ages, many interests, and every aspect of pastoral care, with Christ in our midst, in the center of our lives. See you all in our beautiful Church!


Volleyball will begin this Wednesday at Chatterton from 6:30 - 8:30 pm. We want to get practices in for the 11th and 18th because St. Demetrios Vespers is on Wednesday evening this year the 25th, and there's a volleyball tournament at Archangel Michael on Saturday the 28th; additionally, the gym is unavailable to us on the following days, so please make note: 10/25 (St. Demetrios Vespers), 11/8, 11/22, 11/29, 12/27 (closed), 2/21 (closed), 3/13, 3/27 (closed), 4/10 (closed), 4/24 (closed), 5/8. A separate GroupMe chat will be set up for volleyball and we will announce all of this information in there as well when we have a schedule of volleyball games. Have a great season!


Monday Lakeside School

SB 6:30 pm - 7:45 pm


Thursday Cure of Ars Church

JB 7 pm – 8 pm

G3 8 pm – 9 pm

JG 9 pm – 10 pm


Friday Lakeside School

Front Gym

B2 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

B3 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Back Gym

G2 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

G1 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Message of October 12, 2023:

Dear friends of our beautiful Church,

It is with sorrow in our hearts and hope in the Resurrection that we announce the passing in Christ of our beloved Matina Arianas of blessed memory. Her Wake will take place on Thursday, October 12th at 9 am in our Church; the Funeral is right after at 10 am. Matina served the Church for many years, raised a beautiful family and she is remembered as one of the longest lasting Parish members. She had served in our Philoptochos, the Church School and Golden Years in leadership positions, and with her beloved husband Stelios they raised exceptional children and grandchildren, always serving God and their fellow Parish friends. May her memory be eternal.

This has been a painful week for all of us, as well as many of our neighbors and friends. The atrocious attacks in the Middle East, targeting innocent civilians with violent crimes against humanity, are bringing the world community into yet another military conflict, which does not leave anyone as a by-stander. From Ukraine to the Middle East it is evident that the enemies of peace have been enabled to proceed with aggression; they have funding and military equipment and there has been no diplomatic or other solution to their criminal advances.

Furthermore, in the last 2 year, we have been closer to the possibility of a World War conflict since the period of the Cuban crisis. Evidently, as citizens of this great Nation, we need to be vigilant, in prayerful attendance, wise in our choices of political leadership and removed from personal biases and internal divisions. We need to be more united and resolute than ever, because our enemies are. While we focus on identity politics and race baiting, our enemies are uniting to create new currencies, new alliances and invade more lands. They advance in trade relations, energy monopolies and technological production. Our enemies have been strengthened while we appear weak and we enable their aggression due to corruption or inept diplomatic activity. They steal our technological advancements while we close more and more manufacturing and energy production facilities. Many families suffer and the world suffers. Dictators and oppressive regimes emerge more powerful as they spread fear to their people and to the world.

On Monday, I delivered a message on behalf of our Archbishop and our Greek Orthodox Community to the local gathering of all South Shore Jewish Synagogues at the local Merrick Jewish Center; it was a message of peace, empathy and love. Some of our neighbors have lost relatives and friends. Pain and suffering will affect both sides of the conflict, especially the innocent. I am not a judge to condemn who has the greatest responsibility, but there is no tolerance for terrorism and violence. We will all pray this Sunday for peace in the world, for safety in our planet, for prosperity and progress in our Nation. We will pray, but we will also demand actions from those in charge, so that we do not have another enormous humanitarian crisis, as in Ukraine, Syria, Libya and so many before. “For the peace of the world, let us pray to the Lord!”

On Thursday, we have our regularly scheduled Bible Study at 7 pm. At 6:30 pm, our neighboring Parish of Saint Markella in Wantagh hosts career night with distinguished guests and speakers.

General Assembly is scheduled for Sunday, November 12th at the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy; immediately after, you are all invited for Presvytera’s Thanksgiving Brunch in our Church Hall.

Our Little Angels is on Wednesdays at 10 am, with kyria Anna and Mrs Sophia. We look forward to welcome our babies and our newest and purest Parish members to the group. Golden Years will visit Saint Nicholas Shrine at Ground Zero on Monday, November 13. We depart from the Church at 8:30 am; the cost for the transportation is $45. We will have a tour of the site, pilgrimage in the Church, Paraklesis and then go for early dinner at Stamatis Restaurant in Astoria. For information, please, call Irene Matthews at (516) 314-1645 or Mando Pappas at (516) 867-2979.

The ladies of Saint Barbara’s Philoptochos sisterhood cordially invite you for Teas & Tata’s on Thursday, October 19th at the Church Hall from 7:00 – 8:00 pm, with the participation of our GOYA as well: please, RSVP to Eleni Roselli at (516) 232-6202. October is breast cancer awareness month.  The Ladies of Philoptochos have a special tray for breast cancer on Sunday.

HOPE and JOY meet on Friday, October 13th at 7 pm: meet and greet, blessing of the children, games and registration. The children will have their Costume Party on Friday, October 27th at 7 pm. KANARIS dance group practices on Saturday, October 14th at 11 am. The Basketball (any questions, please reach out to Dominic Milito 516-652-7481) and Volleyball practices are about to start as well, with details below this message. And our Orthodox Study group and YAL meets every Thursday at 7 pm. Next Thursday, October 19th, no meeting because of the Philoptochos event.

We are also putting together tables for the nameday of His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America, which will be celebrated in NYC on Sunday, November 5th at 5 pm. For details and reservations, please, call our Church office at (516) 379-1368.

Flowers are also needed to decorate our Church for the feast day of our Patron Saint Demetrios. Please, see a Parish Council member to donate flowers for our feast. All this activity manifests the beauty of our vibrant Parish, that encompasses all ages, many interests, and every aspect of pastoral care, with Christ in our midst, in the center of our lives. See you all in our beautiful Church!


Volleyball will begin this Wednesday at Chatterton from 6:30 - 8:30 pm. We want to get practices in for the 11th and 18th because St. Demetrios Vespers is on Wednesday evening this year the 25th, and there's a volleyball tournament at Archangel Michael on Saturday the 28th... additionally, the gym is unavailable to us on the following days, so please make note: 10/25 (St. Demetrios Vespers), 11/8, 11/22, 11/29, 12/27 (closed), 2/21 (closed), 3/13, 3/27 (closed), 4/10 (closed), 4/24 (closed), 5/8. A separate GroupMe chat will be set up for volleyball and we will announce all of this information in there as well when we have a schedule of volleyball games. Have a great season!


Monday Lakeside School

SB 6:30 pm - 7:45 pm


Thursday Cure of Ars Church

JB 7 pm – 8 pm

G3 8 pm – 9 pm

JG 9 pm – 10 pm


Friday Lakeside School

Front Gym

B2 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

B3 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Back Gym

G2 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

G1 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Message of October 6, 2023:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

Last Wednesday, we had an excellent Parish Council meeting, when we discussed the proposed date to start construction of the Community Center. We believe that the best time to begin construction is this Spring of 2024. However, we need every Parish family to donate and pledge so that we can secure that we have sufficient funds to complete the project. This is for all of us. For our children to play and make friends, to learn our faith and language and to engage in positive afterschool activities. For the parents to gather together in the kafeneion, but also have time to play basketball or volleyball, to meet with the faithful and have events; we all need time away from our devices and close with our friends and people who share the same ideals with us. For the elderly, who absolutely need a space for company and fellowship, to overcome the isolation and loneliness of contemporary society. We need our faith, our culture, our social activities, we need the Community Center.

At 51 years old, after two major Church renovations, iconography projects and various Parish and Archdiocesan responsibilities, the last thing that I personally need is one more building project. But I believe in the purpose and the benefits of our Center. If I did not believe, or if I were a mere hired employee and not a Priest, I would advise against it, and not spend all this money for something as ambitious. So, the next time you ask “what is going on with the Center?” please, first make sure your name is on the list that will go out soon, which contains all the names of the donors. Also, make sure all your relatives and friends are on it. Call them, if you also believe that we need our faith and culture and a beautiful space for us to grow as a Parish and share our principles and beliefs.

As a Parish, we have ensured to purchase all the land necessary. Thanks to your donations for the renovation of the Church, we were able to secure additional funds, which paid of the architects, the engineers and the legal fees for the permits. Our construction cost is half of similar sized projects and certainly for a very high quality, safe and amazing building. We have one million dollars left over and no debt for any properties or loans. We have also half a million in pledges, some of which will come very soon. We need to have $2,000,000 by Spring to begin construction and to cover the first phase of the building project. Divided by 400 families, it comes out to $5,000 per family. Divided by 12 months, it comes out to $417, for those who prefer to offer their donation with a credit card or direct bank payment. Some families might be unable to contribute that amount; it’s ok, because the donors who will sponsor the classrooms will make up the difference. The important thing, as I mentioned last year, is for all of us to add a brick, a door, a window, a tile, anything for our Center, because it is OUR CENTER!

Churches and Schools were built by faithful people, many of them poor immigrants; never underestimate the power of a simple donation, because added next to more kind and generous simple donations, it makes a huge difference in the world we live in. But, I cannot stress this enough, we need you all, because all of us need our Center, need our faith, need our Church. It will remain here after we are all long gone, to serve our grandchildren and all future generations. Thank you for your love and support, and thank you for encouraging me to work harder and harder every day to ensure that our faith and culture find strong and inspiring ambassadors for the years to come!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


General Assembly is scheduled for Sunday, November 12th at the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy; immediately after, you are all invited for Presvytera’s Thanksgiving Brunch in our Church Hall.

Our Little Angels, have started, Wednesdays at 10 am, with kyria Anna and Mrs Sophia. We look forward to welcome our babies and our newest and purest Parish members to the group. Golden Years will visit Saint Nicholas Shrine at Ground Zero on Monday, November 13. We depart from the Church at 8:30 am; the cost for the transportation is $45. We will have a tour of the site, pilgrimage in the Church, Paraklesis and then go for early dinner at Stamatis Restaurant in Astoria. For information, please, call Irene Matthews at (516) 314-1645 or Mando Pappas at (516) 867-2979.

The ladies of Saint Barbara’s Philoptochos sisterhood cordially invite you for Teas & Tata’s on Thursday, October  19th at  the Church Hall from 7:00 – 8:00 pm: please, RSVP to Eleni Roselli at (516) 232-6202. Also, Lunch on Saturday, October 21st from 12 noon to 4 pm at Acqua Restaurant (1944 Bayberry Avenue, Merrick). Prepaid reservations only, to participate, please, call Sophia Pappas at (516) 353-5187 or Evgenia Michaelides at (516) 317-2786. October is breast cancer awareness month.  The Ladies of Philoptochos have a special tray for breast cancer on Sunday.

Our GOYA meets today, Friday, October 6th at 7:30 pm. HOPE and JOY meet on Friday, October 13th at 7 pm: meet and greet, blessing of the children, games and registration. The children will have their Costume Party on Friday, October 27th at 7 pm. KANARIS dance group practices on Saturday, October 14th at 11 am. The Basketball (any questions, please reach out to Dominic Milito 516-652-7481) and Volleyball practices are about to start as well. And our Orthodox Study group and YAL meets every Thursday at 7 pm.

Flowers are also needed to decorate our Church for the feast day of our Patron Saint Demetrios. Please, see a Parish Council member to donate flowers for our feast. All this activity manifests the beauty of our vibrant Parish, that encompasses all ages, many interests, and every aspect of pastoral care, with Christ in our midst, in the center of our lives. See you all in our beautiful Church!

Message of September 27, 2023:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

Last Sunday, I spoke to the children about the architecture and the theology of the Church building, the “Ναός.” I explained the meaning, practical significance and value of the candle, and we also discovered the beauty of Sunday’s Gospel reading, through the perspective of sacrificial love. The disciples sacrificed everything to follow Christ. We are a Church of Martyrs and Confessors, who look forward to share and manifest the faith. We are a Church that does not hide away into obscurity, but illumines the world, cares for others, and shows love through sacrifice.

The Apostles died as martyrs for the faith, except Saint John who died in exile and his transposition was celebrated last Tuesday with a beautiful service. They all sacrificed everything for Christ. Are we willing to sacrifice our time? Sunday morning, for Liturgy, or Thursday, during the Orthodox Study discussions? Are we willing to volunteer and help others? Are we willing to show our love for God through tangible actions (prayer, fasting, participation in the sacraments)?

This Sunday, we will speak about the Divine Liturgy. We will discuss the meaning, symbolism and importance of the sacrament of Holy Communion and what each part of the liturgy signifies. It is important for our children to understand and participate in the service actively, not passively.

Tonight, Thursday, September 28th, we have our first Orthodoxy on Tap gathering for all young adults and young professionals at 7 pm (Church Hall), with souvlaki, mezedakia and drinks, together with our spiritual nutrition. The topic of the discussion is THE CREATION OF THE WORLD; the book of Genesis, how the world was created, the first humans and God’s love in the created world. We are very thankful to George Menegatos, who provided the food and the drinks, so that we are nourished both spiritually and physically. See you later for this great discussion and fellowship.

On Saturday, September 30th, we have our Church School and youth outing to upstate New York, to the breathtaking Saint Basil’s Academy. The youth can enjoy BBQ, sports (soccer, basketball, swimming), hiking, and many games (carnival style games with inflatables and many more). To get there, please, use your own transportation, or carpool with your friends. The address of the Academy is 79 St Basil's Rd, Garrison, NY 10524 and the activities begin at 11 am. Can’t wait to see all our youth organizations there!

Next week, we begin with our Little Angels, Wednesdays at 10 am. Golden Years also have their first meeting for the season, on Thursday, October 5th at 12 noon. We will have an Orthodox Study meeting and discussion in Greek for our senior citizens and all our Golden Years friends. Philoptochos has a meeting on Monday, October 2nd at 7:30 pm. The ladies of Saint Barbara’s Philoptochos sisterhood cordially invite you for Lunch on Saturday, October 21st from 12 noon to 4 pm at Acqua Restaurant (1944 Bayberry Avenue, Merrick). Prepaid reservations only, to participate, please, call Sophia Pappas at (516) 353-5187 or Evgenia Michaelides at (516) 317-2786. October is breast cancer awareness month.  The Ladies of Philoptochos have a special tray for breast cancer on Sunday. Parish Council meets on Wednesday, October 4th at 7 pm.

Our GOYA meets on Friday, October 6th at 7:30 pm. HOPE and JOY meet on Saturday, October 7th at 7 pm. The children will have their Costume Party on Friday, October 27th at 7 pm. KANARIS dance group practices on Saturday, October 14th at 11 am. The Basketball and Volleyball practices are about to start as well. And our Orthodox Study group and YAL meets every Thursday at 7 pm.

Flowers are also needed to decorate our Church for the feast day of our Patron Saint Demetrios. Please, see a Parish Council member to donate flowers for our feast. And this Sunday, is dedicated to our chanters and Byzantine choirs (our youth choir included), as we celebrate their Patron Saint Romanos the Melodist. Pray for our wonderful chanters so that they may always praise the Lord with their God-given talent.

All this activity manifests the beauty of our vibrant Parish, that encompasses all ages, many interests, and every aspect of pastoral care, with Christ in our midst, in the center of our lives. See you all in our beautiful Church!

Message of September 21, 2023:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

On Thursday, September 28th, we have our first Orthodoxy on Tap gathering for all young adults at 7 pm (Church Hall), with souvlaki, mezedakia and drinks, together with our spiritual nutrition. The topic of the discussion is the book of Genesis, how the world was created, the first humans and God’s love in the created world.

On Saturday, September 30th, we have our Church School and youth outing to upstate New York, to the breathtaking Saint Basil’s Academy. The youth can enjoy BBQ, sports (soccer, basketball, swimming), hiking, and many games (carnival style games with inflatables and many more). To get there, please, use your own transportation, or carpool with your friends. The address of the Academy is 79 St Basil's Rd, Garrison, NY 10524 and the activities begin at 11 am. Can’t wait to see all our youth organizations there!

We enjoyed the Parish Ministries’ Sunday last week and seeing all the youth and the families gather together to begin another amazing year for Church School, Greek School, Little Angels, HOPE, JOY, GOYA, YAL and Golden Years. This Monday, September 25th at 7:30pm we have a Basketball meeting in the church hall. More information below. Also, last week, father spoke to the children about the meaning of the Cross in our lives and the idea of sacrifice as a manifestation of true love and faith. The sermon is also accessible in YouTube under the title “Father Nikiforos' Sermon for the Sunday after the Elevation of the Holy Cross” and accessible by this link:

This week, father will explain important elements about the Church structure, the architecture, iconography, candles and introduce significant information all Orthodox Christians should know about the faith. It is a significant lesson for the youth and all our family members. On Tuesday, September 26, we celebrate the Transposition of Saint John the Evangelist with Orthros and Divine Liturgy at 9 am.  And on Wednesday, September 27, Little Angels will meet from 10 am – 12 noon. The Altar Servers will enjoy an amazing retreat, October 21st, at the neighboring Parish of Archangel Michael (5 pm). There, they will meet other young people who serve God every Sunday, play games and have an amazing time.

Message of September 14, 2023:


            The Church celebrates the memory of Saints Sophia, Pistis, Elpis and Agape on September 17th.  Their beautiful names are translated in English as wisdom, faith, hope and love.  Saint Sophia was the mother of three daughters, Pistis, Elpis and Agape. The martyrdom of an entire family shows the spirit of sacrificial love that was inspired by our Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross and imitated by His Saints.  The pain of a mother who sees her children suffer is comforted by her faith in God, who received their souls in His eternal Kingdom.  The glory of holiness is everlasting and it comforts the temporary pain and tribulations of this life.  After all, we do not honor the persecutors and the fanatics who attempted to extinguish all Christians; we do, however, celebrate the memory of those who persevered in the faith and who inspire many generations with their bravery, love, faith and courage.

            The Greek word Sophia (=wisdom) is a concept frequently mentioned in the Bible and in divine services.  In the Old Testament, wisdom is the awe for God and the love for fulfilling His commandments.  There are people who are intelligent, but they are not wise.  There are persons who possess scientific and other knowledge, yet, they use it for evil, not for good.  Human beings are the only creatures who destroy others, themselves and the environment they live in; man is capable of destroying the planet and everything in it many times over.  Why?  Basically, lack of wisdom, not lack of knowledge.  We know what we are capable of and we know of the aftermath.  It is ideal for a person to possess both secular knowledge and spiritual wisdom.  Just like the Three Hierarchs and many of our Saints.  Christians should excel academically and scholastically.  But, we should not criticize someone who happened to be illiterate: that person might go to Heaven, like Saint Anthony.  Wisdom is the measure of holiness; the daughters of wisdom are faith (knowing and doing the will of God), hope (expectation of Heaven and eternal life and trust in God’s will and Testament) and love (love for God, philanthropy, love for everyone and creation, sacrificial caring and giving and divine Grace).  These three virtues are the building blocks that make a human being wise, a Christian!

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


            Στις 17 Σεπτεμβρίου εορτάζουμε την μνήμη των τεσσάρων παρθενομαρτύρων Σοφίας και των θυγατέρων αυτής, Πίστεως, Αγάπης και Ελπίδος.  Η μαρτυρική θυσία μίας ολόκληρης οικογένειας αποδεικνύει το μίσος των διωκτών του Χριστιανισμός, την χάρη και το θάρρος των Αγίων μας καθώς και το δίδαγμα αυτοθυσίας και αυτοπροσφοράς που αναδύει από τον βίο του Κυρίου και των Αγίων Του.  Στο βίο της Αγίας Σοφίας, ξεχωρίζει ο πόνος μίας μητέρας που είδε τα παιδιά της να βασανίζονται και να εξοντώνονται από ένα βάναυσο δυνάστη.  Αλλά, και τη χαρά και την τιμή του γονιού που αναβλέπει τα παιδιά του να είναι ενάρετα, την περηφάνεια και την δόξα της αγιότητος, που προσδίδει στις Αγίες της ημέρας όχι μόνο δόξα εγκόσμια και πρόσκαιρη, αλλά ουράνια και παντοτινή.  Η χαρά του Παραδείσου απάλυνε τον πόνο του μαρτυρίου τους.  Η προσδοκία της Αναστάσεως έλαμψε μέσα στο σκότος του πάθους και του μίσους που τους περιέβαλλε.  Δεν τιμούμε τους δυνάστες, τους φανατικούς και τους πολεμίους του Χριστιανισμού που προέβησαν σε εγκλήματα και διωγμούς.  Θυμόμαστε όμως και τιμούμε, εορτάζουμε και πανηγυρίζουμε την μνήμη των Αγίων που αποτελούν διαχρονικά παραδείγματα, υποδείγματα και στηρίγματα για την πίστη και τη ζωή μας.

            Μπορούμε επίσης να σταθούμε στην ερμηνεία της λέξεως «σοφία».  Στην Παλαιά Διαθήκη, σοφία είναι ο σεβασμός του Θεού και η αγάπη για την τήρηση των εντολών Του.  Πολλοί άνθρωποι είναι έξυπνοι, αλλά λίγοι είναι σοφοί.  Υπάρχουν σοφοί άνθρωποι που δεν γνωρίζουν γράμματα, αλλά έχουν ενάρετο βίο και υστεροφημία.  Οι επιλογές τους και οι αποφάσεις τους βαπτίζονται στη σύνεση και στην ενσυνείδητη πίστη. Υπάρχουν επιστήμονες και «νοήμονες», όμως, που δεν έχουν σοφία.  Σκέπτονται με βάση την καταστροφή και την εξόντωση, τον όλεθρο και την αλλαζονεία.  Το ιδανικό είναι ο άνθρωπος να συνδυάζει και την γνώση και την σοφία.  Αλλά επιστήμη χωρίς ηθική, καταστρέφει.  Και ο άνθρωπος είναι το μόνο ον που όχι μόνο καταστρέφει αλλά και αυτοκαταστρέφεται, στρέφεται εναντίον του συνανθρώπου, του εαυτού του και του περιβάλλοντός του που τον συντηρεί.  Συμπερασματικά, η σοφία ενέχει τις αρετές της πίστεως, που είναι τρόπος ζωής κατά Χριστόν και εν Χριστώ, της αγάπης, που είναι η αυτοπροσφορά, η φιλανθρωπία και το πόρισμα της θείας χάριτος και της ελπίδος, που είναι η επιδίωξη του Παραδείσου και η εμπιστοσύνη στο θέλημα του Θεού και στη θεία Του πρόνοια.  Οι τρεις θυγατέρες της σοφίας είναι οι αρετές που οικοδομούν έναν άνθρωπο σοφό και συνετό, έναν Χριστιανό.

Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος  Νικηφόρος Φακίνος

Message of September 1, 2023:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,


September 1st is the beginning of the New Ecclesiastical Year. We begin the New Church Year with the Agiasmos, the blessing of all our people and especially with prayers for the protection and the Divine illumination of our students and our youth.

September 1st is also marked by the celebration of the MOST NAMEDAYS of any other day of the year in the Orthodox calendar. Look at all the names of Saints we commemorate today and do not forget to extend your wishes to all your friends and relatives who have their nameday celebrations:


Symeon Stylites, Righteous Joshua, Saint Meletios the Younger, Holy New Martyr Angelis, ADAMANTIOS (Adamantios, Adamantia, Amanda),  APHRODITE (Afrodite, Fregia), AKRIVI, ANTIGONI (Antigone, Antigoni),  ASPASIA (Aspasia),  ATHINA (Athena, Athina),  CLEO (Clio),  CLEOPATRA, (Cleopatra, Kleopatra, Patra, Patroula, Cleo), CORALIA (Koralia, Koralou), DIAMANTO (Diamando, Adamandia, Ada), DIONI (Dioni), DODONI (Dodone), EFTERPI (Evterpi), ELPINIKI (Helpiniki), ERASMIA (Erasmea), ERATO (Erato), HAIDO (Haido, Haideftos), HARIKLIA (Hariklia, Haroula), ISMENE (Jasmin, Yasmin, Jasmeen, Yasmeen, Ismini), JOSHUA (Joshua, Jesus of Navi), KALLIROI (Kaliroi), KALLISTI (Kalisti),  KALLISTO (Kallisto), KLEONIKI (Kleonikos), MANDO (Mando, Mandi, Manto), MARGARET (Margarita),  MARIANTHI (Marianthe), MELETIOS (Meletios, Meletis), MELPOMENI (Melpmene), MOSHO (Moshoula), OURANIA (Ourania, Urania, Rania), PANDORA (Pandora), PENELOPE (Pinelopi, Bilio), POLIMNIA (Polimnia), POLINIKI (Polynike, Polyniki, Polyna, Polina), POLYTIMI (Polytimi, Timi), RALLIA (Rallia,Raylee) RALLIS (Rallis, Ralis), SAPFO (Sapho), SIMEON (Simeon), TERPSIHORI (Terpsihori), THALIA (Thalia)  THEANO (Theano), THEONIMPHI (Theonymphi).

Χρόνια πολλά and best wishes to all of you who celebrate and we will see you on Sunday to express our prayers to all for health, salvation and divine protection!


As you know, the feast days of our holy Tradition have been arranged in a cyclical form starting with the Birth of the Virgin Mary (September 8). Then, we proceed to all other significant holy days, including, to name a few, the Presentation of the Virgin Mary into the Temple (November 21), Christmas (December 25), Theophany (January 6), the Presentation of the Lord into the Temple (February 2) until the feasts of Holy Week, the Crucifixion and the Resurrection of the Lord - Pascha, the Ascension of the Lord, Pentecost, and the Dormition of the Virgin Mary (August 15).  Thus, the Orthodox cycle of feasts moves in cycles, starting in September and concluding in August.

The celebrations of our Tradition signify the realization of the divine plan for the salvation of humanity (Incarnation, Resurrection, Ascension, Pentecost) as well as the journey of every human being toward Heaven (through the observance of these feasts, the glorification of God and the participation in the holy sacraments). God gives us the opportunity to nurture our souls with His Grace and the spiritual admonition of His revealed wisdom. His message is given through holy Tradition, in the Bible, in the literature of the Fathers and in the unwritten wisdom of the Church. The fruits of the Grace of God are love, faith, charity, repentance, peace and discernment.

The New Ecclesiastical Year begins with hope and joy. We need to use as many spiritual blessings our Church provides as possible. Receiving the holy sacraments, studying the Holy Scriptures and being edified with other spiritual opportunities are the steps that take us closer to God, the steps we have to walk on. This way, we may look forward for a blessed year, for a year that brings salvation and redemption, for a


Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Highlighted Events – Coming Up, Do not Miss!

Wednesday’s GOYA event at Jones Beach was a tremendous success. The advisors were very proud of how helpful the young members of GOYA were as they completed the adventure course, played mini-golf and had an amazing day together in our beautiful South Shore of Long Island. We are grateful to the Trahanas family for the delicious Oceanfront dinner and we wish our youth a beautiful year with many such amazing events.

Our Parish is now preparing for the events, ministries and programs of the new School year. First, we will have our Church picnic, on Sunday, September 10th after the service at Eisenhower Park. BBQ with delicious food, games and sports for the children and the families, music and fellowship will make the day a great gateway to the many amazing activities of our Parish. The event is free for all the youth of Little Angels, HOPE, JOY, GOYA and YAL, as we celebrate the beginning of the new year. We will have our volleyball, soccer, football and softball games for the youth. Don’t miss it!

Sunday, September 17th is Parish Ministries Day. You may come to the Church Hall after the service and register for all Parish organizations that are of interest for you. On that day, we will have continuing Church School registration, Little Angels, HOPE, JOY, GOYA and YAL registrations, with booths in our Church Hall and our volunteers ready to assist you and your families. Our Philoptochos Board confirmation is also on Sunday, September 17th after the service. We congratulate our talented ladies and wish them every success in the ministry of serving our fellow brethren.

On Saturday, September 30th, we have our Church School and youth outing to upstate New York, to the breathtaking Saint Basil’s Academy. The youth can enjoy BBQ, sports (soccer, basketball, swimming), hiking, and many games (carnival style games with inflatables and many more). To get there, please, use your own transportation, or carpool with your friends. The address of the Academy is 79 St Basil's Rd, Garrison, NY 10524 and the activities begin at 11 am. Can’t wait to see all our youth organization there!

Greek School has started the registration process, please, register your children as soon as possible to avoid late class selection or additional late fees and charges. The program this year includes many new ways to make our culture and language easier and more fun to learn and comprehend. The Greek School 2022-23 academic year registration information is at this link: .

Church School: On Sunday, September 3rd, we begin our Church School Registration immediately after the Divine Liturgy. On Sunday, September 10th, we will have the service of the Agiasmos – the blessing of the students, and first day of meeting with their teachers and friends.

The Altar Servers will enjoy an amazing retreat, October 21st, at the neighboring Parish of Archangel Michael (4 pm). There, they will meet other young people who serve God every Sunday, play games and have an amazing time.

In all, we are starting the new ecclesiastical year with more energy and more resolve to make this year productive and spiritually beneficial. Our families need it. Our world needs it. Enjoy these beautiful summer days and see you all in Church!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message of August 24, 2023:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

On Sunday, August 27th, we celebrate Saint Phanourios, a miraculous and newly revealed Martyr of the early Church. I will speak extensively about the Saint at the service in his honor, which will take place on Sunday morning at 9 am. You may bring the pies of the Saint – φανουρόπιτες and the names of your loved ones, so that we pray for health, salvation and divine protection for our families and friends.

In life, we all search for something. Sometimes we even stress about it. Stress is the dialogue with our own selves for the things we cannot change. Prayer is the dialogue with God for the things that are entirely in His control. Pray to Saint Phanourios to find what you are looking for in life. Sometimes, he even helps you find what you were not even looking for, but God knows you need. It is the fulfillment of the prayer “thy will be done” instead of “my will be done.” And Saint Phanourios has manifested the grace of God with many miracles and amazing blessings.

May we all find what we seek; through the intercessions of Saint Phanourios, we receive the Lord’s revelation, illuminating the path of salvation. Saturday is also the feast of Saints Andrianos and Natalia. I would like to wish a very happy name-day to all the Natalias in the Parish (we have 3!). And to my beautiful daughter Natalia we send best wishes as well: «χρόνια πολλά κι ευλογημένα αγάπη μου!» Below, is the summary of the life of the Saints, a great and inspirational example of love between a husband and a wife.

Saints Adrianos and Natalia

The holy Martyrs Adrian and Natalia confessed the Christian Faith during the reign of Maximian, in Nicomedia, in the year 298. Adrian was a pagan; witnessing the valor of the Martyrs, and the fervent faith with which they suffered their torments, he also declared himself a Christian and was imprisoned. When this was told to his wife Natalia, who was secretly a believer, she visited him in prison and encouraged him in his sufferings. Saint Adrian's hands and feet were placed on an anvil and broken off with a hammer; he died in his torments. His blessed wife recovered part of his holy relics and took it to Argyropolis near Byzantium. She reposed in peace soon after. (from the Synaxarion, or lives of Saints, in the Orthodox Calendar of the Archdiocese Website: )

Saints Adrian (in Greek Adrianos) and Natalia are an example of Christian faith, self-denial and sacrificial love.  The word love is thrown around a lot (use more than any other concept in poems, songs, movies and the arts). Nevertheless, the example of Adrian, who endured severe martyrdom for his love of Christ is admirable. Most Christians do not even participate in a weekly Sunday service, let alone give their whole life to Christ.

Saint Natalia, on the other hand, is an inspiring wife, who risked her life to support her suffering husband. Furthermore, she walked a long journey, just to offer her husband a proper burial and the honor of a Christian martyr. Her love for him is in antithesis of many contemporary couples, who hardly do anything for each other, who hurt each other and commit acts that break the unity of their matrimony. Like a Christian version of Romeo and Juliet, Saint Natalia died as soon as she fulfilled her mission, after a long trip and many tribulations. Her death was not in vein, since it was thanks to her that we know of the Saints who became an eternal symbol of self-sacrifice and true love!

Apolytikion in the Third Tone

“You did deem that Faith, which has salvation to its wealth, never lost or plundered. You had forsaken your father's impiety, and you did follow your Lord, becoming rich in His divine gifts, O glorious Adrian. With the godly-minded Natalia, who emboldened you, entreat Christ our God, O Martyr, that our souls be saved.”

Kontakion in the Fourth Tone

“Having wisely laid to heart all the divine words of your godly-minded wife, Adrian, Martyr of Christ God, in torments you persevered ardently; and with your yoke-mate you now have received your crown.”

Άγιοι Ανδριανός και Ναταλία

Οι Άγιοι Ανδριανός και Ναταλία ήταν έγγαμοι μάρτυρες της πρωτοχριστιανικής εκκλησίας. Ζούσαν στη Νικομήδια και μαρτύρησαν την πίστη στο Χριστό κατά το έτος 298 μ.Χ. Ο Άγιος Ανδριανός εγκατέλειψε την ειδωλολατρεία βλέποντας το θάρρος, την πίστη και την αγάπη των μαρτύρων. Φυλακίστηκε εξ’ αιτίας της Χριστιανικής του ταυτότητος και βασανίστηκε οικτρά. Η σύζυγός του, η Αγία Ναταλία, και η ίδια κρυπτοχριστιανή, του έδινε θάρρος κατά τη διάρκεια των βασανιστηρίων. Του μιλούσε για το στεφάνι της Αγιότητος που περιμένει και να μην προδώσει την πίστη του. Όταν του έσπασαν τα άκρα με σφυριά και του άνοιγαν τις πληγές, εκείνη ερχόταν στη φυλακή για να τον περιποιηθεί, χωρίς να φοβάται αν την συλλάβουν.

Όταν εκδήμησε ο Άγιος Ανδριανός, η Αγία Ναταλία, έλαβε το σκήνωμά του (τα λείψανα που είχαν απομείνει μετά τα οικτρά βασανηστήρια) και τα μετέφερε στην Αργυρόπολη, κοντά στο Βυζάντιο. Μετά το μακρύ ταξίδι και αφού εκπλήρωσε την αποστολή της να διαφυλάξει το σεπτό σκήνωμα με τιμή, η Αγία Ναταλία εξεδήμησε εν Κυρίω. Αποτελεί υπόδειγμα αγάπης και αυτοπροσφοράς. Το μαρτύριο των Αγίων θυμίζει σε εμάς, τους σύγχρονους Χριστιανούς που οι περισσότεροι δεν θυσιάζουμε ούτε μία ώρα την εβδομάδα για εκλησιασμό, να δίνουμε τη ζωή μας και να προσφέρουμε για τον Θεό, τον συνάνθρωπο και αυτούς που μάς εμπιστεύεται ο Κύριος, την οικογένειά μας.

Η σύγχρονη οικογένεια πάσχει γιατί λείπει το πνεύμα θυσίας και προσφοράς. Ζητάμε αλλά δεν δίνουμε. Οι σχέσεις γίνονται μονόδρομες και όχι αμφίδρομες. Οι σύζυγοι δεν παραμένουν σύζυγοι, να σηκώνουν μαζί το ζυγό με ισορροπία, αρμονία και αγάπη. Μεγαλώνουν τα ποσσοστά συζύγουν που απατούν ο ένας τον άλλο, που τους κακομεταχειρίζονται και υβρίζονται ακόμη και μπροστά στα αθώα και ανήμπορα παιδιά τους. Έτσι μεγαλώνουν και οι παιδικές ψυχασθένειες και τα παιδιά είναι τα θύματα ενός πολέμουν που δεν προκάλεσαν. Ο Θεός μάς τα δίνει ως αγγελούδια και εμείς τους δίνουμε μια κόλαση.

Η Χριστιανική οικογένεια είναι το μόνο λιμάνι σωτηρίας στο οποίο οι αρχές και τα ηθικά ιδανικά του Ευαγγελίου καλλιεργούν αληθινή και καρδιακή αγάπη, ειρηνική συμβίωση και αγαλλίαση. Για το λόγο αυτό, πρέπει να βλέπουμε στους Αγίους μας υποδείγματα και παραδείγματα ήθους και συμπεριφοράς. Παραδείγματα αληθινής αγάπης!

Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος

Highlighted Events – Coming Up, Do not Miss!

Our Parish is now preparing for the events, ministries and programs of the new School year. First, we will have our Church picnic, on Sunday, September 10th after the service at Eisenhower Park. BBQ with delicious food, games and sports for the children and the families, music and fellowship will make the day a great gateway to the many amazing activities of our Parish. The event is free for all the youth of Little Angels, HOPE, JOY, GOYA and YAL, as we celebrate the beginning of the new year. We will have our volleyball, soccer, football and softball games for the youth. Don’t miss it!

On Saturday, September 30th, we have our Church School and youth outing to upstate New York, to the breathtaking Saint Basil’s Academy. The youth can enjoy BBQ, sports (soccer, basketball, swimming), hiking, and many games (carnival style games with inflatables and many more). To get there, please, use your own transportation, or carpool with your friends. The address of the Academy is 79 St Basil's Rd, Garrison, NY 10524 and the activities begin at 11 am. Can’t wait to see all our youth organization there!

Our Philoptochos Board confirmation is on Sunday, September 17th after the service. We congratulate our talented ladies and wish them every success in the ministry of serving our fellow brethren.

Greek School has started the registration process, please, register your children as soon as possible to avoid late class selection or additional late fees and charges. The program this year includes many new ways to make our culture and language easier and more fun to learn and comprehend. The Greek School 2022-23 academic year registration information is at this link: .

Church School: On Sunday, September 3rd, we begin our Church School Registration immediately after the Divine Liturgy. On Sunday, September 10th, we will have the service of the Agiasmos – the blessing of the students, and first day of meeting with their teachers and friends.

The Altar Servers will enjoy an amazing retreat, October 21st, at the neighboring Parish of Archangel Michael (2 pm). There, they will meet other young people who serve God every Sunday, play games and have an amazing time.

We will also provide all the details for our Youth programs, Little Angels, HOPE, JOY, GOYA, and YAL, along with registration, program of activities, meetings, and the athletic teams’ information.

In all, we are starting the new ecclesiastical year in a few weeks with more energy and more resolve to make this year productive and spiritually beneficial. Our families need it. Our world needs it. Enjoy these beautiful summer days and see you all in Church!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message of August 10, 2023:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

This Sunday, we invite all the College and University students for a blessing before the new academic year begins. Thanks to the initiative of His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America, one Sunday of the year is designated for the blessing of our young people who pursue higher education in academics. We pray that they all earn not just a degree and a career, but most importantly, the building blocks for a high moral caliber: hard work ethic and valued principles, based on which, they will build their future homes and lives.

Many of our Saints were very well educated in academics and they inspire us to learn and to teach. Colleges and Universities should promote learning and steer away from indoctrination in immorality and unpatriotic propaganda. It is important to instill in our youth love for all, without discrimination, and knowledge in their field of expertise without prejudice and hatred. Hard work is always rewarded in life; honesty, morality and kindness are assets for any successful human being.

Please, pray for our College and University students. In my 26 years in the clergy, I have seen many of the young people of the Church advance and succeed. I feel like a proud (spiritual) father, who sees the progress and talks about the merits of his children with love and admiration. Moments ago, I wrote a recommendation letter for one of our graduates, who applied for a very good position; and I also blessed two very prominent businesses today of successful young members of the Parish, one of them a past GOYA President. I cannot express my honor and pride in seeing our youth excel and advance.

My humble advice to all parents, keep your children involved with all the Church programs, starting early, from Little Angels, to HOPE, JOY, GOYA, YAL, Greek School and Church School. Start early, before they go to College and they are exposed to various toxic behaviors from many people, who do not share the same values we love and profess. Use our youth programs as a “positive peer pressure” of like-minded young people who promote health, positive behavior and stay away from abuses of substances, or other abusive and detrimental behaviors.

Most importantly, in our Church programs, we learn our faith, we establish a connection with God, we increase our spiritual awareness and we make long-lasting friendships. We receive the sacraments and we enjoy the cultural, religious and philanthropic activities that make our lives meaningful and Christ-centered.

Keep making me a proud spiritual father, a priest who has many positive stories of transformative progress for his youth and amazing examples of future leaders in our Church and our Community. Have a blessed new academic year, with many wonderful experiences, great friendships and the love of God in your lives!

Looking forward to seeing all of you at the services this week, and at the wonderful celebration of August 15th, the Dormition and Assumption of the Panaghia!

Καλό Δεκαπενταύγουστο! Καλή Παναγιά!!!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message of August 4, 2023:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

I am so happy to be back to our beautiful Parish in order to celebrate with you the “Pascha of summer” or “Pascha after Pascha”, the feast of the Dormition and the Ascension of the Theotokos. Every day until August 15th, we have services, which are indicated below this message. I look forward to seeing you all during the beautiful Paraklesis services; you may bring the names of your loved ones to be commemorated for health and salvation for all the days leading to the feast of Dekapentavgoustos – August 15th.

In Greece, I was spiritually replenished in many ways. I was blessed to celebrate the services in beautiful Churches and offer the sacraments to my loved ones back in the motherland. I also celebrated weddings, a baptism and one engagement. Presvytera and I were so happy to see our beautiful Katerina receive Anthony’s proposal to marriage. When we came to the Parish, Katerina was 1 year old, and now, she has graduated College, studying for her Masters and also planning her wedding. Presvytera and I could not be happier and this trip to Greece will remain unforgettable.

The transformation of our lives, from infancy, to childhood and adulthood, is symbolically parallel to the transfiguration of our lives in the spiritual realm. This Sunday, I would like to invite you all to bring grapes to the Church, so that they are blessed, and our homes are filled with the grace of God’s gifts. A grape is a wonderful symbol of transformation. From the fruit, it turns to wine. And the wine is brought to Church to become the Blood of Christ for the Precious sacrament of Holy Communion.

Life is a constant journey of “metamorphosis” elevating our existence closer to God, through His Grace and blessings. “I want to say something about the spirituality debate. Someone doesn’t believe in God? It is their choice… Why is it so important for many people to mock those of us that do? If we 're wrong, what have we lost when we die? Nothing! How does our believing in Jesus bring any harm? Someone thinks it makes me stupid? Gullible? It is my choice! How does that affect others? If an atheist is wrong, the consequences are far worse.

I would rather live my life believing in God and serving Him, and find out I was right, than not believe in Him and not serve Him, and find out I was wrong. Then it's too late. In my life, following the Lord’s commandments has served me well. It motivates me to love, to forgive and to care. It prompts me to improve and to transform.

There's no shame in my game! I believe in Jesus Christ. He said deny me in front of your friends & I will deny you in front of my Father. HE 'S COMING BACK... He changed history. He had no servants, yet they called him Lord. He had no degree, yet they called him Teacher. He had no medicines, yet they called him Healer. He had no army, yet kings feared Him. He won no military battles, yet He conquered the world. He committed no crime, yet they crucified Him. He was buried in a tomb, yet He lives today. His name is Jesus.”

Jesus transformed the world, by changing each one of us, one person at the time. We all aim for personal transformation and transfiguration. On August 6th, the Orthodox Church celebrates the feast day of the Transfiguration of Christ.  The Transfiguration of the Lord is a revelation of Christ’s theanthropic identity (He is both a perfect God and a perfect human being).  Jesus fulfilled the promise of His Father, being Himself the Savior and the Redeemer of humanity.  Peter, James and John witnessed of the miraculous Transfiguration of the Lord.  They had a pre-taste of the eternal Kingdom.  That experience was enough for them to forget all their worldly cares and to request that they stay there for the rest of their lives.  A glimpse of the uncreated light was enough for them to put their lives into perspective.  Nothing is more important than the Kingdom of God.  Everything is temporary, yet the Kingdom of Heaven is eternal.  Like the hesychasts who also experienced the uncreated light through unceasing prayer, the disciples also found their purpose in life in communicating with God and being transformed by His divine Grace.

We also request the invocation of God’s Grace, so that our daily realities may be inspired by the Heavenly joy of the eternal Kingdom.  We look forward for our lives to be spiritually transformed on the basis of virtue and divine Grace.  The unending light of faith is the beacon guiding us to the safe harbor of salvation.  It was the experience of this light that changed the disciples; and they, in return, changed the world.  Christians are bestowed with the sacred vocation to be the light of the world, illuminating and transfiguring society to become a community of love, faith, hope and salvation.  The sacraments of the Church are the fuel that empowers us to fulfill such a sacred task.  Our example is the way to reflect the illumination of Christ upon others, the same way the stars reflect the radiance of the Sun.  The Sun of Righteousness, our Savior, was bathed in the light of His Holy Transfiguration to break apart the darkness of corruption and to lead us to the everlasting joy of salvation.

Καλό Δεκαπενταύγουστο! Καλή Παναγιά!!!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


Στις 6 Αυγούστου, η Ορθόδοξος Εκκλησία εορτάζει την πανήγυρη της Μεταμορφώσεως του Σωτήρος.  Η Μεταμόρφωσις του Σωτήρος είναι μία αποκάλυψη του Θεανθρώπου, που γεφυρώνει την Παλαιά με την Καινή Διαθήκη και εκπληρώνει το πρωτευαγγέλιο με τον ερχομό Του.  Ο Χριστός στην θεία Του Μεταμόρφωση ανοίγει μία χαραμάδα ώστε και εμείς οι θνητοί, με εκπροσώπους τους μαθητές Του, να αναγνωρίσουμε την μακαριότητα και την αγαλλίαση της αιωνίου Βασιλείας.  Ο Πέτρος, ο Ιάκωβος και ο Ιωάννης, προγευόμενοι την Θεοπτία και την Θεωρία της Μεταμορφώσεως ζητούν να κατασκευάσουν τρεις σκηνές, μία σκηνή για τον Κύριο, μία για τον Μωϋσή και μία για τον Ηλία, που συμμετείχαν στο μέγα μυστήριο της Μεταμορφώσεως.  Δεν νοιάζονται για τους εαυτούς των, αλλά είναι έτοιμοι να αφιερώσουν όλη τους την ζωή ώστε να συμμετέχουν στην μακαριότητα της συγκεκριμένης εμπερίας.  Μία χαραμάδα προς το άκτιστο φως του Παραδείσου αρκεί για να φωτίσει και να δώσει νόημα στη ζωή τους.  Αρκεί για να ξεχάσουν τις υποχρεώσεις και τα φορτία της καθημερινότητος.  Όπως οι ησυχαστές, που με την αδιάλειπτο προσευχή εβίωσαν την εμπειρία του ακτίστου φωτός, έτσι και εκείνοι πληρώνονται με Χάρη και Ουράνια αγαλλίαση.

Στις 6 Αυγούστου επικαλούμαστε την ίδια Χάρη και αγαλλίαση να μεταμορφώσει και την δική μας καθημερινότητα σε μία Ουράνια εμεπειρία.  Επιζητούμε να μετασχηματιστεί ο βίος μας με βάση όχι τις βιοτικές μέριμνες, αλλά την σωτήριο πορεία και με φάρο το ανέσπερο φως της λυτρώσεως.  Ο Θεός αποκαλείπτει τον Υιό Του, τον Σωτήρα και Λυτρωτή του γένους των ανθρώπων, ως χορηγό της θείας αποκαλύψεως.  Για τους μαθητές Του, ήταν αρκετή μία μόνο εμπειρία για να τους μεταμορφώσει και δια αυτών να μεταμορφωθεί η Οικουμένη.  Για εμάς, οι ουρανοδρόμες δωρεές των Μυστηρίων της Εκκλησίας, δια των οποίων μεταλαμβάνουμε την θεία Χάρη και το ζωηφόρο φως της πίστεως, θα πρέπει να αποτελούν το καύσιμο για να κινούμαστε προς τον Θεό, για να μεταμορφώνουμε τον κόσμο.  Οι Χριστιανοί, το αλάτι της γης και το φως του κόσμου, οφείλουμε να λάμπουμε δια του παραδείγματος, των πράξεων και των έργων μας.  Οι πράξεις μας να αντανακλούν το Ουράνιο φως που έλουσε τον Κύριό μας στο υψηλό όρος της Μεταμορφώσεως.

Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος



Dear Parishioners of Saint Demetrios Community,


It has been 21 years since we first started our spiritual journey together in this beautiful Parish of Merrick. My first service in Saint Demetrios was a Paraklesis to the Panaghia, praying for the health and salvation of our blessed Parish family. At the time, I was reading the names from the papers you sent to the altar and all the names were all new to me. Now, you send me the names and I know which family sent them and who you all are. In 21 years, I have been with you for all the significant events of your lives.

These years have been blessed and graced by the benevolence of our Lord and great accomplishments that will be cherished by the generations to come.  One of those historical marks in the progress of the Community was the completion of the major icons of the Church. The icon of the Platytera in the sanctuary of our Church was the first of these spectacular icons.  Starting August 1st, and during all weekdays and Sundays before the feast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary, we will be praying under the loving arms of the Panaghia for the health, salvation and divine protection of our families. 

There are countless persons who need our prayers and the intercessions of the Blessed Mother; persons who are in hospitals, persons who are mourning, persons who need God’s grace, salvation and holy illumination. We are also praying for our youth and children, knowing that she, a Mother, and the greatest Saint of the Church, will intercede on our behalf and for our loved ones.

            It will be a blessing for our Parishioners to participate in the divine services of the Paraklesis (Invocation to the Virgin Mary).  The services take place every evening, Monday through Friday, from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.  You may also send the names of your family members and the names of those who need our prayers via mail.  The first Paraklesis will take place on Tuesday, August 1 at 7 p.m.  The names will be commemorated until the great feast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary.  Have a beautiful summer and may the intercessions of the Theotokos be with all of you.


Αγαπητοί ενορίτες του Αγίου Δημητρίου,


Έχουν συμπληρωθεί ήδη 21 χρόνια που βρισκόμαστε μαζί στον πνευματικό αγώνα και την σωτήριο πορεία της Κοινότητός μας. Η πρώτη μου ακολουθία στο Μέρρικ ήταν η Παράκληση στην Παναγία, ευχόμενος και προσευχόμενος για την υγεία και σωτηρία των οικογενειών μας. Τότε, διάβαζα τα ονόματα που στέλνατε στο ιερό κι όλα τα ονόματα ήταν άγνωστα σε εμένα. Αλλά τώρα, γνωρίζω όλα τα χαρτιά που στέλνετε, τα ονόματα και τις οικογένειές σας. Έχω ευλογήσει τις σημαντικότερες στιγμές στην ζωή σας αυτά τα χρόνια.

21 χρονιά στην οποία ο Κύριος μας χάρισε τις ευλογίες και τις πλούσιες δωρεές Του.  Σε αυτό το διάστημα, η αγιογράφηση του ναού θα μάς μείνει αξέχαστη. Θυμόμαστε πως άρχισε με την εικόνα της Πλατυτέρας στο ιερό του ναού μας να αποτελεί σταθμό στην ιστορία της Κοινότητος.  Αρχίζοντας από την πρώτη του Αυγούστου και για κάθε εσπέρα της εβδομάδος, θα ψάλλουμε τον Παρακλητικό Κανόνα προς της Υπεραγία Θεοτόκο υπέρ υγείας, προστασίας και θείας βοηθείας των ενοριτών μας και των οικογενειών μας.  Κάτω από την Θεία Σκέπη της Πλατυτέρας, θα προσευχόμαστε για τους ασθενείς, για τους πενθούντας και για όσους χρειάζονται τις πρεσβείες της Μεσίτριας Μητέρας του Θεού. Ως Μητέρα κατανοεί και πρεσβεύει για τους γονείς, τη νεολαία, τα παιδιά μας κι όσους αγαπούμε. 

Όποτε το πρόγραμμα των ασχολιών σας επιτρέπει, είναι ευλογία να συμψάλλουμε την Παράκληση.  Κάθε εσπέρα, από Δευτέρα μέχρι Παρασκευή.  Μπορείτε επίσης να στείλετε τα ονόματα των οικογενειών σας και όσων χρειάζονται τις ικεσίες της Υπεραγίας Θεοτόκου και ταχυδρομικώς.  Η πρώτη Παράκληση θα λάβει χώρα την Τρίτη 1 Αυγούστου στις 7 μ.μ.  Τα ονόματα θα μνημονεύονται μέχρι και την εορτή της Κοιμήσεως της Θεοτόκου.  Καλό Δεκαπενταύγουστο και οι ευχές της Παναγίας να είναι πάντοτε μαζί σας!


In the Lord’s Service,   Με εν Χριστώ ευχές,



Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos     Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος






Αρχή Νηστείας:


Τρίτη 1 Αυγούστου,             7 μ.μ. – 8 μ.μ.: Παρακλητικός Κανόνας


Τετάρτη 2 Αυγούστου         7 μ.μ. – 8 μ.μ.: Παρακλητικός Κανόνας


Πέμπτη 3 Αυγούστου           7 μ.μ. – 8 μ.μ.: Παρακλητικός Κανόνας


Παρασκευή 4 Αυγούστου,   7 μ.μ. – 8 μ.μ.: Παρακλητικός Κανόνας


Σάββατο 5 Αυγούστου         7 μ.μ. - M. Εσπερινός, Μεταμόρφωση του Σωτήρος στην Κορόνα.


Κυριακή  6 Αυγούστου,      Η ΜΕΤΑΜΟΡΦΩΣΙΣ ΤΟΥ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ

9 π.μ.: Όρθρος και Θεία Λειτουργία (Κατάλυσις ιχθύος)


Δευτέρα 7 Αυγούστου,         7 μ.μ. – 8 μ.μ.: Παρακλητικός Κανόνας


Τρίτη 8 Αυγούστου              7 μ.μ. – 8 μ.μ.: Παρακλητικός Κανόνας


Τετάρτη 9 Αυγούστου,         7 μ.μ. – 8 μ.μ.: Παρακλητικός Κανόνας


Πέμπτη 10 Αυγούστου,        7 μ.μ. – 8 μ.μ.: Παρακλητικός Κανόνας


Παρασκευή 11 Αυγούστου   7 μ.μ. – 8 μ.μ.: Παρακλητικός Κανόνας


Κυριακή 13 Αυγούστου,    9 π.μ.: Όρθρος και Θεία Λειτουργία


Δευτέρα 14 Αυγούστου Μέγας Εσπερινός της Κοιμήσεως της Υπεραγίας Θεοτόκου στην εορτάζουσα  και πανηγυρίζουσα Κοινότητα του Άϊλαντ Παρκ.


Τρίτη 15 Αυγούστου, 9 π.μ.: Όρθρος και Θεία Λειτουργία της Κοιμήσεως και Μεταστάσεως της Υπεραγίας Θεοτόκου, Επιτάφιος και Εγκώμια της Παναγίας.


Θα χρειαστούμε λουλούδια για τον Επιτάφιο της Παναγίας μας. Παρακαλούμε στείλατε τις προσφορές σας στο γραφείο της Εκκλησίας μας. Σας ευχαριστούμε.







Fasting Begins on August 1.


Tuesday, August 1,                7 p.m. – 8 p.m.: Paraklesis (Invocation) to the Virgin Mary


Wednesday, August 2,           7 p.m. – 8 p.m.: Paraklesis (Invocation) to the Virgin Mary


Thursday, August 3,              7 p.m. – 8 p.m.: Paraklesis (Invocation) to the Virgin Mary


Friday, August 4,                    7 p.m. – 8 p.m.: Paraklesis (Invocation) to the Virgin Mary


Saturday, August 5,               7 p.m.: Great Vespers of the Transfiguration at Corona, NY


Sunday, August 6,                 The Transfiguration of Christ (we consume fish)

                                                    9 a.m.: Orthros and Divine Liturgy


Monday, August 7,                7 p.m. – 8 p.m.: Paraklesis (Invocation) to the Virgin Mary


Tuesday, August 8,                7 p.m. – 8 p.m.: Paraklesis (Invocation) to the Virgin Mary


Wednesday, August 9,           7 p.m. – 8 p.m.: Paraklesis (Invocation) to the Virgin Mary


Thursday, August 10,             7 p.m. – 8 p.m.: Paraklesis (Invocation) to the Virgin Mary


Friday, August 11,                  7 p.m. – 8 p.m.: Paraklesis (Invocation) to the Virgin Mary


Sunday, August 13,                Orthros and Divine Liturgy, 9 a.m.


Monday, August 14, 7 p.m.: Great Vespers for the Dormition of the Virgin Mary at the Community of Island Park.


Tuesday, August 15, 9 a.m.: The Transposition and Dormition of the Virgin Mary, Orthros and Divine Liturgy, followed by the Epitaphios procession and the lamentations of Panaghia.


Flowers are needed to decorate the Epitaphios for Panaghia. Any donation you would like to offer, would be greatly appreciated. May the supplications of Panaghia be with you!


Message from June 24, 2023:

Dearest friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

What an unforgettable Festival we had last weekend! The food was delicious, the dancing went on without interruption, the games, the fellowship and the support from the people who love Saint Demetrios were outstanding! Words cannot possibly express our gratitude for the exceptional volunteers, the donors and the supporters. I received many compliments from visitors and patrons for all of you; the youth was everywhere, the Parish organizations were dynamically represented and everyone had a splendid time.

I wrote more than 50 letters of community service for our GOYA volunteers, which can be used for their schools, especially for those who pursue honors awards and academic excellence. I also wrote a couple of dozens of letters for the College and Graduate School applicants, for their academic and scholarship applications. Our youth is our pride and joy.

Last Wednesday, HOPE and JOY had their end of the school year event, which was tremendous. I would like to express our collective gratitude to Patty and Patty (I love how our youth advisors have the same names, Eleni for GOYA and Patty for JOY). Patty and Patty put together a phenomenal program for the entire year, which was so well attended that broke all previous records. The participation at the Olympics was also outstanding, and, to celebrate all these wonderful accomplishments, our children played for hours at Jones Beach, climbing through the adventure course, playing games and enjoying delicious dinner and gelato, courtesy of our young Archon and past GOYA President Elias Trahanas.

We are currently preparing for our GOYA summer events, summer camp, and the next year’s GOYA Board elections and new schedule of activities for all our youth organizations. The Church is not going on vacation, we are also putting together the curriculum for Greek School, finalizing the registrations and class schedules, as well as the new events for Philoptochos, Little Angels, Golden Years, and our amazing athletic teams.

We are blessed to have talented volunteers, an outstanding Parish Council and great office staff, ready to help meet all the spiritual, educational and philanthropic needs of our Parish. Today, I had four sacraments, and tomorrow a full schedule as well. The same goes on for next week. We also have the memorial services tomorrow morning of loved Parish members and leaders in the Community: Panagiotis Cochikas (40 days), Sophia Hatzipetrakos (40 days), Athanasios Matthews (1 year), Epaminontas Atsidakos (3 years), John (Ioannis) Verveniotis (6 years), Alexandra (Verveniotis) Orthos (10 years), Apostolos Panagiotides (10 years). May their memories be eternal.

And during the week, I will be at the festivities of the Cathedral of Saint Paul for the Great Vespers and the Divine Liturgy, to celebrate the major feasts of the Holy Apostles that are coming up. I will also head the meeting of the clergy in the area, humbly serving under the guidance of our Archbishop as the Vicar in this District, to help organize the upcoming events for all the surrounding Parishes. These are events that benefit all our youth as well as the marriage and Parish Council seminars, the Archdiocesan institutions, the collaboration for the camping ministry, preparation for the next Clergy Laity Conference, as well as the local hospital and College campus ministries that we coordinate with the brother clergy in the area.

As I mentioned before, the Church does not go on vacation, and I love that we have come to this point that we are all so productive together, making a positive impact in our spiritual lives and working so splendidly for our beautiful Church. Enjoy these gorgeous summer days, have a great time with your families and friends and see you all in our Saint Demetrios Church.

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message from June 14, 2023:

Dearest friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

One more day before our Festival begins! Thursday and Friday we are open from 5 through 11 pm. Saturday we are open from 2 through 11 pm and Sunday from 1 through 10 pm. We also have coffee and pastries Sunday morning after the service. It feels like we are in Greece, when after the Divine Liturgy, we go to the plateia of the village and have delicious pastries and Greek coffee.

On Saturday, I would like to invite you all to my birthday celebration; having completed half a century of life, and going into the 51st June of my existence, I cannot think of a better way to celebrate, other than with my loving and amazing Parish friends. Now that the grays have really settled in to remind me my age daily, I look forward to placing the small candles on 51 loukoumades, and celebrating with the best Parish on the planet. I only ask you for one gift, please, everyone, dance and have an amazing time at the Festival. Seeing our families and especially our youth come together, be happy and make the best of each day, is the best gift for a 50+ year old priest, who is extremely proud of Saint Demetrios Church and all our wonderful people.

We would like to thank our volunteers who built and put together all the structures, grills, tents, tables and booths for the Festival. And we express our gratitude to the donors, the sponsors, the cooks and all those who bake, serve, clean, prepare the supplies and run this amazing annual event to perfection. One of the best ways for our youth and our families to give back to the Church and teach the quality of volunteering is to get involved with the Festival. Community service hours will be granted to our Youth and all students. We look forward to seeing all of our Parish family from Thursday, June 15th through Sunday, June 18th for our Festival. The food is always delicious, the pastries are scrumptious and we also have coffee, loukoumades, games and a little agora to make for a most memorable and joyous Father’s Day Weekend.

We do not spend thousands of dollars for advertisement, because, we want all of US, the entire Parish, to be our promoters. Tell your friends, relatives, co-workers, neighbors and everyone you know. Invite them to come and taste the most delicious on this side of the Atlantic Ocean, enjoy the beautiful fellowship, the culture, the Parish dancers, and Church tours and keep their kitchens clean for 4 days.

We also sent to your homes the Raffles for the Festival. Supporting the Raffle is the first step towards a successful Festival, since, all proceeds from the Raffle will be used to purchase the food, tents and supplies necessary for the event. In addition, this year we offer more prizes while the price of the Raffle remains the same; this is an expression of appreciation to all the donors and supporters of the Church. Please, purchase as many Raffles as possible and also give out to your friends, relatives and neighbors. Be good ambassadors of our Festival and our Parish; each Raffle costs only $20 and the prizes include: $7,500 (1st prize), $2,500 (2nd prize), Apple MacBook Pro (3rd prize), Samsung 65” TV (4th prize), Apple iPad Mini 64GB (5th prize), Dyson V10 Vacuum (6th prize), YETI Tundra 45 Cooler (7th prize), Apple AirPods Pro (8th prize), YETI Roadie 24 Cooler (9th prize), and Apple TV 4K 32GB (10th prize).

We welcome our Parish members to become sponsors for the various stations of the Festival, the tavern, the coffee and loukoumades area, the gyro and souvlaki stand, the Philoptochos tent and the ventors’ tent, together with all other areas of our festival grounds. To become a sponsor, please, call the Church office at (516) 379-1368 or see Mr. Nikos Poulikidis after the service. Your business and family will be also promoted through our website, our social media, our Festival signs and menus.

We are also preparing for our HOPE and JOY as well as the GOYA end of year events. These will be the last events for the 2022/2023 school year.

GOYA end of year event:

When: 4.30-7.30pm Thursday, June 22, 2023

Where: Field 4 at Jones Beach Wild Play Adventure Course

What: GOYAns will be completing the classic course at Wild Play. Going through the course takes approximately 1.5 to 2 hours. Children are harnessed the entire time and if anyone feels uncomfortable at any point, they can be lowered to the ground. Guides are available throughout the course.

Cost: $35 per GOYAn - must be prepaid!

Once course is completed, dinner and gelato will be generously provided free of charge by Elias and Bobby Trahanas! Thank you to the Trahanas family and Georgia Golding for providing and coordinating for us!!! We will also have time for some beach volleyball.

Similarly, HOPE & JOY end of the year celebration will be on Wednesday, June 21st, 4:30 pm, at Jones Beach Park and recreation. Games, food, gelato, courtesy of the Trahanas family, and a great time for all our children!!!

We recently had our General Assembly and we were commissioned with a resolution to have a response from all Parish members regarding the Center by September 1st, 2023. Please, respond to the Church office (516) 379-1368, or mail us the form we sent to your home (24 Kenny Avenue, Merrick, NY 11566), or email us at to let us know if you support the building of the Community Center and the amount of the donation your family would like to donate over the next two years for the completion of the project. In your response, indicate your name, phone number and mailing address and after we collect every response from the Parish members, we will send out a feasibility study in October and inform you if we can begin construction then, or if the project needs to be postponed. This responsibility is on us, on our generation, we can either chose to fulfill it or fail, and not create something so amazing for the generations to come.

As your Priest, I am not going to pressure anyone for donations, I am just relaying the reality of the facts; our parents gave us this amazing Church, about 60 families at the time, and covered the cost of about $2,000,000 in the 1980s (which was a huge amount of funding then) to build it and pay it off. Now, we are more than 420 families, it is up to us to search into our hearts and see if we can dedicate a generous donation, without imposing financial struggles on our family, either by monthly plans, credit card payments or annual donations (all tax deductible) and leave an amazing Center for our children and grandchildren, replete with a Gymnasium, classrooms, a playroom, meeting areas and a kafeneio (coffee shop) for all of us to gather and enjoy our heritage and our faith.

I was moved and inspired when a College student recently pledged $1,000 from her summer job income. And a grandfather committed his donation, as a gift for his grandchildren. I love the fact that we have generous and kind souls who strive to make this project happen, just like we completed the iconography, the Church renovation, the purchase of the properties and the architectural and legal preparation for the Center. No amount is too small, but we need everyone to proceed, for all of us to own at least a part of the walls, the floors and the ceilings where our families will enjoy the beautiful faith and culture that bonds us together. See you all at the Festival and in our Church services!!!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message from June, 8, 2023:

Dearest friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

When the cloud covered the sky over NY State, I happened to been in meetings at the City. One of the funniest things I witnessed was a young guy, wearing a mask, to protect his lungs from the cloud, and then, pulling the mask down to smoke his vape. I guess, fumes are harmless when they have a strawberry odor… I instantly thought of the amazing accomplishments of our youth, whom we recognized last Sunday after the service.

We applauded all the High School, College and University graduates, as well as the Archdiocese Olympics athletes, and we listed all their accomplishments, academic accolades, extra curricula activities, athletic medals, artistic ventures and volunteer work. The lists were long, but, this is the best way to also inspire our younger children to stay the course, achieve academic, athletic, character and career excellence and to word hard in order to realize their objectives. We have been implementing this for many years, and all our Church School students receive proper religious education to enhance their ethos and to prepare themselves fulfill their future aspirations.

One of the best ways for our youth and our families to give back to the Church and teach the quality of volunteering is to get involved with the Festival. We look forward to seeing all of our Parish family from Thursday, June 15th through Sunday, June 18th for our Festival. The food is always delicious, the pastries are scrumptious and we also have coffee, loukoumades, games and a little agora to make for a most memorable and joyous Father’s Day Weekend.

We do not spend thousands of dollars for advertisement, because, we want all of US, the entire Parish, to be our promoters. Tell your friends, relatives, co-workers, neighbors and everyone you know. Invite them to come and taste the most delicious on this side of the Atlantic Ocean, enjoy the beautiful fellowship, the culture, the Parish dancers, and Church tours and keep their kitchens clean for 4 days. Thursday and Friday we open from 5 through 11 pm. Saturday we open from 2 through 11 pm and Sunday from 1 through 10 pm. We also have coffee and pastries Sunday morning after the service.

We also sent to your homes the Raffles for the Festival. Supporting the Raffle is the first step towards a successful Festival, since, all proceeds from the Raffle will be used to purchase the food, tents and supplies necessary for the event. In addition, this year we offer more prizes while the price of the Raffle remains the same; this is an expression of appreciation to all the donors and supporters of the Church. Please, purchase as many Raffles as possible and also give out to your friends, relatives and neighbors. Be good ambassadors of our Festival and our Parish; each Raffle costs only $20 and the prizes include: $7,500 (1st prize), $2,500 (2nd prize), Apple MacBook Pro (3rd prize), Samsung 65” TV (4th prize), Apple iPad Mini 64GB (5th prize), Dyson V10 Vacuum (6th prize), YETI Tundra 45 Cooler (7th prize), Apple AirPods Pro (8th prize), YETI Roadie 24 Cooler (9th prize), and Apple TV 4K 32GB (10th prize).

We welcome our Parish members to become sponsors for the various stations of the Festival, the tavern, the coffee and loukoumades area, the gyro and souvlaki stand, the Philoptochos tent and the ventors’ tent, together with all other areas of our festival grounds. To become a sponsor, please, call the Church office at (516) 379-1368 or see Mr. Nikos Poulikidis after the service. Your business and family will be also promoted through our website, our social media, our Festival signs and menus.

Happy nameday to everyone with the name Calliope today and I look forward to seeing you all in Church and at our beautiful Festival!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message from May 29, 2023:

Dearest friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

I hope and pray that Memorial Weekend was festive, joyous and filled with the honor that is owed to our heroes. Yesterday, we also commemorated the Fall of Constantinople, an event that ended the longest lasting Empire in the history of the world, the millennium of the Byzantine era, which was instrumental in the spiritual, scientific and artistic progress of the world. We commemorate this event as well as Memorial Day in acknowledgment of the people who gave us everything we hold precious and valuable, our history, our language and our faith.

It is with much sadness but also hope in the Resurrection that we announce passing in Christ of our beloved Nikolaos Tsakos, past Parish Council President, member of the 3 person Building Committee of our gorgeous Church, father of past President Kostas Tsakos, husband to Sophia, father, grandfather, relative and friend to many Parish members. Our beloved Nikolaos Tsakos of blessed memory was an amazing supporter of the Church, a great benefactor of Saint Demetrios in Merrick and Saint Markella in Wantagh, a phenomenal patriot and a loving family man, a true example of Christian ethos and kindness.

The Visitation at the Bellmore Funeral Home, (2340 Jerusalem Avenue, Bellmore, New York) will take place on Tuesday, May 30, 2023 from 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm (service at 7:30 pm).  On Wednesday, May 31, the Funeral will begin at 10 am, followed by the Trisagion at the Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, the family kindly requests that donations are made to the Community Center project or the Saint Markella iconography project. May his memory be eternal!

This Saturday, June 3rd, we have the Saturday of the Souls - Ψυχοσάββατο, when we pray for our loved ones who have passed away in Christ. Orthros begins at 9 am, followed by the Divine Liturgy and the Memorials. Please, bring the names of your loved ones and the koliva early, this is the most significant Saturday of the Souls of the year. Sunday is Pentecost - Πεντηκοστή and the service begins earlier at 8:30 am, to accommodate the Vespers of the Bending of Knees – Γονυκλισία, and the Church School graduation. And Monday, June 5th is the feast of the Holy Spirit – τοῦ Ἁγίου Πνεύματος, with Orthros and Divine Liturgy at 9 am.

Last weekend, we had the Youth Olympics and our children excelled with many medals, enough to open a jewelry store. On Sunday, during the Church School graduation, we will present all our athletes and their many accolades. Saint Demetrios was proudly represented and we are extremely thankful to our coaches, to our Olympics director Anastasia Brienza and to all the youth for making our Parish stand out with pride and honor. This week, we also have the Graduations of our Greek School, the year-end celebrations for Little Angels and the General Assembly, followed by the GOYA, JOY, Golden Years and YAL, year-end events and the Festival.

We also sent to your homes the Raffles for the Festival. Supporting the Raffle is the first step towards a successful Festival, since, all proceeds from the Raffle will be used to purchase the food, tents and supplies necessary for the event. In addition, this year we offer more prizes while the price of the Raffle remains the same; this is an expression of appreciation to all the donors and supporters of the Church. Please, purchase as many Raffles as possible and also give out to your friends, relatives and neighbors. Be good ambassadors of our Festival and our Parish; each Raffle costs only $20 and the prizes include: $7,500 (1st prize), $2,500 (2nd prize), Apple MacBook Pro (3rd prize), Samsung 65” TV (4th prize), Apple iPad Mini 64GB (5th prize), Dyson V10 Vacuum (6th prize), YETI Tundra 45 Cooler (7th prize), Apple AirPods Pro (8th prize), YETI Roadie 24 Cooler (9th prize), and Apple TV 4K 32GB (10th prize).

We welcome our Parish members to become sponsors for the various stations of the Festival, the tavern, the coffee and loukoumades area, the gyro and souvlaki stand, the Philoptochos tent and the ventors’ tent, together with all other areas of our festival grounds. To become a sponsor, please, call the Church office at (516) 379-1368 or see Mr. Nikos Poulikidis after the service. Your business and family will be also promoted through our website, our social media, our Festival signs and menus.

On Thursday, June 1st (at 7 pm), we have our General Assembly. Looking forward to seeing you in our beautiful Church.

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message from May 19, 2023:

Χριστὸς Ἀνέστη!

Christ Is Risen!

We are preparing these days for the Youth Olympics (which will take place during Memorial Weekend), the Graduations of our Greek and Church Schools, the year-end celebrations for Little Angels, GOYA, JOY, Golden Years and YAL, the Festival and the General Assembly. With regards to the Olympics, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to Anastasia Brienza, who is organizing the event on behalf of the Parish, as well as all the coaches, donors and parents. Our youth shines every year and we cannot wait to see them excel in the many athletic events offered for fellowship and healthy competition.

We also sent to your homes the Raffles for the Festival. Supporting the Raffle is the first step towards a successful Festival, since, all proceeds from the Raffle will be used to purchase the food, tents and supplies necessary for the event. In addition, this year we offer more prizes while the price of the Raffle remains the same; this is an expression of appreciation to all the donors and supporters of the Church. Please, purchase as many Raffles as possible and also give out to your friends, relatives and neighbors. Be good ambassadors of our Festival and our Parish; each Raffle costs only $20 and the prizes include: $7,500 (1st prize), $2,500 (2nd prize), Apple MacBook Pro (3rd prize), Samsung 65” TV (4th prize), Apple iPad Mini 64GB (5th prize), Dyson V10 Vacuum (6th prize), YETI Tundra 45 Cooler (7th prize), Apple AirPods Pro (8th prize), YETI Roadie 24 Cooler (9th prize), and Apple TV 4K 32GB (10th prize).

We welcome our Parish members to become sponsors for the various stations of the Festival, the tavern, the coffee and loukoumades area, the gyro and souvlaki stand, the Philoptochos tent and the ventors’ tent, together with all other areas of our festival grounds. To become a sponsor, please, call the Church office at (516) 379-1368 or see Mr. Nikos Poulikidis after the service. Your business and family will be also promoted through our website, our social media, our Festival signs and menus.

On Thursday, June 1st (at 7 pm), we have our General Assembly. The main topic of discussion is the Community Center. Looking forward to seeing you in our beautiful Church. Please, support our GOYA car wash and frappe sale after liturgy in the church parking lot. I send you my heartfelt wishes and the Paschal greeting for this last week until the Apodosis of the Resurrection:

Ἀληθῶς Ἀνέστη ὁ Κύριος!

Truly the Lord Is Risen!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message from April 19, 2023:

Χριστὸς Ἀνέστη!

Christ Is Risen!

This is the most beautiful greeting, a salutation filled with hope, joy and elation. The triumph of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ over death, gives us tremendous hope, that our life is a journey with great significance, and our destination is the common resurrection. And we rejoice together as we exchange the Paschal greeting for 40 days after the Anastasis, the most significant feast of our faith.

This year’s Holy Week was unforgettable. Every service marked a different station on the way to the feast of feasts, Pascha. We traversed this course together in prayer and fervent worship. Every hymn, every reading and every sacrament made this passage even more meaningful and splendid.

Words are not sufficient to express my gratitude to every single one of you who made this Holy Week so beautiful. I pray for you, and I am especially thankful to God for the kind volunteers, everyone who decorated, cooked, chanted, helped in the Narthex, cleaned, made palm crosses, helped in the altar, or with the Myrofores, donated and offered their God-given talents to honor His Passion and His Resurrection.

We had record breaking attendance for the services, the Palm Sunday luncheon, the bake sale and even the Easter egg hunt and the mageiritsa. We also had an exceptional participation for the services, great involvement of volunteers and many kind and generous donors, who ensured that every flower, every icon, every ribbon, every ecclesiastical item and even every cooking ingredient are an outpouring of love and at no cost to the Church.

Speaking of volunteers, I need to mention that most of the Palm Crosses were made by the youth (GOYA, JOY, Sunday School and Greek School students), many of whom also stayed and decorated or cleaned. Usually, every Good Friday, we stay very late, passed midnight, to clean up after the procession of the Epitaphios and change the altar vestments for Pascha. This year, so many people came to help that we finished in less than two hours. And this is a pattern that characterizes our Parish. People come inside the Church, and they feel the warmth and kindness of the people, the Parish Council, the members of the Community organizations, and they instantly gravitate to get involved and volunteer as well. It is beautiful to witness so much love and Christian collaboration for the glory of God.

If I have not said it enough, it should be said, that I am very proud of all of you and very honored to be your priest for more than twenty years. I love you all and I pray that our Lord Jesus keeps you healthy, happy and blessed.

Ἀληθῶς Ἀνέστη ὁ Κύριος!

Truly the Lord Is Risen!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message from April 6, 2023:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

Look at this weather! The last time 75 turned to 50 so fast, there was a State trooper on the side of the road! But this is indeed a beautiful time of the year, celebrating Spring, the rebirth of nature and preparing for the most amazing Week of the year: Holy Week.

          Holy Week is my absolutely favorite time of the year. Every service, every tradition and every event is spiritually uplifting and manifests our love and faith for our Lord and Savior. Today, Friday, April 7, we will be making the Palms for Palm Sunday at 5 pm. At the same time, I will be offering the sacrament of confession. GOYA and JOY are welcome to assist and community service hours certificates will be offered for their Honors classes participation, for scholarships’ applications and School purposes.

Letters for excused absences for religious observance will be available at the Narthex for all the members of the youth, College students and students in the other grade levels, who wish to attend the services. His Grace Bishop Athenagoras of Nazianzus will celebrate Holy Thursday morning, the Last Supper, with us at 8 am. This is the most significant Divine Liturgy of the year and the offering of the sacrament of Holy Communion, preparing us for the ultimate sacrifice of the Lord’s Crucifixion. All other services are in the afternoon and the evening, and no scheduling conflict should present itself for elementary, middle and high school students.

This year, on Palm Sunday, we will have delicious ready to go Bakaliaro Skordalia meals. If your please, you may also enjoy the meal in the Church Hall. Our chefs kindly ask for all of us to please, place your order in advance, so that they can order the proper quantity of fish, which is only $30 per order and it comes with all the trimmings. To order, please, call our Church office at (516) 379-1368.

Palm Sunday is the first day of Holy Week, when we commemorate the entrance of Jesus in Jerusalem before His holy Passion and Crucifixion.  The reception of the people of Jerusalem was glorious and enthusiastic.  However, the Lord does not look for worldly glory and honor.  Observe the icon of Palm Sunday and notice how Jesus is sorrowful, knowing that many of the people who now welcome him gloriously, in a few days, they will demand His demise, saying “Crucify Him, Crucify Him.”

Contemporary Christians are facing a challenge in order to avoid a similar trend.  Christ does not offer a superficial connection, but He requests a deeply spiritual devotion to His will.  He came to redeem every human being, approaching us on a personal level.  He listened to the lament of the widow.  He cleansed the wounds of the leper.  He fed the hungry.  He raised the paralytic.  He gave vision to the blind.  He responded to every human soul, who believed in Him with love and compassion. He also listens to our petitions and prayers. Prayer is our spiritual communication with God and a response to God’s never-ending love for all of us.

For a Week we are also called to show the same faith and to follow the footsteps of the Lord in Jerusalem (Palm Sunday), to witness His love for us as the Bridegroom of the Church (Palm Sunday, Holy Monday, Tuesday evenings), to receive in contrition and humility His service and healing as He washes our feet (Holy Wednesday, Holy Unction service and evening Orthros), to sit in the Last Supper with Him (Holy Thursday morning), to help him bear the Cross on Golgotha (Holy Thursday evening), to participate in His funeral service (Good Friday) and to share the light of the Resurrection on Easter (Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday).  By participating in the services of Holy Week, we follow the footsteps of our Lord and Savior on the path into Jerusalem, and on Golgotha.

Christians truly feel the beauty of Holy Week when they come to all the services, following each event that led to the Passion and Resurrection of Jesus. Should we be superficial like the people, who pledged allegiance to Christ and then either ignored Him or condemned Him to a humiliating execution? Should we be lazy like the disciples in Gethsemane, who expressed that they would never leave Him and yet, they fell asleep right before he was delivered and arrested?  Should we be weak like Peter, who before dawn denied Christ three times?  Should we betray Him like Judas for money and earthly glory?  Or should we be faithful followers and believers of the Lord?  We have a Week to answer all these questions: Holy Week! And we have a life time to live up to this commission.

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


Philoptochos has amazing Easter Lambades which are available for sale to help raise funds for the poor, every Sunday, after the Liturgy. Donation: $25 each. Philoptochos Easter Bake Sale is on Palm Sunday after Liturgy. Buy your delicious traditional Easter Greek desserts, while helping support one of the many philanthropic causes.

It is with great sadness but also with the hope and faith in the Resurrection that we announce the passing of our beloved Parish member Theodore Kotsonas. After a long battle with Parkinson’s he passed peacefully at home on April 5th amongst his immediate family. He will be greatly missed and always in our loving memory and hearts. Funeral services will be held on Holy Monday April 10th at St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church, 2421 Hewlett Ave , Merrick NY 11566. Viewing will be at 10:00 am, Church service immediately following at 11:00 am.  In lieu of flowers the family asks for donations to St. Demetrios church. May his memory be eternal.

GOYA: Honor the memory of your loved ones with a Good Friday Luminary which will outline the path of our Epitaphios on Good Friday evening. $10 per name per bag. Please see any GOYA executive board member or one of the GOYA advisors to order or send Venmo to @saint-demetrios and note Good Friday luminary bag and include name of loved one. Thank you for your support! Other GOYA events coming up: Friday, 4/21 - Beyond Van Gogh Experience. Saturday, 4/22 - Silver Cross Volleyball Tournament. Sunday, 4/29 - Greek Parade, NYC - reserve your spot with church office for bus. Friday, 5/5 - Cinco de Mayo GOYA party. 5/21 - Car wash after liturgy. 5/25 - Volleyball awards dinner. Memorial Day weekend - Olympics - register by April 15 for early bird price.

The annual Parade at 5th Avenue is on Sunday, April 30th after the service. A bus is available for transportation, please, call the office to reserve a seat on the bus.

We also offer chanting lessons in Byzantine music, by the Holy Cross Graduate, theologian and chanter of our Parish Mr. Alex Avgeris. Below this message, there is a detailed description of the courses on Friday evenings from 6:00-7:00 pm. We invite everyone who is interested to talk to Alex after one of our services so that you may make arrangements for the lessons.

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message from March 31, 2023:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

Dear members of our Parish family,

This coming week, is the last week of the Lenten services before Holy Week. Please, take advantage and attend these beautiful sacred services of the Akathist Hymn to the Theotokos (tonight, Friday, March 31 at 7 pm). The complete schedule is below this message, together with a sermon of Saint Basil the Great on Fasting.

This year, on Palm Sunday, we will have delicious ready to go Bakaliaro Skordalia meals. If your please, you may also enjoy the meal in the Church Hall. Our chefs kindly ask for all of us to please, place your order in advance, so that they can order the proper quantity of fish, which is only $30 per order and it comes with all the trimmings. To order, please, call our Church office at (516) 379-1368.

Next week, we will be making the Palms for Palm Sunday, starting on Friday, April 7 at 5 pm. At the same time, I will be offering the sacrament of confession. GOYA and JOY are welcome to assist and community service hours certificates will be offered for their Honors classes participation, for scholarships’ applications and School purposes.

As we have entered the last phase of Holy Lent, we encourage all families to spend more time together and invest in prayer, reading of the Bible and constructive dialogue. We can play and have fun in our free time, even venture in our social media interactions, but in a balanced manner that does not affect our spiritual health and in a way that brings us closer with one another in Christ Jesus.

Parents, please, monitor the online activities of your children, with discretion and love. The time we spend behind those screens cannot be greater than the time we use to actually interact with people, pray with God and offer service for philanthropy.

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


Philoptochos has amazing Easter Lambades which are available for sale to help raise funds for the poor, every Sunday, after the Liturgy. Donation: $25 each. Philoptochos Easter Bake Sale is on Palm Sunday after Liturgy. Buy your delicious traditional Easter Greek desserts, while helping support one of the many philanthropic causes.

GOYA: Honor the memory of your loved ones with a Good Friday Luminary which will outline the path of our Epitaphios on Good Friday evening. $10 per name per bag. Please see any GOYA executive board member or one of the GOYA advisors to order or send Venmo to @saint-demetrios and note Good Friday luminary bag and include name of loved one. Thank you for your support!

The annual Parade at 5th Avenue is on Sunday, April 30th after the service. A bus is available for transportation, please, call the office to reserve a seat on the bus.

HOPE and JOY meets on Thursday April 6th at 7pm for our fundraiser at Seaford Cinemas. The children will watch the Movie “The Super Mario Bros.” Price: $15 per person (includes admission and unlimited popcorn and soda). Please RSVP by Tuesday March 28th at and let us know how many adults/kids will be attending.  Feel free to tell your friends and family as well.   This is a fundraising event for our church center so spread the word.

We continue with the series of Lenten Lectures for all our faithful to come together every Tuesday and listen to various priests present at a different Parish each week as we prepare for Holy Week.  The last lecture for this Great Lent will be delivered on Tuesday, April 4th (7 pm), at Panaghia, Island Park, presenter Rev. Protopresbyter Fr. John Lardas, on the topic of the Great Compline (Μέγα Απόδειπνο).         

Little Angels is on Wednesdays, from 10 am to 11:30 am.

The last Vespers of Contrition - Κατανυκτικός Εσπερινός for this year, will be on Sunday, April 2nd, at Kimisis tis Theotokou in Brooklyn at 6 pm. An informative lecture on the topic of the Lenten Vespers of Contrition, was delivered last Tuesday, and it is available on line, on our YouTube Channel and our Facebook page.

We also offer chanting lessons in Byzantine music, by the Holy Cross Graduate, theologian and chanter of our Parish Mr. Alex Avgeris. Below this message, there is a detailed description of the courses on Friday evenings from 6:00-7:00 pm. We invite everyone who is interested to talk to Alex after one of our services so that you may make arrangements for the lessons.

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message from March 23, 2023:


Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

When we don’t do anything, nothing gets done. If our heroes did nothing on March 25th, 1821, the 400 years of oppression would be extended further and further. We would not have our language, our history, our Churches nor our Nation. For these bequests, some people gave their lives and paid the ultimate price with pain and suffering. They preferred to die free than live as slaves. They opted to do something.

March 25th has a dual meaning for the Greek Orthodox faithful. It is the day when we celebrate the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary - Ὁ Εὐαγγελισμός τῆς Θεοτόκου, which prepared the path of salvation for all faithful, the way of the Resurrection.  March 25th is also the day of Greek Independence, a holiday for the Greek and the American nations. One of the proudest and most ancient civilizations, the nation that gave birth to democracy, philosophy and science, was under the captivity of the Ottoman Empire for four centuries. The struggle for freedom and independence liberated the Greek people from the tortures, the cruelty and the oppression of the Muslim Ottoman Empire. Hundreds of thousands of Christians perished in the violent attacks against the faithful; the neomartyrs of the Church opted to confess Christ up to their last breath, rather than deny the faith.

They became the inspiration of the heroes who liberated the Balkans and allowed the Greek and the Slavic people to return to prosperity, freedom of religion and their national integrity. This year, a similar attack is waged against the faithful. During the most sacred days of Great and Holy Lent, so called “Orthodox” assassinate babies, unarmed people and innocent civilians, destroying their properties, hospitals, schools and land. We pray for peace and we also pray for common sense amongst the so-called “leaders,” those who wage violence and those who allow it, enable it and fund it.

March 25th signifies our struggle to be redeemed from the oppression of the evil one through the path of the resurrection and our fight to be rescued from the oppression of an evil empire through the path of heroism and sacrifice. We honor our heroes with the festive Doxology. We pay tribute to their sacrifices, so that the younger generation can also aspire to cherish the virtue of freedom and to be worthy of it by living in a moral and unselfish way. It is not enough to be free, but also to be worthy of freedom. To accomplish that, we need to honor our heroes, and we need to live up to their example. It is important to cultivate patriotism and pride for our heritage in the hearts and minds of the youth as well as for all of us who cherish our values and our national identity. This way, we may also inspire our Youth to feel the pride and the honor of being the heirs of a rich tradition, a beautiful culture and an eternal faith.

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


In honoring the Greek Revolution and the re-birth of our Nation, we have planned several prestigious events:

1)    Greek American Heritage Night, Nassau County Executive Offices, Thursday, March 23rd at 6 pm. On Thursday, March 23 we are all meeting at the Theodore Roosevelt Executive and Legislative Building, 1550 Franklin Ave, Mineola, NY 11501, the Nassau County Headquarters, in honor of Greek Independence. The event livestream link:

2)    Our Greek School Independence Day celebration will take place on Saturday, March 25th 3:30 pm.

3)    The annual Parade at 5th Avenue is on Sunday, April 30th after the service. A bus is available for transportation, please, call the office to reserve a seat on the bus.

It is with much sadness, but also with the hope in the Resurrection, that we announce the Funeral of our beloved Theotokios Filippatos, on Friday, March 24th. The Wake is at 10:30 am and the Funeral at 11:30 am. May his memory be eternal!

This Friday, at 7 pm, we chant the Vespers of the Annunciation and the poetic Salutations to the Virgin Mary – Χαιρετισμοί, in preparation for the great feast of the Annunciation. Every Monday at 7 pm we pray the Great Compline – Μεγάλο Απόδειπνο. This is the last week that we will enjoy these beautiful Lenten services, do not miss them!

This Wednesday at 7 pm, we celebrate the Pre-Sanctified Divine Liturgy- Προηγιασμένη Θ. Λειτουργία, a serene and melodious Lenten service, when we can also receive Holy Communion. Those evening services of Great Lent last only about an hour and they are the perfect opportunity to complete our day, after work and our hectic schedule, with prayer, peacefulness, spiritual tranquility and worship.

HOPE and JOY meets on Thursday April 6th at 7pm for our fundraiser at Seaford Cinemas. The children will watch the Movie “The Super Mario Bros.” Price: $15 per person (includes admission and unlimited popcorn and soda). Please RSVP by Tuesday March 28th at and let us know how many adults/kids will be attending.  Feel free to tell your friends and family as well.   This is a fundraising event for our church center so spread the word.

March is stewardship month. As Lent is a time of philanthropy, prayer and contrition, we kindly ask our Parishioners to submit their stewardship pledge and/or donation as this is our only significant source to cover the Church’s financial obligations. We need all families to enroll and support Saint Demetrios, our beloved Community, and we pray that God returns your benevolence many times over with His Grace and blessings!

We continue with the series of Lenten Lectures for all our faithful to come together every Tuesday and listen to various priests present at a different Parish each week as we prepare for Holy Week.

Schedule of Remaining Lenten Lectures:

1)      Tuesday, March 28th, (7 pm) Holy Trinity, Hicksville (20 Field Avenue, Hicksville, NY), presenter Rev. Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos: Lenten Vespers (Κατανυκτικός Εσπερινός).

2)      Tuesday, April 4th, (7 pm) Panaghia, Island Park, presenter Rev. Protopresbyter John Lardas, Great Compline (Μέγα Απόδειπνο).       

Little Angels is on Wednesdays, from 10 am to 11:30 am.

On Sundays, during Lent, we attend the Vespers of Contrition - Κατανυκτικοί Εσπερινοί at the various hosting Parishes in the District:

1)    March 26th, Holy Resurrection in Brookville at 6 pm, His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America presiding.

2)    April 2nd, Kimisis tis Theotokou in Brooklyn at 6 pm.

We also offer chanting lessons in Byzantine music, by the Holy Cross Graduate, theologian and chanter of our Parish Mr. Alex Avgeris. Below this message, there is a detailed description of the courses on Friday evenings from 6:00-7:00 pm. We invite everyone who is interested to talk to Alex after one of our services so that you may make arrangements for the lessons.

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message from March 17, 2023:


Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

Christ asks us to deny ourselves, pick up our Crosses and follow Him.  Our Christian vocation requires sacrifices and personal endeavor.  Christ Himself became the example of self-denial and sacrificial love on the Cross.  The Lord was crucified because He pointed out the hypocrisy of the people who take advantage of other human beings. In our age, there are people who also suffer because of the hypocritical ways of modern day Pharisees.  Drugs, wars, crimes, moral corruption, hunger and diseases are some of the evils that afflict the lives of millions in the planet.  What is our responsibility, to be indifferent, or to minister to the needs of others?

On Sunday, and every day, we are all asked to pick up our crosses, to endure our personal sacrifices and to offer our service to the Lord to the suffering brothers and sisters in Christ.  When others hurt us, we should forgive.  When they persecute us, we should bless.  When they judge us, we should love.  When they harm us, we should serve.  And when we are “crucified,” then we may Rise!

When you attend the service this Sunday morning, you will all receive a flower blessed by the Venerable and Holy Cross of the Lord. Father Panagiotis and I will lift up the Precious Cross of Christ and follow the procession around the Nave of the Church. It is a monumental station of Holy Lent, which leads to the voluntary sacrifice and Crucifixion of the Lord. His sacrificial love for us manifests and example of self-denial like no other.

Our faith is the only one that calls us to love our enemies. Love one another expecting nothing in return. Forgive those who do not deserve your forgiveness. Do not enable them to sin and to take advantage, but teach them by example and lead them to the path of salvation. Love them even if they do not comprehend the power of God’s love. Then you are truly free, free from hatred, malice and negativity, free to live and free to love!


This Friday, at 7 pm, we chant the poetic Salutations to the Virgin Mary – Χαιρετισμοί, in preparation for the great feast of the Annunciation. Every Monday at 7 pm we pray the Great Compline – Μεγάλο Απόδειπνο. Also, on Monday, March 20th at 8 pm, we will have the KANARIS group practice for our advanced Greek folk dance team. Tonight, we have organized with all the Parishes of the area a GOYA Bible Bowl, which will take place at Holy Trinity in Hicksville. I will present on the Parables together with my brethren, the clergy from the area, and the youth will learn, have fun and make long-lasting friendships. We invite all GOYAns to register at this link ( and to participate in this fun and spiritually edifying program, which teaches our youth the value of reading and comprehending the Testaments.

Every Lenten Wednesday at 7 pm, we celebrate the Pre-Sanctified Divine Liturgy- Προηγιασμένη Θ. Λειτουργία, a serene and melodious Lenten service, when we can also receive Holy Communion. Those evening services of Great Lent last only about an hour and they are the perfect opportunity to complete our day, after work and our hectic schedule, with prayer, peacefulness, spiritual tranquility and worship.

HOPE and JOY meets on Thursday April 6th at 7pm for our fundraiser at Seaford Cinemas. The children will watch the Movie “The Super Mario Bros.” Price: $15 per person (includes admission and unlimited popcorn and soda). Please RSVP by Tuesday March 28th at and let us know how many adults/kids will be attending.  Feel free to tell your friends and family as well.   This is a fundraising event for our church center so spread the word.

March marks the beginning of stewardship month. As Lent is a time of philanthropy, prayer and contrition, we kindly ask our Parishioners to submit their stewardship pledge and/or donation as this is our only significant source to cover the Church’s financial obligations. We need all families to enroll and support Saint Demetrios, our beloved Community, and we pray that God returns your benevolence many times over with His Grace and blessings!

We continue with the series of Lenten Lectures for all our faithful to come together every Tuesday and listen to various priests present at a different Parish each week as we prepare for Holy Week.

Remaining Schedule of Lenten Lectures:

1)      Tuesday, March 21st, (7 pm) Holy Resurrection, Brookville, presenter Rev. Fr. Theofanis Papantonis: Liturgy of the Pre-Sanctified Gifts (Η Λειτουργία των Προηγιασμένων Τιμίων Δώρων).

2)      Tuesday, March 28th, (7 pm) Holy Trinity, Hicksville, presenter Rev. Fr. Nikiforos Fakinos: Lenten Vespers (Κατανυκτικός Εσπερινός).

3)      Tuesday, April 4th, (7 pm) Panaghia, Island Park, presenter Rev. Fr. John Lardas, Great Compline (Μέγα Απόδειπνο).   

Little Angels is on Wednesdays, from 10 am to 11:30 am. We are also preparing for the Oratorical Festival to enrich the public speaking skills of our youth; the Parish level Festival will take place on Sunday, March 19th after the service.

On Sundays, during Lent, we attend the Vespers of Contrition - Κατανυκτικοί Εσπερινοί at the various hosting Parishes in the District:

1)    March 19th, Archangel Michael in Port Washington at 6 pm.

2)    March 26th, Holy Resurrection in Brookville at 6 pm.

3)    April 2nd, Kimisis tis Theotokou in Brooklyn at 6 pm.

Our Greek School Independence Day celebration will take place on Saturday, March 25th 3:30 pm. The annual Parade at 5th Avenue is on Sunday, April 30th after the service. A bus is available for transportation, please, call the office to reserve a seat on the bus.

We also begin chanting lessons in Byzantine music, by the Holy Cross Graduate, theologian and chanter of our Parish Mr. Alex Avgeris. Below this message, there is a detailed description of the courses on Thursday evenings from 6:00-7:00 pm. We invite everyone who is interested to talk to Alex after one of our services so that you may make arrangements for the lessons.

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message from March 8, 2023:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

This Friday, at 7 pm, we chant the poetic Salutations to the Virgin Mary – Χαιρετισμοί, in preparation for the great feast of the Annunciation. Immediately after the service, the GOYA will have a Prosforon Workoshop, teaching the preparation service of the Divine Liturgy, followed by discussion and fellowship. Also, after the service, we will have the KANARIS group practice for our advanced Greek folk dance team. Last week, we were very proud for our GOYAns, who performed superbly at the Cathedral Cup and the Basketball play-offs, as well as the children of HOPE and JOY. Next Friday, we have organized with all the Parishes of the area a GOYA Bible Bowl, which will take place at Holy Trinity in Hicksville. We invite all GOYAns to register at this link ( and to participate in this fun and spiritually edifying program, which teaches our youth the value of reading and comprehending the Testaments.

Tonight, and every Wednesday at 7 pm, we celebrate the Pre-Sanctified Divine Liturgy- Προηγιασμένη Θ. Λειτουργία, a serene and melodious Lenten service, when we can also receive Holy Communion. Those evening services of Great Lent last only about an hour and they are the perfect opportunity to complete our day, after work and our hectic schedule, with prayer, peacefulness, spiritual tranquility and worship.

Tomorrow, Thursday, March 9th, our Golden Years will meet at 12 noon for Lenten luncheon, fellowship and discussion. We look forward to meeting with our beautiful group and I have a great time during the “ask your priest” segment of the conversation, with deep theological and even practical themes that are presented.

Every Monday at 7 pm we pray the Great Compline – Μεγάλο Απόδειπνο. During the week, our Greek School children observed the traditions of Clean Week, flying their kites and welcoming Lent with smiles and fellowship.

Tonight’s HOPE and JOY meets on March 19th for our fundraiser at Seaford Cinemas at 3:45pm. $15 per person (unlimited popcorn/soda included). Please, email us at  to RSVP NO LATER than Monday March 13th.  Please, include your name and the total number of people attending.  Please feel free to invite family and friends. Hope to see you there and best of luck to all the teams playing this weekend.

March marks the beginning of stewardship month. As Lent is a time of philanthropy, prayer and contrition, we kindly ask our Parishioners to submit their stewardship pledge and/or donation as this is our only significant source to cover the Church’s financial obligations. We need all families to enroll and support Saint Demetrios, our beloved Community, and we pray that God returns your benevolence many times over with His Grace and blessings!

We continue with the series of Lenten Lectures for all our faithful to come together every Tuesday and listen to various priests present at a different Parish each week as we prepare for Holy Week.

Remaining Schedule of Lenten Lectures:

1)      Tuesday, March 14th, (7 pm) Saint Paul Cathedral, Hempstead, presenter Rev. Fr. Panteleimon Papadopoulos: Great Canon (Ο Μέγας Κανών).

2)      Tuesday, March 21st, (7 pm) Holy Resurrection, Brookville, presenter Rev. Fr. Theofanis Papantonis: Liturgy of the Pre-Sanctified Gifts (Η Λειτουργία των Προηγιασμένων Τιμίων Δώρων).

3)      Tuesday, March 28th, (7 pm) Holy Trinity, Hicksville, presenter Rev. Fr. Nikiforos Fakinos: Lenten Vespers (Κατανυκτικός Εσπερινός).

4)      Tuesday, April 4th, (7 pm) Panaghia, Island Park, presenter Rev. Fr. John Lardas, Great Compline (Μέγα Απόδειπνο).

Little Angels is on Wednesdays, from 10 am to 11:30 am. We are also preparing for the Oratorical Festival to enrich the public speaking skills of our youth; the Parish level Festival will take place on Sunday, March 19th after the service.

This Sunday, which commemorates Saint Gregory Palamas, we have our service and I would like to invite our entire Church School to listen to the sermon, which focuses on prayer and the hesychast movement. On Sundays, during Lent, we attend the Vespers of Contrition - Κατανυκτικοί Εσπερινοί at the various hosting Parishes in the District:

1)    March 12th, Saint Nicholas in Flushing at 6 pm.

2)    March 19th, Archangel Michael in Port Washington at 6 pm.

3)    March 26th, Holy Resurrection in Brookville at 6 pm.

4)    April 2nd, Kimisis tis Theotokou in Brooklyn at 6 pm.

Our Greek School Independence Day celebration will take place on Saturday, March 25th 3:30 pm. The annual Parade at 5th Avenue is on Sunday, April 30th after the service. A bus is available for transportation, please, call the office to reserve a seat on the bus.

We also begin chanting lessons in Byzantine music, by the Holy Cross Graduate, theologian and chanter of our Parish Mr. Alex Avgeris. Here is a detailed description of the courses on Thursday evenings from 6:00-7:00 pm. We invite everyone who is interested to talk to Alex after one of our services so that you may make arrangements for the lessons.

As a conclusion to this message, I would like to present this passage from Saint Gregory Palamas:

“The closet of the soul is the body; our doors are the five bodily senses. The soul enters its closet when the mind does not wander hither and thither, roaming among things and affairs of the world, but stays within, in our heart.

Our senses become closed and remain closed when we do not let them be attached to external sensory things, and in this way our mind remains free from every worldly attachment, and by secret mental prayer unites with God its Father. "And your Father which sees in secret shall reward you openly," adds the Lord.

God who knows all secret things sees mental prayer and rewards it openly with great gifts. For that prayer is true and perfect which fills the soul with Divine grace and spiritual gifts. As chrism perfumes the jar the more strongly the tighter it is closed, so prayer, the more fast it is imprisoned in the heart, abounds the more in Divine grace.

So, brother, when you enter your closet and close your door, that is, when your mind is not darting hither and thither but enters within your heart, and your senses are confined and barred against things of this world, and when you pray thus always, you too are then like the holy angels, and your Father, Who sees your prayer in secret, which you bring Him in the hidden depths of your heart, will reward you openly by great spiritual gifts.”

Message from March 3, 2023:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

On Sunday, we celebrate the restoration of the holy icons. We invite all our youth and the students of our Church School to bring their icons and march in the procession around the Nave of the Church celebrating Sunday of Orthodoxy - Κυριακὴ τῆς Ὀρθοδοξίας. We love this service and it brings joy and jubilation for our beloved Orthodoxy, as we all proclaim together during the liturgy our faith, our dogma and the truth that saves us. Each young person and child may bring their favorite icon and I will speak to them during the service about the significance of the day. The representatives of the Parish organizations and volunteers will also participate in the procession, celebrating our faith and the restoration of the venerable icons as well as the sacred dogma of the Church.

On Fridays, at 7 pm, we chant the poetic Salutations to the Virgin Mary – Χαιρετισμοί, in preparation for the great feast of the Annunciation. It is a melodious and splendit expression of our love for the Panaghia, who intercedes consistently and unceasingly for our protection and salvation. Last Tuesday, we had a beautiful presentation delivered by the Rev. Presbyter George Kazoulis on the significance and theology of that sacred service. For those who missed the presentation, it is also available on YouTube: I know that many of you love the Salutations and we will chant them hymn together with the Rev. Protopresbyter Panagiotis Papanicolaou and our chanters. We would like to ask for one family to donate the flowers for the icon of Panaghia. May we all have her intercessions. Ἡ εὐχὴ τῆς Παναγίας μαζὶ σας.

Tomorrow, Saturday, February March 4th, is the 3rd Saturday of the Souls – τό 3ο Ψυχοσάββατο, with the commemoration of the miracle of koliva by Saint Theodore. During this service we pray for our loved ones who repose in peace. Especially tomorrow, we will extend fervent prayers for the victims of the tragic train accident in Tempi, Greece, as well as for their families. The service begins at 9 am. In light of the tragic train crash in Tempi, Greece a few days ago and at the direction of His Eminence  Archbishop of America, there will be a dedicated memorial service for those killed in the crash on Saturday, March 4th, 2023 – 11 am at the Holy Trinity Cathedral in New York City. We join our prayers together from Saint Demetrios and all across the Holy Archdiocese of America, as well as our Mother Church in Constantinople, as our thoughts are with our brothers and sisters in Greece during these days of lamentation.

For the Saturday of the Souls, please, arrive at the Church early in order to bring the names of your loved ones so that I may commemorate them at the preparation service and the memorial. The Fathers of the Faith have instituted the Saturdays of the Souls as a way to prayerfully honor and remember those we love and it is a blessing to offer a memorial for their eternal rest and salvation. Aἰωνία ἡ μνήμη αὐτῶν!

Every Monday at 7 pm we pray the Great Compline – Μεγάλο Απόδειπνο. During the week, our Greek School children observed the traditions of Clean Week, flying their kites and welcoming Lent with smiles and fellowship.

Every Wednesday at 7 pm we celebrate the Pre-Sanctified Divine Liturgy- Προηγιασμένη Θ. Λειτουργία, a serene and melodious Lenten service, when we can also receive Holy Communion. Those evening services of Great Lent last only about an hour and they are the perfect opportunity to complete our day, after work and our hectic schedule, with prayer, peacefulness, spiritual tranquility and worship.

Tonight’s HOPE and JOY event is cancelled due to playoff practices and playoff games this weekend. Come join us March 19th for our fundraiser at Seaford Cinemas at 3:45pm. $15 per person (unlimited popcorn/soda included). Please, email us at  to RSVP NO LATER than Monday March 13th.  Please, include your name and the total number of people attending.  Please feel free to invite family and friends. Hope to see you there and best of luck to all the teams playing this weekend.

Tomorrow, our GOYA Volleyball teams will compete at the Cathedral Cup. More than 50 of our GOYAns will participate to earn a trophy and bring pride to our Church. Congratulations to the coaches and our players! Our Basketball teams will also compete this weekend: on Saturday, G2 at Saint Paraskevi Church, Greenlawn, at 2:30 pm. B2 also at Greenlawn at 3:30 pm. And G3 at Holy Crossin Brooklyn at 4:30 pm. The senior boys will compete at Greenville Gymnasium in Old Brookville at 3:30 pm. And on Sunday, the B3 at Saint Nicholas in Flushing at 2 pm. We wish our athletes every success!!!

March marks the beginning of stewardship month. As Lent is a time of philanthropy, prayer and contrition, we kindly ask our Parishioners to submit their stewardship pledge and/or donation as this is our only significant source to cover the Church’s financial obligations. We need all families to enroll and support Saint Demetrios, our beloved Community, and we pray that God returns your benevolence many times over with His Grace and blessings!

We continue with the series of Lenten Lectures for all our faithful to come together every Tuesday and listen to various priests present at a different Parish each week as we prepare for Holy Week.

Remaining Schedule of Lenten Lectures:

1)      Tuesday, March 7th, (7 pm) Archangel Michael, Port Washington, presenter Rev. Fr. Elias Pappas: the Prayer of Saint Ephraim the Syrian (Η Ευχή του Αγίου Εφραίμ του Σύρου).

2)      Tuesday, March 14th, (7 pm) Saint Paul Cathedral, Hempstead, presenter Rev. Fr. Panteleimon Papadopoulos: Great Canon (Ο Μέγας Κανών).

3)      Tuesday, March 21st, (7 pm) Holy Resurrection, Brookville, presenter Rev. Fr. Theofanis Papantonis: Liturgy of the Pre-Sanctified Gifts (Η Λειτουργία των Προηγιασμένων Τιμίων Δώρων).

4)      Tuesday, March 28th, (7 pm) Holy Trinity, Hicksville, presenter Rev. Fr. Nikiforos Fakinos: Lenten Vespers (Κατανυκτικός Εσπερινός).

5)      Tuesday, April 4th, (7 pm) Panaghia, Island Park, presenter Rev. Fr. John Lardas, Great Compline (Μέγα Απόδειπνο).

Little Angels is on Wednesdays, from 10 am to 11:30 am. The KANARIS dance group has their practice tonight, on Friday, February 24th at 8 pm, after the service. We are also preparing for the Oratorical Festival to enrich the public speaking skills of our youth.

On Sundays, during Lent, we attend the Vespers of Contrition at the various hosting Parishes in the District:

1)    March 5th, Saint George, Norwalk at 6 pm.

2)    March 12th, Saint Nicholas in Flushing at 6 pm.

3)    March 19th, Archangel Michael in Port Washington at 6 pm.

4)    March 26th, Holy Resurrection in Brookville at 6 pm.

5)    April 2nd, Kimisis tis Theotokou in Brooklyn at 6 pm.

We also begin chanting lessons in Byzantine music, by the Holy Cross Graduate, theologian and chanter of our Parish Mr. Alex Avgeris. Here is a detailed description of the courses:

Chanting Lessons

Course Description: Offering weekly chanting lessons on Thursday evenings from 6:00-7:00pm

• Intensive lessons that will cover all levels of chant from beginner through expert.

• Gain access to digital chanting resources (free)

• Become fully equipped with the skills to chant all services of the Greek Orthodox Church

• $25 per person each lesson

• Can also do private one-on-one lessons as well (By appointment only)


I. Beginner Level 1

• Learn all Byzantine notations

• Foundational singing techniques and how to practice

• Beginner practice examples using western musical scale only (major scale)

• Byzantine chant history & foundational knowledge of byzantine music theory

II. Beginner Level 2

• Introduction to the eight modes and the Anastasimatarion

• Plagal Fourth mode & Musical theory – Vespers/Orthros Services

• First mode & Musical theory – Vespers/Orthros Services

III. Intermediate Level 1

• Plagal First mode & Musical theory – Vespers/Orthros Services

• Third mode & Musical theory – Vespers/Orthros Services

IV. Intermediate Level 2

• Second mode & Musical theory – Vespers/Orthros Services

• Fourth mode & Musical theory – Vespers/Orthros Services

V. Advanced Level 1

• Plagal Second mode & Musical theory – Vespers/Orthros Services

• Varys & Musical theory – Vespers/Orthros Services

VI. Advanced Level 2

• Prosomia & their application in services (Most commonly used)

• Introduction to the Divine Liturgy, Cherubic Hymns, Litourgika, & Communion Hymns

VII. Expert Level 1

• Feast Day Doxologies

• Holy Week – All Bridegroom services, Holy Thursday, Holy Friday, Holy Saturday, and Pascha Services

VIII. Expert Level 2

• Heirmologion & Papadic Hymns

• The Heirmologion Kalofonikon (The most difficult and advanced chants – Not used during church services, but are mostly chanted on special occasions and concerts.

We invite everyone who is interested to talk to Alex after one of our services so that you may make arrangements for the lessons.

With the Grace of our Lord, we pray for a spiritually uplifting and blessed Great Lent. Καλὴ καὶ εὐλογημένη Ἁγία καὶ Μεγάλη Τεσσαρακοστή!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message from February 24, 2023:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

College Basketball, arguably the most exciting basketball league in the world, is highlighted by the conclusion of the season, often times referred to as “March Madness.” Our own period of “March Madness” begins this coming week! This time of the year marks the beginning of Great and Holy Lent – Αγία και Μεγάλη Τεσσαρακοστή and our preparation for a sacred journey that leads to the Passion of the Lord and His life-giving Resurrection, Pascha. Saint Anthony had predicted that when the entire world becomes crazy, the few remaining rational people will be considered mad.

And it takes a certain amount of “madness” to give up food not for diets and in order to fit into wedding/prom dresses or tuxedos, but to do it all for Christ. It takes a certain amount of “madness” not to sit on a Lazy Boy recliner holding a tablet the entire evening and talk to nobody in the house but instead get ready and attend the evening Lenten services. It takes a certain amount of “madness” to give part of our hard-earned income to support a charity, our Church (that ensures the safe keeping of our children and all future generations) and our ministries instead of spending it for that new device that will keep our kids entertained and busy with anything else but us.

It certainly takes a certain amount of “madness” to volunteer, to pray daily, to read the Bible, to spend time with our spouse, to do activities with our children and to have fellowship with actual friends (not the “friends” that begrudgingly click a smiley face on social media, but are actually envious, jealous or indifferent about us and our happiness). For all these types of “madness” please, count me in, and let’s all be crazy for Christ, fools for Christ as the patristic and theological term has it, passionately loving our faith, and committing our every effort for His glory.

Cheese Sunday is this weekend, followed by Clean Week - Kαθαρή Ἑβδομάδα. During Clean Week, our Greek School students will fly the kites and celebrate the beginning of Lent. Cheese Sunday is this weekend, followed by Clean Week - Kαθαρή Ἑβδομάδα. During Clean Week, our Greek School students will fly the kites and celebrate the beginning of Lent.

Let’s start this journey by actually spending time with those we love and making time for them. First station of this process will be the Vespers of Contrition or Vespers of Forgiveness – Κατανυκτικός Εσπερινός της Συγγνώμης, this Sunday at 6:00 pm. We ask forgiveness from each other, which, in a world of perfect people with no accountability and nobody seems recognizing their faults and mistakes, is itself crazy. At the conclusion of the service, everyone, from the priest to every Parishioner, comes into a circle of trust (reminds us of a funny movie) and says “forgive me and have a blessed Lent.”

On Clean Monday, February 27th, we have the service of the Holy Unction - τὸ ἅγιον εὐχέλαιον for the entire Nassau District at the Church of the Holy Resurrection in Brookville at 11 am. The clergy of the District will be all present there to welcome our faithful into Holy Lent with the sacrament of salvation, health and protection.

Every Monday at 7 pm we pray the Great Compline – Μεγάλο Απόδειπνο (the first Monday of Lent includes the Holy Canon of Clean Monday, written by Saint Andrew of Crete the Hymnographer). During the week, our Greek School children will fly their kites and welcome Lent with smiles and fellowship. I will visit their classes to speak to them about their Lenten journey. This last week they had their Apokriatiko celebrations, with their games and much fun as well.

Every Wednesday at 7 pm we celebrate the Pre-Sanctified Divine Liturgy- Προηγιασμένη Θ. Λειτουργία, a serene and melodious Lenten service, when we can also receive Holy Communion. Those evening services of Great Lent last only about an hour and they are the perfect opportunity to complete our day, after work and our hectic schedule, with prayer, peacefulness, spiritual tranquility and worship.

On Fridays, at 7 pm, we chant the fantastic Salutations to the Virgin Mary – Χαιρετισμοί, in preparation for the great feast of the Annunciation. It is a poetic and phenomenal expression of our love for the Panaghia, who intercedes consistently and unceasingly for our protection and salvation. We would like to ask for one family to donate the flowers for the icon of Panaghia. May we all have her intercessions. Ἡ εὐχὴ τῆς Παναγίας μαζὶ σας.

Tomorrow, Saturday, February 25th, is the 2nd Saturday of the Souls – τό 2ο Ψυχοσάββατο, when we pray for our loved ones who repose in peace. The service begins at 9 am. Please, arrive at the Church early in order to bring the names of your loved ones so that I may commemorate them at the preparation service and the memorial. The Fathers of the Faith have instituted the Saturdays of the Souls as a way to prayerfully honor and remember those we love and it is a blessing to offer a memorial for their eternal rest and salvation. Aἰωνία ἡ μνήμη αὐτῶν!

And on Sundays, our glorious and Resurrectional services that point to our ultimate goals, redemption, salvation and life everlasting. March marks the beginning of stewardship month. We kindly ask our Parishioners to submit their stewardship pledge and/or donation as this is our only significant source to cover the Church’s financial obligations. We need all families to enroll and support Saint Demetrios, our beloved Community, and we pray that God returns your benevolence many times over with His Grace and blessings!

Yesterday, we had our Bible Study, which was followed by a beautiful discussion. Last week, at the meeting with the Clergy of the Nassau District, I invited my brother clergymen to coordinate together a series of Lenten Lectures for all our faithful to come together every Tuesday and listen to various priests present at a different Parish each week as we prepare for Holy Week. The first one is in our Church, on Clean Tuesday, February 28th at 7 pm, on the topic of the Salutations (Χαιρετισμοί) presented by the Rev. Father George Kazoulis.

Schedule of Lenten Lectures:

1)      Tuesday, February 28th, (7 pm) Saint Demetrios, Merrick, presenter Rev. Fr. George Kazoulis: Salutations (Χαιρετισμοί).

2)      Tuesday, March 7th, (7 pm) Archangel Michael, Port Washington, presenter Rev. Fr. Elias Pappas: the Prayer of Saint Ephraim the Syrian (Η Ευχή του Αγίου Εφραίμ του Σύρου).

3)      Tuesday, March 14th, (7 pm) Saint Paul Cathedral, Hempstead, presenter Rev. Fr. Panteleimon Papadopoulos: Great Canon (Ο Μέγας Κανών).

4)      Tuesday, March 21st, (7 pm) Holy Resurrection, Brookville, presenter Rev. Fr. Theofanis Papantonis: Liturgy of the Pre-Sanctified Gifts (Η Λειτουργία των Προηγιασμένων Τιμίων Δώρων).

5)      Tuesday, March 28th, (7 pm) Holy Trinity, Hicksville, presenter Rev. Fr. Nikiforos Fakinos: Lenten Vespers (Κατανυκτικός Εσπερινός).

6)      Tuesday, April 4th, (7 pm) Panaghia, Island Park, presenter Rev. Fr. John Lardas, Great Compline (Μέγα Απόδειπνο).

Little Angels is on Wednesdays, from 10 am to 11:30 am. The KANARIS dance group has their practice tonight, on Friday, February 24th at 6:15 pm. We also welcome all our children for service every Sunday, and I will speak to them; afterwards, they continue with their Church School class and this month we are preparing for the Oratorical Festival to enrich the public speaking skills of our youth.

On Sundays, during Lent, we attend the Vespers of Contrition at the various hosting Parishes in the District:

1)    March 5th, Saint George, Norwalk at 6 pm.

2)    March 12th, Saint Nicholas in Flushing at 6 pm.

3)    March 19th, Archangel Michael in Port Washington at 6 pm.

4)    March 26th, Holy Resurrection in Brookville at 6 pm.

5)    April 2nd, Kimisis tis Theotokou in Brooklyn at 6 pm.

With the Grace of our Lord, we pray for a spiritually uplifting and blessed Great Lent. Καλὴ καὶ εὐλογημένη Ἁγία καὶ Μεγάλη Τεσσαρακοστή!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message from February 17, 2023:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

Tomorrow, Saturday, February 18th, is the 1st Saturday of the Souls – τό 1ο Ψυχοσάββατο, when we pray for our loved ones who repose in peace. The service begins at 9 am. Please, arrive at the Church early in order to bring the names of your loved ones so that I may commemorate them at the preparation service and the memorial. The Fathers of the Faith have instituted the Saturdays of the Souls as a way to prayerfully honor and remember those we love and it is a blessing to offer a memorial for their eternal rest and salvation. Aἰωνία ἡ μνήμη αὐτῶν!

It is with much sadness and with the hope of the Resurrection that we share the news of the passing in Christ of our beloved Nick Reveliotis, husband of Margaret, father of our Philoptochos board member Helene Giordano and grandfather of our youth members, the daughters of Helene. Nick was an exceptional husband, father, grandfather, relative and friend; a true inspiration of an Orthodox Christian, a faithful member of the Parish and dedicated to the Church for his entire life. We will miss his kindness, his laughter, his loving personality, and we extend our prayers and condolences to his beautiful family. The Wake will take place on Tuesday, February 21st at 10 am in our Church, followed by the Funeral service at 11:30 am. May his memory be eternal!

Yesterday, I was very proud to see the Greek School PTA come together in order to prepare the kites for Clean Week – Kαθαρή Ἑβδομάδα. Meat Fare Sunday is this weekend, followed by Cheese Fare on the next and then Clean Week. During Clean Week, our Greek School students will fly the kites and celebrate the beginning of Lent. As the kites fly high above, so are our prayers, directed to our Heavenly Father, as Great Lent is a time of intense spiritual preparation and beautiful services before the Sacred Passion and Life-Giving Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We thank our great volunteers of the PTA and I am looking forward to see our Greek School students in order to have λαγάνες (“laganes” are traditional Clean Week breads) and other lenten delicacies; I will also explain the meaning of Great Lent and our spiritual preparation for it to the students.

Last night, we also had our Olympics meeting, preparing for the Memorial Weekend Archdiocesan Olympics and for the participation of our youth in this great event. On behalf of the entire Parish, I express heartfelt appreciation to our Olympics Advisor Nicoletta Markoulli, who has served our Parish in this capacity for years and she is now stepping up to spearhead the Olympics committee for the entire Direct Archdiocesan District. We are all extremely proud of Nicoletta and we will offer our assistance and support for her new role. This is a great representation of our Parish, who has offered the Archdiocese 2 youth directors, several priests, 3 Archons and many amazing volunteers and contributors.

We are now actively searching for our new Olympics Advisor and Nicoletta will train her replacement as she is preparing for her new position. At the same time, yesterday, we had our Bible Study and the YAL meeting, which was followed by a beautiful discussion. Last week, at the meeting with the Clergy of the Nassau District, I invited my brother clergymen to coordinate together a series of Lenten Lectures for all our faithful to come together every Tuesday and listen to various priests present at a different Parish each week as we prepare for Holy Week. Therefore, next Thursday, I will give all Bible Study participants the schedule for the Lenten lectures, which I am also sharing with all of you in this message in order to invite you to these edifying and uplifting lectures. The first one is in our Church, on Clean Tuesday, February 28th at 7 pm, on the topic of the Salutations (Χαιρετισμοί) presented by the Rev. Father George Kazoulis.

Schedule of Lenten Lectures:

1)      Tuesday, February 28th, (7 pm) Saint Demetrios, Merrick, presenter Rev. Fr. George Kazoulis: Salutations (Χαιρετισμοί).

2)      Tuesday, March 7th, (7 pm) Archangel Michael, Port Washington, presenter Rev. Fr. Elias Pappas: the Prayer of Saint Ephraim the Syrian (Η Ευχή του Αγίου Εφραίμ του Σύρου).

3)      Tuesday, March 14th, (7 pm) Saint Paul Cathedral, Hempstead, presenter Rev. Fr. Panteleimon Papadopoulos: Great Canon (Ο Μέγας Κανών).

4)      Tuesday, March 21st, (7 pm) Holy Resurrection, Brookville, presenter Rev. Fr. Theofanis Papantonis: Liturgy of the Pre-Sanctified Gifts (Η Λειτουργία των Προηγιασμένων Τιμίων Δώρων).

5)      Tuesday, March 28th, (7 pm) Holy Trinity, Hicksville, presenter Rev. Fr. Nikiforos Fakinos: Lenten Vespers (Κατανυκτικός Εσπερινός).

6)      Tuesday, April 4th, (7 pm) Panaghia, Island Park, presenter Rev. Fr. John Lardas, Great Compline (Μέγα Απόδειπνο).

Two days ago, our custodian, Mr. Kostas Piyis, had an unfortunate accident while picking up supplies from Restaurant Depot. He has injured his legs and he is unable to move about for some time. I would like to ask our good volunteers to offer an extra helping hand to keep our Church clean for Lent, as we are missing the services of Mr. Kostas. We wish him a quick recovery and περαστικά.

We are preparing for the Hellenic American Heritage Event, which will take place at Nassau County Executive Offices on Thursday, March 23rd at 6 pm. Our KANARIS dance group will perform for the event in the presence of His Eminence Archbishop Elpidohoros of America, the local political leadership and the representatives of the Greek and the Cypriot diplomatic authorities. This year, our Nassau District, which I am honored to serve as the Vicar, will distinguish the service of a very loved and exceptional Parish volunteer, Mr. Nick Stathopoulos. We congratulate Nick and his family for this exquisite honor and we wish him every success for the Community Center Fundraising effort that he is spearheading, as it has just officially started with great results.

Last Monday, we had our Clergy Syndesmos meeting under the guidance of His Eminence and all clergy were updated on the ministries and programs of the District in preparation of the upcoming Direct Archdiocesan District Clergy Laity Assembly. We are extremely proud and joyous about the progress already achieved on all fronts of our Archdiocesan ministries as well as the resolve and dedication of the clergy and the laity who are all working together for the benefit of our faithful and the progress of the Church. A special emphasis was placed on sacred services, youth programs, philanthropy and education and as indicated by the aforementioned events and activities of the Parish, this is a focus we all collectively work for to empower and strengthen. We are indebted to His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America who has accomplished so much in such a short period of time, while tirelessly laboring for much more to be done for the benefit of the Church.

Little Angels is on Wednesdays, from 10 am to 11:30 am. On Thursdays, we also our meetings at Bible Study with our YAL and many of our College students and young adults. The KANARIS dance group has their practice tonight, on Friday, February 17th at 7:30 pm. We also welcome all our children for service every Sunday, and I will speak to them; afterwards, they continue with their Church School class and this month we are preparing for the Oratorical Festival to enrich the public speaking skills of our youth.

Hope & JOY will meet on Saturday, February 18th, for Bowling, at Massapequa Lanes, 4235 Merrick Road, Massapequa, at 2 pm. Parents and siblings are also welcome to Bowl. Cost: $25 per person (2 hours of Glow Bowling, shoe rental and a $5 game card). RSVP by Tuesday 2/14 via text or email: *Please include the number of kids/adults bowling. Patty G or Patty K. Email:

Looking forward to seeing you all in Church, I wish you with all my heart a blessed Triodion and a beautiful Godparents’ Sunday.

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message from February 8, 2023:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

Tomorrow, Thursday, February 9th, is the feast of my Patron Saint and Protector, Saint Nikiforos the Martyr. I would like to invite you all, if you are free, for the morning service, starting with Orthros at 9 am. Below this message, I include a brief biography of my Saint, who is an inspiration for all of us, teaching us about the virtue of forgiveness.

We welcome tomorrow, the Chancellor of the Archdiocesan District, the Rev. Protopresbyter of the Ecumenical Throne Elias Villis, as well as the Clergy of the District. After the service, we also have the meeting of the Clergy of the Western Long Island District, which I am honored to serve as the Vicar.

Godparents’ Sunday is this weekend, on Sunday February 12th, and we welcome all Godparents to attend the service with their Godchildren and relive the day of their baptism. We also welcome all our children for service every Sunday, and I will speak to them; afterwards, they continue with their Church School class and this month we are preparing for the Oratorical Festival to enrich the public speaking skills of our youth.

This week, I will be completing the house blessings; please, call the Church office at (516) 379-1368 to schedule the blessing of your home, if it has not yet been blessed. Little Angels is on Wednesdays, from 10 am to 11:30 am. On Thursdays, we also our meetings at Bible Study with our YAL and many of our College students and young adults.

Inter-GOYA dances coming up are on Friday, February 10th, with a choice of Nassau and Suffolk Parishes, either at Holy Trinity in Hicksville or at Zoodochos Peghe in the Bronx. The KANARIS dance group has their practice on Friday, February 17th at 7:30 pm.

Hope & JOY had a Valentine craft & a movie night last Friday. Next event is on Saturday, February 18th, Bowling, at Massapequa Lanes, 4235 Merrick Road, Massapequa, at 2 pm. Parents and siblings are also welcome to Bowl. Cost: $25 per person (2 hours of Glow Bowling, shoe rental and a $5 game card). RSVP by Tuesday 2/14 via text or email: *Please include the number of kids/adults bowling. Email:

Looking forward to seeing you all in Church, I wish you with all my heart a blessed Triodion and a beautiful Godparents’ Sunday.

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


On February 9th, we celebrate the name-day of Saint Nikiforos the Martyr. The life of my Patron Saint is a source of inspiration for every Christian. Saint Nikiforos was faithful, pious, and loving.  He followed the teachings of the Gospel. There was a priest, whose name was Saprikios, who had a controversy with Saint Nikiforos. Saprikios could never forgive Nikiforos.  Although, being a priest, he should be an example of forgiveness, his heart was hardened by egoism. Nikiforos was trying to ask mediators to bridge their differences. He also personally begged for the forgiveness of Saprikios, without a result.

            Christians were persecuted during that century very severely. The authorities found out that Saprikios was one of the Christian priests and ordered his execution. Nikiforos heard about the potential martyrdom of Saprikios, which would take place in public. He rushed to ask for his forgiveness once again. “You will be a Saint soon” he cried, “please, forgive me and give me your blessing.” However, Saprikios could not forgive Nikiforos, not even at that sacred hour. His heart was hardened and his faith was weakened. He saw the sword of the executor and he asked to be let free.  He renounced Christ and his priesthood…

            Nikiforos was sad to see that a Saint could be made on that day, but did not. He wanted to receive the forgiveness of Saprikios and he gave him the example of perseverance and strength. He confessed that he was a Christian in public. “Today, there is a crown of martyrdom expecting to decorate a person who believes in Christ” he announced. His execution took place immediately after Nikiforos forgave the authorities and the soldiers who carried out the penalty. His memory is celebrated on February 9th, the day of his martyrdom. For centuries, his example inspires us to forgive others, to have a strong faith and to live a life according to the teachings of the Bible. Nothing should overwhelm a Christian who lives a Christ-like life.

            All of us have been hurt by people, one time or another. Some of us more, some less… Nevertheless, we extend our love and forgiveness to all, because we also ask our redemption from God, for our many shortcomings.  “And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.” A hard and unforgiving heart is like an open wound that allows spiritual diseases to enter our life; egoism, arrogance, hatred and thinking that we are better than others are the outcome of lack of forgiveness. The Lord forgave his executors on the Cross. The Saints followed that example to also teach us the virtue of forgiving. This year, I would like to ask that every Parishioner comes to the Vespers of Forgiveness, that will take place on Cheese Fare Sunday. We need to forgive one another, before we ascend the steps of the spiritual Ladder of Lent, and in preparation for the Great, Holy and Saving Pascha!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


            Στις 9 Φεβρουαρίου εορτάζουμε την μνήμη του Αγίου Μάρτυρος Νικηφόρου. Ο βίος του Πολιούχου Αγίου μου, αποτελεί πηγή εμπνεύσεως για κάθε Χριστιανό. Ο Άγιος Νικηφόρος ήταν πιστός και εγκρατής, ζώντας σύμφωνα με τις επιταγές του Ευαγγελίου.  Κάποτε, ένας ιερέας, ο Σαπρίκιος, κράτησε κακία στον Νικηφόρο για κάποιο ζήτημα. Ποτέ δεν μπορούσε να τον συγχωρέσει, παρά το γεγονός ότι ήταν ιερέας και έπρεπε να του δώσει συγχώρεση. Ο Άγιος Νικηφόρος, υπομονετικά, έβαζε διαπραγματευτές για να γεφυρώσει τις διαφορές που υπήρχαν.  Έφτασε ακόμη και να ικετεύει για την συγχώρεση του Σαπρικίου, αλλά χωρίς αποτέλεσμα.

            Οι Χριστιανοί διώκονταν και μαθεύτηκε ότι ο Σαπρίκιος ήταν ένας των ιερέων της Εκκλησίας. Δώθηκε διαταγή να αποκεφαλιστεί σε δημόσια θέα για παραδειγματισμό. Ο Νικηφόρος έμαθε για την διαταγή της εκτελέσεως του Σαπρικίου και έτρεξε να ζητήσει συγχώρεση, έστω και λίγο πριν το δημόσιο μαρτύριο. Γονυπετής ικέτευε τον Σαπρίκιο να του δώσει τη συγνώμη του, πριν πέσει το σπαθί του δημίου επάνω του. Ο Σαπρίκιος, όμως, δεν συγχωρούσε τον Νικηφόρο. Και μέσα στη σκληροκαρδία του, είδε το σπαθί του δημίου και ολιγοπίστησε. Ο Σαπρίκιος απαρνήθηκε τον Χριστό και ζήτησε να τον αφήσουν ελεύθερο...

            Πληγώθηκε ο Νικηφόρος βλέποντας τον Σαπρίκιο να χάνει την πίστη και το θάρρος του. Τότε, με παρρησία ομολόγησε την πίστη του στον Ιησού. «Σήμερα ένα στεφάνι μαρτυρίου περιμένει πάνω από αυτό το σπαθί για να στολίσει έναν Χριστιανό.» Σε μία τελευταία απόπειρα να συνετιστεί και ο Σαπρίκιος και να μαλακώσει η καρδιά του, πλησιάζει τους εκτελεστές και ομολογεί ότι είναι Χριστιανός. Το στεφάνι του μάρτυρος το κέρδισε με το θάρρος και την μεγαλοκαρδία του. Ο Άγιος Νικηφόρος εορτάζεται την ημέρα του μαρτυρίου του, 9 Φεβρουαρίου, διδάσκοντας ανά τους αιώνες όλους μας να συγχωρούμε και να ζούμε κατά τα πρότυπα του Ευαγγελίου με πίστη και αγάπη. Τίποτε δεν πρέπει να φοβίζει τον Χριστιανό που αφιερώνει τη ζωή του στον Κύριο.

            Όλοι μας έχουμε πληγωθεί από ανθρώπους, άλλοι περισσότερο και άλλοι λιγότερο. Το κλειδί του Παραδείσου είναι η συγχωρητικότητα. Αν μπορούμε να συγχωρούμε τα παραπτώματα των ανθρώπων, τότε και ο Θεός θα συγχωρέσει τα αναρίθμητα δικά μας («ως και ημείς αφίεμεν τοις οφειλέταις ημών»). Η σκληροκαρδία είναι σαν μία πληγή που μολύνει την καρδιά του ανθρώππου με πολλές άλλες πνευματικές ασθένειες, τον εγωϊσμό, την αλλαζονεία, την κακία και το μίσος. Ο Άγιος Νικηφόρος μας διδάσκει να είμαστε απλοί, γνήσιοι και άνθρωποι ανοιχτόκαρδοι και συγχωρητικοί.

Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος


Love:  such a small word, but such a huge concept for our lives. We say that we can’t live without love. “All you need is love” said the Beatles. We turn on the radio and we hear the word “love” over and over. We watch a movie, and it is a “love-story”. We read novels about love and we are moved about the romantic experiences of others, even fictional characters. Love seems to be an integral aspect of our social lives.  Actually, it has been more commercialized than any other virtue. Because of love we buy things, we watch films, we listen to songs. Love is the highest commodity. Love is gold!  That’s why we buy golden items to those whom we love…

Where can we find love? If we were gold-seekers, we would know where to look for gold. But where is love? Is it in the songs, in the movies, in the books? Where do we find love? We find love in our enemies. We find love in the person who cursed at us. We find love in the person who humiliated us. We find love in the person who assaulted us. Even the person who crucified us. That’s where (real) love is!


The Gospel teaches us to love those who hate us, because even sinners love the ones who love them back. Christ on the Cross embraces all of human race, even His persecutors. We also wear a Cross, not as a golden jewel, but as a sign and a reminder of our love for our neighbor, even for those who harm us and hate us.

We celebrate GODPARENTS’ SUNDAY, cherishing the loving relationship established amongst Godparents and Godchildren. As Godparents, we made a commitment in the presence of God and people to teach the faith, love our Godchildren and offer them spiritual edification, to support them as friends, relatives, even as spiritual parents. Such commitment presupposes an active and involving role, a loving presence and a positive example. Godparents need to have a conscious spiritual life, participating in the sacramental experience of the Church and setting the paradigm for their spiritual children. Godchildren need to honor, love and respect their Godparents; their life has to illustrate the presence of Christ, a presence ever apparent since our existence and sanctified through holy Baptism. We hear, watch and read about love day in and day out. But what kind of love is that? Is it the love of promises and self-interest or Christ’s love? Christ’s love is such a small word, but so enormous for our lives!

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


Αγάπη: λέξη μικρή, αλλά τόσο μεγάλη για τη ζωή μας.  Πολλοί μιλούν για αγάπη.  Στο ραδιόφωνο την τραγουδούν νύκτα και μέρα.  Στην τηλεόραση την προβάλλουν με αισθησιακή λεπτομέρεια.  Στον κινηματογράφο της δίνουν όσκαρ.  Ακόμη και «ρομαντικές» νουβέλες γράφουν για την αγάπη.  Τόσο μικρή λέξη, αλλά καταλαμβάνει την ζωή μας.  Στις ημέρες μας η αγάπη έχει γίνει η πιο εμπορική αξία.  Αγοράζουμε επειδή αγαπάμε.  Ντυνόμαστε για να μας αγαπάνε.  Ακούμε ραδιόφωνο, διασκεδάζουμε, τραγουδάμε από αγάπη.  Ακόμη κι αν το Χρηματιστήριο πέφτει, η αγάπη είναι μία αξία που ολοένα ανεβαίνει και περισσότερο.  Η αγάπη είναι χρυσός, για αυτό και όσους αγαπούμε, τους στολίζουμε στο χρυσάφι!

Όλοι ζητούν να βρουν αυτό το χρυσάφι.  Όλοι μας είμαστε χρυσοθήρες της αγάπης.  Πού θα βρούμε την αγαπή τελικά;  Στον ρομαντισμό των τραγουδιών, στον ηδονισμό της τηλεόρασης ή στη φαντασία των βιβλίων;  Ποιός θα μας μάθει να αγαπούμε;  Την αγάπη θα την βρούμε στον εχθρό μας!  Σε αυτόν που μας πρόσβαλλε.  Σε αυτόν που μας έβρισε.  Σε αυτόν που μας χτύπησε.  Σε αυτόν που μας σταύρωσε.  Εκεί είναι η αγάπη!  Το Ευαγγέλιο μάς διδάσκει να αγαπούμε αυτούς που μάς μισούν, γιατί και οι αμαρτωλοί αγαπούν αυτούς που τους αγαπούν.  Ο Εσταυρωμένος αγκαλιάζει στην κορυφή του Γολγοθά όλο το ανθρώπινο γένος, τους πονηρούς, τους δικαίους, ακόμη και τους βασανιστές και σταυρωτές Του.  Κι εμείς φορούμε σταυρό, όχι ως κόσμημα, αλλά ως ένδειξη και υπενθύμιση αγάπης προς τον πλησίον, τον κάθε πλησίον!

Όλοι θα έρθουμε στην Εκκλησία για να τιμήσουμε και την Κυριακή των Αναδόχων. Ως ανάδοχοι, παίρνουμε την πρωτοβουλία, παρουσία Θεού και ανθρώπων, να διδάξουμε την πίστη μας στα πνευματικά μας παιδιά, να τους καθοδηγούμε με το παράδειγμα και με την αγάπη μας, να είμαστε παρόντες και συμμετέχοντες στη ζωή και στις αποφάσεις τους. Πρέπει να είναι συνειδητά μέλη της Εκκλησίας συμμετέχοντας στο μυστηριακό βίωμα των Ορθοδόξων. Τα βαφτιστήρια έπισης οφείλουν να σέβονται, να αγαπούν και να τιμούν τους νονούς και τις νονές τους με το Ορθόδοξο βίωμά του, ένα βίωμα που να καθρεπτίζει την παρουσία του Κυρίου στη ζωή μας. Η αγάπη μεταξύ νονών και βαπτιστήριων είναι άρικτη και στερεωμένη σε πνευματικά θεμέλια. Όταν, λοιπόν, στο ραδιόφωνο, στην τηλεόραση, στον κινηματογράφο, και στα βιβλία αναφέρεται η αγάπη να διερωτόμεθα.  Ποιά αγάπη είναι αυτή;  Είναι η αγάπη των υποσχέσεων και της ιδιοτέλειας ή η αγάπη του Χριστού;  Γιατί η αγάπη του Χριστού είναι λέξη μικρή, αλλά ασύληπτα μεγάλη για τη ζωή μας!

+Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος

Message from February 2, 2023:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

Today, we had the service for the Presentation of the Lord into the Temple, ἡ Ὑπαπαντὴ τοῦ Σωτῆρος. The Chapel was filled with faithful souls and we all prayed for the safety and protection of the children. We pray for their health and salvation. We pray for mental health, for purity and for safety from toxic and poisonous chemicals. We ask our Lord to guard our children from dangerous abusive behaviors that target the youth.

Our faith inspires us to maintain physical, mental and spiritual health, to be positive and to express the virtues of love, philanthropy and hope. Our faith cultivates our souls and the lives of the children on a path that is dedicated to the joy of working hard for those we love; last Sunday, I spoke to the children about the 3 Hierarchs and the value of education. Our Greek School presented an excellent program about the 3 great Teachers of the faith and theology, Saints Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom. We work tirelessly and joyously to acquire knowledge and baptize our education with the wisdom of God. This way, we benefit our world and we also experience true joy and the blessings of God’s bequests in our lives.

At the Church School graduation, at the end of the School year, I will speak about all the graduates (College, Masters and High School) and their accomplishments. This way, the younger children are also inspired and motivated to work well and educate themselves, since one day they will be in that position as well. We are inspired by the Saints of the Church, like the 3 Hierarchs, or Saint Catherine, among many wise and intellectual holy figures of the faith, to elevate our God-given talents and become an inspiration for others as well.

          If you talk once a week to your children about God, make sure you also talk 99 times a week to God about your children. This is a teaching I received from my spiritual father before becoming a parent. This teaching inspires us (parents, Godparents, teachers and grandparents, in general all who are commissioned with the upbringing of children) to have a fervent and prayerful connection with God. That connection will form and inform our connection with our children.

Teaching the youth about the faith is relevant to how WE practice the faith. Our life is a sermon. A sermon is best taught without words, it is illustrated with actions. A parent/teacher/priest who lives up to the precepts of the teachings is a powerful deliverer of such a sermon. Sometimes, we also resort to words (in my case every Sunday, during the service). The rest of the times, words are weak. We need to act, and act according to the essence of the faith, not its superficial applications.

Just like the abusive husband who gets flowers and the obligatory “I love you” card on Valentine’s day, a sermon devoid of actions is empty of meaning, essence and value. The same way I recommend to the couples that prepare for their wedding to make every day a “Valentine’s Day,” I implore you all to make every day a renewal of your baptism, a cathartic experience of faith and love for Christ. Be genuine with your love, not like the Pharisee, not like the hypocrites Christ condemns in His sermons.

The Gospel reading of this Sunday is about the Publican and the Pharisee.  You see, we are either one or the other, Publicans or Pharisees.  We are either persons who admit their mistakes and repent for them, or persons who think of themselves as better than others.  The Parable of the Publican and the Pharisee portrays these two distinct personalities, who represent how most people deal with their spiritual condition.

The Publican, on the one hand, falls on his knees requesting the mercy and the forgiveness of God.  Jesus presents his example as an inspirational paradigm of repentance.  We also fall on our knees during holy confession requesting forgives, as our Lord taught us.  The Publican made an open confession out of humility and piety: “God, have mercy on me, a sinner.”  We also confess to Christ with the guidance of a priest openly and without reservation; this way we cultivate our humility and we motivate ourselves to remain on the right path of salvation.  Christ gave to His disciples and apostles the responsibility and the divine ministry to forgive sins: “Whomsoever sins you forgive, they are forgiven, whomsoever sins who retain, they are retained.”  We should not be embarrassed to open our hearts to our spiritual father; this way, our repentance will be conscious and heartfelt.

Parents want their children to be open with them in order to help them with their personal issues and dilemmas in life.  We should also be open with our spiritual father, so that he may always give us the right advice for our spiritual dilemmas and issues.  We entrust our spiritual father with our most precious possession, our soul.  We want to go to Heaven, and he will coach us in that spiritual journey.  When we go to the doctor, we disclose our pains and maladies to the physician so that he may make a proper diagnosis and give us the right treatment.  The spiritual doctor has to be entrusted with the pains and sorrows of our lives, in order to assess the appropriate treatment and medicine for our salvation.

The sacrament of holy confession is called the shower of the soul that purifies and sanctifies all of us.  Sometimes, it is easier to point out the mistakes of others rather than our own insufficiencies.  Nobody is perfect, only Christ has no sins.  Therefore, with the Lord’s Grace and compassion we may all receive the divine inspiration to be humble, compassionate and loving.  Great and Holy Lent is at hand.  The holy Fathers of the Church chose today’s Parable to be read, so as to prepare all of us appropriately for the spiritual Golgotha of Lent.  This preparation includes repentance, confession, humility, prayer, love and charity.  It also requires that we do not condemn, criticize nor gossip others like the Pharisee.  For this reason, the Parable of the Publican and the Pharisee is about all of us.  With the Grace of God, it will be about people who walk the road for salvation, through the avenues of humility and love.

So, inspired by the “day of love,” I ask you all to make EVERY DAY a day of love and faith. Talk to God daily, talk to Him about your loved ones, open your heart to Him to express your love. Love Christ! Talk to Him and pray with an open heart, as the Publican of this Sunday’s Gospel reading. Surrender to His will and connect, through Him, with everyone you love, your family, your friends, your enemies, even the people you do not know, but pray for. Love life and live it to the fullest. But, here I am again, making a sermon….


Next Thursday, February 9th, I would like to invite you all for the feast of Saint Nikiforos the Martyr, at 9 am, with Orthros and Divine Liturgy, to celebrate my Patron Saint and to commemorate an example of holiness, forgiveness and genuine faith.

This week, I will be completing the house blessings; please, call the Church office at (516) 379-1368 to schedule the blessing of your home, if it has not yet been blessed. Little Angels is on Wednesdays, from 10 am to 11:30 am. And Golden Years will be on Tuesday at 12 noon.

On Monday, I will be visiting Hofstra University to bless the Vasilopita for the Hellenic Club and tonight we also have our meeting at Bible Study with our YAL and many of our College students and young adults.

Inter-GOYA dances coming up are on Friday, February 3rd, with a choice of Nassau and Suffolk Parishes, either at Holy Trinity in Hicksville or in Saint Paraskevi in Greenlawn; there is also one at Zoodochos Peghe in the Bronx. The GOYA Ski trip is this weekend, and it is one of the most fun and memorable events of the year.

Godparents’ Sunday is on Sunday February 12th and we welcome all Godparents to attend the service with their Godchildren and relive the day of their baptism. We also welcome all our children for service every Sunday, and I will speak to them; afterwards, they continue with their Church School class and this month we are preparing for the Oratorical Festival to enrich the public speaking skills of our youth.

Hope & JOY has a Valentine craft & a movie night on February 3 at 7:30pm. At the same time, we continue our weekly practices and scheduled games or tournaments for the 2 Volleyball teams and the 8 Basketball teams of the Parish, wishing them every success, and congratulating the youth for their many amazing results and spectacular athletic achievements.

Looking forward to seeing you all in Church, I wish you with all my heart a blessed Triodion and a happy feast of the Ypapanti.

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message from January 19, 2023:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

          HOPE & JOY will meet tomorrow, Friday, January 20th, from 7:30 – 9:30 pm for a game night. I will be there as well, immediately after a Wake at Hungerford and Clark Funeral Home for Antonios Kroumbas of blessed memory. We extend our heartfelt condolences to his family. Tonight, we meet with the YAL and the Orthodox Study group that meets on Thursdays at 7 pm. Confessions are also scheduled right after the meeting.

These weeks, I have been blessing your homes and businesses; please, call the Church office to arrange for the blessing – the Agiasmos: (516) 379-1368. Currently, I am blessing the homes in Bellmore and Wantagh. Philoptochos meeting is changed to Wednesday, January 25th at 7:30 pm. Little Angels meet every Thursday from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon. Yesterday, Little Angels had their Vasilopita blessing. The group is open for all children ages up to 5 years and parents as well as grandparents are welcome to attend.

GOYA Paint Night and Vasilopita is moved to Friday, January 27th at 8 pm. On the same day, we have our KANARIS dance group practice at 7:30 pm, as we are preparing our group to participate in the Paradosis Archdiocesan dance festival, which is postponed for October 21, 2023, with the participation of dance groups from the entire region.

Inter-GOYA dances coming up are on Friday, February 2nd, with a choice of Nassau and Suffolk Parishes, either at Holy Trinity in Hicksville or in Saint Paraskevi in Greenlawn; there is also one at Zoodochos Peghe in the Bronx. We also had our GOYA Ski trip meeting last Monday, and I am impressed by the participation of our youth to the annual ski trip, which is one of the most fun and memorable events of the year.

These days, I was very proud to listen to our Hellenic School students as they prepare for the 3 Hierarchs Celebration of Greek Letters on January 29th and immediately after the service. We are looking forward to attend that amazing program, organized by their teachers and the School staff.

Godparents’ Sunday is on Sunday February 12th and we welcome all Godparents to attend the service with their Godchildren and relive the day of their baptism. We also welcome all our children for service every Sunday, and I will speak to them before Holy Communion; afterwards, they continue with their Church School class and this month we are preparing for the Oratorical Festival to enrich the public speaking skills of our youth. At the same time, we continue our weekly practices and scheduled games or tournaments for the 2 Volleyball teams and the 8 Basketball teams of the Parish, wishing them every success, and congratulating the youth for their many amazing results and spectacular athletic achievements.

Additionally, I am attending the Higher Greek Educational Committee meeting next Wednesday, which is an Archdiocesan Board that work for the progress of our educational systems and provides tremendous resources to the Parishes and the teachers for the advancement of Greek education. On Sunday, I will be honored to participate in the Clergy Vasilopita, blessed by His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America, which will take place at the Church of our Savior, Rye, NY. I am also preparing for the meeting of the Western Long Island District, for which I am privileged to serve as the Vicar at the benevolent grace of His Eminence, in order to further enrich the programs of our Parishes in the region. Among them, we are working hard for the Greek American Heritage Night (March 23rd at Nassau County’s Executive Offices), the Bible Bowl (during Lent, for all the youth of the District), the Oratorical Festival, the Marriage seminars, the Olympics, the College ministry program and much more.

As you all notice, we have elaborated on serving our Church not just on a parochial level, but collectively, as a united Archdiocese, under the leadership and Archpastoral guidance of His Eminence our Archbishop. All these programs, from Church School to Greek School and from Little Angels and the youth all the way to the couples ministry and the senior citizens, are devised to serve our people. It would be much easier to do nothing, and allow the devil to work overtime in this society, corrupting the youth and the families and destroying the Nation. Instead, we take a stance against evil and we put up a resilient fight to protect our children and all future generations, to educate them, to nourish them in the precepts of the faith and to cultivate moral standards and higher ideals for our faithful people. This takes hard work, stern faith and lots of love for God. We are doing all this together!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos



            Why did Christ come into the world?  The Gospel reading of this Sunday gives an answer to this question.  Christ came to “find and to save the lost.”  If Christ never came, we would be spiritually lost, without any direction or knowledge that could possibly help us find Heaven.  For this reason, the Lord even preached to the dead in Hades, before His Resurrection, in order to save even those who never heard His message.  Christ gives us the message of salvation, which directs us on the right path.  If someone is in the desert or in the Ocean, it is necessary to look at the sun in order to find the right direction.  Christ is the Sun of Righteousness (as the Fathers of the Church call Him), Who is seen by all the faithful who need an example to imitate and a proper direction in life.  The Gospel is the compass that directs us toward Heaven.  The faith is the rudder that keeps us in the right path of redemption.  Love and hope are the virtues that empower us in our journey to Rise and live forever.

            If Christ did not preach to us, if He were not Incarnate, Crucified and Risen, we would not know the Truth.  We would have no hope and no faith.  Life would be empty and vain.  Zacchaeus lived a vain life.  He only worried about getting richer.  When Christ found Zacchaeus, He showed him love and forgiveness.  Despite his many transgressions, the Lord saw Zacchaeus the same way a father sees his child.  Sometimes, children need love, support and forgiveness, not condemnation.  God forgives our many mistakes and invites us to His glory.  His divine grace and forgiveness are the keys to Heaven.

            Christ did not come into the world to offer forgiveness to the people who (think they) have no sins.  He did not approach the “infallible” and the hypocrites.  Healthy people do not need a doctor.  And the doctor of our souls, Jesus, offers health and salvation to the ones who repent and request His forgiveness.  Christ approached the tax collectors, like Zacchaeus, and the harlots; some of them became our Saints, because, when they met the Lord, they changed their lives.  The hypocrites were scandalized that Jesus went to the house of Zacchaeus. God loves all his children without discrimination.  His forgiveness illumines the souls of the people who repent consciously.  We should also love all human beings, our brothers and sisters in the Lord. There is a Zacchaeus in our lives who awaits God’s grace and mercy. Maybe, there is a Zacchaeus in each one of us…


Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos




            Γιατί ήρθε ο Χριστός στον κόσμο; Στην ερώτηση αυτή δίνει απάντηση το σημερινό ευαγγελικό ανάγνωσμα.  Για να ζητήσει, να βρει και να σώσει «το απολωλός.»  Ο άνθρωπος, χωρίς τον Χριστό, θα ήταν απολωλός, δηλαδή, πνευματικά χαμένος.  Αν κάποιος βρίσκεται στην έρημο ή στον Ωκεανό, κοιτάζει προς τον ήλιο για να προσανατολιστεί.  Ο Ήλιος της Δικαιοσύνης, ο Κύριος, μας δείχνει την οδό της σωτηρίας.  Το Ευαγγέλιό Του είναι η πυξίδα που μας κατευθύνει προς την λύτρωση.  Η πίστη είναι το τιμόνι που μας κρατάει στην σωστή κατεύθυνση.  Η αγάπη και η ελπίδα είναι η δύναμη που μας ωθούν προς την Ανάσταση.  Χωρίς τον Χριστό, δεν θα γνωρίζαμε την αλήθεια, δεν θα προσδοκούσαμε την αιωνιότητα, δεν θα ελπίζαμε στον Παράδεισο.  Η ζωή μας θα ήταν κενή και χωρίς πνευματικό περιεχόμενο.

            Έτσι ήταν η ζωή του Ζακχαίου.  Νοιαζόταν μόνο για τα χρήματα και την καλοπέραση.  Ο Ιησούς τον βρήκε και του έδειξε αγάπη και συγχώρεση.  Παρά τα βαριά του αμαρτήματα, τον είδε όπως ο πατέρας βλέπει το παιδί του που πονά και χρειάζεται στήριγμα, αγάπη και συγνώμη.  Ο Θεός μας συγχωρά και μας δωρίζει την Χάρη Του.  Είναι τα κλειδιά που ανοίγουν την πύλη του Παραδείσου.

            Ο Χριστός δεν ήρθε στον κόσμο για να βρει τους δήθεν «αναμάρτητους» και να κάνει παρέα στους υποκριτές.  Οι «υγιείς» δεν χρειάζονται γιατρό.  Ο Κύριος προσκαλεί όλους όσους μετανοούν για τα λάθη τους, όλους μας, στη σωτηρία.  Σκανδαλίστηκαν οι υποκριτές την εποχής του επειδή μπήκε στο σπίτι του τελώνη, του Ζακχαίου. Ο πατέρας δεν κάνει διακρίσεις στα παιδιά του.  Και, για το λόγο αυτό, τα παιδιά δεν πρέπει να σφετερίζονται την αγάπη του πατέρα μόνο για τον εαυτό τους.

            Ο Κύριος μας αγαπάει όλους αδιακρίτως.  Η συγχώρεσή Του λάμπει στις ψυχές όσων μετανοούν ειλικρινώς.  Κι εμείς, οφείλουμε να αγαπούμε όλους τους συνανθρώπους, τα αδέλφια μας.  Τους Ζακχαίους και τις Μαγδαληνές του Ευαγγελίου, αλλά και του κόσμου μας. Υπάρχει ένας Ζακχαίος στη ζωή μας. Μπορεί να είναι ακόμη και κάθε ένας από εμάς...


Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος

Message from January 13, 2022:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

          It is with much sadness but also with the hope and faith in the Resurrection that we announce the passing in Christ of our beloved Harry Korines of blessed memory. Together with his beautiful family, his wife Maria, his children Jimmy, Connie and Cynthia, his grandchildren, greatgrandchildren, sister Irene (director of our Golden Years), his son-in-law Tom Pragias (past President of the Parish Council and benefactor of the Church) and all relatives and friends, we will come together to honor his life, his accomplishments and his wonderful personality on Tuesday, January 17, at the Wake (9:00 – 10:30 am, at Saint Demetrios Church) and the Funeral immediately after, at 10:30 am. We pray for his eternal repose and everlasting memory and we ask of our Lord to comfort and bless his beautiful family. Αἰωνία ἡ μνήμη αὐτοῦ.

          Last night, we had our Vasilopita for the YAL and the Orthodox Study group that meets on Thursdays at 7 pm. Congratulations to Elizabeth Perlegis, who found the coin and best wishes to all our young adults and especially the College and University students, who are getting ready for this coming semester of academic studies.

          These weeks, I have been blessing your homes and businesses; please, call the Church office to arrange for the blessing – the Agiasmos: (516) 379-1368. I am finishing the homes in Merrick in the next few days and beginning Bellmore and Wantagh immediately after.

          Tonight, we have our KANARIS dance group practice at 7:45 pm, as we are preparing our group to participate in the Paradosis Archdiocesan dance festival, which is postponed for October 21, 2023, with the participation of dance groups from the entire region.

          On Sunday, we have the affirmation of our Parish Council, followed by Executive Council elections. We express our gratitude to the volunteers of the Parish Council and we welcome all our new members as well as the renewing members who are contributing with their time, talents and treasures to promote the ministries of the Church: AIVALIOTIS CHRIS, BOULTADAKIS PATRICIA, FRASIOLAS ANGELO, LOUCA PETER, MANTIKAS DEMETRIOS, MENEGATOS GEORGE, MICHAELS JOHN, PAVLOU ANDREAS, POTARIS GUS, POULIKIDIS NIKOS, RACZKA EUGENE, ROCCO JOSEPH, SARANTAKOS NICHOLAS, SKENDERIS PETER, STATHOPOULOS NIKOS, TSEMPELIS CHRONIS, TSAKOS KOSTAS, TZARAS TRIANTAFILOS, ZARBOUTIS VASILIOS, ZERVAS TOMMY. Congratulations καὶ καλὴ ἐπιτυχία!

          On Monday, January 16, we celebrate the Vespers of Saint Anthony the Great at 7 pm. Immediately after, we have the meeting for our GOYA annual ski-trip, at 7:30 pm. On Monday, in honor of Martin Luther King Jr., the office will be closed.

          On Tuesday, January 17, we have the Wake and the Funeral of our beloved Harry Korines of blessed memory (9:30 am and 10:30 am respectively). In the evening, we have an Ἀγρυπνία – Night Vigil for Saint Athanasios the Great at 7 pm, with Divine Liturgy and Holy Communion. Happy nameday to Athanasios, Athanasia, Antonios, Antonia, Efthymios, Efthymia whose namedays are coming up, and to Tatiana, whose nameday was yesterday. Χρόνια πολλά!

Philoptochos meeting on Wednesday, January 18 at 7 pm. Little Angels meet every Thursday from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon. Yesterday, Little Angels had their Vasilopita blessing. The group is open for all children ages up to 5 years and parents as well as grandparents are welcome to attend. GOYA Paint Night and Vasilopita is on Friday, January 20 at 7:30 pm.

We also welcome all our children for service this Sunday, and I will speak to them before Holy Communion; afterwards, they continue with their Church School class and this month we are preparing for the Oratorical Festival to enrich the public speaking skills of our youth. At the same time, we continue our weekly practices and scheduled games or tournaments for the 2 Volleyball teams and the 8 Basketball teams of the Parish, wishing them every success, and congratulating the youth for their many amazing results and spectacular athletic achievements.

These is are some of the many beautiful events, services and activities for the coming week. We look forward to all of these great spiritual and fellowship opportunities and I pray that all our families enjoy a wonderful time with our Parish programs. I will see many of you at your homes for the Agiasmos and in Church. Blessings to all!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos



We celebrate two Saints of the Orthodox Church, who are characterized as “Greats,” because of their contribution to the faith, to Orthodox theology and for their inspirational example to the faithful. Saint Anthony the Great and Saint Athanasios the Great illuminate throughout the centuries the light of holiness and through their words of wisdom and Evangelical Truth. They are celebrated on the 17th and on the 18th of the month respectively.


            Saint Anthony was an Egyptian Christian, son of a very rich and aristocratic family.  Although he never went to School, he managed to memorize the Scriptures.  Since the age of 20, he gave all his property to the poor and he became a monastic. He lived in a cave, in the company of wild beasts and harsh weather conditions. His warmth emanated from prayer and from divine Grace.  It was his piety and holiness that attracted many to come and seek counsel and wisdom from Saint Anthony.  He supported Christians during persecutions by the pagan Romans. At the age of 90, he faced another persecution; it was the heresy of Arianism that afflicted many people.  That was the second time Saint Anthony had to leave the desert and go to Alexandria, in order to support the faithful to remain on the path of salvation. He considered heresy a betrayal of Christ and a great danger to all Christians.


            Saint Anthony was the reason why Saint Constantine turned to Christianity and became an advocate of the Church. The Emperor of the Roman Empire requested the advice of Saint Anthony and he maintained correspondence with him. The Emperor’s sons, Constantios and Constans, were also mentored by the Saint. Saint Anthony passed in Christ at the age of 105; although he lived a simple and ascetic life, he enjoyed health and clarity of mind until the last day of his life. His only possessions, a garment and two cassocks, were left to his disciples, Serapion and Athanasios the Great.


            Our age has been stigmatized by the sectarianism of Christianity. Although there is only one Christ, many different groups and sects claim authenticity and truth. There can be only one Church, apostolic, genuine and true to the message of the Gospel. Saint Anthony protected the unity of the Church and supported the faithful not to fall in the trap of heresy. Although he was illiterate, he is called “the professor of the desert,” for his wisdom and spiritual admonition. The monks and the nuns consider him as their patron Saint and protector. We all request his prayers and intercessions. We are inspired by his holiness. Saint Anthony teaches us not to be misled by the worldly cares and passions, but to use the gifts of God for our salvation and for charity. Saint Anthony and Saint Athanasios are truly great for their contribution, their example of holiness and their nourishment that transcends time and illuminates Christians throughout the ages.

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos




          Η εβδομάδα που ανοίγει ενέχει τον εορτασμό δύο σημαντικών Αγίων της Ορθοδοξίας και φωτισμένων μορφών του Χριστιανισμού. Και οι δύο αυτοί Άγιοι έχουν χαρακτηριστεί με το επωνύμιο «Μέγας» για την προσφορά και την πνευματική τους συνδρομή στην θεολογική σκέψη και στην έμπνευση των πιστών. Ο Άγιος Αντώνιος και ο Άγιος Αθανάσιος είναι οι σεπτές μορφές της πίστεως που εορτάζονται στις 17 και στις 18 Ιανουαρίου αντίστοιχα.

            Ο Άγιος Αντώνιος ήταν Αιγύπτιος Χριστιανός, από αριστοκρατική καταγωγή. Μολονότι δεν είχε γραμματική μόρφωση, απομνημόνευσε τις Γραφές. Από τα 20 χρόνια του έδωσε όλα του τα πλούτη για να ταχθεί στην μοναστική ζωή. Ζούσε στην έρημο, σε ένα σπήλαιο, με συντροφιά την προσευχή και ζεστασιά την θεία Χάρη. Και κατά τους διωγμούς από τους Ρωμαίους και κατά την περίοδο της εξάπλωσης των αιρέσεων, άφηνε το ασκητήριό του ώστε να στηρίξει τους πιστούς, που εβλαβόντουσαν την χάρη και την αγιότητά του. Ιδίως κατά του Αρειανισμού, σε ηλικία 90 ετών, ενέπνευσε τους Χριστιανούς να μην προδώσουν τις αρχές του Ευαγγελίου και της Εκκλησίας και να μην παρεκλίνουν από την οδό της Αλήθειας και της σωτηρίας.

            Ο Άγιος Αντώνιος υπήρξε ο λόγος της μεταστροφής και της πνευματικής στήριξης του Μεγάλου Κωνσταντίνου και των υιών του Κωνστάντιου και Κώνστα. Οι επιστολές του προς τον Αυτοκράτορα έδωσαν ώθηση στην εξάπλωση του Χριστιανισμού, στην προστασία από τις αιρέσεις και στην ελεύθερη λατρεία του Εσταυρωμένου και Αναστημένου Κυρίου. Σε ηλικία 105 ετών εξεδήμησε εν Κυρίω, αφήνοντας στον Σεραπίωνα και στον Μέγα Αθανάσιο τα μοναδικά του κειμήλιο, ένα ιμάτιο και δύο ράσσα.

            Σε μια εποχή που οι Χριστιανοί μας περικυκλώνονται από αιρέσεις και από κακοδοξίες, η φωτισμένη μορφή Αγίων όπως ο Μέγας Αντώνιος και ο Μέγας Αθανάσιος μάς διδάσκει να μην προδώσουμε την πίστη και την λατρεία της Ορθοδοξίας. Ο Άγιος Αντώνιος, ο «καθηγητής της ερήμου», μολονότι αγράμματος μάς νουθετεί και μάς καλλιεργεί στα νάματα του Ευαγγελίου. Οι μοναχοί τον έχουν ως πολιούχο, προστάτη και οδηγό. Όλοι μας ζητούμε το στήριγμα της Αγιότητός του, την χάρη και τις μεσιτείες του. Συνάμα, ευελπιστούμε δια του βίου του να μην τυφλωνόμαστε από κοσμικά και εφήμερα αγαθά, αλλά να τα χρησιμοποιούμε προς σωτηρία και προς φιλανθρωπία. Δια πρεσβειών των Αγίων Αντωνίου και Αθανασίου, να έχετε και εσείς κάθε καλό στην ζωή σας.

+Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος 

Message from December 30, 2022:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

          Happy New Year! I wish a pray that you all enjoyed a festive and blessed Christmas and that the New Year 2023 will be unforgettably jubilant. On Sunday morning of January 1st, we will all be given the chance to pray together for the New Year. We will have the festive Doxology, the blessing of the Vasilopita for the entire congregation as well as the celebration of the Lord’s feast of the Περιτομή and the commemoration of Saint Basil the Great. Happy nameday to Vasilios and Vasiliki! We had to cancel the New Year’s Eve party due to unforeseen reasons, but that will not keep us from celebrating with our loved ones and, most importantly, coming to Church to bring in the New Year with additional blessings and the grace of God in our lives.

          On Friday, January 6th, we celebrate Holy Epiphany and the Great Agiasmos – Blessing of the Holy Water, His Grace Bishop Athenagoras of Nazianzus presiding. We are honored that His Grace will bless us all, as He also did on the feast of our Patron Saint in October. Epiphany is one of the most sacred days of the year and it is a day of religious observance for all the Orthodox students in the area. A letter of excused absence from the Church will be issued and made available on Friday for all parents to pick up, so that we may celebrate the day together with our families and our children and receive the blessing of Epiphany.

          Someone asked me if it would be better to postpone Epiphany on another day, when people do not have to go to work or school. And my response is that Epiphany is on January 6th. Other religions do not postpone their holy days but insist on observing them and “force” the civil authorities to accept those days for religious observance. It is not advisable for us to always back down and give in on the most important events of our faith. How wonderful is that in Florida, the Orthodox people take off on Epiphany and hundreds of divers go into the water; this forced the public authorities to recognize that day and close entire streets for the observance of the event. America is a beautiful country and it is up to us, all of us, to choose which days will be celebrated in the future for our children and grandchildren: the sacred days or the ones that recognize evil and divisive causes.

So, give priority to the most sacred celebrations. Epiphany is one of them! After the Friday morning service, and after we receive Holy Communion and the Agiasmos to take home with us, we will proceed to Wantagh Park for the Blessing of the Ocean. His Grace Bishop Athenagoras will throw the Cross and give the signal for those who are not afraid of the cold, but love God so much that He warms up their hearts and souls with His glorious grace. These young swimmers are invited to come and dive in the water to retrieve the Cross. Do not miss this beautiful service!

          On Friday, we wish happy nameday to Theofanis and Theofania. On Saturday, January 7th, we celebrate the Synaxis of Saint John the Baptist; χρόνια πολλά to Ioannis, John, Joanna and Ioanna. On Thursday, January 5th we invite our Young Adults to a beautiful fellowship gathering at 7 pm. We will meet at the Church Hall for Bible Study and an “Ask the Priest” Q&A followed by fellowship with karaoke, ping pong, arcade basketball, snacks backgammon (tavli) and other games.

          We also completed the 2023 Calendar, which was sent to your homes with the 2023 Stewardship form. Please, support our Church, so that we may always provide these amazing programs for our faithful. The Calendar is produced in our office, and contains all the Christian Orthodox and national holidays, namedays and celebrations. It marks the fasting days, and a directory of all the Parish contact information, organizations’ directors and our major donors and contributors’ ads. We thank all our generous contributors who made 2022 an amazing year, filled with great programs for our youth and our families. By becoming stewards, we reaffirm that our faith and our Parish are our priorities, our spiritual home, which is ours, it belongs to us, we take care of it and we help in every way possible to sustain the ministries and participate in the services and events.

          Happy New Year! A blessed New Year! A healthy and prosperous New Year.

Καλὴ χρονιὰ καὶ εὐλογημένη, μὲ ὑγεία, χαρὰ καὶ κάθε ἀγαθό. Χαρούμενο τὸ νέο ἔτος 2023!!!

Message from December 14, 2022:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

This time of the year, we all feel like children. On Christmas, our heart races with joy, as we open our presents and see our loved ones open theirs. It is a time that we express our love and we experience the gifts of the faith.

          Christmas is the celebration of the Lord’s Incarnation. Our gifts to Him are presented as an expression of our gratitude for everything God has bestowed upon us. We become like the 3 Magi – the Wise Men from the East - bending our knee before Him and offering the outpouring of our heart.

          Christ Is Born – Glorify Him! Glorify Him with your gift, your prayerful contrition and your love for the faith. For your convenience, we have mailed to your home a pre-stamped envelope with the Church address already on it to make it easier to send back your Christmas gift. The schedule of the services is also attached, so that we can all enjoy an unforgettable and blessed Christmas. The Pageant this year promises to be the best one, and all services are serene and uplifting.

          Merry Christmas! May God grant to you and your loved ones all His gifts from above!

With Greetings and Christmas Wishes,

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos



Δεκέμβριος 2022

          Αγαπητοί φίλοι και υποστηρικές του Αγίου Δημητρίου,

          Αυτές τις ημέρες νιώθουμε σαν να είμαστε παιδιά. Τα Χριστούγεννα, η καρδιά μας πάλλει από χαρά, καθώς ανοίγουμε τα δώρα και βλέπουμε τους αγαπημένους μας να ανοίγουν τα δικά τους. Είναι ημέρες που εκφράζουμε αγάπη και δεχόμαστε τις δωρεές της πίστεως.

          Τα Χριστούγεννα εορτάζουμε την Σάρκωση του Υιού και Λόγου του Θεού. Ως έκφραση ευγνωμοσύνης για όλες τις ευεργεσίες Του, προσφέρουμε κι εμείς ταπεινά δώρα αγάπης και πίστεως. Γινόμαστε ως οι 3 Μάγοι εξ Ανατολών, γονατίζοντας μπροστά στο Θείο Βρέφος και ανοίγοντας τους κρουνούς της καρδιάς μας.

«Χριστὸς γεννᾶται· δοξάσατε»! Δοξάστε Τον με την δωρεά σας, την προσευχή σας, την πίστη σας, την αγάπη σας. Για την διευκόλυνσή σας, έχουμε στείλει στο σπίτι σας προπληρωμένο ταχυδρομικό φάκελο με την διεύθυνση του Ναού, ώστε να προσφέρετε το Χριστουγεννιάτικο δώρο σας. Επίσης, παραθέτουμε και το πρόγραμμα των εορτών για να συμμετάσχουμε στις λατρευτικές εκδηλώσεις των Χριστουγέννων. Η γιορτή του Κατηχητικού θα είναι αξέχαστη, και οι ακολουθίες προσφέρουν ανάταση ψυχής.

Καλά και ευλογημένα Χριστούγεννα! Είθε ο Πανάγαθος Κύριος να δωρίζει σε εσάς και τους αγαπημένους σας ύψιστα αγαθά.

Με εν Κυρίω  Χριστουγεννιάτικες ευχές, 

Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος

Ιερατικώς Προϊστάμενος

          Happy nameday to Eleftherios and Eleftheria, who celebrate on Thursday, December 15th! Χρόνια πολλὰ καὶ εὐλογημένα στὴν Ἐλευθέριο καὶ τὴν Ἐλευθερία γιὰ τὴν ὀνομαστική τους ἑορτή! We celebrate the feast of our Chapel tonight with Vespers (at 7 pm), praying to our second Patron Saint to bless and to protect us.

          Tomorrow, Thursday, December 15, we invite our Young Adults to a beautiful fellowship gathering at 7 pm. We will meet at the Church Hall for Bible Study and an “Ask the Priest” Q&A followed by fellowship with karaoke, ping pong, arcade basketball, snacks backgammon (tavli) and other games.

Καὶ τὴν Τρίτη 20 Δεκεμβρίου, Ἁγιογραφικὸς Κύκλος στὴν Ἑλληνικὴ γλῶσσα στὶς 12 τὸ μεσημέρι.

          Little Angels is having today a beautiful Christmas celebration with a surprise famous guest. Little Angels meet on Thursdays from 10 am to 11:30 am.

      St. Barbara's Philoptochos is having a Bake Sale this Sunday! The most delicious traditional Greek pastries, home-made and Church blessed, ready to be delivered for your Christmas table. Also, Vasilopita Sale: preorder your new Year's Vasilopita from Agia Skepi ($ 20 each); contact Eleni Frasiolas 516 232-6202 or Sophie Pappas 516 353-5187.

HOPE and JOY and the advisors, Mrs. Patty Konstantinopoulos and Mrs. Patty Guerin, welcome all children up to and including 6th grade (HOPE is ages 5-7 and JOY is ages 8-12) for a Christmas Story Spectacular! The children will meet at the Church Hall at 8:30 pm in their Christmas pajamas or ugly sweaters, where we will have an amazing event; they will listen to the story of Christmas from the priest and have an amazing time sharing their fellowship with pizza, cookies, milk, chocolate and the sweetness of the faith. A special surprise visitor is expected to make the evening even more memorable and special. The Christmas Pageant rehearsal is right before, so, if your child is participating in the Pageant, remain in the Church Hall for this unforgettable evening.

The GOYA advisors, Mrs. Eleni Frasiolas and Mrs. Eleni Gerasimou, welcome our youth for a Christmas recess Day in Manhattan on Thursday, December 29. The bus departs from the Church at 10 am, and we will visit the Metropolitan Museum of Arts, the Archdiocesan Headquarters, Central Park and many sightseeing areas for pictures and fellowship. We will conclude the trip with dinner at Laterna restaurant, with music and many surprises in between. For details and to also sign up, please, contact the GOYA advisors.

          Together with this email, I am sending below the weekly announcements and the entire schedule of events and services for Christmas, New Year’s and Epiphany.

1)    This year, Christmas is on a Sunday, which means that Christmas Eve (Saturday, December 24th) service is moved on Saturday morning, at 9 am, with Holy Communion.

2)    On the evening we have Great Vespers at 5 pm (no Holy Communion in the evening) and the Christmas Pageant immediately after at 6 pm. The Christmas Pageant Rehearsals are on Friday, December 16th at 7:15 pm and on Sunday, December 18th after the service; we invite our Youth Choir and all young people with vocal talents to also come during the rehearsals and assist.

3)    And Christmas Day, Sunday, December 25th, we have the service at 9 am in the morning.

          To prepare for Christmas, I will be offering the sacrament of confession throughout these weeks by appointment, or during the Pageant rehearsals. We are also enhancing our Pageant again this year, renewing it and adding amazing Christmas music, from both the Greek folkloric tradition, the Byzantine hymnology and Western Christmas music as well. Since the media do not promote Christmas themes, but mainly themes dedicated to the evil forces, we are striving to inspire more and more our faith and our heritage to our youth. It will not happen outside our homes and our Church, so, we might as well celebrate our faith with all our hearts and resolve.

The Christmas Pageant will be on Saturday, December 24th (Christmas Eve) at 6 pm. We will have 2 rehearsals, one on December 16th at 7:15 pm and one on December 18th immediately after the Sunday service. Please, contact the Church School directors for details. All children are welcome to participate and enjoy the story of Christmas coming alive!

          We also completed the 2023 Calendar, which will be sent to your homes with the 2023 Stewardship form. Please, support our Church, so that we may always provide these amazing programs for our faithful. The Calendar is produced in our office, and contains all the Christian Orthodox and national holidays, namedays and celebrations. It marks the fasting days, and a directory of all the Parish contact information, organizations’ directors and our major donors and contributors’ ads.

Our Christmas Card is getting ready!  Please, fill in the form which is available at the Church Narthex and submit it to a Parish Council member or call the Church office at (516) 379-1368 to include your family in the wishes we are sending to all the homes of our Parishioners. This way, we can all extend our wishes to the entire Parish family, save time, money, and also support our beloved Church.

Message from December 9, 2022:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

          Happy nameday to Anna! Χρόνια πολλὰ καὶ εὐλογημένα στὴν Ἄννα γιὰ τὴν ὀνομαστική της ἑορτή! Today, we celebrate the feast of the conception of Saint Anna the Prophetess, a significant mark in the journey of our salvation. On Monday, we celebrate Saint Spyridon the Wonderworker (with Orthros and Divine Liturgy at 9 am), happy nameday to Spyro and Spyridoula! On Tuesday, we have the feasts of Saints Efstratios and Lucia, and on Wednesday evening we celebrate the Great Vespers (at 7 pm) of our Chapel and the feast of Saint Eleftherios (which is on Thursday). Happy nameday to Eleftherios and Eleftheria! We are blessed to have in our Church the relic from the vestments of Saint Spyridon and the relic of Saint Eleftherios among many sacred blessings that sanctify our Altar and the Church. We will venerate them on the services of the week, asking for our Saints to bless and to protect us.

          Together with this email, I am sending below the weekly announcements and the entire schedule of events and services for Christmas, New Year’s and Epiphany.

1)    This year, Christmas is on a Sunday, which means that Christmas Eve (Saturday, December 24th) service is moved on Saturday morning, at 9 am, with Holy Communion.

2)    On the evening we have Great Vespers at 5 pm (no Holy Communion in the evening) and the Christmas Pageant immediately after at 6 pm. The Christmas Pageant Rehearsals are on Friday, December 16th at 7:15 pm and on Sunday, December 18th after the service; we invite our Youth Choir and all young people with vocal talents to also come during the rehearsals and assist.

3)    And Christmas Day, Sunday, December 25th, we have the service at 9 am in the morning.

          To prepare for Christmas, I will be offering the sacrament of confession throughout these weeks by appointment, or during the Pageant rehearsals. We are also enhancing our Pageant again this year, renewing it and adding amazing Christmas music, from both the Greek folkloric tradition, the Byzantine hymnology and Western Christmas music as well. Since the media do not promote Christmas themes, but mainly themes dedicated to the evil forces, we are striving to inspire more and more our faith and our heritage to our youth. It will not happen outside our homes and our Church, so, we might as well celebrate our faith with all our hearts and resolve.

          On New Year’s Eve, we bring the New Year 2023 together with an amazing party, on Saturday, December 31st at 9 am. Reserve your tables now! You noticed that our Greek School event is reserved to capacity and sold out; do not miss the New Year’s party, which will be unforgettable, with music, delicious food, drinks and the best music with DJ Phil and Euphoria productions. Only $75 for adults ($25 for children) including Champagne, Vasilopita, chef prepared dinner and music entertainment. Call the Church office (516-379-1368) to reserve a table or seat, preferably close to the dance floor!

          The Philoptochos event was great on Wednesday and very well attended with fun games and great fellowship. Tonight, GOYA has the ugly sweater party with gift exchange and great fellowship and we look forward for the Golden Years event on Tuesday and the HOPE and JOY next Friday, after the Pageant Rehearsal.

We also completed the 2023 Calendar, which will be sent to your homes with the 2023 Stewardship form. Please, support our Church, so that we may always provide these amazing programs for our faithful. The Calendar is produced in our office, and contains all the Christian Orthodox and national holidays, namedays and celebrations. It marks the fasting days, and a directory of all the Parish contact information, organizations’ directors and our major donors and contributors’ ads.

You will soon also receive the ballot form to vote for the Community Center, together with a pamphlet explaining the major assets and characteristics of the new edifice. Your vote and contribution are needed to proceed with construction as soon as this coming Spring. We need more than two thirds of the Parish members to vote in order to proceed. It is up to us. Let’s work together to bring the best possible New Year 2023 and to also celebrate together the Metropolis of Feasts, Christmas!

Message from December 2, 2022:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

          In more than 2 and a half decades in the ministry, I have seen a lot. The first funeral I officiated as a newly ordained priest was a young person, same age as me. Since that day, I focused all my energy for the youth, to help and save our youth. For this reason, we have a sermon especially dedicated for the children in our Church. We gather with our GOYA and we make activities for them frequently. We dedicate so much attention to our Church and Greek School, our youth programs, Little Angels, HOPE, JOY and athletic teams. But, in addition to fellowship, the epicenter of everything is our participation in the sacramental life of the Church.

Parents, if you decide to follow only one advice from me in your entire life, please, take this to heart: bring your children to Church! Make Church participation a frequent family experience. I understand that there is soccer and basketball on Sunday mornings too. But unless your little one is destined to be the next Michael Jordan, I advise you to place the emphasis on the moral development of your child. In 25 years of priesthood, not one member from the Parishes I know and served became a professional athlete. Not one!!! And I can count in one hand non-academic, merit, full-scholarships that were given for participation to sports. In 25 years, serving in a day School as well as our own Parish, I have met thousands of young people. Not one of them pursued a career in cheerleading, lacrosse or in the NBA. Among those thousands, I have met people who pursued many careers, some succeeded tremendously. One thing that they all needed to advance in life was faith.

Yes, a high moral caliber, leading to advanced work ethic, commitment and a drive to excel, are the ingredients instilled by faith to many young successful members of our Parish. The same ideals collaborated for the building of their families, the formation of positive relationships, and especially for happiness. More than any knowledge, trade or science, the main factor of happiness and success is faith. Cultivating faith and love for God gives meaning to everything else. It helps us pursue our full potential. It keeps us safe from temptations, corruption and evil. Faith protects our youth from negative impulses and the dangers of the world we live in. Our children will not be children forever. They will go to College and make their own choices as adults. They will not need a policeman, but a parent. As parents, we are commissioned to train them and teach them well. And we are not alone at that. We have the Church.

In Church, our Youth is surrounded by other like-minded people who empower them to advance in their strive for salvation. They learn and experience the faith. They are inspired by the Saints to never settle for less. They are strengthened by Christ to never give up. They are motivated by the sacraments to become vessels of positive change for the world. I look forward to seeing our children in Church, as we prepare for the Christmas Pageant and all the beautiful feasts of Advent. May God bless our children!

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


This week is marked with the celebration of significant Saints (and the name-days of many Parishioners and family members). On Wednesday, we had the feast of Saint Andreas, the Protector and Patron Saint of our Mother Church, the Patriarchate of Constantinople, and Patron of Patras, Cyprus and Great Britain (along with Saint George). He was the first called Apostle and his martyrdom was by crucifixion; out of humility he requested that his cross is placed sideways, so that he is not crucified like Jesus. This explains the X shape in the British flag (in honor of Saint Andrew) superimposed by the Cross in honor of Saint George.

The Ecumenical Patriarchate evangelized the British people with Orthodox missionaries, many of them Saints of our Church, like Saints Alban, Aristobulus, Brendan, Piran, David of Wales, Columba of Scotland, Theodore, Laurence and Augustine of Canterbury, Melangell of Wales, Aidan, Brannoc, Bede, Felix, Elian, Donald of Scotland, Wilfrid, Bridget, Kieran, Oswald, Edmund, Richard the King, Edward, Gregory Dialogus, Benedict, Herbert, Gerald and many others. Am I forgetting a very significant one? How could I forget Saint Patrick the Apostole of Ireland (493), who illuminated the Irish people with the light of Christian faith? This is why I always say that we have two parades on 5th Avenue every year, one for Greek Independence Day, and one for Saint Patrick’s! And the Orthodox missionaries professed the faith, in representing the Mother Church, under the protection of Saint Andreas!

Today, celebrated Saint Porfyrios of Kafsokalyvia, a modern-day Saint who reposed in Christ 30 years ago. I received his blessing as a young High School student and my family loved Saint Porfyrios, whose icon is in our Church amongst other contemporary Saints who blessed our Orthodox faith. His advice and his spiritual instruction are profound and didactic; he was wise and prudent and he brought many of us closer to Christ with his example and love.

On Sunday, we celebrate Saint Barbara the great martyr. She is a miraculous Saint and please, listen to the sermon, which narrates her life and how she is also a protector for abused children and for people suffering from pandemics and contagious diseases. Every year, in my sermon on the feast of Saint Barbara, I make special reference to the sacred duty we all have to protect the innocent and angelic children. They are surrounded by corruption and evil, that invades their lives through atheism, moral deception, corrupt social media and public persecution.

Often times, children are pressured to deny their Christian identity and values, especially in School and College. The sanctity of their life is not respected before and not even after birth. International traffickers and exploiters use and abuse innocent lives and especially children from suffering countries and broken families. Recent arrests of such abusers are only the tip of the iceberg, data shows that thousands are abused daily and such crimes are not punished as they should. Movies and series on famous networks and platforms romanticize abuse; directors and film producers, although with guilty verdicts against them, roam free and with punishments much lesser than someone who opened their business during a lockdown (considering the gravity of the crimes against children).

On December 6th we celebrate the memory of Saint Nicholas, Bishop of Myra in Asia Minor. Saint Nicholas is an example of charity, philanthropy and care for the meek. He lived an ascetic lifestyle and he maintained no personal belongings; he was a monk and a Bishop that should inspire all Christians that happiness in the simple things of life. In the West he is also known as Santa Claus. However, we all know that he lived in Asia Minor, not in the North Pole, and that he was never married (there was no Mrs. Claus). He was also a very thin ascetic, vested in black, not in red.  But his legacy of charity became well known. Saint Nicholas was very discrete when helping someone; he did not want his good deeds to be known, unlike some people who advertise their philanthropy. He helped especially the orphans, the widows, the lame, the sick and the elderly.  He gave smile in the faces that were sprinkled by tears.  He gave joy to the hearts that were broken by sorrow. He was the example of faith and piety, as his hymn (Apolytikion) indicates. He is an example to be followed and imitated by more and more Christians.

Saint Nicholas inspires contemporary Christians to be persons of charity and love.  Christmas is a season when it is customary to help the institutions and the poor. But our love for our suffering brethren should be expressed throughout the year. There are many souls that need support and consolation. There are many hearts that need a prayer and a loving presence. There are many people who need to see that Christians live up to their Christian vocation.

Saint Nicholas is also the Patron Saint of Seamen. He protects sailors and people who travel by sea.  Ancient Greeks had Poseidon as the god of the sea. Unlike Poseidon, Saint Nicholas does not trouble the waters, but he mediates for the travelers of the oceans, he protects the people who ask for his intercessions and he saves the travelers who consciously pray to him.

The icon of Saint Nicholas is one of the most ancient and historical icons of Byzantine art.  It depicts the holiness and the piety of the Saint, who is an example of love and Christian values.  Such an example inspired the faithful to announce at his ordination that his is “worthy;” and at his funeral to exclaim that he is “HOLY!”

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


Στις 6 Δεκεμβρίου εορτάζουμε την μνήμη του εν Αγίοις Πατρός ημών Αγίου Νικολάου, επισκόπου Μύρων της Λυκίας.  Ο Άγιος Νικόλαος αποτέλεσε πρότυπο αγαθοεργίας και φιλανθρωπίας διότι μολονότι ζούσε απλοϊκώς και ασκητικώς, μοίραζε αγαθά σε κάθε αναξιοπαθούντα.  Στην Δύση είναι γνωστός ως Σάντα Νικόλαους ή Σάντα Κλάους, που έδιδε δώρα σε όσους δεν είχαν τα απαραίτητα για να ζήσουν.  Βέβαια, ο Άγιος Νικόλαος ήταν ένας αδύνατος ασκητής και Αρχιερεύς και ζούσε στα Μύρα της Λυκίας, όχι στον Βόρειο Πόλο.  Ό,τι όμως δώριζε το τοποθετούσε με τέτοιο τρόπο ώστε κανείς να μην γνωρίζει τις αγαθοεργίες του. Βοηθούσε ορφανά, χήρες, παραλύτους, ασθενείς και ηλικιωμένους. Χάριζε το χαμόγελο στα πρόσωπα που ήταν ποτισμένα μέσα στο δάκρυ. Έδινε τη χαρά στις καρδιές εκείνες που ήταν ματωμένες από το πένθος. Ήταν πραγματικά κανόνας πίστεως και εικόνα πραότητος.  Πρότυπο προς μίμηση και μάθημα προς νουθεσία.

Στην εποχή μας χρειαζόμαστε τέτοια παραδείγματα πιστών Χριστιανών, που να δωρίζουν από το περίσσευμα αλλά και (μακάρι) ακόμη και από το υστέρημά τους.  Τα Χριστούγεννα πολλοί άνθρωποι βοηθούν ιδρύματα και τους αδυνάτους. Αλλά η αγάπη μας πρέπει να εκφράζεται όλη τη χρονιά. Να συμπαραστεκόμαστε στους μόνους, τους αρρώστους στα γηρατειά.  Υπάρχουν πολλές ψυχές που χρειάζονται παρρηγορία. Πολλές καρδιές απαιτούν παραμυθία. Πολλά μυαλά θέλουν παρρησία.  Χρειαζόμαστε ανθρώπους με ανθρωπιά.  Με αγάπη για τον πλησίον και πίστη στο Πανάγαθο Θεό.

Ο  Άγιος Νικόλαος είναι επίσης και προστάτης των ναυτικών. Ως πολιούχος της θαλάσσης και των ναυτιλομένων, αγιάζει και προστατεύει κάθε πιστό που παλεύει με τα κύμματα των Ωκεανών.  Για τους Έλληνες, είναι σαν άλλος Ποσειδώνας. Μόνο που αντί να ταράζει τη θάλασσα και να δοκιμάζει τους πλέοντας, φέρνει θεία γαλήνη, προστασία και σωτηρία σε όσους τον επικαλούνται.

Η εικόνα του Αγίου Νικολάου, μία από τις αρχαιότερες και ιστορικότερες απεικονίσεις Αγίου, εξυμνεί το παράστημα και παράδειγμα Αγιότητος και ευλαβείας σύμφωνα με το οποίο έζησε τον ενκόσμιο βίο του.  Ένα παράδειγμα που έκανε τους πιστούς στην χειροτονία του να αναφωνήσουν «Άξιος.» Και στην κηδεία του να ομολογήσουν «Άγιος!»

+Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος


I hope and pray you all enjoyed a restful, healthy and joyous Thanksgiving weekend. This Sunday, our Philoptochos celebrates the Patron Saint of the sisterhood, Saint Barbara the Great Martyr; you are all invited to participate in the Sunday service and to the beautiful brunch immediately after the service. We express our gratitude to the ladies of our Philoptochos, the President Sophia Pappas and the Executive Board, as well as all donors and contributors, who are the driving force for the benevolent philanthropies of the sisterhood. May Saint Barbara grant to all health, salvation and protection.

          This week, we wish happy nameday to the Barbaras of the Parish on Sunday, as well as everyone with the name Savvas (on Monday), Nicholas (happy nameday to the President of the Parish Council, Nikos Poulikidis, and the Vice President, Nick Stathopoulos, as well as Nick Sarantakos from the PC and so many relatives and friends) and Nikoletta (on Tuesday), Anna (on Friday) and Menas (on Saturday). Today, we also celebrate Saint Porphyrios, a contemporary Saint of the Church, whom I had the great honor to meet and receive his blessing. On Sunday, we will discuss our Saints and teach our Church School students about the beauty of our faith.

Message from November 23, 2022:

Happy Thanksgiving!

          I would like to wish you with all my heart a happy and blessed Thanksgiving for our entire Parish family! We have many things to be thankful for: our faith, our families, our culture, our Church, our volunteers, and all the great events we enjoy in our Parish. I would like to also express my gratitude to His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America for the great honor bestowed upon me by appointing me as the Vicar of the Eastern Long Island District. His Eminence’s trust and blessings are a continuous motivator for all of us to work together for the benefit of our Church.

We have one additional thing to be thankful for: our Community Center project received from the General Assembly the green light to begin. We are now working on getting the responses from all of you for the actual construction to happen as soon as possible. Before Christmas, you will all receive in the mail an envelope with a pamphlet detailing the parameters of the project. It will have the pictures of the architectural model, the floorplan, the construction cost and how each one of us can vote to approve it.

Our vote in support of the Center will be with our actual donations, so that each family can dedicate something to the Center, a wall, a classroom, a part of the roof, a basketball board or anything else. At the Assembly, several families came forth and donated already for the project. Together with the other donations from the past and implementing the frugal way with which we run our Parish finances, we have covered what we need to begin the project, including our foundations. We certainly need more than that, so we now ask all our 450 families to come forward to gift what we can afford, without putting any pressure on our family expenses.

          Our donations receive tax credit, and we can all enjoy the fruit of our labor for the generations to come. The Community Center account is a separate bank reserve, which is not used for anything except the Center. I even told my girls that their Christmas present this year is to donate to the Center, since this is something that they will always enjoy, even when they become parents and grandparents, with the Grace of God.

          All-Con, owned by Mr. George Proios, who was also selected for the Church renovation project, won the bid for the Community Center. He is donating a significant amount back to the Church, the same way he did with the Church renovation, to ensure that this project happens at a cost which is significantly lower than similar projects in the area. I was informed that even smaller projects than ours cost almost twice as much. And we are thankful that it will be done by an expert, who is member of the Parish, and who does not aim to profit, but to leave a legacy for all future generations.

          As a reminder, apart from the 18,500 sq. ft. construction, we will also have a brand new parking lot, with an additional 30 parking spaces (totaling 109), new and expanded dry wells, new lights, new entry way, circular driveway in front of the Church, plus a gorgeous building with iron beams, stone and brick, that has the capacity to sustain an additional 2 floors of weight on its roof, with an amazing Gymnasium, 11 classrooms, 4 offices, a game room, the Costantine and Carol Cassis Kafeneio, the Food court and so much more. And all this will cost us the same as the cost of a large house! It will be an extension of our home, though, next to our beloved Church and able to house all our events and activities.

          Therefore, this Christmas, all of us can vote with our hearts for what we love, our faith, our culture, our families. Offer them the gift of giving. We may pledge now and send our gift as soon as we can or even divide our pledge in installments or monthly donations. Whatever helps us make this project begin within the next few months needs to be done. Our parents, only 60 families at the time, gave us a gorgeous Church. We are 450 families, and we certainly can do the same, and build a Center worthy of the needs of our Parish. So, let’s vote YES to the Center, not with words, but with actions!


It is with much sadness in our hearts but also with faith and hope in the Resurrection that we announce the passing in Christ of our beloved Sophia Malafis – Σοφία Μαλαφῆ. Our beloved Sophia was a dedicated member of our Parish family, who attended services frequently and was a faithful Christian, loving wife, mother and grandmother and great-grandmother. She came from the beautiful village of Parparia in Chios and she was married to her late husband Konstantinos Malafis of blessed memory, raising a wonderful family, which included even her beautiful great-grandchildren that she was blessed to see and nurture spiritually. She was 89 years old, dynamic, and an active Parish member. She was in Church two Sundays ago, she received Holy Communion and she was blessed in every possible way. When I last saw her at the hospital, only moments before she passed away, she was surrounded by her family and with lots of love and care. The Wake will take place on Friday, November 25th at 11:30 am, immediately after the Divine Liturgy, and the Funeral will take place right after at 12:30 pm. May her memory be eternal. Αἰωνία ἡ μνήμη αὐτῆς!

Message from November 17, 2022:


          Imagine being a member in a Gym that also belongs to you, to your family and friends. And furthermore, you help build this Gym and you may use it for your entire life; and you pass it on to your children and grandchildren. Imagine building a coffee shop, where you and your friends can get together from your younger years all the way to your retirement age. Imagine being part of a School, where everything that is most precious to you is taught: your faith, your heritage and your values. And, even better, you may bring your children there to receive such treasured education, with the promise that they will also do the same for your grandchildren, for all the generations after us - for the years to come. Imagine gifting for such a sacred cause, and your gift is also tax exempted, meaning that you actually profit from such a donation spiritually, educationally, philanthropically, physically, socially and even financially.

          Imagine no more! This is our chance to make our dream a reality. The inspiring donors from past years gave us our Church. Then they provided us with the necessary land, adjacent to our gorgeous Saint Demetrios. After the completion of two much needed renovations, we purchased two additional properties, having paid off the remainder of the mortgages, and we secured enough funds to complete the architectural and engineering plans. We filed for the permits, after a long process overcoming legal and bureaucratic obstacles; we convinced our neighbors that we are building something gorgeous, which will elevate their property values and make everyone happy to be part of our beautiful community. And we prepared the property, after the demolitions, for the next step, which is a step for US to take. And we need to take this step together, all together!

          Our parents and grandparents came to this country with almost nothing and built the (arguably) most beautiful Church in our district. Our generation is successful and accomplished. Are we able to build something for our children and grandchildren? If the answer is YES, let’s take this step together and make our Community Center, the epicenter of our lives. We can each bring something into this project, we can help build a wall, a classroom, a basketball floor, a portion of the roof. This is OURS! So, imagine no more, and let’s BUILD!


          Μπορείς να φανταστείς ότι είσαι μέλος σε ένα γυμναστήριο, το οποίο είναι για εσένα, για τους φίλους, τα παιδιά και τα εγγόνια σου, και συνέδραμες να χτιστεί; Μπορείς να φανταστείς ότι έχεις κατασκευάσει ένα καφενείο για να έρχεσαι με την παρέα σου, είτε είσαι στα νεανικά σου χρόνια, είτε όταν φτάσεις την ηλικία για σύνταξη; Μπορείς να φανταστείς ένα σχολείο στο οποίο διδάσκεται ό,τι αγαπάς, η πίστη, η πνευματική σου κληρονιμιά, η ιστορία σου; Και ακόμη καλύτερα, εκεί τα παιδιά, τα εγγόνια κι όλες οι μελλοντικές γενιές θα διατηρήσουν τα ηθικά ιδανικά που πρεσβεύεις. Μπορείς να φανταστείς ότι όλα αυτά θα γίνουν με τις δικές μας δωρεές, οι οποίες εξαιρούνται φορολογικά, άρα το κέρδος είναι πολλαπλό: πνευματικό, εκπαιδευτικό, φιλανθρωπικό, κοινωνικό, φυσικοσωματικό, ακόμη και οικονομικό.

          Δεν χρειάζεται να φανταστείς άλλο! Έχουμε την ευκαιρία να μετατρέψουμε τα όνειρα σε πραγματικότητα, την φαντασία σε ουσία. Οι προκάτοχοι στην ενορία μάς έδωσαν έναν καλλιπρεπέστατο ναό. Ήρθαν σε αυτήν την χώρα χωρίς τίποτα κι έκαναν το δικό τους όνειρο πραγματικότητα. Εμείς, η νέα γενιά Ελληνορθοδόξων, είμαστε επιτυχημένοι σε όλους τους τομείς. Το οφείλουμε στα παιδιά μας και στις μελλοντικές γενεές, να δημιουργήσουμε, να αναδείξουμε, να χτίσουμε. Ήδη, η κοινότητα, χάρη στους ευεργέτες της, έχει αποπληρώσει όλα τα περιουσικά της στοιχεία, έχει αγοράσει 8 οικόπεδα κι έχει ετοιμάσει τα αρχιτεκτονικά σχέδια, τις πολεοδομικές άδειες και τα δικαστικά έξοδα ώστε να μείνει μόνο μία φροντίδα για εμάς: το κτίριο, το νέο μας Κοινοτικό Κέντρο.

Αυτό το επόμενο βήμα θα το κάνουμε μαζί, όλοι μαζί, κανένας δεν θα μείνει έξω να κοιτάζει ως παρατηρητής, όλοι θα βάλουμε το λιθαράκι μας, ένα κομμάτι τοίχου, σκεπής, πατώματος, μια αίθουσα διδασκαλίας, ένα γραφείο, ένα γυμναστήριο, ό,τι χρειάζεται! Ήδη έχουμε την ομορφότερη Εκκλησία, εκεί που ευλογούνται όλα τα σημαντικότερα γεγονότα της ζωής μας. Δίπλα της θα στέκεται αγέρωχα το Κοινοτικό μας Κέντρο, ώστε Ναός και Σχολειό να είναι στο επίκεντρο της δραστηριότητάς μας. Το Κέντρο είναι δικό μας, δικό μας δημιούργημα, δικό μας σπίτι. Δεν χρειάζεται άλλο να φανταστείς... έλα να χτίσεις!

Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος


          We invite you all to the General Assembly this Sunday, November 20th after the service. We have the presentation of the bids for the construction cost of the Community Center and we need all our Parish families to be represented for the significant decision to be made. To expedite the meeting, I am sending the Minutes of the previous Assembly with this email, as well as the State of Affairs of the Church. This way, we may focus on the discussion of the Community Center, the cost, the fundraising, the projected time of construction and its importance for the growth of the ministries and programs for the Parish. Every family should be represented, this is a decision that affects us and our children and all future generations. We can be a significant part of the history of Saint Demetrios!

          During the November General Assembly, we also hold our Parish Council nominations. Based on the response of the kind volunteers from my previous emails and their participation in the Seminars that I offered for all Parish Council candidates in the Direct Archdiocesan District, the proposed nominees for candidacy in the Council are (in alphabetical order):

Christos Aivaliotis, John Katsigiorgis, Peter Louca, George Menegatos, Gus Potaris, Nikos Poulikidis, Kostas Tsakos, Thomas Zervas.

We also have the nominations for the Audit committee and the Elections committee, which we will go over on Sunday.

The GOYA advisors, Mrs. Eleni Frasiolas and Mrs. Eleni Gerasimou, welcome our youth for our Friendsgiving event and care Packages preparation, on Friday, November 18th at 7:45 pm. Right before the event, our KANARIS dance group has a practice at 7 pm. Also, GOYA Ice-Skating at the Town of Oyster Bay Ice Skating (1001 Stewart Avenue Bethpage) on Friday December 2nd from 8:30 pm - 10:30 pm. GOYA trip to MSG for the Knicks vs Bucks game is sold out, with tremendous participation from our youth on November 30th. Currently, we are preparing for our Christmas outing to Manhattan, with many amazing surprises! Stay tuned.

HOPE and JOY and the advisors, Mrs. Patty Konstantinopoulos and Mrs. Patty Guerin, welcome all children up to and including 6th grade (HOPE is ages 5-7 and JOY is ages 8-12) for a Magic Show, on Friday, December 2nd at 7:30 pm. Games, activities, snack and a wonderful surprise at the end!

Our Christmas Card is fast approaching!  Please, fill in the form which is available at the Church Narthex and submit it to a Parish Council member or to the office. This way, we can all extend our wishes to the entire Parish family, save time, money, and also support our beloved Church.

Our Little Angels meet on Thursdays, from 10 am to 11:30 am. Bring your little ones for learning, fun, arts, crafts and enjoyable activities.

Our Greek School Christmas Party is on Sunday, December 11th after the service in our Church Hall. We will have an amazing event for our children with many great surprises and DJ entertainment. Kalanta will also be performed on that day.

          St. Barbara's Philoptochos is having a Vasilopita Sale: preorder your new Year's Vasilopita from Agia Skepi ($ 20 each); contact Eleni Frasiolas or Sophie Pappas. Our ladies are also preparing for the Christmas Party at Mio Posto, Wednesday, December 7th, from 6:30 pm - 10:30pm . For reservations, please contact Eleni Frasiolas at or Patty Sarantakos.

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message from November 3, 2022:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

          It is with sadness in our hearts but also with hope in the Resurrection that we announce the repose in Christ of our beloved Calliope Laracuenta. The funeral will take tomorrow Friday, November 4 at 10:30 am. The Wake will take place today at Towers Funeral Home (2681 Long Beach Road) from 2 – 4 and from 7 – 9 pm. Calliope was a very faithful Christian, who attended services regularly and contributed to Philoptochos for many years. We have the most fun memories of her, dancing, laughing and enjoying her wonderful personality. Her spirituality and her love for her beautiful family as well as all her friends will be greatly missed.

           HOPE and JOY and the advisors, Mrs. Patty Konstantinopoulos and Mrs. Patty Guerin, welcome all children up to and including 6th grade (HOPE is ages 5-7 and JOY is ages 8-12) for the Treasure Hunt, tomorrow, Friday, November 4 at 8 pm. Games, activities, scavenger hunt and a wonderful surprise at the end!

Also, tomorrow, is our KANARIS dance group practice at 7 pm. On Sunday, we have our GOYA Board Affirmation. We congratulate our newly elected GOYA Board, which will serve for the 2022-23 term, and is comprised of the following positions:

Co-Presidents: Natalia Fakinos and Katerina Perlegis

1st Vice President: Demetris Zervas

2nd Vice President: Michael Papazis

Secretary: Demetra Frasiolas

Treasurer: Eleana Gerasimou

Event Coordinator: Georgios Rekkas

Congratulations!!! A festive Bake sale, Frape and fellowship will follow and we thank our GOYA advisors, Eleni Frasiolas and Eleni Gerasimou for a stellar job in organizing a plethora of events and activities for the youth!

Last Sunday, our Greek School presented a fabulous OXI day celebration, with a beautiful program honoring the heroes of the Nation. There is nothing better than hearing our future Greek American leaders manifest their love for the Nation and voicing a loud and pronounced OXI – NO to all evils. The event was followed by Tyropita and Spanakopita sale which was another great success. On the topic of Greek pride, tonight, we have a meeting with the representatives of all Nassau County Greek Orthodox Parishes to prepare for the annual Greek Heritage event, which takes place at Nassau County’s Executive offices’ aduditorium, in March of every year. Our chairlady from the Parish for the event is Mrs. Panagiota Perlegis and we thank her for her gracious and committed efforts. And the Highest Greek Education Commission hosts the annual Greek Education Conference on Saturday, November 12th at 10:30 am at the Greek Orthodox Shrine of Saint Nicholas, Flushing. We invite all Greek educators to attend.

On Sunday, November 13, you are all invited for Presvytera’s Thanksgiving Brunch at the Church Hall, immediately after the service. Presvytera Chrissy invites you for delicious food and great fellowship, in order to express our appreciation to God for all the blessings he gives us!

          We invite you all to the General Assembly on Sunday, November 20th after the service and then we will decide our next course of action. We have the presentation of the bids for the construction cost of the Community Center and we need all our Parish families to be represented for the significant decision to be made.

          Prospective candidates for the Parish Council are invited to the preparatory Seminar, which I will deliver at Saint Paul’s Cathedral on Tuesday, November 8 at 6 pm. Please, call our Church office to register and receive more information. We thank all our good volunteers and our distinguished Parish Council members.

          Yesterday, Wednesday, November 2nd, I represented our Parish for the nameday of His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America at Holy Trinity Cathedral. We wish His Eminence ἔτη πολλὰ, many years of His inspiring ministry and leadership, with health, and sacred blessings for the glory of God!

          On Tuesday, we had our Golden Years meeting, which was beautiful, with lunch and great fellowship! And today, I saw our Little Angels, who meet every Thursday at 10:30 am. Kyria Anna and Kyria Sofia have planned fun and educational activities for all of our little friends.

St. Barbara's Philoptochos is having a Vasilopita Sale: preorder your new Year's Vasilopita from Agia Skepi ($ 20 each); contact Eleni Frasiolas or Sophie Pappas.

This week, we have beautiful celebrations for the Synaxis of the Holy Archangels and for Saint Nektarios, on Tuesday, November 8th. We celebrate the Archangels with Orthros and Divine Liturgy at 9 am and Saint Nektarios with Vespers at 7 pm. Also, the celebrating Community of Holy Archangels invites us for their Vespers, the evening before at 7 pm. Happy nameday to Angelo, Angela, Angeliki, Nektaria, Nektarios, Michael, Michelle, Gabriel, Gabriella, Stamatis, Stamatia, Raphael, Raphaella and all relevant names. Χρόνια πολλά!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message from October 27, 2022:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

          The feast of Saint Demetrios was truly memorable and beautiful. We thank His Grace Bishop Athenagoras of Nazianzos, the many visiting clergy, the chanters, the volunteers, our Philoptochos, our Parish Council and all Parish organizations and donors who made the feast so splendid.

On Sunday, our Greek School invites you for the OXI day celebration, with a beautiful program honoring the heroes of the Nation, followed by Tyropita and Spanakopita sale during fellowship hour. We would like to thank all our Raffle supporters and especially the donors for their generosity, and we also extend our heartfelt appreciation to the contributors of our Greek School and all youth organizations.

I will personally honor OXI day by saying OXI to anything that goes against our Faith, our Nation and our culture: OXI to the evils that surround our lives and attempt to penetrate society and the world we live in. OXI to the attack against virtues, patriotism, the sacred institution of family, and the propaganda that poisons the pure minds of the youth. OXI to the constant promotion of atheism, agnosticism, and the hatred for people of faith. OXI to indifference, apathy for social evils, lack of willingness to volunteer, to pray and to serve our Lord and His children. OXI to the fascism of negating our culture, our heritage and our spiritual treasures, only to be replaced by the propagated narrative of corruption and suppression of freedom. OXI to the evil that attacks our families, our youth and the most innocent members of society. OXI!!!

Let’s say OXI together to all of the above, and proudly exclaim NAI, YES, to everything that makes us a family, as we celebrate many events with our Church School, Greek School, the Youth and all Parish organizations. One of them is also celebrating tomorrow, and actually turning around what used to be an holiday that promoted evil and fear, to create a party for laughter, love and togetherness. Bravo to our HOPE and JOY for organizing a costume party, with great ideas for laughter, games, amazing music, delicious food and making the children feel safe as they celebrate with their friends.

          HOPE and JOY and the advisors, Mrs. Patty Konstantinopoulos and Mrs. Patty Guerin, welcome all children up to and including 6th grade (HOPE is ages 5-7 and JOY is ages 8-12) for the Costume Party, Friday, October 28th at 7:30pm; Euphoria Productions and DJ Phil will provide the entertainment. Delicious food, games, music, dancing and lots of fun. Parents are welcome to wear a fun costume as well.

          On the same subject of our youth getting together for a good cause, I would be remiss not to mention GOYA, which had an outstanding community service at Ronald McDonald house, where they cooked for 48 residents enough food (3 course meals) to last them for the entire weekend. We were limited to bring with us only a small number of GOYAns, no more than 15 members, and they did a splendid job of cooking, cleaning, serving and manifesting that our Greek Festivals will be phenomenal even in the future. I am still impressed with how these young teenagers were slicing, dicing, cracking eggs single handed and making kitchen magic happen, some of them no older than 13!!! Our future is bright and very promising and I can attest that we are able to rely on them for the Festivals of the 21st century!

Speaking of 21st century, we are also planning everything necessary for the future growth of the Parish, including the Community Center. If we want to make this project start, it is up to every single one of us. Come to the General Assembly on Sunday, November 20th after the service and then we will decide our next course of action. We have the presentation of the bids for the construction cost of the Community Center and we need all our Parish families to be represented for the significant decision to be made.

On Sunday, November 13, you are all invited for Presvytera’s Thanksgiving Brunch at the Church Hall, immediately after the service. Presvytera Chrissy invites you for delicious food and great fellowship, in order to express our appreciation to God for all the blessings he gives us!

          On Wednesday, November 2nd, His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America invites us all for his nameday celebration at Holy Trinity Cathedral, with a service and a reception (service begins at 8:30 am). We wish His Eminence ἔτη πολλὰ, many years of His inspiring ministry and leadership, with health, and sacred blessings for the glory of God!

St. Barbara's Philoptochos is having a Vasilopita Sale: preorder your new Year's Vasilopita from Agia Skepi ($ 20 each); contact Eleni Frasiolas or Sophie Pappas.

These are some of the highlights of the week, enough to keep us excited and busy at the same time. We look forward to seeing you all and celebrate OXI, by saying OXI and defending our faith and our values!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message from October 21, 2022:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

          Our Church celebrates! Our Saint celebrates! Just this week, I have received several testimonies of Parishioners who have expressed how Saint Demetrios has saved them, healed them and helped them in their lives. Saint Demetrios is a miraculous Martyr of the Church, a wondrous Saint and powerful Protector. This Tuesday, October 25th, we celebrate his Vespers at 7 pm. Please, bring the names of your loved ones at the Artoklasia, as we will ask for his intercessions and grace.

          On Wednesday, October 26th, we have the Orthros and the Divine Liturgy starting at 9 am, His Grace Bishop Athenagoras of Nazianzos presiding. Letters of religious observance will be provided for the students who attend the service. Philoptochos invites you all for a reception and the Parish Council has also prepared everything for a glorious and festive celebration for the name-day of our Patron Saint.

          Χρόνια πολλά to Gerasimos, Artemios, Artemisia, Gerasimoula and Matrona, who celebrated yesterday, as well as Nestor, Chrysanthe, Efrosyne, Tabitha, Demetrios and Demetra, whose name-days are approaching. On the feast of the Saint, we will also give many gifts to our supporters, starting with $5,000, $2,000, $1,000 and multiple $500 presents to the winners of the Raffle. It is great to support the Church (the raffle is only $20, really affordable) and also help our Community grow and maintain the ministries and programs.

Some of those phenomenal programs have to do with our Youth. Did you know that 84 young boys and girls have registered for GOYA? This is a record for our Parish and one of the largest numbers of any Community in New York State. I went to the first volleyball practice to wish our GOYAns health, success and many wins, and I was impressed with how many young athletes are present. We also have 8 basketball teams, and we are preparing for a strong representation for the Olympics from both JOY and GOYA.

Our first HOPE and JOY meeting last Friday was exciting. We played, watched Madagascar and I also spoke to the children about the missions in Africa, how children live their lives there, how they attend Church, learn Greek (!!!), and although they do not own not even one pair of shoes, they are happy, blessed and truly close to God. It is not what we own that makes us happy, it is Who is in our lives that makes us happy. With Christ, we feel blessings every moment of our lives.

One of these blessings, we pray, is the construction of the Community Center to provide a roof for our Greek School (don’t miss the OXI Day celebration), our Church School, our GOYA, our HOPE and JOY, our YAL, our young couples, the families, the Little Angels and the Golden Years. I played with the babies yesterday at Little Angels, the program is phenomenal, thanks to kyria Sophia and kyria Anna, and I loved the enthusiasm and the participation of children and parents. Little Angels program includes arts and crafts, Greek songs, theater and play activities. The program is on Thursdays, from 10 am to 11:30 am.

I also had an amazing time with the Golden Years last Tuesday, a great group of our favorite Parish members, the pappous and the yiayias; we played, we laughed and we ate together. Golden Years takes place the first Tuesday of each month, plus some additional and extra events around the year.

If we want to make this project start, it is up to every single one of us. Come to the General Assembly on Sunday, November 20th after the service and then we will decide our next course of action. We have the presentation of the bids for the construction cost of the Community Center and we need all our Parish families to be represented for the significant decision to be made.

Also, we have sent our Saint Demetrios Raffles out, which will significantly help our Parish with the many programs and expenses that need to be covered. Please, support and also give as many raffles as possible to your friends and family. We have available tickets at the office and in the Church Narthex.

HOPE and JOY and the advisors, Mrs. Patty Konstantinopoulos and Mrs. Patty Guerin, welcome all children up to and including 6th grade (HOPE is ages 5-7 and JOY is ages 8-12). HOPE and JOY is getting ready for the Costume Party, Friday, October 28th at 7:30pm; Euphoria Productions and DJ Phil will provide the entertainment. Delicious food, games, music, dancing and lots of fun. Parents are welcome to wear a fun costume as well. And more activities will follow for the group. Tonight, the advisors will distribute the calendar of events for the year. Some fun activities to look forward: Costume Party, Pajama Night, Family Game Nights, Treasure Hunts, Sports, Olympics, Basketball, Beach-day, Bowling, Field Day and much much more!!! We look forward to an unforgettable year for our youth, promoting long lasting friendships, in the safe, exciting and caring environment of our beloved Saint Demetrios.

On Sunday, November 13, you are all invited for Presvytera’s Thanksgiving Brunch at the Church Hall, immediately after the service. Presvytera Chrissy invites you for delicious food and great fellowship, in order to express our appreciation to God for all the blessings he gives us!

          CAMP SAINT PAUL: With the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros, it is with great joy and anticipation that we share the great news about CSP Winter Camp 2023! The Dates are from Friday, January 13, 2023 through Monday, January 16, 2023. It takes place at Saint Methodios Faith and Heritage Center, Contoocook, New Hampshire. This will be the first time we are having CSP Winter Camp since the pandemic! GOYA Age Camper (13-17) registration will begin on Monday, November 21, 2022 at 12pm. Young Adult Staff applications will open on Saturday, November 12, 2022 at 12pm. Two buses will be travelling to and from New Hampshire. Times of bus departure and more details regarding the camp program and what to bring will be forthcoming. Register for camp or apply for staff by visiting our website: . Please email at or call at 212-774-0422 with any questions. We look forward to getting this incredible ministry going again!

          The GOYA advisors, Mrs. Eleni Frasiolas and Mrs. Eleni Gerasimou, welcome our youth for the Knicks game against the Bucks, when they can meet Giannis and the players of the teams. The tickets have already been all sold out and our youth will be represented at Madison Square Garden. More fun activities are also planned, as well as an inter-GOYA dance tonight and many unforgettable events in the coming weeks. On Sunday, November 6th we have our GOYA Board affirmation and GOYA community breakfast. We have also planned tomorrow’s trip to Ronald McDonald House, and all these events were instantly reserved to full capacity, which manifests that our youth is fully involved and greatly dedicated to the programs of the Church. We also have plentiful inter-GOYA activities to make more friends, even from other Parishes: tonight’s dance at the Cathedral in Hempstead, the Volleyball tournament at AMC on November 5th, the College Fair at Wantagh on November 10th, the Thanksgiving Party at AMC on November 23rd and many more.

          GOYA Ice-Skating

Where: Town of Oyster Bay Ice Skating

1001 Stewart Avenue Bethpage

When: Friday Dec 2nd from 8:30pm - 10:30pm

How much: Package $23 per person


- Party room up to 50 children (more than 50 an additional room will be provided)

- skate rental admission

- choice of Pizza, hot dog, or chicken tenders (all come with fries and a drink) as well as paper goods.

*Desserts can be brought in from outside.

*Arrive a little earlier for skates, etc.  8pm

JOY Basketball for Boys & Girls

Ages: 7-12

Website to register:

App to add on your cell phone:


Payments will be collected on October 14,2022 at our 1st JOY event @ 7:30 pm

Basketball fee: $100 per player (cash, checks made out to Saint Demetrios Church)

Practice Day and time: TBA

Game Schedule: TBA

Uniforms can be ordered and purchase at:

Lifestyle Sports Wantagh

1901 Wantagh Ave.

Wantagh NY11793

If you have any questions, please email or text us at:


Patty G (516) 209-6604 Patty K (516) 581-0780 Dominic (516) 652-7481

Our Church School invites our entire youth to come to Church, learn the faith, every Sunday at 10 am; every pew will be marked with the age group/class for the students. The Directors kyria Panagiota (Pam) Perlegis or kyrios Athanasios (Tom) Arianas with all the teachers welcome our children to learn the faith and build the right moral building blocks for a better and brighter future. This Sunday, I have an important presentation for the youth and I look forward to seeing you all in Church. And, of course, to the feast of our Saint, on Tuesday and Wednesday. Happy Saint Demetrios week!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Weekly Services and Events

1)    6th Sunday of Saint Luke – Κυριακή τοῦ Λουκᾶ: Sunday, October 23rd, with Orthros, Divine Liturgy starting at 9 am.

2)    Church School is on session and Father will deliver the sermon for the students.

3)    Coffee Hour sponsored by the Cokinos Family in memory of our beloved Jimmy Cokinos of blessed memory.

4)    Memorials: Jimmy Cokinos (1 year) and Andreas Apostol (25 years). May their memory be eternal.

5)    Saint Demetrios the Great Martyr: Great Vespers on Tuesday, October 25th at 7 pm.

6)    Orthros and Divine Liturgy on Wednesday, October 26th at 9 am, His Grace Bishop Athenagoras presiding.

7)    HOPE and JOY Costume Party, Friday, October 28th at 7:30 pm; Euphoria Productions and DJ Phil will provide the entertainment. Delicious food, games, music, dancing and lots of fun. Parents are welcome to wear a fun costume as well.

8)    On Sunday, November 13, you are all invited for Presvytera’s Thanksgiving Brunch at the Church Hall, immediately after the service. Delicious food and great fellowship!

9)    The GOYA advisors, Mrs. Eleni Frasiolas and Mrs. Eleni Gerasimou, welcome our youth for the Knicks game against the Bucks, when they can meet Giannis and the players of the teams. The tickets have already been all sold out and our youth will be represented at Madison Square Garden. More fun activities are also planned, as well as an inter-GOYA dance tonight and the visit to Ronald McDonald House tomorrow. On Sunday, November 6th we have our GOYA Board affirmation and GOYA community breakfast. Also, GOYA Ice-Skating at the Town of Oyster Bay Ice Skating (1001 Stewart Avenue Bethpage) on Friday Dec 2nd from 8:30pm - 10:30pm.

10)            Little Angels is on Thursdays, from 10 am to 11:30 am. 

11)            Greek School Fundraiser: We are selling pies, cookies, treats, wrapping paper and more. It is a great fundraising event and each child gets a prize depending on how many items they sell. For everyone who would like to contribute to the Greek School fundraiser, please, click the link:

12)            Church School: Our Church School invites our entire youth for registration this Sunday, immediately after the Divine Liturgy. Come to Church this Sunday, every pew will be marked with the age group/class for the students.

13)            The General Assembly is on Sunday, November 20th after the service. We have the bids for the construction cost of the community center and we need all our Parish families to be represented for the significant decision to be made.

14)            Lessons for conversational Greek by Dr. Maria Athanasopoulou for young adults and adults starting in the Fall. The lessons will be weekly and to register, you need to be a steward of the Church. To register, please, call our Church office at (516) 379-1368 or email at . Donation: $100.

15)                      BASKETBALL LEAGUE: Registration for the upcoming Saint Demetrios 2022-2023 GOBL basketball season is now open. Please register using the link provided below. Please forward this message to any families interested in joining. New players are always welcome and will need to upload a copy of both their birth and baptismal certificates when registering for the first time only. Link to register (as soon as possible): . Please contact Dominic Milito 516.652.7481 with any questions.




The celebration of the memory of Saint Demetrios is significant for all Orthodox people. Saint Demetrios is the protector of many people who have his name, for the city of Salonica and for our Parish here in Merrick.  Our Church is adorned with a magnificent icon of the Martyrdom of our Patron Saint.  It portraits Saint Demetrios blessing his disciple Nestor.  Saint Demetrios was a religious educator, who cultivated the principles of our faith to many people.  The icon depicts the impact of Saint Demetrios on one of his disciples, Nestor, who, through the Saint’s inspiration, takes the courage to face the adversary of Christians, Lyeos the giant gladiator.  Just like Nestor, all of us who serve and follow the example of Saint Demetrios, receive the Saint’s blessing in order to face the adversaries of Christianity.  We have to also fight the modern-day gigantic “gladiators” that jeopardize the well-being of our Youth, of Hellenism and of Orthodox ideals.  Violence, drugs, immorality, unbelief, heresies and corruption are the weapons of this modern giant that challenges every human being in our society.  Our Church equips us with the defense to overwhelm those challenges.  The blessing of Saint Demetrios will help us face any threat against our spiritual betterment.


Saint Demetrios illumines us with the example of his saintly character.  He was dynamic, but not violent.  He was peaceful, but not passive.  He was a person of prayer, but also a person of action.  He had faith in God, but he did not follow superstitions.  He practiced repentance, although he avoided sinning.  He cherished life, but he did not fear death.  Saint Demetrios inspired many before his death, during his death and after his death.  Before he died, he made sure to use his life in serving God and attracting people to Christ.  When he martyred, he inspired courage, determination and self-sacrifice for the values of faith, hope and love.  After his death, he motivates all of us to confess our faith to the world and to devote our lives for the spiritual welfare of our souls.


The Greek Orthodox Community of Merrick is illumined and graced by the Patron Saint of our Parish, Saint Demetrios. The Community of Saint Demetrios is not a very large Parish.  However, we envision the completion of great accomplishments, the iconography project and the building of a state-of-the-art Community Center. Saint Demetrios is our Patron Saint and our Protector.  We ask of him to intercede for our health and salvation. We honor him at the Vespers service with hymns and praises that are due to a holy person, who is an example for millions, even centuries after his earthly life.  Saint Demetrios is honored as a CHAMPION OF THE FAITH!


Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos




Ξεχωριστή η εορτή του Πολιούχου μας, Αγίου Μεγαλομάρτυρος Δημητρίου του Μυροβλύτου, για ολόκληρο τον Ελληνισμό, για την ομογένεια, για την πόλη της Θεσσαλονίκης αλλά και για την Παροικία του Μέρρικ.  Στην ενορία του Αγίου Δημητρίου στο Μέρρικ της Νέας Υόρκης, έχει αγιογραφηθεί μία αξαίσια εικόνα του Μαρτυρίου του Αγίου Δημητρίου, στην οποία ευλογεί τον μαθητή του και έταιρο Μάρτυρα, τον Άγιο Νέστορα. Ως διδάσκαλος, παροτρύνει τον μαθητή του για το ακατόρθωτο, να αντισταθεί με παρρησία στους Λυαίους που αντιμάχονται τους Χριστιανούς και τα ιδεώδη του Ευαγγελίου. Κι εμείς, η Κοινότητα που φέρει το όνομα του Αγίου, έχουμε ιερό χρέος να αντισταθούμε στους Λυαίους του 21ου αιώνα, που προσπαθούν να καταβάλλουν τη νεολαία, τους πιστούς μας. Σαν σύγχρονοι Νέστορες, όλοι που υπηρετούμε τον Άγιο ζητούμε την ευχή του για να αναδειχτούμε νικητές στους αγώνες της ζωής.


Ο Άγιος Μεγαλομάρτυς Δημήτριος ο Μυροβλύτης είναι ένα φωτισμένο παράδειγμα και υπόδειγμα Χριστιανού.  Η μνήμη του εορτάζεται πανηγυρικά διότι μολονότι ο ίδιος πέθανε (σωματικώς) πριν από αιώνες, το παράδειγμά του παραμένει ζωντανό για κάθε άνθρωπο που επιθυμεί να ζει άγιο βίο. Ο Άγιος Δημήτριος μας εμπνέει με το φωτισμένο βίο του. Μαχητικός αλλά όχι βίαιος. Πράος αλλά όχι αδρανής. Άνθρωπος προσευχής, αλλά και άνθρωπος δράσης. Πιστός στο Θεό, αλλά όχι μοιρολάτρης. Εξασκήθηκε στη μετάνοια, αλλά δεν επιθύμησε την αμαρτία. Χάρηκε τη ζωή, αλλά δεν φοβήθηκε τον θάνατο. Ο Άγιος Δημήτριος ενέπνευσε πολλούς πριν το θάνατό του, με τον θάνατό του και μετά τον θάνατό του. Πριν τον θάνατό του,  μαγνήτισε πολλούς μαθητές στη διδασκαλία του Ευαγγελίου. Με τον θάνατό του, ενέπνευσε στους Χριστιανούς την αρετή της ανδρείας, της παρρησίας, της πίστεως και της αυτοθυσίας. Η ομολογία του στο Χριστό διδάσκει κι εμάς, μετά το θάνατό του, να αφοσιωνόμαστε στα θεία νάματα της πίστεως και να μην μας φοβίζουν οι κοσμικές απειλές.


Την περιώνυμο ημέρα του Πολιούχου μας έχουμε την ευκαιρία να ανανεώσουμε το συμβόλαιο της πίστεως με βάση τα ιδεατά που καλλιέργησε ο Άγιος Δημήτριος. Εκείνος, ως διδάσκαλος της πίστεως οραματίστηκε μια Εκκλησία δυναμική και ακμάζουσα. Μια Εκκλησία που να μην κρύβεται στην αφάνεια της αφομίωσης, αλλά να προσφέρει σε κοινωνικό έργο και σε φιλανθρωπία. Τα έργα των προγόνων μας, οι βίοι των Αγίων μας εμπνέουν και κάθε σύγχρονο Ορθόδοξο να εργάζεται και να συνεργάζεται στον αγλαόκαρπο αμπελώνα της του Χριστού Εκκλησίας προσφέροντας τα δώρα της πίστεως, την αρετή, την αγιότητα και την σωτηρία. Μπορεί να νιώθουμε ότι οι δυνάμεις μας δεν είναι μεγάλες, όπως ο Άγιος Νέστωρ ήταν μικρόσωμος. Η ευλογία του Αγίου Δημητρίου, όμως, είναι ισχυρή σε χάρη και ο Θεός Παντοδύναμος. Kαλούμαστε να επιτεύξουμε μεγαλεπίβουλα, και μεγαλόπνοα έργα, με την ευχή του προστάτου μας, του ΑΓΙΟΥ ΜΕΓΑΛΟΜΑΡΤΥΡΟΣ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΟΥ.


+Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος

Message from October 14, 2022:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

The General Assembly is on Sunday, November 20th after the service. We have the presentation of the bids for the construction cost of the Community Center and we need all our Parish families to be represented for the significant decision to be made.

Also, we have sent our Saint Demetrios Raffles out, which will significantly help our Parish with the many programs and expenses that need to be covered. Please, support and also give as many raffles as possible to your friends and family. We have available tickets at the office and in the Church Narthex.

HOPE and JOY begins tonight! The advisors are Mrs. Patty Konstantinopoulos and Mrs. Patty Guerin welcome all children up to and including 6th grade (HOPE is ages 5-7 and JOY is ages 8-12). Tonight’s meeting is Registration, Movie and Popcorn (please bring a chair/blanket, we also have chairs at the Church Hall if you wish to use one of those) and it will take place in our Church Hall, tonight, Friday October 14th @ 7:30pm.

HOPE and JOY is also getting ready for the Costume Party, Friday, October 28th at 7:30pm; Euphoria Productions and DJ Phil will provide the entertainment. Delicious food, games, music, dancing and lots of fun. Parents are welcome to wear a fun costume as well. And more activities will follow for the group. Tonight, the advisors will distribute the calendar of events for the year. Some fun activities to look forward: Costume Party, Pajama Night, Family Game Nights, Treasure Hunts, Sports, Olympics, Basketball, Beach-day, Bowling, Field Day and much much more!!! We look forward to an unforgettable year for our youth, promoting long lasting friendships, in the safe, exciting and caring environment of our beloved Saint Demetrios.

Last reminder for the Greek school fundraiser, please, support in order to ensure another productive and successful year. The fundraiser runs until October 17. We are selling pies, cookies, treats, wrapping paper and more. It is a great fundraising event and each child gets a prize depending on how many items they sell. For everyone who would like to contribute to the Greek School fundraiser, please, click the link below, the deadline in only a few days away:

On Sunday, November 13, you are all invited for a community Thanksgiving Brunch at the Church Hall, immediately after the service. Delicious food and great fellowship! Also, the Philoptochos Meeting is on Monday, October 17 at 7:30 pm.

          CAMP SAINT PAUL: With the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros, it is with great joy and anticipation that we share the great news about CSP Winter Camp 2023!


Friday, January 13, 2023

Monday, January 16, 2023


Saint Methodios Faith and Heritage Center

Contoocook, New Hampshire.

This will be the first time we are having CSP Winter Camp since the pandemic! GOYA Age Camper (13-17) registration will begin on Monday, November 21, 2022 at 12pm.

Young Adult Staff applications will open on Saturday, November 12, 2022 at 12pm.

Two buses will be travelling to and from New Hampshire.

Bus One:

Archangels Church

100 Fairway Drive

Port Washington, New York.

Bus Two: (with a stop in Waterbury, CT)

Church of our Saviour

2195 Westchester Avenue

Rye, New York

Times of bus departure and more details regarding the camp program and what to bring will be forthcoming. Register for camp or apply for staff by visiting our website: . Please email at or call at 212-774-0422 with any questions. We look forward to getting this incredible ministry going again!

Little Angels advisor is Mrs. Sophia West. Kyria Anna, who directed JOY last year, will also assist her with her expert knowledge for arts and crafts, Greek songs, theater and play activities for our Little Angels. After many requests, we are moving the program back to Thursdays, from 10 am to 11:30 am, as was the case in the past.

          The GOYA advisors, Mrs. Eleni Frasiolas and Mrs. Eleni Gerasimou, welcome our youth for the Knicks game against the Bucks, when they can meet Giannis and the players of the teams. The tickets have already been all sold out and our youth will be represented at Madison Square Garden. More fun activities are also planned, as well as an inter-GOYA dance tonight and many unforgettable events in the coming weeks. On Sunday, November 6th we have our GOYA Board affirmation and GOYA community breakfast.

          GOYA Ice-Skating

Where: Town of Oyster Bay Ice Skating

1001 Stewart Avenue Bethpage

When: Friday Dec 2nd from 8:30pm - 10:30pm

How much: Package $23 per person


- Party room up to 50 children (more than 50 an additional room will be provided)

- skate rental admission

- choice of Pizza, hot dog, or chicken tenders (all come with fries and a drink) as well as paper goods.

*Desserts can be brought in from outside.

*Arrive a little earlier for skates, etc.  8pm

JOY Basketball for Boys & Girls

Ages: 7-12

Website to register:

App to add on your cell phone:


Payments will be collected on October 14,2022 at our 1st JOY event @ 7:30 pm

Basketball fee: $100 per player (cash, checks made out to Saint Demetrios Church)

Practice Day and time: TBA

Game Schedule: TBA

Uniforms can be ordered and purchase at:

Lifestyle Sports Wantagh

1901 Wantagh Ave.

Wantagh NY11793

If you have any questions, please email or text us at:


Patty G (516) 209-6604 Patty K (516) 581-0780 Dominic (516) 652-7481

We have also planned, in conjunction with the other Churches of Long Island, a trip to Boston for the altar servers from October 28th - October 30th 2022. The retreat will be held on the beautiful campus of Hellenic College and Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, hosted by the clergy and seminarians of the school. The theme of the retreat will be “Inspiring a Life of Service.” While on campus the Altar Boys in attendance will have an opportunity to learn about the Liturgical Life of the Church, attend classes, tour the city of Boston, and much more. The retreat is the inspiration by His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros, allowing the young men of our faith to appreciate their service to the Church and to see the beauty of our beloved school. Altar Boys, ages 13-18 from the Archdiocesan District (New York, and Connecticut) can register with our District Youth Office. In order to register please email us your sons first and last name along with a phone number so registration can be confirmed. We are in need of Chaperones as well. We can be reached at 212-774-0264 and/or email us at . Registration deadline is October 15th.

Our Church School invites our entire youth for registration this Sunday, immediately after the Divine Liturgy. Come to Church this Sunday, every pew will be marked with the age group/class for the students. The Directors kyria Panagiota (Pam) Perlegis or kyrios Athanasios (Tom) Arianas with all the teachers welcome our children to learn the faith and build the right moral building blocks for a better and brighter future. This Sunday, our Parish theologian Alexandros Avgeris will speak to the children and we look forward to seeing you all.

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message from October 7, 2022:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

The Greek Word of the Day: Σνάκ

First and foremost, I would like to thank all of you who support our Greek School and the wonderful work that we are all committing together to promote and preserve our Hellenic values and culture. Before I started typing these lines, I spend some time with the students of our Greek School during their recess and snack. We spoke mostly in Greek, except for the word snack (κολατσιό) that I mistakenly kept referring to as σνάκ (kolatsio). You see what I did there? And even the word κολατσιό is not Greek, it is actually Italian from the word colazione, and as soon as I start mentioning words that relate to food in Greek or Italian, I instantly get hungry and I cannot type my message to the Parish.

So, after a much-needed break for colazione / κολατσιό / snack, I come back to the keyboard to continue typing about our children, and their snack recess at Greek School. So, the children were playing together, enjoying the sun and the warm Autumn weather, mostly talking in Greek and having their delicious σνάκ; that inspired me to thank you all, parents, grandparents, teachers and Board members, who make it possible for this next generation to be able to learn words like σνάκ and κολατσιό and make us all proud to be their parents, grandparents, teachers and Board members.

Speaking of Board members, they have a lot to do, preparing the celebrations, events and fundraisers, and it will be a great blessing if we all help these tireless and dynamic volunteers. If each one of us contributes to the Greek school fundraiser, then we meet our budget (ισολογισμός) and we are able to have a Greek School – Ελληνικό Σχολείο for another productive and successful year.

The fundraiser runs until October 17. We are selling pies, cookies, treats, wrapping paper and more. It is a great fundraising event and each child gets a prize depending on how many items they sell. The school makes 40% of the proceeds, the rest covers the cost of the items (and inflation, which we hear from those in charge that it does not exist, because none of those who rule actual goes to do their own groceries shopping or fill up their cars with gas). So everything is great, we have world peace, the stock market is not plummeting and we all live in a happy planet, with the added security that those in charge can assure us that all is well in complete and coherent sentences.

For the rest of us who are not burdened with world peace and the Nation’s economy, the only responsibility we have is to ensure that our Greek School is doing well, and we can help our children learn their faith, history, language and culture and enjoy their fellowship – παρέα in a truly safe and beautiful environment, our blessed Church. For everyone who would like to contribute to the Greek School fundraiser, please, click the link below, and do it soon, before inflation (which does not exist) kicks in again and drives the cost even higher up:

          I look forward to seeing you all in Church, and all kidding aside, each day, and each Sunday, let’s give thanks to God for what we are blessed with. Despite the problems that surround our planet, we are still blessed to have our faith, our lives and our loved ones. On Wednesday, I was blessed to accompany His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America and my brothers the clergy of the area in welcoming His Beatitude Patriarch Theodoros Pope of Alexandria and all Africa. His stories of the turmoil and despair in many of the Churches of the ancient Patriarchate of Alexandria inspire awe and contrition.

I have friends and dear clergy who serve as missionaries in Africa and I have visited Alexandria, Sinai and the historic monasteries of Egypt. I have also heard accounts from the Churches all the way from Kenya to Madagascar, where dear friends of mine and good missionaries serve. In one phrase, we count ourselves blessed, to be in this great country and to have our gorgeous Church, Schools and lives. In the meantime, we pray for our brethren around the world and for the light of the Orthodox faith to illumine all, from East to West. See you all in our beautiful Church to thank God and praise His holy name.

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


          Philoptochos had a really successful and fun event on October 4th with the theme Studio 54, Let’s Dance! We thank all the contributors and especially the donors, Euphoria Productions for the entertainment and John Travolta for the cameo appearance. He really motivated everyone to dance and we taught us some amazing moves which we can use at the next event!

          I was blessed to spend the afternoon with the Hofstra students as part of our YAL outreach on Monday. We played basketball and we organized fun activities for the rest of the year. On Wednesday, I will be blessing the Hellenic Club of Queens College and I also look forward for our discussion groups, our December meeting at the Church as well as the graduation ceremony of the Byzantine studies center, just like last year. In October, we are also planning several exciting events for the YAL, all College and University students in the area. Already, we have had great involvement, since I have been blessed to attend the meetings of Hellenic Clubs in various campuses and even the graduation of the Byzantine studies department in Queens College. Last years’ karaoke night and dance with the YAL was a great success, and we will continue with more events like this.

          On Tuesday, October 11 at 12 noon, our Golden Years have their luncheon and fellowship. Please, remind all the parents and grandparents and ask them not to stay home alone and watch the same Greek TV programming over and over. Come to Golden Years, where we can all see our friends and have fun together.

HOPE and JOY advisors are Mrs. Patty Konstantinopoulos and Mrs. Patty Guerin. HOPE and JOY, which welcomes children up to and including 6th grade (HOPE is ages 5-7 and JOY is ages 8-12). The first meeting is Registration, Movie and Popcorn Under the Stars (please bring a chair/blanket, we also have chairs at the Church Hall if you wish to use one of those) and it will take place in our Church property, on Friday October 14th @ 7:30pm. Some fun activities to look forward: Costume Party, Pajama Night, Family Game Nights, Treasure Hunts, Sports, Olympics, Basketball, Bowling, Field Day and much much more!!! We look forward to an unforgettable year for our youth, promoting long lasting friendships, in the safe, exciting and caring environment of our beloved Saint Demetrios.

          Little Angels advisor is Mrs. Sophia West. Kyria Anna, who directed JOY last year, will also assist her with her expert knowledge for arts and crafts, Greek songs, theater and play activities for our Little Angels. After many requests, we are moving the program back to Thursdays, from 10 am to 11:30 am, as was the case in the past.

          GOYA advisors are Mrs. Eleni Frasiolas and Mrs. Eleni Gerasimou. On Friday, October 7th, GOYA has a movie under the stars evening at 7:30 pm, with some additional fun happenings for our youth.

JOY Basketball for Boys & Girls

Ages: 7-12

Website to register:

App to add on your cell phone:


Payments will be collected on October 14,2022 at our 1st JOY event @ 7:30 pm

Basketball fee: $100 per player (cash, checks made out to Saint Demetrios Church)

Practice Day and time: TBA

Game Schedule: TBA

Uniforms can be ordered and purchase at:

Lifestyle Sports Wantagh

1901 Wantagh Ave.

Wantagh NY11793

If you have any questions, please email or text us at:




A regular workout, particularly cardiovascular exercises, keeps your kids healthy and thereby improving their stamina too.


As a matter of fact, almost every sport calls for some sort of hand-eye coordination, and, thus, basketball is no exception in this regard. Basketball players have to rely on hand-eye coordination to perform well because their ball grabbing, dribbling, passing to a teammate across the court require prompt responses.


Kids can improve their agility and flexibility playing the game. Their swiftness and elasticity can be improved over a period of time by continuous practices. In fact, kids apply their lateral movements and enhance these skills in due course of time. This helps improve agility.


Players develop mutual trust, friendship, and teamwork in the basketball game. In fact, all teammates work out together and spend a lot of time together. Such types of friendships always last.


A number of players and coaching staff strive for the same and concerted goal. They work hard as a unit collectively. Thus, they learn how to work together in a group is indeed a crucial skill in life. Moreover, their dedication and selflessness make them sincere to one another. This teamwork at an early age provides them a sense of collaboration, and that will also work for them in the future.


Basketball games teach a lot of work ethic. Players before the game, get prepared properly. They take care of their practice jersey, shoes. They learn it by means of regular practices and eventually make it their habit. Indeed, preparation as a work ethic is vitally important.

          We have also planned, in conjunction with the other Churches of Long Island, a trip to Boston for the altar servers from October 28th - October 30th 2022. The retreat will be held on the beautiful campus of Hellenic College and Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, hosted by the clergy and seminarians of the school. The theme of the retreat will be “Inspiring a Life of Service.” While on campus the Altar Boys in attendance will have an opportunity to learn about the Liturgical Life of the Church, attend classes, tour the city of Boston, and much more. The retreat is the inspiration by His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros, allowing the young men of our faith to appreciate their service to the Church and to see the beauty of our beloved school. Altar Boys, ages 13-18 from the Archdiocesan District (New York, and Connecticut) can register with our District Youth Office. In order to register please email us your sons first and last name along with a phone number so registration can be confirmed. We are in need of Chaperones as well. We can be reached at 212-774-0264 and/or email us at . Registration deadline is October 15th.

Greek School includes many new ways to make our culture and language easier and more fun to learn and comprehend. The Greek School 2022-23 academic year registration information is at this link: . Open House Night  Tuesday , Wednesday Thursday and Friday, 9/27, 9/28/9/29, 9/30  at 6:30pm.

Our Church School invites our entire youth for registration this Sunday, immediately after the Divine Liturgy. Come to Church this Sunday, every pew will be marked with the age group/class for the students. Immediately after the service, registration will take place with kyria Panagiota (Pam) Perlegis or kyrios Athanasios (Tom) Arianas. This Sunday, I will speak to the children about the architecture of the Church Nave.

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message from September 30, 2022:


          This week, our Greek School has the open house, when our teachers meet with the parents and go over the educational material and teaching methodology for our Greek language program. Yesterday, while the parents were meeting with the teachers, I was happy to see our children play in the Church Hall arcade basketball, and other games, sharing great fellowship together. This is one element of childhood that we should never deprive from our youth: let the children be children. Let them play, make friends and even have some activities that employ their creative energies and they are not necessarily dictated what to do. This is the best memory from our youth, playing with our friends without some certain “organized” activity. And I love that our Church promotes exactly that.

          When we had our GOYA registration, the advisors had the foresight to bring an ice cream truck. Approximately 50 or more teenagers were hanging out at the Church parking lot, they had an amazing time together and they did not want to go home even when it was later in the evening. They actually were HOME, the house of worship, where our Father is worshipped and glorified. We are all His children and His Home is our Home as well. Our Church welcomes the children and does not force them to change in order to fit political narratives and toxic ideologies. In Church, we can be thankful for God’s blessings and respect the innocence, the morality and the health of each other.

Certain dark forces push in society a new norm that mandates for children to give up their identity, their psychological and physical health, their time of actual interaction, even their hormonal composition, their gender and the sacred gift of life. People who abuse and kill the most innocent ones are celebrated. People who force dangerous chemicals in their bodies are glorified. We live in a world that puts our children in danger, with every social media platform, every toxic ideology, every political agenda, every moral corruption and every unpunished criminal behavior. The only places where we trust that our children are safe and blessed are the Church and the house. Especially in Church, surrounded with their lifetime friends, their family and God, they can reach their true potential and be happy for who they are, pure and blessed by God.

          When we spent that afternoon with GOYA, the teenagers were free to be themselves. Some of them played basketball (I was one of them, at the tender age of 50, I still feel like a child at heart), some played volleyball, some started Greek dancing in the middle of the Parking lot and some were just catching up with their friends. That’s NORMAL! Can we please, bring NORMAL back to our lives, back to the world? It seems that the abnormal has become the new normal. Down is up and dark is light. I am glad that YAL, GOYA, JOY, HOPE and Little Angels are beginning this year with full force and actual normal activities our children enjoy. For those deranged people out there who aim to take the purity out of their lives, to brainwash them and destroy their psychology, I have a clear message: seek help and stay away from our kids. Do not become teachers, coaches or professors. Deal with your own problems first.

          We are blessed that our Church School and Greek School teachers are persons of faith and of the highest moral caliber. They love God and they are protective of the Youth. The advisors of the youth programs are all mothers and faithful believers. Our world would be a better place if more persons like them were educators and persons of influence. In the meantime, thank God for our Church, thank God for our Faith, thank God for our good volunteers and our families. Thank God for our precious children!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message from September 15, 2022:

We Get One Chance at Life

This day, this moment that you are experiencing, happens only once. Make it count! Instead of fighting, gossiping, arguing, being melancholic, jealous, overwhelmed with social media, stressed about money and public opinion, take this moment, and give it a new potential.

Hug your spouse, talk to your children, laugh, dance, pray, and talk to our Savior. On judgment day, no material object will matter, but rather, how we used God’s gifts to bring joy and salvation to those around us. When the angel comes to relieve our soul from the dreaded body, there is no bank account or earthly treasure that can buy a first-class seat to Heaven. God will see how we treated others, and how we sacrificed for them.

Live life! On Sunday, I will talk to our children (and all of us) about the Cross. The best things in life come from love and sacrifice. The Resurrection came from the Crucifixion. For this reason, we do not pray on Sunday in Church because it is “our duty as Christians.” We come to Church, because Christ, Who is sacrificed on the Altar, is waiting for us. Right behind the altar table, there is a Crucifix. His arms are open, his palms are bleeding. Has anyone ever told you I LOVE YOU more profoundly than Christ?

 No, it is not our duty to come to Church; it is our honor, our blessing, the overflowing of Love and Grace. Come, and say I LOVE YOU back to Him!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message from September 8, 2022:


Christ asks us to deny ourselves, pick up our Crosses and follow Him.  Our Christian vocation requires sacrifices and personal endeavor.  Christ Himself became the example of self-denial and sacrificial love on the Cross.  The Lord was crucified because He pointed out the hypocrisy of the people who take advantage of other human beings. In our age, there are people who also suffer because of the hypocritical ways of modern-day Pharisees.  Drugs, wars, crimes, moral corruption, hunger and diseases are some of the evils that afflict the lives of millions in the planet.  What is our responsibility, to be indifferent, or to minister to the needs of others?

As we prepare for the Elevation of the Holy Cross, and every day, we are all asked to pick up our crosses, to endure our personal sacrifices and to offer our service to the Lord to the suffering brothers and sisters in Christ.  When others hurt us, we should forgive.  When they persecute us, we should bless.  When they judge us, we should love.  When they harm us, we should serve.  And when we are “crucified,” then we may Rise!

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


Ο Χριστός μας ζητάει να απαρνηθούμε τον εαυτό μας, να σηκώσουμε τον σταυρό μας και να τον ακολουθήσουμε.  Απαιτεί θυσίες και κόπους η αφιέρωσή μας στην Χριστιανική μας ομολογία.  Ο Ίδιος ο Χριστός απετέλεσε σύμβολο και παράδειγμα αυτοθυσίας και αυτοπροσφοράς. Προσφέρει τον Εαυτό Του με τη σταυρική θυσία εκουσίως για να λυτρώσει τον κόσμο από την αμαρτία και την διαφθορά.  Η υποκρισία και η διαφθορά των ανθρώπων τους οδήγησε στο μεγαλύτερο έγκλημα, την σταύρωση του Θεανθρώπου.  Και στην εποχή μας, ανείπωτα εγκλήματα συγκαλύπτονται με στο πέπλο της υποκρισίας των σύγχρονων Φαρισαίων. 

Σταυρώνεται η Οικουμένη από τους δυνάστες και τους τυρράνους του κόσμου.  Τα ναρκωτικά, οι πόλεμοι, το έγκλημα, η ηθική παρακμή, η πείνα και ο όλεθρος των ασθενειών μαστίζουν εκατομμύρια ανθρώπων ανά τον πλανήτη.  Ποιά είναι η ευθύνη των Χριστιανών; Η αδιαφορία ή η φιλανθρωπία; Να σηκώσουμε λοιπόν τον σταυρό μας.  Όταν μας πονούν, να συγχωρούμε.  Όταν μας διώκουν, να ευλογούμε.  Όταν μας κρίνουν, να αγαπούμε.  Όταν μας αδικούν, να αγαθοποούμε.  Κι όταν μας σταυρώνουν, ας αναστηθούμε!

+Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος

Message fromAugust 31,2022:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,


September 1st is the beginning of the New Ecclesiastical Year. We begin the New Church and School Year with the Agiasmos, Church School Registration, the blessing of all our people and especially the prayers for the protection and Divine illumination of our students and our youth.  September 1st is also marked by the celebration of the MOST NAME-DAYS of any other day of the year in the Orthodox calendar. Look at all the names of Saints we commemorate on September 1st and do not forget to extend your wishes to all your friends and relatives who have their name-day celebrations, many of whom we have in our beautiful Parish:


Symeon Stylites, Righteous Joshua, Saint Meletios the Younger, Holy New Martyr Angelis, Saint Joshua, Saint Ammun and the Women Philosophers and Martyrs:

ADAMANTIOS (Adamantios, Adamantia, Amanda),  APHRODITE (Afrodite, Fregia), AKRIVI, ANTIGONI (Antigone, Antigoni),  ASPASIA (Aspasia),  ATHINA (Athena, Athina),  CLEO (Clio),  CLEOPATRA, (Cleopatra, Kleopatra, Patra, Patroula, Cleo), CORALIA (Koralia, Koralou), DIAMANTO (Diamando, Adamandia, Ada), DIONI (Dioni), DODONI (Dodone), EFTERPI (Evterpi), ELPINIKI (Helpiniki), ERASMIA (Erasmea), ERATO (Erato), HAIDO (Haido, Haideftos), HARIKLIA (Hariklia, Haroula), ISMENE (Jasmin, Yasmin, Jasmeen, Yasmeen, Ismini), KALLIROI (Kaliroi), KALLISTI (Kalisti),  KALLISTO (Kallisto), KLEONIKI (Kleonikos), MANDO (Mando, Mandi, Manto), MARGARET (Margarita),  MARIANTHI (Marianthe), MELETIOS (Meletios, Meletis), MELPOMENI (Melpmene), MOSHO (Moshoula), OURANIA (Ourania, Urania, Rania), PANDORA (Pandora), PENELOPE (Pinelopi, Bilio), POLIMNIA (Polimnia), POLINIKI (Polynike, Polyniki, Polyna, Polina), POLYTIMI (Polytimi, Timi), RALLIA (Rallia, Raylee, Rallis, Ralis), SAPFO (Sapho), TERPSIHORI (Terpsihori), THALIA (Thalia)  THEANO (Theano), THEONIMPHI (Theonymphi).

Χρόνια πολλά and best wishes to all of you who celebrate and we will see you on Sunday to express our prayers to all for health, salvation and divine protection!



As you know, the feast days of our holy Tradition have been arranged in a cyclical form starting with the Birth of the Virgin Mary (September 8). Then, we proceed to all other significant holy days, including, to name a few, the Presentation of the Virgin Mary into the Temple (November 21), Christmas (December 25), Theophany (January 6), the Presentation of the Lord into the Temple (February 2) until the feasts of Holy Week, the Crucifixion and the Resurrection of the Lord - Pascha, the Ascension of the Lord, Pentecost, and the Dormition of the Virgin Mary (August 15).  Thus, the Orthodox cycle of feasts moves in cycles, starting in September and concluding in August.

The celebrations of our Tradition signify the realization of the divine plan for the salvation of humanity (Incarnation, Resurrection, Ascension, Pentecost) as well as the journey of every human being toward Heaven (through the observance of these feasts, the glorification of God and the participation in the holy sacraments). God gives us the opportunity to nurture our souls with His Grace and the spiritual admonition of His revealed wisdom. His message is given through holy Tradition, in the Bible, in the literature of the Fathers and in the unwritten wisdom of the Church. The fruits of the Grace of God are love, faith, charity, repentance, peace and discernment.

The New Ecclesiastical Year begins with hope and joy. We need to use as many of spiritual blessings our Church provides as possible. The holy sacraments, the Holy Scriptures and the other spiritual opportunities are the steps that take us closer to God, the steps we have to walk on. This way, we may look forward for a blessed year, for a year that brings salvation and redemption, for a


Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος

Highlighted Events – Coming Up, Do not Miss!

On Thursday, September 18th, we begin our GOYA program with ice cream social, games and also registration for GOYA and the teams (Volleyball and Basketball). We will meet at the Church parking lot at 7 pm. Bring athletic shoes, so we can play basketball and other outdoors activities.

Our Parish is now preparing for the events, ministries and programs of the new School year. First, we will have our Church picnic, on Sunday, September 18th after the service at Eisenhower Park. BBQ with delicious food, games and sports for the children and the families, music and fellowship will make the day a great gateway to the many amazing activities of our Parish.

The day before, on Saturday, September 17th, we have our Church School and youth outing to upstate New York, to the breathtaking Saint Basil’s Academy. The youth can enjoy BBQ, sports (soccer, basketball, swimming), hiking, and many games (carnival style games with inflatables and many more). To get there, please, use your own transportation, or carpool with your friends. The address of the Academy is 79 St Basil's Rd, Garrison, NY 10524 and the activities begin at 11 am.

We are preparing for the Philoptochos event on October 4th (from 6:30 to 10:30 pm), which is always fun and our ladies ensure that the good times we share together will expand to assistance for those in need. The theme of the evening is Studio 54, Let’s Dance! It will take place at The Bayview (395 Woodcleft Avenue, Freeport) and to RSVP, please, contact Sophia Pappas at (516) 353-5187 or Patricia Boultadakis (516) 238-6305. The event will benefit Ukrainian crisis relief.

Greek School has started the registration process, please, register your children as soon as possible to avoid late class selection or additional late fees and charges. The program this year includes many new ways to make our culture and language easier and more fun to learn and comprehend. The Greek School 2022-23 academic year registration information is at this link: . First week of Greek School will be highlighted with Agiasmos / Blessing for each individual class.

Church School: On Sunday, September 4th, we begin our Church School Registration immediately after the Divine Liturgy. On Sunday, September 11th, we will have the service of the Agiasmos – the blessing of the students, and first day of meeting with their teachers and friends.

The Altar Servers will enjoy an amazing retreat in Boston, in October, at Hellenic College / Holy Cross.  With the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America, the Archdiocesean District Youth Office is planning an Altar Boy Retreat from October 28th - October 30th 2022. The retreat will be held on the beautiful campus of Hellenic College and Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, hosted by the clergy and seminarians of the school. The theme of the retreat will be “Inspiring a Life of Service.” While on campus the Altar Boys in attendance will have an opportunity to learn about the Liturgical Life of the Church, attend classes, tour the city of Boston, and much more. The retreat is the inspiration by His Eminence, allowing the young men of our faith to appreciate their service to the Church and to see the beauty of our beloved school. Altar Boys, ages 13-18 from the Archdiocesean District (New York, and Connecticut) can register with our District Youth Office. In order to register please email us your sons first and last name along with a phone number so registration can be confirmed. We are in need of Chaperones as well. We can be reached at 212-774-0264 and/or email us at . Registration deadline is October 15th.

Our Youth (Little Angels, HOPE, JOY, GOYA and YAL) programs will also be enriched, as most pandemic restrictions are now lifted and we can expand our activities even more. Church School will begin with registration and Agiasmos in September and we will have many additional surprises included to reward our youth for their time, their volunteering and their faithful attendance.

In all, we are starting the new ecclesiastical year in a few weeks with more energy and more resolve to make this year productive and spiritually beneficial. Our families need it. Our world needs it. Enjoy these beautiful summer days and see you all in Church!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message from August 25, 2022:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

On Friday, August 26th, we celebrate the Vespers of Saint Phanourios, a miraculous and newly revealed Martyr of the early Church. I will speak extensively about the Saint at the Vespers service in his honor, which will take place on Friday, August 26th at 7 pm. You may bring the pies of the Saint – φανουρόπιτες and the names of your loved ones, so that we pray for health, salvation and divine protection for our families and friends.

May we all find what we seek; through the intercessions of Saint Phanourios, we receive the Lord’s revelation, illuminating the path of salvation. Today is also the feast of Saints Andrianos and Natalia. I would like to wish a very happy name-day to all the Natalias in the Parish (we have 3!). And to my beautiful daughter Natalia we send best wishes as well: «χρόνια πολλά κι ευλογημένα αγάπη μου!» Below, is the summary of the life of the Saints, a great and inspirational example of love between a husband and a wife.

Saints Adrianos and Natalia

The holy Martyrs Adrian and Natalia confessed the Christian Faith during the reign of Maximian, in Nicomedia, in the year 298. Adrian was a pagan; witnessing the valor of the Martyrs, and the fervent faith with which they suffered their torments, he also declared himself a Christian and was imprisoned. When this was told to his wife Natalia, who was secretly a believer, she visited him in prison and encouraged him in his sufferings. Saint Adrian's hands and feet were placed on an anvil and broken off with a hammer; he died in his torments. His blessed wife recovered part of his holy relics and took it to Argyropolis near Byzantium. She reposed in peace soon after. (from the Synaxarion, or lives of Saints, in the Orthodox Calendar of the Archdiocese Website: )

Saints Adrian (in Greek Adrianos) and Natalia are an example of Christian faith, self-denial and sacrificial love.  The word love is thrown around a lot (use more than any other concept in poems, songs, movies and the arts). Nevertheless, the example of Adrian, who endured severe martyrdom for his love of Christ is admirable. Most Christians do not even participate in a weekly Sunday service, let alone give their whole life to Christ.

Saint Natalia, on the other hand, is an inspiring wife, who risked her life to support her suffering husband. Furthermore, she walked a long journey, just to offer her husband a proper burial and the honor of a Christian martyr. Her love for him is in antithesis of many contemporary couples, who hardly do anything for each other, who hurt each other and commit acts that break the unity of their matrimony. Like a Christian version of Romeo and Juliet, Saint Natalia died as soon as she fulfilled her mission, after a long trip and many tribulations. Her death was not in vein, since it was thanks to her that we know of the Saints who became an eternal symbol of self-sacrifice and true love!

Apolytikion in the Third Tone

“You did deem that Faith, which has salvation to its wealth, never lost or plundered. You had forsaken your father's impiety, and you did follow your Lord, becoming rich in His divine gifts, O glorious Adrian. With the godly-minded Natalia, who emboldened you, entreat Christ our God, O Martyr, that our souls be saved.”

Kontakion in the Fourth Tone

“Having wisely laid to heart all the divine words of your godly-minded wife, Adrian, Martyr of Christ God, in torments you persevered ardently; and with your yoke-mate you now have received your crown.”

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Άγιοι Ανδριανός και Ναταλία

Οι Άγιοι Ανδριανός και Ναταλία ήταν έγγαμοι μάρτυρες της πρωτοχριστιανικής εκκλησίας. Ζούσαν στη Νικομήδια και μαρτύρησαν την πίστη στο Χριστό κατά το έτος 298 μ.Χ. Ο Άγιος Ανδριανός εγκατέλειψε την ειδωλολατρεία βλέποντας το θάρρος, την πίστη και την αγάπη των μαρτύρων. Φυλακίστηκε εξ’ αιτίας της Χριστιανικής του ταυτότητος και βασανίστηκε οικτρά. Η σύζυγός του, η Αγία Ναταλία, και η ίδια κρυπτοχριστιανή, του έδινε θάρρος κατά τη διάρκεια των βασανιστηρίων. Του μιλούσε για το στεφάνι της Αγιότητος που περιμένει και να μην προδώσει την πίστη του. Όταν του έσπασαν τα άκρα με σφυριά και του άνοιγαν τις πληγές, εκείνη ερχόταν στη φυλακή για να τον περιποιηθεί, χωρίς να φοβάται αν την συλλάβουν.

Όταν εκδήμησε ο Άγιος Ανδριανός, η Αγία Ναταλία, έλαβε το σκήνωμά του (τα λείψανα που είχαν απομείνει μετά τα οικτρά βασανηστήρια) και τα μετέφερε στην Αργυρόπολη, κοντά στο Βυζάντιο. Μετά το μακρύ ταξίδι και αφού εκπλήρωσε την αποστολή της να διαφυλάξει το σεπτό σκήνωμα με τιμή, η Αγία Ναταλία εξεδήμησε εν Κυρίω. Αποτελεί υπόδειγμα αγάπης και αυτοπροσφοράς. Το μαρτύριο των Αγίων θυμίζει σε εμάς, τους σύγχρονους Χριστιανούς που οι περισσότεροι δεν θυσιάζουμε ούτε μία ώρα την εβδομάδα για εκλησιασμό, να δίνουμε τη ζωή μας και να προσφέρουμε για τον Θεό, τον συνάνθρωπο και αυτούς που μάς εμπιστεύεται ο Κύριος, την οικογένειά μας.

Η σύγχρονη οικογένεια πάσχει γιατί λείπει το πνεύμα θυσίας και προσφοράς. Ζητάμε αλλά δεν δίνουμε. Οι σχέσεις γίνονται μονόδρομες και όχι αμφίδρομες. Οι σύζυγοι δεν παραμένουν σύζυγοι, να σηκώνουν μαζί το ζυγό με ισορροπία, αρμονία και αγάπη. Μεγαλώνουν τα ποσσοστά συζύγουν που απατούν ο ένας τον άλλο, που τους κακομεταχειρίζονται και υβρίζονται ακόμη και μπροστά στα αθώα και ανήμπορα παιδιά τους. Έτσι μεγαλώνουν και οι παιδικές ψυχασθένειες και τα παιδιά είναι τα θύματα ενός πολέμουν που δεν προκάλεσαν. Ο Θεός μάς τα δίνει ως αγγελούδια και εμείς τους δίνουμε μια κόλαση.

Η Χριστιανική οικογένεια είναι το μόνο λιμάνι σωτηρίας στο οποίο οι αρχές και τα ηθικά ιδανικά του Ευαγγελίου καλλιεργούν αληθινή και καρδιακή αγάπη, ειρηνική συμβίωση και αγαλλίαση. Για το λόγο αυτό, πρέπει να βλέπουμε στους Αγίους μας υποδείγματα και παραδείγματα ήθους και συμπεριφοράς. Παραδείγματα αληθινής αγάπης!

Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος

Highlighted Events – Coming Up, Do not Miss!

Our Parish is now preparing for the events, ministries and programs of the new School year. First, we will have our Church picnic, on Sunday, September 18th after the service at Eisenhower Park. BBQ with delicious food, games and sports for the children and the families, music and fellowship will make the day a great gateway to the many amazing activities of our Parish.

The day before, on Saturday, September 17th, we have our Church School and youth outing to upstate New York, to the breathtaking Saint Basil’s Academy. The youth can enjoy BBQ, sports (soccer, basketball, swimming), hiking, and many games (carnival style games with inflatables and many more). To get there, please, use your own transportation, or carpool with your friends. The address of the Academy is 79 St Basil's Rd, Garrison, NY 10524 and the activities begin at 11 am.

We are preparing for the Philoptochos event on October 4th (from 6:30 to 10:30 pm), which is always fun and our ladies ensure that the good times we share together will expand to assistance for those in need. The theme of the evening is Studio 54, Let’s Dance! It will take place at The Bayview (395 Woodcleft Avenue, Freeport) and to RSVP, please, contact Sophia Pappas at (516) 353-5187 or Patricia Boultadakis (516) 238-6305. The event will benefit Ukrainian crisis relief.

Greek School has started the registration process, please, register your children as soon as possible to avoid late class selection or additional late fees and charges. The program this year includes many new ways to make our culture and language easier and more fun to learn and comprehend. The Greek School 2022-23 academic year registration information is at this link: .

Church School: On Sunday, September 4th, we begin our Church School Registration immediately after the Divine Liturgy. On Sunday, September 11th, we will have the service of the Agiasmos – the blessing of the students, and first day of meeting with their teachers and friends.

The Altar Servers will enjoy an amazing retreat in Boston, in October, at Hellenic College / Holy Cross.  With the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America, the Archdiocesean District Youth Office is planning an Altar Boy Retreat from October 28th - October 30th 2022. The retreat will be held on the beautiful campus of Hellenic College and Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, hosted by the clergy and seminarians of the school. The theme of the retreat will be “Inspiring a Life of Service.” While on campus the Altar Boys in attendance will have an opportunity to learn about the Liturgical Life of the Church, attend classes, tour the city of Boston, and much more. The retreat is the inspiration by His Eminence, allowing the young men of our faith to appreciate their service to the Church and to see the beauty of our beloved school. Altar Boys, ages 13-18 from the Archdiocesean District (New York, and Connecticut) can register with our District Youth Office. In order to register please email us your sons first and last name along with a phone number so registration can be confirmed. We are in need of Chaperones as well. We can be reached at 212-774-0264 and/or email us at . Registration deadline is October 15th.

Our Youth programs will also be enriched, as most pandemic restrictions are now lifted and we can expand our activities even more. Church School will begin with registration and Agiasmos in September and we will have many additional surprises included to reward our youth for their time, their volunteering and their faithful attendance.

In all, we are starting the new ecclesiastical year in a few weeks with more energy and more resolve to make this year productive and spiritually beneficial. Our families need it. Our world needs it. Enjoy these beautiful summer days and see you all in Church!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message from August 18, 2022:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

The feast of the Dormition and Transposition of Panaghia was truly uplifting and beautiful. We chanted together in front of the blessed Theotokos the lamentations, we were blessed and we prayed together for all our loved ones and especially those who celebrated their name-days.

Our Parish is now preparing for the events, ministries and programs of the new School year. First, we will have our Church picnic, on Sunday, September 18th after the service at Eisenhower Park. BBQ with delicious food, games and sports for the children and the families, music and fellowship will make the day a great gateway to the many amazing activities of our Parish.

We are preparing for the Philoptochos event on October 4th (from 6:30 to 10:30 pm), which is always fun and our ladies ensure that the good times we share together will expand to assistance for those in need. The theme of the evening is Studio 54, Let’s Dance! It will take place at The Bayview (395 Woodcleft Avenue, Freeport) and to RSVP, please, contact Sophia Pappas or Patricia Boultadakis. The event will benefit Ukrainian crisis relief.

Greek School has started the registration process, please, register your children as soon as possible to avoid late class selection or additional late fees and charges. The program this year includes many new ways to make our culture and language easier and more fun to learn and comprehend. The Greek School 2022-23 academic year registration information is at this link: .

Our Youth programs will also be enriched, as most pandemic restrictions are now lifted and we can expand our activities even more. Church School will begin with registration and Agiasmos in September and we will have many additional surprises included to reward our youth for their time, their volunteering and their faithful attendance.

In all, we are starting the new ecclesiastical year in a few weeks with more energy and more resolve to make this year productive and spiritually beneficial. Our families need it. Our world needs it. Enjoy these beautiful summer days and see you all in Church!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Nessage from August 11, 2022:


All Orthodox Christians celebrate the Dormition and the Assumption of the Virgin Mary on August 15.  Throughout the world, the fest of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary unites all Christians, who, like the disciples of the Lord, gather to request her intercessions and blessings.  The Orthodox people call August 15 as the Pascha of Summer or Easter after Easter.  The faithful honor and celebrate this holy day, because there is very special connection with the Mother of God.  The Virgin Mary has performed so many miracles, that over one thousand names or eponyms have been attributed to her.  The hymnology of the Church calls her the Unwedded Bride, the bridge of Heaven and earth, the throne of the King of Glory, the vessel of divine Grace, the fountain of Life, the more honorable than the Cherubim and more glorious beyond compare than the Seraphim (the orders of the Angels).  In every service there is a request to the Virgin Mary to intercede for our salvation.  Even when we are in danger, we exclaim “holy Mother of God!,” asking for protection and for her benevolent grace.

          The Virgin Mary is the protector of the Youth, as we chanted in the Vespers of the Dormition.  Being a Mother, she overlooks for the spiritual benefit of her children.  She embraces all young people who thirst for the living water of the faith, in an age of spiritual drought.  In front of the tomb of Panaghia we ask that the world is illumined by the beacon of peace.  We pray that the Youth is guided by the rudder of virtue.  We voice the petition that the flock of Christ is protected by the shield of her grace and her miracles.

Maria brought the incarnate Son and Word of God, through the Holy Spirit and following the divine plan of salvation.  She obeyed the will of God, and thus became the fountain of redemption.  She gave us Christ, the only Redeemer and Savior, the One Who is the Way, the Truth and the Life. In most of the icons, she is portrayed holding her Son and Savior.  In one of the icons, that is painted in our Church (behind the Choir loft, where the life of the Virgin Mary is displayed), the story of the Assumption is narrated.  That’s the only icon in which Jesus is holding His Mother, not the other way around.  The Lord places her in Heaven, so that she is not subjected to the natural laws of decay and corruption.  She gave us Life and salvation, and she will be praying for our redemption.  In front of her icon we pray fervently, like the Apostles: “Most Holy Theotokos, save us!”

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


            Η εορτή της Κοιμήσεως και της Μεταστάσεως της Θεοτόκου κατέχει ξεχωριστή σημασία στο Ελληνορθόδοξο εορτολόγιο.  Ονομάζεται το Πάσχα του Καλοκαιριού, ή Πάσχα μετά το Πάσχα.  Πανηγυρίζεται σε όλη την Ελληνική επικράτεια και όπου ανά τον κόσμο υπάρχει Ορθόδοξος ναός.  Άλλωστε η Παναγία έχει μία ιδιαίτερη σύνδεση με τους πιστούς.  Χιλιάδες ονόματα της έχουν αποδώσει για τα θαύματα, τις παρουσίες και τις ευεργεσίες της.  Μεσίτρεια, Γλυκοφιλούσα, Σπηλιανή, Παραβουνιώτισσα μόλις λίγα από αυτά.  Η υμνολογία μας την αποκαλεί γέφυρα Ουρανού και γης, θρόνο του Βασιλέως Χριστού, δοχείο Χάριτος, πηγή Ζωής, Πλατυτέρα των Ουρανών, Τιμιωτέρα των Χερουβείμ και ενδοξοτέρα ασυγκρίτως των Σεραφείμ.  Σε κάθε Ορθόδοξη ακολουθία υπάρχει αναφορά στο πρόσωπο της Υπεραγίας Θεοτόκου.  Αλλά και όταν βρισκόμαστε σε κίνδυνο ή σε έκτακτη ανάγκη ανακράζουμε «Παναγιά μου»!  Είναι η Μητέρα μας, η Προστάτιδά μας, που μας αγκαλιάζει με την χάρη των θαυμάτων της.

            Η εξιστόρηση της Κοιμήσεως της Υπεραγίας Θεοτόκου αντανακλάται στην υμνολογία και την ζωντανή Παράδοση της Εκκλησίας μας.  Η Παναγία μετά την Ανάληψη του Χριστού καθημερινώς πηγαίνει στο ζωοδόχο μνήμα και προσεύχεται. Μία Παρασκευή ο Αρχάγγελος Γαβριήλ παρουσιάζεται μπροστά της και την χαιρετά: “Χαίρε, η γεννήσασα Χριστόν τον Θεόν ημών. Ο Κύριος άκουσε την προσευχή σου και θα αφήσης τον κόσμο και θα πορευθής εις την ζωήν την αληθινήν και αδιάδοχον”. Η Θεοτόκος επιστρέφει στον οίκο της, θυμιά και προσεύχεται στον Χριστό να της στείλη τον Ιωάννη και τους λοιπούς Αποστόλους, για να παρασταθούν στον θάνατό της. Η προσευχή της εισακούεται και πρώτος φθάνει, αρπαγείς από νεφέλη, ο Ιωάννης και σε λίγο επί νεφελών και οι λοιποί Απόστολοι οι διεσπαρμένοι στα πέρατα του κόσμου.

Την Κυριακή έρχεται με την απαστράπτουσα δόξα Του και με χιλιάδες αγγέλους ο Κύριος να παραλάβη την ψυχή της Μητρός Του. Εκείνη ευλογεί τους Αποστόλους και τον κόσμο, δέεται για την σωτηρία όλων και αφού λαμβάνει την υπόσχεσι ότι “πάσα ψυχή επικαλουμένη το όνομά της ου μη καταισχυνθή, αλλ’ εύρη έλεος και παράκλησιν και αντίληψιν και παρρησίαν και εν τω νυν αιώνι και εν τω μέλλοντι”, παραδίδει την αγία της ψυχή στα χέρια του Υιού της. Οι Απόστολοι περιπτύσσονται το σκήνος και ψάλλοντες μεταφέρουν την κλίνη με το σώμα για ταφή. Ένας εβραίος ονόματι Ιεφωνίας ορμά και επιχειρεί “κατά της κλίνης”, αλλ’ άγγελος Κυρίου με “ξίφος πυρός” αποκόπτει τα χέρια του από των ώμων, που μένουν κρεμασμένα στην κλίνη. Αυτός μετανοεί και κολλώνται πάλι τα χέρια του, ενώ οι Απόστολοι ανενόχλητοι συνεχίζουν την εκφορά. Το σκήνος θάπτεται σε καινό μνημείο στην Γεθσημανή, την Τρίτη όμως ημέρα “μετετέθη…εν Παραδείσω”.

          Και εμείς, συναθροιζόμαστε ενθάδε όπως και οι Άγιοι Απόστολοι έπραξαν θαυμαστώς κατά την Κοίμηση της Θεοτόκου.  «Απόστολοι εκ περάτων συναθροισθέντες ενθάδε.»  Αιτούμε την ευχή της και την ευεργέτιδα προστασία της.  Η Παναγία, πριν την Κοίμησή της, προσευχήθηκε υπέρ ειρήνης του κόσμου.  Σήμερα, περισσότερο από ποτέ, έχουμε ανάγκη την ευλογία της, διότι περιβαλλόμαστε από του λύκους του πολέμου, της τρομοκρατίας και του εγκλήματος, που προσβάλλουν τα κοινά και ήθη βάλλουν κατά του ποιμνίου του Θεού. 

Στην εποχή μας έχουμε ανάγκη την προστασία της, διότι, όπως ψάλλαμε και στο Θεοτοκίο του Εσπερινού της Κοιμήσεως, η Παναγία φυλάττει την νεολαία της.  ς μάνα, αγκαλιάζει τα παιδιά και την νεολαία, που διψούν για το ύδωρ το ζων, το ύδωρ της πίστεως, σε ένα κόσμο πνευματικής ξηρασίας.  Η εικονογραφία του ναού μας, εξιστορεί την εικόνα της Κοιμήσεως, όπου αποτυπώνεται η παραπάνω αφήγηση και η Μετάσταση της Θεοτόκου.  Είναι η μόνη εικόνα στην οποία αντιστρέφονται οι όροι και αντί να κρατάει η Παναγία τον Κύριο, ο Χριστός βαστάει και μεταθέτει την Μητέρα Του στα Επουράνια.  Από την Ουράνιο Βασιλεία να δεχόμαστε και εμείς τις Μεσιτείες της Υπεραγίας Θεοτόκου, προς υγεία, σωτηρία και θεία βοήθεια όλων των πιστών.

Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος

Message from August 5, 2022:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

I saw something on line that I would like to share with you, I believe you will find it inspiring: “I want to say something about the spirituality debate. You don't believe in God? It is your choice… Why is it so important for many of you to mock those of us that do? If we 're wrong, what have we lost when we die? Nothing! How does our believing in Jesus bring you any harm? You think it makes me stupid? Gullible? It is my choice! How does that affect you? If you 're wrong, your consequence is far worse.

I would rather live my life believing in God and serving Him, and find out I was right, than not believe in Him and not serve Him, and find out I was wrong. Then it's too late. In my life, following the Lord’s commandments has served me well. It motivates me to love, to forgive and to care. It prompts me to improve and to transform.

There's no shame in my game! I believe in Jesus Christ. He said deny me in front of your friends & I will deny you in front of my Father. HE 'S COMING BACK... He changed history. He had no servants, yet they called him Lord. He had no degree, yet they called him Teacher. He had no medicines, yet they called him Healer. He had no army, yet kings feared Him. He won no military battles, yet He conquered the world. He committed no crime, yet they crucified Him. He was buried in a tomb, yet He lives today. His name is Jesus.”

Jesus transformed the world, by changing each one of us, one person at the time. We all aim for personal transformation and transfiguration. On August 6th, the Orthodox Church celebrates the feast day of the Transfiguration of Christ.  The Transfiguration of the Lord is a revelation of Christ’s theanthropic identity (He is both a perfect God and a perfect human being).  Jesus fulfilled the promise of His Father, being Himself the Savior and the Redeemer of mankind.  Peter, James and John witnessed of the miraculous Transfiguration of the Lord.  They had a pre-taste of the eternal Kingdom.  That experience was enough for them to forget all their worldly cares and to request that they stay there for the rest of their lives.  A glimpse of the uncreated light was enough for them to put their lives into perspective.  Nothing is more important than the Kingdom of God.  Everything is temporary, yet the Kingdom of Heaven is eternal.  Like the hesychasts who also experienced the uncreated light through unceasing prayer, the disciples also found their purpose in life in communicating with God and being transformed by His divine Grace.

          We also request the invocation of God’s Grace, so that our daily realities may be inspired by the Heavenly joy of the eternal Kingdom.  We look forward for our lives to be spiritually transformed on the basis of virtue and divine Grace.  The unending light of faith is the beacon guiding us to the safe harbor of salvation.  It was the experience of this light that changed the disciples; and they, in return, changed the world.  Christians are bestowed with the sacred vocation to be the light of the world, illuminating and transfiguring society to become a community of love, faith, hope and salvation.  The sacraments of the Church are the fuel that empowers us to fulfill such a sacred task.  Our example is the way to reflect the illumination of Christ upon others, the same way the stars reflect the radiance of the Sun.  The Sun of Righteousness, our Savior, was bathed in the light of His Holy Transfiguration to break apart the darkness of corruption and to lead us to the everlasting joy of salvation.

Καλό Δεκαπενταύγουστο! Καλή Παναγιά!!!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


     Στις 6 Αυγούστου, η Ορθόδοξος Εκκλησία εορτάζει την πανήγυρη της Μεταμορφώσεως του Σωτήρος.  Η Μεταμόρφωσις του Σωτήρος είναι μία αποκάλυψη του Θεανθρώπου, που γεφυρώνει την Παλαιά με την Καινή Διαθήκη και εκπληρώνει το πρωτευαγγέλιο με τον ερχομό Του.  Ο Χριστός στην θεία Του Μεταμόρφωση ανοίγει μία χαραμάδα ώστε και εμείς οι θνητοί, με εκπροσώπους τους μαθητές Του, να αναγνωρίσουμε την μακαριότητα και την αγαλλίαση της αιωνίου Βασιλείας.  Ο Πέτρος, ο Ιάκωβος και ο Ιωάννης, προγευόμενοι την Θεοπτία και την Θεωρία της Μεταμορφώσεως ζητούν να κατασκευάσουν τρεις σκηνές, μία σκηνή για τον Κύριο, μία για τον Μωϋσή και μία για τον Ηλία, που συμμετείχαν στο μέγα μυστήριο της Μεταμορφώσεως.  Δεν νοιάζονται για τους εαυτούς των, αλλά είναι έτοιμοι να αφιερώσουν όλη τους την ζωή ώστε να συμμετέχουν στην μακαριότητα της συγκεκριμένης εμπερίας.  Μία χαραμάδα προς το άκτιστο φως του Παραδείσου αρκεί για να φωτίσει και να δώσει νόημα στη ζωή τους.  Αρκεί για να ξεχάσουν τις υποχρεώσεις και τα φορτία της καθημερινότητος.  Όπως οι ησυχαστές, που με την αδιάλειπτο προσευχή εβίωσαν την εμπειρία του ακτίστου φωτός, έτσι και εκείνοι πληρώνονται με Χάρη και Ουράνια αγαλλίαση.

     Στις 6 Αυγούστου επικαλούμαστε την ίδια Χάρη και αγαλλίαση να μεταμορφώσει και την δική μας καθημερινότητα σε μία Ουράνια εμεπειρία.  Επιζητούμε να μετασχηματιστεί ο βίος μας με βάση όχι τις βιοτικές μέριμνες, αλλά την σωτήριο πορεία και με φάρο το ανέσπερο φως της λυτρώσεως.  Ο Θεός αποκαλείπτει τον Υιό Του, τον Σωτήρα και Λυτρωτή του γένους των ανθρώπων, ως χορηγό της θείας αποκαλύψεως.  Για τους μαθητές Του, ήταν αρκετή μία μόνο εμπειρία για να τους μεταμορφώσει και δια αυτών να μεταμορφωθεί η Οικουμένη.  Για εμάς, οι ουρανοδρόμες δωρεές των Μυστηρίων της Εκκλησίας, δια των οποίων μεταλαμβάνουμε την θεία Χάρη και το ζωηφόρο φως της πίστεως, θα πρέπει να αποτελούν το καύσιμο για να κινούμαστε προς τον Θεό, για να μεταμορφώνουμε τον κόσμο.  Οι Χριστιανοί, το αλάτι της γης και το φως του κόσμου, οφείλουμε να λάμπουμε δια του παραδείγματος, των πράξεων και των έργων μας.  Οι πράξεις μας να αντανακλούν το Ουράνιο φως που έλουσε τον Κύριό μας στο υψηλό όρος της Μεταμορφώσεως.

Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος

Message from July 29, 2022:

Who Is Allowed to Receive Holy Baptism?

By Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Pastor of Saint Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church, Merrick, New York

This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.” (Tim. 1, 1:15)

          Saint Paul, the “Apostle of the Nations,” daringly and humbly acknowledges and confesses the certainty of personal sin. He is the Apostle with, arguably, the greatest impact on the expansion of the faith. The evangelization of the nations resulted in thousands of baptisms and, through those, the rekindling of the light of divine Grace to millions of Christians, generations and generations of the Church faithful. Yet, Saint Paul implores the mercy of the Lord, Who Loves humanity, because “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.”

The Great Paul is chief among sinners? A similar confession and acknowledgment of the fallen human nature was expressed by another Great, Saint Basil; furthermore, many more God-illumined and Christ-bearing Church Fathers, Saints and Holy Ones declared to the world that they are first among sinners. After such a confession of personal injury from the wounds of our fallen humanity, would there be a single chance that one of these venerable Saints might exclude an infant from the sacrament of Holy Baptism? And yet, in our age, the “virtuous” bravely signal that they would not administer the sacred sacrament of baptism to infants under certain circumstances. And, who then can be baptized? (To paraphrase the evangelical passage “the disciples were even more amazed, and said to each other, “Who then can be saved?” (Mark 10:26)

In the era of the self-proclaimed perfect human beings (social media certainly ensures we maintain that image), it would seem that a certificate of moral clearance is presupposed for people to enter the Church. It is almost like demanding a certificate of health to enter a hospital. The “virtuous” will respond that the doors of the Church are closed only for those who refuse to repent, or those who scandalize their fellow humans. Are we entirely confident that ALL the parents and godparents who participate in baptisms are genuinely confessed, repenting and cleansed? Can we assure with certainty and beyond any doubt that none of them (or us) scandalize our fellow humans? In the end result, who owns the monopoly of measuring repentance, virtue and scandalous behavior? Can we step up and declare with honesty that we never return back to the sacrament of confession bearing testimony to repeated failings and offenses? Can we predicate that we never scandalized anyone and therefore we have a moral permission to observe all sacraments? The ancient Greek translation for ἁμαρτία (sin) is ἀστοχία (missing the mark). Missing the mark is the common denominator of all mortals, especially for those who are self-assured that their sins are less grave than the sins of others. In the Gospel, this spiritual phenomenon is identified in the concept of hypocrisy (ὑποκρισία - ὑπὸ + κρίσις), which is the critical approach against others and the ostentatious arrogance for self-proclaimed virtue.

The modern “virtuous” insist that it is not the infant’s fault, therefore, we should only exclude the “sinful” parent or godparent from the Church. To further distance the virtuous beings from the “sinners,” they exclaim that no pictures are to be taken next to those who scandalize, so that we do not inflict shock and psychological trauma to the sensitive and always righteous public discourse. The method of the ostrich precludes the eyesight from what inflicts fear, abhorrence and detestation. And then, the virtuous will venerate the icons depicting the Lord with harlots and publicans. While detesting taking pictures with “sinners,” the virtuous will run first, fighting to be at the centerfold of the most publicized pictorials, because they are not like “them:” “God, I thank you that I am not like other people—robbers, evildoers, adulterers—or even like this tax collector.” (Luke 18:11 – from the Gospel reading of the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee)

The earnest acknowledgment of the Pharisaic ethos that permeates the status quo of the defenders of social order and morality would be extremely beneficial for the Church. The Church of Saint Paul, the first of all sinners, has room for all the faithful, not only for those who profess the certificate of perfection, because “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.” It is Jesus who emphatically commanded: “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matt. 19:14) These children will judge us. They will discern, when they reach adulthood, based on what we wrote, what we said, and what we criticized if we were happy about the sacrament of their baptism or not. The evil one is sorrowful when an infant enters the Church by the triune immersion in the baptismal font. But why is the “virtuous” lamenting the same event? Maybe, virtue signaling ideologues are bothered by the publicity of the event. And since they detest publicity, they opt to circulate anathemas through press releases, interviews and public appearances.

A certain Hierarch was bold enough to minister as a true spiritual father, and not hide behind the Parish priest (forcing the clergyman to bear the “sin” along with the arrows of public scrutiny and judgment). When these newly illumined children grow up, they might, by the Grace of the All-Mighty and All-Loving God, follow the path of holiness. It will be at that point that they will recognize that one Hierarch gave them a chance, without stigmatizing them, without putting a label on them, and without prematurely forecasting that they are not worthy of a spiritual life in Christ, because their parents are not up to the public standards of morality. We are grateful for the paradigm of illumined spiritual leaders who do not hide, but face the contemporary socio-ecclesial issues; they are true Fathers for the souls of those who seek a guide on the path of Christ’s life.

The modern hypocrite does not wish for the baptism of these children to be a publicized event, but to conceal it even happened, with the same shame that in past decades (in few but tragic cases) they hid with indignity the children with special needs in dark basements and away from society. The hypocrite will persist that just a simple priest and not an Archbishop is warranted to administer this sacrament, secretly and with dishonor. Thus, the hypocrite maintains, that the baptism by a priest is a lesser baptism, a B grade sacrament, deserving for a child of such an unfortunate life… On the other hand, the local Hierarch provides the exact same baptismal certificate, with his own signature and seal of approval, protected from the waves of sinners by the pier of the simple priest, who ultimately takes on the responsibility and the occasional attacks from the censors or public morality.

Naturally, the local Hierarch seeks also guidance from the Holy Synod regarding the exact information that is required on the baptismal certificate under the space for “names of parents,” with a huge question mark for the thousands of cases when a mother and/or father are not known (due to adoptions, surrogate mothers, victims of rape, absentee parents or other cases when the physical parent is not known). We even hear that certain Hierarchs would exclude infants from receiving the foundational and first sacrament of the Church due to parental impediments and the lack of fulfillment of all ecclesiastical/bureaucratic presuppositions (including the state of co-habitation and moral standing of the parents). They predetermine that this child will not be raised according to the Orthodox moral standards. Is it possible that someone can predetermine whether a child might not become a Saint? Protestants would argue for that, but not the Orthodox. Didn’t they ever read the lives of Saints Markella or Christina, who were raised by a barbaric and monstruous parent? Don’t they even extricate from the Church experience the examples of genuine repentance, like the transformation of Zacchaeus (the Pharisees abhorred his wealth) or the condemned to a death-sentence harlot? Back then, they cast stones on the unvirtuous, today, they cast stones on social media. When all defenders of public morality cast their stones against the harlot in the Gospel, it was Christ Who protected her, sanctified her and nourished her with love and respect. Are we certain that she had repented and she was morally re-aligned when she was condemned to death? Christ gave her that chance. He gives us all a chance, by keeping the doors of the Church open, to heal, to love, to forgive and to not condemn. And, at last, which children are going to be excluded from Holy Baptism by a certain Hierarch? Is the Church open only for the good kids? What was the commandment of the Lord? “Let the good little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” or, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”?

Some people are really unyielding about knowing certain personal choices and idiosyncrasies of the parents before baptizing their little, innocent and angelic infant children. They might not ask the parents if they are criminals, murderers, traffickers of drugs or human flesh. They might not investigate whether the parents are abusive, molesters, criminal pyromaniacs or killers of small puppy dogs. The only significant detail that tickles their curiosity is who the parent sleeps with, and especially if the parent is a homosexual. That particular situation is especially unforgivable for the virtue signaling defender of morality. What makes it worst, is when the homosexual person admits it, as opposed to, say… hiding homosexuality under a cassock…


Πρωτοπρεσβυτέρου Νικηφόρου Φακίνου

Ἐφημερίου τοῦ Ἱεροῦ Ναοῦ Ἁγίου Δημητρίου στὸ Μέρρικ τῆς Νέας Ὑόρκης

«πιστὸς ὁ λόγος καὶ πάσης ἀποδοχῆς ἄξιος, ὅτι Χριστὸς Ἰησοῦς ἦλθεν εἰς τὸν κόσμον ἁμαρτωλοὺς σῶσαι· ὧν πρῶτός εἰμι ἐγώ·» (Α’ Τιμ., α:15)

          Ὁ Ἅγιος Παῦλος, ὁ Ἀπόστολος τῶν Ἐθνῶν, ὁμολογεῖ καὶ ἐξομολογεῖται μὲ παρρησία ἀλλὰ καὶ ταπείνωση τὸ γεγονὸς τῆς προσωπικῆς ἁμαρτίας. Εἶναι ὁ Ἀπόστολος μὲ τὴν μεγαλύτερη ἐπίδραση στὴν ἐξάπλωση τῆς πίστεως. Χάρη στὸν εὐαγγελισμὸ τῶν ἐθνῶν, βαπτίστηκαν χιλιάδες καὶ, δι’ αὐτῶν, μεταλαμπαδεύτηκε ἡ χάρις τοῦ Κυρίου σὲ ἑκατομμύρια Χριστιανῶν, γεννεὲς καὶ γεννεὲς τοῦ πληρώματος τῆς Ἐκκλησίας. Καὶ ὅμως, ἐπικαλεῖται τὸ ἔλεος τοῦ Φιλανθρώπου Κυρίου, «ὅτι Χριστὸς Ἰησοῦς ἦλθεν εἰς τὸν κόσμον ἁμαρτωλοὺς σῶσαι· ὧν πρῶτός εἰμι ἐγώ».

Πρῶτος τῶν ἁμαρτωλῶν ὁ Μέγας Παῦλος; Καὶ παρόμοια ὁμολογία ἀποδοχῆς τῆς πεπτωκυίας ἀνθρωπίνης φύσεως ἀκολουθεῖ ἀπὸ τὸν Μέγα καὶ Ἅγιο Βασίλειο· καὶ τόσους ἐπιφανεῖς καὶ χριστοφόρους Πατέρες, Ἁγίους, Ἁγίες, Ὁσίες καὶ Ὁσίους τῆς Ἐκκλησίας. Ὑπάρχει ἔστω καὶ μία πιθανότητα ἕνας ἐξ αὐτῶν νὰ ἀποκλείσει βρέφος ἀπὸ τὸ μυστήριο τοῦ βαπτίσματος; Καὶ ὅμως, στὴν ἐποχή μας, οἱ «ἐνάρετοι» εὐθαρσῶς δηλώνουν ὅτι δὲν θὰ ἔκαναν βάπτιση βρέφους σὲ ὁρισμένες περιπτώσεις. Καὶ τότε, τίς δύναται βαπτισθῆναι; Παράφραση τοῦ εὐαγγελικοῦ ρήματος «οἱ δὲ περισσῶς ἐξεπλήσσοντο λέγοντες πρὸς ἑαυτούς· Καὶ τίς δύναται σωθῆναι;» (Μαρκ., ι’:26)

Στὴν ἐποχὴ τῶν τέλειων, ἀπαιτεῖται πιστοποιητικὸ ἠθικῶν φρονημάτων γιὰ νὰ εἰσέλθουν οἱ ἄνθρωποι στὴν Ἐκκλησία. Σὰν νὰ ζητεῖται πιστοποιητικὸ ὑγείας γιὰ τὴν εἴσοδο σὲ νοσοκομεῖο. Μὰ οἱ «ἐνάρετοι» θὰ ἀπαντήσουν ὅτι θὰ κλείσουν τὴν πόρτα τῆς Ἐκκλησίας μόνον σὲ ἐκείνους ποὺ δέν μετανοοῦν, ἢ αὐτοὺς ποὺ σκανδαλίζουν. Δηλαδὴ, μποροῦμε νὰ βάλουμε τὸ χέρι μας στὴν φωτιὰ ὅτι ΟΛΟΙ οἱ γονεῖς καὶ οἱ ἀνάδοχοι στὴν βαπτίσεις ποὺ γίνονται εἶναι ἐξομολογημένοι, μετανοημένοι καὶ κεκαθαρμένοι; Ἢ μήπως γνωρίζουμε μετὰ πεποιθήσεως ὅτι τὰ δικά τους πλημμελήματα δὲν σκανδαλίζουν; Σὲ τελικὴ ἀνάλυση, ποιός ἔχει τὸ μονοπώλιο τῆς μετανοίας; Ποιός ἀπὸ ἐμᾶς δὲν ἐπιστρέφει στὴν ἐξομολόγηση μὲ πολλὰ ἀπὸ τὰ ἴδια πλημμελήματα, ἀκόμη καὶ μὲ αὐτὸ τοῦ σκανδαλισμοῦ τοῦ συνανθρώπου; Ἡ ἀρχαιοελληνικὴ μετάφραση τῆς ἔννοιας τῆς ἁμαρτίας εἶναι ἡ ἀστοχία, καὶ ἡ ἀστοχία εἶναι ἡ μόνη κοινὴ συνισταμένη ὅλων τῶν θνητῶν, πολὺ δὲ περισσότερο αὐτῶν ποὺ ἔχουν τὴν πεποίθηση ὅτι τὰ δικὰ τους ἁμαρτήματα εἶναι λιγότερα ἀπὸ αὐτὰ τῶν ἄλλων. Στὸ Εὐαγγέλιο τὸ φαινόμενο αὐτὸ ἐντοπίζεται στὴν ἔννοια τῆς ὑποκρισίας, δηλαδὴ ἡ κρίση ἐναντίον τοῦ συνανθρώπου καὶ ἡ πομπώδης ἔπαρση γιὰ τὴν προσωπικὴ ἀρετή.

Οἱ σύγχρονοι «ἐνάρετοι» θὰ ἐπιμείνουν ὅτι δὲν φταίει τὸ βρέφος, ἄρα νὰ ἀποκλείσουμε τὸν «ἁμαρτωλὸ» γονιό. Ἢ ἔστω, νὰ μὴν βγάλουμε φωτογραφίες μαζί του, οὔτε φωτογραφίες τῶν «ἁμαρτωλῶν» μὲ τὸν κλῆρο, γιὰ νὰ μὴν προκαλέσουμε σὸκ στὴν εὐαίσθητη καὶ ἄπταιστη κοινὴ γνώμη. Ἡ μέθοδος τῆς στρουθοκάμηλου εἶναι νὰ κρύψουμε τὰ μάτια μας ἀπὸ αὐτὸ ποῦ μᾶς προκαλεῖ φόβο, ἀπέχθεια καὶ μῖσος. Καὶ μετά, φιλᾶμε τὶς εἰκόνες τοῦ Κυρίου νὰ συνεστιάζεται μὲ πόρνες καὶ τελῶνες. Ἀπεχθανόμαστε τὴν φωτογράφιση τῶν «ἁμαρτωλῶν», ἀλλὰ τρέχουμε ἀμέσως στὰ πρωτεῖα τῶν φωτογραφικῶν φακῶν, διότι δὲν εἴμαστε ὡς καὶ αὐτοί: «Ὁ Θεός, εὐχαριστῶ σοι ὅτι οὐκ εἰμὶ ὥσπερ οἱ λοιποὶ τῶν ἀνθρώπων, ἅρπαγες, ἄδικοι, μοιχοί, ἢ καὶ ὡς οὗτος ὁ τελώνης» κατὰ τὸ Εὐαγγελικὸ ἀνάγνωσμα τῆς Κυριακῆς τοῦ Τελώνου καὶ τοῦ Φαρισαίου.

Ἡ εἰλικρινὴς ἀποδοχὴ τοῦ Φαρισαϊσμοῦ ποὺ διακατέχει τὸ πουριτανιστικὸ καθεστῶς τῶν ὑπερμάχων τῆς τάξεως καὶ τῆς ἠθικῆς θὰ μποροῦσε νὰ καταστεῖ εὐεργετικὴ γιὰ τὴν Ἐκκλησία. Ἡ Ἐκκλησία τοῦ Ἀποστόλου Παύλου, τοῦ πρώτου τῶν ἁμαρτωλῶν, ἔχει χῶρο γιὰ ὅλους τοὺς πιστούς, ὄχι μόνο γιὰ ἐκείνους ποὺ ἔχουν τὸ τεκμήριο τῆς τελειότητος, διότι ὁ «Χριστὸς Ἰησοῦς ἦλθεν εἰς τὸν κόσμον ἁμαρτωλοὺς σῶσαι». Εἶναι ὁ Χριστός μας, ποὺ μὲ ἔμφαση τόνισε: «Ἄφετε τὰ παιδία καὶ μὴ κωλύετε αὐτὰ ἐλθεῖν πρός με, τῶν γὰρ τοιούτων ἐστὶν ἡ βασιλεία τῶν οὐρανῶν». (Ματθ. ιθ', 14). Αὐτὰ τὰ παιδιὰ θὰ μᾶς κρίνουν. Θὰ κρίνουν, ὡς ἐνήλικες, ὅ,τι γράψαμε, ὅ,τι εἴπαμε, ὅ,τι λογο-κρίναμε. Δὲν χαρήκαμε γιὰ τὴν βάπτισή τους. Λυπᾶται ὁ πονηρὸς ὅταν ἔρχεται βρέφος στὴν Ἐκκλησία, ἀλλὰ γιατί νὰ λυπᾶται ὁ ἠθικός; Μήπως ἐνόχλησε τὸ γεγονὸς ὅτι τὸ μυστήριο ἔλαβε δημοσιότητα; Καί, ἐπειδὴ ἀπεχθάνεται ὁ «ἐνάρετος» τὴν δημοσιότητα, ἐκδίδει δελτία τύπου, κάνει συνεντεύξεις καὶ προασπίζει τὸ χρηστὸν ἦθος μὲ δημόσιες τοποθετήσεις καὶ κηρύγματα.

Ἕνας Ἀρχιερέας τόλμησε, ἔδρασε ὡς ἀληθινὸς πνευματικὸς πατέρας, δὲν κρύφτηκε πίσω ἀπὸ τὸν παπὰ τῆς ἐνορίας (δηλαδὴ νὰ σηκώσει ὁ ἱερέας τὴν «ἁμαρτία» καὶ νὰ ὑποστεῖ τὰ βέλη τῆς στυγνῆς δημόσιας κριτικῆς). Ὅταν τὰ νεοφώτιστα αὐτὰ παιδιὰ μεγαλώσουν, μπορεῖ, μὲ τὴν Χάρη τοῦ Πανυψίστου καὶ Πολυεύσπλαχνου Θεοῦ, νὰ ἀκολουθήσουν ὁδὸν Ἁγιότητος. Θὰ ἀναγνωρίσουν τότε ὅτι ἕνας Ἀρχιερέας δὲν τὰ στιγμάτισε, δὲν τοὺς ἔβαλε πρόωρα ἐτικέτες, δὲν προδίκασε ὅτι ζοῦν σὲ σπίτι ἁμαρτωλῶν, συνεπῶς δὲν ἔχουν δικαίωμα στὴν πνευματικὴ ζωή. Γενικῶς, ὑπάρχει τὸ παράδειγμα φωτισμένων πνευματικῶν ἡγετῶν ποὺ δὲν κρύβονται, ἀντιμετωπίζουν τὰ σύγχρονα κοινωνικο-πνευματικὰ ζητήματα, γίνονται ἀληθινοὶ πατέρες γιὰ τὶς ψυχὲς ποὺ ἀναζητοῦν ὁδηγὸ πρὸς τὴν ἐν Χριστῷ ζωή. 

Ὁ σύγχρονος ὑποκριτὴς δὲν ἐπιθυμεῖ ἡ βάπτιση τῶν παιδιῶν αὐτῶν νὰ εἶναι κοσμικὸ γεγονός, ἀλλὰ νὰ τὴν κρύψει, ὅπως κρύβανε παλαιότερα (σὲ λίγες, ἀλλὰ τραγικὲς περιπτώσεις) τὰ παιδιὰ μὲ εἰδικὲς ἀνάγκες. Νὰ μὴν γίνεται ἡ βάπτιση μὲ Ἀρχιεπίσκοπο, λένε μερικοὶ, ἀλλὰ ἀπὸ ἕναν ἁπλὸ ἱερέα. Ἔτσι, τεκμηριώνουν, ὅτι τὸ μυστήριο τοῦ βαπτίσματος ἀπὸ ἱερέα δὲν ἔχει τὴν ἴδια ἐπιρροὴ καὶ προβολὴ (σὰν νὰ λέμε, βάπτισμα β’ κατηγορίας κατὰ τὸ σκεπτικὸ τους). Ὁ Ἀρχιερέας τῆς κατὰ τόπον Μητροπόλεως ἐκδίδει μὲν τὸ πιστοποιητικὸ βαπτίσεως, μὲ δική του ὑπογραφὴ καὶ σφραγίδα, προστατευμένος δὲ ἀπὸ τὸ κῦμα τῶν ἁμαρτωλῶν, πίσω ἀπὸ τὸν λιμενοβραχίονα τοῦ ἁπλοῦ παπᾶ, ποὺ τελικὰ παίρνει τὴν εὐθύνη, καὶ τὴν κάθε ἐπίθεση τῶν κριτῶν τῶν δημοσίων ἠθῶν.

Φυσικά, ὁ κατὰ τόπον Ἀρχιερεὺς χρειάζεται καὶ καθοδήγηση ἀπὸ τὴν Ἱερὰ Σύνοδο γιὰ τὸ τί θὰ ἀναγράφεται στὸ πιστοποιητικὸ βαπτίσεως, στὴν παράγραφο γιὰ τὰ ὀνόματα τῶν γονιῶν, μὲ ἐρωτηματικὸ γιὰ τὶς χιλιάδες τῶν περιπτώσεων ποὺ δὲν ὑπάρχει πατέρας ἢ μητέρα (λόγῳ υἱοθεσιῶν, παρένθετων μητέρων, θυμάτων βιασμοῦ, ἢ καὶ ἄλλων περιπτώσεων ἀγνώστου πατέρα ἢ ἀκόμη καὶ μητέρας).  Ἀκοῦμε ἀκόμη καὶ ἀπὸ Ἀρχιερεῖς ὅτι θὰ ἀρνηθοῦν νὰ βαπτιστεῖ ἕνα βρέφος ἐὰν δὲν ἐκπληροῦνται ὁρισμένες προϋποθέσεις (ὅπως τὸ καθεστὼς συμβιώσεως τῶν γονέων). Διότι, λένε, δὲν θὰ ἀνατραφεῖ τὸ παιδὶ μὲ χρηστοήθεια. Πῶς γίνεται νὰ γνωρίζουν ἐὰν αὐτὸ τὸ βρέφος δὲν θὰ γίνει Ἅγιος ἢ Ἁγία; Δὲν διάβασαν τὸν βίο τῆς Ἁγίας Μαρκέλλης ἢ τῆς Ἁγίας Χριστίνης, κορυφαίων μαρτύρων μὲ βάναυσο καὶ ἐγκληματία ὅμως γονιό; Οὔτε γιὰ τὴν μεταμέλεια τῶν ἐνηλίκων γνωρίζουν, ὅπως ὁ Ζακχαῖος (ἐνοχλοῦσε τοὺς Φαρισαίους ὁ πλοῦτος του) ἢ τὴν ὑπὸ λιθοβολισμὸ πόρνη; Ἐκείνη ἐνόχλησε τὰ χρηστὰ ἤθη, ἀλλὰ μόνο τῶν «καθωσπρεπιστῶν». Ὁ Κύριος καὶ οἱ Ἅγιοί Του τὴν προστάτευσαν, τὴν ἁγίασαν, τὴν ἐνουθέτησαν μὲ ἀγάπη καὶ σεβασμό. Καὶ ποιά παιδιὰ θὰ ἀποκλείσει κάποιος Ἀρχιερέας ἀπὸ τὸ βάπτισμα; Ἡ Ἐκκλησία τελικὰ εἶναι μόνο γιὰ τὰ καλὰ παιδιά; Τί ἐντολὴ ἔδωσε ὁ Κύριος; Ἄφετε τὰ καλὰ παιδία καὶ μὴ κωλύετε αὐτὰ ἐλθεῖν πρός με; Ἢ, «ἄφετε τὰ παιδία καὶ μὴ κωλύετε αὐτὰ ἐλθεῖν πρός με»;

Μερικοὶ ἴσως ἐπιθυμοῦν νὰ γνωρίζουν γιὰ τὶς προσωπικὲς ἐπιλογὲς καὶ τὴν ἰδιαιτερότητα τῶν γονέων πρὶν βαπτίσουν τὰ μικρά βρέφη. Δὲν θὰ ρωτήσουν ἐὰν ὁ γονιὸς εἶναι ἐγκληματίας, δολοφόνος, μαφιόζος, ἔμπορος ναρκωτικῶν ἢ λευκῆς σαρκός. Οὔτε ἐὰν χτυπάει τὴν σύζυγό του, ἐὰν κακοποιεῖ τὰ παιδιά του, ἐὰν καίει τὰ δάση ἢ σκοτώνει ἀδέσποτα σκυλάκια. Τὸ μόνο ποὺ ἐπιθυμεῖ ὁ «ἐνάρετος» εἶναι νὰ μὴν εἶναι ὁ γονιὸς ὁμοφυλόφιλος. Ἐνοχλεῖ περισσότερο ἡ συγκεκριμένη κατάσταση τοῦ ἀνθρώπου, ἰδίως ἐὰν ὁ ὁμοφυλόφιλος τὸ παραδέχεται, ἀντὶ νὰ τὸ κρύβει κάτω ἀπὸ ἕνα ράσο, φερ’ εἰπεῖν...

Message from July 22, 2022:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

We have beautiful feasts of Saints this week. On Sunday, we celebrate the Saint Christina the Great Martyr. On Tuesday, we celebrate Saint Paraskevi (the Greek Orthodox Parish at Greenlawn celebrates their Patron Saint with Vespers on Monday at 7 pm and Divine Liturgy on Tuesday at 9 am). On Wednesday, we celebrate Saint Panteleimon (services again at Greenlawn), on Thursday it is the nameday of Saint Irene Chrysovalantou (at the celebrating monastery in Astoria) and today we have the feast of Saint Markella. Happy nameday to Markellos, Markella, Christina, Paraskevi, Paraskevas, Irene, Chrysovalantis, Chrysovalanti and Pantelis who celebrate this week. Χρόνια πολλά!

It has been 20 years since we first started our spiritual journey together in this beautiful Parish of Merrick. My first service in Saint Demetrios was a Paraklesis to the Panaghia, praying for the health and salvation of our blessed Parish family. At the time, I was reading the names from the papers you sent to the altar and all the names were all new to me. Now, you send me the names and I know which family sent them and who you all are. In 20 years, I have been with you for all the significant events of your lives.

These years have been blessed and graced by the benevolence of our Lord and great accomplishments that will be cherished by the generations to come.  One of those historical marks in the progress of the Community was the completion of the major icons of the Church. The icon of the Platytera in the sanctuary of our Church was the first of these spectacular icons.  Starting August 1st, and during all weekdays and Sundays before the feast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary, we will be praying under the loving arms of the Panaghia for the health, salvation and divine protection of our families.

There are countless persons who need our prayers and the intercessions of the Blessed Mother; persons who are in hospitals, persons who are mourning, persons who need God’s grace, salvation and holy illumination. We are also praying for our youth and children, knowing that she, a Mother, and the greatest Saint of the Church, will intercede on our behalf and for our loved ones.

            It will be a blessing for our Parishioners to participate in the divine services of the Paraklesis (Invocation to the Virgin Mary).  The services take place every evening, Monday through Friday, from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.  You may also send the names of your family members and the names of those who need our prayers via mail.  The first Paraklesis will take place on Monday, August 1 at 7 p.m.  The names will be commemorated until the great feast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary.  Have a beautiful summer and may the intercessions of the Theotokos be with all of you.

Αγαπητοί ενορίτες του Αγίου Δημητρίου,

Έχουν συμπληρωθεί ήδη 20 χρόνια που βρισκόμαστε μαζί στον πνευματικό αγώνα και την σωτήριο πορεία της Κοινότητός μας. Η πρώτη μου ακολουθία στο Μέρρικ ήταν η Παράκληση στην Παναγία, ευχόμενος και προσευχόμενος για την υγεία και σωτηρία των οικογενειών μας. Τότε, διάβαζα τα ονόματα που στέλνατε στο ιερό κι όλα τα ονόματα ήταν άγνωστα σε εμένα. Αλλά τώρα, γνωρίζω όλα τα χαρτιά που στέλνετε, τα ονόματα και τις οικογένειές σας. Έχω ευλογήσει τις σημαντικότερες στιγμές στην ζωή σας αυτά τα χρόνια.

20 χρονιά στην οποία ο Κύριος μας χάρισε τις ευλογίες και τις πλούσιες δωρεές Του.  Σε αυτό το διάστημα, η αγιογράφηση του ναού θα μάς μείνει αξέχαστη. Θυμόμαστε πως άρχισε με την εικόνα της Πλατυτέρας στο ιερό του ναού μας να αποτελεί σταθμό στην ιστορία της Κοινότητος.  Αρχίζοντας από την πρώτη του Αυγούστου και για κάθε εσπέρα της εβδομάδος, θα ψάλλουμε τον Παρακλητικό Κανόνα προς της Υπεραγία Θεοτόκο υπέρ υγείας, προστασίας και θείας βοηθείας των ενοριτών μας και των οικογενειών μας.  Κάτω από την Θεία Σκέπη της Πλατυτέρας, θα προσευχόμαστε για τους ασθενείς, για τους πενθούντας και για όσους χρειάζονται τις πρεσβείες της Μεσίτριας Μητέρας του Θεού. Ως Μητέρα κατανοεί και πρεσβεύει για τους γονείς, τη νεολαία, τα παιδιά μας κι όσους αγαπούμε.

Όποτε το πρόγραμμα των ασχολιών σας επιτρέπει, είναι ευλογία να συμψάλλουμε την Παράκληση.  Κάθε εσπέρα, από Δευτέρα μέχρι Παρασκευή.  Μπορείτε επίσης να στείλετε τα ονόματα των οικογενειών σας και όσων χρειάζονται τις ικεσίες της Υπεραγίας Θεοτόκου και ταχυδρομικώς.  Η πρώτη Παράκληση θα λάβει χώρα την Δευτέρα 2 Αυγούστου στις 7 μ.μ.  Τα ονόματα θα μνημονεύνονται μέχρι και την εορτή της Κοιμήσεως της Θεοτόκου.  Καλό Δεκαπενταύγουστο και οι ευχές της Παναγίας να είναι πάντοτε μαζί σας!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message from July 15, 2022:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

We have beautiful feasts of Saints this week. On Wednesday, we celebrate the Prophet Elias (the Greek Orthodox Parish at Yonkers celebrates their Patron Saint with Vespers on Tuesday at 7 pm and Divine Liturgy on Wednesday at 9 am). On Thursday, we have the Vespers of Saint Markella at the neighboring Parish in Wantagh at 7 pm and on Friday, the Liturgy starting with Orthros at 8:30 am. Happy nameday to Elias, Elianna, Markellos and Markella who celebrate this week. Χρόνια πολλά!

On Sunday, we have our beautiful Divine Liturgy; it is also a blessing that these weeks we have so many baby blessings. There is no greater way to introduce the week rather than welcoming a new member into the embrace of the Church; and we witness these pure souls receive the Grace of the Lord, as they start their journey of a life in Christ. This journey begins with the naming service (on the 8th day, at home), then continues with the 40-day blessing (from the Narthex – to the Nave – and into the Sanctuary, as we progress in our spiritual journey from catechesis, to worship all the way to the sacraments) and thus becoming full members of the Church with Baptism and Chrismation / Confirmation.

We emerge from the baptismal font to receive the seal of the gifts of the Holy Spirit and subsequently Holy Communion. Later in life, we experience the other sacraments, including Confession, Unction and, possibly marriage or even ordination. Therefore, our life in Christ is fully emerged into His Grace through the spiritual transformation of the sacraments.

Raising children is not easy; how many of us took a course on parenting? We receive lessons before we get a driver’s license. But we never had actual lessons on parenting. Raising children has become a feat of trial and error for most parents. We observe our parents and we deduct what we liked and what we did not before we implement our own methods. Sometimes, we can be inspired by other parents and role models.

But it is very rare that we will actually read a book, ask a priest, or receive counseling on actual parenting. Often times, in the preparatory courses for couples before their marriage, I include significant tips on parenting. The same goes for Sunday sermons and personal conversations. I believe that we need to constantly enrich our knowledge and methodology for effecting parenting. Our children are a gift from God and as such, they deserve to be cherished and blessed. Listed below are some practical and basic ideas for effective parenting in the summer (when our children are spending more time with us than during the School year):


1)    Spend quality time doing some activities your children like and some activities you like. The first activities show them you love them. The second show them that they are not the center of the universe and they need to also follow your lead.

2)    Do not hold your phone or tablet when you talk to them. Also, have you tried talking to them? Dinner without TV. Lunch without tablets. Light up their fire pit and talk. Or gaze at the stars (you missed the supermoon on Wednesday, didn’t you?). Or walk at the park and talk. And do not forget to mainly listen.

3)    Spend as much time outdoors as possible. You can have some organized activities, or just set up an umbrella or even a tent at the yard. Turn your yard into a playground. Play, run, have a water fight, dance (especially Greek dances in the yard, Greek Festival style, and try to teach them to the neighbors too).

4)    Summer is also a time for studying (not as much as during the School year, but we need to either complete a summer reading, prepare for courses or keep up with material that will be required in September). When it’s time for the children to study, mute all devices, TVs and PCs, grab a book, and study with them. You may have your own summer reading, or read the Bible, whatever it is, read while they read.

5)    Music, laughter and games are important. Make the home (or your vacation place) a happy place.

6)    Which also means NO ARGUING (I use capital letter to instigate loud voices – almost like arguing). Children imitate their parents more than we think; be careful how you act and what you say.

7)    Take off your shoes and walk on the sand. Put your feet in the Ocean; we live in Long Island, take your children to the beach and enjoy the mornings, or the sunset, or the shark infested waters. Either way, GO and explore our beautiful planet! And adopt a shark, they are lovely prehistoric creatures, featured in many blockbuster movies about summer.

8)    If you absolutely have to watch a movie, make it an uplifting and inspiring one. And comedies are good too.

9)    Eat well; balanced and healthy nutrition helps against many learning disorders, medical problems and psychological issues. Good nutrition also increases energy and better balances our hormones. Stay away from anything toxic (including people), cancerogenic (including people) and trashy (including people).

10)            Come to Church on Sunday. If you do, it shows your children that Church is very important. God is important. When these values are instilled in them, you will not have to worry about their future choices. Pray together as a family, at the table, in the house, in the hotel and in Church. Teach them to do their Cross in public, do not be embarrassed of God; if we are embarrassed, our faith is weak. Then God will deprive us of His Kingdom. Believe in Him and Live with Him.

These are some simple points for parenting in the summer. If you read them but you are not a parent, you may still follow the ones that apply. It’s entirely up to you, of course. I think that these ideas will help make summer more memorable and joyous. Have a fun summer. And see you in Church!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message from July 6, 2022:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

It is with much sadness, but also with hope in the Resurrection, that I need to communicate the passing in Christ of our beloved Peter (Παναγιώτης) Toutoulis, Archon of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, past President of the Parish Council, a tireless volunteer, loving father, grandfather, relative and friend to our entire Parish family. Peter was the last surviving Archon of our beautiful Church; he was blessed by His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America during the most recent Archiepiscopal visit to Saint Demetrios in Merrick. He will be greatly missed. As I announced at the Sunday service, he is truly one-of-a-kind and hard-working, since he devoted so much time and so many God-given talents so well and with great dedication and love for Saint Demetrios.

Peter always surrounded me with much love and support, throughout the 20 years of knowing him and working with him for the progress of the Church. He has donated with humility numerous times and he has offered lovingly for the iconography, the Archdiocese dues, the printers in the office, the tables and chairs of the Hall, the Community Center, the pay-off of the houses the Church purchased, the beautification of our edifices, the Greek and Sunday School, the Byzantine style window project, the Festival and many more worthy causes. He loved to take initiative and lead by example. He recently lost his loving wife Kanella who was a tremendous support to him and the family. But he is survived by wonderful children and an entire family of relatives and Parish friends who miss him much and love him. We all loved him and we miss his kindness and support.

The last time I saw him, he held my hand tight and embraced it with tears. It was at the hospital; for such a strong and courageous person, seeing him there brought tears to me as well… he expressed how much he loved me too and that he will always be there for the Church, for everything the Parish needs. He only asked for one favor, a little bit of the arnaki (the roasted lamb) with potatoes from the Festival he always loved and worked so much for. He preferred the head of the lamb, a delicacy for many Greek pappous. As far as I can recall, this is the only favor he ever asked. He only gave and never asked for anything to burden anyone else. He gave and then gave some more. He will be missed!

The Funeral service for our beloved Peter Toutoulis will take place on Thursday, July 7th at 10 am. The Wake will be at Chapey Funeral Home (20 Hicksville Road, Bethpage), today, Wednesday, July 6th from 4 to 8 pm. In lieu of flowers, the family kindly requests that donations are made to his beloved Church of Saint Demetrios, our beautiful Parish, for which he worked with so much care and devotion. Αἰωνία ἡ μνήμη αὐτοῦ.

As I am writing these lines, in between meetings of the Clergy Laity Congress, I would like to emphasize the historic events we are all celebrating together as Orthodox Christians in America. On Monday, July 4th, we celebrated the birth of our Nation, Independence Day, with His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros leading the festivities with the Consecration of Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine at Ground Zero. Saint Nicholas was the only house of worship destroyed by the horrendous 9/11 terrorist attacks. It took a lot of sacrifices, patience, meetings with the authorities and planning to come to this point. The Church is erected as a national monument for the souls we lost on that dreadful day. It is also a stellar representation of our Orthodox martyria – confession of faith – in the most central point of reference of a recent American tragedy; it will forever promote our values of love, faith and hope in a world stricken by hatred and division.

The service started at 8 am in the morning and lasted until the afternoon. His Eminence led the procession of the sacred relics, which were then placed in the altar and sealed with wax. He blessed the Sanctuary, the Nave, the Icons and all corners of the Church. We were in awe of the melodious chanting, the serene liturgy and the beauty of the day God graced us with for that historic occasion. Due to supply chain delays and the effects of the last 2 years’ restrictions, the Church will close for a couple of months until all construction is fully completed, including the installation of additional iconography, with the plan for a full re-opening on the actual 21st anniversary of the September 11 attacks against our Nation.

This week, we also attend the Clergy Laity Congress at New York City. Presvytera Chrissy, President Nikos Poulikidis, Sophia Pappas, Angelo Michael Bruno and I represent the Parish as delegates, at the CLC, the presvyteres meetings, the Philoptochos meetings and the planery sessions. We also attend all presentations, committee report meetings and interface with the leadership of the Archdiocese and the hundreds of Parishes and organizations represented at the event. Today is the Greek Education Committee reporting and the main planery session. I will be back for the Wake of our beloved Peter Toutoulis of blessed memory, offer the blessing at his funeral tomorrow, and then return for the conclusion of the event. It is a busy week, but when is it not busy for our beautiful Parish, the priest and the volunteers?

This year marks the 100th Anniversary since the Inception of the Archdiocese. Therefore, the Clergy Laity Congress has a celebratory character. I will keep posting news and updates of the highlights of the events on our social media pages and I will also keep you informed regarding major announcements and developments from these emails as well. I look forward to seeing you in our beautiful Church. Please, let me wish a happy name-day to those who celebrate this week: today, Saint Loukia, tomorrow Saint Kyriaki, on Friday, Saint Prokopios and Saint Theofilos, on Monday Saint Olga, on Tuesday Saint Veronica and Saint Paisios. Best wishes to our loved ones who are celebrating these days, praying for health, joy and salvation. I will also wish you all in person on Sunday. Χρόνια πολλά! And enjoy these gorgeous days of summer with your families.

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message June 29, 2022:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

It is with much sadness, but also with hope in the Resurrection, that I need to communicate the passing in Christ of our beloved Tom (Ἀθανάσιος) Matthews, past President of the Parish Council, founding member of the Parish (his wedding with his wonderful wife Παρασκευή was the first wedding in the history of our beautiful Community), past chanter, phenomenal and tireless volunteer, loving father, grandfather, relative and friend to our entire Parish family. His daughter Theoni served as the first lady President in the history of our Parish, and he instilled in his family his exceptional moral character, virtues and unparallel Christian ethos.

Our beloved Tom Matthews of blessed memory will be greatly missed. As I announced at the Sunday service, he is truly one-of-a-kind and irreplaceable, since he devoted so much time and so many God-given talents so well and with great dedication and love for Saint Demetrios. We remembered him last week at the Festival, his recognizable presence at the Gyro stand is greatly missed, and we kept talking about how hard he worked all these years. And then, Sunday morning, he would be ready to chant at the service and immediately go outside afterwards to serve the people with delicious gyro. Can we all admit that it is impossible to find people like this nowadays? Our generation gets exhausted just thinking of what our predecessors accomplished; which makes us miss them even more…

The Funeral service for our beloved Tom Matthews will take place on Thursday, June 30 at 11:30 am. The Wake will be a public viewing right before, at 10:30 am. In lieu of flowers, the family kindly requests that donations are made to his beloved Church of Saint Demetrios, our beautiful Parish, for which he worked with so much care and devotion. He just celebrated his 60th Wedding Anniversary recently with his beautiful wife, and we can all admit that if it was not for kind, generous and hard-working Parishioners like Tom Matthews, we would not have the celebrations of so many weddings, baptisms, services and events that have blessed us all so much here in Saint Demetrios.

On Wednesday, June 29th, we have the Funeral of Demetra Antoniades of blessed memory at 11:30 am. Together with her beautiful family, we extend our fervent prayers for her eternal repose, for comfort to her loved ones and for life everlasting to all our loving Parishioners who rest in peace. May their memory be eternal. Αἰωνία ἡ μνήμη αὐτῶν.

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message from June, 22, 2022:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

What an unforgettable Festival we had!!! It was tremendous fun, the food was scrumptious, there was a lot of dancing and everything was perfectly organized to serve our many guests and Parish supporters. First and foremost, I would like to express our collective gratitude to the volunteers and donors. There are many people who made this Festival a success and especially the volunteers and the contributors, who are an amazing example of selfless love for the Church and dedication to the Parish.

I would also like to thank everyone who promoted the festival over social media, those who brought their friends and family and especially those who were more hungry than others (I fall in the “more hungry than others” category). Our appetite and love for delicious Greek cuisine made this Festival an enormous success. And also, we thank those who supported the raffle. Below are this year’s winners:

Festival Raffle Winners

 1    # 2263 Patty Vorilas        

2    # 1881 Christos Katehis    

3    # 4942 Eric Brown

4    # 2497 Efy Leonardi

5    # 0657 Nick Tsotsos

6    # 5160 Maria Trahanas

7    # 0104 Peter Voulgaris

          I cannot possibly express how proud I am of our Youth. We are proud to see that our Church has many talented and hard-working young members, who are dedicated in supporting Saint Demetrios. The best gift we can give our children, is to teach them not to expect everything from us, but to take initiative and to be productive members of society. Sometimes, I am sad to see older persons work really hard, while their (able-bodied) grandchildren and children are sitting back, or staying home, or passively and with entitlement expecting the sacrifice of elders. I am happy to announce that this is not the case in Saint Demetrios.

We saw our College students and our GOYA (and even JOY) members work tirelessly at every station to help and assist the adults (who have been carrying the labor of the Festival for decades in some cases). It helps that we have a young Parish Council President, who sets the example of hard work with all the volunteers from every organization; literally, every Parish organization was represented very well: Little Angels, HOPE, JOY, GOYA, YAL, Philoptochos, Greek School, Church School and Golden Years, as well as our teams, with the Parish Council and the individual volunteers. THANK YOU!!!

          As a testament of appreciation and gratitude to the youth, I have prepared letters of Community Service, based on everyone’s work hours and volunteering commitment. The letters are ready to be picked up at the Church office. At the same time, I am cataloguing the activities, volunteering, special skills and character references of each one of our GOYA members so that a detailed letter listing all their accolades will be presented to them upon the time when they are preparing their College applications. It’s a win-win, serving God, having fun and earning some precious scholarships for College and University. Did I mention also making life-lasting friends?

Now, we are preparing for the Clergy Laity Congress, next week’s YAL (Young Adults’) conference in New York City as well as MAAAAAANY  sacraments (2 weddings and 2 baptisms, as well as one engagement this weekend alone). We will also start planning with all Church organizations the events of the coming months. Restrictions have faded away and we seem to be on the road of recovery from the stringent mandates of past years. We can now concentrate on doing what we love most, praying together, sharing fellowship, learning our faith and culture, without impediments and prohibitions.

          We are planning our Panaghia’s daily services, the annual picnic (September 18th), the trip of the Youth to Saint Basil’s Academy (TBA), several summer gatherings and many educational, spiritual, and fun activities. We will resume our Bible study gatherings, beginning in August, and we will have some exceptional opportunities for the youth to gather together and celebrate our faith and culture.

          I look forward to seeing you in Church on Sunday. The Church is not going on vacation (and neither am I); our beloved Parish will bring us all together under the same dome of divine protection and the Grace of the Lord. Best wishes to all for a beautiful and joyous week and see you at Church!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message from June 15, 2022:



Statistics of sacraments and stewardship donations


STEWARDS397 stewards contributed $ 200.649.00 (average: $504)

BAPTISMS: 37 (2 of them Adults)

CHRISMATIONS: 7 (all adults)




STEWARDS: 386 stewards contributed $ 201.542.00 (average: $521)


CHRISMATIONS: 2 (all adults)




STEWARDS: 421        stewards contributed $224.187.00 (average: $532)

PARTIAL stewards on monthly or other programs: 13  


Chrismations: 4






 2022 (Up to date, January to June)

Stewards:    287       

Total stewardship donations collected to date: $172.148

Stewarship average: $600

Baptisms: 16 already performed and 10 upcoming. Total: 26       

Chrismations: 2                                        

Weddings: 4 (6 upcoming). Total: 10    

Funerals: 11    


Dear friends and contributors of our beautiful Church,

It is with great joy and honor that I address to you a summary of the state of affairs of our beloved Saint Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church in Merrick. We recently celebrated the beautiful Paschal feast, as well as the uplifting and inspiring Lenten services. Was it just me, or wasn’t this the most amazing Pascha and Great Lent in memory? The services were very well attended. The Easter Egg hunt was beautiful, the bakaliaro luncheon was delicious, the Philoptochos bake and tsoureki sales were phenomenal (all were sold out), the magiritsa Paschal meal was sublime and we had unforgettable chanting, serene services and everything, from flowers all the way to the toys for the Egg hunt as well as the fish and the ingredients for the luncheon, were donated by generous and loving Parishioners.

Tonight, we have our General Assembly and a Festival meeting.


From Thursday, June 16 until Sunday, June 19 our kitchens will remain clean.


We will have a great selection of delicious, traditional Greek cuisine, so that when we all come back from work on Thursday, we can have dinner with our family, while we see our friends, listen to music, and work out the calories from the delicious pastries with much dancing. And we repeat that on Friday the 17th of June, and on Saturday and on Fathers’ Day as well.


On Sunday, June 19th, we have our raffle winners announcements; you have to be in it to win it, this year even greater prizes, $7,500 plus more prizes, and only for $20 of each raffle, which also is a contribution to the Church. Get more raffles, receive a tax-exempted donation receipt and obtain a chance to win while also supporting our beautiful Parish.


          We welcome our generous volunteers and contributors to help with this year’s festival. For contribution, please, call the Church office at (516) 379-1368 and you or your business will be listed as a sponsor or benefactor of the festival. To volunteer, please, see our Parish Council. A list will be available to put your name and declare at which post you would like to help and when. Community service hours are available for our students; see father Nikiforos for details.


I am writing this email during lunch time; so, as my stomach is growling in protest, I will keep typing and list the delicious festival menu, to naturally make things worst:




Kalamaki (Pork)



Gyro (Lamb)

Souvlaki (Pork or Chicken)

*All sandwiches served in Pita, with

Tomatoes, Onions, Lettuce & Tzatziki



Gyro (Lamb)

Souvlaki (Pork or Chicken)

*All platters served with Greek

Salad, Fries, Pita & Tzatziki





Hot Dog

French Fries










Finikia (2)

Kourabiedes (2)

Koulourakia (12)



à la Mode (Ice Cream per Scoop)





add Chocolate Hazelnut Spread






Cheese Saganaki

Feta Cheese

Corn on the Cob BBQ

Tzatziki Dip



Greek Salad





Stuffed Tomatoes



Lamb Chops

Rotisserie Lamb


Chicken Kebab

Grilled Salmon

*All entrées served with (1) one choice of rice,

potatoes, string beans, or briam






Imported Beer

Wine by the Glass

Wine by the Bottle



Regular, Decaf, Tea

Greek Coffee




Dancing is the best way to consume all these goodies without guilt. It’s blessed after all, so, it’s tasty and healthy. Games, dance performances (with special performance by the KANARIS dance group) and many more surprises will be also part of our Festival menu of additional activities.


Please, spread the word. We want all our Parishioners to be our advertisers. Promote our Festival by social media, telephone, telegram and tell-a-Greek. It is an once a year celebration, many of our friends, neighbors and co-workers look forward to it. It is Festival week!!!

For Lent, we had confessions on a regular basis, we met with the couples in preparation for their weddings, we accommodated the continuously changing schedules, mandates and health protection restrictions and we had a really productive and spiritually fulfilling Church year. This year we had a phenomenal Marriage Seminar with 28 couples in attendance, 56 attendees, and the lecture was administered by a phenomenal professional on the topic of couples’ therapy and marital preparation. More lectures of that nature will follow in the future.

We printed our 2022 Calendar, which includes all feasts, religious fasting schedule, State and Federal holidays, important dates, our Parish organizations’ directory and significant contact information for the stewards of Saint Demetrios. It is full color and printed in-house, it is all donated and it is one of the most beautiful such editions, incorporating both Greek Orthodox and American days of honor.

We also continue updating frequently our social media pages (YouTube services, sermons and lessons, Facebook posts and Instagram updates), our website, our printed hard copy weekly bulletins and sending these informative (and quite long) weekly emails to keep you all informed and edified in our faith. From the services all the way to our communications, we invest our very best efforts, our love and faith so that we can all be recipients of God’s benevolence and saving Grace!

Church School was uninterrupted, with weekly classes and last week’s beautiful moving up and graduation ceremony; we are grateful to the directors, Panagiota Perlegis and Tom Arianas, together with all the teachers for the great program provided.

Greek School pioneered new methodology, which we will continue to incorporate in the years to come. Our teachers attended dozens of seminars and speeches. The graduation and moving up ceremony were memorable and greatly organized. We had wonderful celebrations for March 25th as well as an enthusiastic participation at the Parade at 5th Avenue, with a float, bus transportation and great involvement from the Youth.

Greek dance classes are back, with instructor Christina Karagiannis, for our amazing KANARIS group, which already performed on various occasions and is ready to amaze us at the Festival this weekend.

The Merrick Melodists is our Byzantine Youth Choir, which also performs a variety of traditional music, comprised entirely by young members, mainly College students. The Melodists have already performed at the Christmas Choirs Celebration, in the presence of His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America, where it impressed everyone in attendance, chanting Christmas hymns from the Byzantine times all the way to modern times. The Melodists also performed at the Greek Heritage Night at the Nassau County headquarters, where our own Mr. Kostas Piyis was honored by the county’s political leadership for his contribution to Hellenism and the Church. They chanted for Holy Week, on Good Friday and Holy Saturday, and they are a very promising group for our cultural and spiritual edification. We are also resuming our Greek language lessons for adults in the Fall with Mrs. Maria Athanasopoulou, for our linguistic edification! 

BASKETBALL LEAGUE: Registration for the upcoming Saint Demetrios 2022-2023 GOBL basketball season is now open. Please register using the link provided below. Please forward this message to any families interested in joining. New players are always welcome and will need to upload a copy of both their birth and baptismal certificates when registering for the first time only.

B1/G1 2014-2015

B2/G2 2012-2013

B3/G3 2010-2011

Junior Goya B/G Born 2007-2009

Senior Goya B/G Born 2005-2006

Link to register (as soon as possible):

Please contact Dominic Milito 516.652.7481 with any questions.

          The Greek School schedule for the new academic year is completed and the registration information is at this link:  

          We have also completed the Greek School Class schedule, subject to change only for unforeseeable circumstances, such as Russia/China winning WW3 and us being forced to speak only Russian and Chinese. But for patriotic Americans, we maintain our English language and Greek, of course, since Hellenic civilization became the cornerstone based on which America was founded. Therefore, we advise our Greek School students and their families to keep practicing Greek throughout the summer, dance Greek, eat Greek, think Greek and occasionally relax like a Greek. It will help us become better citizens and patriots in America as well!

          Greek School Class Schedule for 2022-23:

Head Start: Tuesdays

Beginners: Thursdays

1st grade: Fridays

2nd grade: Thursdays

3rd grade: Wednesdays

4th grade: Tuesdays

5th grade: Thursdays

6th grade: Fridays

Regents: Fridays

We will also welcomed a renewed version of the Little Angels program, on Monday afternoons to accommodate workings parents. The program will be run by two exceptional educators, Daphne and Anthi Papadopoulou, who are fully bi-lingual and well versed in youth education. Music, crafts, culture, games and fun activities will be incorporated to combine for a pioneering Greek American (Pre)-pre-K education program!

Our YAL had a great year as well. 2022 National YAL Conference: June 30 - July 4, 2022, New York City. Welcome to the National Young Adult League (YAL) Weekend in NYC, a gathering of young adults from all over the country, to join together for four straight days of Faith, Fellowship, Networking and FUN! Registration is officially open for the National YAL Conference in NYC this June 30-July 4, 2022. We can’t wait to see you all in the big apple for YAL’s NYC Homecoming. The first 100 people to buy tickets get them at an early price. Just follow the link: . Hotel Reservations. Visit  to make your Hotel Reservation for the weekend at the Marriott Marquis New York in Times Square!

Youth programs are back too. Our basketball teams had a phenomenal season. Volleyball teams won silver at the Olympics (boys), Gold and First place at the Port Jefferson tournament, silver for the Cathedral Cup and the girls, a much younger and very promising team, came to the semi finals at the Olympics and had an outstanding season as well. We are also preparing for the new season of HOPE, JOY and GOYA with phenomenal activities and as everything becomes safer, more in person Christian fellowship, fun and education. We welcome the new advisors, Eleni Frasiolas and Eleni Gerasimou, and we are proud of the many events GOYA organized this year, with dances, meetings, parties, a car wash fundraiser, seminars, outings, bowling, beach day and many more. In the Church Hall, we have added many games for the youth and we can call our Church our common home, under the dome that saves us and protects us.

Same goes for our Golden Years and all other Parish organizations, from Philoptochos, who donated a gorgeous Epitaphios and assisted many worthy causes and suffering families; The ladies had amazing events, including the Christmas party, the Elvis Bingo night and wonderful pastries sales.

Pins for Pauly also recently assisted another 10 families and children stricken with leukemia, for a total of 435 families who received your love and care in their time of need.

In addition, our services were truly phenomenal. We participated in the service of Epiphany and thousands of people watched it from the livestream from across the globe. 3 brave divers immersed with the Cross from the frigid channel of Wantagh Bay. Very few Churches were able to have the permit to have the service of Epiphany with people present, and we were one of them!

Christmas was unforgettable, as was the entire season leading to Lent and Holy Week. What a great way to greet each other for the entire Paschal season (40 days after Easter). What a great Pascha we had!!! Seeing you in person, praying together, tasting the Holy Communion, smelling the incense, chiming the bells, chanting the hymns, anointed with Holy Unction and being blessed by the Risen Lord. This is Pascha!!!

From the Rising of Lazarus and the entry in Jerusalem (Palm Sunday), with the preparation of the Palms, the delicious bakaliaro – fish grab-and-go luncheon (which was sold out) and the Philoptochos Bake Sale all the way to Pascha Sunday, painting the eggs, tasting the delicious magiritsa, decorating the Church, cleaning and celebrating the glorious midnight service, as well as the Agape Service with Easter Egg Hunt, and everything in between, we worked together to make those days spiritually enriching.

The Gospel of the Agape was read by our talented Parish members in several languages: Greek, English, Latin, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Arabic. I also proclaimed the good news of the Resurrection at the midnight service in all the above languages plus Albanian, Bulgarian, Romanian, Ukrainian, Russian, Serbian, Turkish, Japanese and Zulu.

We loved each one service. We are extremely thankful to the good father Panagiotis for his assistance on Palm Suhnday, Holy Wednesday and Holy Saturday morning. In addition, the pious and prayerful daily services throughout Lent and Holy Week were augmented by our chanters, the youth Choir, our altar servers, our Parish Council, the Philoptochos and all Parish organizations and volunteers. They are all amazing! Holy Week was truly phenomenal!

This past year was different, but for our Parish, it will be remembered for one particular and historic event: the initiation of the bidding for the Community Center construction! We received the approval and we worked hard so that there was not even one opposition at the Hearing; to reiterate, not one person stood against a project of 18,500 sq. ft.!!! We are collecting every possible donation to realize the goal of erecting this beautiful extension to our Church, replete with a Gymnasium, with foldable bleachers, 4 offices (pastoral, administrative, Church and Greek School), 11 classrooms, board-room, kafeneio / youth space, the Cassis Hall, with a game room, tables, serving areas and projector equipment, locker rooms, the courtyard with the amphitheater and all the necessary facilities to ensure the realization of the Parish ministries for the generations to come. We are now in the phase of bidding the project out and more information will be presented as we progress towards the completion of this great goal.

Indeed, 2022 has not been an ordinary year, but we all took together extraordinary measures and actions to address the challenges presented to us by outside and adverse forces. To this, we responded with faith, because faith takes away all fear and distress. We responded; more people than ever attended our services combined through the live stream as well as in person, more people than ever lit candles, even from afar, and more services, sermons, lessons, electronic messages, telephone and email communications, personal assistance and pastoral support than ever in the history of the Parish were disseminated to our Parishioners. This email alone is dozens of pages (!!!), it might take someone an entire week to read it, but, I assure you, those who invest the time and effort, will benefit greatly. Our Church produces much in the areas of Religious and Greek education, together with our services, ministries and Parish programs. Our youth and our families earn a great deal of spiritual blessings by participating in the above-mentioned events and reading our material, listening to our services, sermons, YouTube videos and pertinent social media posts, as well as all the in-person lessons and activities.  

We made the best and the most, I believe, with what was surrounding us. Last summer, we had the best Church attendance than ever before in any summer in the history of the Church. The same happened for the daily August Paraklesis services.

The feast of Panaghia’s was unforgettable! We chanted the lamentations for the Dormition and Assumption of the Virgin Mary, we had our outside speakers on and the entire neighborhood was filled with our melodious hymnology, the chime of the bells and the prayers of the service; most of us did not go to Greece this summer, but, on that day, it felt like we were in Greece! Our volunteers did an amazing job decorating, cleaning and helping with our faithful, and our Church was more glorious than we could ever imagine.

We worked hard to have a renovation for our Greek School and Church School building ready in time to welcome all of our students. We went above and beyond expectations with our Council and our Board so that students can safely learn our faith, culture and language safely and effectively. We had our Greek School graduation. Everyone was impressed with the speeches of our students, and the splendid presentation of our Principal, Kyria Tanya, who is amazing, as always, and impressive! We are so proud for our students, our parents, our Board, Phil Tzaras and Thomas Zervas, our newly elected PTA and our exceptional teachers. We have added music instruction in the Greek School to amplify the methodology and my YouTube sermons and messages are also made available as instructional tools for significant holidays and anniversaries of historic events. We are moving into the 21st century with all the necessary methodology to apply our knowledge to this new generation, so that they love, live and embrace our faith and culture.

Our Church School Co-director Panagiota Perlegis acquired brand new Church School supplies and sanitized everything, including the entire classrooms; each child has their own personal educational material and she is doing a phenomenal job to ensure that they receive their religious instruction safely and productively.

Above this message are the statistics that indicate the analysis of the demographics recently. In reviewing the numbers, we see that baptisms are above and beyond all past years in the history of the Parish; we also see many babies on Sundays for 40-day blessings. Our Parish is growing!

The funerals are much less than the baptisms, and since the last Assembly not one of them resulted from CoViD; I pray that the pandemic is moved behind us and I also pray every day for our dearly departed loved ones and beloved Parish members (as I do since I became a priest, to commemorate daily the recently departed in Christ). The rate of baptisms versus funerals in our Parish is drastically in favor of growth, three times more baptisms (almost) that funerals! Weddings were also increased. Our couples are now able to celebrate their joyous union without impediments and restrictions, healthy, safe and secure.

Last September, we had the honor and blessing to welcome His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America. His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America was truly impressed with our Parish. He exemplified our volunteers and shared His most enthusiastic remarks for the Parish Council, the Philoptochos, the Chanters, the Altar Servers (from now on called the “Nestors” as His Eminence directed, after Saint Nestor the disciple of Saint Demetrios), our Schools (Greek School and Church School), our YAL, our GOYA, HOPE, JOY, Youth Choir and our Golden Years. Our volunteers cleaned, cooked, prepared, decorated, rehearsed, donated and worked tirelessly so that we can indeed demonstrate that we will never distance ourselves from God, we ask for His blessings and grace in our lives and in our families. Reservations Now Available for Third Centennial Pilgrimage to Pontos and Asia Minor. His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America will lead a pilgrimage to Pontos and Asia Minor from August 8 to August 19, 2022.  During the pilgrimage, participants will have the opportunity to attend the Divine Liturgy on the Feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos, officiated by His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew at the renown and historic monastery of Panagia Soumela. Reservations are now available by contacting Cloud Tours at (718) 721-3808 or emailing . This third Pilgrimage comes as part of a four-part Centennial Pilgrimage series organized by the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America and led by Archbishop Elpidophoros in celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Archdiocese.  While each pilgrimage itinerary is unique, all carry the distinction of visiting the Mother Church in celebration and gratitude for the establishment of the Sacred Archdiocese of America by the Ecumenical Patriarchate in the year 1922.

We had an amazing celebration for our Patron Saint and I would like to include the links of the services and all the beautiful experience from venerating our Saint.

On March 25th, we celebrated the 201st Anniversary since the Greek  Revolution of 1821. We held daily events with the Greek School, the parade, poems, theater, prose, songs (accompanied with guitar), and I spoke to each and every class about the history of our glorious Nation. We spoke about the events before, during and after 1821 as well as the modern-day implications of the Greek Revolution for the liberty of the free world and the sustaining of our ancestral values. We had a Doxology on March 25th and a celebratory feastal Liturgy on the Sunday after with the participation of our entire Parish, our School and all our organizations. I was extremely proud of our Greek School student and teachers. They had daily celebrations, they marched, they sung, they narrated poems and they performed plays in honor of the Revolution of 1821. I went to all the classes and talked about the history pertaining to those events. The students asked me questions and also shared their knowledge of the events. I heard them with great pride and joy and I am extremely optimistic for our future generations. We love our children and we have amazing teachers who invest tremendous talent and effort to impart significant information and their passion for the culture. They learn songs I have never heard. The Hellenic School social media has even more videos of their celebratory performances. We are so proud of them! Bravo to our Greek School, our Board, our principal, the teachers and especially students and parents who make all this possible.

On October 28th we celebrated OXI day (celebrations lasted the entire week for our Greek School classes). I have been moved by the wonderful presentations of our Greek School, every day that week, in lieu of the grand celebration we always used to have in Church, but unable to hold for obvious reasons this year. The children are holding phenomenal dedications to the heroic and historic OXI of 1940 with their classes and I have a plethora of videos and pictures of their daily events in class.

I delivered the seminar for the Archdiocesan District (NY, CT, DC, MD, NJ) parish council candidates, with 60 persons in attendance, who listened to the PowerPoint presentation and prepared for the significant task of serving the council of their respective Parishes. It has been 18 years that I deliver these presentations, when I was also the director of the District Religious Education department. His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros has commissioned me with the honor to also serve at the Spiritual Court, at the Direct Archdiocesan Council, at the Highest Greek Education Committee, at the Synodal Monastic Committee, President of the Long Island Clergy Fellowship (which from this year includes many Queens Parishes as well) and to also be the Holy Eparchial Synod Secretary. I am humbled with His Eminence’s trust, love and paternal guidance.

We are currently working on additional religious education resources and material to be properly disseminated to our youth and our families so that we can encourage our productive spiritual edification and enrichment. I encourage all of you to read my (undoubtedly) long messages and sermons, share our YouTube videos and soon, more material will be made available via other methods for the religious instruction of our youth. None of the above cancels our in-person fellowship, our participation to the sacraments and our co-celebration of the sacred services. I look forward to seeing all of you in Church, to attend tonight’s General Assembly, recognize and encourage our volunteers, and prepare to meet the challenges of the future, with faith, optimism and hard work. I love you all, you are in my daily thoughts and humble prayers and I ask God to give you joy, health, salvation and every blessing from above!

See you all at the festival!!!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message from June 8, 2022:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Church,

          Our Festival is only a week away.


From Thursday, June 16 until Sunday, June 19 our kitchens will remain clean.


We will have a great selection of delicious, traditional Greek cuisine, so that when we all come back from work on Thursday, we can have dinner with our family, while we see our friends, listen to music, and work out the calories from the delicious pastries with much dancing. And we repeat that on Friday the 17th of June, and on Saturday and on Fathers’ Day as well.


On Sunday, June 19th, we have our raffle winners announcements; you have to be in it to win it, this year even greater prizes, $7,500 plus more prizes, and only for $20 of each raffle, which also is a contribution to the Church. Get more raffles, receive a tax-exempted donation receipt and obtain a chance to win while also supporting our beautiful Parish.


          We welcome our generous volunteers and contributors to help with this year’s festival. For contribution, please, call the Church office at (516) 379-1368 and you or your business will be listed as a sponsor or benefactor of the festival. To volunteer, please, see our Parish Council. A list will be available to put your name and declare at which post you would like to help and when. Community service hours are available for our students; see father Nikiforos for details.


I am writing this email during lunch time; so, as my stomach is growling in protest, I will keep typing and list the delicious festival menu, to naturally make things worst:




Kalamaki (Pork)



Gyro (Lamb)

Souvlaki (Pork or Chicken)

*All sandwiches served in Pita, with

Tomatoes, Onions, Lettuce & Tzatziki



Gyro (Lamb)

Souvlaki (Pork or Chicken)

*All platters served with Greek

Salad, Fries, Pita & Tzatziki





Hot Dog

French Fries










Finikia (2)

Kourabiedes (2)

Koulourakia (12)



à la Mode (Ice Cream per Scoop)





add Chocolate Hazelnut Spread






Cheese Saganaki

Feta Cheese

Corn on the Cob BBQ

Tzatziki Dip



Greek Salad





Stuffed Tomatoes



Lamb Chops

Rotisserie Lamb


Chicken Kebab

Grilled Salmon

*All entrées served with (1) one choice of rice,

potatoes, string beans, or briam






Imported Beer

Wine by the Glass

Wine by the Bottle



Regular, Decaf, Tea

Greek Coffee




Dancing is the best way to consume all these goodies without guilt. It’s blessed after all, so, it’s tasty and healthy. Games, dance performances (with special performance by the KANARIS dance group) and many more surprises will be also part of our Festival menu of additional activities.


Please, spread the word. We want all our Parishioners to be our advertisers. Promote our Festival by social media, telephone, telegram and tell-a-Greek. It is an once a year celebration, many of our friends, neighbors and co-workers look forward to it. It is Festival week!!!


This coming Saturday is Saturday of the Souls – Ψυχο-Σάββατο: Saturday, June 11th, Orthros, Divine Liturgy and Memorials starting at 9 am. Please, bring the names of your loved ones early in the morning. If you wish to have koliva prepared by the Church, please, call the office at (516) 379-1368.

Sunday of Pentecost – Κυριακή τῆς Πεντηκοστῆς: Sunday, June 12th, with Orthros, Divine Liturgy and the Vespers of Pentecost starting at 9 am. I would like to remind parents and students that the Church School graduation is on Pentecost, June 12th, at the conclusion of the service. Church School is significant for our youth and their moral cultivation.

Monday of the Holy Spirit – Τοῦ Ἁγίου Πνεύματος: Monday, June 13th with Orthros and Divine Liturgy starting at 9 am.

On Wednesday, June 15th, we have our General Assembly at 6:30 pm. Below the announcements of this email are the Minutes of the previous general assembly meeting for your review and consideration.


BASKETBALL LEAGUE: Registration for the upcoming Saint Demetrios 2022-2023 GOBL basketball season is now open. Please register using the link provided below. Please forward this message to any families interested in joining. New players are always welcome and will need to upload a copy of both their birth and baptismal certificates when registering for the first time only.

B1/G1 2014-2015

B2/G2 2012-2013

B3/G3 2010-2011

Junior Goya B/G Born 2007-2009

Senior Goya B/G Born 2005-2006

Link to register (as soon as possible):

Please contact Dominic Milito with any questions.

          The Greek School schedule for the new academic year is completed and the registration information is at this link:   

          We have also completed the Greek School Class schedule, subject to change only for unforeseeable circumstances, such as Russia/China winning WW3 and us being forced to speak only Russian and Chinese. But for patriotic Americans, we maintain our English language and Greek, of course, since Hellenic civilization became the cornerstone based on which America was founded. Therefore, we advise our Greek School students and their families to keep practicing Greek throughout the summer, dance Greek, eat Greek, think Greek and occasionally relax like a Greek. It will help us become better citizens and patriots in America as well!

          Greek School Class Schedule for 2022-23:

Head Start: Tuesdays

Beginners: Thursdays

1st grade: Fridays

2nd grade: Thursdays

3rd grade: Wednesdays

4th grade: Tuesdays

5th grade: Thursdays

6th grade: Fridays

Regents: Fridays

          Best wishes for a beautiful week, healthy and blessed!

Message from May 26, 2022:

The Blind Man Who Saw the Light 

          For centuries, medical science attempts to find a cure for blindness.  A blind person is limited to experience only a fragment of the beauty of creation; furthermore, blindness compromises the professional abilities and other talents that sight enhances.  The pain of a blind man was felt and empathized by Christ. The Lord miraculously healed the blind man by placing clay on his face, where his eyes were supposed to be. When the blind man washed off his face, his sight was restored.  Some of his acquaintances could not even identify him, since he now received a new expression, a new “look.”  His parents recognized the miracle performed in him.  And the ex-blind man accepted Christ as a prophet, but, more importantly, Jesus revealed His divinity to him. This is the second Sunday on a row (after the Sunday of the Samaritan Woman), that Christ reveals His Divinity to a mere human being. The blind man could now see, not only with his eyes, but also with the eyes of his soul. He sees the Θεάνθρωπος, Perfect God and Perfect Human, the Word of God, the Son of God, Christ!

          God used clay to create human beings.  Now clay is implemented again to re-create eyes and to restore the fallen nature of a human being; after the fall of Adam and Eve, corruptibility, illness and death entered the realm of human existence. Christ restores our brokenness; He pays off our debt and He offers His eternal blessings abundantly to us. Christ signifies and reveals with this miracle that He is the One who also created us and made the world. He is the One who turned lifeless clay into life, containing His sacred breath our soul, which is eternal. Science validates that the elements of the earth (soil and water=clay) are the ingredients of our human body. But our compilation of all these elements, from the microscopic cells all the way to the spectacular organs and the way they work together is harmony and great wisdom, are guided by the one undefined element, our soul. We are unique in the Universe of this reason, we are cells that we can contemplate about our cells. No other creature or organism can accomplish that. We can contemplate the meaning of our existence, not just the instincts to stay alive, but why, and how and with whom; even unto eternity!

God is the Creator and Maker of the Universe. Christ reveals His Divinity to the blind man to indicate that he is not just a prophet or teacher as people thought him to be.  He cures blindness and, most significantly, spiritual blindness from the darkness of sin and corruption.  The Lord reveals the Resurrectional light of faith that radiates the virtues of hope and salvation.  Clay can break and deteriorate.  The immortal and heavenly God, though, renews the clay of our nature so that it may live forever. We are baptized in the fountain of incorruptibility, as the blind man was baptized in the fountain of Siloam (which means, the One who is sent).

          There are many people who have the gift of vision. However, we should ask ourselves: do we see with the eyes of our souls as well as the Blind man of the Gospel?  Do we see God in our lives? Before we do, say, or think something, do we try to see what is God’s will? There are still persons in the world who suffer from blindness. But the worst illness is spiritual blindness, because it may cause eternal death… The symptom of spiritual blindness is when we see nothing but ourselves and we fail to see God’s will and the needs for our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Spiritual blindness makes people egoistical and arrogant; they often times think they are right, even when they commit mistakes. Reading the Gospel narrative of the Sunday of the Blind Man inspires us to open the eyes of our souls and to try and find the will of God in our lives. This is what a blind man teaches us, a blind man who could see!


+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos



          Για εκατοντάδες χρόνια η επιστήμη προσπαθεί να βρει ίαση για την τύφλωση.  Είναι δύσμοιρος ο άνθρωπος που δεν μπορεί να δει εκείνους που αγαπά, το μεγαλείο της κτίσεως, τα επιτεύγματα της τέχνης, την ομορφιά του κόσμου. Ένας τυφλός, παρά τα επιτεύγματα της επιστήμης και της κοινωνίας, δυσκολεύεται να λειτουργήσει και να απολαύσει σε πληρότητα ό,τι ο κόσμος προσφέρει. Τον πόνο ενός τυφλού, πριν από 2000 χρόνια, αφουγκράζεται ο Κύριος.  Και απαλύνει τον πόνο του θαυματουργικώς.  Δεν είχε καν μάτια στο πρόσωπό του ο τυφλός του σημερινού αναγνώσματος. Και ο Κτίστης και Δημιουργός μας, έπλασε πηλό και έφτιαξε οφθαλμούς. Ο Κύριος αποκαλύπτει την Θεανθρωπότητά Του, διότι μόνο Εκείνος δύναται να μετασχηματίσει στο άχαρο και άψυχο πηλό σε κάτι τόσο όμορφο και πλασμένο εν σοφία, στον άνθρωπο. Και η επιστήμη συνηγορεί στο ότι τα συστατικά που συναποτελούν το σώμα μας προέρχονται από την γη μαζί με νερό, είναι δηλαδή τα συστατικά του πηλού. Από τον μορϊακό μικρόκοσμο, έως και το μεγαλείο του Σύμπαντος, ο Θεός εποίησε τα πάντα εν σοφία. Και εμείς, οι άνθρωποι, είμαστε μοναδικοί από όλα τα δημιουργήματα της πλάσεως στο να αναγνωρίζουμε ότι είμαστε μόρια, όργανα, νους, σκέψη, ζωή. Έχουμε πνευματικές αναζητήσεις, είμαστε σκεπτόμενα, φιλοσοφούμενα και πνευματοκινούμενα μόρια. Αναζητούμε το «γιατί» και το «πως» και με το «ποιους», όχι απλά την επιβιώση όπως τα ζώα της πλάσεως. Ενέχεται στον πήλινο κορμό μας η Θεία Πνοή, η αθάνατη ψυχή, η κινητήριος δύναμη της αθανασίας του «είναι» μας.

Ο τυφλός «είδε» τον Χριστό, και επίστεψε σε αυτόν, χωρίς να έχει μάτια. Είδε με τα μάτια της ψυχής αυτό που πολλοί, ακόμη και η θρησκευτική ελίτ της εποχής του, δεν μπόρεσαν, ή δεν ήθελαν, να διακρίνουν. Αποπλένοντας το πρόσωπο στην πηγή του Σιλωάμ, ο τυφλός ανέβλεψε.  Ούτε να τον γνωρίζουν δεν μπορούσαν, αφού το πρόσωπό του πήρε νέα μορφή, έκφραση και όψη. Και οι γονείς του αποδέχτηκαν τον θαύμα και εκείνος ανεγνώρισε τη Θεότητα του Κυρίου, όχι μόνο με τα πήλινα μάτια του, αλλά και με τα μάτια της ψυχής του.

          Ο Θεός, που με πηλό έπλασε ολόκληρο το σώμα του ανθρώπου, πλάθει τους οφθαλμούς για να αναπληρώσει την πεπτωκύια φύση του μετά τον Αδάμ παιδιού του.  Ο Ιησούς αποδεικνύει και αποκαλύπτει ότι είναι Κτίστης και Θεός με το συγκεκριμένο θαύμα.  Δεν είναι απλώς διδάσκαλος και προφήτης, όπως νόμιζαν οι ακόλουθοί Του, αλλά Θεάνθρωπος.  Αποκαθιστά την τύφλωση του ανθρώπου και ιδιαιτέρως την πνευματική τύφλωση από το σκότος της αμαρτίας.  Αποκαλύπτει το Αναστάσιμο φως της πίστεως, το ελπιδοφόρο και λαμπαδηφόρο μήνυμα της αιωνιότητος και της αφθαρσίας.  Ο πηλός σπάζει, λιώνει και αλλιώνεται.  Ο Θεός, όμως, διά της Αναστάσεως ανανεώνει και ανακαινουργεί την φύση μας.  Την βαπτίζει στη πηγή της αφθαρσίας, όπως ο τυφλός βάπτισε το πρόσωπό του στη πηγή του Σιλωάμ, που ερμηνεύεται «απεσταλμένος».

Πολλοί από εμάς έχουμε το χάρισμα της οράσεως.  Πρέπει όμως να αναρωτηθούμε: βλέπουμε τον Χριστό στη ζωή μας ως Σωτήρα;  Έχουμε την πίστη και την ελπίδα ότι θα μας γεμίσει με τη Χάρη Του σε κάθε μας δυσκολία ή απελπιζόμαστε;  Βλέπουμε με τα μάτια της ψυχής μας το θέλημά Του ή τα κρατάμε κλειστά;  Υπάρχουν πολλοί τυφλοί σε αυτόν τον κόσμο. Η χειρότερη αρρώστεια, όμως, είναι η πνευματική τύφλωση. Όταν ο άνθρωπος βλέπει μόνο τον εαυτό του και δεν γνωρίζει τον Θεό του ούτε τον συνάνθρωπο. Η πνευματική τύφλωση κάνει τους ανθρώπους εγωϊστές, τους οδηγεί σε εγκλήματα και παραστρατήματα. Διαβάζοντας την ευαγγελική περικοπή της Κυριακής του Τυφλού, διδασκόμαστε από έναν τυφλό να έχουμε τα μάτια μας ανοικτά και να βλέπουμε.  Να βλέπουμε το θέλημα του Θεού στη ζωή μας και να το πράττουμε με πίστη και χαρά.

+Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος

Message from May 19, 2022:

Χριστός Ἀνέστη! On Sunday, we support our GOYA, with their car wash fundraiser, immediately after the service. Also, our GOYAns will go for Bowling, on Saturday, May 21st at 7:00 pm, Massapequa Bowl Ultra Lanes, 4235 Merrick Rd, Massapequa, NY 11758. Please RSVP to the GOYA email ( or in the GroupMe chat so that we can get an accurate headcount. The price per person is $30, and it includes 2 hours of Unlimited Glow Bowling, Shoes, Music, and Food. And on Memorial Weekend, we participate at the Archdiocese Olympics, at Suffolk Community College. On Fridays, June 3rd and 10th, our KANARIS dance group will have a rehearsal for their summer dance performances. And GOYA will participate at the Parade on Sunday, June 5th, at 5th Avenue, NYC. Also, on Saturday, June 11th, our GOYA has a beach party at Jones Beach at 1 pm, with food donated by the Trahanas family and their beautiful establishment at the location, games and great fellowship.

BASKETBALL LEAGUE: Registration for the upcoming Saint Demetrios 2022-2023 GOBL basketball season is now open. Please register using the link provided below. Please forward this message to any families interested in joining. New players are always welcome and will need to upload a copy of both their birth and baptismal certificates when registering for the first time only.

B1/G1 2014-2015

B2/G2 2012-2013

B3/G3 2010-2011

Junior Goya B/G Born 2007-2009

Senior Goya B/G Born 2005-2006

Link to register (as soon as possible):

Please contact Dominic Milito with any questions.

          Greek School will have a PTA meeting on Thursday, May 26 at 6:15 pm. All the parents of the Greek School students are welcome to attend and assist with the preparations for the moving up ceremony, the graduation ceremony and the new school year. The schedule for the new Greek School year is completed and the registration information is at this link:   

          We have also completed the Greek School Class schedule, subject to change only for unforeseeable circumstances, such as Russia/China winning WW3 and us being forced to speak only Russian and Chinese. But for patriotic Americans, we maintain our English language and Greek, of course, since Hellenic civilization became the cornerstone based on which America was founded. Therefore, we advise our Greek School students and their families to keep practicing Greek throughout the summer, dance Greek, eat Greek, think Greek and occasionally relax like a Greek. It will help us become better citizens and patriots in America as well!

          Greek School Class Schedule for 2022-23:

Head Start: Tuesdays

Beginners: Thursdays

1st grade: Fridays

2nd grade: Thursdays

3rd grade: Wednesdays

4th grade: Tuesdays

5th grade: Thursdays

6th grade: Fridays

Regents: Fridays

          This week, Greek School continues the lessons and activities honoring Mother’s Day. There is a drawing contest due on May 20th, titled “ο κόσμος που ονειρεύομαι.” Last weeks are dedicated to preparing for the end of the school year ceremonies, complimented by parties, ice cream and fun activities for the students. The moving up and graduation ceremonies are:

Head Start, Beginners through 3rd Grade: on Wednesday, June 1st at 6 pm.

4th Grade through 6th and Graduation: Friday, June 3rd at 6:30 pm.

          The Annual Parade takes place on Sunday, June 5th after the service at 5th Avenue, NYC.

          This Sunday, Sunday of the Samaritan Woman, I will be addressing the sermon for the Church School students. I remind parents and students that the Church School graduation is on Pentecost, June 12th, at the conclusion of the service. Do not miss these Sundays, to earn perfect attendance and participation and to better learn our faith and beliefs. Church School is significant for our youth and their moral cultivation.

Philoptochos has a regular meeting on Wednesday, 5/25 @ 7:30pm. The Elvis Bingo event was a tremendous success and lots of fun!

          Also, we sent the raffles to your homes. Additional raffles are available in the Church and at the office. Please, promote the raffle to your friends and family, donation is only $20; buy multiple raffles to offer you the possibility of earning up to $7,500 among other prizes. The first prize is higher than last year and we love it when people are also winning gifts while also supporting our beautiful Church. Our Festival this year will take place on Father’s Day Weekend, from Thursday, June 16 through Sunday, June 19, 2022. We look forward to seeing all of you and please, spread the word to your friends and relatives.

On Saturday, May 21st, the celebration of Saints Constantine and Helen, equal to the Apostles, also at 9 am. And on Thursday, May 26th at 10 pm we have Agripnia - Ἀγρυπνία to commemorate Saint John the Russian, with the procession and veneration of the relic that belonged to the Saint’s vestments. Try not to miss that service, it is truly amazing.

          Best wishes for a beautiful week, healthy and blessed.

Truly the Lord Is Risen! – Αληθώς Ανέστη ο Κύριος!

Message from May 12, 2022:


          We are looking forward to seeing all the ladies of the Parish tonight at 7 pm for the beautiful Philoptochos event, when, I hear that following the theme of the resurrection, Elvis will make an appearance. It will be fun, with music, games, delicacies and our trademarked exciting fellowship.

          On Sunday, we support our GOYA, with their car wash fundraiser, immediately after the service. Also, our GOYAns will go for Bowling, on Saturday, May 21st at 7:30 pm, Wantagh Lanes, in Wantagh, NY. And on Memorial Weekend, we participate at the Archdiocese Olympics, at Suffolk Community College. On Friday, May 20th, our KANARIS dance group will have a rehearsal for their summer dance performances.

          Greek School will have a PTA meeting on Thursday, May 26 at 6:15 pm. All the parents of the Greek School students are welcome to attend and assist with the preparations for the moving up ceremony, the graduation ceremony and the new school year. The schedule for the new Greek School year is completed and the registration information is at this link:

          We have also completed the Greek School Class schedule, subject to change only for unforeseeable circumstances, such as Russia/China winning WW3 and us being forced to speak only Russian and Chinese. But for patriotic Americans, we maintain our English language and Greek, of course, since Hellenic civilization became the cornerstone based on which America was founded. Therefore, we advise our Greek School students and their families to keep practicing Greek throughout the summer, dance Greek, eat Greek, think Greek and occasionally relax like a Greek. It will help us become better citizens and patriots in America as well!

          Greek School Class Schedule for 2022-23:

Head Start: Tuesdays

Beginners: Thursdays

1st grade: Fridays

2nd grade: Thursdays

3rd grade: Wednesdays

4th grade: Tuesdays

5th grade: Thursdays

6th grade: Fridays

Regents: Fridays

          This week, Greek School continues the lessons and activities honoring Mother’s Day. There is a drawing contest due on May 20th, titled “ο κόσμος που ονειρεύομαι.” Last weeks are dedicated to preparing for the end of the school year ceremonies, complimented by parties, ice cream and fun activities for the students. The moving up and graduation ceremonies are:

Head Start, Beginners through 3rd Grade: on Wednesday, June 1st at 6 pm.

4th Grade through 6th and Graduation: Friday, June 3rd at 6:30 pm.

          The Annual Parade takes place on Sunday, June 5th after the service at 5th Avenue, NYC.

On Wednesday, May 18, we have the celebration of Mid-Pentecost, with Orthros and Divine Liturgy at 9 am. And on Saturday, May 21st, the celebration of Saints Constantine and Helen, equal to the Apostles, also at 9 am.

          This Sunday, Sunday of the Paralytic, I will be addressing the sermon for the Church School students. I remind parents and students that the Church School graduation is on Pentecost, June 12th, at the conclusion of the service. Do not miss these Sundays, to earn perfect attendance and participation and to better learn our faith and beliefs. Church School is significant for our youth and their moral cultivation.

          Also, we sent the raffles to your homes. Additional raffles are available in the Church and at the office. Please, promote the raffle to your friends and family, donation is only $20; buy multiple raffles to offer you the possibility of earning up to $7,500 among other prizes. The first prize is higher than last year and we love it when people are also winning gifts while also supporting our beautiful Church. Our Festival this year will take place on Father’s Day Weekend, from Thursday, June 16 through Sunday, June 19, 2022. We look forward to seeing all of you and please, spread the word to your friends and relatives.

          Best wishes for a beautiful week, healthy and blessed.

Truly the Lord Is Risen! – Αληθώς Ανέστη ο Κύριος!

Message from April 29, 2022:


          For forty days after the feast of the Resurrection we exchange this Paschal greeting. Instead of good morning, good afternoon or good night, we exclaim Χριστός Ανέστη – Αληθώς Ανέστη ο Κύριος, Christ Is Risen – Truly the Lord Is Risen!

          What a beautiful way to proclaim the good news of salvation! What a powerful testimony of faith! The Resurrection of the Lord has changed the world and it has changed eternity. We anticipate eternal life. We expect our own common resurrection and salvation. We live not to die, but to Live forever.

          I was moved to see the congregation during Holy Week. It was certainly the most well attended Holy Week in the history of our Parish. It was beautiful and inspiring. Every moment was unforgettable. And when we reached the high point of our faith, the feast of feasts, the center of our dogma and worship, Pascha, we all chanted together and the hymn of the Resurrection echoed around the Streets of Merrick:

Χριστὸς ἀνέστη ἐκ νεκρῶν

θανάτῳ θάνατον πατήσας

καὶ τοῖς ἐν τοῖς μνήμασι

ζωὴν χαρισάμενος.

Christ is risen from the dead,

by death trampling down death,

and upon those in the tombs

bestowing life.

          Unfortunately, people live their lives as if they will never die, and they will never be judged before eternity. For this reason, they begin unholy wars, they commit crimes, they fight in courts over petty differences and they exhibit jealousy, hatred and lack of faith.

          But what if we all lived our lives by this very phrase, that Christ Is Risen – Truly He Is Risen? We would love more. We would forgive so easily. We would hug more. We would not care about our self-defenses as much. We would replace jealousy with care, disbelief with faith, and envy with philanthropy. What if we all went into the empty tomb and saw the shroud, with the printed image of the Lord, transposed on it with the enormous energy of Light and Grace that emanated from His sacred Resurrection? (this is why the image on the Holy Shroud looks like a negative of a picture, from those days when we took pictures with film photography).

What if we saw that Light emerge towards us and turn us, His followers, from doubters into believers, as it turned Thomas from this Sunday’s Gospel reading? What if the Risen Lord empowered us to have the ability to preach and teach the good news of salvation to everyone, as the Apostles did when they begun their public ministry and traveled to the ends of the (then) known world? What if we felt no fear, only love and faith?

          This is the world that would be envisioned if people truly mean it when they say “Truly He Is Risen.” It is a beautiful world. One may call it “God’s Kingdom…”

Truly the Lord Is Risen! – Αληθώς Ανέστη ο Κύριος!

Message from March 30, 2022:

Dear members of our Parish family,

It was so wonderful to see the students of our Greek School perform their celebration in honor of the heroes of the Greek Revolution of 1821. I also preached on the significance of the day (in Greek) on March 25th: and during the Sunday Liturgy as well (English sermon). Seeing them all sing, recite, dance, narrate and celebrate Greek Independence fills us with pride and joy. As I indicated during the sermon in the Church, we do everything for them: we work, we build Churches, we take them to School, we build and support Parish programs, we bring them to Greek School and Sunday School, the Church team, JOY, HOPE, GOYA, Little Angels, Agape group, dances, events… all of these are for them. They are the present and the future of the Church and the Nation. They are the main reason why we strive to make the world a better place for them.

I am saddened by the amount of toxic information that is fed to children through corrupt vendors of evil. I do not understand why they exploit children’s innocence on the altar of profit and corruption. Hollywood has yet to denounce their own child abusers; they applaud them and they lay the red carpet for them. Celebrities have little to say about those “friends of theirs” who committed atrocities and crimes against the purest of the human population. Their silence is deafening with regards to toxic information fed to children’s minds through publications and media that circulate even in Schools. They seem to push children into adulthood from even a younger age. This is highly problematic but also endemic for people of a lower moral caliber, who aim to proclaim moral superiority. People of little spiritual or educational cultivation, who aim to teach others about every issue under the sun.

Criticism or humor that targets Hollywood celebrities seem to warrant “justified violent reactions.” But how about the abuses against children?
 If a parent brings up those facts to light, they are named “bigots” and “terrorists.” I cannot even repeat the things that I have seen as part of “student assignments” that were extremely sick, corrupt and perverse. Parents from different districts and States have shared with me highly problematic material that was used to infiltrate the minds of young persons in a toxic and provocative way. There is no justification for this. Let children be children. Let them learn without pushing personal complexes and agendas. Let them enjoy their purity and innocence, while protecting them against those who are sick and dangerous. Do not normalize perversion, dear celebrities. Do not normalize violence, hate speech, anti-religious agendas and bigotry against those who do not fit your narrative.

As an Orthodox cleric, I owe everything I am to the Church. My Parish priest in Saint Anna Church in Greece, who was a wonderful father and husband, instructed the children of the Parish every week and taught us the ABCs of the faith. But, without even knowing, he taught us more by his example. I never saw him angry. I never saw him raise his voice to a child. Some of us made noise during the service; he would bring the liturgy book and saw us kindly the page to follow. And by example, he would pray with piety and a pure heart. His name is Fr. Evaggelos, of blessed memory, I remember him in my humble prayers and especially last Friday on his Heavenly nameday.

I wish our world was filled with such good hearted, pure and faithful priests, husbands and fathers like him. He might not have the podium of a celebrity, or the Oscars for work that paid him millions of dollars, but in my heart, he was (and is) more of an example than all of these so called “celebrities” and self-proclaimed “idols.” I want to be like father Evaggelos, a simple priest, who was known just for helping a child grow to become a better man, a loving husband and a dedicated father. The award goes to him!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message from April 6, 2022:

          Dear members of our Parish family,

This coming week, is the last week of the Lenten services before Holy Week. Please, take advantage and attend these beautiful sacred services which take place every other evening until the Akathist Hymn (this Friday, April 8 at 7 pm) to the Theotokos. The complete schedule is below this message, together with a sermon of Saint Basil the Great on Fasting.

This year, on Palm Sunday, we will have delicious ready to go Bakaliaro Skordalia meals. Our chefs kindly ask for all of us to please, place your order in advance, so that they can order the proper quantity of fish, which is only $30 per order and it comes with all the trimmings. To order, please, call our Church office at (516) 379-1368.

Next week, we will be making the Palms for Palm Sunday, starting on Friday, April 15 at 5 pm. At the same time, I will be offering the sacrament of confession. GOYA and JOY are welcome to assist and community service hours certificates will be offered for their Honors classes participation, for scholarships’ applications and School purposes. We are also meeting with GOYA this Friday, April 8th after the service of the Akathist for dinner and fellowship.

As we have entered the last phase of Holy Lent, we encourage all families to spend more time together and invest in prayer, reading of the Bible and constructive dialogue. We can play and have fun in our free time, even venture in our social media interactions, but in a balanced manner that does not affect our spiritual health and in a way that brings us closer with one another in Christ Jesus.

Parents, please, monitor the online activities of your children, with discretion and love. The time we spend behind those screens cannot be greater than the time we use to actually interact with people, pray with God and offer service for philanthropy.

Below, please, find an interesting message by father Angelo Artemas, a great priest and personal friend, who expressed his views on the progress of our Communities in America, in a very thought-stimulating way. Read on and have a wonderful and spiritually fruitful Great Lent!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

The Church of Today

by Father Angelo Artemas

"Imagine that each parish in our Archdiocese had a Starbucks kiosk open to parishioners at the conclusion of the Sunday Divine Liturgy. After coffee hour, would there be more proceeds at the kiosk, or in the Sunday collection? How many parishioners would skip the Divine Liturgy and go directly to the kiosk?

An internal Starbucks marketing report recently indicated that loyal drinkers spend an average of $25 a week on their products - that's $1,300 a year! These days, many faithful like to lament about the decline of the Church while at the same time reminiscing about the glory days of past. People reason that if we only had the caliber of priests and bishops of previous generations, we would be better off. Let's consider the caliber of parishioners.

When many of our ancestors came to this country, they dedicated themselves to two things - family well-being and their church. After securing their own financial stability they immediately poured their resources into establishing and growing their church communities. The church was their second financial priority after family.

In the last 40 years we have seen a cup of coffee go from 35 cents to $2, a Honda Accord go from $6,000 to $28,000, a typical three-bedroom home from $70,000 to $350,000, college tuition at Ohio State University from $500 to $15,000 per year, college tuition at Notre Dame from $3,500 to $50,000 per year, and the average US annual household income from $16,800 in 1979 to $52,300 today. The $300 dues of old would adjust to $1,200 today, yet we are still averaging well below $800 as an Archdiocese, and the same dollars are going into trays 40 years later.

How can we point the finger at leadership when the faithful choose not to keep up? There is more treasure today in Starbucks, Comcast, Apple and T-Mobile than in church. Are we now the church of coffee and devices?

For a church to flourish, first support and take care of your families (the house church). Plan for your children's educations and secure your retirement. But then support the church as if your life depends on it - for it does. Go to church regularly (and don't be late) and donate generously. Don't be more concerned about the things you can't take with you.

          Worshiping and tithing are not optional, they are essential in saving us from ourselves; freeing us from self-righteousness, judgement and materialism. Let's face it - we have taken advantage of the notion of "free-will offering" and have diminished the church. We cannot point fingers elsewhere when we are not doing our part.

If you are experiencing financial hardship or are on a fixed retirement income, please disregard this commentary. If you are already tithing and donating generously, please disregard this commentary and accept sincere thanks and gratitude.

For the rest of us, let's make our church better by placing our treasures there. Perhaps our hearts will follow, and we may experience new and greater glory."

Message from March 24, 2022:

The Annunciation of the Virgin Mary

Ὁ Εὐαγγελισμός τῆς Θεοτόκου

March  25th – 201 years since the Greek Revolution

          Dear members of our Parish family,

          March 25th has a dual meaning for the Greek Orthodox faithful.  It is the day when we celebrate the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary - Ὁ Εὐαγγελισμός τῆς Θεοτόκου, which prepared the path of salvation for all faithful, the way of the Resurrection.  March 25th is also the day of Greek Independence, a holiday for the Greek and the American nations.  One of the proudest and most ancient civilizations, the nation that gave birth to democracy, philosophy and science, was under the captivity of the Ottoman Empire for four centuries.  The struggle for freedom and independence liberated the Greek people from the tortures, the cruelty and the oppression of the Muslim Ottoman Empire. Hundreds of thousands of Christians perished in the violent attacks against the faithful; the neomartyrs of the Church opted to confess Christ up to their last breath, rather than deny the faith.

They became the inspiration of the heroes who liberated the Balkans and allowed the Greek and the Slavic people to return to prosperity, freedom of religion and their national integrity. This year, a similar attack is waged against the faithful. During the most sacred days of Great and Holy Lent, so called “Orthodox” assassinate babies, unarmed people and innocent civilians, destroying their properties, hospitals, schools and land. We pray for peace and we also pray for common sense amongst the so-called “leaders,” those who wage violence and those who allow it, enable it and fund it.

          March 25th signifies our struggle to be redeemed from the oppression of the evil one through the path of the resurrection and our fight to be rescued from the oppression of an evil empire through the path of heroism and sacrifice.  We honor our heroes with the festive Doxology. We pay tribute to their sacrifices, so that the younger generation can also aspire to cherish the virtue of freedom and to be worthy of it by living in a moral and unselfish way.  It is not enough to be free, but also to be worthy of freedom.  To accomplish that, we need to honor our heroes, and we need to live up to their example. It is important to cultivate patriotism and pride for our heritage in the hearts and minds of the youth as well as for all of us who cherish our values and our national identity. This way, we may also inspire our Youth to feel the pride and the honor of being the heirs of a rich tradition, a beautiful culture and an eternal faith.

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


Lord and Master of my life give me not the spirit of laziness, idle curiosity, love for power and vain talk.

But grant to me, your servant, the spirit of prudence, humility, patience and love.

Yes, Lord and King, grant me to see my own faults, and not to condemn my brethren, for you are blessed in the ages. Amen.

Lord of the Powers

Lord of the Powers be with us, for in times of distress we have no other help but you, Lord of the Powers have mercy on us.

25η  Μαρτίου – 201 χρόνια από την Ελληνική Επανάσταση

          Την 25η Μαρτίου, εορτάζουμε τον Ευαγγελισμό της Θεοτόκου, την πανήγυρη που οδοποίησε την ενανθρώπιση του Υιού και Λόγου του Θεού και προετοίμασε την σωτηρία του ανθρωπίνου γέννους.  Συνάμα, στις 25 Μαρτίου το Έθνος μας εορτάζει και την ημέρα της παλιγγενεσίας, την ανάσταση από την δουλεία της Οθωμανικής κατοχής και καταπίεσης.  Η ημέρα της 25ης Μαρτίου έχει διττή σημασία για τους Ελληνορθοδόξους.  Την προετοιμασία για την Ανάσταση από τη φθορά και το θάνατο, από τη δουλεία και την καταπίεση του πονηρού και το ξεκίνημα για την επανάσταση κατά της Τουρκικής δουλείας και καταπίεσης, με σύνθημα το «Ελευθερία ή θάνατος!»

          Είναι ευθύνη όλων τα παιδιά μας να διδαχθούν την εθνική τους καταγωγή και προέλευση και να εκφράσουν την ευγνωμοσύνη τους για τη θυσία των ηρώων του 21΄, των προπατόρων μας.  Σήμερα, να τους μιλήσουμε για την ιστορική αυτή επέτειο, με περηφάνεια για την εθνική μας κληρονομιά.

Η ελευθερία είναι για εμάς ένα θεόδοτο δώρο, για το οποίο θυσιάστηκαν οι προπάτορες του γέννους. Το ότι γεννηθήκαμε ελεύθεροι είναι δώρο.  Το να αξίζουμε την ελευθερία είναι αγώνας. Αγώνας και αγωνία μας είναι να διδαχτούν και τα παιδιά μας την αξία της καταγωγής τους, να καλλιεργηθούν με τα πανανθρώπινα αγαθά της πολιτιστικής μας κληρονομιάς και να εμποτιστούν με τα ηθικά νάματα της πίστεώς μας. Οι ήρωες του 21’ πότισαν με το αίμα τους τα χώματα της ελεύθερης πατρίδος μας.  Ελπίζω να μην οκνηρίσουμε και να μην χάσουμε την ευκαιρία να τους τιμήσουμε με το δέοντα σεβασμό, ώστε να βιώνει και η νεολαία μας την περηφάνεια, την χαρά, την Χάρη και τα χαρίσματα της Ελληνορθόδοξης κληρονομιάς.

+Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος

Ἡ εὐχὴ τοῦ ἁγίου Ἐφραὶμ τοῦ Σύρου «Κύριε καὶ Δέσποτα τῆς ζωῆς μου»

Κύριε καὶ Δέσποτα τῆς ζωῆς μου, πνεῦμα ἀργίας, περιεργείας, φιλαρχίας καὶ ἀργολογίας μή μοι δῶς.

Πνεῦμα δὲ σωφροσύνης, ταπεινοφροσύνης, ὑπομονῆς καὶ ἀγάπης, χάρισαί μοι τῷ σῷ δούλῳ.

Ναί, Κύριε Βασιλεῦ, δώρησαί μοι τοῦ ὁρᾶν τὰ ἐμὰ πταίσματα, καὶ μὴ κατακρίνειν τὸν ἀδελφόν μου, ὅτι εὐλογητὸς εἶ, εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων. Ἀμήν.

Κύριε τῶν Δυνάμεων

Κύριε τῶν Δυνάμεων, μεθ᾿ ἡμῶν γενοῦ, ἄλλον γὰρ ἐκτός Σου βοηθὸν ἐν θλίψεσιν οὐκ ἔχομεν.

Κύριε τῶν Δυνάμεων, ἐλέησον ἡμᾶς.

Church Services and Events

The Greek School students have Lenten activities and lessons as well as their preparation for Greek Independence day. Our Greek School students honor that auspicious celebration with a great celebration on Sunday, March 27th after the service and with their own class testimonials.

March 25th marked the 201st Anniversary of the Greek Revolution. This Greek Independence Day is an event, which we will cherish and commemorate. Our children will always recall how we all came to Church and our entire Saint Demetrios was transformed to a blue and white sea of enthusiastic celebrations. Therefore, on Sunday, March 27th, I invite all of you! If you are Greek, come! If you feel Greek, come! If you are happy that Greece exists as a nation, come! Bring a flag. We also have additional flags available if you cannot find your flag. At the end of the service, we will chant together our anthems, celebrating the rebirth of our Nation, honoring the sacrifices of our heroes and passing on the torch to the next generation.

In the service of the Annunciation – του Ευαγγελισμού, on Friday, March 25th, we will also pray that we all become worthy of the gift of freedom. Others fought for it so that we can enjoy it. It is not just for us to have a vacationing spot in the beautiful Greek islands. It is a gift passed on for us to preserve our values, our faith, our language, our history and our culture. Those values are the cornerstone of Western civilization. They are the pillars that hold the free world and sustain our civilization, our sciences, our arts and our civilian freedoms. Without those values we have totalitarianism, oppression and persecution. Remember what our heroes exclaimed when they gave their lives for our Nation: «Γιὰ τοῦ Χριστοῦ τὴν πίστην τὴν Ἁγίαν καὶ τῆς πατρίδος τὴν ἐλευθερίαν» - For the Sacred Faith of Christ and for the Freedom of the Nation.

On Sunday, we will also listen to the Oratorical Festival finalists as they deliver their speeches on this year’s topics, which is an opportunity for the youth to cultivate public speaking skills. The Church School prepares this beautiful festival as well as their weekly lessons for the spiritual edification of our youth.

On Fridays, at 7 pm, we chant the fantastic Salutations to the Virgin Mary – Χαιρετισμοί, which is a poetic and phenomenal expression of our love for the Panaghia, who intercedes consistently and unceasingly for our protection and salvation. We would like to ask for one family to donate the flowers for the icon of Panaghia. May we all have her intercessions. Ἡ εὐχὴ τῆς Παναγίας μαζὶ σας.

Immediately after the service of the Χαιρετισμοί, we will watch the series about Saint Paisios, in our Church Hall, at 8 pm.

This Monday, March 28th, the Great Compline is cancelled,  because we are attending the speech about the Invasion in Ukraine, which will take place at the Archangel Michael Greek Orthodox Church at 7 pm, with His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros and distinguished scholars and guest presenters.

On Saturday, March 26th, we have a very informative and especially helpful marriage seminar, which begins at 9 am in our Church Hall. To participate, please, call the Church office for registration details: (516) 379-1368. The presenters are exceptional therapists and theologians with vast experience on case studies and methods that will enhance our marital union and enrich our lives in a Christ-like home.

On Wednesdays at 7 pm we celebrate the Pre-Sanctified Divine Liturgy- Προηγιασμένη Θ. Λειτουργία, a serene and melodious Lenten service, when we can also receive Holy Communion. These evening services of Great Lent last only about an hour and they are the perfect opportunity to complete our day, after work and our hectic schedule, with prayer, peacefulness, spiritual tranquility and worship.

And on Sundays, our glorious and Resurrectional services that point to our ultimate goals, redemption, salvation and life everlasting. March marks the beginning of stewardship month. We kindly ask our Parishioners to submit their stewardship pledge and/or donation as this is our only significant source to cover the Church’s financial obligations. We need all families to enroll and support Saint Demetrios, our beloved Community, and we pray that God returns your benevolence many times over with His Grace and blessings!

On Monday, March 28, we have the funeral service for our beloved Patricia Kolis of blessed memory at 11 am. The Wake is from 2-4 and 6-9 pm on Sunday, March 27 at the South Chapel of Massapequa Funeral Home. Patricia worked tirelessly for our Philoptochos and she inspired us all with her faith and kindness. May her memory be eternal.

Philoptochos is now taking orders for Easter tsourekia from Agia Skepi Monastery. $15 for small braid; $20 for large round. All orders must be placed by April 3. Please contact Eleni Frasiolas (516-232-6202) or Sophie Pappas (516-353-5187) to place your order. Pick up will be on Palm Sunday after liturgy.  We congratulate our Saint Barbara’s ladies of Philoptochos and wish them many blessings in their sacred ministry.

Since this is a time of giving, we respond to the invitation of His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America to assist the great needs in response to the tragic humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, and the immediate aid needed there. His Eminence announced a major fundraising effort that will help those most affected by the Russian invasion. For more information and to donate, please follow the link:

In other words, pretty much every day of the week (and throughout the next 40 days), there is a service and an opportunity to connect to Christ even more fervently and to adhere to His commandments. It will be a blessing if all of you manage to attend as many as possible out of these services. You will witness why more and more people come every year in prayerful attendance and participation to this sacred journey of Lent.

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message from March 17, 2022:

The Key to Heaven: Prayer

Sunday of Saint Gregory Palamas

          Dear members of our Parish family,

This Sunday is Sunday of Saint Gregory Palamas, a day dedicated to prayer. Lent is an experience of spiritual renewal based on prayer. We begin our week in Church and we will discuss the significance of prayer in our lives. Prayer is the voice of the soul. Prayer is our wireless communication with God. Some people dream of meeting their idols: athletes, artists, famous historical figures. But who is greater, them or God? And God awaits our prayers daily. People would never miss a chance to meet a famous celebrity, take pictures and have their signed autograph. But why miss the chance to spend time with the Lord, venerate the pictures, the icons and images of His glorious Grace, and have the autograph of His blessings signed in our hearts with the sacraments, especially Communion and Confession?

Sunday of Saint Gregory Palamas is a unique opportunity to talk to our children about prayer, which is our direct communication with God. The hesychasts, Fathers and Saints of the Church who practiced continuous and uninterrupted prayer, experienced the uncreated light of His energies and sacred Grace. A light very much like the illumination of the Holy Transfiguration, on the Mount Tabor. The sight of this glorious radiance was enough for them to experience an incomparable heavenly grace; for that, they experienced true jubilation and serenity. It was enough for them to forget all earthly worries and cares, very much like the disciples Peter, James and John on Tabor. The hesychast’s experience has been replicated by people who have seen the unparallel beauty of the uncreated light with a near death experience.

Heaven is indeed glorious and our path to salvation should be the sole purpose of our existence. For this reason, we implore the Church’s Holy Fathers, like Saint Gregory Palamas, to edify our faith with their writings and their example. This will amplify our prayerful attendance. We start our week with worship. We attend the sacred services. And we pray on a daily basis. This is our connection with the Lord, whose sacred Grace and divine illumination guide us like a beacon on the path of redemption.

On Sunday, we will also listen to the Oratorical Festival finalists as they deliver their speeches on this year’s topics, which is an opportunity for the youth to cultivate public speaking skills. The Church School prepares this beautiful festival as well as their weekly lessons for the spiritual edification of our youth.

On Fridays, at 7 pm, we chant the fantastic Salutations to the Virgin Mary – Χαιρετισμοί, in preparation for the great feast of the Annunciation. It is a poetic and phenomenal expression of our love for the Panaghia, who intercedes consistently and unceasingly for our protection and salvation. We would like to ask for one family to donate the flowers for the icon of Panaghia. May we all have her intercessions. Ἡ εὐχὴ τῆς Παναγίας μαζὶ σας.

Immediately after the service of the Χαιρετισμοί, we will watch the series about Saint Paisios, in our Church Hall, at 8 pm.

Every Monday at 7 pm we pray the Great Compline – Μεγάλο Απόδειπνο. The Greek School students also have Lenten activities and lessons as well as their preparation for Greek Independence day. Our Greek School students honor that auspicious celebration with a great celebration on Sunday, March 27th after the service and with their own class testimonials. We are also preparing for Camp Saint Paul, for this summer, and details are forthcoming.

March 25th marked the 201st Anniversary of the Greek Revolution. This Greek Independence Day is an event, which we will cherish and commemorate. Our children will always recall how we all came to Church and our entire Saint Demetrios was transformed to a blue and white sea of enthusiastic celebrations. Therefore, on Sunday, March 27th, I invite all of you! If you are Greek, come! If you feel Greek, come! If you are happy that Greece exists as a nation, come! Bring a flag. We also have additional flags available if you cannot find your flag. At the end of the service, we will chant together our anthems, celebrating the rebirth of our Nation, honoring the sacrifices of our heroes and passing on the torch to the next generation.

In the service of the Annunciation – του Ευαγγελισμού, on Friday, March 25th, we will also pray that we all become worthy of the gift of freedom. Others fought for it so that we can enjoy it. It is not just for us to have a vacationing spot in the beautiful Greek islands. It is a gift passed on for us to preserve our values, our faith, our language, our history and our culture. Those values are the cornerstone of Western civilization. They are the pillars that hold the free world and sustain our civilization, our sciences, our arts and our civilian freedoms. Without those values we have totalitarianism, oppression and persecution. Remember what our heroes exclaimed when they gave their lives for our Nation: «Γιὰ τοῦ Χριστοῦ τὴν πίστην τὴν Ἁγίαν καὶ τῆς πατρίδος τὴν ἐλευθερίαν» - For the Sacred Faith of Christ and for the Freedom of the Nation.

On Saturday, March 26th, we have a very informative and especially helpful marriage seminar, which begins at 9 am in our Church Hall. To participate, please, call the Church office for registration details: (516) 379-1368. The presenters are exceptional therapists and theologians with vast experience on case studies and methods that will enhance our marital union and enrich our lives in a Christ-like home.

On Wednesdays at 7 pm we celebrate the Pre-Sanctified Divine Liturgy- Προηγιασμένη Θ. Λειτουργία, a serene and melodious Lenten service, when we can also receive Holy Communion. These evening services of Great Lent last only about an hour and they are the perfect opportunity to complete our day, after work and our hectic schedule, with prayer, peacefulness, spiritual tranquility and worship.

And on Sundays, our glorious and Resurrectional services that point to our ultimate goals, redemption, salvation and life everlasting. March marks the beginning of stewardship month. We kindly ask our Parishioners to submit their stewardship pledge and/or donation as this is our only significant source to cover the Church’s financial obligations. We need all families to enroll and support Saint Demetrios, our beloved Community, and we pray that God returns your benevolence many times over with His Grace and blessings!

Philoptochos is now taking orders for Easter tsourekia from Agia Skepi Monastery. $15 for small braid; $20 for large round. All orders must be placed by April 3. Please contact Eleni Frasiolas (516-232-6202) or Sophie Pappas (516-353-5187) to place your order. Pick up will be on Palm Sunday after liturgy.  We congratulate our Saint Barbara’s ladies of Philoptochos and wish them many blessings in their sacred ministry.

Since this is a time of giving, we respond to the invitation of His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America to assist the great needs in response to the tragic humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, and the immediate aid needed there. His Eminence announced a major fundraising effort that will help those most affected by the Russian invasion. For more information and to donate, please follow the link:

In other words, pretty much every day of the week (and throughout the next 40 days), there is a service and an opportunity to connect to Christ even more fervently and to adhere to His commandments. It will be a blessing if all of you manage to attend as many as possible out of these services. You will witness why more and more people come every year in prayerful attendance and participation to this sacred journey of Lent.

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

March  25th – 201 years since the Greek Revolution

          March 25th has a dual meaning for the Greek Orthodox faithful.  It is the day when we celebrate the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary, which prepared the path of salvation for all faithful, the way of the Resurrection.  March 25th is also the day of Greek Independence, a holiday for the Greek and the American nations.  One of the proudest and most ancient civilizations, the nation that gave birth to democracy, philosophy and science, was under the captivity of the Ottoman Empire for four centuries.  The struggle for freedom and independence liberated the Greek people from the tortures, the cruelty and the oppression of the Muslim Ottoman Empire.

          March 25th signifies our struggle to be redeemed from the oppression of the evil one through the path of the resurrection and our fight to be rescued from the oppression of an evil empire through the path of heroism and sacrifice.  We honor our heroes with today’s service and the festive Doxology. We pay tribute to their sacrifices, so that the younger generation can also aspire to cherish the virtue of freedom and to be worthy of it by living in a virtuous and unselfish way.  It is not enough to be free, but also to be worthy of freedom.  To accomplish that, we need to honor our heroes, and we need to live up to their example.

          It is important to cultivate patriotism and pride for our heritage in the hearts and minds of the youth as well as for all of us who cherish our values and our national identity. This way, we may also inspire our Youth to feel the pride and the honor of being the heirs of a rich tradition, a beautiful culture and an eternal civilization.

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


Lord and Master of my life give me not the spirit of laziness, idle curiosity, love for power and vain talk.

But grant to me, your servant, the spirit of prudence, humility, patience and love.

Yes, Lord and King, grant me to see my own faults, and not to condemn my brethren, for you are blessed in the ages. Amen.

Lord of the Powers

Lord of the Powers be with us, for in times of distress we have no other help but you, Lord of the Powers have mercy on us.

25η  Μαρτίου – 201 χρόνια από την Ελληνική Επανάσταση

          Την 25η Μαρτίου, εορτάζουμε τον Ευαγγελισμό της Θεοτόκου, την πανήγυρη που οδοποίησε την ενανθρώπιση του Υιού και Λόγου του Θεού και προετοίμασε την σωτηρία του ανθρωπίνου γέννους.  Συνάμα, στις 25 Μαρτίου το Έθνος μας εορτάζει και την ημέρα της παλιγγενεσίας, την ανάσταση από την δουλεία της Οθωμανικής κατοχής και καταπίεσης.  Η ημέρα της 25ης Μαρτίου έχει διττή σημασία για τους Ελληνορθοδόξους.  Την προετοιμασία για την Ανάσταση από τη φθορά και το θάνατο, από τη δουλεία και την καταπίεση του πονηρού και το ξεκίνημα για την επανάσταση κατά της Τουρκικής δουλείας και καταπίεσης, με σύνθημα το «Ελευθερία ή θάνατος!»

          Είναι ευθύνη όλων τα παιδιά μας να διδαχθούν την εθνική τους καταγωγή και προέλευση και να εκφράσουν την ευγνωμοσύνη τους για τη θυσία των ηρώων του 21΄, των προπατόρων μας.  Σήμερα, να τους μιλήσουμε για την ιστορική αυτή επέτειο, με περηφάνεια για την εθνική μας κληρονομιά.

Η ελευθερία είναι για εμάς ένα θεόδοτο δώρο, για το οποίο θυσιάστηκαν οι προπάτορες του γέννους. Το ότι γεννηθήκαμε ελεύθεροι είναι δώρο.  Το να αξίζουμε την ελευθερία είναι αγώνας. Αγώνας και αγωνία μας είναι να διδαχτούν και τα παιδιά μας την αξία της καταγωγής τους, να καλλιεργηθούν με τα πανανθρώπινα αγαθά της πολιτιστικής μας κληρονομιάς και να εμποτιστούν με τα ηθικά νάματα της πίστεώς μας. Οι ήρωες του 21’ πότισαν με το αίμα τους τα χώματα της ελεύθερης πατρίδος μας.  Ελπίζω να μην οκνηρίσουμε και να μην χάσουμε την ευκαιρία να τους τιμήσουμε με το δέοντα σεβασμό, ώστε να βιώνει και η νεολαία μας την περηφάνεια, την χαρά, την Χάρη και τα χαρίσματα της Ελληνορθόδοξης κληρονομιάς.

+Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος

Γιά τον ‘Αγιο Γρηγόριο τον Παλαμά

Αρχιμανδρίτης Γεώργιος Καψάνης (†)

Ο άγιος Γρηγόριος είναι ένας μεγάλος θεολόγος της Εκκλησίας μας, μεγάλος διδάσκαλος πνευματικός, μεγάλος Ιεράρχης της Εκκλησίας μας. Τον 14ο αιώνα οι δυτικοί, όπως και σήμερα έτσι και τότε, εμφορούνταν από το πνεύμα του ορθολογισμού και δεν μπορούσαν να καταλάβουν τι είναι η θεία Χάρη και πώς ενεργεί η Χάρη του Θεού στον άνθρωπο. Προσπαθούσαν ορθολογιστικά να ερμηνεύσουν το τι είναι η χάρη του Θεού.

Τότε ο άγιος Γρηγόριος ο Παλαμάς δίδαξε την ορθή, την Ορθόδοξο θεολογία του Ευαγγελίου, των Αποστόλων και των Πατέρων. Ότι η Χάρη του Θεού είναι ενέργεια του Θεού, είναι άκτιστη, δεν είναι κτίσμα, δεν είναι δημιούργημα του Θεού, και αγιάζει τον άνθρωπο, φωτίζει τον άνθρωπο και ακόμη κάνει τον άνθρωπο, όταν ο άνθρωπος ενωθεί με τον Θεό, θεό κατά χάρη. Και έτσι έδωσε την δυνατότητα σε όλους με την διδασκαλία του να αγωνίζονται να έχουν την Χάρη του Θεού στην ζωή τους. Να έχουμε εμείς την Χάρη του Θεού στην ζωή μας και να μην είμαστε σ’ αυτόν τον κόσμο έρημοι, απαρηγόρητοι, κενοί, γεμάτοι άγχος και χωρίς νόημα στην ζωή μας.

Διότι, όταν ο άνθρωπος δεν έχει την Χάρη του Θεού, είναι κενός, άδειος και η ζωή του γεμίζει από άγχος και απελπισία. Όταν όμως έχει την Χάρη του Θεού ο άνθρωπος, τότε έχει την ειρήνη του Θεού μέσα του, έχει την χαρά του Θεού μέσα του, βρίσκει το αληθινό νόημα της ζωής του, έχει φως μέσα στην ζωή του. Όλα αυτά λοιπόν τα οφείλουμε στον άγιο Γρηγόριο τον Παλαμά. Γι’ αυτό και η Εκκλησία μας τον θεωρεί ως ένα από τους μεγίστους διδασκάλους και πνευματικούς της Πατέρες. Και είναι ευλογία που ήταν Αρχιεπίσκοπος της Θεσσαλονίκης, η οποία είναι εγγύτατα στο Άγιον Όρος πόλη, η δευτέρα Βασιλεύουσα της Ορθοδοξίας και του γένους μας.

Ἡ εὐχὴ τοῦ ἁγίου Ἐφραὶμ τοῦ Σύρου «Κύριε καὶ Δέσποτα τῆς ζωῆς μου» 

Κύριε καὶ Δέσποτα τῆς ζωῆς μου, πνεῦμα ἀργίας, περιεργείας, φιλαρχίας καὶ ἀργολογίας μή μοι δῶς.

Πνεῦμα δὲ σωφροσύνης, ταπεινοφροσύνης, ὑπομονῆς καὶ ἀγάπης, χάρισαί μοι τῷ σῷ δούλῳ.

Ναί, Κύριε Βασιλεῦ, δώρησαί μοι τοῦ ὁρᾶν τὰ ἐμὰ πταίσματα, καὶ μὴ κατακρίνειν τὸν ἀδελφόν μου, ὅτι εὐλογητὸς εἶ, εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων. Ἀμήν.

Κύριε τῶν Δυνάμεων

Κύριε τῶν Δυνάμεων, μεθ᾿ ἡμῶν γενοῦ, ἄλλον γὰρ ἐκτός Σου βοηθὸν ἐν θλίψεσιν οὐκ ἔχομεν.

Κύριε τῶν Δυνάμεων, ἐλέησον ἡμᾶς.

Sunday of Saint Gregory Palamas 

The closet of the soul is the body; our doors are the five bodily senses. The soul enters its closet when the mind does not wander hither and thither, roaming among things and affairs of the world, but stays within, in our heart.

Our senses become closed and remain closed when we do not let them be attached to external sensory things, and in this way our mind remains free from every worldly attachment, and by secret mental prayer unites with God its Father. "And your Father which sees in secret shall reward thee openly," adds the Lord.

God who knows all secret things sees mental prayer and rewards it openly with great gifts. For that prayer is true and perfect which fills the soul with Divine grace and spiritual gifts. As chrism perfumes the jar the more strongly the tighter it is closed, so prayer, the more fast it is imprisoned in the heart, abounds the more in Divine grace.

So, brother, when you enter your closet and close your door, that is, when your mind is not darting hither and thither but enters within your heart, and your senses are confined and barred against things of this world, and when you pray thus always, you too are then like the holy angels, and your Father, Who sees your prayer in secret, which you bring Him in the hidden depths of your heart, will reward you openly by great spiritual gifts.

 -St. Gregory Palamas

Message from March10, 2022:


Sunday of Orthodoxy is the day when we commemorate the restoration of the holy icons.  The iconoclasts considered the veneration of the icons as an idolatrous and pagan practice.  Muslims, most Protestants and Jehovah witnesses share a similar perception. What should we say in defense of our faith and our Orthodox traditions with regards to the veneration of the holy icons?  First, iconography is a God given blessing, since Christ Himself allowed to be depicted in the holy shroud. Second, Saint Luke the Evangelist painted an icon of Christ, the Virgin Mary and Saint John the Forerunner. Third, the Orthodox people do not worship icons, but they venerate them. As Saint John of Damascus points out, we worship Christ, Who is depicted through the icon, but we venerate and respect the icon as a holy article, because it depicts the All Holy Lord.

Icons are called the Bible of the illiterate.  We respect and cherish the pictures of loved ones; it would only be natural to respect, cherish and venerate the icons, through which we communicate with God in prayer. Icons are instructional instruments. They often times narrate a story, and they describe the virtues and the attributes of a Saint. The first things we learn about our faith are taught through the icons. A baby cannot read the Bible or a patristic and a theological document. But a baby knows Christ and loves Him thanks to the depictions of the Lord. Icons bring the inspiration of God in our lives.  They bless our homes and they have become the vessels of divine Grace and miracles.

The litany or the procession of the icons has as an objective to offer hymn and doxology to the holy Fathers of the Church who restored them and inspired us with the right doctrine, our Orthodox Tradition. We commemorate the event of the veneration of the icons and we emphasize their significance in our tradition and our lives. It is the Christian vocation of all of us to spread the light of our faith to the younger generation and to other people who thirst for spiritual nutrition and salvation.


+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos



Lord and Master of my life give me not the spirit of laziness, idle curiosity, love for power and vain talk.

But grant to me, your servant, the spirit of prudence, humility, patience and love.

Yes, Lord and King, grant me to see my own faults, and not to condemn my brethren, for you are blessed in the ages. Amen.

Lord of the Powers

Lord of the Powers be with us, for in times of distress we have no other help but you, Lord of the Powers have mercy on us.




Την Κυριακή της Ορθοδοξίας εορτάζεται η πανηγυρική και θριαμβευτική αναστήλωση των ιερών και σεπτών εικόνων.  Οι εικονομάχοι των Βυζαντινών χρόνων, θεωρούσαν την προσκύνηση των εικόνων ως ειδωλολατρεία.  Σήμερα, οι Μουσουλμάνοι, οι Προτεστάντες και οι Χιλιαστές έχουν τις ίδιες αντιλήψεις.  Τί θα μπορούσατε να απαντήσετε σε αυτούς που ειρωνεύονται τους Ορθοδόξους πιστούς για τον σεβασμό τους προς τις ιερές εικόνες;  Πρώτον, η εικονογραφία είναι θεόδοτη, καθότι ο ίδιος ο Κύριος αποτύπωσε την ιερά του και θεία μορφή στην Αγία σινδόνα και στο ιερό μανδήλιο, όπως η Αγία Γραφή αποκαλύπτει.  Δεύτερον, ο ίδιος ο Απόστολος και Ευαγγελιστής Λουκάς φιλοτέχνισε εικόνες του Κυρίου, της Υπεραγίας Θεοτόκου και του Τιμίου Προδρόμου.  Όπως αναγιγνώσκουμε το Ευαγγέλιο που συνέγραψε, έτσι και πρέπει να τιμούμε τις εικόνες που πρώτος αγιογράφησε. Τρίτον, εμείς ως Ορθόδοξοι πιστοί, δεν λατρεύουμε τις εικόνες, αλλά λατρεύουμε τον Χριστό που απεικονίζεται σε αυτές.  Όπως θεολογεί ο Άγιος Ιωάννης ο Δαμασκηνός, λατρεύουμε Τον εν τη εικόνι προσκυνούμενον.

Οι εικόνες αποτελούν την Βίβλο των αγραμμάτων.  Όπως με συγκίνηση κρατούμε την φωτογραγία ενός πολυαγαπημένου μας προσώπου, έτσι και με θείο δέος σεβόμαστε τις εικόνες ως ιερά σύμβολα, δια μέσου των οποίων επικοινωνούμε πνευματικώς δια της προσευχής με τον Θεό.  Οι εικόνες είναι διδακτικά εγχειρίδια.  Μία εικόνα είναι περισσότερο περιεκτική σε νάματα πίστεως από ένα κήρυγμα ή ένα βιβλίο, ιδίως για τα παιδιά και τους απλούς ανθρώπους.  Πόσα βρέφη ξέρετε να διαβάζουν την Αγία Γραφή ή τα πατερικά κείμενα; Όλοι μας, όμως, από βρεφική ηλικία, μαγνητιζόμαστε από τις εικόνες και νιώθουμε την παρουσία του Θεού στη ζωή μας δι’ αυτών.

Στην ιερή λιτάνευση των σεπτών εικόνων όλοι μας θα δοξολογήσουμε την μνήμη των Αγίων Πατέρων που αναστήλωσαν τις εικόνες και μας παρέδωσαν το ορθό δόγμα, την Ορδόδοξη Παράδοσή μας.  Κυριακή της Ορθοδοξίας, κι όλοι μας οφείλουμε να νιώσουμε και να δώσουμε τα φώτα της πίστεως στη νέα γενιά και στους συνανθρώπους μας που διψούν για πνευματική αναστήλωση, ανάταση, και ανάσταση.


+Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος


Ἡ εὐχὴ τοῦ ἁγίου Ἐφραὶμ τοῦ Σύρου «Κύριε καὶ Δέσποτα τῆς ζωῆς μου»

Κύριε καὶ Δέσποτα τῆς ζωῆς μου, πνεῦμα ἀργίας, περιεργείας, φιλαρχίας καὶ ἀργολογίας μή μοι δῶς.

Πνεῦμα δὲ σωφροσύνης, ταπεινοφροσύνης, ὑπομονῆς καὶ ἀγάπης, χάρισαί μοι τῷ σῷ δούλῳ.

Ναί, Κύριε Βασιλεῦ, δώρησαί μοι τοῦ ὁρᾶν τὰ ἐμὰ πταίσματα, καὶ μὴ κατακρίνειν τὸν ἀδελφόν μου, ὅτι εὐλογητὸς εἶ, εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων. Ἀμήν.

Κύριε τῶν Δυνάμεων

Κύριε τῶν Δυνάμεων, μεθ᾿ ἡμῶν γενοῦ, ἄλλον γὰρ ἐκτός Σου βοηθὸν ἐν θλίψεσιν οὐκ ἔχομεν.

Κύριε τῶν Δυνάμεων, ἐλέησον ἡμᾶς.



          The Church has designated Lent as a time of preparation for Holy Week and Pascha. We wish each other “have a blessed Lent.”  In order to have a blessed Lent, we need not just a wish but also prayer.  For this reason, during the forty days of preparation for Pascha, the Church has instituted many wonderful and serene divine services, which enhance the Lenten experience of the faithful.  If nothing changes during these days, then we cannot claim that we celebrated a blessed Lent.  If we did not prepare for Pascha, then we cannot announce the Christ’s Resurrection is deemed as the most important event in our lives.  For a conscious Lenten experience, we need to participate in the spiritual preparation of our holy Orthodox Tradition.  An athlete practices fervently before a big game.  We pray fervently before the championship of divine salvation.  The Great Lent is the last stretch before the finish of a spiritual race, since the Resurrection is the most significant event for all faithful.  Therefore, we put all our effort for this last stretch, so that we may be crowned as victors with the crown of holiness and redemption.

          The first service of Great Lent is the Vespers of forgiveness, which is Sunday at 6 pm.  Before we go for confession to prepare for Pascha, we ask forgiveness from our spiritual family and we offer forgiveness to our brothers and sisters in Christ.  This way, we do not celebrate these days hypocritically or with a blemished consciousness. Clean Monday marks the beginning of Lent with strict fasting (for everyone who is physically capable to observe fasting).  Clean Week is a time for physical and spiritual cleansing, with fasting and confession.  Clean Monday, we will the Great Compline, which is a beautiful service, graced in richness of meaning and blessing.  Every Monday, during Lent, we will be praying the service of the Great Compline to start the week with a beautiful, serene, evening prayer for all the faithful to find peace and rescue in their Church.  Every Wednesday, we will be celebrating the Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Divine Gifts.  This way, the faithful will be receiving Holy Communion more frequently in preparation for the holiest time of the year.  Every Friday, there will be a service of the Salutations to the Virgin Mary, glorifying and thanking the Mother of God who brought salvation into the world.

          It is a blessing to experience the beauty of our services, which transform us spiritually.  What happens if we are tired after a long day?  We find rest and peace in the serenity of the Church.  What if we have studying and housework to do?  We can do all that, plus the studying of the divine lessons, which are eternal and heavenly, thus much more important.  This way, we may all graduate in Heaven.  This way, we may all have a blessed Lent!

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

An excellent refection

for the first day of Great Lent



          Την Καθαρή Εβδομάδα ευχόμαστε όλοι μας «Καλή Τεσσαρακοστή».  Για να έχουμε καλή Τεσσαρακοστή, χρειάζεται όχι μόνο η ευχή αλλά και η προσευχή μας.  Για το λόγο αυτό, οι σαράντα ημέρες προετοιμασίας προς το Άγιο Πάσχα συνοδεύονται από θεσπέσιες και κατανυκτικές ακολουθίες που καλλιεργούν την συνείδηση των πιστών, ώστε να εορτάσουν και να συμμετέχουν στην εμπειρία μίας καλής Τεσσαρακοστής.  Αν δεν αλλάξει τίποτα στη ζωή μας αυτές τις ημέρες, τότε δεν μπορούμε να νιώσουμε την πνευματική κάθαρση και την ψυχική αγαλλίαση που επιφέρει η πορεία του πιστού προς την Αγία και Μεγάλη Εβδομάδα.  Τί μπορεί να αλλάξει στη ζωή μας;  Όπως ένας αθλητής πριν από την μεγάλη αναμέτρηση, ή ένας μαθητής πριν την σημαντικότερη εξέταση και ένας πολιτικός πριν τις εκλογές, όλοι μας συνενώνουμε τις πνευματικές μας προσπάθειες για να πετύχουμε τον στόχο μας, που δεν είναι άλλος από την σωτηρία.  Η Τεσσαρακοστή είναι η τελική ευθεία πριν από την κορυφή των γεγονότων την πίστεως, την Ανάσταση.  Εντείνουμε τις προσπάθειές μας στην τελική ευθεία, για να στεφθούμε νικητές, με το στέφος της Αγιότητος και της λυτρώσεως.

          Πρώτη ακολουθία της Μεγάλης Τεσσαρακοστής είναι ο Κατανυκτικός Εσπερινός «της συγνώμης» (Κυριακή στις 6 μμ).  Πριν εξομολογηθούμε για το Πάσχα, οφείλουμε να συγχωρέσουμε και να συγχωρεθούμε με την πνευματική μας οικογένεια, για να μην εορτάσουμε αυτές τις Άγιες ημέρες με βεβαρημένη συνείδηση ή υποκριτικά.  Την Καθαρά Δευτέρα, αρχίζουμε την αυστηρή νηστεία για όσους η υγεία τους το επιτρέπει.  Το βράδυ της Καθαράς Δευτέρας θα έχουμε το πρώτο Μεγάλο Απόδειπνο, με το απόσπασμα του Μεγάλου Κανόνος του Τριωδίου.  Κάθε Δευτέρα σε όλη τη διάρκεια της Τεσσαρακοστής θα ξεκινούμε τις ακολουθίες με το Μεγάλο Απόδειπνο, μία κατανυκτική και μεστή πνευματικής τροφοδοσίας ακολουθία.  Κάθε Τετάρτη, θα έχουμε την Θεία Λειτουργία των Προηγιασμένων Τιμίων Δώρων.  Το Σώμα και το Αίμα του Κυρίου θα περιμένουν τους πιστούς κάθε Τετάρτη εσπέρας για περισσότερο συχνή Θεία Μετάληψη, ώστε όλοι ως Χριστοφόροι και καθαγιασμένοι να προσεγγίσουμε το Άγια Πάσχα.  Κάθε Παρασκευή, θα ψάλλουμε τους Χαιρετισμούς στην Υπεραγία Θεοτόκο, που μας έδωσε τον Χριστό και έφερε την σωτηρία στο ανθρώπινο γένος.

          Με ιερό πόθο συμμετέχουμε στην εμπειρία της Τεσσαρακοστής για να ζητήσουμε το έλεος του Θεού.  Αν σε όσες ακολουθίες που μπορούμε να συμπροσευχηθούμε φέρουμε τα παιδιά και τις οικογένειές μας, τότε θα μεταλαμπαδεύσουμε την δική μας εμπειρία και σε εκείνους.  Μα, τί γίνεται όταν είναι κουρασμένοι από το απαιτητικό ωράριο της ημέρας;  Θα ξεκουράζονται στην κατάνυξη και ηρεμία της Εκκλησίας.  Αν έχουν μαθήματα;  Θα διδάσκονται τα διδάγματα της σωτηρίας, που είναι Ουράνια και ανώτερα.  Και όλοι μας θα προβιβαστούμε στην θεοπτία του Παραδείσου.  Έτσι θα έχουμε Καλή Τεσσαρακοστή!

+Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος

Message from from March 3, 2022:

Cheese Fare Sunday

          Dear members of our Parish family,

College Basketball, arguably the most exciting basketball league in the world, is highlighted by the conclusion of the season, often referred to as “March Madness.” Our own period of “March Madness” begins this coming week! This time of the year marks the beginning of Great and Holy Lent – Αγία και Μεγάλη Τεσσαρακοστή and our preparation for a sacred journey that leads to the Passion of the Lord and His life-giving Resurrection, Pascha.

Saint Anthony had predicted that when the entire world becomes crazy, the few remaining rational people will be considered mad. And it takes a certain amount of “madness” to give up food not for diets and in order to fit into wedding/prom dresses or tuxedos, but to do it all for Christ. It takes a certain amount of “madness” not to sit on a Lazy Boy recliner holding a tablet the entire evening and talk to nobody in the house but instead get ready and attend the evening Lenten services. It takes a certain amount of “madness” to give part of our hard-earned income to support a charity, our Church (that ensures the safe keeping of our children and all future generations) and our ministries instead of spending it for that new device that will keep our kids entertained and busy with anything else except us.

It certainly takes a certain amount of “madness” to volunteer, to pray daily, to read the Bible, to spend time with our spouse, to do activities with our children and to have fellowship with actual friends (not the “friends” that only click a smiley face on social media, but are actually envious, jealous or indifferent about you and your happiness). For all these types of “madness” please, count me in, and let’s be all crazy for Christ, fools for Christ as the paternal term has it, passionately loving our faith, and committing our every effort for His glory. Let’s start our own March madness, this sacred journey of Great Lent.

Let’s start this journey by actually spending time with those we love and making time for them. First station of this process will be the Vespers of Forgiveness – Κατανυκτικός Εσπερινός της Συγγνώμης, this Sunday at 6 pm. We ask forgiveness from each other, which, in a world that nobody seems to recognize their mistakes, is itself crazy. At the conclusion of the service, everyone, from the priest to every Parishioner, comes into a circle of trust (reminds us of a funny movie) and says “forgive me and have a blessed Lent.”

Every Monday at 7 pm we pray the Great Compline – Μεγάλο Απόδειπνο (the first Monday of Lent includes the Holy Canon of Clean Monday). During the week, our Greek School children will fly their kites and welcome Lent with smiles and fellowship. I will visit their classes to speak to them about their Lenten journey.

On Saturday, March 5th at 6:30 pm, we have our 80’s Night celebration. We recall the last one, 4 years ago, which was a tremendous success. It is a beautiful opportunity to bring our YAL, our GOYA, our JOY and our Greek School students to show them how real music sounds like. The donation is only $25, with full dinner, entertainment by Euphoria productions and lots – lots of dancing.

Also on Saturday, which is 2nd Saturday of the Souls, we commemorate our loved ones who repose in Christ (details are in the letter below the announcement on how to order the koliva and also bring the names of our loved ones). We also have the Cathedral Cup for our Volleyball team on the same day. On Sunday, we have the Oratorical Festival workshop to teach our youth the art of public speaking (more details below, in the specific passage for the Oratorical Festival).

Every Wednesday at 7 pm we celebrate the Pre-Sanctified Divine Liturgy- Προηγιασμένη Θ. Λειτουργία, a serene and melodious Lenten service, when we can also receive Holy Communion. Those evening services of Great Lent last only about an hour and they are the perfect opportunity to complete our day, after work and our hectic schedule, with prayer, peacefulness, spiritual tranquility and worship.

On Fridays, at 7 pm, we chant the fantastic Salutations to the Virgin Mary – Χαιρετισμοί, in preparation for the great feast of the Annunciation. It is a poetic and phenomenal expression of our love for the Panaghia, who intercedes consistently and unceasingly for our protection and salvation. We would like to ask for one family to donate the flowers for the icon of Panaghia. May we all have her intercessions. Ἡ εὐχὴ τῆς Παναγίας μαζὶ σας.

And on Sundays, our glorious and Resurrectional services that point to our ultimate goals, redemption, salvation and life everlasting. March marks the beginning of stewardship month. We kindly ask our Parishioners to submit their stewardship pledge and/or donation as this is our only significant source to cover the Church’s financial obligations. We need all families to enroll and support Saint Demetrios, our beloved Community, and we pray that God returns your benevolence many times over with His Grace and blessings!

Philoptochos is now taking orders for Easter tsourekia from Agia Skepi Monastery. $15 for small braid; $20 for large round. All orders must be placed by April 3. Please contact Eleni Frasiolas (516-232-6202) or Sophie Pappas (516-353-5187) to place your order. Pick up will be on Palm Sunday after liturgy.  We congratulate our Saint Barbara’s ladies of Philoptochos and wish them many blessings in their sacred ministry. Since this is a time of giving, we respond to the invitation of His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America to assist the great needs in response to the tragic humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, and the immediate aid needed there. His Eminence announced a major fundraising effort that will help those most affected by the Russian invasion. The first action taken by Archbishop Elpidophoros this morning was to donate $100,000 to the Ecumenical Patriarchate to support the efforts of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine. Archbishop Elpidophoros also announced the creation of the Ukrainian Relief Effort, which was established in collaboration with International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC)*. Together, the Archdiocese and IOCC aim to raise $1 million for both immediate and long-term support of the Ukrainian people. In his Encyclical on the crisis, Archbishop Elpidophoros states: "We join our spirit to the spirit of His All-Holiness and exhort all our Faithful: offer prayers and tangible support for all the Ukrainian People, those of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine and those of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church under the Moscow Patriarchate, those of the Ukrainian Catholic and Jewish communities, and all who find themselves in the dire circumstances of war.” For more information and to donate, please follow the link:

At the same time, our Church School is preparing for the Oratorical Festival and our Greek School for the celebration for the 25th of March. This year marks the 201st Anniversary since the Greek Revolution of 1821 and we will see our Greek School students honor that auspicious celebration with a great celebration on Sunday, March 27th after the service and with their own class testimonials. We are also preparing for Camp Saint Paul, for this summer, and details are forthcoming. During Clean Week, the students will fly their kites and have laganes and fasting delicacies to celebrate the beginning of Lent.

The following weekend, it is Sunday of Orthodoxy, when all the children of the Parish will bring their favorite icons and assist the priest in the procession to commemorate the restitution of the sacred images and the formulation of Orthodox dogma.

In other words, pretty much every day of the week (and throughout the next 40 days), there is a service and an opportunity to connect to Christ even more fervently and adhere to His commandments. It will be a blessing if all of you manage to attend as many as possible out of these services. Try as many as you can at least this week and you will witness why more and more people come every year in prayerful attendance and participation to this sacred journey of Lent. Let the March Madness begin!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message from February 16, 2022:


            The 17th Sunday of Saint Luke narrates one of the most powerful and meaningful parables of the Bible.  It is the story of the Prodigal Son, or, should we call it, the story of the Forgiving Father.  The younger son of a family demanded that his portion of his father’s wealth be given to him.  He spent all that wealth living in sin and corruption.  He wasted so much that the Father had labored to establish.  When the son lost everything, he realized that even his Father’s servants were living a better life than him and he repented for his mistakes.  The story reaches an emotional climax when the son returns home.  The Father rushes to embrace him, to welcome him and to give him presents and a celebration on the occasion of his return.  Only the older son does not share the joy of everyone else.  Rather, he feels bad that his father’s best calf was sacrificed for the celebration.  He laments for the animal more than for a brother who was lost and in danger.

            It sounds irrational, yet, there are many families that have been divided over financial and other differences.  Often times, people would like to monopolize someone’s love and attention.  Jealousy and love for money are the primary causes for the breakup of families and friendships.  Are there prodigal sons today?  Look around!  How many of us don’t we use the property of our Heavenly Father, the wealth that was created and entrusted to us, for reasons other than good, charity and benevolence?  How do we digest the fact that in all “Christian” nations casinos and the industry of pornography prosper, yet Churches and Schools struggle?  There are many prodigal sons who waste the wealth of their Father and live in corruption and sin.

            God is Forgiving and Loving.  He awaits the return of all His children with open arms, as He is depicted in the icon of the Crucifix.  His mercy knows no boundaries and His love is beyond compare.  He gives us the first garment, the radiant grace that was bestowed upon us at the time of creation, when we return and become members of His family, the Church.  For this reason, on the day of our baptism we chant “whoever has been baptized unto Christ, has put on Christ.”  God the Father offers us a ring, a symbol for holy Chrism, which is the seal of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit (in Roman times, seals were made us rings, so that dignitaries always had them with them).  And God gives us shoes; in those days, slaves were not allowed to wear shoes.  God wants us to be free and to rejoice in our lives.  He even sacrificed the fatted calf, the best He has to offer, Jesus Christ, so that we may celebrate the Eucharist and give thanks for the blessing of salvation.  The parable of the Prodigal Son makes reference to all the foundational sacraments of the Church, baptism, chrismation, eucharist and confession, so that we may receive the grace of God through the life-giving mysteries of the Church.

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

2022 Saint John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival

Public speaking is a great gift that we use no matter what we chose to do in our lives. And the annual Saint John Chrysostom’s Oratorical ensures that our students cultivate the gift of public speaking, as well as their theological knowledge and their faith. Studies have indicated that participants exemplify a greater possibility of success, in their academic and professional career. I also write recommendation letters for all participants for the College applications, for scholarships and for job interviews. The participants also recognize that our faith is a gift that we have in our hearts and we share with others, which is a wonderful characteristic for our youth, who will be, in the future, parents, spouses and people of God who practice their faith in their everyday lives.

Our Saint Demetrios Oratorical Festival will take place on Saturday, March 20th at 12 noon. The links below include the topics as well as the main directions for participation. For further assistance, we hold our annual preparatory public speaking seminar, which this year will take place on Sunday, March 7th after Holy Communion, in the Church Hall. The participants will learn basic skills on public speaking and they will also discuss their topics; we will assist them with ideas to enrich their essays and deliver their presentations eloquently and effectively.

For further information, please, contact Mr. Tom Arianas and Mrs. Panagiota Perlegis, as well as me and your Church School teachers. President’s Week recess is a perfect time to work on their topics and make the most of their free time to enrich their faith and skills. Next Sunday, February 27th, Mr. Tom Arianas will offer a seminar to provide more information and guidance on preparing for the speech, the content and the delivery. The Church Finals will take place on Sunday, March 27th after the service.

For 2022 topics, please click the following link:

To view the Oratorical Festival Manual, all forms, and all information, click the following link:

2022 St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival Topics

Junior Division (Grades 7–9)

Topic 1

Share what you learned about yourself after a “technology fast” of at least 21 days. What can we learn about our relationship to God and the world by fasting?

Topic 2

In our personal prayer and liturgy, we usually make requests of God. Discuss why we make these petitions and how God fulfills them.

Topic 3

Choose a saint whose life has been important to you or your family. Discuss what you find most inspiring about this saint and what others can learn from how they lived their life.

Topic 4

Discuss how you would share your Orthodox Christian faith with a visitor to your parish.

Topic 5

Discuss your favorite Church service of the year and why it is meaningful to you.

Senior Division (Grades 10-12)

Topic 1

Discuss the significance of Orthodox iconography (historically, symbolically and/or artistically) and how icons enhance our worship.

Topic 2

From the earliest days, Christian worship has been community-based, not only solitary, and Christians formed communities where the members learned from and took care of one another. Why is it important to be part of a Church community, and how is this relevant today?

Topic 3

The Orthodox faithful pray to the saints for physical healing and we have examples of saints like Cosmas and Damian who were doctors. What does this teach us about the Orthodox perspective on faith, health, and medicine?

Topic 4

Discuss ways that a young person can respond to God’s call to love God with heart, soul, mind, and strength and one’s neighbor as oneself (see Luke 10:27).

Topic 5

In every Church service, we pray for “peace in the world,” usually many times. Yet, war and violence persist. What is the Orthodox Christian approach to war and violence?


            Μία από τις κορυφαίες αφηγήσεις του Ευαγγελίου είναι το σημείο αναφοράς της 17ης Κυριακής του Λουκά.  Η παραβολή του Ασώτου Υιού είναι μία ιστορία που αγγίζει κάθε έναν από εμάς σε προσωπικό επίπεδο αλλά και που αποκαλύπτει την φιλανθρωπία, την παναγαθότητα και την συγχωρητικότητα του Θεού.  Ίσως ένας πιο ακριβής σε νόημα τίτλος θα μπορούσε να είναι όχι η παραβολή του Ασώτου Υιού αλλά η παραβολή του μεγαλόκαρδου Πατέρα.  Ο νεώτερος υιός κατασπατάλησε την περιουσία του Πατέρα, διεκδικόντας την για δική του.  Με θράσσος απαίτησε τα πλούτη που ο Πατέρας του με κόπο δημιούργησε.  Και με ανωριμότητα και αφέλεια σπατάλησε ό,τι με αγάπη του εμπιστεύτηκε ο Πατέρας.  Με πόνο και συντριβή καρδίας ήρθε ο γιος εις εαυτόν στον καιρό της πενίας και της πνευματικής του ακαρπίας.  Διαπίστωσε ότι ακόμη και οι υπηρέτες του Πατέρα του είχαν καλύτερη ζωή από εκείνον που ζούσε μέσα στην αμαρτία, στην ακολασία και στην παρακμή.

            Μία συγκινητική σκηνή της αφηγήσεως είναι η επιστροφή του Ασώτου.  Ο Πατέρας, όχι μόνο συγχωρεί τον γιο του, αλλά τον αγκαλιάζει με όλη του την αγάπη και την μεγαλοκαρδία του.  Του χαρίζει δώρα και του ετοιμάζει ένα γιορτινό τραπέζι ώστε να πανηγυρίσει τον ερχομό του.  Μόνο ο μεγάλος αδερφός δεν συμμερίστηκε την χαρά όλων και ζήλεψε για τις τιμές που δέχτηκε ο μικρότερος αδερφός του.  Δεν γιόρτασε την επιστροφή του αδερφού αλλά στενοχωρέθηκε για το άψυχο μουλάρι που ετοιμάστηκε για την γιορτή.  Ακόμη και το ζώο το συμπάθησε πιο πολύ από το σπλάχνο του, το αίμα του, το αδέρφι του.

            Ακούγεται δυσανάγνωστη η παραβολή; Μα και ανά τους αιώνες, πόσες οικογένειες δεν υπάρχουν που διαπληκτίζονται για περιουσιακά στοιχεία ή αφήνουν τη ζήλεια να καταστρέψει την οικογενειακή αγάπη και θαλπωρή...  Υπάρχουν Άσωτοι Υιοί; Μα πόσοι από εμάς δεν χρησιμοποιούμε την περιουσία του Ουράνιου Πατέρα μας, που με πανσοφία δημιούργησε και χάρισε σε εμάς, αλλά όχι για αγαθούς σκοπούς.  Άλλωστε πως συμβιβάζεστε στην ιδέα, στα Χριστιανικά κράτη τα καζίνο και οι «επιχειρήσεις» πορνείας να θησαυρίζουν αλλά οι Εκκλησίες και τα σχολεία να μαραζώνουν; Είναι από τους πολλούς Ασώτους, που πετάνε ό,τι με αγάπη τους εμπιστεύεται ο Θεός και κατασπαταλούν στην σύγχρονη οικουμενικότητα διαφθοράς.

            Ο Θεός, ο Συγχωρός και Φιλάνθρωπος, έχει ανοικτή την αγκαλιά του για να μάς υποδεχτεί, ώστε να επιστρέψουμε στην θαλπωρή της χάριτος και του ελέους του.  Μάς χαρίζει δώρα, την στολήν την πρώτη, την λευκή και αμόλυντο που ενδυθήκαμε στη Δημιουργία και μετά την πτώση την φορούμε πάλι στη Βάπτισή μας.  Για το λόγο αυτό ψάλλεται μετά την βάπτιση το «’Οσοι εις Χριστόν εβαπτίσθητε, Χριστόν ενεδύσασθε.»  Ενδυόμασθε την Χάρη του Κυρίου που μάς εισοδεύει στο σώμα της Εκκλησίας.  Ο Πατέρας της παραβολής χαρίζει δακτυλίδι, σύμβολο του Χρίσματος που είναι η σφραγίς Πνεύματος Αγίου (οι Ρωμαϊκές σφραγίδες ήταν τοποθετημένες σε δαχτυλίδια).  Και τέλος, δωρίζει υποδύματαμ διότι στα Ρωμαϊκά έτη ανυπόδυτοι ήταν μόνο οι δούλοι.  Ο Θεός μάς θέλει να είμαστε ελεύθεροι και να χαιρόμαστε τα αγαθά του.  Θυσιάζει τον σιτευτό μόσχο, τον Σωτήρα και Κύριο, ώστε να πανηγυρίζουμε την Θεία Ευχαριστία και να εορτάζουμε το γεγονός της σωτηρίας στο δείπνο της ζωής.

+Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος

Message from February 10, 2022:


          If you talk once a week to your children about God, make sure you also talk 99 times a week to God about your children. This is a teaching I received from my spiritual father before becoming a parent. This teaching inspires us (parents, Godparents, teachers and grandparents, in general all who are commissioned with the upbringing of children) to have a fervent and prayerful connection with God. That connection will form and inform our connection with our children.

Teaching the youth about the faith is relevant to how WE practice the faith. Our life is a sermon. A sermon is best taught without words, it is illustrated with actions. A parent/teacher/priest who lives up to the precepts of the teachings is a powerful deliverer of such a sermon. Sometimes, we also resort to words (in my case every Sunday, during the service). The rest of the times, words are weak. We need to act, and act according to the essence of the faith, not its superficial applications.

Just like the abusive husband who gets flowers and the obligatory “I love you” card on Valentine’s day, a sermon devoid of actions is empty of meaning, essence and value. The same way I recommend to the couples that prepare for their wedding to make every day a “Valentine’s Day,” I implore you all to make every day a renewal of your baptism, a cathartic experience of faith and love for Christ. Be genuine with your love, not like the Pharisee, not like the hypocrites Christ condemns in His sermons.

          The Gospel reading of this Sunday is about the Publican and the Pharisee.  You see, we are either one or the other, Publicans or Pharisees.  We are either persons who admit their mistakes and repent for them, or persons who think of themselves as better than others.  The Parable of the Publican and the Pharisee portrays these two distinct personalities, who represent how most people deal with their spiritual condition. 

The Publican, on the one hand, falls on his knees requesting the mercy and the forgiveness of God.  Jesus presents his example as an inspirational paradigm of repentance.  We also fall on our knees during holy confession requesting forgives, as our Lord taught us.  The Publican made an open confession out of humility and piety: “God, have mercy on me, a sinner.”  We also confess to Christ with the guidance of a priest openly and without reservation; this way we cultivate our humility and we motivate ourselves to remain on the right path of salvation.  Christ gave to His disciples and apostles the responsibility and the divine ministry to forgive sins: “Whomsoever sins you forgive, they are forgiven, whomsoever sins who retain, they are retained.”  We should not be embarrassed to open our hearts to our spiritual father; this way, our repentance will be conscious and heartfelt.

          Parents want their children to be open with them in order to help them with their personal issues and dilemmas in life.  We should also be open with our spiritual father, so that he may always give us the right advice for our spiritual dilemmas and issues.  We entrust our spiritual father with our most precious possession, our soul.  We want to go to Heaven, and he will coach us in that spiritual journey.  When we go to the doctor, we disclose our pains and maladies to the physician so that he may make a proper diagnosis and give us the right treatment.  The spiritual doctor has to be entrusted with the pains and sorrows of our lives, in order to assess the appropriate treatment and medicine for our salvation.

          The sacrament of holy confession is called the shower of the soul that purifies and sanctifies all of us.  Sometimes, it is easier to point out the mistakes of others rather than our own insufficiencies.  Nobody is perfect, only Christ has no sins.  Therefore, with the Lord’s Grace and compassion we may all receive the divine inspiration to be humble, compassionate and loving.  Great and Holy Lent is at hand.  The holy Fathers of the Church chose today’s Parable to be read, so as to prepare all of us appropriately for the spiritual Golgotha of Lent.  This preparation includes repentance, confession, humility, prayer, love and charity.  It also requires that we do not condemn, criticize nor gossip others like the Pharisee.  For this reason, the Parable of the Publican and the Pharisee is about all of us.  With the Grace of God, it will be about people who walk the road for salvation, through the avenues of humility and love.

So, inspired by the “day of love,” I ask you all to make EVERY DAY a day of love and faith. Talk to God daily, talk to Him about your loved ones, open your heart to Him to express your love. Love Christ! Talk to Him and pray with an open heart, as the Publican of this Sunday’s Gospel reading. Surrender to His will and connect, through Him, with everyone you love, your family, your friends, your enemies, even the people you do not know, but pray for. Love life and live it to the fullest. But, here I am again, making a sermon….

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


          Χρόνια πολλά!  Την Κυριακή γιορτάζουμε όλοι.  Γιορτάζουμε, διότι είτε είμαστε Τελώνες (άνθρωποι που μετανοούμε για τα πλημμελήματά μας) είτε είμαστε Φαρισαίοι (νομίζουμε ότι είμαστε καλύτεροι από τους άλλους).  Το Ευαγγελικό ανάγνωσμα αναφέρεται στα δύο αυτά αντίθετα παραδείγματα προσωπικοτήτων.  Ο Τελώνης γονυπετής ικετεύει το έλεος και την συγχώρεση του Θεού.  Για το λόγο αυτό, κι εμείς στο Μυστήριο της ιεράς εξομολογήσεως, κάτω από το πετραχείλι γονατίζουμε ζητώντας την άφεση των πλημελημάτων μας, όπως ο Κύριος μας εδίδαξε.  Εξομολογείται ο Τελώνης και μάλιστα μπροστά σε όλο το λαό, ζητώντας το έλεος του Θεού για ό,τι κακό έπραξε: «Ο Θεός ιλάσθητί μοι τω αμαρτωλώ.»  Έτσι κι εμείς να μην ντρεπόμαστε να αναφέρουμε στον πνευματικό μας τα λάθη που ζημιώνουν την ψυχή μας, ώστε να καλλιεργηθεί η ταπείνωση και η μετάνοια στην καρδιά μας.  Οι γονείς ζητούν από τα παιδιά τους να μην τους κρατάνε μυστικά ώστε να τους δώσουν την κατάλληλη συμβουλή στα ζητήματα της ζωής τους.  Κι εμείς, στον πνευματικό μας πατέρα ανοίγουμε τα φυλλοκάρδια μας και εμπιστευόμαστε τον πόνο της ζωής μας για να μας καθοδηγεί στα διαβήματα του Ευαγγελίου.  Και το μυστήριο της συγνώμης, το λουτρό της ψυχής, η ιερά εξομολόγηση, μας εξαγνίζει και μας καθαγιάζει με την Χάρη του Θεού.

Πολλές φορές δυσκολευόμαστε να κατανοήσουμε και να αποδεχτούμε τα λάθη μας.  Είναι πολύ ευκολότερο να κατακρίνουμε τις ελλείψεις των άλλων, όπως και ο Φαρισαίος του Ευαγγελίου.  Κανένας δεν είναι αναμάρτητος, μόνο ο Κύριος Ιησούς.  Η Χάρις Του και η θεία Του επιστασία εμπνέουν κι εμάς να βιώνουμε την λυτρωτική εμπειρία της μετανοίας.  Η Αγία και Μεγάλη Τεσσαρακοστή πλησιάζει.  Οι Άγιοι Πατέρες με σοφία εθέσπισαν τη ανάγνωση της Παραβολής του Τελώνου και του Φαρισαίου σήμερα που αρχίζει το Τριώδιο και προετοιμαζόμαστε για τον πνευματικό Γολγοθά της προετοιμασίας προς το Άγιο Πάσχα.  Και η κατάλληλη προετοιμασία ενέχει την μετάνοια, την εξομολόγηση και την πνευματική μας κάθαρση.  Παράλληλα, να μην κακολογούμε τους αδελφούς μας και να συγχωρούμε τα λάθη τους.  Να μην καταλαλούμε εναντίων των συνανθρώπων, αλλά να επικεντρώνουμε το ενδιαφέρον μας στην καλλιέργεια την ψυχής μας, με γνώμονα την ταπείνωση και την αγάπη.  Χρόνια πολλά, λοιπόν για την γιορτή μας σήμερα.  Χρόνια ευλογημένα με μετάνοια και αγάπη.  Χρόνια πλουτισμένα από το έλεος του Θεού. Καλό Τριώδιο και Χρόνια αιώνια!

+Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος!!!

Message from February 4, 2022:

Most of us do not remember the day of our baptism. There are faithful who have embraced the Orthodox faith later on in life, and my family and I have been honored to become Godparents for two, a bright young Jewish doctor and a talented American chef. But I can also attest to many other truly inspiring stories of faithful who found Orthodoxy as adults in their life journey. So, the destination is the same for all of us (salvation), but the paths are different and unique. No matter how unique, though, the Way is Christ! He is the Way, the Life and the Light! I spoke about this on the most recent YouTube-Sermon, dedicated to the feast of the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple, τήν Ὑπαπαντή τοῦ Σωτῆρος: .

Also, the sermon on the feast of the Ὑπαπαντή had further information on the significance of the sacred event of the Lord’s Presentation into the Temple and they can be found at the end of the video from the service of the feast: . In addition, on the day of the feast, a day dedicated to the protection and blessing of children, we uploaded the finalized and professionally edited video of the Christmas Pageant from the recent Christmas Eve celebration: . Enjoy it and also for families who participated in the event, see how beautiful everything came out and cherish these memories with your family and loved ones.

One thing we the faithful share in common, is that our path for salvation started with our initiation into the faith through holy Baptism. We were Churched at 40 days old and later baptized, to immerse into the sacraments of the Church. Most of us might not remember any of this. Therefore, this coming Sunday, we are asked to recall its significance, because each day presents us with the opportunity to live up to our baptism.

Sunday, February 6th is Godparents’ Sunday. It is our tradition in the Church to spend it with our extended spiritual family. It does not matter if our Godparents are here or elsewhere. Mine are in Greece and I would love to see my nono Hristo and my nona Fotini. Being that I am not able but, at the tender age of 49, I would love to spend at least one service and one early afternoon with my Godparents, I call you all to do what I can’t do. Come to Church to reunite with Godparents and Godchildren. Prepare to receive the sacraments as a family. During the service we will have an opportunity to also discuss what many of us do not remember: the day of our baptism.

            We celebrate GODPARENTS’ SUNDAY to cherish the loving relationship established amongst Godparents and Godchildren. As Godparents, we made a commitment in the presence of God and people to teach the faith, love our Godchildren and offer them spiritual edification, to support them as friends, relatives, even as spiritual parents. Such commitment presupposes an active and involving role, a loving presence and a positive example. Godparents need to have a conscious spiritual life, participating in the sacramental experience of the Church and setting the paradigm for their spiritual children. Godchildren need to honor, love and respect their Godparents; their life has to illustrate the presence of Christ, a presence ever apparent since our existence is sanctified through holy Baptism.

            Since I came to Saint Demetrios in Merrick, I have been blessed to baptize more than 750 souls, babies and adults! I will pray for them, and their families, all of you, this Sunday! I know some live out of State, but for those who are here and love the faith, this day will give us the opportunity to reunite and remember the day that changed our whole life – to eternity!

On Wednesday, February 9th, we celebrate my nameday, Saint Nikiforos the Martyr. On the evening of the 9th we have Vespers at 7 pm for Saint Haralambos the Hieromartyr. The last Parish celebration before the pandemic on February 9th was that of my nameday. We had a beautiful concert in our Church Hall and we welcomed a famous composer, Linos Kokkotos, from Greece, who performed with a group of musicians from our Parish and the local New York area. Our Greek School students also performed several songs, under the direction of the famous Greek composer and accompanied by our band. I had attended one of their rehearsals and witnessed them performing those amazing songs:

The live performance was even better; I list some of the songs from that concert, our last Parish celebration, a year ago, on the feast of Saint Nikiforos. Each song is a classic tribute to authentic and quality Greek music, composed by Linos Kokkotos, with lyrics by some of our most distinguished poets and performed by our own musicians here at our Church Hall.

Θαλασσινό τριφύλλι:

Τα τζιτζίκια:

Ο Αύγουστος:

Μικρό παιδί:

Το δελφινοκόριτσο!

Αυτόν το κόσμο τον καλό:

Στα χείλη μας ακόμη το φιλί:

Γεια σου χαρά σου Βενετιά:

It brings tears to my eyes to watch these videos, to see our Church, how the world used in a pre-pandemic world… no masks, no social distancing, all of us dancing and singing together. I was pleading for our Parish members to come and support the event (it was just $20, with food and live music, unbelievable!), not knowing that for a long time, we would not have anything similar and our entire lives would change dramatically. My exact words from last year’s email to the Parish were: “Such an event is an once in a lifetime opportunity, which will be cherished by all, especially our youth. You are all invited to participate and have a wonderful afternoon with an unforgettable concert, delicious food and our fellowship with all our friends and our families!”

The fact that our children met this famous composer, sung and learnt songs they do not even teach in Greece, performed with our own musicians and enjoyed our rich tradition is a treasure of memories and life experiences. The insanity of what we encounter now, is that we are getting used to what is not normal… But the time has come to bring back those days! Already, our GOYA, HOPE and JOY had amazing events, dancing, sports and gatherings. Two weeks ago, our GOYAns were dancing and playing with the games in our Church School for the Vasilopita meeting. Now it is the turn for the College students and the Young Adults to enjoy. Our YAL, the College students of the Parish, will meet tonight, Friday, February 4th, 2022, at the Church Hal for their Vasilopita, fellowship, karaoke, games and dancing. The Church Hall looks a bit like Dave and Buster’s, great new games were donated and the Hall is also ready for Sunday’s Church School Coffee and Breakfast Fellowship for Godparents’ Sunday as well.

This Sunday we also have the Greek School 3 Hierarchs celebration at the conclusion of the service (moved to this week because of the snowstorm). We honor and celebrate the Patron Saints of Letters, education and Hellenic culture. For the edification of our youth, and since many were unable to attend last week’s service, I include the sermons and the video of the service:

The Three Hierarchs – Sermon in Greek:

The Three Hierarchs – Sermon in English:

The Service of the Three Hierarchs:

Our Church had plenty of blessings like this, once in a lifetime experience: The Patriarchal visit. The inauguration of our first icon. The unveiling of the Community Center design. The grand opening of our Church in Merrick. The first liturgy in Freeport. The burning of the mortgages. The five times we welcomed the Efzones. The multiple trips to Boston, Up-State NY, games nights, museums, concerts, Disney on Ice, games etc. The concert with Alkistis Protopsalti and Stefanos Korkolis. The concert with Linos Kokkotos and our Greek School students was one of the most beautiful cultural events we not only organized, but also performed with our own youth. But also, do not forget, each Sunday, the Holy Communion, lighting a candle, praying and being with God!!! Godparent’s Sunday. Life experiences. Life-saving and soul saving events!!!

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


Love:  such a small word, but such a huge concept for our lives. We say that we can’t live without love. “All you need is love” said the Beatles. We turn on the radio and we hear the word “love” over and over. We watch a movie, and it is a “love-story”. We read novels about love and we are moved about the romantic experiences of others, even fictional characters. Love seems to be an integral aspect of our social lives.  Actually, it has been more commercialized than any other virtue. Because of love we buy things, we watch films, we listen to songs. Love is the highest commodity. Love is gold!  That’s why we buy golden items to those whom we love…

Where can we find love? If we were gold-seekers, we would know where to look for gold. But where is love? Is it in the songs, in the movies, in the books? Where do we find love? We find love in our enemies. We find love in the person who cursed at us. We find love in the person who humiliated us. We find love in the person who assaulted us. Even the person who crucified us. That’s where (real) love is!

The Gospel teaches us to love those who hate us, because even sinners love the ones who love them back. Christ on the Cross embraces all of human race, even His persecutors. We also wear a Cross, not as a golden jewel, but as a sign and a reminder of our love for our neighbor, even for those who harm us and hate us.

We celebrate GODPARENTS’ SUNDAY, cherishing the loving relationship established amongst Godparents and Godchildren. As Godparents, we made a commitment in the presence of God and people to teach the faith, love our Godchildren and offer them spiritual edification, to support them as friends, relatives, even as spiritual parents. Such commitment presupposes an active and involving role, a loving presence and a positive example. Godparents need to have a conscious spiritual life, participating in the sacramental experience of the Church and setting the paradigm for their spiritual children. Godchildren need to honor, love and respect their Godparents; their life has to illustrate the presence of Christ, a presence ever apparent since our existence and sanctified through holy Baptism. We hear, watch and read about love day in and day out. But what kind of love is that? Is it the love of promises and self-interest or Christ’s love? Christ’s love is such a small word, but so enormous for our lives!

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


Αγάπη: λέξη μικρή, αλλά τόσο μεγάλη για τη ζωή μας.  Πολλοί μιλούν για αγάπη.  Στο ραδιόφωνο την τραγουδούν νύκτα και μέρα.  Στην τηλεόραση την προβάλλουν με αισθησιακή λεπτομέρεια.  Στον κινηματογράφο της δίνουν όσκαρ.  Ακόμη και «ρομαντικές» νουβέλες γράφουν για την αγάπη.  Τόσο μικρή λέξη, αλλά καταλαμβάνει την ζωή μας.  Στις ημέρες μας η αγάπη έχει γίνει η πιο εμπορική αξία.  Αγοράζουμε επειδή αγαπάμε.  Ντυνόμαστε για να μας αγαπάνε.  Ακούμε ραδιόφωνο, διασκεδάζουμε, τραγουδάμε από αγάπη.  Ακόμη κι αν το Χρηματιστήριο πέφτει, η αγάπη είναι μία αξία που ολοένα ανεβαίνει και περισσότερο.  Η αγάπη είναι χρυσός, για αυτό και όσους αγαπούμε, τους στολίζουμε στο χρυσάφι!

Όλοι ζητούν να βρουν αυτό το χρυσάφι.  Όλοι μας είμαστε χρυσοθήρες της αγάπης.  Πού θα βρούμε την αγαπή τελικά;  Στον ρομαντισμό των τραγουδιών, στον ηδονισμό της τηλεόρασης ή στη φαντασία των βιβλίων;  Ποιός θα μας μάθει να αγαπούμε;  Την αγάπη θα την βρούμε στον εχθρό μας!  Σε αυτόν που μας πρόσβαλλε.  Σε αυτόν που μας έβρισε.  Σε αυτόν που μας χτύπησε.  Σε αυτόν που μας σταύρωσε.  Εκεί είναι η αγάπη!  Το Ευαγγέλιο μάς διδάσκει να αγαπούμε αυτούς που μάς μισούν, γιατί και οι αμαρτωλοί αγαπούν αυτούς που τους αγαπούν.  Ο Εσταυρωμένος αγκαλιάζει στην κορυφή του Γολγοθά όλο το ανθρώπινο γένος, τους πονηρούς, τους δικαίους, ακόμη και τους βασανιστές και σταυρωτές Του.  Κι εμείς φορούμε σταυρό, όχι ως κόσμημα, αλλά ως ένδειξη και υπενθύμιση αγάπης προς τον πλησίον, τον κάθε πλησίον!

Όλοι θα έρθουμε στην Εκκλησία για να τιμήσουμε και την Κυριακή των Αναδόχων. Ως ανάδοχοι, παίρνουμε την πρωτοβουλία, παρουσία Θεού και ανθρώπων, να διδάξουμε την πίστη μας στα πνευματικά μας παιδιά, να τους καθοδηγούμε με το παράδειγμα και με την αγάπη μας, να είμαστε παρόντες και συμμετέχοντες στη ζωή και στις αποφάσεις τους. Πρέπει να είναι συνειδητά μέλη της Εκκλησίας συμμετέχοντας στο μυστηριακό βίωμα των Ορθοδόξων. Τα βαφτιστήρια έπισης οφείλουν να σέβονται, να αγαπούν και να τιμούν τους νονούς και τις νονές τους με το Ορθόδοξο βίωμά του, ένα βίωμα που να καθρεπτίζει την παρουσία του Κυρίου στη ζωή μας. Η αγάπη μεταξύ νονών και βαπτιστήριων είναι άρικτη και στερεωμένη σε πνευματικά θεμέλια. Όταν, λοιπόν, στο ραδιόφωνο, στην τηλεόραση, στον κινηματογράφο, και στα βιβλία αναφέρεται η αγάπη να διερωτόμεθα.  Ποιά αγάπη είναι αυτή;  Είναι η αγάπη των υποσχέσεων και της ιδιοτέλειας ή η αγάπη του Χριστού;  Γιατί η αγάπη του Χριστού είναι λέξη μικρή, αλλά ασύληπτα μεγάλη για τη ζωή μας!

+Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος  Νικηφόρος Φακίνος

Message from January 28, 2022:


          Our YAL, the College students of the Parish, will meet next Friday, February 4th, 2022, at the Church Hal (because of the approaching snowstorm) for their Vasilopita, fellowship, karaoke and dancing. Please, extend the invitation to our College students and I look forward to seeing you all in Church on Sunday as well. Enjoy a blessed and beautiful weekend!

          This Sunday we also have the Greek School 3 Hierarchs celebration at the conclusion of the service. We honor and celebrate the Patron Saints of Letters, education and Hellenic culture.

          Next Sunday is Godparents’ Sunday! So, please, let the Godparents know so that they can be present for the service and attend with their God-children!

          We are preparing our crews to clean up our Church so it is accessible for worship this Sunday. We will have family worship and our hearts will open to God to pray this Sunday, as we all need His Grace and protection, for us and for our loved ones.

          Stay safe and warm and may God bless all of us and our beautiful Parish family.

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message from January 21, 2022:

-Do you love Christ?

-Of course, I love Christ!

Sounds like those needy friends… In the Bible, Christ asks the same question, to Simon Peter, over and over: “do you love me?” The answer “you know I love you.” Then Christ compels him: “minister to my flock.” In other words, take care of my people.

And I ask you again:


-YES! you answer.

-How do you show your love to Him, your Lord and Savior?

One expression of love is communication. Are we good listeners? Do we listen to His word and Truth? Certainly, the best way to listen to Him, is reading the Bible, books on the lives of His Saints, writings of the Fathers and great theologians. We listen to the sermon of our priest, the Gospel reading and the Epistle of each Sunday service, the Psalms and the hymns of His prophets and Saints. Are we good listeners?

Another expression of love is making time to talk to the person we adore. Do we pray frequently? Daily? Twice a day or more? When in Church, do we actually pay attention and express our personal prayers, through words, through silence, through hymns and praises? Do we talk to God?

A third way of showing love is spending time to be with the One we love. Do we remember important dates? (That’s a hard one for most guys, but thank God for smart phones, calendars and reminders). Do we observe the feasts? Do we actually receive the sacraments, to be one with the One?

And a final way to practice the virtue of love is to actually help Whom we love. A good friend is there when you move or when you need an early morning ride to the airport. Everyone shows up to your parties, few will actually be there when you actually need them. But does God need anything from a human? Not really. But God’s children do:

Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, "I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.” (Matthew 25: 35-35)

So, do you love Christ?


          Tonight, Friday, January 21st, our GOYA will have its Vasilopita blessing, with the Greek dance lessons, and followed by more dancing and fellowship. The event begins at 7:30 pm, and Alex Avgeris as well as I will speak to our youth and have a great first event for our New Year.

On Wednesday, I really enjoyed the Volleyball practice and I look forward to seeing our youth for our Basketball and Volleyball practices and games; the ancient Greeks used to teach «νοῦς ὑγιής ἐν σώματι ὑγιεῖ» (a healthy mind in a healthy body). To that, the Orthodox faith adds “a healthy soul.” These ingredients of psychosomatic health make up the proper foundation for the upbringing of our children.

          That was the basic premise of last Sunday’s sermon: . Providing our youth with healthy conditions to grow and prosper is the most significant attribute of parents, teachers and clergy. We live in a society that creates cancerogenic materials and then fights to defeat cancer. We witness those in power who produce lethal viruses and then shame people for getting sick.

Up is down and down is up in this world. We rarely hear about proper nutrition, vitamins, exercise, walking in nature, breathing clean air, praying, finding inner peace and committing our time for volunteering and the service of others. This is why our youth is committed to continuing our athletic, spiritual, fellowship and charitable programs.

In accordance to that, our YAL, the College students of the Parish, will meet next Friday, January 28th, 2022, at the Church Hall for their Vasilopita, fellowship and dancing. Please, extend the invitation to our College students and I look forward to seeing you all in Church on Sunday as well. Enjoy a blessed and beautiful weekend!

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message from January 13, 2022:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Parish,

          We had a wonderful celebration of the feast of Epiphany last week. Congratulations to the brave divers who swam in the frigid waters to retrieve the Cross: Anthony Calos (who caught the Cross), his brother Danny and John Katsigiorgis. The video of the service at the Park can be seen at this link: . We are blessed that such a beautiful tradition is observed every year in our Parish, although we are positioned in the Atlantic Northeast, and we have some really cold temperatures lately. But the warmth of the faith keeps us linked to the sacred tradition and every year we see more and more people attending these beautiful services and receiving the sanctification of the Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

          Last Sunday, for the Church School sermon, I explained to the youth the meaning of Epiphany and the significance of the feast for all of us. Every Sunday, the lesson is dedicated for an important subject of the faith and how it applies to our lives. At the same time, I visited all the classes of our Greek School for their Vasilopita, and we also had the blessing of the Vasilopita for the Parish (on New Year’s Eve) and for the Philoptochos (last Sunday, in support of Saint Basil’s Academy).

          On Friday, January 21st, we have our GOYA meeting (7 pm) and we invite our youth to participate. On Monday, January 17th, we celebrate Saint Anthony the Great, and on Tuesday, Saints Athanasios and Cyril. Happy nameday to Anthony, Antonios, Antonia, Athanasios, Athanasia, Tommy, Kyrilos and all who celebrate this coming week. We will have Vespers on Monday evening, January 17th, at 7 pm. These weeks we also welcome two adults in the faith, which inspires all of us to never take our Orthodox beliefs for granted, as more and more people from other traditions come into our faith every year. God bless them always!

          Below this message, please, find the names of all the families who were contributing supporters of the Parish for the year 2021. We express our heartfelt appreciation for making last year the one with the most families in the Stewardship program! By this time, you have all received your 2022 Saint Demetrios Calendars and the enclosed Stewardship Donation Cards. Please, fill them out and return them with your donation so that we make the last year the SECOND best year in the history of the Parish! See you all in our beautiful Church!!!

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message from January 5, 2022:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Parish,


We welcome the New Year with a very special blessing, the feast of Holy Epiphany and the Great Sanctification of the Waters – ο Μέγας Αγιασμός.  Tomorrow, Thursday, January 6th, we celebrate Theophany – τα Άγια Θεοφάνεια, (Orthros and Divine Liturgy at 9 am, followed by the Great Sanctification of the Waters and the Blessing of the Ocean). We have prepared letters of religious observance for our young students who are attending the service. Please, ask the Parish Council to give you a letter for your child, to be presented to their School, since Holy Epiphany is one of the most significant sacred feasts of our Orthodox faith.

Before Christmas was even instituted as a feast, it was the feast of Lights, on January 6th, that celebrated the Nativity and the Baptism of the Lord in ancient Christendom. Epiphany celebrates the revelation of the triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Oneness in Trinity, and Trinity in the Oneness of God. The feast brings blessings for the families, for the Community and for the planet, as we immerse in holy sanctification for the New Year. This is why we continue the service in the nearby Wantagh Park (after the service, take Merrick Road, going East, and right before Wantagh Parkway, you will see the entrance of the Park at the light, make a right at the light and then immediate left to enter the Park and we are at the boat ramp - Address: 1 King Rd, Wantagh, NY 11793).

Already, we have a few brave divers who will retrieve the Cross from Wantagh Park and we look forward for the much-needed blessing of Epiphany for our lives and our families. If you are interested to dive, please, call the Church office to let us know or tell me at the service tomorrow. Feel free to wear a wet suit, bring towels and a change of clothes. The Coast Guard will be there too, but we hope that the divers will get to the Cross before the coast guard. We also wish a happy nameday to Theofanis, Theofano, Fotoula, Fotis, Fanis, Fanoula and all related names. Χρόνια πολλά!

We all welcome the New Year with the hope that this year will bring peace, love and a better world for us and our families.  And what a better way to pray for the spiritual and social prosperity of everyone than the Great Agiasmos or the Great Blessing of the Waters of holy Theophany. Holy Epiphany or Holy Theophany is the day when we celebrate the Baptism of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and when we commemorate the appearance (φανέρωσις) of the triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Holy Epiphany is also called the day of lights, because it illuminates the world with the divine inspiration of faith and the knowledge of the True God.  This illumination, this blessing and this divine inspiration are brought to us when we receive the Great Agiasmos.  It is also customary to receive the blessing of divine protection in our homes and our businesses, when the priest sprinkles the Great Agiasmos chanting the hymn «Εν Ιορδάνη βαπτιζομένου σου Κύριε η της Τριάδος εφανερώθη προσκύνησις» (Having being baptized in the river Jordan O Lord, the veneration of the Holy Trinity was revealed).

Our Community celebrates the sacrament of the Great Blessing of the Waters and the faithful are encouraged to prepare to receive the Great Agiasmos on the day of Holy Epiphany, with fasting (the day before Epiphany is a day of strict fasting) and prayer.  Also, we conduct the service of the universal blessing of the waters, by dunking the cross into the ocean.  This way, the oceans are blessed, in commemoration of Christ’s blessing of river Jordan and all the waters of the earth.  We all need the protection of God.

We need God’s inspiration and illumination, so that our choices in life are for our spiritual benefit.  We need to follow the message of the Gospel, in order to fulfill the will of God in our lives.  God revealed Himself to us, so that we may know Him; when we know God, we can communicate with Him more effectively through conscious prayer and the participation in the holy sacraments.  When we know God we can ask Him for His divine protection, His miraculous intervention and salvation.  We hope and pray that God will bless all of us with every gift from above.  May the divine illumination of holy Epiphany inspire the world with peace and faith, so that we may cherish the New Year in harmony, love and solidarity.

Happy New Year 2022 and blessed Epiphany!

Eυλογημένα Θεοφάνεια, με υγεία, χαρά και κάθε ευλογία το Νέο Έτος 2022!

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message from December 30, 2021:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Parish,

          We pray for the New Year, 2022, to be blessed, to bring us health, happiness and God’s gifts. To welcome the New Year and pray for our families, we have a service on Friday, December 31st at 7 pm: New Year’s Eve, Vesperal Divine Liturgy for the Lord’s Circumcision, Saint Basil the Great and the Festive Doxology for 2022! You may come at 7 pm to bring the names of your loved ones, to be commemorated at the Preparation Service. There will be Holy Communion as well as the blessing of the Vasilopita. Many wishes to Vasilios, Vasiliki, Vasileia, Billy, William and Vaso. Χρόνια πολλά!

Next week, on Thursday, January 6th, we celebrate Holy Epiphany, (Orthros and Divine Liturgy at 9 am, followed by the Great Sanctification of the Waters and the Blessing of the Ocean). Already, we have a few brave divers who will retrieve the Cross from Wantagh Park and we look forward for the much-needed blessing of Epiphany for our lives and our families. We all welcome the New Year with the hope that this year will bring peace, love and a better world for us and our families.  And what a better way to pray for the spiritual and social prosperity of everyone than the Great Agiasmos or the Great Blessing of the Waters of holy Theophany. 

Holy Epiphany or Holy Theophany is the day when we celebrate the Baptism of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and when we commemorate the appearance (φανέρωσις) of the triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Holy Epiphany is also called the day of lights, because it illuminates the world with the divine inspiration of faith and the knowledge of the True God.  This illumination, this blessing and this divine inspiration are brought to us when we receive the Great Agiasmos.  It is also customary to receive the blessing of divine protection in our homes and our businesses, when the priest sprinkles the Great Agiasmos chanting the hymn «Εν Ιορδάνη βαπτιζομένου σου Κύριε η της Τριάδος εφανερώθη προσκύνησις» (Having being baptized in the river Jordan O Lord, the veneration of the Holy Trinity was revealed).


Our Community celebrates the sacrament of the Great Blessing of the Waters and the faithful are encouraged to prepare to receive the Great Agiasmos on the day of Holy Epiphany, with fasting (the day before Epiphany is a day of strict fasting) and prayer.  Also, we conduct the service of the universal blessing of the waters, by dunking the cross into the ocean.  This way, the oceans are blessed, in commemoration of Christ’s blessing of river Jordan and all the waters of the earth.  We all need the protection of God.

We need God’s inspiration and illumination, so that our choices in life are for our spiritual benefit.  We need to follow the message of the Gospel, in order to fulfill the will of God in our lives.  God revealed Himself to us, so that we may know Him; when we know God, we can communicate with Him more effectively through conscious prayer and the participation in the holy sacraments.  When we know God we can ask Him for His divine protection, His miraculous intervention and salvation.  We hope and pray that God will bless all of us with every gift from above.  May the divine illumination of holy Epiphany inspire the world with peace and faith, so that we may cherish the New Year in harmony, love and solidarity.

With these important announcements, we await for the countdown: 10, 9, 8… Happy New Year! Blessings and Happiness to all. I send you much love and heartfelt prayers for a joyous, healthy and blessed year 2022!

Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year 2022 and blessed Epiphany!

Καλά και ευλογημένα Χριστούγεννα, ευλογημένα Θεοφάνεια, με υγεία, χαρά και κάθε ευλογία το Νέο Έτος 2022!

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


            Καλή Χρονιά.

Ευλογημένο, ευτυχισμένο και χαρούμενο το Νέο Έτος, αγαπητοί ενορίτες, με υγεία και ευημερία για όλους.  Στην ανατολή του 2022, προσδοκούμε ένα κόσμο ειρηνικό και αγαπημένο για εμάς και για τις οικογένειές μας.  Και ο καλύτερος τρόπος να γίνει η προσδοκία μας ευχή, προσευχή και πραγματικότητα είναι να ζητήσουμε την θεία πρόνοια με την ακολουθία του Μεγάλου Αγιασμού των Θεοφανείων.  Τα Άγια Θεοφάνεια είναι η ημέρα που εορτάζουμε την Βάπτιση του Κυρίου και Σωτήρος Ιησού Χριστού.  Επίσης ενθυμούμεθα την φανέρωση του Τριαδικού Θεού, του Πατρός, του Υιού και του Αγίου Πνεύματος (εξ ου και ο ορισμός Θεο-φάνεια).  Η εορτή ονομάζεται επίσης ημέρα των φωτών, διότι ο Τριαδικός Θεός φωτίζει την Οικουμένη με την προστάτιδα Χάρη Του.  Επίσης, είθισται να δεχόμαστε την θεία Χάρη με την μετάληψη του Μεγάλου Αγιασμού και τον ραντισμό των σπιτιών και των επιχειρήσεών μας, ώστε ο Θεός να προστατεύει εμάς, τις οικογένειες και τις εργασίες μας.  Ο ιερέας ψάλλει το Απολυτίκιο της εορτής κατά τον ραντισμό: «Εν Ιορδάνη βαπτιζομένου σου Κύριε η της Τριάδος εφανερώθη προσκύνησις».

            Η Κοινότητά μας πανηγυρίζει την περιώνυμο ημέρα της εορτής των Θεοφανείων με το Μεγάλο Αγιασμό και την κατάδυση του Σταυρού στον Ωκεανό.  Μεταλαμβάνουμε τον Μεγάλο Αγιασμό με την κατάλληλη προετοιμασία, που συμπεριλαμβάνει προσευχή και νηστεία.  Όλοι προσευχόμαστε για να έχουμε την φώτιση του Θεού, ώστε οι αποφάσεις της ζωής μας να είναι προς σωτηρία.  Επίσης, αιτούμε την προστασία του Θεού, διότι ζούμε σε ένα κόσμο γεμάτο πνευματικούς και άλλους κινδύνους.  Είθε ο Κύριος να φυλάττει όλους και τις οικογένειές μας, να δωρίζει υγεία και ασφάλεια στον κόσμο και σωτηρία στις ψυχές μας.  Η Χάρις του φανέντος Θεού να γεμίζει το Νέο Έτος με χαρά και κάθε αγαθό.

            Και σίγουρα, το έτος που διανύουμε είναι σημαντικό και ιστορικό,  διότι έχει να κάνει με την πραγμάτωση του πόθου των ενοριτών γιατην ανοικοδόμηση του ιερού μας ναού και την ανέγερση σύγχρονου Πολιτιστικού Κέντρου και σχολείου.  Γένοιτο!

+Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος

Message from December 22, 2021:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Parish,

          Christmas brings so much joy to all of us! Christ our Lord becomes a child for all people. It is a day dedicated to children and to the inner child in all of us. On Christmas morning, we feel that special joy and elation, we feel His presence and His love. In an abundance of care for His people, the Lord emptied Himself to become an infant, so that hope may be born and Life everlasting may be reborn. Christmas is a beautiful time of the year, a time to give, a time to love, a time to pray.

I would like to thank all of you who sent your thoughtful gifts to Him, Whose Incarnation we celebrate. I know many of you are also about to send your Christmas gift to the Parish, either in person or through the recent Church mailing. Consider how many gifts He gives to us, how many reasons we have to be thankful. We are grateful to Him, Christmas is His day!

Last December, the Christmas Star appeared on the 21st. In the year when Jesus was born, there was violence, chaos, political and social unrest. It was dark. “The Magi (the Wise Men) found him by way of the star, which was the "meeting" of 3 stars: Jupiter, Saturn and Mars. They followed the star until it rested on where He was and they began to worship Him. In a time when it was dark, Light was brought in to our world. Jesus stepped in to the chaos and brought peace.

Winter Solstice, being a time when the day is the shortest and night is the longest, is literally the "darkest day" and the beginning of the cold, dark winter season. But on the darkest day, Jupiter, Mars and Saturn met, giving us the Christmas Star! How fitting, that in the moment of time during the Christmas season we get to see this beautiful reminder; even in the darkest of times, Light will, and has, stepped in. In our chaos, He is there. In our darkest time, He is there. He brings Light, and makes all things new.”

I look forward to share His Light with all of you; Christmas Eve (Friday, December 24th), we will have the Pageant at 6 pm, followed by Vesperal Divine Liturgy (and Holy Communion). On Christmas Day (Saturday, December 25th) we will have the Divine Liturgy (with Holy Communion) starting with Orthros at 9 am.

I wish you all from the depths of my heart that His Light will shine in your homes and your lives. My gift to you is my love and prayers. May we experience Christmas with the same joy and enthusiasm a 6 year-old has, with the same prudence and piety an 86 year-old has, and bring our gifts to Him in faith, love and hope.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2022!

Καλά και ευλογημένα Χριστούγεννα, με υγεία, χαρά και κάθε ευλογία το Νέο Έτος 2022!

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos



Enjoy these beautiful Carols and Christmas Songs from our Youth Choir, performed in the presence of His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros, by clicking the links below.

1)    Byzantine Carols – Βυζαντινά Κάλαντα:

2) Κάλαντα Ανατολικής Ρωμυλίας – Carols of Eastern Thrace, Άγια Νύχτα (Silent Night in Greek, English and Arabic), Come All Ye Faithful:

          Merry Christmas!

Message from December 15, 2021:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Parish,

I don't want to romanticize the past. It wasn't idyllic, but I had an amazing childhood. Lots of playing outside, the best friends a person can ask for, awesome games and much fun during the summer at the spectacular Greek shoreline. Sometimes I am amazed how much we did, and how much we learned, with so little in our disposal.

Growing up in the 70s and the 80s wasn't exactly safe, but it was lots of fun. The most dangerous place I can recall was the playground. Yes, the play area designed especially for kids at every neighborhood and School. Monkey bars that you could suspend from upside down (and of course no adult supervision whatsoever). Climbing ropes and bars at over 20 feet. Spiral slides 2 stories tall, flimsy, with a terrible ladder, and always someone climbing from the slide up (and occasionally falling off when the slider came down at 40 mph). And those were the “kid-friendly” areas… Imagine the other places, or even watching the soccer game in the midst of pyrotechnics, explosions and hooligans. Yes, one can argue that our entertainment was not safe at all.

Ohhh, the days of our youth... We survived the playground, only to fight for our lives in order to cross the street or to be driven around. Cars with no ABS and no airbags. Dads driving with one hand on the cigarette tray and the other outside the window (no AC either); the latter hand was occasionally useful for signaling maneuvers, sending greetings and expressing feelings. Did I mention no seat belts? And how about the day our entire volleyball team went to a game in a FIAT 500? Not the new one, that's the size of a limo compared to the old one. How did we survive the 70s and the 80s? Much prayer I guess…

We prayed hard and played hard! We played all day long until it got dark and we couldn't see the soccer ball anymore; catching snakes to scare our sisters and building huts, fishing for fish that occasionally was safe to eat and running away from angry neighbors for accidentally breaking a window with the ball.

What a great time to be alive!!! And the energy we had!... Now young people need energy drinks. C 'mon man!!!! Energy drinks? How much energy does a 22 year old need? When I was 22, my energy drink was water. Working 2 jobs, maintaining a 4.0 average in academics, playing on the University soccer team, being a full-time chanter, Sunday School teacher and Greek school teacher, and being married at the same time did not require energy drinks; I only needed a reliable alarm clock and enough gas in my car.

But we had a lot of energy since youth. It was from all the running. My mother was not fond of me running in the house. Probably it wasn't safe for me. Or for the house. Which was never child proofed. Oh no! My mom child proofing the house? That would be unnecessary. The biggest threat for me at the house WAS my mom! And the projectiles she would sent towards my general direction. I didn't know what child proofing was. If I got injured playing with the electrical outlet, the 2nd degree burns were followed by the flying pantofla from kyria Amalia.

And how about asking for help with homework. When I was really young, I attempted to have my dad help. "Ask your mom" he said "she knows everything!" Then I asked my mom. She would never admit she didn't want to help. "Unless you do it yourself, you will never learn." You see, back then there was no Google search.

Google search? No way! Growing up, there was no such thing. We had Encyclopedias, the types that take half your living room bookshelves. You remember books? Papery things with lots of words in them. I had Encyclopedia Britannica, the one you buy with monthly payments, with multiple volumes and occasionally some pictures. We read that thing almost every day. The Encyclopedia was our entertainment.

TV stations in Greece worked from 5 pm to 12 midnight at the time. Cartoons were half an hour. The rest was news, educational programming, folk music and occasionally a really old movie. But we did not care, we mostly played outside, no tablets, no social media, no social distancing at the time. Fortnite was played in the park, often times with actual weapons. Did I mention that growing up was dangerous? But when the weather was really bad, we had nothing to do, and we were reading the Encyclopedia with my sister. We know so much about aadvarks, we should be experts. I personally never made it to Z, I know very little about Zebras, Zimbabwe and Zanzibar. We entertained ourselves writing a lot (probably explains the long Parish emails), playing music and evading mom's projectile attacks.

In retrospect, I love my childhood. Very pure, very innocent, a real-life version of survivor, without the cameras, without the selfies, without the dangers of corrupt social media, without the cursing in "music", the atheism in public discourse and the brainwashing in education. It was a scary time to be alive, between the spiral slides, the unsafe cars and mom's pantofla. But not nearly as dangerous as the times we live in now...

Fr. Nikiforos

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


          This week, on Sunday, we celebrate the Biblical events that led to the Divine Incarnation, the Nativity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Christmas. We will have the final Christmas Pageant rehearsal, which is mandatory for all participating Church School students. This year, we have commissioned a professional videographer to record and edit the entire Pageant, so that we do not need to leave our pews and create the unsightly 100 cameras, flashes and people bending over the pews and kneeling on the floor. The Church School will provide this service to all for free, as your Christmas present for every family to be able to access the professional video of our children participating in the Pageant through the Church social media. Copies will be made available later upon request and at a minimal donation to the School for anyone who wishes to have a copy for their archives.

On Friday, December 17th, at 8 pm, we have our GOYA “Ugly Christmas Sweater Party”, with the gift exchange, games, food, drinks, music and dancing. We invite you to the upcoming District-Wide GOYA Retreat, Silent Night - Why Christmas Matters, hosted by the Church of Our Saviour in Rye, New York. The retreat, presented by Steven Christoforou, the Director of Y2AM, will take place on Saturday, December 18, from 3:00 pm until 6:30 pm. There will also be a light meal served that evening. On Tuesday, December 21st at 7 pm, we have the Vespers of Saint Anastasia the Healer. Saint Anastasia has healed miraculously many people and we need her curing prowess and blessing, for us and our loved ones. The service is beautiful, I invite you all to attend.

          These days, our Youth Choir is preparing for the Christmas Pageant and a Christmas Music Festival for the Long Island District. His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros will be at the District Christmas Music Festival and we look forward to presenting our Choir performance, with instruments and vocalists from our Parish. We have 3 more rehearsals for the Youth Choir coming up, they are working extra hard and the presentation will be amazing. The Pageant this year promises to be the best one, and all services are serene and uplifting. We invite you all to also send a gift for the One, Who celebrates. By supporting our Church, especially on Christmas, we extend our expression of faith and love for Christ. For your convenience, we have mailed to your home a pre-stamped envelope with the Church address already on it to make it easier to send back your Christmas gift. The schedule of the services is also attached, so that we can all enjoy an unforgettable and blessed Christmas.

Our Pageant will take place on Christmas Eve, Friday, December 24th at 6 pm. We thank our Church School directors for providing brand new costumes and preparing our youth for an amazing celebration in honor of our Lord’s Incarnation. We have printed brand new pamphlets for the pageant and the rehearsals will take place on Sunday, December 12 and 19, immediately after the service. The Greek School will also present Christmas Carols and songs on Sunday the 19th at the conclusion of the service. All these events prepare our youth to experience the joy of Christmas, since it has become impossible to do so in Schools, although Christ is indeed the reason we celebrate these days, He is the reason history changed and we calculate the years based on His Incarnation and He has been recognized by all religions and historian for His holiness, example and contribution. From Hebrew Messianic prophecies, to Muslim religious writings, and off course Christian Biblical testimonies and patristic documents as well as recognized historians from Roman times till today, the presence, contribution and superior moral teachings of Christ are undeniable. But not meant for Schools and public discourse, so, we need to celebrate them ONLY in our Church.

          Merry Christmas! Καλά και ευλογημένα Χριστούγεννα, με υγεία, χαρά και κάθε ευλογία!

Inter-GOYA SKI Trip 2022: February 11 – 13, 2022

Welcome back to what we hope will be another successful and memorable Inter-GOYA SKI Trip 2022 – This will be our 25th Anniversary – we first started this venture back in 1996 – and yes if you do the math, 2021 would technically have been our 25th anniversary but due the pandemic we all know that 2021 was the year that couldn’t.  When we started this venture. we shared a half bus with another youth organization and now we occupy and entire hotel and multiple buses.

First deposit to lock your spot is December 15th. SHARP! Limited seats are available per community. Please be prompt with all due dates. Talk to the GOYA Advisors for updates and check your email for reminders and necessary paperwork.

The venue is the Holiday Inn, at Wilkes Barre, PA. Indoor pool, hot tub, sauna, ski lifts, round trip transportation, evening entertainment, breakfast buffet, free skiing, snow-boarding or tubing, free equipment rentals, dinner, lunch, dj party, and Sunday morning service at the hotel. Unforgettable time for all!!!

Message from December 8, 2021:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Parish,

“Is it Snowman or snowmam:” I heard it is “gender insensitive” to use the word “snowman”. One of the area school teachers proclaimed to the students that they should refrain from saying “snowman,” because “it is not inclusive of other genders.” So, when the first snowfall arrives, we are to use other words while making a snowman. Ooops, sorry, I meant to say… snowhuman. I really do not know what is supposed to offend the feelings or the gender identity of an object that is made of snow and has a carrot for a nose. I mean, the survival rate of snowmen is really 0%, what we call it is the least of the problems in the snowhuman community.

          Now that I think of it, snowman is the perfect word to describe someone who sits in one place, acts a bit cold, and has a rather growing belly area. So, at the next snowfall, I prefer to get out, make a snowman, and to drive the point home, I will place a TV remote right next, so that there is no misunderstanding that this indeed IS A SNOWMAN.

And, while we are on the subject of political correctness, I would like to also wish you all “Merry Christmas” and not “happy holidays,” because this is exactly what we honor and celebrate on these days: the birth of Christ, who came into the world 2021 years ago and changed history. And counting years, I will insist of saying BC and AD, not common era or whatever else is being taught as a new way of calculating years.

          Christ is a historical person, it is not insensitive to recognize His existence and when He came to the world. The life and works of Jesus were recorded by Roman historians, prophesied by Jewish prophets and identified in Muslim writings, in addition to a plethora of early Christian Scriptures and apostolic testimonies. The Christian faith was first to declare equality for all people, for the first time in a written document, as Saint Paul states that “there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28).

Consider the impact of Christ in the first centuries Eastern Roman Empire: in the early Christian era it was allowed to own and trade slaves, to oppress and stone women to death, and to execute “Christians” in arenas, crucify opponents in public or feed faithful to the lions. Within less than a century, Byzantium transformed to the longest civilization in the world, 1000 years in duration, with religious tolerance (for all religions, which also helped the expansion of Muslims within the Eastern Roman Empire, while also preserving Jewish, Christian and pagan populations), extended human rights and increased prosperity. It was not perfect, but it was an enormous step in the right direction, interrupted by 400 years of Ottoman oppression. And upon the liberation of Greece, the Greek Constitution was first to declare slavery as an illegal practice and reintroduce articles that protect the rights and freedoms of all people. That Constitution was faith inspired, preserving the citizens’ God-given rights, very much like the American Constitution as well.

          One may say that Christians have also committed atrocities; true, because they do not follow their faith. If they did, they would offer philanthropy, peace and care to others. Christ teaches love, faith and hope. When practiced, Christian faith teaches us to live free, free of corruption, free of evil and free of sin. The fallen human nature needs to be uplifted, and the positive message of the faith accomplishes that. But also, on the subject of atrocities, the greatest crimes in the last 100 years were committed by atheists: Hitler was responsible for 11 million executions and deaths (in addition to WW2), Mao Zedong for 45 million and Joseph Stalin for 50 million! That is more than 100 million people in the lifetime of our grandparents alone!!!

          The first thing Hitler imposed to Austrians, when the Nazi regime took over the country, was to remove icons from the School classrooms and replace them with Nazi symbols. Same in Communist Russia, the Eastern block, China, North Korea and Cuba, to name a few of the countries, which did not allow free religious expression. Communist emblems and statues of political figures took a semi-religious symbolism, attempting to replace whatever spirituality people had. They were everywhere and nobody could resist or disapprove of them. For those regimes, the first step was always to remove the word Christmas, because they were bothered by its first composite, the name of Christ.

          My dear faithful of the Lord, it was never about the icons in the classrooms, Christmas cards and wishes or even about the snowman. It is never about the snowman!

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


          This week, on Sunday, we celebrate Saint Spyridon of Trimythus. Saint Spyridon has blessed our Parish, because the last time the relics of the Saints were removed, one of them was donated to our Church. Saint Spyridon’s entire skenoma (σκήνωμα: the body of a Saint that remains uncorrupted for hundreds of years) has blessed his vestments, which are then called his relics. So, when you arrive to Church this Sunday, on the right side of the Narthex, you may venerate the relic of Saint Spyridon and ask for his blessing and grace. “Ἅγιε τοῦ Θεοῦ πρέσβευε ὑπὲρ ἡμῶν. Saint of God intercede for us.”

          On Tuesday, at 7 pm, we have the Great Vespers of Saint Eleftherios the Hieromartyr. Our Chapel is dedicated to Saint Eleftherios, a young cleric and bishop of Rome, who gave his life to the Lord. Look at the icon of his martyrdom in the Chapel, depicting his brother and his mother, Anthia, who also gave her life in a martyrical passing, right next to Saint Eleftherios. He also baptized even the soldiers who went to arrest him. He arrested them with his love and compassion, imparting the saving faith of Christ to them and inspiring them to love God with all their hearts. Saint Eleftherios teaches us that it is never too early to accomplish great things and to serve the Lord. We do the same as volunteers and whenever we answer our commission in faith.

          These days, our Youth Choir is preparing for the Christmas Pageant and a Christmas Music Festival for the Long Island District. Our Pageant will take place on Christmas Eve, Friday, December 24th at 6 pm. We thank our Church School directors for providing brand new costumes and preparing our youth for an amazing celebration in honor of our Lord’s Incarnation. We have printed brand new pamphlets for the pageant and the rehearsals will take place on Sunday, December 12 and 19, immediately after the service. The Greek School will also present Christmas Carols and songs on Sunday the 19th at the conclusion of the service.

          Merry Christmas! Καλά και ευλογημένα Χριστούγεννα, με υγεία, χαρά και κάθε ευλογία!


          Our beloved Community celebrates the feast of the Chapel of Saint Eleftherios the Holy Martyr.  The Chapel is a place of worship and a vessel of divine grace and salvation.  On weekdays, there are many Divine Liturgies for the memory of various Saints throughout the year.  Some of the spiritual events that take place in the Chapel are Vespers, Paraklesis (Invocation to the Virgin Mary) and Compline services, as well as of confessions and Agiasmos (or sanctification of Holy Water) services.  Many blessings are offered in the beautiful, Byzantine Chapel of the Community.

          The Patron Saint of the Chapel, Saint Eleftherios, is an example for all Christians, especially for the youth.  He became a deacon at the age of 15 and a priest at the age of 19.  6 years later he became Bishop of Rome!  Saint Eleftherios offered his God-given talents in the service of Christ’s vineyard without delay or hesitation.  He was eager to serve God and to labor for the salvation of the world.  His mission was to evangelize the people, teaching all to follow the commandments of God and baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

          Saint Eleftherios took important decisions early in his life.  He did not procrastinate, as some people chose to do when it comes to doing the right thing in this life.  There are persons who hesitate to do the right thing, such as charity, going to Church, helping a good cause, etc.  The more we delay to do a good deed, the more opportunities we miss to express our faith and show our love to God.  It has been said that “the road of tomorrow leads to the avenue of never.”  The many delays might destroy our chances to offer something good in this life.  It is a blessing that people serve the Church and come to Church without waiting for the eleventh hour.  It is beautiful when young people serve the Community with love and dedication.  Saint Eleftherios certainly inspires them to do so.

          Saint Eleftherios also teaches us to be courageous.  People might persecute us for living a life of virtue.  There are young people who are made fun of for praying, doing their cross in public, coming to Church, maintaining their purity and abstaining from smoking and drugs.  Saint Eleftherios inspires us to withstand the persecutions of others.  He suffered many tortures professing his faith and converting even his persecutors!  God gave him strength not to feel the pain, but to praise him even during the most painful martyrdom.  We can also look to God for strength and support, during the adversities and tribulations of life.  We can all honor Saint Eleftherios and by following his example of holiness, perseverance and decisiveness, we not only honor him, but we also earn eternal glory!

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


          Οι Ορθόδοξοι Χριστιανοί εκφράζουν ιδιαίτερη αγάπη για τους Αγίους τους.  Όλοι μας τιμούμε την μνήμη των εκλεκτών του Θεού που μεσιτεύουν για τις ψυχές μας από την Επουράνιο Χώρα της Βασιλείας του Θεού.  Στα παιδιά μας, δίνουμε ονόματα Αγίων ώστε να έχουν θετικά πρότυπα στη ζωή τους.  Στις Εκκλησίες μας, τιμούμε τις μορφές των ανθρώπων που βίωσαν τις αρχές του Ευαγγελίου, που έκαναν την πίστη τρόπο ζωής.  Στην ιδιαίτερη πνευματική μας ομήγυρη, την Κοινότητα του Αγίου Μεγαλομάρτυρος Δημητρίου, αριθμούμε πλειάδα εορτών ανά το έτος στις οποίες συντρέχουν οι πιστοί ώστε να πανηγυρίσουν την μνήμη των Αγίων και να λάβουν τη Χάρη και την προστασία τους. Είχαμε την ευλογία να γίνουν τα ονομαστήρια του ιερού Προσκυνήματος του Αγίου Μεγαλομάρτυρος Ελευθερίου, ο οποίος εορτάζεται στις 15 Δεκεμβρίου.  Όχι τυχαία, στο θησαυρό του Αγιολογίου, με τους Παρακλητικούς κανόνες όλων των Αγίων, τεθησαύρισται η Ακολουθία του Αγίου Δημητρίου και του Αγίου Ελευθερίου συναπτά, η μία μετά την άλλη.  Έτσι και στην Κοινότητά μας, τα θυσιαστήρια του ναού, το ένα μετά το άλλο, είναι αφιερωμένα στους δύο αυτούς σημαντικούς Μάρτυρες και Προστάτες της Εκκλησίας.

          Ο Άγιος Ελευθέριος ήταν από νέος αφοσιωμένος στην υπηρεσία του Χριστού.  Χειροτονήθηκε σε εφηβική ηλικία διάκονος και ιερέας, για να γίνει επίσκοπος Ρώμης ένας από τους πιο νέους ιεράρχες της πίστεως.  Διώχθηκε και καταπολεμήθηκε από τους ειδωλολάτρες, αλλά εκείνος με αγάπη κατάφερε να προσυλητίσει ακόμη και τους στρατιώτες-διώκτες του.  Μαρτύρησε με φρικτό θάνατο, αλλά ο ίδιος ηρωϊκά και με θάρρος υπέμεινε τα βασανιστήρια και τις ταπεινώσεις.  Συγχωρώντας τους εκτελεστές του, αινούσε το Θεό, και δεν ένιωθε πόνο παρά μόνο τη Χάρη από το στεφάνι του Μαρτυρίου και της Αγιότητος.

          Οι σύγχρονοι Χριστιανοί, επίσης διωκόμαστε από την ειδωλολατρεία και τον παγανισμό.  Από νεαρή ηλικία, τα παιδιά και όλοι μας έχουμε να αντιμετωπίσουμε τις Χάρυβδες και τις θέλξεις του υλισμού, του πλουτισμού και του καταναλωτισμού.  Αναγκάζεται η νέα γεννιά να βάζει σε ανώτερη προτεραιότητα τα χρήματα, τη μόδα, την διασκέδαση, παρά την ηθική ζωή και την εποικοδομητική ψυχαγωγία. Στα αρχαία Ελληνικά, διασκεδάζω σημαίνει διασκορπίζομαι.  Διασκορπίζονται πολλοί νέοι μας με ψυχοφθόρα μουσική, ναρκωτικά, βία και ανηθικότητα.  Αντί να ψυχαγωγούνται, να άγουν την ψυχή τους σε ανώτερα επίπεδα, την διασκορπίζουν και την πετάνε στα σκουπίδια της σύγχρονης διαφθοράς.  Τα εκατομμύρια των εκτρώσεων, η επέκταση του Έϊτζ, η διάβρωση των ηθών και η διάδοση των ναρκωτικών επιβεβαιώνουν με ακρίβεια την δίωξη των νέων μας από τα σύγχρονα μέσα του παγανισμού και της αθεΐας.

          Ο Άγιος Ελευθέριος, ως νέος Χριστιανός που αντιστάθηκε σε ορατούς και αοράτους εχθρούς κατά της Χριστιανοσύνης, μας εμπνέει να είμαστε δυνατοί και να ζούμε σύμφωνα με τις αρχές του Χριστού. Να απελευθερωθούμε από τα δεσμά των μέσων μαζικής διαφθοράς και να έχουμε δική μας γνώμη και άποψη για το πως οφείλουμε να ζούμε.  Να είμαστε ελεύθεροι μέσα από την αλήθεια του Χριστού και να μαρτυρούμε την πίστη που σώζει τον άνθρωπο.  Την Ορθόδοξο πίστη της Εκκλησίας μας.

+Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος

Message from December 2, 2021:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Parish,

In more than 2 and a half decades in the ministry, I have seen a lot. The first funeral I officiated as a newly ordained priest was a young person, same age as me. Since that day, I focused all my energy for the youth, to help and save our youth. For this reason, we have a sermon especially dedicated for the children in our Church. We gather with our GOYA and we make activities for them frequently. We dedicate so much attention to our Church and Greek School, our youth programs, Little Angels, HOPE, JOY and athletic teams. And I was happy to see that our YAL (the College students) had their first meetings already this Fall, one day for Bowling, one dinner and one night out for Greek music. But, in addition to fellowship, the epicenter of everything is our participation in the sacramental life of the Church.

Parents, if you decide to follow only one advice from me in your entire life, please, take this to heart: bring your children to Church! Make Church participation a frequent family experience. I understand that there is soccer and basketball on Sunday mornings too. But unless your little one is destined to be the next Michael Jordan, I advise you to place the emphasis on the moral development of your child. In 25 years of priesthood, not one member from the Parishes I know and served became a professional athlete. Not one!!! And I can count in one hand non-academic, merit, full-scholarships that were given for participation to sports. In 25 years, serving in a day School as well as our own Parish, I have met thousands of young people. Not one of them pursued a career in cheerleading, lacrosse or in the NBA. Among those thousands, I have met people who pursued many careers, some succeeded tremendously. One thing that they all needed to advance in life was faith.

Yes, a high moral caliber, leading to advanced work ethic, commitment and a drive to excel, are the ingredients instilled by faith to many young successful members of our Parish. They same ideals collaborated for the building of their families, the formation of positive relationships, and especially for happiness. More than any knowledge, trade or science, the main factor of happiness and success is faith. Cultivating faith and love for God gives meaning to everything else. It helps us pursue our full potential. It keeps us safe from temptations, corruption and evil. Faith protects our youth from negative impulses and the dangers of the world we live in. Our children will not be children forever. They will go to College and make their own choices as adults. They will not need a policeman, but a parent. As parents, we are commissioned to train them and teach them well. And we are not alone at that. We have the Church.

In Church, our Youth is surrounded by other like-minded people who empower them to advance in their strive for salvation. They learn and experience the faith. They are inspired by the Saints to never settle for less. They are strengthened by Christ to never give up. They are motivated by the sacraments to become vessels of positive change for the world. I look forward to seeing our children in Church, as we prepare for the Christmas Pageant and all the beautiful feasts of Advent. May God bless our children!

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


This week is marked with the celebration of significant Saints (and the name-days of many Parishioners and family members). On Tuesday, we had the feast of Saint Andreas, the Protector and Patron Saint of our Mother Church, the Patriarchate of Constantinople, and Patron of Patras, Cyprus and Great Britain (along with Saint George). He was the first called Apostle and his martyrdom was by crucifixion; out of humility he requested that his cross is placed sideways, so that he is not crucified like Jesus. This explains the X shape in the British flag (in honor of Saint Andrew) superimposed by the Cross in honor of Saint George.

The Ecumenical Patriarchate evangelized the British people with Orthodox missionaries, many of them Saints of our Church, like Saints Alban, Aristobulus, Brendan, Piran, David of Wales, Columba of Scotland, Theodore, Laurence and Augustine of Canterbury, Melangell of Wales, Aidan, Brannoc, Bede, Felix, Elian, Donald of Scotland, Wilfrid, Bridget, Kieran, Oswald, Edmund, Richard the King, Edward, Gregory Dialogus, Benedict, Herbert, Gerald and many others. Am I forgetting a very significant one? How could I forget Saint Patrick the Apostole of Ireland (493), who illuminated the Irish people with the light of Christian faith? This is why I always say that we have two parades on 5th Avenue every year, one for Greek Independence Day, and one for Saint Patrick’s! And the Orthodox missionaries professed the faith, in representing the Mother Church, under the protection of Saint Andreas!

On Thursday, we celebrated Saint Porfyrios of Kafsokalyvia, a modern-day Saint who reposed in Christ 30 years ago. I received his blessing as a young High School student and my family loved Saint Porfyrios, whose icon is in our Church amongst other contemporary Saints who blessed our Orthodox faith. His advice and his spiritual instruction are profound and didactic; he was wise and prudent and he brought many of us closer to Christ with his example and love.

On Saturday, we celebrate Saint Barbara the great martyr. She is a miraculous Saint and please, listen to the sermon, which narrates her life and how she is also a protector for abused children and for people suffering from pandemics and contagious diseases. Every year, in my sermon on the feast of Saint Barbara, I make special reference to the sacred duty we all have to protect the innocent and angelic children. They are surrounded by corruption and evil, that invades their lives through atheism, moral deception, corrupt social media and public persecution.

Often times, children are pressured to deny their Christian identity and values, especially in School and College. The sanctity of their life is not respected before and not even after birth. International traffickers and exploiters use and abuse innocent lives and especially children from suffering countries and broken families. Recent arrests of such abusers are only the tip of the iceberg, data shows that thousands are abused daily and such crimes are not punished as they should. Movies and series on famous networks and platforms romanticize abuse; directors and film producers, although with guilty verdicts against them, roam free and with punishments much lesser than someone who opened their business during a lockdown (considering the gravity of the crimes against children).

On December 6th we celebrate the memory of Saint Nicholas, Bishop of Myra in Asia Minor. Saint Nicholas is an example of charity, philanthropy and care for the meek. He lived an ascetic lifestyle and he maintained no personal belongings; he was a monk and a Bishop that should inspire all Christians that happiness in the simple things of life. In the West he is also known as Santa Claus. However, we all know that he lived in Asia Minor, not in the North Pole, and that he was never married (there was no Mrs. Claus). He was also a very thin ascetic, vested in black, not in red.  But his legacy of charity became well known. Saint Nicholas was very discrete when helping someone; he did not want his good deeds to be known, unlike some people who advertise their philanthropy. He helped especially the orphans, the widows, the lame, the sick and the elderly.  He gave smile in the faces that were sprinkled by tears.  He gave joy to the hearts that were broken by sorrow. He was the example of faith and piety, as his hymn (Apolytikion) indicates. He is an example to be followed and imitated by more and more Christians.

Saint Nicholas inspires contemporary Christians to be persons of charity and love.  Christmas is a season when it is customary to help the institutions and the poor. But our love for our suffering brethren should be expressed throughout the year. There are many souls that need support and consolation. There are many hearts that need a prayer and a loving presence. There are many people who need to see that Christians live up to their Christian vocation.

Saint Nicholas is also the Patron Saint of Seamen. He protects sailors and people who travel by sea.  Ancient Greeks had Poseidon as the god of the sea. Unlike Poseidon, Saint Nicholas does not trouble the waters, but he mediates for the travelers of the oceans, he protects the people who ask for his intercessions and he saves the travelers who consciously pray to him.

The icon of Saint Nicholas is one of the most ancient and historical icons of Byzantine art.  It depicts the holiness and the piety of the Saint, who is an example of love and Christian values.  Such an example inspired the faithful to announce at his ordination that his is “worthy;” and at his funeral to exclaim that he is “HOLY!”

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


Στις 6 Δεκεμβρίου εορτάζουμε την μνήμη του εν Αγίοις Πατρός ημών Αγίου Νικολάου, επισκόπου Μύρων της Λυκίας.  Ο Άγιος Νικόλαος αποτέλεσε πρότυπο αγαθοεργίας και φιλανθρωπίας διότι μολονότι ζούσε απλοϊκώς και ασκητικώς, μοίραζε αγαθά σε κάθε αναξιοπαθούντα.  Στην Δύση είναι γνωστός ως Σάντα Νικόλαους ή Σάντα Κλάους, που έδιδε δώρα σε όσους δεν είχαν τα απαραίτητα για να ζήσουν.  Βέβαια, ο Άγιος Νικόλαος ήταν ένας αδύνατος ασκητής και Αρχιερεύς και ζούσε στα Μύρα της Λυκίας, όχι στον Βόρειο Πόλο.  Ό,τι όμως δώριζε το τοποθετούσε με τέτοιο τρόπο ώστε κανείς να μην γνωρίζει τις αγαθοεργίες του. Βοηθούσε ορφανά, χήρες, παραλύτους, ασθενείς και ηλικιωμένους. Χάριζε το χαμόγελο στα πρόσωπα που ήταν ποτισμένα μέσα στο δάκρυ. Έδινε τη χαρά στις καρδιές εκείνες που ήταν ματωμένες από το πένθος. Ήταν πραγματικά κανόνας πίστεως και εικόνα πραότητος.  Πρότυπο προς μίμηση και μάθημα προς νουθεσία.

Στην εποχή μας χρειαζόμαστε τέτοια παραδείγματα πιστών Χριστιανών, που να δωρίζουν από το περίσσευμα αλλά και (μακάρι) ακόμη και από το υστέρημά τους.  Τα Χριστούγεννα πολλοί άνθρωποι βοηθούν ιδρύματα και τους αδυνάτους. Αλλά η αγάπη μας πρέπει να εκφράζεται όλη τη χρονιά. Να συμπαραστεκόμαστε στους μόνους, τους αρρώστους στα γηρατειά.  Υπάρχουν πολλές ψυχές που χρειάζονται παρρηγορία. Πολλές καρδιές απαιτούν παραμυθία. Πολλά μυαλά θέλουν παρρησία.  Χρειαζόμαστε ανθρώπους με ανθρωπιά.  Με αγάπη για τον πλησίον και πίστη στο Πανάγαθο Θεό.

Ο  Άγιος Νικόλαος είναι επίσης και προστάτης των ναυτικών. Ως πολιούχος της θαλάσσης και των ναυτιλομένων, αγιάζει και προστατεύει κάθε πιστό που παλεύει με τα κύμματα των Ωκεανών.  Για τους Έλληνες, είναι σαν άλλος Ποσειδώνας. Μόνο που αντί να ταράζει τη θάλασσα και να δοκιμάζει τους πλέοντας, φέρνει θεία γαλήνη, προστασία και σωτηρία σε όσους τον επικαλούνται.

Η εικόνα του Αγίου Νικολάου, μία από τις αρχαιότερες και ιστορικότερες απεικονίσεις Αγίου, εξυμνεί το παράστημα και παράδειγμα Αγιότητος και ευλαβείας σύμφωνα με το οποίο έζησε τον ενκόσμιο βίο του.  Ένα παράδειγμα που έκανε τους πιστούς στην χειροτονία του να αναφωνήσουν «Άξιος.» Και στην κηδεία του να ομολογήσουν «Άγιος!»

+Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος

Message from November 22, 2021:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Parish,

I love Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving is the ultimate dad’s holiday! There are no gifts and presents to buy. There are no decorations to put up. Sports play all day on TV. And, there is food, ooooh, the food.

When I first came to America, I was invited to spend Thanksgiving with the beautiful family of a WW2 Veteran, Mr. Jimmy Yfantis, from Boston. I did not know what Thanksgiving was, I was really new in this country. Well, Mr. and Mrs. Yfantis asked me to come to their house on Thanksgiving:

«’Ελα σπίτι να φάμε τον Τούρκο!» (come to the house, we will eat the Turk).

I know that Mr. Yfantis was a hero, but I tried to nicely explain that the war is over, Turkey actually never officially entered WW2, plus we are now allies in NATO. And, to be honest, I don’t think that attacking a person would sit nicely with the Boston police department. But he insisted. By that point I thought he was joking.

So, I went to their house, Thursday noon. I rang the bell. Mr. Yfantis opens the door. His shirt had red marks on it and he was holding the biggest knife I have ever seen in my life!

“Am I too late? Where is the Turko???” I asked in despair.

“The Turko is inside the kitchen” replied Mr. Yfantis. “Wash up and come in, we are stuffing him now.”

Oh, no! First months in America and I am about to witness a horrific crime? I had seen a lot of violent American movies in the past, but stuffing the Turko? This is brutal!

By this time I am shaking. I composed myself, went into the kitchen and I see the cutest lady on the planet, the dear Mrs. Yfantis, stuffing the “turko.” At that moment, I realized that although I took English for 8 years, my Greeknglish was very poor. So “turko” is turkey. There you go. This cute old couple are not angry, they are just hungry. They brought the bird out of the oven. They placed it on the table and then, they spread cranberry sauce (remember the red marks on his shirt?) all over the meat. Cranberry on meat??? Now, this is a crime!!!!

I wish you all a happy Thanksgiving, enjoy your family, your meal, your sports and, please, for the love of God, be nice to the Turko!

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message from November 19, 2021:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Parish,

What are we doing to ensure the safekeeping of the youth?  The Church has a variety of programs and ministries to bring the youth together and offer guidance and spiritual cultivation from a young age.  And these programs work, as long as we follow up with their implementation. Kids learn so much in Church and they bring their religious practice home.

Don’t you feel embarrassed when your children remind you to do your cross and your prayer before you eat?  How long is that going to last, before they also forget to do it?  How about daily prayer? Home Bible study? Discussing about our faith and spending quality time with the family? It seems to me that children come to GOYA, Sunday School, JOY, Little Angels, Bible Studies, confessions, retreats, services only if in those days there is no ballet, football practice, shopping, video games, etc.  Every family has to discern what is most important for their children. Is God first in our lives, or last?

“Let the children come to me” is the directive of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Don’t pollute them with the garbage of TV, social media and internet subculture that nourishes them according to the popular idols who promote drugs, bad language, lack of respect for religion and total immorality. Toxic beliefs surround our youth from every direction. The antidote for such poisonous practices is Christ. He is the one Who can guide our Youth to a life of faith, hope and love. He is the one Who inspires joy, humility and tolerance. Jesus gives us His sacraments, His Bible, His Saints and His Church. He gives us the map to a life of incorruption, jubilation and salvation. Bring the Youth to Him, and they will never be without hope. Trust Him with your life and you shall live forever!

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


          Τα παιδιά μας, από μικρή ηλικία, πρέπει να τα εμπιστευόμαστε στην Εκκλησία για την πνευματική τους ανατροφή και ωφέλεια.  Σε μια εποχή που ούτε το Σχολείο, ούτε η τηλεόραση, ούτε οι παρέες θα διδάξουν ηθικές αξίες και ιδανικά, επαφείεται στην Εκκλησία να γίνει μητέρα και να νουθετήσει τα παιδιά της.  Από μικρή ηλικία, όταν είναι εύπλαστα και αγνά, τα παιδιά που βιώνουν την διδαχή του Ευαγγελίου και της Εκκλησιαστικής παραδόσεως γίνονται τα κατάλληλα δοχεία για να γεμίσουν με χάρη Χριστού και αρετή.

          Όλοι μας, γονείς, ανάδοχοι, διδάσκαλοι, ιερείς και κάθε ώριμα σκεπτόμενος άνθρωπος, πρέπει να αναλογιστούμε τις ευθύνες μας. Ο Θεός μας παραδίδει τα παιδιά ως αγγελούδια, αγνά και άγια.  Η κοινωνίες μας φροντίζουν να αλλοτριώσουν την παιδική αγνότητα και να καταστρέψουν την αγία ψυχή κάθε νέου ανθρώπου.  Έχουμε ευθύνη προς Θεό και ανθρώπους.  Να φέρουμε τα παιδιά μας στο Χριστό. «Άφετε τα παιδία και μη κωλύετε αυτά ελθείν προς με.»  Όπως η Παναγία μας από το νεαρό της ηλικίας της έγινε δοχείο Χάριτος και αγιότητος και υπηρέτησε τον Θεό, έτσι και η Ορθόδοξη νεολαία έχει την ευκαιρία στο χώρο της Εκκλησίας να βιώσει και να ζήσει κατά τα πρότυπα της Χριστοδίδακτης πίστεώς μας.

          Τα παιδιά μας προϋποθέτουν θυσίες ώστε να ανατραφούν σωστά, θυσίες που αξίζει να τις κάνουμε. Προσέχουμε τα σπίτια μας, τα αυτοκίνητά μας και τις επιχειρήσεις μας. Θα ήταν παράλογο να παραμελούμε τα παιδιά μας. Να μην τους δίνουμε πνευματική νουθεσία και ηθική ανατροφή. Να μην μάς βλέπουν ως παραδείγματα συμπεριφοράς. Όταν μεγαλώσουν, δεν θα μπορούμε να είμαστε κοντά τους για να τους αποτρέψουμε από μεγάλα λάθη ή κακές συναναστροφές. Χρειάζεται από μικρή ηλικία να αγπήσουν την Εκκλησία και να γίνουν ώριμα και με αρχές. Φανταστείτε ένας γονιός να τρέφει το παιδί του από τα σκουπίδια. Αυτό όμως γίνεται πολλές φορές με την πνευματική τροφοδοσία, μέσω της τηλεόρασης, του διαδικτύου και των κακών συναναστροφών. Η Υπεραγία Θεοτόκος ως Μητέρα και Μεσίτρεια θα προστατεύει και θα καθοδηγεί το λαό μας στην πρόοδο και στην οδό της Ζωής, στο Χριστό!

+Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος

Message from November 12, 2021:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Parish,

This Sunday, we have our semi-annual General Assembly. The meeting will be after the service and you are all welcome to attend. We will discuss the progress of our Community Center project. I would like to thank the Parish Council for their tremendous efforts to ensure that everything is ready for the submission of construction bids very soon. Thanks to the successful Festival and the generous support of our Parish to the raffle, all the engineering expenses were paid in full and our plans have been completed without needing to use the funds saved thus far.

Therefore, we can very soon have the complete bids for the project and re-start our fundraising with the accurate number we need to secure before construction begins. We eliminated the second floor and the basement to make everything more affordable, and we still managed to make space for the necessary classrooms, for the youth room, the “Cassis” Kafeneion, the Gymnasium, the offices, the playroom and the classroom for the babies and the toddlers’ activities. This is an amazing development. Our parents gave us this beautiful Church, it is our turn to give our children the edifice they deserve for their future moral, religious, cultural and educational development.

Thanks to the generous donation of a beautiful lady from the Parish, new trees have been ordered to surround the entire area from the entrance of the parking and all the way to the back. We are talking about dozens of gorgeous trees and plants that will beautify our already gorgeous Church. Our flowers are beautiful and the wonderful donors made sure they adorn our Church façade and surrounding property at no expense to the Community. Thank you!

Each icon for the major feasts and every part of the Church that was painted or decorated were also donated. The Greek School was renovated completely free of charge. A new smart board was donated and many more screens and computers will be given for our Greek School and Church School students. Our Little Angels and Church School supplies were all donated. We will have the Christmas Pageant and all attires, props and costumes are gifted by kind Parishioners. Such acts of kindness and love prove that you all love the Church so much, and our Parish means everything to the friends and supporters of Saint Demetrios.

At the same time, we all see how things get more expensive, and our utilities, basic necessities for Church operation, material for maintenance and construction and all pertinent expenses are all rising. We implore your kindness and love to continue supporting our Church, so that we can become benevolent contributors to God’s grace in our lives. God gives us so much, we return to His benevolence in every way we can, by donating our time, talent and treasure to express our gratitude to the Lord for His love and blessings.

This year, we broke all records for stewardship, more families than ever before. We also had many sacraments, and we fully re-engaged our events. We had a tremendous costume party with free entrance for GOYA and JOY members. Although the event was free (food, DJ, drinks and decorations were donated and we welcomed the children to come and have fun at no cost), the parents gave a donation on their own and raised a significant amount that will cover the Youth registration for the May Olympics. This is philotimo, a genuine expression of what our parents taught us and what we teach our children as well.

We are now preparing for the Christmas party of our Greek School and Philoptochos, the Church School Pageant (which will be renewed and with brand new costumes this year) and the New Year’s Eve celebration. Please, support those events, they are fun and they provide every age group the opportunity to celebrate the holy days, Christmas and New Year’s Eve.

For the New Year’s Eve Dance we have 2 chefs, quite a few kind volunteers, vasilopita at every table, delicious food and dancing all night. Please, call the office to make your reservations from now, seating is limited, but fun is unlimited.

Below this message, I include the minutes and presentations of our General Assembly, because, as I always promise, the meeting will be quick and sweet, papatrehas style. These weeks were extremely busy with more than 2 dozens of sacraments, seeing the students of the Greek School on OXI day, assisting at the Archdiocese for the Synod with His All Holiness the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and, just yesterday, assisting His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America for the reconciliation of the two parties of the Federation of Hellenic Societies in reaching a peaceful solution and preparing for the 2022 Greek Independence Parade at 5th Avenue. We are grateful to Mr. John Katsimatidis who was proposed by the Archbishop to preside the organizing committee and we are getting ready to celebrate the 200 years since the Greek Revolution and the 100 years of the Holy Archdiocese of America. These past days I presented all the in-person Parish Council candidate seminars, for Queens and Long Island and participated in the recent Holy Eparchial Synods and Highest Greek Education Council meetings (tomorrow is the 3rd great seminar of Greek Education).

I would like to offer some statistical information to showcase the growth of our Parish, reflected in the presentation for the General Assembly below this message:

Stewardship and Sacrament Statistics:

Thus far in the year 2021 we have 415 stewards who have contributed $220.862. That is an average of $532 per family / steward.

Baptisms and Chrismations in 2021:   Baptisms: 53 baptisms!

Chrismations:  4 adult Chrismations

Weddings: 17 weddings.

Funerals: 19 (May their memory be eternal)


In 2020 we had 386 stewards who have contributed $ 201.540. That is an average of $522 per family / steward.

Funerals:    14


In 2019 we had 397 stewards, who contributed $200.649 for an average of $505 per steward.

In 2018 we had 380 stewards, who contributed $204.475 for an average of $422 per steward.

Sacraments’ Statistics:

Baptisms and Chrismations in 2020:   Baptisms: 31 baptisms!

Chrismations: 2

Weddings: 8 weddings.

Funerals: 11 (May their memory be eternal)


Baptisms and Chrismations in 2019: 37 Infants & 7 Adults

Weddings: 15

Funerals: 16 (May their memory be eternal)


Baptisms and Chrismations in 2018: 36 Infants & 3 Adults

Weddings: 16

Funerals: 15 (May their memory be eternal)

Our Parish is growing, and we welcome many new babies in the loving embrace of the Church.

We also had beautiful services last week and I would like to attach the YouTube link for the sermons on the feast of the Holy Archangels (Greek and English sermons) as well as the sermon of the Parable of Poor Lazarus. Listen to them with your family before you go to sleep tonight. There have been extensive medical studies that prove with absolute certainty that my orations are the best cure for insomnia. Enjoy!

The Parable of Poor Lazarus:

The Holy Archangels (English sermon):

The Holy Archangels (Greek sermon):

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message from November 3, 2021:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Parish,

We were blessed to receive His All Holiness the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew in the United States for an Apostolic visit, highlighted by the blessing and opening of the doors of Saint Nicholas Church in Ground Zero. His All Holiness blessed us all and prayed for the continuous spiritual progress of our beloved Archdiocese. I witnessed the love and care with which our Patriarch received everyone who approached Him. He made time for all of us, even though He was in need of medical care Himself. The doctors will fix His heart, a heart that has been overwhelmed with so much love for Christ and for His flock. He always prays for us. It is our opportunity to pray for our Patriarch exceedingly as well as for His speedy and complete recovery and many years of His Patriarchal blessings and ministry for the Orthodox Church.

I was especially moved on Tuesday evening, when the Patriarch made a very emotional reference to His elevation to the Patriarchal throne, exactly 30 years ago. He reminisced the presence of his parents of blessed memory. Tears of love filled His eyes, and we all felt His love for His parents, who saw one of their five children take such a profound role in the Church. As the longest Patriarchal ministry, we recall His contribution to the preservation of the Apostolic Faith, the traditions of the Church, the expansion of Orthodox missions (reaching now throughout Africa, Asia, Oceania and South America, to name a few new continents that received Orthodox presence thanks to His All Holiness), as well as the presence of our faith leaders in significant forums of dialogue for the promotion of the Truth of Christ, and in order to invite people to experience and cherish our faith.

The Ecumenical Patriarch is known as the “Green Patriarch,” before the issue of conservation and environmental protection became political components and popular celebrity pet projects. He was professing decades ago that we need to stop the pollution of drinking water, sea water, the soil and the earth. As good stewards of God’s creation, we need to preserve our planet, which is the cosmos – κόσμημα, a beautiful jewel replenished with God’s providence and wisdom. A perfect example of environmental ethos are the monasteries. They conserve only what they need; they are built in perfect harmony with the natural environment. Monks and nuns are examples of fasting and they preserve the surrounding grounds as gifts of God.

I have witnessed monks who would refuse to kill dangerous animals, and in prayer co-existed with wild nature, in perfect dialogue with the cosmos, which is an avenue to find God’s wisdom in our lives. Their paradigm is a great inspiration to the secular world; we all need energy, technology and transportation to live and work. But we pray that measures can be taken to protect the drinking water from cancerogenic and toxic ingredients, the air from dangerous emissions and the soil from lethal components. Furthermore, we pray that the nations that do not respect the environment and dispose uncontrollably in the rivers and the oceans are limited from gaining from such atrocities financial or other gains. Ideally, production is brought back to the USA and to nations who have stringent protective codes; or else we will not be able to safely consume food products in the future and our children will suffer the various consequences of toxic materials in the atmosphere, the bodies of water and the soil.

His All Holiness our Patriarch had travelled to the United States in 2009, when He also visited our Parish for the Vespers of Saint Demetrios. He saw the great Mississippi river and the condition of many parts of the American continent. He has travelled in pretty much every continent, and He saw the conditions in the Balkans, the Baltic States (especially after the nuclear accidents in the USSR), Korea and many parts of the world, where people have suffered the consequences of abusing nature. He granted autocephaly and freedom for governance to various Churches in different nations and He promoted education, theological discourse and freedom for the suppressed.

He is the only world religious leader Who lives in a country that does not embrace His religious values. We are not allowed to operate our theological School in Halki for the last 50 years! This limits the ability to educate our future clergy and religious leadership in Constantinople. More and more of the Church’s properties have been ceased by the Turkish government and the great Cathedral of Haghia Sophia has been turned into a Mosque. While the Greek people have devoted much energy and resources in futile political or other controversies, our own spiritual Center of the Orthodox Church has been in captivity. The Greek population of Constantinople has been diminished. From tens of thousands, only a few Greeks currently remain there. Indicative of the difference on how minorities are treated in each country is the fact that the Muslim population in Thrace and Cyprus has been increasing geometrically, whereas in Turkey the Christian and Greek speaking population has pretty much disappeared.

In such conditions our Patriarch continues His ministry. In the Holy Archdiocese of America, He was welcomed by His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros, also from Constantinople, a worthy and “axios” laborer of Christian Orthodox values. Our Archbishop speaks multiple languages, knows the theology, the canon law and the ecclesiastical tradition like few persons on the planet and, most importantly, loves His people and desires for them what is best. He loves our Parish and He has an amazing way to connect to the children and the elderly alike. We are blessed that the Patriarchate gave such us such a generous gift. I thanked His all Holiness, when I spoke to Him on Sunday, for always doing what is best for our Archdiocese in America, for providing care to solve any problems, for giving us such a wonderful Archbishop, with much desire to work hard and help us all through the recent crises, like atheism, agnosticism, apathy to participate in the services, indifference for the faith and lack of philanthropy.

Our Archbishop, in this little time, established a vibrant Greek education office, fully funded, with multiple seminars available every month for teachers and educators. He is even in the process of cultivating a plan to ensure the preservation of our language and customs in the future. He restored the accreditation of our Theological School in Boston, so that we can have priests in the future. He found the necessary funds and pushed for the completion of Saint Nicholas Shrine, even through a devastating pandemic, so that we can enter the new Church on Ground Zero, the only house of worship destroyed on 9 / 11, by 2022. He fixed the major financial problems and the pension fund of the Archdiocese, plagued in the last decades, again, in the midst of the pandemic. He sent donations to every worthy cause, victims of floods, fires, pandemics, invasions and wars. He supported missionaries profoundly. Only recently, the Archbishop and the Synod approved the building of an entire Church in Korea, with donations from our Archdiocese, to help spread the Orthodox truth in the orient. He is working hard for the new Charter, best fitting for the second centennial of our Archdiocese. All this is happening because He is working hard and all of the people of the Archdiocese surround Him with support and love.

Please, pray for our Hierarchs, for our clergy, for our laity. We have new challenges to face together. We are about to write history, together. In unity, faith and love, we pray and work for the future of our Church.

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message from October 28, 2021:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Parish,

Today is OXI Day! We commemorate the historic October 28th, 1940. The day that a small word (OXI) changed the world. On Sunday, our Greek School presented an amazing tribute to the historic resistance of our nation against the evil Nazi and Fascist regimes. Why does Greece commemorate the beginning of the war and not its conclusion? Because Greece resisted for more than 213 days, when other nations did not even put a fight for a few weeks. Certain Greek military positions were actually never defeated! The armored cruiser Averov was also undefeated (in 4 wars, from the Greco-Turkish at the beginning of last century, to the Balkan War and WW1 and WW2!!!); it served in operations after the invasion of the Nazis close to Egypt and all the way to the Indian Ocean.

Thanks to Greek resistance, German forces were occupied in Greece for the duration of the war, disrupting supply provisions of the German military and delaying the invasion to Russia for several months. By that time, Nazis had to endure the harsh Russian winter and a defeat that costed them the War. This is why we celebrate saying OXI – NO, because if we did not, it is very possible that history would be much different now.

Below this message, there is a historic documentary about Greece entering WW2. Notice how the Greek soldiers were going to defend their border like going to a party, a celebration. They were not upset; there was a victory parade and they got into the trains with smiles and chants, waving their flags and confident that this is their time to make a glorious impact in history. They deflected Mussolini’s armies and they captured the entire Northern Hepeiros, which is today’s Southern Albania. They faced a superpower, with less military numbers, less weapons, less airplanes, less ships, less canons, less tanks; but with a much bigger heart and the protection of Panaghia – the Virgin Mary -  by their side.

These were the first ally victories in WW2. They forced Hitler to send the best of the best of his army, while Greece was already fighting against 4 countries, 2 of them superpowers. Greece’s disruption of Hitler’s war timetable forced him into the debilitating Russian winter where he met defeat. Leaders like Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin, America’s Sumner Welles and even Adolph Hitler’s Chief of Staff, Field Marshall Wilhelm Keitel, credit Greece with bringing about Hitler’s defeat. Keitel said, “The Greeks delayed by two or more vital months the German attack against Russia; if we did not have this long delay, the outcome of the war would have been different.” Greece was the only “David” in WWII able to inflict a fatal wound that eventually brought down the Nazi “Goliath.”

President Franklin Roosevelt said, “When the entire world had lost all hope, the Greek people dared to question the invincibility of the German monster raising against it the proud spirit of freedom,” following the Greeks handing the seemingly invincible Axis Forces their first defeat in WWII. Hitler had previously soundly defeated France and routed the army of Great Britain, two of the world’s great powers. Life Magazine and publications around the world featured Greece on their covers. Women and old men en masse gathered farm implements and whatever weapons they could find to attack Hitler’s elite paratroopers invading Crete. Over four thousand German soldiers lost their lives on Crete but so did 1,000 women. Cretan military personnel had gone to mainland Greece to fight the Axis Forces.

And the Church played a vital role as well. Only the Archbishop of Athens and All Greece, Damaskinos, among all top religious leaders in occupied countries publicly challenged in writing the occupying Nazis’ Holocaust plans, according to the Raoul Wallenberg Foundation. The Archbishop showed great courage in his response to the threat of death by Nazi firing squad. He told the Nazis that Greek clerics are not shot, but hanged, and he requested that they respect this custom. Time Magazine featured him on its cover.

When the Prime Minister of Greece said “Oxi” or “No” to the demand that Greece surrender, Greece stood virtually alone in the world against the seemingly unstoppable Axis forces. The Axis had crushed 15 countries including the greatest military at the time, France, they had a non-aggression pact with Russia, and neutrality from America and Great Britain.

Greece was the first to defeat the Axis in WWII moving US President Franklin Roosevelt to say, “When the entire world had lost all hope, the Greek people dared to question the invincibility of the German monster raising against it the proud spirit of freedom.”

Greece’s actions in WWII may well be modern history’s most consequential example of David vs. Goliath courage. As Winston Churchill also said, “Hence, we will not say that Greeks fight like heroes, but that heroes fight like Greeks.” Adolf Hitler said: “The Greek soldier, above all, fought with the most courage.”

Greece’s victory over Mussolini forced Hitler to have to invade Greece. This delayed Hitler’s invasion of Russia by two to three months moving Hitler’s Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel to say, “The unbelievable strong resistance of the Greeks delayed by two or more vital months the German attack against Russia; if we did not have this long delay, the outcome of the war would have been different.” As well, Soviet Union Premiere Joseph Stalin said, “We thank the Greek People, whose resistance decided WWII…you fought unarmed and won, small against big…You gave us time to defend ourselves.”

Winston Churchill said, “If there had not been the virtue and courage of the Greeks, we do not know which the outcome of World War II would have been.”

 And we, in our beautiful Parish, honored the heroes of 1940 with our youth’s phenomenal tribute. We were brought to tears of joy and pride seeing our youth sing, recite, narrate and proudly proclaim their historic knowledge of the events of WW2. They spoke in Greek, they sung beautifully and they presented historic facts that comprise our history. The video of the service and the sermon followed by the presentation of our Greek School are available for your viewership in the link below:

Please, allow me to express my gratitude to the students, the teachers and the members of the Greek School Board and PTA for the unforgettable presentation. Seeing our youth in their uniforms, hearing them chant the apolytikion of Saint Demetrios and the national anthems of America and Greece and listening to their narration, singing and reciting while waving their flags made us all so proud. Our heroes did not die in vain. This youth manifests that our Greek heritage is in good hands and I am very proud of the parents who pass on the torch of our history and our tradition to this next generation.

Our job has begun but it is not completed. We will continue working for the advancement of our cultural heritage, the preservation of our language and the edification of our historical past. This day is a day of heroes. And we need to fight like Greeks, heroically, to paraphrase Churchill’s famous quote. This day changed our lives and the world we live in.

October 28th, 1940 is a date that changed the history of the world.  Renowned historians have come to the conclusion that if the Greeks did not say NO (OXI) to the armies of Mussolini, then the Axis superpowers of the time would have overwhelmed Europe and the Nazi armies would have entered Russia months earlier, before the harsh Russian winter.  The victory of Greece against the fascists made Hitler change his plans and bring his armies to the South, in order to defeat the resilient Greeks.  Thousands of Germans were sacrificed in Crete, and it took two superpowers to invade a little nation of just over 3 million people population. Like a modern David, the Greek nation faced a Goliath (Greece is the only European country that had to face not one, but two invading Axis powers during World War Two). October 28th is a reminder of the sacrifice of people who chose to be heroes, to fight like heroes and to die like heroes. This is why European leaders exclaimed: “We used to say that Greeks fight like heroes. We should be saying that heroes fight like Greeks!”

            The Holy Protection of the Virgin Mary pushed the soldiers into Northern Hepeiros (today’s Southern Albania). Greeks love freedom so much, that they prefer to die free, rather than to live under captivity! The Mother of God, as a Protecting General, led the nation into more victories. There are many witnesses, Greek and Italian soldiers, who saw the Virgin Mary leading the Greek army on the mountains of Pindos. Goliath did not have God on his side, because unjust and unprovoked wars are crimes. And the Axis powers provoked the war with the cowardly attack in the harbor of Tenos, on the feast day of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary (August 15th, 1940)!

            October 28th, 1940 is a date that represents the sacrifice, the heroism and the quest for freedom of a nation that cultivated the virtues of liberty and human dignity. This date, also, presents us with a challenge. The challenge is for all of us, Greeks and people from all other nationalities and backgrounds, to cherish freedom, to honor the blessed memory of heroes and to live up to their inspiring example. The defeat of fascism on the mountains of Pindos is a triumph that needs to be repeated. We need to defeat all powers of evil. We need to bring peace in a world that suffers from the wounds of war. We need to cultivate freedom in a society that tends to keep people from thinking for their own selves.  Most importantly, we need spiritual freedom, freedom from the limitations of social corruption, sin and faithlessness.  With the Divine Protection motivating us, we may defeat the armies of evil and temptations that surround us.  And we may follow Christ, Who emerged victorious over death to give us the hope of eternity, redemption and salvation.

+Protopresbyter  Nikiforos Fakinos


Το ΟΧΙ του λαού μας  προς τα φασιστικά στρατεύματα είναι η καλύτερη απόδειξη της ανδρείας και της φιλοπατρίας των Ελλήνων. Τα ιστορικά ντοκουμέντα δείχνουν ένα λαό να πηγαίνει προς το μέτωπο με χαρά, με ενθουσιασμό, με τιμή, με περηφάνεια.  Διότι ο αγώνας μας είναι δίκαιος. Διότι η Υπέρμαχος Στρατηγός, η  Παναγιά μας, μας προστατεύει υπό τη θεία σκέπη της. Διότι έτσι οι δυνάμεις μας καθυστέρησαν τα ανίερα σχέδια των ναζιστών και ο δρυμμύς Ρωσικός χειμώνας επέφερε την κόπωση και την αποδυνάμωση των γραμμών ανεφοδιασμού του Χίτλερ. Οι χιλιάδες επιλέκτων Ες Ες που θάφτηκαν στην Κρήτη αποδεικνύουν μέχρι τις ημέρες μας ότι ο ηρωϊσμός και η αγάπη για ελευθερία είναι δύο όπλα που δεν καταβάλλονται από κανένα.  Μόλις 3 εκατομμύρια Ελλήνων αντιμετώπισαν δύο υπερδυνάμεις. Ο Δαυίδ αντιμετώπισε τον Γολιάθ. Κι όλος ο κόσμος αναφώνησε ότι «λέγαμε ότι οι Έλληνες πολεμούν σαν ήρωες, θα έπρεπε να λέμε ότι οι ήρωες πολεμούν σαν τους Έλληνες.»

Η επαίσχυντος και ύπουλη επίθεση στο λιμάνι της Τήνου την ημέρα της Παναγίας (15 Αυγούστου του 1940) ήταν επίθεση κατά του Ελληνισμού και της Ορθοδοξίας. Υπάρχουν μαρτυρίες Ελλήνων και Ιταλών στρατιωτών που είδαν την Υπέρμαχο Στρατηγό να παροτρύνει τα στρατεύματά μας προς την απελευθέρωση της Βορείου Ηπείρου. Τα σχέδια για φραγκοποίηση του λαού μας δεν εκπληρώθηκαν.

Η 28η Οκτωβρίου μας θυμίζει τον ηρωϊσμό, την ανδρεία και την παρρησία του λαού μας.  Το ελεύθερο χώμα της πατρίδος ποτίζεται από το αίμα των ηρώων που θυσίασαν τη ζωή τους για του Χριστού την πίστη την αγία και της πατρίδος την ελευθερία.  Και στην εποχή μας το παράδειγμα των προπατόρων μας εμπνέει να μην προδώσουμε τα ιδεατά της ιστορίας, της πίστεως, της γλώσσας και του πολιτισμού μας. Να μείνουμε ΕΛΛΗΝΕΣ, να δοξάζουμε την αγαπημένη πατρίδα μας και να τιμούμε το αγαθό της ελευθερίας που οι ήρωες του λαού μας παρέδωσαν ως ιερά παρακαταθήκη.

+Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος

‘Ομορφο ιστορικό ντοκουμέντο με μαγνητοσκοπημένο υλικό από την μάχη των Ελλήνων κατά του Φασισμού και του Ναζισμού:

Message from October 21, 2021:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Parish,

We are celebrating this week! We are celebrating the feast of our Patron Saint and Protector, the Great Martyr Demetrios. We love Saint Demetrios and he has bestowed many blessings upon us, countless miracles and wondrous acts of salvation. We love him because he is entrusted with the protection of our youth, our children and our loved ones.

Saint Demetrios was a young person, instilled with the charisma of evangelizing souls and teaching the faith to new Christians. He brought many young people to Christ through catechesis, spiritual instruction. He is therefore a Protector for Church School teachers and students as well.

During the service of his feast, I will speak about one of his students, Nestor, and how our youth has a lot to be inspired from the story of this young Christian martyr. We live in a time that our youth is attacked from many directions. Teaching them right from wrong, showing them the moral path of salvation, and inspiring them with courage and faith are significant ingredients for their upbringing.

We will speak about Saints Demetrios and Nestor during the Vespers, Monday, October 25th at 7 pm as well as the Divine Liturgy, Tuesday, October 26th starting with Orthros at 9 am. The ladies of the Philoptochos have prepared a warm welcome and delicious sweets. Letter of religious observance are prepared for student who would like to come to the morning service.

I look forward to seeing you on Sunday, when our Greek School students will present on OXI Day celebration. We will speak about the heroic example of young people who stood in defense of faith and nation, who saw the All-Holy Theotokos, τὴν Ὑπέρμαχον Στρατηγόν, defending Greece from an unholy intruder, from the dangers of Nazism and Fascism. We will speak about OXI, standing our ground in defense of our principles, expressing our love for Country and Church with words and works, resisting evil attacks against us implementing our faith and perseverance. Our youth needs that, we all need that!


Inter-GOYA has a Harvest dance Friday, October 22 at Saint Paul’s Cathedral, at 7:30 – 11 pm; please, call the office of the Cathedral to RSVP for participation. Entrance $15.

Also, Youth Costume Party on Friday, October 29 at 7 pm at the Church Hall. Free admission for GOYA and JOY members - Donations are welcome. Music by Euphoria productions, donated by Phil Tzaras (thank you Phil)! Costumes and funny masks are mandatory🤣 See you all then!

Message from the KANARIS GROUP Dance teacher:

Dear Parents,

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and your child(ren) to the KANARIS Dance Group of Saint Demetrios, Merrick. My name is Christina Karayiannis, and I’m excited to announce that I will be teaching our young adult dancers this year. I grew up attending Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church in Hicksville, where I started Greek dancing at a young age. My love for Greek dance continued throughout college and afterwards. I was married in beautiful Saint Demetrios by Father Nikiforos to my husband, George, who has been a member of this church community with his family for many years.

Dance practices will be held two times monthly for 45 minutes. We are hoping to align the practices with GOYA meetings and gatherings. Attached to this letter, please find the schedule of practice dates, which will also be provided to you as a hard copy at the next practice for your convenience. Any changes to the schedule will be communicated with you via email.

Although we do not have specific performance dates set yet, you will be notified in advance as performances come up. All students who would like to participate in performances must attend the two practices preceding the performance dates.

I look forward to helping your child(ren) further develop their love of Greek dance while strengthening their relationships with their church community and each other.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. I thank you for joining and can’t wait to work with you and your child(ren).


Christina Karayiannis



Also, Youth Costume Party on Friday, October 29 at 7 pm at the Church Hall. Free admission for GOYA and JOY members - Donations are welcome. Music by Euphoria productions, donated by Phil Tzaras (thank you Phil)! Costumes and funny masks are mandatory🤣 See you all then!

Greek School

OXI Day celebration, this Sunday, after the service. Please remember this is an event that requires your school uniform. Students will sit with their families during liturgy. ALL students, once liturgy has ended, will head downstairs.   Each teacher will give their respective class instructions. All tiropita/spanakopita sales will be outdoors at the church main entrance. All items are to-go. Thank you 😊

Church School

Church School has started and all the students enjoyed the first Sundays of classes. If you have not registered your child yet, please, see Mrs. Panagiota Perlegis or Mr. Tom Arianas after the service.

Little Angels

Little Angels is on Monday, October 25, from 4:30 to 6 pm (and every Monday). Come with your little ones and meet our new directors, Anthie and Daphne who have prepared a wonderful program for our Little Angels.


Basketball practices are on Tuesdays from 6 to 7 pm at Saint Paul’s Cathedral. Aggie and Dominic are looking forward to seeing our players soon and please, stay tuned for more updates on practices and games. A message from the Commissioners of the league is further below this message.

Any questions, please contact our coaches:

Aggie 917.807.3386 - Dominic 516.652.7481 - Nick 516.578.4686


Volleyball practices are on Tuesdays from 7 to 8 pm at Saint Paul’s Cathedral.


Ξεχωριστή η εορτή του Πολιούχου μας, Αγίου Μεγαλομάρτυρος Δημητρίου του Μυροβλύτου, για ολόκληρο τον Ελληνισμό, για την ομογένεια, για την πόλη της Θεσσαλονίκης αλλά και για την Παροικία του Μέρρικ.  Στην ενορία του Αγίου Δημητρίου στο Μέρρικ της Νέας Υόρκης, έχει αγιογραφηθεί μία εξαίσια εικόνα του Μαρτυρίου του Αγίου Δημητρίου, στην οποία ευλογεί τον μαθητή του και έταιρο Μάρτυρα, τον Άγιο Νέστορα. Ως διδάσκαλος, παροτρύνει τον μαθητή του για το ακατόρθωτο, να αντισταθεί με παρρησία στους Λυαίους που αντιμάχονται τους Χριστιανούς και τα ιδεώδη του Ευαγγελίου. Κι εμείς, η Κοινότητα που φέρει το όνομα του Αγίου, έχουμε ιερό χρέος να αντισταθούμε στους Λυαίους του 21ου αιώνα, που προσπαθούν να καταβάλλουν τη νεολαία, τους πιστούς μας. Σαν σύγχρονοι Νέστορες, όλοι που υπηρετούμε τον Άγιο ζητούμε την ευχή του για να αναδειχτούμε νικητές στους αγώνες της ζωής.

Ο Άγιος Μεγαλομάρτυς Δημήτριος ο Μυροβλύτης είναι ένα φωτισμένο παράδειγμα και υπόδειγμα Χριστιανού.  Η μνήμη του εορτάζεται πανηγυρικά διότι μολονότι ο ίδιος πέθανε (σωματικώς) πριν από αιώνες, το παράδειγμά του παραμένει ζωντανό για κάθε άνθρωπο που επιθυμεί να ζει άγιο βίο.    Ο Άγιος Δημήτριος μας εμπνέει με το φωτισμένο βίο του. Μαχητικός αλλά όχι βίαιος. Πράος αλλά όχι αδρανής. Άνθρωπος προσευχής, αλλά και άνθρωπος δράσης. Πιστός στο Θεό, αλλά όχι μοιρολάτρης. Εξασκήθηκε στη μετάνοια, αλλά δεν επιθύμησε την αμαρτία. Χάρηκε τη ζωή, αλλά δεν φοβήθηκε τον θάνατο. Ο Άγιος Δημήτριος ενέπνευσε πολλούς πριν το θάνατό του, με τον θάνατό του και μετά τον θάνατό του. Πριν τον θάνατό του,  μαγνήτισε πολλούς μαθητές στη διδασκαλία του Ευαγγελίου. Με τον θάνατό του, ενέπνευσε στους Χριστιανούς την αρετή της ανδρείας, της παρρησίας, της πίστεως και της αυτοθυσίας. Η ομολογία του στο Χριστό διδάσκει και όλους εμάς, μετά το θάνατό του, να αφοσιωνόμαστε στα θεία νάματα της πίστεως και να μην μας φοβίζουν οι κοσμικές απειλές.

Την περιώνυμο ημέρα του Πολιούχου μας έχουμε την ευκαιρία και τη δυνατότητα να ανανεώσουμε το συμβόλαιο της πίστεως με βάση τα ιδεατά που καλλιέργησε ο Άγιος Δημήτριος. Εκείνος, ως διδάσκαλος της πίστεως οραματίστηκε μια Εκκλησία δυναμική και ακμάζουσα. Μια Εκκλησία που να μην κρύβεται στην αφάνεια της αφομίωσης, αλλά να προσφέρει σε κοινωνικό έργο και σε φιλανθρωπία.  Τα έργα των προγόνων μας, οι βίοι των Αγίων μας εμπνέουν και κάθε σύγχρονο Ορθόδοξο να εργάζεται και να συνεργάζεται στον αγλαόκαρπο αμπελώνα της του Χριστού Εκκλησίας προσφέροντας τα δώρα της πίστεως, την αρετή, την αγιότητα και την σωτηρία. Μπορεί να νιώθουμε ότι οι δυνάμεις μας δεν είναι μεγάλες, όπως ο Άγιος Νέστωρ ήταν μικρόσωμος. Η ευλογία του Αγίου Δημητρίου, όμως, είναι ισχυρή σε χάρη και ο Θεός Παντοδύναμος. Kαλούμαστε να επιτεύξουμε μεγαλεπίβουλα, και μεγαλόπνοα έργα, με την ευχή του προστάτου μας, του ΑΓΙΟΥ ΜΕΓΑΛΟΜΑΡΤΥΡΟΣ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΟΥ.

+Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος


The celebration of the memory of Saint Demetrios is significant for all Orthodox people. Saint Demetrios is the protector of many people who have his name, for the city of Salonica and for our Parish here in Merrick.  Our Church is adorned with a magnificent icon of the Martyrdom of our Patron Saint.  It portays Saint Demetrios blessing his disciple Nestor.  Saint Demetrios was a religious educator, who cultivated the principles of our faith to many people.  The icon depicts the impact of Saint Demetrios on one of his disciples, Nestor, who, through the Saint’s inspiration, takes the courage to face the adversary of Christians, Lyeos the giant gladiator.  Just like Nestor, all of us who serve and follow the example of Saint Demetrios, receive the Saint’s blessing in order to face the adversaries of Christianity.  We have to also fight the modern-day gigantic “gladiators” that jeopardize the well-being of our Youth, of Hellenism and of Orthodox ideals.  Violence, drugs, immorality, unbelief, heresies and corruption are the weapons of this modern giant that challenges every human being in our society. Our Church equips us with the defense to overwhelm those challenges.  The blessing of Saint Demetrios will help us face any threat against our spiritual betterment.

Saint Demetrios illumines us with the example of his saintly character.  He was dynamic, but not violent.  He was peaceful, but not passive.  He was a person of prayer, but also a person of action.  He had faith in God, but he did not follow superstitions.  He practiced repentance, although he avoided sinning.  He cherished life, but he did not fear death.  Saint Demetrios inspired many before his death, during his death and after his death.  Before he died, he made sure to use his life in serving God and attracting people to Christ.  When he martyred, he inspired courage, determination and self-sacrifice for the values of faith, hope and love.  After his death, he motivates all of us to confess our faith to the world and to devote our lives for the spiritual welfare of our souls.

The Greek Orthodox Community of Merrick is illumined and graced by the Patron Saint of our Parish, Saint Demetrios. The Community of Saint Demetrios is not a very large Parish.  However, we envision great accomplishments, the completion of the iconography project and the building of a state-of-the-art Community Center. Saint Demetrios is our Patron Saint and our Protector.  We ask of him to intercede for our health and salvation. We honor him at the Vespers service with hymns and praises that are due to a holy person, who is an example for millions, even centuries after his earthly life.  Saint Demetrios is honored as a CHAMPION OF THE FAITH!

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message from October 7, 2021:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Parish,

So, Facebook and Instagram were down a couple of days ago. And everyone felt so liberated and relieved. We could actually get back to spending time with family and friends in person and not fight with strangers about things that neither person will ever convince the other. Everyone was sooooo happy about the media platforms being shut for those few hours. You know how I know everyone was happy? From Facebook and Instagram!

Yes, once the platforms were up and running, everyone exclaimed how liberating it was to not have to scroll down our phones and tablets. It was very uplifting indeed, and to celebrate this novel emotion, we posted about it. And we also read the posts of others.

The world has changed. We have some blessings on the social media platforms, such as listening to services, learning from theologians and educators and even connecting with friends and relatives. On the flip side, this amazing mode of connecting with people afar, has disconnected us from the people closest, the most precious ones.

And, as much as we enjoy the sermons and the services from the screen, it will never be a substitute for the real thing, to receive sacraments, to smell the incense, to taste the Holy Communion, to greet the priest and our friends in person.

We also experience the faith in a direct and profound way. One of the College students called me a little while ago. He told me that on Campus, they get a lot of questions. And he is often times seen in the dormitory listening to the services from Saint Demetrios, praying and helping others. Consequently, many students approach him about questions on spirituality.

Many students are either atheists or agnostics. It is easier that way; when there is nothing to practice, nothing to use as self-discipline and nothing to learn, a young person has a very easy path to doing whatever they wish. Our society teaches them that from a young age, thanks to automation, stickers and stars for effort, participation awards, entitlements and lack of any guidance from home. So, when these young people see someone who prays daily and cultivates their faith, they ask: “Why? How do you know that this faith is the right one? Why do you even believe in God? Is there a God?”

So the young Parishioner called me, and we spoke for a while, about possible and appropriate answers. “Did God choose your religion over others to save the people? And what happens to the others? And the response was from Saint Basil, about seminal reason, the revealed truth that permeates all humanity. All humans have an inner drive for faith. That’s why once they see a believer, these “atheistic, self-entitled, undisciplined bunch,” come and ask. They actually care. Society has taught them not to, but they do. They ask about salvation.

Plato had said in his historiographies that he has seen cities without walls, without ports, without big buildings, without many things. He never saw a city without a temple. The Communists tried for many decades to suppress faith and spirituality. It did not work.

And Christ revealed Himself in utter humility, so that we follow Him freely. His preaching is perfect, like no other person before or after. His miracles countless, as Saint John the Evangelist remarks, all the books of the world cannot contain them. And the miracles He granted to His Saints are in the millions!

Are there any other religions with a nice teaching, or even some who make people feel good about themselves? Yes, there are some nice teachings out there and some nice practices. But since Christ’s coming, Resurrection, Ascension and Pentecost, one faith has stayed true and has not deviated at all from what He gave us. The Orthodox faith remained undivided and continues the practices of the Apostles, which all came from the Lord.

When you travel to a destination, let’s say you are driving to Boston, the further you are from your journey's end, the less signs of the destination you see. The closer you get to your destination, the more signs you see that say “Boston.” If you are in Florida, it is unlikely that you see many signs to Boston. Once you cross Connecticut, you see more and more, until you reach your end point.

The closer we live to our faith, the more signs we experience. It is unfair to expect an atheist to know the truth. We can help answer their questions. If an atheist believes that this splendid Universe was created by chance, over the roll of a dice, thus making time and space occur out of the chaos of infinity, it is only because trying to get to their destination (God) presupposes some actual work, driving. The driving force that helps us find God is faith.

The student asked me today how to explain God, the Trinity, and the miracles. I replied “do not!” I do not know molecular biology, and I do not understand how my wife, my daughters, my parents and my friends are made up on a comprehensive and scientific level. Some people know, but it does not change a thing. We still love them with all our hearts and minds, whether we understand how they are comprised or not. We do not need to understand the Divinity to love Christ, Who is LOVE! The same way, you do not fall in love with someone because you examined your loved one in a laboratory.

And that’s where atheism failed people: trying to explain the inexplicable. Like the person who is watching the beautiful sunset and instead of taking in the experience, attempts to comprehend what chemicals in the atmosphere create these colors. Or the person who talks in a movie, trying to tell you what happens next. Atheism ruins the experience, in their attempt to pretend they know everything, atheists miss the best things in life…

Faith is all about the experience, τό βίωμα, living the moment, and letting nothing get in the way of that. Which is why we were all so happy when Facebook and Instagram went silent. It was a chance for us to do the talking, and see the beautiful world that surrounds us. Which I am remarking on, through Facebook and Instagram…

Fr. Nikiforos


The first GOYA meeting will take place on Saturday, October 9 at 6 pm. Immediately after the meeting, at 7 pm, we have the KANARIS dance group registration. A professional dance teacher will be there for the first lesson and introduction; to be part of the group, you may offer a donation of $150, which covers the entire year. And our youth can spend a beautiful evening with fellowship, games, music and dancing.

Church School

Church School has started and all the students enjoyed the first Sundays of classes. If you have not registered your child yet, please, see Mrs. Panagiota Perlegis or Mr. Tom Arianas after the service.

Little Angels

We are also very proud of our Schools, Greek School and Church School. We begin our Little Angels in two weeks, on Monday, October 11, from 4:30 to 6 pm. Come with your little ones and meet our new directors, Anthie and Daphne who have prepared a wonderful program for our Little Angels.


St. Barbara's Philopotchos invites all the ladies in the community for brunch. Saturday, October 16 from 11:30-2:30 at Avenue Social Kitchen & Cocktails in Bellmore. $55 pp cash bar. Please RSVP to Sophie Pappas (516) 353-5187


Our basketball hoops are already installed and ready to be used. Aggie and Dominic are looking forward to seeing our players soon and please, stay tuned for more updates on practices and games. A message from the Commissioners of the league is further below this message.

Any questions, please contact our coaches:

Aggie 917.807.3386 - Dominic 516.652.7481 - Nick 516.578.4686

Message from September 30, 2021:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Parish,

Millions of children around the world demand for us, the adults, to clean the planet. Equally millions of parents around the world demand from their kids to clean their room; which teaches us all, adults and children alike, a meaningful lesson on personal responsibility. In order to fix the world, let’s start with our own self. We make the world a better place one soul at a time. And this is why youth ministries are so significant.

Church School and Greek School, together with Little Angels, HOPE, JOY, GOYA and YAL, give our youth the ingredients of building a higher moral caliber. And, amazingly enough, that helps the adults as well. Many of you have told me that your children wake you up on Sunday to come to Church. And many children also get in the beautiful ethos of daily prayer, even more than adults. So, for all of us, let’s clean our planet, let’s clean our room, let’s clean our souls. Starting with ourselves!

Church School

Church School has started and all the students enjoyed the first two Sundays of classes. This Sunday, we have the blessing to have Mr. Steven Christoforou present to the Church School students. You all probably know Steven from the Be the Bee series of YouTube videos of the Archdiocese. He is an inspiring and very well-versed theologian, who has the gift of helping young people (and all of us) edify the faith.

Little Angels

We are blessed this year by the presence of many babies in our Church, more than I can ever recall. We are approaching a record number of 50 baptisms! This ensures the future of our Church and our faith, since we are blessed by many young families and beautiful couples who are joining our Parish and bring us all so much joy with their happiness and many blessings. We also had 32 baptisms last year, which indicates that our record statistics are not related so much to delays due to the pandemic, but mainly indicate the rate of growth in our Church.

We are also very proud of our Schools, Greek School and Church School. We begin our Little Angels in two weeks, on Monday, October 10, at 4:30 pm. Come with your little ones and meet our new directors, Anthie and Daphne who have prepared a wonderful program for our Little Angels.


St. Barbara's Philopotchos invites all the ladies in the community for brunch. Saturday, October 16 from 11:30-2:30 at Avenue Social Kitchen & Cocktails in Bellmore. $55 pp cash bar. Please RSVP to Sophie Pappas (516) 353-5187


The GOBL committee will be meeting in the coming weeks to discuss the plans for the 2021-22 basketball season. The goal is to have all the divisions participate at some point during the season. More information will be relayed after the committee meets next month.

In the meantime, please register your children for the upcoming season at the link provided:

Any questions, please contact:

Aggie 917.807.3386 - Dominic 516.652.7481 - Nick 516.578.4686


GOYA Board affirmation and members’ registration will take place on Sunday, October 3 after the service.  We also congratulate the 2021- 22 GOYA Board: Co-Presidents: Georgia Karantenislis, Efthymios Anagnostos and Georgios Margaronis. Vice Presidents: Natalia Fakinos, Christina Hadjizacharias, Dimitri Zervas. Secretary: Victoria Valsamos. Treasurer: Ioannis Malafis. Event Coordinators: Andrew Karlis, Michael Papazis and Georgios Rekkas. The GOYA Board induction ceremony will take place on Sunday, October 3rd during the service. CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message from September 23, 2021:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Parish,

What a beautiful festival we had!!! Gorgeous weather, delicious food and lots of dancing and fun! We owe great gratitude to the tireless volunteers. We saw them for weeks building, decorating, preparing the food, cleaning, cooking, baking, serving and offering donations and their valuable time. That by itself makes our Festival a great success. Seeing all ages of our Parish working together, our donors and volunteers joining forces and making last weekend a celebration for our culture, for Hellenism and Orthodoxy, for Saint Demetrios.

We are left with some raffles that remained unsold; we will mail a few to your homes and please, return as many as you wish to support the Church. We will send you your tax exemption receipt for your raffle and general donations, since your gift maintains our programs and ministries. Many of those programs are listed below, as we resume our youth and Parish activities.

I will be speaking to our children on Sunday: these weeks we explain basic facts about our faith. These dialectic presentations are very informative for adults as well. Our youth has no other place to learn these higher moral and spiritual principles, other than the Church. And we need to fortify their souls with all the necessary “antibodies” against the “viruses” of evil and corruption. Those are the true dangers against humanity, they spread like terrible diseases, and they attempt to affect first the youth, and consequently our world. Live the faith, love the faith, be the faith!


Our first HOPE and JOY meeting (ages 6 through12) and registration is on Saturday September 25, at 4 pm (Church Hall). Please, see Mrs. Anna and bring your children’s favorite board game. We will have the children play together and also prepare them for this year’s plentiful activities, which will include theater, music, singing, arts and crafts, games and many more surprises.

At the same time, we were blessed that Mr. Aggie Lambrou and Mr. Dominic Milito donated two basketball hoops for outdoors playtime as well as all their time and talent to coach our Basketball teams, continuing their successful seasons from the previous years. Basketball practices will begin soon and we invite all our young friends to come and participate.

Church School!

Our Church School invites our entire youth for registration this Sunday, immediately after the Divine Liturgy. Come to Church this Sunday, every pew will be marked with the age group/class for the students. Immediately after the service, we will have class (and registration if you haven’t registered yet). The schedule will be distributed at registration. Father Nikiforos will address the youth every Sunday with a children’s sermon, before Holy Communion. Do not miss it!


St. Barbara's Philopotchos invites all the ladies in the community for brunch. Saturday, October 16 from 11:30-2:30 at Avenue Social Kitchen & Cocktails in Bellmore. $55 pp cash bar. Please RSVP to Sophie Pappas (516) 353-5187


The GOBL committee will be meeting in the coming weeks to discuss the plans for the 2021-22 basketball season. The goal is to have all the divisions participate at some point during the season. More information will be relayed after the committee meets next month.

In the meantime, please register your children for the upcoming season at the link provided:

Any questions, please contact:

Aggie 917.807.3386 - Dominic 516.652.7481 - Nick 516.578.4686


GOYA registration will take place on Sunday, October 3 after the service.  We also congratulate the 2021- 22 GOYA Board: Co-Presidents: Georgia Karantenislis, Efthymios Anagnostos and Georgios Margaronis. Vice Presidents: Natalia Fakinos, Christina Hadjizacharias, Dimitri Zervas. Secretary: Victoria Valsamos. Treasurer: Ioannis Malafis. Event Coordinators: Andrew Karlis, Michael Papazis and Georgios Rekkas. The GOYA Board induction ceremony will take place on Sunday, October 3rd during the service. CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL!


Our Young Adults (College students and young adult group) are also preparing the schedule for many amazing activities during the Fall and for the new academic year. Stay tuned for more announcements!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message from September 9, 2021:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Parish,

His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros Coming This Sunday!

His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America is coming this Sunday, September 12th to our Parish! It is an exceptional opportunity for all of us to receive His Eminence’s blessing, and especially for our children, the students and the entire Parish family. The students of our Church School and our Greek School will welcome His Eminence at 9 am at the entrance of the Church. Parish Council and Philoptochos will also be present in the Narthex as they host a beautiful reception after the service. We are looking forward to seeing you all this Sunday!

September 11th Memorial:

This Saturday marks the 20th Anniversary since the sorrowful tragedy of September 11th. Every year we hold a memorial service on the Sunday closest to the horrific terrorist attack that cost their lives to thousands of souls. This Sunday, we will pray for the beloved heroes of September 11th, one of whom is our own Parishioner Theodoros Piyis, brother of our custodian and past Vice President of the Council kyrios Kostas. We all mourn the loss of loved ones; I had dear Parishioners in my former Parish for whom I also pray on this day. Saturday morning, the Church bells will chime in a mourning cycle in memory of all our fellow Americans whose lives were taken unjustly by hateful terrorists. We will pray for the safety and security of our Nation and we will ask for the blessing of His Eminence our Archbishop, who will bless us all and our fallen Americans on Sunday’s service.

Church School Registration This Sunday!

Our Church School invites our entire youth for registration this Sunday, immediately after the Divine Liturgy. Come to Church this Sunday, every pew will be marked with the age group/class for the students. For the first Sunday, we invite parents to sit with their younger children. Immediately after the service, registration will take place in the entrance of the Church. Next Sunday we resume with Agiasmos, first day of classes and breakfast. The schedule will be distributed at registration.


At the same time, our Parish is preparing for the Festival, which will take place from Thursday, September 16 through Sunday, September 19. We missed our Festival and we look forward to enjoy our fellowship, the delicious food that does not compare to anything on this side of the Atlantic Ocean and our music, dancing, games and fun.

Our Festival is back!!! After 2 years, we are expecting many supporters and friends of the Parish to celebrate our Festival, and we ask all of you to spread the word! From social media, word of mouth, telephone, telegram and tell-a-Greek, please, invite EVERYONE!!! Tell your friends, neighbors, colleagues, relatives, even your dentist (just steer him away from the pastries).

We also ask you all to become supporters for the Annual Greek Festival. Your business and your family will be honored as contributors of the event in all Parish publications and with Festival signs. The Annual Greek Festival is a magnificent institution that has been organized in the South Shore of Long Island for approximately four decades. The Festival offers delicious Greek cuisine, live music, dancing performances and games for the youth. The proceeds support many worthy causes, such as charities, youth programs, family activities, spiritual retreats, youth events and religious education.

This year, we are offering all local businesses the opportunity to be advertised in our Festival and become contributors for this very worthy cause. Thousands of patrons attend the event. Contributors for the Festival will be displayed on the signs of the Food Court area and on special publications that are distributed with the tavern menus as well as the Church website. This is our way to thank you for your generous support and assistance. We would like to thank all those who become Festival Benefactors (for $1,000 donations or more), Contributors ($500-$999) and Supporters ($250-$499). A letter for your contribution will be forwarded for your tax exemption purposes.

For questions, please do not hesitate to contact our Church Office. We would love to see you and your family at the 2021 Greek Festival of Saint Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church in Merrick. Thanks for your generosity, which is the backbone for the charities and ministries of the Church.

Αγαπητοί ομογενείς,

Η Κοινότητα του Αγίου Δημητρίου στο Μέρρικ σάς προσκαλεί στο ετήσιο Φεστιβάλ της. Φέτος, το Φεστιβάλ θα λάβει χώρα από την Πέμπτη 16 Σεπτεμβρίου έως και την Κυριακή 19 Σεπτεμβρίου 2021. Το ετήσιο Φεστιβάλ αποτελεί θεσμό 40ετίας για την περιοχή του Νοτίου Λογκ Άϊλαντ. Τα έσοδα από την προσπάθεια καλύπτουν πολλούς αξιόλογους σκοπούς, όπως η ανέγερση του Πολιτιστικού Κέντρου, του Ελληνικού Σχολείου του Μέρρικ, όπου θα στεγάζεται και το κέντρο νεότητας, οι φιλανθρωπικές δρσαστηριότητες και οι χώροι για τους συνταξιούχους μας.

Το Φεστιβάλ προσφέρει γευστική Ελληνική κουζίνα, λαχειοφόρο, ζωντανή μουσική, χορευτικές επιδείξεις και παιχνίδια για τα παιδιά. Σας προσκαλούμε να προσφέρετε σε αυτό το αξιόλογο πολιτιστικό γεγονός. Χιλιάδες θα έρθουν να επισκευτούν το Φεστιβάλ, όπου θα έχουμε τον πίνακα με τα ονόματα των επιχειρήσεων όλων των δωρητών μας. Επίσης, θα δημοσιεύσουμε ειδικό τεύχος με το μενού της ταβέρνας μας και την ιστορία του ναού μας με λεπτομερή αναφορά στους υποστηρικτές μας, των οποίων οι επιχειρήσεις θα αναγράφονται και στην ιστοσελίδα μας στο διαδίκτυο. Ευχαριστούμε όλους σας που προσφέρετε με αγάπη στην όμορφη Κοινότητα του Αγίου Δημητρίου, τους Ευεργέτες ($1000 ή μεγαλύτερα ποσά), τους Δωρητές ($500-$999) και τους Συνδρομητές ($250-$499). Το γραφείο μας θα σας στείλει επιστολή για τον ποσό της προσφοράς σας προς κάθε φορολογική απαλλαγή.

Παρακαλούμε να υποστηρίξετε το Φεστιβάλ με την δωρεά σας. Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες, παρακαλούμε να επικοινωνήσετε μαζί μας. Θα χαρούμε να σας δούμε στο όμορφο Φεστιβάλ του Αγίου Δημητρίου του Μέρρικ.


St. Barbara's Philopotchos invites all the ladies in the community for brunch. Saturday, October 16 from 11:30-2:30 at Avenue Social Kitchen & Cocktails in Bellmore. $55 pp cash bar. Please RSVP to Sophie Pappas (516) 353-5187


We invite all our HOPE and JOY youth (ages 6 through12) to our amazing new program, which begins with registration on Saturday September 18, at 5 pm. This year, we will include theater, music, singing, arts and crafts, games and many more surprises. At the same time, we were blessed that Mr. Aggie Lambrou and Mr. Dominic Milito donated two basketball hoops for outdoors playtime as well as all their time and talent to coach our Basketball teams, continuing their successful seasons from the previous years.


The GOBL committee will be meeting in the coming weeks to discuss the plans for the 2021-22 basketball season. The goal is to have all the divisions participate at some point during the season. More information will be relayed after the committee meets next month.

In the meantime, please register your children for the upcoming season at the link provided:

Any questions, please contact:

Aggie 917.807.3386 - Dominic 516.652.7481 - Nick 516.578.4686


GOYA registration will take place on Friday, September 17 at 6 pm during the Festival. During the registration, our GOYAns will be welcomed by our new GOYA Advisor, Mr. Alex Avgeris. Alex is our chanter, a theologian with Masters of Divinity, the Director of the Direct Archdiocesan District Youth Programs, a significant member of Camp Saint Paul and a wonderful inspiration for our Youth. We thank him wholeheartedly for accepting the responsibility and the challenges to guide and assist our youth and especially the most crucial age group of our teenagers.

Alex will be assisted by the Parish Council youth committee, by our seminarian Angelo Michael Bruno and all the parents of the GOYA members in fulfilling his new role. Fr. Nikiforos and President Niko will be always there for our youth, as is the case for all their events and programs, for guidance and support. Our first GOYA event for the year is the Festival!

We invite all our GOYAns to participate in the Festival, to attend, to have fun, to dance, to socialize and to volunteer. Fr. Nikiforos will prepare Community service letters for all the young volunteers and especially for the members of the youth who require community service hours for the Schools, scholarships and academic programs.

Please, see Niko to position each one of you in our Festival stands; Niko can see you after Church and also during the Festival. The first GOYA meeting will take place on Sunday, September 19 at 1 pm. So come to the service, have your delicious pastries afterwards and then we can all sit together and begin the new Church Year with much enthusiasm and joy.

GOYA Executive positions available

Good Afternoon to our GOYA family!

First and foremost, I would like to wish you all a beautiful, healthy and spiritually productive new ecclesiastical and school year! We have exciting announcements for the new GOYA year.

1) Mr. Alex Avgeris is our new advisor. He is the director of the Direct Archdiocesan District Youth Office, well known for his involvement with the Camp program and our Church chanter. He is an amazing example for the youth and a knowledgeable theologian. Please, support him in his new duties with your love, encouragement and participation. GOYA registration will take place on Friday, September 17 at 6 pm during the Festival.

2) His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros will visit our Church this Sunday, September 12 at 9 am. I would love to see our entire GOYA Board and members to welcome our Archbishop in the morning, before His arrival at 9:30 am. We will be at the Church entrance and after the service we have lunch. His Eminence will bless all our students and youth members.

3) Our Festival is from Thursday, September 16th through Sunday, the 19th. We invite all our GOYAns to participate, get involved and volunteer. I will write recommendation letters to all the youth volunteers and will also fill out their community service hours for their school, honors society and scholarship requirements. For details and where to help, see our Parish Council and our President Nikos Poulikidis on Thursday, September  16. See you at the Festival.

4) On Sunday, September 12, please, submit at the Church (give them after the service to Alex Avgeris or Angelo Michael Bruno) which positions of the GOYA executive board interest you, your name and contact information. The positions are President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Social Media Coordinator and Event Coordinator. At the Festival, we will have the actual "essay" submission, which will not be written this year. The topic of the essay is: "Show me your faith with works and not words." Obviously, this requires action, involvement and personal effort.

We expect our GOYAns to show the way and inspire people that our faith is best applied when practiced rather than a dormant theory of concepts. Show us your faith! Be Christ like - Christians. Love the Lord and live up to His commandments. So many people chose to be absent, when the Lord asks for us to be present. See you in Church, on Sundays and for the Festival and all our GOYA events.

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message from September 1, 2021:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Parish,


September 1st is the beginning of the New Ecclesiastical Year. We begin the New Church and School Year with the Agiasmos, Church School Registration, the blessing of all our people and especially the prayers for the protection and Divine illumination of our students and our youth.  September 1st is also marked by the celebration of the MOST NAME-DAYS of any other day of the year in the Orthodox calendar. Look at all the names of Saints we commemorate on September 1st and do not forget to extend your wishes to all your friends and relatives who have their name-day celebrations, many of whom we have in our beautiful Parish:


Symeon Stylites, Righteous Joshua, Saint Meletios the Younger, Holy New Martyr Angelis, Saint Joshua and the Women Philosophers and Martyrs:

ADAMANTIOS (Adamantios, Adamantia, Amanda),  APHRODITE (Afrodite, Fregia), AKRIVI, ANTIGONI (Antigone, Antigoni),  ASPASIA (Aspasia),  ATHINA (Athena, Athina),  CLEO (Clio),  CLEOPATRA, (Cleopatra, Kleopatra, Patra, Patroula, Cleo), CORALIA (Koralia, Koralou), DIAMANTO (Diamando, Adamandia, Ada), DIONI (Dioni), DODONI (Dodone), EFTERPI (Evterpi), ELPINIKI (Helpiniki), ERASMIA (Erasmea), ERATO (Erato), HAIDO (Haido, Haideftos), HARIKLIA (Hariklia, Haroula), ISMENE (Jasmin, Yasmin, Jasmeen, Yasmeen, Ismini), KALLIROI (Kaliroi), KALLISTI (Kalisti),  KALLISTO (Kallisto), KLEONIKI (Kleonikos), MANDO (Mando, Mandi, Manto), MARGARET (Margarita),  MARIANTHI (Marianthe), MELETIOS (Meletios, Meletis), MELPOMENI (Melpmene), MOSHO (Moshoula), OURANIA (Ourania, Urania, Rania), PANDORA (Pandora), PENELOPE (Pinelopi, Bilio), POLIMNIA (Polimnia), POLINIKI (Polynike, Polyniki, Polyna, Polina), POLYTIMI (Polytimi, Timi), RALLIA (Rallia, Raylee, Rallis, Ralis), SAPFO (Sapho), TERPSIHORI (Terpsihori), THALIA (Thalia)  THEANO (Theano), THEONIMPHI (Theonymphi).

Χρόνια πολλά and best wishes to all of you who celebrate and we will see you on Sunday to express our prayers to all for health, salvation and divine protection!


As you know, the feast days of our holy Tradition have been arranged in a cyclical form starting with the Birth of the Virgin Mary (September 8). Then, we proceed to all other significant holy days, including, to name a few, the Presentation of the Virgin Mary into the Temple (November 21), Christmas (December 25), Theophany (January 6), the Presentation of the Lord into the Temple (February 2) until the feasts of Holy Week, the Crucifixion and the Resurrection of the Lord - Pascha, the Ascension of the Lord, Pentecost, and the Dormition of the Virgin Mary (August 15).  Thus, the Orthodox cycle of feasts moves in cycles, starting in September and concluding in August.

The celebrations of our Tradition signify the realization of the divine plan for the salvation of humanity (Incarnation, Resurrection, Ascension, Pentecost) as well as the journey of every human being toward Heaven (through the observance of these feasts, the glorification of God and the participation in the holy sacraments). God gives us the opportunity to nurture our souls with His Grace and the spiritual admonition of His revealed wisdom. His message is given through holy Tradition, in the Bible, in the literature of the Fathers and in the unwritten wisdom of the Church. The fruits of the Grace of God are love, faith, charity, repentance, peace and discernment.

The New Ecclesiastical Year begins with hope and joy. We need to use as many of spiritual blessings our Church provides as possible. The holy sacraments, the Holy Scriptures and the other spiritual opportunities are the steps that take us closer to God, the steps we have to walk on. This way, we may look forward for a blessed year, for a year that brings salvation and redemption, for a


Fr. Nikiforos

Message from August 26, 2021:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Parish,

Tonight, we celebrate the Vespers of Saint Phanourios, a miraculous and newly revealed Martyr of the early Church, which will take place on at 7 pm. You may bring the pies – φανουρόπιτες and the names of your loved ones, so that we pray for health, salvation and divine protection for our families and friends.

At the same time, our Parish is preparing for the Festival, which will take place from Thursday, September 16 through Sunday, September 19. We missed our Festival and we look forward to enjoy our fellowship, the delicious food that does not compare to anything on this side of the Atlantic Ocean and our music, dancing, games and fun.

Our Festival is back!!! After 2 years, we are expecting many supporters and friends of the Parish to celebrate our Festival, and we ask all of you to spread the word! From social media, word of mouth, telephone, telegram and tell-a-Greek, please, invite EVERYONE!!! Tell your friends, neighbors, colleagues, relatives, even your dentist (just steer him away from the pastries).

We also ask you all to become supporters for the Annual Greek Festival. Your business and your family will be honored as contributors of the event in all Parish publications and with Festival signs. The Annual Greek Festival is a magnificent institution that has been organized in the South Shore of Long Island for approximately four decades. The Festival offers delicious Greek cuisine, live music, dancing performances and games for the youth. The proceeds support many worthy causes, such as charities, youth programs, family activities, spiritual retreats, youth events and religious education.

This year, we are offering all local businesses the opportunity to be advertised in our Festival and become contributors for this very worthy cause. Thousands of patrons attend the event. Contributors for the Festival will be displayed on the signs of the Food Court area and on special publications that are distributed with the tavern menus as well as the Church website. This is our way to thank you for your generous support and assistance. We would like to thank all those who become Festival Benefactors (for $1,000 donations or more), Contributors ($500-$999) and Supporters ($250-$499). A letter for your contribution will be forwarded for your tax exemption purposes.

For questions, please do not hesitate to contact our Church Office. We would love to see you and your family at the 2021 Greek Festival of Saint Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church in Merrick. Thanks for your generosity, which is the backbone for the charities and ministries of the Church.

Αγαπητοί ομογενείς,

Η Κοινότητα του Αγίου Δημητρίου στο Μέρρικ σάς προσκαλεί στο ετήσιο Φεστιβάλ της. Φέτος, το Φεστιβάλ θα λάβει χώρα από την Πέμπτη 16 Σεπτεμβρίου έως και την Κυριακή 19 Σεπτεμβρίου 2021. Το ετήσιο Φεστιβάλ αποτελεί θεσμό 40ετίας για την περιοχή του Νοτίου Λογκ Άϊλαντ. Τα έσοδα από την προσπάθεια καλύπτουν πολλούς αξιόλογους σκοπούς, όπως η ανέγερση του Πολιτιστικού Κέντρου, του Ελληνικού Σχολείου του Μέρρικ, όπου θα στεγάζεται και το κέντρο νεότητας, οι φιλανθρωπικές δρσαστηριότητες και οι χώροι για τους συνταξιούχους μας.

Το Φεστιβάλ προσφέρει γευστική Ελληνική κουζίνα, λαχειοφόρο, ζωντανή μουσική, χορευτικές επιδείξεις και παιχνίδια για τα παιδιά. Σας προσκαλούμε να προσφέρετε σε αυτό το αξιόλογο πολιτιστικό γεγονός. Χιλιάδες θα έρθουν να επισκευτούν το Φεστιβάλ, όπου θα έχουμε τον πίνακα με τα ονόματα των επιχειρήσεων όλων των δωρητών μας. Επίσης, θα δημοσιεύσουμε ειδικό τεύχος με το μενού της ταβέρνας μας και την ιστορία του ναού μας με λεπτομερή αναφορά στους υποστηρικτές μας, των οποίων οι επιχειρήσεις θα αναγράφονται και στην ιστοσελίδα μας στο διαδίκτυο. Ευχαριστούμε όλους σας που προσφέρετε με αγάπη στην όμορφη Κοινότητα του Αγίου Δημητρίου, τους Ευεργέτες ($1000 ή μεγαλύτερα ποσά), τους Δωρητές ($500-$999) και τους Συνδρομητές ($250-$499). Το γραφείο μας θα σας στείλει επιστολή για τον ποσό της προσφοράς σας προς κάθε φορολογική απαλλαγή.

Παρακαλούμε να υποστηρίξετε το Φεστιβάλ με την δωρεά σας. Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες, παρακαλούμε να επικοινωνήσετε μαζί μας. Θα χαρούμε να σας δούμε στο όμορφο Φεστιβάλ του Αγίου Δημητρίου του Μέρρικ.

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message from August 19, 2021:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Parish,

On Friday, August 27th, we celebrate Saint Phanourios, a miraculous and newly revealed Martyr of the early Church. I will speak extensively about the Saint at the Vespers service in his honor, which will take place on Thursday, August 26th at 7 pm. You may bring the pies – φανουρόπιτες and the names of your loved ones, so that we pray for health, salvation and divine protection for our families and friends.

May we all find what we seek; through the intercessions of Saint Phanourios, we receive the Lord’s revelation, illuminating the path of salvation. The same day is also the feast of Saints Andrianos and Natalia. I would like to wish a very happy name-day to all the Natalias in the Parish (we have 3!). And to my beautiful daughter Natalia we send best wishes as well: «χρόνια πολλά κι ευλογημένα αγάπη μου!» Below, is the summary of the life of the Saints, a great and inspirational example of love between a husband and a wife.

Saints Adrianos and Natalia

The holy Martyrs Adrian and Natalia confessed the Christian Faith during the reign of Maximian, in Nicomedia, in the year 298. Adrian was a pagan; witnessing the valor of the Martyrs, and the fervent faith with which they suffered their torments, he also declared himself a Christian and was imprisoned. When this was told to his wife Natalia, who was secretly a believer, she visited him in prison and encouraged him in his sufferings. Saint Adrian's hands and feet were placed on an anvil and broken off with a hammer; he died in his torments. His blessed wife recovered part of his holy relics and took it to Argyropolis near Byzantium. She reposed in peace soon after. (from the Synaxarion, or lives of Saints, in the Orthodox Calendar of the Archdiocese Website:

Saints Adrian (in Greek Adrianos) and Natalia are an example of Christian faith, self-denial and sacrificial love.  The word love is thrown around a lot (use more than any other concept in poems, songs, movies and the arts). Nevertheless, the example of Adrian, who endured severe martyrdom for his love of Christ is admirable. Most Christians do not even participate in a weekly Sunday service, let alone give their whole life to Christ.

Saint Natalia, on the other hand, is an inspiring wife, who risked her life to support her suffering husband. Furthermore, she walked a long journey, just to offer her husband a proper burial and the honor of a Christian martyr. Her love for him is in antithesis of many contemporary couples, who hardly do anything for each other, who hurt each other and commit acts that break the unity of their matrimony. Like a Christian version of Romeo and Juliet, Saint Natalia died as soon as she fulfilled her mission, after a long trip and many tribulations. Her death was not in vein, since it was thanks to her that we know of the Saints who became an eternal symbol of self-sacrifice and true love!

Apolytikion in the Third Tone

You did deem that Faith, which has salvation to its wealth, never lost or plundered. You had forsaken your father's impiety, and you did follow your Lord, becoming rich in His divine gifts, O glorious Adrian. With the godly-minded Natalia, who emboldened you, entreat Christ our God, O Martyr, that our souls be saved.

Kontakion in the Fourth Tone

Having wisely laid to heart all the divine words of your godly-minded wife, Adrian, Martyr of Christ God, in torments you persevered ardently; and with your yoke-mate you now have received your crown.

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Άγιοι Ανδριανός και Ναταλία

Οι Άγιοι Ανδριανός και Ναταλία ήταν έγγαμοι μάρτυρες της πρωτοχριστιανικής εκκλησίας. Ζούσαν στη Νικομήδια και μαρτύρησαν την πίστη στο Χριστό κατά το έτος 298 μ.Χ. Ο Άγιος Ανδριανός εγκατέλειψε την ειδωλολατρεία βλέποντας το θάρρος, την πίστη και την αγάπη των μαρτύρων. Φυλακίστηκε εξ’ αιτίας της Χριστιανικής του ταυτότητος και βασανίστηκε οικτρά. Η σύζυγός του, η Αγία Ναταλία, και η ίδια κρυπτοχριστιανή, του έδινε θάρρος κατά τη διάρκεια των βασανηστηρίων. Του μιλούσε για το στεφάνι της Αγιότητος που περιμένει και να μην προδώσει την πίστη του. Όταν του έσπασαν τα άκρα με σφυριά και του άνοιγαν τις πληγές, εκείνη ερχόταν στη φυλακή για να τον περιποιηθεί, χωρίς να φοβάται αν την συλλάβουν.

Όταν εκδήμησε ο Άγιος Ανδριανός, η Αγία Ναταλία, έλαβε το σκήνωμά του (τα λείψανα που είχαν απομείνει μετά τα οικτρά βασανηστήρια) και τα μετέφερε στην Αργυρόπολη, κοντά στο Βυζάντιο. Μετά το μακρύ ταξίδι και αφού εκπλήρωσε την αποστολή της να διαφυλάξει το σεπτό σκήνωμα με τιμή, η Αγία Ναταλία εξεδήμησε εν Κυρίω. Αποτελεί υπόδειγμα αγάπης και αυτοπροσφοράς. Το μαρτύριο των Αγίων θυμίζει σε εμάς, τους σύγχρονους Χριστιανούς που οι περισσότεροι δεν θυσιάζουμε ούτε μία ώρα την εβδομάδα για εκλησιασμό, να δίνουμε τη ζωή μας και να προσφέρουμε για τον Θεό, τον συνάνθρωπο και αυτούς που μάς εμπιστεύεται ο Κύριος, την οικογένειά μας.

Η σύγχρονη οικογένεια πάσχει γιατί λείπει το πνεύμα θυσίας και προσφοράς. Ζητάμε αλλά δεν δίνουμε. Οι σχέσεις γίνονται μονόδρομες και όχι αμφίδρομες. Οι σύζυγοι δεν παραμένουν σύζυγοι, να σηκώνουν μαζί το ζυγό με ισορροπία, αρμονία και αγάπη. Μεγαλώνουν τα ποσσοστά συζύγουν που απατούν ο ένας τον άλλο, που τους κακομεταχειρίζονται και υβρίζονται ακόμη και μπροστά στα αθώα και ανήμπορα παιδιά τους. Έτσι μεγαλώνουν και οι παιδικές ψυχασθένειες και τα παιδιά είναι τα θύματα ενός πολέμουν που δεν προκάλεσαν. Ο Θεός μάς τα δίνει ως αγγελούδια και εμείς τους δίνουμε μια κόλαση.

Η Χριστιανική οικογένεια είναι το μόνο λιμάνι σωτηρίας στο οποίο οι αρχές και τα ηθικά ιδανικά του Ευαγγελίου καλλιεργούν αληθινή και καρδιακή αγάπη, ειρηνική συμβίωση και αγαλλίαση. Για το λόγο αυτό, πρέπει να βλέπουμε στους Αγίους μας υποδείγματα και παραδείγματα ήθους και συμπεριφοράς. Παραδείγματα αληθινής αγάπης!

Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος

Message from August 11, 2021:


All Orthodox Christians celebrate the Dormition and the Assumption of the Virgin Mary on August 15.  Throughout the world, the fest of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary unites all Christians, who, like the disciples of the Lord, gather to request her intercessions and blessings.  The Orthodox people call August 15 as the Pascha of Summer or Easter after Easter.  The faithful honor and celebrate this holy day, because there is very special connection with the Mother of God.  The Virgin Mary has performed so many miracles, that over one thousand names or eponyms have been attributed to her.  The hymnology of the Church calls her the Unwedded Bride, the bridge of Heaven and earth, the throne of the King of Glory, the vessel of divine Grace, the fountain of Life, the more honorable than the Cherubim and more glorious beyond compare than the Seraphim (the orders of the Angels).  In every service there is a request to the Virgin Mary to intercede for our salvation.  Even when we are in danger, we exclaim “holy Mother of God!,” asking for protection and for her benevolent grace.

            The Virgin Mary is the protector of the Youth, as we chanted in the Vespers of the Dormition.  Being a Mother, she overlooks for the spiritual benefit of her children.  She embraces all young people who thirst for the living water of the faith, in an age of spiritual drought.  In front of the tomb of Panaghia we ask that the world is illumined by the beacon of peace.  We pray that the Youth is guided by the rudder of virtue.  We voice the petition that the flock of Christ is protected by the shield of her grace and her miracles.

Maria brought the incarnate Son and Word of God, through the Holy Spirit and following the divine plan of salvation.  She obeyed the will of God, and thus became the fountain of redemption.  She gave us Christ, the only Redeemer and Savior, the One Who is the Way, the Truth and the Life. In most of the icons, she is portrayed holding her Son and Savior.  In one of the icons, that is painted in our Church (behind the Choir loft, where the life of the Virgin Mary is displayed), the story of the Assumption is narrated.  That’s the only icon in which Jesus is holding His Mother, not the other way around.  The Lord places her in Heaven, so that she is not subjected to the natural laws of decay and corruption.  She gave us Life and salvation, and she will be praying for our redemption.  In front of her icon we pray fervently, like the Apostles: “Most Holy Theotokos, save us!”

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


            Η εορτή της Κοιμήσεως και της Μεταστάσεως της Θεοτόκου κατέχει ξεχωριστή σημασία στο Ελληνορθόδοξο εορτολόγιο.  Ονομάζεται το Πάσχα του Καλοκαιριού, ή Πάσχα μετά το Πάσχα.  Πανηγυρίζεται σε όλη την Ελληνική επικράτεια και όπου ανά τον κόσμο υπάρχει Ορθόδοξος ναός.  Άλλωστε η Παναγία έχει μία ιδιαίτερη σύνδεση με τους πιστούς.  Χιλιάδες ονόματα της έχουν αποδώσει για τα θαύματα, τις παρουσίες και τις ευεργεσίες της.  Μεσίτρεια, Γλυκοφιλούσα, Σπηλιανή, Παραβουνιώτισσα μόλις λίγα από αυτά.  Η υμνολογία μας την αποκαλεί γέφυρα Ουρανού και γης, θρόνο του Βασιλέως Χριστού, δοχείο Χάριτος, πηγή Ζωής, Πλατυτέρα των Ουρανών, Τιμιωτέρα των Χερουβείμ και ενδοξοτέρα ασυγκρίτως των Σεραφείμ.  Σε κάθε Ορθόδοξη ακολουθία υπάρχει αναφορά στο πρόσωπο της Υπεραγίας Θεοτόκου.  Αλλά και όταν βρισκόμαστε σε κίνδυνο ή σε έκτακτη ανάγκη ανακράζουμε «Παναγιά μου»!  Είναι η Μητέρα μας, η Προστάτιδά μας, που μας αγκαλιάζει με την χάρη των θαυμάτων της.

            Η εξιστόρηση της Κοιμήσεως της Υπεραγίας Θεοτόκου αντανακλάται στην υμνολογία και την ζωντανή Παράδοση της Εκκλησίας μας.  Η Παναγία μετά την Ανάληψη του Χριστού καθημερινώς πηγαίνει στο ζωοδόχο μνήμα και προσεύχεται. Μία Παρασκευή ο Αρχάγγελος Γαβριήλ παρουσιάζεται μπροστά της και την χαιρετά: “Χαίρε, η γεννήσασα Χριστόν τον Θεόν ημών. Ο Κύριος άκουσε την προσευχή σου και θα αφήσης τον κόσμο και θα πορευθής εις την ζωήν την αληθινήν και αδιάδοχον”. Η Θεοτόκος επιστρέφει στον οίκο της, θυμιά και προσεύχεται στον Χριστό να της στείλη τον Ιωάννη και τους λοιπούς Αποστόλους, για να παρασταθούν στον θάνατό της. Η προσευχή της εισακούεται και πρώτος φθάνει, αρπαγείς από νεφέλη, ο Ιωάννης και σε λίγο επί νεφελών και οι λοιποί Απόστολοι οι διεσπαρμένοι στα πέρατα του κόσμου. Την Κυριακή έρχεται με την απαστράπτουσα δόξα Του και με χιλιάδες αγγέλους ο Κύριος να παραλάβη την ψυχή της Μητρός Του. Εκείνη ευλογεί τους Αποστόλους και τον κόσμο, δέεται για την σωτηρία όλων και αφού λαμβάνει την υπόσχεσι ότι “πάσα ψυχή επικαλουμένη το όνομά της ου μη καταισχυνθή, αλλ’ εύρη έλεος και παράκλησιν και αντίληψιν και παρρησίαν και εν τω νυν αιώνι και εν τω μέλλοντι”, παραδίδει την αγία της ψυχή στα χέρια του Υιού της. Οι Απόστολοι περιπτύσσονται το σκήνος και ψάλλοντες μεταφέρουν την κλίνη με το σώμα για ταφή. Ένας εβραίος ονόματι Ιεφωνίας ορμά και επιχειρεί “κατά της κλίνης”, αλλ’ άγγελος Κυρίου με “ξίφος πυρός” αποκόπτει τα χέρια του από των ώμων, που μένουν κρεμασμένα στην κλίνη. Αυτός μετανοεί και κολλώνται πάλι τα χέρια του, ενώ οι Απόστολοι ανενόχλητοι συνεχίζουν την εκφορά. Το σκήνος θάπτεται σε καινό μνημείο στην Γεθσημανή, την Τρίτη όμως ημέρα “μετετέθη…εν Παραδείσω”.

            Και εμείς, συναθροιζόμαστε ενθάδε όπως και οι Άγιοι Απόστολοι έπραξαν θαυμαστώς κατά την Κοίμηση της Θεοτόκου.  «Απόστολοι εκ περάτων συναθροισθέντες ενθάδε.»  Αιτούμε την ευχή της και την ευεργέτιδα προστασία της.  Η Παναγία, πριν την Κοίμησή της, προσευχήθηκε υπέρ ειρήνης του κόσμου.  Σήμερα, περισσότερο από ποτέ, έχουμε ανάγκη την ευλογία της, διότι περιβαλλόμαστε από του λύκους του πολέμου, της τρομοκρατίας και του εγκλήματος, που προσβάλλουν τα κοινά και ήθη βάλλουν κατά του ποιμνίου του Θεού.  Στην εποχή μας έχουμε ανάγκη την προστασία της, διότι, όπως ψάλλαμε και στο Θεοτοκίο του Εσπερινού της Κοιμήσεως, η Παναγία φυλάττει την νεολαία της.  Ως μάνα, αγκαλιάζει τα παιδιά και την νεολαία, που διψούν για το ύδωρ το ζων, το ύδωρ της πίστεως, σε ένα κόσμο πνευματικής ξηρασίας.  Η εικονογραφία του ναού μας, εξιστορεί την εικόνα της Κοιμήσεως, όπου αποτυπώνεται η παραπάνω αφήγηση και η Μετάσταση της Θεοτόκου.  Είναι η μόνη εικόνα στην οποία αντιστρέφονται οι όροι και αντί να κρατάει η Παναγία τον Κύριο, ο Χριστός βαστάει και μεταθέτει την Μητέρα Του στα Επουράνια.  Από την Ουράνιο Βασιλεία να δεχόμαστε και εμείς τις Μεσιτείες της Υπεραγίας Θεοτόκου, προς υγεία, σωτηρία και θεία βοήθεια όλων των πιστών.

Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος



Prot. No. 206/2021

Archiepiscopal Encyclical for Greek Fire Relief

August 15, 2021

Feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos

Unto the Most Reverend and Right Reverend Hierarchs, Pious Priests and Deacons, the Monks and Nuns, Presidents and Members of Parish Councils, Honorable Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, Members of Leadership 100, the Day and Afternoon Schools, Philoptochos Societies, the Youth, Greek Orthodox Organizations, and the entirety of the Christ-named Plenitude of the Holy Archdiocese of America.

My beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

The fires ravaging Greece have caused the communities of the Omogeneia across the oikoumene to muster their strength and their resources, and rush to the aid of the Greek People and Land. For when we see a house on fire, we do not stop to ask who started it, but hasten to assist in any way that we can. As an Archdiocese, we are responding to this need by offering our assistance, and are inviting every parish across America to generously support our Greek Orthodox brethren. Join us in providing aid to those who have lost their homes and possessions to these unprecedented infernos that are scourging the natural beauty of Greece, and those who are risking their lives fighting these fires. Together we can contribute to the much-needed longer term reconstruction efforts and spur economic revitalization.

Therefore, today — the very day on which we celebrate the “Little Pascha” of our Panagia, the Feast of her glorious Dormition — I am calling upon every parish across our sacred Archdiocese to take-up a special collection for this purpose. I ask that the Parish Councils forward the collected funds immediately to the Archdiocese, so that they may be deployed as expeditiously as possible. Furthermore, a portal has been created on the Archdiocese website, where anyone can make a direct donation to this noble cause. One hundred percent of your contributions will be given directly to those impacted most by the fires. An accounting of all funds raised for this purpose will be made public, so that every person of goodwill can see how their generosity has effectuated positive results on the ground in Greece.

May God, the Comforter, through the intercessions of the Virgin Mother of God, whose sacred Dormition we celebrate this day, send speedy relief to the people of Greece, and bring to an end this terrible inferno that continues to devastate our Ellada.

With paternal blessings and gratitude in our Lord Jesus Christ,


Archbishop of America



Ἀριθ. Πρωτ. 206/2021

Ποιµαντορικὴ καὶ Ἀρχιεπισκοπικὴ ἐγκύκλιος γιὰ τὴν ἀνακούφιση τῶν πυροπλήκτων τῆς Ἑλλάδας.

15 Αὐγούστου 2021

Ἑορτὴ τῆς Κοιµήσεως τῆς Θεοτόκου

Πρὸς τοὺς Σεβασµιωτάτους καὶ Θεοφιλεστάτους Ἀρχιερεῖς, τοὺς Εὐλαβεστάτους Ἱερεῖς καὶ Διακόνους, τοὺς Μοναχοὺς καὶ τὶς Μοναχές, τοὺς Προέδρους καὶ τὰ Μέλη τῶν Κοινοτικῶν Συµβουλίων, τοὺς Ἐντιµολογιωτάτους Ἄρχοντες τοῦ Οἰκουµενικοῦ Πατριαρχείου, τὰ µέλη τῆς Ἡγεσίας τῶν 100, τὰ Ἡµερήσια καὶ Ἀπογευµατινὰ Σχολεῖα, τὶς Φιλοπτώχους Ἀδελφότητες, τὴ Νεολαία, τὶς Ἑλληνορθόδοξες Ὀργανώσεις καὶ ὁλόκληρο τὸ Χριστεπώνυµο πλήρωµα τῆς Ἱερᾶς Ἀρχιεπισκοπῆς Ἀµερικῆς.

Προσφιλεῖς ἀδελφοὶ καὶ ἀδελφὲς ἐν Χριστῷ,

Οἱ καταστροφικὲς φωτιὲς στὴν Ἑλλάδα ἀποτελοῦν µιὰ ἀφορµὴ γιὰ ὅλες τὶς κοινότητες τῆς ὁµογένειας ἁπανταχοῦ τῆς γῆς, νὰ συγκεντρώσουν ὅλες τὶς δυνάµεις τους, σπεύδοντας γιὰ βοήθεια τοῦ πληγέντος ἑλληνικοῦ λαοῦ καὶ τῆς Ἑλλάδας. Διότι, ὅταν ἕνα σπίτι καίγεται, δὲν ἀναλωνόµαστε νὰ βροῦµε τὴν αἰτία, ἀλλὰ σπεύδουµε νὰ βοηθήσουµε µὲ κάθε δυνατὸ τρόπο γιὰ τὴν κατάσβεση τῆς φωτιᾶς. Ὡς Ἀρχιεπισκοπὴ ἀνταπακρινόµαστε ἄµεσα στὴν παρούσα ἀνάγκη, προσφέροντας κάθε δυνατὴ βοήθεια καὶ δίνοντας τὴν εὐκαιρία σὲ κάθε κοινότητα σὲ ὅλη τὴν Ἀµερική, µὲ γενναιοδωρία καὶ ἀγάπη νὰ ὑποστηρίξει, κατὰ δύναµιν, τοὺς ἀδελφούς µας στὴν Ἑλλάδα ποὺ ἔχασαν σπίτια καὶ περιουσίες σὲ αὐτὲς τὶς πρωτοφανεῖς πυρκαγιές, ποὺ κατέστρεψαν τὴ φυσικὴ ὀµορφιὰ τῆς Ἑλλάδος µας, ἀλλὰ καὶ ὅλους αὐτοὺς ποὺ ρισκάρουν τὴ ζωὴ τους στὴν κατάσβεση τῆς φωτιᾶς. Ὅλοι µαζὶ µποροῦµε νὰ συµβάλουµε στὶς προσπάθειες ποὺ γίνονται γιὰ τὴν οἰκονοµικὴ ἀνάπτυξη καὶ τὴν ἀνοικοδόµηση τῶν κατεστραµµένων ἀπὸ τὴ φωτιά.

Ἔτσι λοιπόν, σήµερα, ἑορτὴ τῆς Κοιµήσεως τῆς Ὑπεραγίας Θεοτόκου, τὴν ἡµέρα ποὺ πανηγυρίζουµε τὸ «Μικρὸ Πάσχα» τῆς Παναγίας µας, κάνω ἔκκληση σὲ κάθε κοινότητα τῆς Ἱερᾶς Ἀρχιεπισκοπῆς µας, νὰ πραγµατοποιήσει ἔρανο γιὰ τὸ σκοπὸ αὐτό.

Παρακαλῶ τὰ κοινοτικά συµβούλια νὰ καταθέσουν τὸ ποσὸ τοῦ ἐράνου ἄµεσα στὴν Ἀρχιεπισκοπή, ἔτσι ὥστε ἡ βοήθεια αὐτὴ νὰ προωθηθεῖ τὸ ταχύτερο δυνατό. Γιὰ τὸ σκοπὸ αὐτὸ, ἔχει δηµιουργηθεῖ καὶ µία εἰδικὴ ἱστοσελίδα στὸν ἱστότοπο τῆς Ἀρχιεπισκοπῆς, ὅπου µπορεῖ κάποιος νὰ πραγµατοποιήσει µία ἀπευθείας δωρεὰ γιὰ τὸν ἱερὸ αὐτὸ σκοπό.

Ὁλόκληρο τὸ ποσὸ εἰς τὸ ἀκέραιον, θὰ δοθεῖ γιὰ τὴν ἀνακούφιση τῶν πληγέντων ἀπὸ τὶς φωτιές, ἐνῶ στὸ τέλος θὰ πραγµατοποιηθεῖ δηµόσιος ἀπολογισµὸς γιὰ τὸ σύνολο καὶ γιὰ τὸν τρόπο διάθεσης κάθε βοήθειας, ἔτσι ὥστε κὰθε ἄνθρωπος καλῆς θελήσεως νὰ γνωρίζει πόσο ὠφέλησε τὴν Ἑλλάδα µὲ τὴ γενναιοδωρία του.

Εἴθε ὁ παράκλητος Θεός, διὰ πρεβειῶν τῆς Ὑπεραγίας Θεοτόκου, τῆς ὁποίας τὴν κοίµηση σήµερα ἑορτάζουµε, νὰ ἀνακουφίσει σύντοµα τὸν Ἑλληνικὸ λαό, καὶ νὰ θέσει τέρµα σὲ αὐτὴ τὴ λαίλαπα ποὺ κατασπαράσσει τὴν Ἑλλάδα µας.

Μὲ πατρικὲς εὐχὲς καὶ εὐγνωµοσύνη ἐν Κυρίῳ Ἰησοῦ Χριστῷ,

† ὁ Ἀµερικῆς Ἐλπιδοφόρος

Message from from August 4, 2021:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Parish,

I saw something on line that I would like to share with you, I believe you will find it inspiring: “I want to say something about the spirituality debate. You don't believe in God? It is your choice… Why is it so important for many of you to mock those of us that do? If we 're wrong, what have we lost when we die? Nothing! How does our believing in Jesus bring you any harm? You think it makes me stupid? Gullible? It is my choice! How does that affect you? If you 're wrong, your consequence is far worse.

I would rather live my life believing in God and serving Him, and find out I was right, than not believe in Him and not serve Him, and find out I was wrong. Then it's too late. In my life, following the Lord’s commandments has served me well. It motivates me to love, to forgive and to care. It prompts me to improve and to transform.

There's no shame in my game! I believe in Jesus Christ. He said deny me in front of your friends & I will deny you in front of my Father. HE 'S COMING BACK... He changed history. He had no servants, yet they called him Lord. He had no degree, yet they called him Teacher. He had no medicines, yet they called him Healer. He had no army, yet kings feared Him. He won no military battles, yet He conquered the world. He committed no crime, yet they crucified Him. He was buried in a tomb, yet He lives today. His name is Jesus.”

Jesus transformed the world, by changing each one of us, one person at the time. We all aim for personal transformation and transfiguration. On August 6th, the Orthodox Church celebrates the feast day of the Transfiguration of Christ.  The Transfiguration of the Lord is a revelation of Christ’s theanthropic identity (He is both a perfect God and a perfect human being).  Jesus fulfilled the promise of His Father, being Himself the Savior and the Redeemer of mankind.  Peter, James and John witnessed of the miraculous Transfiguration of the Lord.  They had a pre-taste of the eternal Kingdom.  That experience was enough for them to forget all their worldly cares and to request that they stay there for the rest of their lives.  A glimpse of the uncreated light was enough for them to put their lives into perspective.  Nothing is more important than the Kingdom of God.  Everything is temporary, yet the Kingdom of Heaven is eternal.  Like the hesychasts who also experienced the uncreated light through unceasing prayer, the disciples also found their purpose in life in communicating with God and being transformed by His divine Grace.

          We also request the invocation of God’s Grace, so that our daily realities may be inspired by the Heavenly joy of the eternal Kingdom.  We look forward for our lives to be spiritually transformed on the basis of virtue and divine Grace.  The unending light of faith is the beacon guiding us to the safe harbor of salvation.  It was the experience of this light that changed the disciples; and they, in return, changed the world.  Christians are bestowed with the sacred vocation to be the light of the world, illuminating and transfiguring society to become a community of love, faith, hope and salvation.  The sacraments of the Church are the fuel that empowers us to fulfill such a sacred task.  Our example is the way to reflect the illumination of Christ upon others, the same way the stars reflect the radiance of the Sun.  The Sun of Righteousness, our Savior, was bathed in the light of His Holy Transfiguration to break apart the darkness of corruption and to lead us to the everlasting joy of salvation.

Καλό Δεκαπενταύγουστο! Καλή Παναγιά!!!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message from July 29, 2021:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Parish,

This Sunday marks the 19th Anniversary since the Grace of the Lord brought me to our beautiful Parish. It was August 1st, 2002 when I came to our gorgeous Saint Demetrios. I remember it like it was yesterday: a sunny day and the rays of she sun reflected inside the Nave of the Church. The walls were white and we felt the need to begin our iconography project, which was inaugurated at the Vespers of Saint Demetrios. Now the project is complete, and our Church is splendid! We have paid off all the mortgages and loans and we purchased two additional properties. Adjacent to the Church we own all the land, which is leveled and prepared to begin construction for our Community Center, our next big challenge.

I also remember the first Paraklesis service of August 1st, 2002. We prayed to Panaghia and we chanted asking for health and salvation. Those first months we had very few sacraments, not even 10 until Christmas. Since then, many things changed. We now have more sacraments in a few weeks! By Saturday I have 2 weddings and 1 baptism. We are also resuming all our youth activities and we had a beautiful gathering at Pop’s on Tuesday with some of our youth. We cannot wait for Church School, Greek School, Little Angels, HOPE, JOY, GOYA and YAL and start their programs in September. Our Festival will be also on that month, from the 16th through the 19th.

In the meantime, we are enjoying summer, and more sunny days; even some rain is a blessing from above, for the Lord’s creation and for our beautiful vegetable gardens. I just had some cucumber salad, and all the vegies came from the small garden behind the altar. A lot has changed in our lives in the last 19 years. We all grew, the projects that God gave us progressed significantly, and we have enriched our lives with beautiful memories and amazing experiences. One thing has not changed: Christ is at the center of it all!

We resume from where we started. With daily services to Panaghia, every weekday, from 7 to 8 pm. The priest prays for all our loved ones (send your names early or bring them this Sunday to Church) and I humbly ask you to also pray for me. This Sunday, I will have my dad’s memorial, because in life we need to honor those who brought us to where we are; a tree will never bring forth fruit if it has no roots. And we pray for each other, linked together in Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior.

Καλό Δεκαπενταύγουστο! Καλή Παναγιά!!!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message from July 21, 2021:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Parish,

First and foremost, I would like to announce that on Tuesday, July 27th, we have our Youth (GOYA and JOY) summer party at 12 noon at Pop’s on the Water (15 Railroad Pl, Island Park, NY 11558). Please, call the Church office between 10 am and 2 pm by Monday morning the latest so that we know how many young members are attending. Parents are welcome and each child needs to be supervised by a parent or someone appointed by the parent as guardian. The menu is: Chicken sandwich, bbq pork sandwich, Pops burger, Fish or steak taco, all served with fries and a non-alcoholic beverage. Music, lunch by the water and great fellowship are also included. Entry is $20, please, indicate that you are there for the Saint Demetrios event, and one of our advisors will be there to collect the donation and direct you to the group. See you all on Tuesday!!!

Last Tuesday, we commemorated the invasion of Cyprus, that led to the martyrical death of thousands of our patriots, including American citizens, who lived in Cyprus at the time. Since then, no solution has been given to the problem. Our Churches in the occupied lands of the Cypriot Nation are being destroyed, the properties of the citizens collapsing and still many souls are unaccounted for; thousands have not received a proper funeral, many more still bring the scars of pain, loss, traumas and devastation.

People seem to forget events that happened a long time ago. We are blessed to live in America, where our freedoms are protected by a powerful and heroic military, and with 2 oceans as physical barriers from many dangers abroad. But imagine how it would feel if one morning we were forcibly taken out of our homes, friends and family executed, violently molested, and the ones who were able to escape, fleeing with nothing from their belongings. Imagine losing home, properties, everything we worked for. Imagine losing loved ones, our Church, our School, our lives… This is what the invasion of Cyprus feels like for thousands of Cypriots, many of whom live in our Parish, volunteer for good causes and still hope and pray for a peaceful solution to this humanitarian crisis. To date, Cyprus is the only European nation divided by a military force, the only great city divided by electric fences and armed sharp shooters, the only place on the planet where a foreign military has invaded and stayed there for decades, against all UN directives and international pleas and mandates.

Yet, we go on living our lives like it didn’t happen. We have all found great causes to get involved with, some causes are even borderline ludicrous. So, while we fight for better living conditions for Chilean Llamas, or politically correct signs in public restrooms, please, remember that some REAL injustices are still going on for decades. Their solution has been buried under fancy diplomatic luncheons and the real drama of the victims has not been remedied to date. I wish that such issues become significant points for us to take action and exercise pressure on our elected leaders. Selling weapons to those who harbor terrorism cannot be allowed. Supporting with our tax money states that abuse human rights cannot be permitted. Free Cyprus, give us back our Churches, open again our Schools, give to the people the land of their forefathers, their homes, and the graves of their loved ones.

I would like to wish to everyone who celebrates their namedays this week: Tuesday, it was the feast of Prophet Elijah. Thursday, it’s Saint Markella of Chios. On Saturday it’s Saint Christina. On Sunday, Saint Anna, and on Monday Saint Paraskevi. Finally, Tuesday is Saint Panteleimon, and Wednesday Saint Irene Chrysovalantou. Many of you will bring Artoklasia on Sunday to celebrate the feast of your loved ones together with our Parish family. I wish and pray for all those who celebrate this week, with fervent supplications for health, salvation and every blessing from the Lord. Χρόνια πολλά!!!

Tuesday, was a day of pride for all Greek people. The Milwaukee won the NBA championship, lead by Giannis Antetokounmpo. His brother Kostas won last year the same trophy with the Lakers, but, being much younger, he saw little action. And the Bucks also employed the services of Thanasis, the 3rd brother who also got a Championship ring. 3 Greek brothers, also NBA Champions in 2 years!!! When was the last time anything like that happened? And this is a series of great records. Especially for Giannis, who scored 50 points, the most in any final, along with 10 rebounds and 5 blocks (the only one in history to get those numbers in a final). He also had a great average of points throughout the series, overcoming a serious injury in record time, and willing himself to prove to the pundits that they were wrong all this time. In addition, he has willingly served in the Greek army, publicly thanks his priest and his Sunday School teacher from Sepolia, in Athens, supports the youth, and loves his family. In honor of this great accomplishment, I posted yesterday the following at the Church Social Media pages:

The Road of Giannis to the NBA Championship

When he was left with nothing, he worked hard for his family in the Streets of Athens. He made no excuses.

When he came to the USA, but his family could not come, he was ready to go back to Greece and give up an NBA career. He fought for them until they could come too. He made no excuses.

When he was drafted in a lower ranking than other players, he worked extra hard to improve. He became the best, with multiple MVP awards, a true all around player defensively and offensively. He made no excuses.

When he visited Greece, he helped the children in his old neighborhood, built a basketball court for them. He also helped the national team and he even served in the army, when other "famous" people do none of that. He made no excuses.

When the pundits declared that he cannot win a Championship, or that he doesn't have the skill, he spoke in the only way that they could listen. By defeating the opponents and raising the bar each time. He made no excuses.

When he got injured, he relied on his teammates and in a shorter time than expected he was back to help them win and advance. He did not take the season off, he did not go on vacation. He made no excuses.

When he was down 2 games to 0, without a home court advantage and with the refs calling the plays... (well, people who know basketball know how they called the plays), he came back, leading Milwaukee to 4 victories and an NBA championship. He made no excuses.

He asked his team to be humble: "When we are humble, we are dangerous." A phrase only too relevant for a Greek Orthodox person.

To work hard, to play hard, to pray hard;

and to not make excuses!!!

Bravo Gianni! Μπράβο λεβέντη!!!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

The Feast of August 15th – Paraklesis and Services Schedule


You may send the names of your loved ones to pray for health and salvation


Dear Parishioners of Saint Demetrios Community,


It has been 19 years since we first started our spiritual journey together in this beautiful Parish of Merrick.  These years have been blessed and graced by the benevolence of our Lord and great accomplishments that will be cherished by the generations to come.  One of those historical marks in the progress of the Community was the completion of the major icons of the Church. The icon of the Platytera in the sanctuary of our Church was the first of these spectacular icons.  Starting August 2nd, and during all weekdays and Sundays before the feast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary, we will be praying under the loving arms of the Panaghia for the health, salvation and divine protection of our families.  There are countless persons who need our prayers and the intercessions of the Blessed Mother; persons who are in hospitals, persons who are mourning, persons who need God’s grace, salvation and holy illumination. We are also praying for our youth and children, knowing that she, a Mother and the greatest Saint of the Church, will intercede on our behalf and for our loved ones.

            It will be a blessing for our Parishioners to participate in the divine services of the Paraklesis (Invocation to the Virgin Mary).  The services take place every evening, Monday through Friday, from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.  You may also send the names of your family members and the names of those who need our prayers via mail.  The first Paraklesis will take place on Monday, August 3 at 7 p.m.  The names will be commemorated until the great feast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary.  Have a beautiful summer and may the intercessions of the Theotokos be with all of you.


Αγαπητοί ενορίτες του Αγίου Δημητρίου,


Έχουν συμπληρωθεί ήδη 19 χρόνια που βρισκόμαστε μαζί στον πνευματικό αγώνα και την σωτήριο πορεία της Κοινότητός μας.  19 χρονιά στην οποία ο Κύριος μας χάρισε τις ευλογίες και τις πλούσιες δωρεές Του.  Σε αυτό το διάστημα, η αγιογράφηση του ναού θα μάς μείνει αξέχαστη. Θυμόμαστε πως άρχισε με την εικόνα της Πλατυτέρας στο ιερό του ναού μας να αποτελεί σταθμό στην ιστορία της Κοινότητος.  Αρχίζοντας από την πρώτη του Αυγούστου και για κάθε εσπέρα της εβδομάδος, θα ψάλλουμε τον Παρακλητικό Κανόνα προς της Υπεραγία Θεοτόκο υπέρ υγείας, προστασίας και θείας βοηθείας των ενοριτών μας και των οικογενειών μας.  Κάτω από την Θεία Σκέπη της Πλατυτέρας, θα προσευχόμαστε για τους ασθενείς, για τους πενθούντας και για όσους χρειάζονται τις πρεσβείες της Μεσίτριας Μητέρας του Θεού. Ως Μητέρα κατανοεί και πρεσβεύει για τους γονείς, τη νεολαία, τα παιδιά μας κι όσους αγαπούμε. 

Όποτε το πρόγραμμα των ασχολιών σας επιτρέπει, είναι ευλογία να συμψάλλουμε την Παράκληση.  Κάθε εσπέρα, από Δευτέρα μέχρι Παρασκευή.  Μπορείτε επίσης να στείλετε τα ονόματα των οικογενειών σας και όσων χρειάζονται τις ικεσίες της Υπεραγίας Θεοτόκου και ταχυδρομικώς.  Η πρώτη Παράκληση θα λάβει χώρα την Δευτέρα 2 Αυγούστου στις 7 μ.μ.  Τα ονόματα θα μνημονεύνονται μέχρι και την εορτή της Κοιμήσεως της Θεοτόκου.  Καλό Δεκαπενταύγουστο και οι ευχές της Παναγίας να είναι πάντοτε μαζί σας!


In the Lord’s Service,   Με εν Χριστώ ευχές,



Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos     Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος



Αρχή Νηστείας:


Κυριακή 1 Αυγούστου,         9 π.μ.: Όρθρος και Θεία Λειτουργία


Δευτέρα 2 Αυγούστου            7 μ.μ. – 8 μ.μ.: Παρακλητικός Κανόνας


Τρίτη 3 Αυγούστου                7 μ.μ. – 8 μ.μ.: Παρακλητικός Κανόνας


Τετάρτη 4 Αυγούστου,           7 μ.μ. – 8 μ.μ.: Παρακλητικός Κανόνας


Πέμπτη 5 Αυγούστου             7 μ.μ. – Εσπερινός στην Μεταμόρφωση του Σωτήρος, Κορόνα, Ν. Υ.


Παρασκευή 6 Αυγούστου,    Η ΜΕΤΑΜΟΡΦΩΣΙΣ ΤΟΥ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ

9 π.μ.: Όρθρος και Θεία Λειτουργία (Κατάλυσις ιχθύος)


Κυριακή 8 Αυγούστου,         9 π.μ.: Όρθρος και Θεία Λειτουργία


Δευτέρα 9 Αυγούστου            7 μ.μ. – 8 μ.μ.: Παρακλητικός Κανόνας


Τρίτη 10 Αυγούστου, 7 μ.μ. – 8 μ.μ.: Παρακλητικός Κανόνας


Τετάρτη 11 Αυγούστου,         7 μ.μ. – 8 μ.μ.: Παρακλητικός Κανόνας


Πέμπτη 12 Αυγούστου           7 μ.μ. – 8 μ.μ.: Παρακλητικός Κανόνας


Παρασκευή 13 Αυγούστου     7 μ.μ. – 8 μ.μ.: Παρακλητικός Κανόνας & Εξομολογήσεις


Σάββατο 14 Αυγούστου: Μέγας Εσπερινός της Κοιμήσεως της Υπεραγίας Θεοτόκου στην εορτάζουσα  και πανηγυρίζουσα Κοινότητα του Άϊλαντ Παρκ.


Κυριακή 15 Αυγούστου,       9 π.μ.: Όρθρος και Θεία Λειτουργία της Κοιμήσεως της Υπεραγίας Θεοτόκου, Επιτάφιος και Εγκώμια της Παναγίας.


Θα χρειαστούμε λουλούδια για τον Επιτάφιο της Παναγίας μας. Παρακαλούμε στείλατε τις προσφορές σας στο γραφείο της Εκκλησίας μας. Σας ευχαριστούμε.








Fasting Begins on August 1.


Sunday, August 1,                   Orthros and Divine Liturgy, 9 a.m.


Monday, August 2,                   7 p.m. – 8 p.m.: Paraklesis (Invocation) to the Virgin Mary


Tuesday, August 3,                   7 p.m. – 8 p.m.: Paraklesis (Invocation) to the Virgin Mary


Wednesday, August 4,              7 p.m. – 8 p.m.: Paraklesis (Invocation) to the Virgin Mary


Thursday, August 5                  7 p.m. – 8 p.m.: Great Vespers of the Transfiguration at the celebrating Community of Corona, N. Y.


Friday, August 6,                    The Transfiguration of Christ – Η Μεταμόρφωσις του Σωτήρος (we consume fish)

                                                9 a.m.: Orthros and Divine Liturgy


Sunday, August 8,                   Orthros and Divine Liturgy, 9 a.m.


Monday, August 9,                   7 p.m. – 8 p.m.: Paraklesis (Invocation) to the Virgin Mary


Tuesday, August 10,                 7 p.m. – 8 p.m.: Paraklesis (Invocation) to the Virgin Mary


Wednesday, August 11,            7 p.m. – 8 p.m.: Paraklesis (Invocation) to the Virgin Mary


Thursday, August 12,                7 p.m. – 8 p.m.: Paraklesis (Invocation) to the Virgin Mary


Friday, August 13,                    7 p.m. – 8 p.m.: Paraklesis (Invocation) to the Virgin Mary and confessions


Saturday, August 14                 7 p.m.: Great Vespers for the Dormition of the Virgin Mary at the celebrating Community of Island Park.


Sunday, August 15, 9 a.m.: The Transposition and Dormition of the Virgin Mary, Orthros and Divine Liturgy, followed by the Epitaphios procession and the lamentations of Panaghia.


Flowers are needed to decorate the Epitaphios for Panaghia. Any donation you would like to offer, would be greatly appreciated. May the supplications of Panaghia be with you!



Message from July 14, 2021:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Parish,

I am very happy to see so many of you come to Church on Sundays. It is truly a blessing to start our week with prayer and receive the blessing of the Lord, asking for health, joy and salvation. We take this blessing home. Summer presents us with an excellent opportunity to cultivate our health, replenish our joy and walk on the path of salvation.

Our physical health is enriched through better diet, exercise, clean air, relaxation and outdoor activities. We become more joyous when we live a healthier lifestyle centered in Christ-like virtues. When we pray, receive the sacraments, listen to the message of salvation, share our Christian fellowship and volunteer for good causes, we strengthen our soul. The soul is nourished with good deeds, cleansed through prayer and the sacraments, and empowered when we read the Bible (and patristic literature), listen to sermons and learn the faith.

Summer is also an excellent opportunity to be closer with our family and enjoy the company of one another. It is very important for our children to see us happy and in love with one another and with life in general. This positive energy motivates them to be uplifted and confident. At the same time, the extra free time of vacation allows us to play more, and to pray more. As I always say, couples who play together, stay together. And couples who pray together, stay together forever.

I love seeing you in Church and especially during these months, because we are coming not because of Church School or other reasons, but because of our own volition and love for God. Enjoy these beautiful summer services, enrich the faith and replenish your health. We are blessed to have one another, our life in Christ and our beautiful Parish family.

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Saint Marina the Great Martyr - July 17

Marina was born in Pisidian Antioch of pagan parents. At the age of twelve, Marina learned about the Lord Jesus Christ: how He became incarnate of the All-pure Virgin and how He worked many miracles, suffered death on the Cross and gloriously resurrected. Her young heart became inflamed with love for the Lord and she vowed that she would never marry, and in her soul she further desired to suffer for Christ and be baptized in the blood of martyrdom. Her father hated her for her faith and did not consider her as his daughter. The imperial deputy, Olymbrius, learning from Marina that she was a Christian, at first desired that she would become his wife. When Marina refused, he ordered her to bow down before the idols. St. Marina replied: “I will neither bow down nor offer sacrifice to the breathless and dead idols, who do not recognize themselves and do not know that we honor or dishonor them. I will not give them the honor that belongs only to my Creator.” Then Olymbrius subjected Marina to harsh torture, and threw her into prison, completely covered with wounds and blood. In the prison Marina prayed to God. After her prayer, the devil appeared to her in the guise of a horrible serpent that entwined itself around her head. When she made the sign of the Cross, the serpent burst apart and vanished. Then she was engulfed with a heavenly light, and it seemed to her that the walls and roof of the prison vanished, and a radiant, towering cross appeared. A white dove perched atop the cross, issuing forth a voice which said: “Rejoice Marina, rational dove of Christ, daughter of Zion in the highest, for your day of rejoicing draws near.” Then, Marina was healed of all her wounds and pains by the power of God. The demented judge tortured her the following day, both in fire and in water, but Marina endured all, as though she were in another body. Finally, he condemned her to be beheaded. Before her death, the Lord Jesus appeared to her, accompanied by angels. She was beheaded during the reign of Diocletian; but in soul and power, she has remained alive in the heavens and on earth. A hand of St. Marina reposes in the Monastery of Vatopedi on Mount Athos. There is also a monastery dedicated to St. Marina with a portion of her miracle-working relics, located atop Mount Langa in Albania, overlooking Lake Ohrid. Countless miracles have occurred and still occur in this monastery, witnessed not only by Christians, but by many Muslims as well. So much respect did the Turks have for this holy place, that they never dared disturb either the monastery or its property. At one time a Turk was the guardian of the monastery.


O Glorious Marina, once betrothed to the Logos, you relinquished all worldly concerns and brilliantly gave struggle as a virginal beauty. You soundly trounced the invisible enemy who appeared to you, O Champion, and you are now the world’s wellspring of healing grace.

Η Αγία Μεγαλομάρτυς Μαρίνα

Κατήγετο από την Αντιόχεια της Πισιδίας, από γονείς επιφανείς. Ο πατέρας της Αιδέσιος ήταν επίσημος ιερέας των ειδώλων, γνωστός σε όλους. Η μητέρα της πέθανε λίγες μέρες μετά τη γέννηση της μονάκριβης κόρης της Μαρίνας.

Ο πατέρας αναγκάσθηκε να εμπιστευθεί το βρέφος σε μια γυναίκα που κατοικούσε περί τα τρία χιλιόμετρα έξω από την πόλη, για να το θηλάζει. Τούτο ήταν οικονομία Θεού, γιατί μακρυά από το ειδωλολατρικό περιβάλλον του πατέρα της, καθώς μεγάλωνε άκουγε οι γύρω της να μιλούν για το Χριστό, να διηγούνται τα θαύματά Του, τα παθήματά Του, τον σταυρικό θάνατο που υπέστη και τη θαυμαστή Ανάσταση και Ανάληψή Του στον ουρανό. Η παιδική ψυχή της συγκινείτο από όλα αυτά και ρωτούσε και προσπαθούσε να μάθει όλο και περισσότερα για τη νέα πίστη. Άκουγε ότι οι ειδωλολάτρες κατεδίωκαν τους χριστιανούς και τους βασάνιζαν για να τους αναγκάζουν να θυσιάσουν στα είδωλα, αλλά εκείνοι αντιμετώπιζαν με θάρρος τα μαρτύρια και έμεναν πιστοί στον αληθινό Θεό. Μέσα της άρχισε να αυξάνει ο θαυμασμός της γι' αυτούς τους Μάρτυρες και όταν μεγάλωσε και έφθασε στα 15 της χρόνια, δεν δίσταζε να φανερώνει την πίστη της στον Χριστό και να μιλά για τον αληθινό Θεό, που έγινε άνθρωπος και πέθανε για τη σωτηρία μας. Ο ειδωλολάτρης πατέρας της όταν τα πληροφορήθηκε αυτά, δεν ήθελε καν να αντικρύσει το πρόσωπο της κόρης του και την απεκλήρωσε. Λυπόταν η ευλαβής κόρη το κατάντημα του πατέρα της να υπηρετεί ψεύτικους θεούς και να μη θέλει να ανοίξει τα μάτια του στο αληθινό Φως, στον Χριστό. Με τον καιρό γιγάντωσε ο πόθος της, αν χρειασθεί να μαρτυρήσει κι αυτή για τον Χριστό, όπως τόσοι άλλοι.

Έπαρχος το έτος 270 στα μέρη εκείνα ήταν ο Ολύβριος, που ήταν γνωστός για την αγριότητά του και το μίσος του εναντίον των χριστιανών, που τους θεωρούσε επικίνδυνους για την αυτοκρατορία. Όταν επισκέφθηκε την Αντιόχεια και έμαθε ότι η κόρη του επισήμου ιερέα των ειδώλων ήταν χριστιανή και παρασύρει και άλλους στην πίστη της, διέταξε να την συλλάβουν και να την οδηγήσουν μπροστά του να δικαστεί. Η αγνή κόρη προσευχόταν στο δρόμο να της δώσει ο Κύριος δύναμη και σοφία να κρατήσει την πίστη της μέχρι τέλους και να αντέξει τα βασανιστήρια. Όταν έφθασαν στο παλάτι, ο Έπαρχος τη ρώτησε να ειπεί το όνομά της και ποιον θεόν πιστεύει. Η χριστιανή κόρη με θάρρος του απάντησε: «Μαρίναν με λέγουσιν, της Πισιδίας γέννημα και θρέμμα, ελευθέρων γονέων τέκνον και εύχομαι να γίνω δούλη του Θεού και Σωτήρος μου Ιησού Χριστού, όστις έκαμεν όλον τον κόσμον». Ο Έπαρχος όταν είδε ότι με τις συμβουλές και τις υποσχέσεις δεν μπορούσε να της αλλάξει τις πεποιθήσεις της, άρχισε τις απειλές και τα μαρτύρια.

Επί ημέρες βασάνιζαν την αφοσιωμένη στον Χριστό αγνή κόρη. Κατά τη διάρκεια της ημέρας υπέφερε τα απάνθρωπα βασανιστήρια και τη νύχτα την έκλειναν στη φυλακή χωρίς τροφή. Εκεί στο σκοτεινό κελλί αντιμετώπιζε με θάρρος τις επιθέσεις του σατανά, που επεδίωκε «ως λέων ωρυόμενος» να την εκφοβίσει. Αλλά είχε και την παρηγορία και την ενίσχυση του Τιμίου Σταυρού, που ακτινοβολούσε ουράνιο φως και ιαματική χάρη.

Η Μάρτυς υπέφερε με γενναιότητα τους ραβδισμούς με αγκαθωτά ραβδιά, το ξέσχισμα του σώματός της με σιδερένια νύχια, το κρέμασμα στο ξύλο, τα καψίματα στις πλευρές και στο στήθος της με μεγάλες αναμμένες λαμπάδες, το βούτηγμα στο μεγάλο καζάνι και τόσα άλλα, που μετάτρεψαν το εφηβικό της σώμα σε μια αιμορροούσα πληγή. Πλήθη ανθρώπων παρακολουθούσαν τα μαρτύριά της με ποικίλα αισθήματα. Πού εύρισκε τη δύναμη το δεκαπεντάχρονο αυτό κορίτσι να τα αντιμετωπίζει με τόση ηρεμία και καρτερία όλα αυτά και επί πλέον να ευχαριστεί το Θεό που την αξιώνει για την αγάπη Του να υποφέρει! Την απάντηση την πήραν την τελευταία ημέρα του μαρτυρίου της. Όταν την έφεραν από τη φυλακή και την έστησαν και πάλι μπροστά στον Έπαρχο, δεν πίστευαν στα μάτια τους. Μα είναι αυτή η ίδια που μέχρι την προηγούμενη ημέρα της ξέσχιζαν το πρόσωπό της και ολόκληρο το σώμα της; Πώς δεν βλέπουν ούτε ίχνη από τις πληγές της; Κατάπληκτοι ακούν σε λίγο με παρρησία να αποκαλύπτει στον ηγεμόνα το τι συνέβη. «Μάθε ότι ο αληθινός και μόνος Θεός, που θεραπεύει ψυχές και σώματα, με θεράπευσε». Και σαν επιβεβαίωση των λόγων της, φοβερός σεισμός έσεισε τον τόπο και ακούστηκε φωνή από τον ουρανό, που καλούσε τη μάρτυρα να απολαύσει τον στέφανον της αφθαρσίας στα ουράνια σκηνώματα. Το πλήθος συγκλονίστηκε απ' όσα έβλεπε και άκουγε και πίστεψαν στον Χριστό χιλιάδες, που τον ομολογούσαν ως Θεόν τους και διεκήρυτταν ότι ήσαν και αυτοί έτοιμοι να θυσιαστούν για τον Χριστό.

Ο Έπαρχος πανικοβλήθηκε και πήρε την πιο απάνθρωπη απόφαση. Διέταξε τον στρατόν του να φονεύει χωρίς άλλη διαδικασία όποιον λέγει ότι πιστεύει τον Χριστό ως Θεό και δεν δέχεται να θυσιάζει στα είδωλα. Στον γενικό αυτό διωγμό, στην Επαρχία της Πισιδίας, μαρτύρησαν δέκα πέντε και πλέον χιλιάδες.

Η Εκκλησία μας δέχθηκε το ειδικό αυτό Βάπτισμα του αίματός τους, τους κατέταξε στη χορεία των Αγίων Μαρτύρων και τους εορτάζει την 16ην Ιουλίου, παραμονή της εορτής της Αγίας Μαρίνας.

Επί πλέον, ο Έπαρχος πρόσθεσε και ένα ακόμη κακούργημά του. Από φόβο μήπως αν παραταθεί η ζωή της Μαρίνας αυξηθεί ακόμη περισσότερο ο αριθμός των χριστιανών, έδωσε διαταγή να αποκεφαλισθεί. Έτσι η Μεγαλομάρτυς παρέδωκε την ψυχή της στον Νυμφίον της Χριστόν, το δε μαρτυρικό πάναγνο σώμα της το ενταφίασαν κρυφά οι χριστιανοί με βαθειά ευλάβεια. Αργότερα τα ιερά Λείψανά της μεταφέρθηκαν στην Κωνσταντινούπολη και εφυλάσσοντο στον ναόν του Χριστού Παντεπόπτου μέχρι την κατάληψη της Πόλης από τους σταυροφόρους.

Η Εκκλησία τιμά τη Μεγαλομάρτυρα Αγία Μαρίνα την 17ην Ιουλίου.

Επισκόπου Σωτηρίου Τράμπα Μητροπολίτου Πισιδίας

Αθλητές Στεφανηφόροι της Μικράς Ασίας

Message from July 9, 2021:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Parish,

Our Camps – Our Youth Programs Are Back!

Summer Camps throughout the Archdiocese have begun their programs both in person and online. Every Metropolis as well as Ionian Village are gearing up for a summer full of faith, friendships and FUN!

A message from Father Elias Villis, Director of Camp Saint Paul (D.A.D Summer Camping Ministry):

“With the blessing and love of our Father and Archbishop Elpidophoros of America, we were blessed with an amazing week one at Camp Saint Paul. Couldn’t ask for a better group of staff, clergy and campers to help start us up after a long and difficult year! Glory be to Jesus Christ!”

July is Summer Camp month in our Archdiocese and we are also gearing up for next year’s full re-opening of the Ionian Village in Greece. Restrictions in Europe were extremely stringent, but, thankfully, all our camps in the U.S. are open, all around the Archdiocese of America.

Camp Saint Paul, our summer program of the Direct Archdiocesan District, is also fully engaged. Our chanter Alex Avgeris, youth director, and 3 of the camp counselors are all from Saint Demetrios in Merrick. We are also represented at the camp program with youth members and campers, as well as volunteers and donors.

At the same time, we are ready for our Parish youth programs and we are looking forward to seeing all our youth members for a very exciting year. Stay tuned in these emails for our summer parties for GOYA and JOY, as well as more fun and exciting events. Below this message, you may register for all the programs and for Greek School. Church School registration will be in September. It’s good to be back!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message from July 1, 2021:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Parish,

Sunday is 4th of July! We celebrate Independence Day, the most glorious day for the American Nation’s history. The United States of America were founded on the principles of freedom from oppression and, in the words of Thomas Jefferson, all “are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” America granted religious freedom that we all enjoy, being able to practice our faith, operate our religious education and even evangelize Orthodoxy in this continent with great results.

Americans often times escaped oppression to arrive here and start a new life. Consider this: in America, we have a College and a School of Theology (in Brookline, Massachusetts) for the preparation of our priests; and this Nation if fairly new. At the same time, the Center of Orthodoxy, the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Constantinople, is not allowed to open the School of Halki, the most prominent Orthodox theological School in the world, because of religious oppression. And the Great Cathedral of the Mother Church, Hagia Sophia, remains closed to our services for so long; imagine if Saint Peter’s in the Vatican was turned to a museum and then a mosque. This is happening to us, to our faith!

In contrast, here in America, we build Churches, Sunday Schools and Greek Schools. In some countries, we are not allowed to even do our cross, practice our faith and, in several cases, we can be arrested, persecuted and even executed for being Christians. America should remain a Nation of freedom, where we will not be persecuted because of our faith, culture or beliefs.

A year ago, Hagia Sophia was “turned” into a mosque. Also, every year, we hear about the persecution and even executions of Christians because of their faith. In the past, totalitarianism of Communist regimes annihilated hundreds of thousands of people; clergy and faithful Christians died, not because they committed a crime, but because of their baptism and faith in Jesus Christ. Nationalist Socialism in Europe had the same results. Nazis executed the monks of Aghia Lavra, even entire villages, like the mass murders in Distomo. Fascists attacked a religious service on August 15th in the island of Tenos, killing the sailors of Elli, who were participating at the celebration of Panaghia, before Greece even entered WW2; the war was not even declared at the time! Ottomans killed Patriarch Gregorios the V, and neo-Turks killed Metropolitan Chrysostom of Smyrna. His body was sliced so many times, there was nothing left for a funeral. Hundreds of thousands of neo-martyrs have shed their blood because of religious fanaticism in the Ottoman empire and even modern-day Middle East. All forces of oppression have one thing in common: they hate Christ and His servants.

This 4th of July we pray for Independence from oppression against Christians, here and elsewhere. We pray that our students will not be discriminated by professors for not aligning with a certain narrative. We pray that we will continue to have freedom of thought and that we are not suppressed from living and practicing our faith. We pray that our children will have an equal chance for success and progress and that they are not discriminated against because they are not part of any special group that enjoys advanced privileges and additional promotion.

We pray that we will be able to have services in the Cathedral of the Mother Church, Hagia Sophia in Constantinople, as well as for future theologians and clergy to graduate from Halki. We pray that our Churches are allowed to open again, especially the monasteries and pilgrimages destroyed by ISIS and terrorists. We pray that Christians return to their homes in Syria and other parts of the Middle East, from where, in many cases, even 95% of the Christians were either executed or there was ethnic and religious cleansing against them. For us, for all Orthodox, practicing our faith is our life, our true freedom from corruption and sin and the greater source of happiness. We pray that America will remain at the forefront of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”


Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Message from June 25, 2021:

Dear friends and supporters of our beautiful Parish,

This Sunday we all celebrate! It is the Sunday of all Saints. The first Christians called each other no “a Christian” but a Saint:

Now, however, I am on my way to Jerusalem to serve the saints there.” (Romans 15:25)

"…his ministry to Jerusalem may be acceptable to the saints" (Rom 15:31)

But Ananias answered, "Lord, many people have told me about this man and all the harm he has done to Your saints in Jerusalem.” (Acts 9:13)

You know that Stephanas and his household were the first converts in Achaia, and they have devoted themselves to the service of the saints.” (1 Corinthians 16:15)

The above are few passages indicating that the faithful people of God called each other a Saint. And even in the Divine Liturgy, we recite the invocation “the Holy Gifts for the holy people of God.” “Be holy for I am Holy” the Christ commanded. He manifested that we should be holy, holy people of God, Saints and angels of God on earth.

Therefore, regardless what our baptismal name is, this Sunday, we are all celebrating! Come to Church and participate in the service. Receive the gifts for your name-day, the Holy gifts for the Holy people of God. And live up to those higher standards, of love for Christ, of devotion to the faith, of charity, prayer, compassion for one another, forgiveness and humility. In other words, become a member of that beautiful group of those who will be saved, the Saints. And for the rest of eternity, we will all celebrate together the SUNDAY OF ALL SAINTS!

Protopresbyter  Nikiforos Fakinos

Message from June 8, 2021:

Χριστός Ανέστη! Christ Is Risen!

Below this message, please, find the presentations and minutes for the coming General Assembly, which will take place this coming Thursday at 7:30 pm. There is a lot of information in the documents below, please, take your time to review it so that we can concentrate on discussion and exchange of ideas during the meeting. We promise to make it quick and to the point, knowing that all of you have many responsibilities. Please, participate in order to be informed on all the current projects and progress of the Parish.

Tonight, we celebrate the Apodosis of Pascha, the conclusion of the Paschal season, at 10 pm (in the evening and it is also the feast of Saint Calliope). If anyone missed the Easter service, for health or other reasons, please, come to this one; this service is almost identical to the Pascha service and we chant the hymn of the Resurrection for the last time this year. And everyone else, please, come, and bring your Easter candles and lambades. The service is not long, and we will enjoy the evening supplication, just like we enjoyed for Easter, but with less people and much easier parking access. On Thursday, June 10th, we have the service of the Ascension at 9 am. Greek School graduation is on Friday at 6:30 pm.

I look forward to seeing you during the beautiful services, events and the General Assembly in order to also discuss the new and renewed programs of the Parish. Thankfully, we are able now to return to the things we loved and also add some new activities, still safely, but always with much spirituality. We will talk about a new initiative, along the lines of Little Angels, for the younger children, ages until Kindergarten, that will incorporate education, fun, games, music, dancing and culture. We will talk about the new dates of our Festival, scheduled for September 16 through 19. We will prepare for the Community Center, now that the application is approved and we process the next steps before construction. And we will help organize the new youth and family programs with much enthusiasm and faith. All this happens thanks to our Lord and Savior Who inspires and motives us all.

Truly the Lord Is Risen!

Αγαπητοί μας ενορίτες,

          Το Σάββατο 19 Ιουνίου είναι το Σάββατο των Ψυχών (Ψυχοσάββατο) της Πεντηκοστής.  Θα τελεστεί επιμνημόσυνος δέησις υπέρ αναπαύσεως των ψυχών όλων των προσφιλών κεκοιμημένων εν Χριστώ αδελφών μας.  Θυμίζουμε στην αγάπη σας ότι είναι ιερό χρέος και πνευματικό καθήκον να θυμόμαστε όσους έχουν εκδημίσει για το μακάριο ταξίδι της αιωνίου Βασιλείας, να προσευχόμαστε για την ανάπαυσή τους και να διδάσκουμε τις νεώτερες γενεές να πράττουν το ίδιο. 

Μπορείτε να φέρετε κόλυβα και τα ονόματα των κεκοιμημένων αδελφών μας στον ιερό ναό κατά την διάρκεια του Όρθρου (9 με 10 π.μ.) ώστε να μνημονεύονται και στην Προσκομιδή και κατά τη διάρκεια της Θείας Λειτουργίας.  Το Μνημόσυνο θα ακολουθήσει αμέσως μετά.  Μπορείτε να παραγγείλετε κόλυβα μέσω του Γραφείου της Κοινότητος (τηλ. 516-379-1368). 

Dear Parishioners,

          Saturday, June 19th is Saturday of the Souls for Pentecost weekend, when it is our tradition to commemorate our beloved departed brothers and sisters in the Lord, who passed away for the eternal trip to salvation.  Remembering our loved ones is not only a holy and sacred blessing, but also a spiritual opportunity to teach the younger generations to pray for the departed and honor their memory. 

          We would like to request that you bring the Kolyva together with the list of the names of the souls that you would like us to pray for in the morning, during the Orthros service (9 to 10 am) so that their names may also be commemorated during the Divine Liturgy.  A memorial service will follow the Liturgy.  You may also arrange the Memorial and Kolyva preparation by calling the Church Office (phone #: 516-379-1368). 

In the Lord’s Service

Protopresbyter  Nikiforos Fakinos

Message from June 3, 2021:

Χριστός Ανέστη! Christ Is Risen!

This is the last week that we exchange this beautiful Paschal greeting. We will chant the Resurrectional hymn in Church on Sunday. After the service, we have the Church School graduation and moving up ceremony. The students will receive their pins and diplomas. We are looking forward to seeing you all and our youth together, chanting the Χριστός Ανέστη and receiving a beautiful accolade for their religious education. I always include their participation in Church School for their recommendation letters and scholarship application reference letters. Only this week, I have written a few dozen… I also include their Greek School diplomas and the fact they know an additional language, which may be helpful from their career, medical or scientific research, all they way to their deeper appreciation of their heritage and culture. I see the children in their moving up ceremonies (Wednesday and tonight at 5 pm) as well as their graduation next Friday at 6:30 pm.

Also next Thursday, we have our General Assembly, at 6:30 pm. Please, participate in order to be informed on all the current projects and progress of the Parish. And, as we reach the conclusion of the Paschal season, we will celebrate the Apodosis of Pascha, on Tuesday, June 8th at 10 pm (in the evening and it is also the feast of Saint Calliope). If anyone missed the Easter service, for health or other reasons, please, come to this one; this service is almost identical to the Pascha service and we chant the hymn of the Resurrection for the last time this year. And everyone else, please, come, and bring your Easter candles and lambades. The service is not long, and we will enjoy the evening supplication, just like we enjoyed for Easter, but with less people and easy parking access. On Thursday, June 10th, we have the service of the Ascension at 9 am.

I include below the sermon for the Sunday of the Blind Man. I look forward to seeing you during the beautiful services, events and the General Assembly in order to also discuss the new and renewed programs of the Parish. Thankfully, we are able now to return to the things we loved and also add some new activities, still safely, but always with much spirituality. We will talk about a new initiative, along the lines of Little Angels, for the younger children, ages until Kindergarten, that will incorporate education, fun, games, music, dancing and culture. We will talk about the new dates of our Festival. We will prepare for the Community Center, now that the application is approved and we process the next steps before construction. And we will help organize the new youth and family programs with much enthusiasm and faith. All this happens thanks to our Lord and Savior Who inspires and motives us all.

Truly the Lord Is Risen!

The Blind Man Who Saw the Light

          For centuries, medical science attempts to find a cure for blindness.  A blind person is limited to experience only a fragment of the beauty of creation; furthermore, blindness compromises the professional abilities and other talents that sight enhances.  The pain of a blind man was felt and empathized by Christ. The Lord miraculously healed the blind man by placing clay on his face, where his eyes were supposed to be. When the blind man washed off his face, his sight was restored.  Some of his acquaintances could not even identify him, since he now received a new expression, a new “look.”  His parents recognized the miracle performed in him.  And the ex-blind man accepted Christ as a prophet, but, more importantly, Jesus revealed His divinity to him. This is the second Sunday on a row (after the Sunday of the Samaritan Woman), that Christ reveals His Divinity to a mere human being. The blind man could now see, not only with his eyes, but also with the eyes of his soul. He sees the Θεάνθρωπος, Perfect God and Perfect Human, the Word of God, the Son of God, Christ!

          God used clay to create human beings.  Now clay is implemented again to re-create eyes and to restore the fallen nature of a human being; after the fall of Adam and Eve, corruptibility, illness and death entered the realm of human existence. Christ restores our brokenness; He pays off our debt and He offers His eternal blessings abundantly to us. Christ signifies and reveals with this miracle that He is the One who also created us and made the world. He is the One who turned lifeless clay into life, containing His sacred breath our soul, which is eternal. Science validates that the elements of the earth (soil and water=clay) are the ingredients of our human body. But our compilation of all these elements, from the microscopic cells all the way to the spectacular organs and the way they work together is harmony and great wisdom, are guided by the one undefined element, our soul. We are unique in the Universe of this reason, we are cells that we can contemplate about our cells. No other creature or organism can accomplish that. We can contemplate the meaning of our existence, not just the instincts to stay alive, but why, and how and with whom; even unto eternity!

God is the Creator and Maker of the Universe. Christ reveals His Divinity to the blind man to indicate that he is not just a prophet or teacher as people thought him to be.  He cures blindness and, most significantly, spiritual blindness from the darkness of sin and corruption.  The Lord reveals the Resurrectional light of faith that radiates the virtues of hope and salvation.  Clay can break and deteriorate.  The immortal and heavenly God, though, renews the clay of our nature so that it may live forever. We are baptized in the fountain of incorruptibility, as the blind man was baptized in the fountain of Siloam (which means, the One who is sent).

          There are many people who have the gift of vision. However, we should ask ourselves: do we see with the eyes of our souls as well as the Blind man of the Gospel?  Do we see God in our lives? Before we do, say, or think something, do we try to see what is God’s will? There are still persons in the world who suffer from blindness. But the worst illness is spiritual blindness, because it may cause eternal death… The symptom of spiritual blindness is when we see nothing but ourselves and we fail to see God’s will and the needs for our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Spiritual blindness makes people egoistical and arrogant; they often times think they are right, even when they commit mistakes. Reading the Gospel narrative of the Sunday of the Blind Man inspires us to open the eyes of our souls and to try and find the will of God in our lives. This is what a blind man teaches us, a blind man who could see!

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


          Για εκατοντάδες χρόνια η επιστήμη προσπαθεί να βρει ίαση για την τύφλωση.  Είναι δύσμοιρος ο άνθρωπος που δεν μπορεί να δει εκείνους που αγαπά, το μεγαλείο της κτίσεως, τα επιτεύγματα της τέχνης, την ομορφιά του κόσμου. Ένας τυφλός, παρά τα επιτεύγματα της επιστήμης και της κοινωνίας, δυσκολεύεται να λειτουργήσει και να απολαύσει σε πληρότητα ό,τι ο κόσμος προσφέρει. Τον πόνο ενός τυφλού, πριν από 2000 χρόνια, αφουγκράζεται ο Κύριος.  Και απαλύνει τον πόνο του θαυματουργικώς.  Δεν είχε καν μάτια στο πρόσωπό του ο τυφλός του σημερινού αναγνώσματος. Και ο Κτίστης και Δημιουργός μας, έπλασε πηλό και έφτιαξε οφθαλμούς. Ο Κύριος αποκαλύπτει την Θεανθρωπότητά Του, διότι μόνο Εκείνος δύναται να μετασχηματίσει στο άχαρο και άψυχο πηλό σε κάτι τόσο όμορφο και πλασμένο εν σοφία, στον άνθρωπο. Και η επιστήμη συνηγορεί στο ότι τα συστατικά που συναποτελούν το σώμα μας προέρχονται από την γη μαζί με νερό, είναι δηλαδή τα συστατικά του πηλού. Από τον μορϊακό μικρόκοσμο, έως και το μεγαλείο του Σύμπαντος, ο Θεός εποίησε τα πάντα εν σοφία. Και εμείς, οι άνθρωποι, είμαστε μοναδικοί από όλα τα δημιουργήματα της πλάσεως στο να αναγνωρίζουμε ότι είμαστε μόρια, όργανα, νους, σκέψη, ζωή. Έχουμε πνευματικές αναζητήσεις, είμαστε σκεπτόμενα, φιλοσοφούμενα και πνευματοκινούμενα μόρια. Αναζητούμε το «γιατί» και το «πως» και με το «ποιους», όχι απλά την επιβιώση όπως τα ζώα της πλάσεως. Ενέχεται στον πήλινο κορμό μας η Θεία Πνοή, η αθάνατη ψυχή, η κινητήριος δύναμη της αθανασίας του «είναι» μας.

Ο τυφλός «είδε» τον Χριστό, και επίστεψε σε αυτόν, χωρίς να έχει μάτια. Είδε με τα μάτια της ψυχής αυτό που πολλοί, ακόμη και η θρησκευτική ελίτ της εποχής του, δεν μπόρεσαν, ή δεν ήθελαν, να διακρίνουν. Αποπλένοντας το πρόσωπο στην πηγή του Σιλωάμ, ο τυφλός ανέβλεψε.  Ούτε να τον γνωρίζουν δεν μπορούσαν, αφού το πρόσωπό του πήρε νέα μορφή, έκφραση και όψη. Και οι γονείς του αποδέχτηκαν τον θαύμα και εκείνος ανεγνώρισε τη Θεότητα του Κυρίου, όχι μόνο με τα πήλινα μάτια του, αλλά και με τα μάτια της ψυχής του.

          Ο Θεός, που με πηλό έπλασε ολόκληρο το σώμα του ανθρώπου, πλάθει τους οφθαλμούς για να αναπληρώσει την πεπτωκύια φύση του μετά τον Αδάμ παιδιού του.  Ο Ιησούς αποδεικνύει και αποκαλύπτει ότι είναι Κτίστης και Θεός με το συγκεκριμένο θαύμα.  Δεν είναι απλώς διδάσκαλος και προφήτης, όπως νόμιζαν οι ακόλουθοί Του, αλλά Θεάνθρωπος.  Αποκαθιστά την τύφλωση του ανθρώπου και ιδιαιτέρως την πνευματική τύφλωση από το σκότος της αμαρτίας.  Αποκαλύπτει το Αναστάσιμο φως της πίστεως, το ελπιδοφόρο και λαμπαδηφόρο μήνυμα της αιωνιότητος και της αφθαρσίας.  Ο πηλός σπάζει, λιώνει και αλλιώνεται.  Ο Θεός, όμως, διά της Αναστάσεως ανανεώνει και ανακαινουργεί την φύση μας.  Την βαπτίζει στη πηγή της αφθαρσίας, όπως ο τυφλός βάπτισε το πρόσωπό του στη πηγή του Σιλωάμ, που ερμηνεύεται «απεσταλμένος».

Πολλοί από εμάς έχουμε το χάρισμα της οράσεως.  Πρέπει όμως να αναρωτηθούμε: βλέπουμε τον Χριστό στη ζωή μας ως Σωτήρα;  Έχουμε την πίστη και την ελπίδα ότι θα μας γεμίσει με τη Χάρη Του σε κάθε μας δυσκολία ή απελπιζόμαστε;  Βλέπουμε με τα μάτια της ψυχής μας το θέλημά Του ή τα κρατάμε κλειστά;  Υπάρχουν πολλοί τυφλοί σε αυτόν τον κόσμο. Η χειρότερη αρρώστεια, όμως, είναι η πνευματική τύφλωση. Όταν ο άνθρωπος βλέπει μόνο τον εαυτό του και δεν γνωρίζει τον Θεό του ούτε τον συνάνθρωπο. Η πνευματική τύφλωση κάνει τους ανθρώπους εγωϊστές, τους οδηγεί σε εγκλήματα και παραστρατήματα. Διαβάζοντας την ευαγγελική περικοπή της Κυριακής του Τυφλού, διδασκόμαστε από έναν τυφλό να έχουμε τα μάτια μας ανοικτά και να βλέπουμε.  Να βλέπουμε το θέλημα του Θεού στη ζωή μας και να το πράττουμε με πίστη και χαρά.

+Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος

Message from May 26, 2021:


Χριστός Ανέστη! Christ Is Risen!

On the Sunday of the Samaritan woman, we celebrate the quest of every faithful Christian to bring the glory and the illumination of Christ into the world. We pay tribute to the inspiring example of Christian mission set by the disciples of Christ; among them, many women, who became equal to the apostles and missionaries of the Church. The Samaritan woman was one of them. She was one of the disciples of the Lord and she became acknowledged as equal to the Apostles. Her Christian name is Saint Fotini (which means illuminator). Christian women, ever since the institution of the Church, illumined and inspired all of us with the message of salvation.  The faith is the paramount way of life, the supreme way of thought and the holiest experience for any human being.

Contemporary women can become missionaries, evangelizing and preaching the word of God. Their sacred mission is to evangelize their families, their communities and the world.  Their mission is to quench the spiritual thirst of their children, their students, their family members and everyone they may inspire with their ethos, their example, their teaching and their lives.

As we read this Sunday’s Gospel narrative, we notice how the Samaritan woman was looking for water, and instead found the Living Water of the Faith. The theme of water is common these Sundays. Last Sunday, we read about the pool of the Sheep Gate, in Bethesda, where the Paralytic was seeking healing through the immersion in of the water as it was shaken by the angel. Next week, we will read the cure for the blind man, again with the healing power of water mingled with soil, to reform the deformed, to anoint the broken eyes and open the eyes of the body and the soul, to see the will of God, to recognize Christ, the Word of God, the One Who is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

This Sunday, we revisit the theme of water to identify the thirst of the Samaritan woman, a thirst that was not limited to just the instinct of looking for water to stay alive; but it extends to the spiritual thirst, to find the Living Water that will never make her thirsty again. The cleansing of that water brings about her own personal katharsis, from sin and immorality, to life and immortality. The Living Lord, the Giver of Life and salvation, offers her eternal life, so that she never thirsts again!

The Samaritan woman allowed her personal interaction with Christ to become a transformative experience and change her life, and changer her ways. She became a missionary of the faith and a Saint. She brought others to this Living Water, through the baptismal font, making them Christian, followers of Christ. She is a diachronic example of apostleship and spiritual transformation. She inspires all of us, men and women alike, to change, to reform, to evolve, to grow spiritually and in faith. She empowers us to never allow the mistakes of the past dictate more mistakes in the future. She commissions us to become instruments of change and salvation, for all we love, for all we live for. I wonder, what would Saint Fotini do in the twenty first century. Read her life, and emulate her example of spiritual transformation and evangelization. Then, please, answer my question with your example. Our world needs more people like her!

Αληθώς Ανέστη ο Κύριος! – Truly the Lord Is Risen!

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


Χριστός Ανέστη!

Την Κυριακή της Σαμαρείτιδος, έχουμε ιερό χρέος να αγωνιστούμε όλοι για να αναδείξουμε και να τιμήσουμε το ιεραποστολικό έργο των μητέρων της Εκκλησίας και των γυναικών γενικότερα. Οι Ορθόδοξες γυναίκες μπορούν να εμπνευστούν από τον Αναστημένο Ιησού, που έδωσε το φως της σωτηρίας σε όλους τους ανθρώπους, να είναι λαμπρές από αρετή και να εργάζονται αόκνως για τη σωτηρία της οικογενείας τους και τον ευαγγελισμό του κόσμου. Να διδάσκουν με το παράδειγμα, τα έργα και την παρουσία τους την πίστη του Αναστημένου Ιησού. Ποιά θρησκεία, κοσμοθεωρία, ιδεολογία μπορεί να υπερβεί τον λόγο του Θεού; Η πίστη ξεδιψά κάθε πνευματική μας ανάγκη!

Έτσι και οι σύγχρονες γυναίκες μπορούν να γίνουν «ιεραπόστολοι». Όπως η Σαματείτιδα, η Αγία Φωτεινή, που φώτισε τα έθνη ως ισαπόστολος και μαθήτρια του Κυρίου. Η ιερή απόστολή της σύγχρονης γυναίκας είναι να φέρει την πίστη του Χριστού στο σπίτι, στην οικογένεια και στην κοινωνία της. Να ξεδιψάσει τα παιδιά και τους δικούς της με το ύδωρ το αθάνατο. Όμως ο σκοπός της σύγχρονης Χριστιανής γυναίκας δεν περιορίζεται στην οικογένεια, αν και (όπως και για τους άνδρες) ξεκινάει από αυτήν.  Όπως η Σαμαρείτιδα ξεδίψασε από το ύδωρ της πίστεως που της έδωσε ο Κύριος, και μετά μεταλαμπάδευσε αυτή την πίστη στον κόσμο, έτσι κι η σύγχρονη γυναίκα πρεσβεύει τα χριστοήθη ιδανικά της παντού και πάντα.

Η ιστορία έχει λαμπρά παραδείγματα επιστημόνων, καλλιτεχνών, ηγετών και ακαδημαϊκών γυναικών. Επίσης η εκκλησία έχει πλήθος μαρτύρων, Αγίων και θεολόγων γυναικών. Χρειαζόμαστε λοιπόν τέτοια παραδείγματα να έχουν ηγετικό ρόλο και να λαμβάνουν πρωτοβουλίες για το καλό όλων. Αναρωτιέμαι, τί θα έκανε η ίδια η Αγία Φωτεινή στις ημέρες μας; Διαβάστε τον βίο της, την πνευματική της μεταμόρφωση και τον ευαγγελισμό της, και με το δικό σας παράδειγμα δώστε απάντηση στην ερώτησή μου.

Αληθώς Ανέστη ο Κύριος!

+Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος

Message from May 19, 2021:

Χριστός Ανέστη! Christ Is Risen!


          Why do we participate in the services of the Church?  This is a simple question that would probably receive a variety of answers.  A quick and honest answer to the question would be: “We participate in the services of the Church to save our souls.  We desire to experience the eternal joy of Heaven and we also wish that our loved ones will be saved as well.  For this reason, we pray for them, both living and departed ones.”  However, there are other reasons why we come to Church; some of those reasons are social, cultural and educational.  Especially for Greek Americans, being active with the Church also serves the need to preserve our cultural identity, our language and our history.  In addition to that, in our Communities we share the Christian Orthodox fellowship and the social activities of our organizations.  In conclusion, we also want to provide our children with the upbringing of our faith, and to cultivate them within the Orthodox spiritual cultivation and the Hellenic cultural education.

          The Church is the home of our extended family.  In joys and in sorrows, when we want to assist and when we need assistance, our Community is a spiritual home of hope, faith and love. Christ Himself started His ministry at a wedding, where He gave the people wine; He also ate with the people, and addressed their needs and their questions in an interpersonal way. The Lord comforted human pain for the ones who believed and requested His assistance.

          On Sunday, which is Sunday of the Paralytic, we commemorate the miraculous healing of a person who suffered in his life and who was in no position to help himself.  Christ provides us with an example to help others in time of need and for the Church to be a vehicle of salvation and redemption for the bodies and the souls of the people.  The paralytic’s prayer was answered. The Bible confirms that when we ask something with faith, it will be granted. There was a Greek villager who was asked why he prays every day.  He did not understand the language; neither was he educated enough to follow the hymns, the sermon and the readings.  He answered: “I come to Church to pray and to be with God. He looks at me, I look at Him, and we are both happy!”

          The Church is the home of our Heavenly Father and thus, our own spiritual household of faith. We wish to witness growth and progress in the ministries of the Community. Therefore, it is of imperative significance to labor for our spiritual home, the place where we prosper in Grace, where we receive eternal life and where we enjoy divine protection.  Our love is always the measure of our labor and our endeavors to make our Communities vehicles of Grace, philanthropy and evangelism. I am moved that so many people attend services regularly, receive the sacraments and the blessings of God. These blessings are evident in our lives; we invite God in our lives and we are never alone, never weak, never fearful, never without support. We are always with the Lord, we see Him, He sees us, and that makes us both happy!

Truly the Lord Is Risen!

+Protopresbyter  Nikiforos Fakinos


          Γιατί συμμετέχουμε στις ιερές ακολουθίες της Εκκλησίας; Μία απλή ερώτηση, που ίσως λάβει διαφορετική απάντηση από τον κάθε Χριστιανό.  Η σύντομη και απλή απάντηση είναι: συμμετέχουμε στις ιερές ακολουθίες για να σωθεί η ψυχή μας.  Επιθυμούμε να ζήσουμε αιώνια στην Ουράνια Βασιλεία του Θεού.  Αποζητούμε σωτηρία και για τους ανθρώπους που αγαπούμε, για το λόγο αυτό, προσευχόμαστε και για τους άλλους, τους εν ζωή και τους κεκοιμημένους.  Αλλά σίγουρα υπάρχουν και άλλοι λόγοι να εκκλησιαστούμε.  Λόγοι κοινωνικοί, εκπαιδευτικοί και εθνικοί.  Ιδίως για εμάς, τους Έλληνες της Διασποράς, η Κοινότητα έχει ταυτιστεί με τη μάθηση της Ελληνικής γλώσσας, ιστορίας και παραδόσεως. Επίσης, στο χώρο της Κοινότητος συγκεντρώνονται οι Έλληνες για να μοιραστούν τα στοιχεία της εθνικής τους ταυτότητας, αλλά και για να προσδώσουν στη νέα γενιά την περηφάνεια της καταγωγής τους.  Τέλος, οι γονείς επιθυμούν τα παιδιά τους να λάβουν καλή αγωγή και ανατροφή, και η Ορθόδοξη πίστη βοηθάει τα μέγιστα σε αυτό το σκοπό.

Επιθυμούμε να βλέπουμε την Κοινότητα να προοδεύει και να γίνεται αγωγός Χάριτος και φιλαγαθίας.  Και εμείς, ως μέλη της Εκκλησίας, ως αποδέχτες των δωρεών της και των χαρισμάτων της, εργαζόμαστε με αγάπη.  Κανένας δεν θέλει να γκρεμίζεται το σπίτι του, ο χώρος στον οποίο τρέφεται, ζει και προστατεύεται.  Η αγάπη των πιστών προάγει το έργο της Εκκλησίας, ένα έργο ευαγγελισμού των εθνών και λυτρώσεως των ανθρώπων.  Ένα έργο που ο Κύριος ξεκίνησε και η Χάρις του συντηρεί μέσω της Εκκλησίας.        

          Στις χαρές και στις λύπες, στην ανάγκη, αλλά και στην επιθυμία για προσφορά, η Εκκλησία είναι πάντοτε το σπίτι της ευρύτερης οικογένειας, της Κοινότητος. Υπάρχουν περιπτώσεις ανθρώπων που δεν επιθυμούν να υπάρχει κοινωνική διάσταση στις δραστηριότητες της Εκκλησίας.  Θα πρέπει να θυμούνται, όμως, ότι ο Κύριος Ιησούς ξεκίνησε την δημόσια δραστηριότητά του σε γάμο, έδωσε στους προσκεκλημένους κρασί, συνέφαγε με τους μαθητές Του και απάλυνε τον ανθρώπινο πόνο σε προσωπικό επίπεδο.

          Την Κυριακή του Παραλύτου, ενθυμούμεθα την θαυματουργική ίαση ενός ταλαιπωρημένου και ανήμπορου ανθρώπου.  Ο Χριστός μάς δίνει το παράδειγμα για την δράση της Εκκλησίας ως θεσμού, και την απόδραση του ανθρώπου από τα δεσμά της αμαρτίας, της φθοράς και του θανάτου.  Ο Ίδιος νίκησε τον θάνατο, ως Αρχηγός της Ζωής.  Μας καλεί στη σωτηρία και στην αφθαρσία δια της πίστεως και της Εκκλησίας.  Για το λόγο αυτό συμμετέχουμε στις ιερές ακολουθίες.  Για να σωθούμε. Αλλά, επίσης, για πολλούς επιπλέον λόγους που μας στηρίζουν ως ανθρώπους.  Για λόγους φιλανθρωπικούς, κοινωνικούς, εκπαιδευτικούς και παιδαγωγικούς.  Μην ξεχνάμε όμως το κεντρικό πυρήνα του εκκλησιασμού: την προσευχή.

Η προσευχή και η ικεσία του παραλύτου εισακούστηκε.  Το Ευαγγέλιο μας επιβεβαιώνει ότι κάθε προσευχή μας εισακούεται, αρκεί να την εκφράζουμε με ειλικρινή πίστη.  Κάποτε, ρώτησαν έναν χωρικό γιατί πηγαίνει τόσο συχνά στην Εκκλησία.  Δεν είχε πάει ποτέ σχολείο και δεν κατανοούσε τους ύμνους, τα κηρύγματα και τα αναγνώσματα.  Ο χωρικός απάντησε: «πάω στην Εκκλησία και προσεύχομαι γιατί εκεί βρίσκομαι με τον Θεό.  Με κοιτάζει, Τον κοιτάζω και είμαστε και οι δύο ευτυχισμένοι!»

Ο ναός είναι το σπίτι του Ουράνιου Πατέρα Θεού, άρα και δικό μας σπίτι. Και ιδίως αυτές τις ημέρες, μάς λείπει ο ναός μας, το σπίτι του Πατρός μας. Συγκινούμαι όταν σας βλέπω να συμμετέχετε στις ιερές ακολουθίες και στη μυστηριακή ζωή της Εκκλησίας. Έχουμε ανάγκη την Εκκλησία μας. Έχουμε ανάγκη τον Θεό μας. Τον υποδεχόμαστε στη ζωή μας και δεν είμαστε ποτέ μόνοι. Μάς κοιτάζει, τον κοιτάζουμε κι είμαστε ευτυχισμένοι!

Αληθώς Ανέστη ο Κύριος!

+Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος

Message from May 12, 2021:

Χριστός Ανέστη! Christ Is Risen!

Last Sunday was Mother’s Day and also the commemoration of the appearance of the Risen Lord to Thomas. We wish our beautiful mothers much happiness, health and every blessing from the Lord. We have gorgeous flowers to the mothers who attended the service and we dedicated the sermon on the significant role of motherhood as well as the wonderful example presented by the Christian mothers in the Church.

This Sunday, we revisit the role of women in the Church as we celebrate the appearance of the Risen Lord to the Myrrh Bearing Women. They were the first to witness the Resurrection and evangelize the good news of salvation, the triumph of life over death, hope over fear, faith over atheism and love over hatred. They present an exceptional paradigm of dedication, self-denial, bravery and love for God.

The women of the faith are our beacons that lead to Christ, as they did after His Crucifixion and entombment. They also witnessed the Risen Lord first, because they defied the difficulties and obstacles presented to them. It would be impossible for them to remove the large stone covering the tomb. Yet, the took their fragrances and myrrh and early in the morning they made their way to offer the proper honor to our Lord and Savior.

Sometimes in life, we need to take the steps in the right direction even if huge obstacles seem to block our way. Pioneers do not focus on the waves, but on the destination across their ocean. Visionaries do not focus on gravity, but on the stars they aim to reach. Dreamers do not focus on fear and problems, but on the goals they aspire to accomplish.

When we know our destination, our objectives and our goals, then we can defeat the waves of problems, the gravity personal weakness and the obstacles of fears. Our destination is salvation, our stars are Heaven, and our goal is for all of us who read these lines to reach redemption; all of us, not one exception. So, be like the Myrrh Bearing Women, do not be afraid of the large stone covering the tomb, Christ will move it for you. Just be there, early in the morning, to witness the miracle!

Αληθώς Ανέστη ο Κύριος!

+Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος


Χριστός Ανέστη! Christ Is Risen!

          The Myrrh Bearers are the first followers of the Lord who were evangelized with the good news of Christ’s Resurrection.  While the eleven disciples were hiding –as the Bible states- the Myrrh Bearers came to the tomb, early in the morning, to anoint the sacred Body of their Lord and Savior.  They served Jesus throughout His life and even after His death with dedication and courage. They are an inspiring example of bravery, devotion and faith; for these reasons, they were selected by Christ to be the first to spread the good message of salvation and eternal life.  They pioneered the apostolic and the missionary work that every Christian is called to undertake. They are called “equal to the Apostles”, and their mission was not small: to save the world! And to preach to the world the good news of redemption, salvation and Life everlasting. The Myrrh Bearers are bearers of the joyous message of the Resurrection, in a society that would not accept them as equals back then; but Jesus promoted their role to be a leading role, for them to be the first and the best, because of their courage and dedication. They are Saints of the Church and we owe them a great debt for their perseverance and faith.

          Contemporary women are called by the Lord to follow the example of the Myrrh Bearers.  In our Community, we are blessed to know many ladies who are laboring for the common good, contributing great effort and love in the ministries of the Parish.  Thanks to the devoted endeavors of our blessed ladies in the Office, in the Greek and the Sunday School, the Parish Council, the Philoptochos sisterhood, Pins for Pauly, the Junior Choir, the Youth organizations, the Golden Years and the various Church Committees and Organizations our Community has developed the potential to prosper and to progress in every Program and ministry.  Furthermore, in our functions, dances, festivals, divine services and parish events, our ladies have always shown their support with their presence, their prayers and their assistance.

          The aforementioned roles of our Christian ladies in the Community of Saint Demetrios are complimented by the sacred institution of a role that is exclusively attributed to women: the role of motherhood.  Motherhood is a God-given opportunity for a human being to become a co-creator of life along with the Creator of Life.  Our mothers brought us to life, gave us life and taught us how to live.  The first word we pronounced is “mom.”  Such a small noun, such a huge concept…  Every day, not just once a year (last Sunday was Mother’s day), we should honor and express our gratitude to our mother, the first person we see when we come into this world, and the best person to show us the world, to prepare and nourish us physically and spiritually for life.

History has been empowered by the inspiring example of the women Saints, the scientists, the pioneers, the inventors, the leaders, the doctors, the authors, teachers, artists, professors and so many more to whom we owe eternal debt, our respect and our prayers. Above all, our mother, our grandmother, our Godmother, the women in our families and the ladies our lives. Let us also show our appreciation to the contemporary Myrrh Bearers, the ladies of the Community, who contribute their blessed efforts for the benefit of all.  They evangelize the good news of salvation by working for Christ’s Church.  They are our very own Myrrh Bearers!

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


Αυτήν την Κυριακή των Μυροφόρων έχουμε ιερό χρέος να αγωνιστούμε όλοι για να αναδείξουμε και να τιμήσουμε τον ζωοδόχο σκοπό της γυναίκας στην κοινωνία, στην Εκκλησία και στη ζωή μας. Ο Κύριος επέλεξε να Ευαγγελίσει πρώτα αυτές τις σεπτές μορφές της πίστεως, της Μυροφόρες Γυναίκες, και να διαμηνύσει δι’ αυτών το καλό άγγελμα της Αναστάσεως και της σωτηρίας. Τις επέλεξε να γίνουν ισαπόστολοι και η ιερή αποστολή τους να μεταλαμπαδεύσει την Χάρη του Ευαγγελίου της πίστεως εις πάντα τα έθνη.

Οι Ορθόδοξες γυναίκες μπορούν να εμπνευστούν από τον Αναστημένο Ιησού, που έδωσε το φως της σωτηρίας σε όλους τους ανθρώπους, να είναι λαμπρές από αρετή και να εργάζονται αόκνως για τη σωτηρία της οικογενείας τους. Να διδάσκουν με το παράδειγμα, τα έργα και την παρουσία τους την πίστη του Αναστημένου Ιησού. Πιά θρησκεία, κοσμοθεωρία, ιδεολογία μπορεί να υπερβεί τον λόγο του Θεού; Η πίστη ξεδιψά κάθε πνευματική μας ανάγκη!

Έτσι και οι σύγχρονες γυναίκες μπορούν να γίνουν «ιεραπόστολοι».  Η ιερή απόστολή τους είναι να φέρουν την πίστη του Χριστού στο σπίτι, στην οικογένεια και στην κοινωνία τους.  Να ξεδιψάσουν τον κόσμο με το ύδωρ το αθάνατο. Μια μητέρα, μια γιαγιά, αλλά και δασκάλες, μια εμπνευσμένες επιστήμονες, μια Οσίες και Αγίες της Εκκλησίας, συγγραφείς, κορυφαίες μορφές της ανθρωπότητος, μάς κάνουν να τους οφείλουμε πολλά, τον σεβασμό μας, την αγάπη μας, την προσευχή μας.

Αληθώς Ανέστη ο Κύριος!

+Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος

Father’s Message to the Parish, Pascha 2021

Χριστός Ανέστη! Christ Is Risen!

What a great way to greet each other for the entire Paschal season (40 days after Easter). What a great Pascha we had!!! Seeing you in person, praying together, tasting the Holy Communion, smelling the incense, chiming the bells, chanting the hymns, anointed with Holy Unction and being blessed by the Risen Lord. This is Pascha!!!

Each time we see each other, first and foremost, we exchange the Paschal salutation, to proclaim the Lord’s Resurrection. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most central event in our spiritual lives and in the history of the world. It transcends history, time and space, it gives us the dynamic to Live Forever!

I would like to thank you all for making Holy Week memorable and spiritually uplifting. Our volunteers worked tirelessly to decorate, cook, clean, donate and prepare our beautiful Church for the amazing events in the Life of the Lord. From the Rising of Lazarus and the entry in Jerusalem (Palm Sunday), with the preparation of the Palms, the delicious bakaliaro – fish grab-and-go luncheon (which was sold out) and the Philoptochos Bake Sale all the way to Pascha Sunday, painting the eggs, decorating the Church, cleaning and celebrating the glorious midnight service, as well as the Agape Service with the Easter Egg Hunt, and everything in between, we worked together to make those days spiritually enriching.

The Gospel of the Agape was read by our talented Parish members in several languages: Greek, English, Latin, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Arabic. I also proclaimed the good news of the Resurrection at the midnight service in all the above languages plus Albanian, Bulgarian, Romanian, Ukrainian, Russian, Serbian, Turkish, Japanese and Zulu.

We loved each one service. We are extremely thankful to the good Deacons Sophronios for the beautiful Palm Sunday service and assistance and Elias for the wonderful Holy Wednesday help at the Unction as well as for the unforgettable service of Holy Saturday morning. In addition, the pious and prayerful daily services throughout Lent and Holy Week were augmented by our chanters, our altar servers, our Parish Council, the Philoptochos and all Parish organizations and volunteers. They are all amazing! Holy Week was truly phenomenal!

This past week, we had services and events almost every day. Happy name-day to Ζωή, who celebrates on Friday, Raphael (this past Tuesday), Irene (on Wednesday) and George and Georgia (this past Monday). Χρόνια Πολλά!

We held our lambades – Easter candles up high and the dark sky was illumined. Our lives are now illumined out of the darkness of a harsh year and we look forward with optimism and hope. Christ Is Risen! Hope is risen. Love is risen. Faith is risen. Life is risen. Light is risen. Truly He Is Risen!

Αληθώς Ανέστη ο Κύριος!


1)                Sunday, May 9th, Sunday of Thomas – Κυριακὴ τοῦ Θωμᾶ, Mother’s Day - Orthros and Divine Liturgy 9 am.

2)                Church School is in session this Sunday. Flowers for the Mothers. Church School Graduation and Moving up Ceremony is on June 6th.

Sunday of Thomas

To this day, when someone is questioning things a lot, he or she is called a “doubting Thomas.”   Thomas did not believe the testimony of the disciples who had seen the Risen Lord; he wanted to first put his hands in the marks of the nails in order to believe.  The scene of the second appearance of the Lord to the disciples, including Thomas this time, is emotionally captivating.  When Thomas sees the Lord, he falls on his knees and he confesses: “my Lord and my God.”  His proclamation of faith was not just verbal, but it was enacted in his ministry.  Thomas traveled the furthest distance any disciple traveled to proclaim the news of the Lord’s Resurrection, the very news he was hesitant to believe!  He even suffered a torturous martyrdom from the people he was attempting to evangelize and save.  However, to this day, a vibrant Christian Community of Saint Thomas’ disciples in India is a testimony of his missionary work.

The Lord calls all of us, who have not seen and yet believe, blessed.  We are blessed for using the eyes of our soul to see the miracle of the Resurrection.  We are blessed for feeling the mark of the nails through our personal studying of the Bible.  Nevertheless, if we ever question our faith, it is enough to see the sacrifices that the disciples endured to proclaim it for us to believe.  People do not travel great distances and suffering deaths of martyrdom for a lie.  The Apostles of Christ inspire us to do what they did.  It is our vocation to proclaim the good news of the Resurrection and salvation.  “Christ Is Risen!”  “Truly He Is Risen!”

       +Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


Ακόμη και στις μέρες μας, όταν κάποιος δυσπιστεί, αποκαλείται «άπιστος Θωμάς».  Ακριβολογώντας, θα ήταν προτιμότερο να μιλούσαμε όχι για άπιστο, αλλά για «δύσπιστο Θωμά».  Άπιστος είναι κάποιος που δεν πιστεύει.  Δύσπιστος είναι κάποιος που πείθεται και πιστεύει, αλλά με δυσκολία.  Ο Θωμάς ήθελε να βάλει τα χέρια του «επί τον τύπον των ήλων» (στις οπές των καρφιών) για να πιστέψει.  Είναι συγκινητική η σκηνή της παρουσιάσεως του Κυρίου στον Θωμά, όταν ο μαθητής στα γόνατα ομολόγησε «ο Κύριός μου και ο Θεός μου».  Και η ομολογία του δεν έμεινε στα λόγια, έγινε έργο και ιεραποστολή.  Ο Θωμάς ταξίδεψε μέχρι τα πέρατα της γνωστής Οικουμένης της εποχής, στην Ινδία, μακρύτερα από κάθε Απόστολο, για να διακηρύξει την Ανάσταση του Χριστού, το γεγονός που ο ίδιος με τόση δυσκολία επίστεψε.  Έτσι πειθόμαστε και εμείς, οι σύγχρονοι Θωμάδες, ότι η Ανάσταση του Χριστού είναι τετελεσμένο ιστορικό γεγονός, για το οποίο, οι άνθρωποι που «είδαν και επίστεψαν», κατέβαλαν υπέρτατες προσπάθειες να το διαλαλήσουν.  Μαρτύρησαν την Ανάσταση και μαρτύρησαν για την Ανάσταση οι Απόστολοι.  Ο ίδιος ο Θωμάς βρήκε μαρτυρικό θάνατο από τους ανθρώπους τους οποίους προσπάθησε να λυτρώσει και να ευαγγελίσει.

Εναπομένει και σε εμάς να μελετήσουμε τις Γραφές για να μην έχουμες αμφιβολία για τα θέματα της πίστεώς μας.  «Μακάριοι οι μη ειδότες και πιστεύσαντες».  Είμαστε ευλογημένοι να πιστεύουμε με τα μάτια της ψυχής μας και με το ψηλάφισμα της μελέτης του Ευαγγελίου.  Αλλά η πίστη να μην μένει στα λόγια και σε μία τυπολατρεία που αποπνίγουν το Ορθόδοξο φρόνημα.  Η πίστη να γίνεται έργο και εργασία για την Εκκλησία του Χριστού, έτσι όπως διδάσκουν και εμπνέουν οι Άγιοι Απόστολοι.  Να διακηρύττουμε το σωτήριο γεγονός της Αναστάσεως σε κάθε μας συνομιλία, σε κάθε μας χαιρετισμό.  «Χριστός Ανέστη», Χριστιανοί!  «Αληθώς Ανέστη ο Κύριος!»

Father’s Message to the Parish, Holy Week, 2021

Dear members of our Parish family,

This is it! The final stretch before the Finals! Holy Week is at hand! This is the most sacred time of the year, as we participate in the completion of our Lenten journey by previewing the triumph of Life over death (Saturday of Lazarus) observing the entrance of the Lord into our Church (on Palm Sunday), being inspired by the Bridegroom of the Church (Nymphios services), receiving the healing of the faith (on Holy Wednesday), participating in the Last Supper (Holy Thursday), lamenting the Sacred Passion, Crucifixion and Burial (eve of Holy Thursday and throughout Good Friday), enthusiastically anticipating the Rise from the Dead (Holy Saturday morning) and celebrating His Glorious and Life-Giving Resurrection (Pascha).

We will not miss a step, we attend the services to receive His Grace and salvation, for the health of our souls and bodies, to manifest our faith and proclaim His message of hope. Our Church will welcome you all throughout the services of Holy Week. We have made the necessary preparations to attend services in person or, if you are at work or homebound, via the live stream.

Since Greek School will be in recess during Holy Week, we will prepare also the downstairs Church Hall with the large screen and the sound system on for additional members of our Parish family. We expect nice weather, so if you happen to come a little late and seats are not available, worry not, the outside speakers will be on as well, you may listen to the service like we do in our pilgrimages to Greece, when the Churches fill up quickly; and then come in when it is time to receive the sacraments. Either way, there will be options for all to receive the sacraments so that no soul remains without blessings during this sacred time of the year.

Some days are expected to have less people present for Holy Communion, if your work schedule is pressing during the weekdays of Holy Week and you are looking for an earlier service; Holy Wednesday morning we have less people receiving in the early service, if you so chose to come and then during the Pre-sanctified Divine Liturgy you receive and go to work still early, before 8 am. Also, on Holy Wednesday (at 4 pm and at 7 pm) we will have Holy Unction administered and Fr. Jim Kalogridis will assist me to facilitate the service. We are known for our beautiful, traditional, melodious and quick services. As a father I understand all parents with small children and so we make sure that everything is well organized to make our services uplifting and so that we keep coming back for more of God’s blessings.

Flowers are needed to adorn the icons of the Nymphios, the Crucifix, the icons of the templon, the Epitaphios and the Easter decorations. Please, support our Church beautification and either call the Church office or approach a Parish Council member for your donation. Please, remember to send the names of the departed souls for the Good Friday commemoration on the Epitaphios (3:30 pm). We have prepared the Palms, the eggs for the Paschal service and all the other beautiful adornments of our Church. The President of the Parish Council has provided the gifts for the children Easter Egg Hunt, which takes place on Pascha Sunday at the Vespers of Agape, 12 noon. After 2 years, we are again together for Holy Week and Pascha. We will immerse in the beauty of those services with double the enthusiasm, with all our heart and with devoted faith in Christ Jesus our Risen Lord. Have a blessed remainder of Great Lent and a beautiful and unforgettable Holy Week.

Αγαπητοί φίλοι και μέλη της ενορίας μας,

Σας εύχομαι από βάθους καρδίας καλή και ευλογημένη Αγία Τεσσαρακοστὴ, υγιέστατη, πανέμορφη και αξέχαστη η Μεγάλη Ευδομάδα! Μία μόλις εβδομάδα μας χωρίζει από την Μεγάλη Εβδομάδα.  Και την Κυριακή, η Εκκλησία μας εορτάζει την μνήμη της Οσίας Μαρίας της Αιγυπτίας.  Η Οσία Μαρία αποτέλεσε παράδειγμα μετανοίας και υπόδειγμα προσευχής.  Η Μεγάλη Τεσσαρακοστή είναι κατ’ εξοχήν πνευματική περίοδος κατά την οποία καλλιεργείται η μετάνοια και αυξάνεται η προσευχή μας.  Και την Μ. Ευδομάδα, κάθε ημέρα μνημονεύουμε κάτι σημαντικό για την σωτηρία μας.

Κορυφώνεται η πορεία προς το Θείον Πάθος και την Ζωηφόρο Ανάσταση του Σωτήρος. Μαζί θα γιορτάσουμε αυτές τις Άγιες ημέρες με προσευχή και κατάνυξη. Ο ναός είναι έτοιμος, στολισμένος και περικαλής, ώστε να εισέσθη ο Βασιλεύς της Δόξης μετά Βαΐων και κλάδων. Να τον προσκυνήσουμε ως Νυμφίο της Εκκλησίας. Να λάβουμε την ίαση του Αγίου Ευχελαίου και να μεταλάβουμε το Άχραντο Σώμα και το Θείο Αίμα στο Μυστικό Δείπνο. Να προσκυνήσουμε τον Σταυρό, να ψάλλουμε τα Εγκώμια και να προγευτούμε την δόξα το στον Πάταγο και τον σεισμό, ώστε να τον προσκυνήσουμε Αναστημένο Σωτήρα του κόσμου. 

Καλό Πάσχα, ευλογημένη Μεγάλη Ευδομάδα, υγεία και σωτηρία στις οικογένειες της ενορίας μας και σε όλο τον κόσμο!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos             –          Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος



9:00 a.m. Orthros / 10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy.                          


9:00 a.m. Orthros / 10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy.  Philoptochos is collecting for the Epitaphions flowers. Pick up for the Easter Tsourekia and bakaliaro skordalia meals .

7:00 p.m.   Service of the Bridegroom.                               

4/26 HOLY MONDAY     

7:00 p.m. Service of the Bridegroom.


7:00 p.m. Service of the Bridegroom (Including the Hymn of Kassiani) 


7:00 a.m. Liturgy of the Pre-Sanctified Gifts.  

4:00 p.m. Holy Unction                      

 7:00 p.m. Orthros of the Washing of the Disciples’ Feet and Holy Unction.         


8:00 a.m. Vespers and Divine Liturgy of St. Basil (Last Supper).

6:30 p.m. Service of the Holy Passion (The Twelve Gospels).


11:00 a.m. Great Hours.

3:30 p.m. Great Vespers of the Descent from the Cross (Apokathelosis). Please, remember to send the names of the departed souls for the Good Friday commemoration on the Epitaphios.

7:30 p.m. Epitaphios Service. (Lamentations).                          


9:00 a.m. Vespers and Divine Liturgy.

11:00 p.m. Vigil of the Holy Light.


12:00 Midnight Resurrection Service. Matins and Divine Liturgy.

12:00 noon Vespers of Love. Easter Egg Hunt after the Vespers.                                    



9:00  π.μ.     Όρθρος, Θεία Λειτουργία.


9:00  π.μ.    Όρθρος, Θεία Λειτουργία. Γεύματα μπακαλιάρος σκορδαλιά για όσους βάλλουν παραγγελία, καλώντας το γραφείο μας στο (516) 379-1368.

7  μ.μ.   Ακολουθία του Νυμφίου.


7 μ.μ.     Όρθρος Μ. Τρίτης.


7 μ.μ.    Όρθρος Μ. Τετάρτης (Τροπάριο Κασσιανής).


7 π.μ.   Προηγιασμένη Θ. Λειτουργία.

4 μ.μ. Άγιο Ευχέλαιο.

7 μ.μ.   Ακολουθία του Νιπτήρος και Άγιο Ευχέλαιο.


8 π.μ. Εσπερινός, Θεία Λειτουργία (Μυστικόs  Δείπνοs).

6:30 μ.μ.  Ακολουθία των Παθών.


11 π.μ.      Ώρες.

3:30 μ.μ.  Αποκαθήλωση. Παρακαλούμε να δώσετε εγκαίρως τα ονόματα των κεκοιμημένων ενοριτών μας, ώστε να μνημονευθούν μπροστά στον Επιτάφιο.

7:30 μ.μ.   Επιτάφιος (Εγκώμια).


9 π.μ. Θεία Λειτουργία.

11:00 μ.μ. Ακολουθία του Αγίου Φωτός.


12 μεσάνυκτα  Αναστάσιμος Όρθρος, Θ. Λειτουργία.

12 μεσημέρι Εσπερινός της Αγάπης. Παιχνίδι μετά την ακολουθία με τα Πασχαλινά αυγά για τα παιδιά!

Father’s Message from Thursday, April 8th, 2021:

Dear members of our Parish family,

This coming week, is the last week of the Lenten services before Holy Week. Please, take advantage and attend these beautiful sacred services which take place every other evening until the Akathist Hymn to the Theotokos. The complete schedule is below this message, together with a sermon of Saint Basil the Great on Fasting.

As we have entered the last phase of Holy Lent, we encourage all families to spend more time together and invest in prayer, reading of the Bible and constructive dialogue. We can play and have fun in our free time, even venture in our social media interactions, but in a balanced manner that does not affect our spiritual health and in a way that brings us closer with one another in Christ Jesus.

Parents, please, monitor the online activities of your children, with discretion and love. The time we spend behind those screens cannot be greater than the time we use to actually interact with people, pray with God and offer service for philanthropy. This way we may indeed transform ourselves, and this sacred period of Holy Lent can become truly Holy and Great for all of us!

Father’s Message from Thursday, April 1st, 2021:

Dear members of our Parish family,

First and foremost, I would like to express a most heartfelt gratitude to all who attended and supported the celebration of the March 25th feast and the 200th Anniversary since the Greek Revolution of 1821. The pictures and videos contained in our Church social media manifest a very enthusiastic participation and indeed, a sea of white and blue flags covered our Nave, echoing the melody of our National Anthem. A special thanks to our Greek School teachers and students for the week-long tribute to Greek Independence, with narration of stories, reciting poems, marching in parade formations, singing and celebrating our heritage. I was honored to speak to each class individually about the historical facts of the Greek revolution as well as the Annunciation of the Theotokos and what the events mean to us, to the world and to our faith.

This Sunday, we celebrate the Veneration of the Holy Cross – Κυριακὴ τῆς Σταυροπροσκυνήσεως. At the conclusion of the service, each Parish member will receive a flower blessed by the Cross; it is the half point of Great and Holy Lent, pointing to the expression of our solemn humility for the Passion of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Lent is a journey towards Pascha, the passing from death to life, from sickness to healing, from sin to forgiveness, from darkness to light, from devastation to joy. The last station of that journey before it achieves its fulfillment is the event of the Crucifixion. On Golgotha, Christ manifests the greatest love imaginable, a love towards even His enemies and persecutors, a love expecting nothing in return, a love Divine. The Cross is the ultimate humility of the Almighty Lord who surrenders to a passion that leads to salvation.

Our participation in the sacred service this Sunday is our personal expression of gratitude to the Lord for all that He endured for our salvation. At the conclusion of the service, we all receive the flower from the Cross as a sign of hope, faith and love. It is the beauty of the faith, the brilliance of hope and the offering of love that make our Lenten journey meaningful and transcendental. I wish you all a blessed Great Lent and, as we have arrived to the half point, I remind of the weekday services, which further enrich our Lenten experience. Also, these weekday services are ideal for Parishioners who love to pray a solemn quietness and serenity, they are not long and they are unique; they are only celebrated during these last few weeks until the week before Holy Week.

Weekday Lenten Services:

Every Monday at 7 pm we pray the Great Compline – Μεγάλο Απόδειπνο . It is a beautiful service, about one hour long, and I welcome you all to attend and pray together following this Lenten tradition.

Every Wednesday at 7 pm we celebrate the Pre-Sanctified Divine Liturgy- Προηγιασμένη Θ. Λειτουργία, a serene and melodious Lenten service, when we can also receive Holy Communion. Those evening services of Great Lent are the perfect opportunity to complete our day, after work and our hectic schedule, with prayer, peacefulness, spiritual tranquility and worship.

On Fridays, at 7 pm, we chant the fantastic Salutations to the Virgin MaryΧαιρετισμοί, in preparation for the great feast of the Annunciation. It is a poetic and phenomenal expression of our love for the Panaghia, who intercedes consistently and unceasingly for our protection and salvation. We would like to ask for one family to donate the flowers for the icon of Panaghia. We already received a generous donation for the first decoration of the icon and we are thankful for your gracious gifts. May we all have her intercessions. Ἡ εὐχὴ τῆς Παναγίας μαζὶ σας.

We would like to thank all who support our stewardship program. A complete list of the donors and supporters is found below this message and the weekly announcements. We kindly ask our Parishioners to submit their stewardship pledge and/or donation as this is our only significant source to cover the Church’s financial obligations. We need all families to enroll and support Saint Demetrios, our beloved Community, and we pray that God returns your benevolence many times over with His Grace and blessings!

On Palm Sunday, we will offer delicious bakaliaro skordalia meals TO GO for our Parish members. To reserve your meals, please, call the office at (516) 379-1368. You come to Church, receive the sacraments and Palms and you also take home a delicious, traditional and well cooked by our Parish chefs fish meal. What can be better than that?

Philoptochos is now taking orders for Easter tsourekia from Agia Skepi Monastery. $15 for small braid; $20 for large round. All orders must be placed by April 1. Please contact Eleni Frasiolas or Sophie Pappas to place your order. Pick up will be on Palm Sunday after liturgy.   We congratulate our Saint Barbara’s ladies of Philoptochos and wish them many blessings in their sacred ministry.

We are also preparing for Camp Saint Paul, for this summer, and details are below this message and the weekly announcements.

I look forward to seeing you all during these beautiful services. Please, bring your icons on Sunday and may we all receive many blessings for a great and holy Lent!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


Christ asks us to deny ourselves, pick up our Crosses and follow Him.  Our Christian vocation requires sacrifices and personal endeavor.  Christ Himself became the example of self-denial and sacrificial love on the Cross.  The Lord was crucified because He pointed out the hypocrisy of the people who take advantage of other human beings. In our age, there are people who also suffer because of the hypocritical ways of modern-day Pharisees.  Drugs, wars, crimes, moral corruption, hunger and diseases are some of the evils that afflict the lives of millions in the planet.  What is our responsibility, to be indifferent, or to minister to the needs of others?

On Sunday of the Veneration of the Holy Cross, and every day, we are all asked to pick up our crosses, to endure our personal sacrifices and to offer our service to the Lord to the suffering brothers and sisters in Christ.  When others hurt us, we should forgive.  When they persecute us, we should bless.  When they judge us, we should love.  When they harm us, we should serve.  And when we are “crucified,” then we may Rise!

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


Lord and Master of my life give me not the spirit of laziness, idle curiosity, love for power and vain talk.

But grant to me, your servant, the spirit of prudence, humility, patience and love.

Yes, Lord and King, grant me to see my own faults, and not to condemn my brethren, for you are blessed in the ages. Amen.

Lord of the Powers

Lord of the Powers be with us, for in times of distress we have no other help but you, Lord of the Powers have mercy on us.


Ο Χριστός μας ζητάει να απαρνηθούμε τον εαυτό μας, να σηκώσουμε τον σταυρό μας και να τον ακολουθήσουμε.  Απαιτεί θυσίες και κόπους η αφιέρωσή μας στην Χριστιανική μας ομολογία.  Ο Ίδιος ο Χριστός απετέλεσε σύμβολο και παράδειγμα αυτοθυσίας και αυτοπροσφοράς. Προσφέρει τον Εαυτό Του με τη σταυρική θυσία εκουσίως για να λυτρώσει τον κόσμο από την αμαρτία και την διαφθορά.  Η υποκρισία και η διαφθορά των ανθρώπων τους οδήγησε στο μεγαλύτερο έγκλημα, την σταύρωση του Θεανθρώπου.  Και στην εποχή μας, ανείπωτα εγκλήματα συγκαλύπτονται με στο πέπλο της υποκρισίας των σύγχρονων Φαρισαίων. 

Σταυρώνεται η Οικουμένη από τους δυνάστες και τους τυρράνους του κόσμου.  Τα ναρκωτικά, οι πόλεμοι, το έγκλημα, η ηθική παρακμή, η πείνα και ο όλεθρος των ασθενειών μαστίζουν εκατομμύρια ανθρώπων ανά τον πλανήτη.  Ποιά είναι η ευθύνη των Χριστιανών; Η αδιαφορία ή η φιλανθρωπία; Να σηκώσουμε λοιπόν τον σταυρό μας.  Όταν μας πονούν, να συγχωρούμε.  Όταν μας διώκουν, να ευλογούμε.  Όταν μας κρίνουν, να αγαπούμε.  Όταν μας αδικούν, να αγαθοποούμε.  Κι όταν μας σταυρώνουν, ας αναστηθούμε!

+Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος

Ἡ εὐχὴ τοῦ ἁγίου Ἐφραὶμ τοῦ Σύρου «Κύριε καὶ Δέσποτα τῆς ζωῆς μου»

Κύριε καὶ Δέσποτα τῆς ζωῆς μου, πνεῦμα ἀργίας, περιεργείας, φιλαρχίας καὶ ἀργολογίας μή μοι δῶς.

Πνεῦμα δὲ σωφροσύνης, ταπεινοφροσύνης, ὑπομονῆς καὶ ἀγάπης, χάρισαί μοι τῷ σῷ δούλῳ.

Ναί, Κύριε Βασιλεῦ, δώρησαί μοι τοῦ ὁρᾶν τὰ ἐμὰ πταίσματα, καὶ μὴ κατακρίνειν τὸν ἀδελφόν μου, ὅτι εὐλογητὸς εἶ, εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων. Ἀμήν.

Κύριε τῶν Δυνάμεων

Κύριε τῶν Δυνάμεων, μεθ᾿ ἡμῶν γενοῦ, ἄλλον γὰρ ἐκτός Σου βοηθὸν ἐν θλίψεσιν οὐκ ἔχομεν.

Κύριε τῶν Δυνάμεων, ἐλέησον ἡμᾶς.

Message for March 25th, 2021:

Dear members of our Parish family,

March 25th marked the 200th Anniversary of the Greek Revolution. This bicentennial is a one in a life-time event, which we will cherish and commemorate forever. Our children will talk about it to their children and grandchildren. They will recall how we all came to Church and our entire Saint Demetrios was transformed to a blue and white sea of enthusiastic celebrations. Therefore, this Sunday, I invite all of you! If you are Greek, come! If you feel Greek, come! If you are happy that Greece exists as a nation, come! Bring a flag. We also have additional flags available if you cannot find your flag. At the end of the service, we will chant together our anthem, celebrating the rebirth of our Nation, honoring the sacrifices of our heroes and passing on the torch to the next generation.

In the service of March 25th we prayed that we all become worthy of the gift of freedom. Others fought for it so that we can enjoy it. It is not just for us to have a vacationing spot in the beautiful Greek islands. It is a gift passed on for us to preserve our values, our faith, our language, our history and our culture. Those values are the cornerstone of Western civilization. They are the pillars that hold the free world and sustain our civilization, our sciences, our arts and our civilian freedoms. Without those values we have totalitarianism, oppression and persecution. Remember what our heroes exclaimed when they gave their lives for our Nation: «Γιὰ τοῦ Χριστοῦ τὴν πίστην τὴν Ἁγίαν καὶ τῆς πατρίδος τὴν ἐλευθερίαν» - For the Sacred Faith of Christ and for the Freedom of the Nation.

Are we going to take Sunday off? Are we going to forgo our willingness to take a stand? Are we going to bypass the opportunity to honor the heroes and proclaim our values? They gave us everything; it is our turn to give too. They were not afraid; and neither should we be. Our Church’s doors will be open. You are all welcome to come in prayerfully; we will also have the outside speakers on for anyone who prefers to listen to the service from the courtyard around the Nave (just like in our Greek villages); that’s fine too. As long as we are here, in lieu of the Parade at 5th Avenue, and hold our flags, our national pride and our faith up high, where they should always be.

See you Sunday!

This week, I was extremely proud of our Greek School student and teachers. They had daily celebrations, they marched in parades, they sung, they narrated poems and they performed plays in honor of the Revolution of 1821. I went to all the classes and talked about the history pertaining to those events. The students asked me questions and also shared their knowledge of the events. I heard them with great pride and joy and I am extremely optimistic for our future generations. We love our children and we have amazing teachers who invest tremendous talent and effort to impart significant information and their passion for the culture. In one of the videos that are posted on the Saint Demetrios Facebook page and YouTube Channel, we hear the students sing about the heroes of 1821 accompanied by their teachers and the guitar (Link: ), which is wonderful that they have in their class. I did not have any of that, and I was raised in Greece. They learn songs I have never heard. The Hellenic School social media has even more videos of their celebratory performances. We are so proud of them! Bravo to our Greek School, our Board, our principal, the teachers and especially students and parents who make all this possible.

Every Monday at 7 pm we pray the Great Compline – Μεγάλο Απόδειπνο . It is a beautiful service, about one hour long, and I welcome you all to attend and pray together following this Lenten tradition.

Every Wednesday at 7 pm we celebrate the Pre-Sanctified Divine Liturgy- Προηγιασμένη Θ. Λειτουργία, a serene and melodious Lenten service, when we can also receive Holy Communion. Those evening services of Great Lent are the perfect opportunity to complete our day, after work and our hectic schedule, with prayer, peacefulness, spiritual tranquility and worship.

On Fridays, at 7 pm, we chant the fantastic Salutations to the Virgin MaryΧαιρετισμοί, in preparation for the great feast of the Annunciation. It is a poetic and phenomenal expression of our love for the Panaghia, who intercedes consistently and unceasingly for our protection and salvation. We would like to ask for one family to donate the flowers for the icon of Panaghia. We already received a generous donation for the first decoration of the icon and we are thankful for your gracious gifts. May we all have her intercessions. Ἡ εὐχὴ τῆς Παναγίας μαζὶ σας.

March marks the beginning of stewardship month. We kindly ask our Parishioners to submit their stewardship pledge and/or donation as this is our only significant source to cover the Church’s financial obligations. We need all families to enroll and support Saint Demetrios, our beloved Community, and we pray that God returns your benevolence many times over with His Grace and blessings!

Philoptochos is now taking orders for Easter tsourekia from Agia Skepi Monastery. $15 for small braid; $20 for large round. All orders must be placed by April 1. Please contact Eleni Frasiolas or Sophie Pappas to place your order. Pick up will be on Palm Sunday after liturgy.   We congratulate our Saint Barbara’s ladies of Philoptochos and wish them many blessings in their sacred ministry.

We are also preparing for Camp Saint Paul, for this summer, and details are below this message and the weekly announcements.

I look forward to seeing you all during these beautiful services. Please, bring your icons on Sunday and may we all receive many blessings for a great and holy Lent!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

March  25th – 200 years since the Greek Revolution

          March 25th has a dual meaning for the Greek Orthodox faithful.  It is the day when we celebrate the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary, which prepared the path of salvation for all faithful, the way of the Resurrection.  March 25th is also the day of Greek Independence, a holiday for the Greek and the American nations.  One of the proudest and most ancient civilizations, the nation that gave birth to democracy, philosophy and science, was under the captivity of the Ottoman Empire for four centuries.  The struggle for freedom and independence liberated the Greek people from the tortures, the cruelty and the oppression of the Muslim Ottoman Empire.

          March 25th signifies our struggle to be redeemed from the oppression of the evil one through the path of the resurrection and our fight to be rescued from the oppression of an evil empire through the path of heroism and sacrifice.  We honor our heroes with today’s service and the festive Doxology. We pay tribute to their sacrifices, so that the younger generation can also aspire to cherish the virtue of freedom and to be worthy of it by living in a virtuous and unselfish way.  It is not enough to be free, but also to be worthy of freedom.  To accomplish that, we need to honor our heroes, and we need to live up to their example.

          It is important to cultivate patriotism and pride for our heritage in the hearts and minds of the youth as well as for all of us who cherish our values and our national identity. This way, we may also inspire our Youth to feel the pride and the honor of being the heirs of a rich tradition, a beautiful culture and an eternal civilization.

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


Lord and Master of my life give me not the spirit of laziness, idle curiosity, love for power and vain talk.

But grant to me, your servant, the spirit of prudence, humility, patience and love.

Yes, Lord and King, grant me to see my own faults, and not to condemn my brethren, for you are blessed in the ages. Amen.

Lord of the Powers

Lord of the Powers be with us, for in times of distress we have no other help but you, Lord of the Powers have mercy on us.

25η  Μαρτίου – 200 χρόνια από την Ελληνική Επανάσταση

          Την 25η Μαρτίου, εορτάζουμε τον Ευαγγελισμό της Θεοτόκου, την πανήγυρη που οδοποίησε την ενανθρώπιση του Υιού και Λόγου του Θεού και προετοίμασε την σωτηρία του ανθρωπίνου γέννους.  Συνάμα, στις 25 Μαρτίου το Έθνος μας εορτάζει και την ημέρα της παλιγγενεσίας, την ανάσταση από την δουλεία της Οθωμανικής κατοχής και καταπίεσης.  Η ημέρα της 25ης Μαρτίου έχει διττή σημασία για τους Ελληνορθοδόξους.  Την προετοιμασία για την Ανάσταση από τη φθορά και το θάνατο, από τη δουλεία και την καταπίεση του πονηρού και το ξεκίνημα για την επανάσταση κατά της Τουρκικής δουλείας και καταπίεσης, με σύνθημα το «Ελευθερία ή θάνατος!»

          Είναι ευθύνη όλων τα παιδιά μας να διδαχθούν την εθνική τους καταγωγή και προέλευση και να εκφράσουν την ευγνωμοσύνη τους για τη θυσία των ηρώων του 21΄, των προπατόρων μας.  Σήμερα, να τους μιλήσουμε για την ιστορική αυτή επέτειο, με περηφάνεια για την εθνική μας κληρονομιά.

Η ελευθερία είναι για εμάς ένα θεόδοτο δώρο, για το οποίο θυσιάστηκαν οι προπάτορες του γέννους. Το ότι γεννηθήκαμε ελεύθεροι είναι δώρο.  Το να αξίζουμε την ελευθερία είναι αγώνας. Αγώνας και αγωνία μας είναι να διδαχτούν και τα παιδιά μας την αξία της καταγωγής τους, να καλλιεργηθούν με τα πανανθρώπινα αγαθά της πολιτιστικής μας κληρονομιάς και να εμποτιστούν με τα ηθικά νάματα της πίστεώς μας. Οι ήρωες του 21’ πότισαν με το αίμα τους τα χώματα της ελεύθερης πατρίδος μας.  Ελπίζω να μην οκνηρίσουμε και να μην χάσουμε την ευκαιρία να τους τιμήσουμε με το δέοντα σεβασμό, ώστε να βιώνει και η νεολαία μας την περηφάνεια, την χαρά, την Χάρη και τα χαρίσματα της Ελληνορθόδοξης κληρονομιάς.

+Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος

Ἡ εὐχὴ τοῦ ἁγίου Ἐφραὶμ τοῦ Σύρου «Κύριε καὶ Δέσποτα τῆς ζωῆς μου»

Κύριε καὶ Δέσποτα τῆς ζωῆς μου, πνεῦμα ἀργίας, περιεργείας, φιλαρχίας καὶ ἀργολογίας μή μοι δῶς.

Πνεῦμα δὲ σωφροσύνης, ταπεινοφροσύνης, ὑπομονῆς καὶ ἀγάπης, χάρισαί μοι τῷ σῷ δούλῳ.

Ναί, Κύριε Βασιλεῦ, δώρησαί μοι τοῦ ὁρᾶν τὰ ἐμὰ πταίσματα, καὶ μὴ κατακρίνειν τὸν ἀδελφόν μου, ὅτι εὐλογητὸς εἶ, εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων. Ἀμήν.

Κύριε τῶν Δυνάμεων

Κύριε τῶν Δυνάμεων, μεθ᾿ ἡμῶν γενοῦ, ἄλλον γὰρ ἐκτός Σου βοηθὸν ἐν θλίψεσιν οὐκ ἔχομεν.

Κύριε τῶν Δυνάμεων, ἐλέησον ἡμᾶς.

Sunday of Saint Gregory Palamas

The closet of the soul is the body; our doors are the five bodily senses. The soul enters its closet when the mind does not wander hither and thither, roaming among things and affairs of the world, but stays within, in our heart.

Our senses become closed and remain closed when we do not let them be attached to external sensory things, and in this way our mind remains free from every worldly attachment, and by secret mental prayer unites with God its Father. "And your Father which sees in secret shall reward thee openly," adds the Lord.

God who knows all secret things sees mental prayer and rewards it openly with great gifts. For that prayer is true and perfect which fills the soul with Divine grace and spiritual gifts. As chrism perfumes the jar the more strongly the tighter it is closed, so prayer, the more fast it is imprisoned in the heart, abounds the more in Divine grace.

So, brother, when you enter your closet and close your door, that is, when your mind is not darting hither and thither but enters within your heart, and your senses are confined and barred against things of this world, and when you pray thus always, you too are then like the holy angels, and your Father, Who sees your prayer in secret, which you bring Him in the hidden depths of your heart, will reward you openly by great spiritual gifts.

     -St. Gregory Palamas


Sunday of Orthodoxy is the day when we commemorate the restoration of the holy icons.  The iconoclasts considered the veneration of the icons as an idolatrous and pagan practice.  Muslims, most Protestants and Jehovah witnesses share a similar perception. What should we say in defense of our faith and our Orthodox traditions with regards to the veneration of the holy icons?  First, iconography is a God given blessing, since Christ Himself allowed to be depicted in the holy shroud. Second, Saint Luke the Evangelist painted an icon of Christ, the Virgin Mary and Saint John the Forerunner. Third, the Orthodox people do not worship icons, but they venerate them. As Saint John of Damascus points out, we worship Christ, Who is depicted through the icon, but we venerate and respect the icon as a holy article, because it depicts the All Holy Lord.

Icons are called the Bible of the illiterate.  We respect and cherish the pictures of loved ones; it would only be natural to respect, cherish and venerate the icons, through which we communicate with God in prayer. Icons are instructional instruments. They often times narrate a story, and they describe the virtues and the attributes of a Saint. The first things we learn about our faith are taught through the icons. A baby cannot read the Bible or a patristic and a theological document. But a baby knows Christ and loves Him thanks to the depictions of the Lord. Icons bring the inspiration of God in our lives.  They bless our homes and they have become the vessels of divine Grace and miracles.

The litany or the procession of the icons has as an objective to offer hymn and doxology to the holy Fathers of the Church who restored them and inspired us with the right doctrine, our Orthodox Tradition. We commemorate the event of the veneration of the icons and we emphasize their significance in our tradition and our lives. It is the Christian vocation of all of us to spread the light of our faith to the younger generation and to other people who thirst for spiritual nutrition and salvation.

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


Lord and Master of my life give me not the spirit of laziness, idle curiosity, love for power and vain talk.

But grant to me, your servant, the spirit of prudence, humility, patience and love.

Yes, Lord and King, grant me to see my own faults, and not to condemn my brethren, for you are blessed in the ages. Amen.

Lord of the Powers

Lord of the Powers be with us, for in times of distress we have no other help but you, Lord of the Powers have mercy on us.


Την Κυριακή της Ορθοδοξίας εορτάζεται η πανηγυρική και θριαμβευτική αναστήλωση των ιερών και σεπτών εικόνων.  Οι εικονομάχοι των Βυζαντινών χρόνων, θεωρούσαν την προσκύνηση των εικόνων ως ειδωλολατρεία.  Σήμερα, οι Μουσουλμάνοι, οι Προτεστάντες και οι Χιλιαστές έχουν τις ίδιες αντιλήψεις.  Τί θα μπορούσατε να απαντήσετε σε αυτούς που ειρωνεύονται τους Ορθοδόξους πιστούς για τον σεβασμό τους προς τις ιερές εικόνες;  Πρώτον, η εικονογραφία είναι θεόδοτη, καθότι ο ίδιος ο Κύριος αποτύπωσε την ιερά του και θεία μορφή στην Αγία σινδόνα και στο ιερό μανδήλιο, όπως η Αγία Γραφή αποκαλύπτει.  Δεύτερον, ο ίδιος ο Απόστολος και Ευαγγελιστής Λουκάς φιλοτέχνισε εικόνες του Κυρίου, της Υπεραγίας Θεοτόκου και του Τιμίου Προδρόμου.  Όπως αναγιγνώσκουμε το Ευαγγέλιο που συνέγραψε, έτσι και πρέπει να τιμούμε τις εικόνες που πρώτος αγιογράφησε. Τρίτον, εμείς ως Ορθόδοξοι πιστοί, δεν λατρεύουμε τις εικόνες, αλλά λατρεύουμε τον Χριστό που απεικονίζεται σε αυτές.  Όπως θεολογεί ο Άγιος Ιωάννης ο Δαμασκηνός, λατρεύουμε Τον εν τη εικόνι προσκυνούμενον.

Οι εικόνες αποτελούν την Βίβλο των αγραμμάτων.  Όπως με συγκίνηση κρατούμε την φωτογραγία ενός πολυαγαπημένου μας προσώπου, έτσι και με θείο δέος σεβόμαστε τις εικόνες ως ιερά σύμβολα, δια μέσου των οποίων επικοινωνούμε πνευματικώς δια της προσευχής με τον Θεό.  Οι εικόνες είναι διδακτικά εγχειρίδια.  Μία εικόνα είναι περισσότερο περιεκτική σε νάματα πίστεως από ένα κήρυγμα ή ένα βιβλίο, ιδίως για τα παιδιά και τους απλούς ανθρώπους.  Πόσα βρέφη ξέρετε να διαβάζουν την Αγία Γραφή ή τα πατερικά κείμενα; Όλοι μας, όμως, από βρεφική ηλικία, μαγνητιζόμαστε από τις εικόνες και νιώθουμε την παρουσία του Θεού στη ζωή μας δι’ αυτών.

Στην ιερή λιτάνευση των σεπτών εικόνων όλοι μας θα δοξολογήσουμε την μνήμη των Αγίων Πατέρων που αναστήλωσαν τις εικόνες και μας παρέδωσαν το ορθό δόγμα, την Ορδόδοξη Παράδοσή μας.  Κυριακή της Ορθοδοξίας, κι όλοι μας οφείλουμε να νιώσουμε και να δώσουμε τα φώτα της πίστεως στη νέα γενιά και στους συνανθρώπους μας που διψούν για πνευματική αναστήλωση, ανάταση, και ανάσταση.

+Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος

Ἡ εὐχὴ τοῦ ἁγίου Ἐφραὶμ τοῦ Σύρου «Κύριε καὶ Δέσποτα τῆς ζωῆς μου»

Κύριε καὶ Δέσποτα τῆς ζωῆς μου, πνεῦμα ἀργίας, περιεργείας, φιλαρχίας καὶ ἀργολογίας μή μοι δῶς.

Πνεῦμα δὲ σωφροσύνης, ταπεινοφροσύνης, ὑπομονῆς καὶ ἀγάπης, χάρισαί μοι τῷ σῷ δούλῳ.

Ναί, Κύριε Βασιλεῦ, δώρησαί μοι τοῦ ὁρᾶν τὰ ἐμὰ πταίσματα, καὶ μὴ κατακρίνειν τὸν ἀδελφόν μου, ὅτι εὐλογητὸς εἶ, εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων. Ἀμήν.

Κύριε τῶν Δυνάμεων

Κύριε τῶν Δυνάμεων, μεθ᾿ ἡμῶν γενοῦ, ἄλλον γὰρ ἐκτός Σου βοηθὸν ἐν θλίψεσιν οὐκ ἔχομεν.

Κύριε τῶν Δυνάμεων, ἐλέησον ἡμᾶς.


Dear friends and supporters of Saint Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church,

This Sunday, the second Sunday of Triodion, is dedicated to the Prodigal Son. Below these lines, there is a message regarding this important parable from the Gospel, its meaning, practical application and theological value. Also, next Saturday, March 6th, we have the first Ψυχοσάββατο – Saturday of the Souls, and we commemorate our loved ones who departed in Christ Jesus. You may bring their names on Sunday, during the week, or next Saturday at the service. You may also call the Church office to request a plate of koliva and I will pray for your loved ones during the memorial.

March marks the beginning of stewardship month. We kindly ask our Parishioners to submit their stewardship pledge and/or donation as this is our only significant source to cover the Church’s obligations. We need all families to enroll and support Saint Demetrios, our beloved Community, and we pray that God returns your benevolence many times over with His Grace and blessings!

I was happy to meet with Philoptochos and Wednesday and plan with the ladies of the sisterhood some of the upcoming activities and philanthropic endeavors. We congratulate our Saint Barbara’s ladies of Philoptochos and wish them many blessings in their sacred ministry.

At the same time, our Church School is preparing for the Oratorical Festival and our Greek School for Apokries, and for the annual Lenten retreat, flying the kites on Clean Week and their celebration for the 25th of March. This year marks the 200th Anniversary since the Greek Revolution of 1821 and we will see our Greek School students honor that auspicious celebration with videos posted on the Greek School social media and their own class testimonials. We are also preparing for Camp Saint Paul, for this summer, and details are below this message and the weekly announcements.

Despite the limitation imposed upon us, we exhibit great resolve in continuing the many worthy programs of the Church and we look forward for a spiritually uplifting Triodion. We all support our beautiful Church, our spiritual home, asking for God to strengthen us, protect us and bless us.


Dear members of our Parish family,

College Basketball, arguably the most exciting basketball league in the world, is highlighted by the conclusion of the season, often times referred to as “March Madness.” Our own period of “March Madness” begins this coming week! This time of the year marks the beginning of Great and Holy Lent – Αγία και Μεγάλη Τεσσαρακοστή and our preparation for a sacred journey that leads to the Passion of the Lord and His life-giving Resurrection, Pascha. Saint Anthony had predicted that when the entire world becomes crazy, the few remaining rational people will be considered mad.

And it takes a certain amount of “madness” to give up food not for diets and in order to fit into wedding/prom dresses or tuxedos, but to do it all for Christ. It takes a certain amount of “madness” not to sit on a Lazy Boy recliner holding a tablet the entire evening and talk to nobody in the house but instead get ready and attend the evening Lenten services. It takes a certain amount of “madness” to give part of your hard-earned income to support a charity, our Church (that ensures the safe keeping of our children and all future generations) and our ministries instead of spending it for that new device that will keep our kids entertained and busy with anything else but us.

It certainly takes a certain amount of “madness” to volunteer, to pray daily, to read the Bible, to spend time with our spouse, to do activities with our children and to have fellowship with actual friends (not the “friends” that only click a smiley face on social media, but are actually envious, jealous or indifferent about you and your happiness). For all these types of “madness” please, count me in, and let’s be all crazy for Christ, fools for Christ as the paternal term has it, passionately loving our faith, and committing our every effort for His glory.

Let’s start this journey by actually spending time with those we love and making time for them. First station of this process will be the Vespers of Forgiveness – Κατανυκτικός Εσπερινός της Συγγνώμης, this Sunday at 5:30 pm. We ask forgiveness from each other, which, in a world that nobody seems to recognize their mistakes, is itself crazy. At the conclusion of the service, everyone, from the priest to every Parishioner, comes into a circle of trust (reminds us of a funny movie) and says “forgive me and have a blessed Lent.”

Every Monday at 7 pm we pray the Great Compline – Μεγάλο Απόδειπνο (the first Monday of Lent includes the Holy Canon of Clean Monday). During the week, our Greek School children will fly their kites and welcome Lent with smiles and fellowship. I will visit their classes to speak to them about their Lenten journey. This last week they had their Apokriatiko celebrations, with their costumes and much fun as well.

On Sunday, we bid farewell to the last day before the fast with a virtual musical concert at 2:30 pm, titled «Θα ‘ρθει μια μέρα – There Will Come a Day», promoting known and unknown Greek songs from 2011 to today. It is an amazing musical journey for all those who love quality Greek music and melodious modern ballads. The musicians are mostly from our Parish and one of them is my daughter Katerina; they will all perform songs we love and I welcome you to enjoy the musical feast on Sunday, March 14 at 2:30 pm by clicking the link: . The concert is free and it is a wonderful way to sing together, and with our families, until we are able again to have such events in person.

Every Wednesday at 7 pm we celebrate the Pre-Sanctified Divine Liturgy- Προηγιασμένη Θ. Λειτουργία, a serene and melodious Lenten service, when we can also receive Holy Communion. Those evening services of Great Lent last only about an hour and they are the perfect opportunity to complete our day, after work and our hectic schedule, with prayer, peacefulness, spiritual tranquility and worship.

On Fridays, at 7 pm, we chant the fantastic Salutations to the Virgin MaryΧαιρετισμοί, in preparation for the great feast of the Annunciation. It is a poetic and phenomenal expression of our love for the Panaghia, who intercedes consistently and unceasingly for our protection and salvation. We would like to ask for one family to donate the flowers for the icon of Panaghia. May we all have her intercessions. Ἡ εὐχὴ τῆς Παναγίας μαζὶ σας.

Tomorrow and next Saturday, at 9 am, we have the Memorials for our loved ones, who repose in Christ, with the liturgies of the Saturdays of the Souls. You may bring their names during the service. You may also call the Church office to request a plate of kolyva and I will pray for your loved ones during the memorial.

And on Sunday, our glorious and Resurrectional services that point to our ultimate goals, redemption, salvation and life everlasting. March marks the beginning of stewardship month. We kindly ask our Parishioners to submit their stewardship pledge and/or donation as this is our only significant source to cover the Church’s financial obligations. We need all families to enroll and support Saint Demetrios, our beloved Community, and we pray that God returns your benevolence many times over with His Grace and blessings!

I was happy to meet with Philoptochos and plan with the ladies of the sisterhood some of the upcoming activities and philanthropic endeavors. Please join St. Barbara's Philoptochos for our first virtual craft fundraiser on Thursday, March 18 at 7pm.  Details and registration on line at the link below.  Event is capped at 40 people.  Please contact Eleni Frasiolas 516-232-6202 with any questions. .

Philoptochos is now taking orders for Easter tsourekia from Agia Skepi Monastery. $15 for small braid; $20 for large round. All orders must be placed by April 1. Please contact Eleni Frasiolas (516.232.6202) or Sophie Pappas (516.353.5187) to place your order. Pick up will be on Palm Sunday after liturgy.   We congratulate our Saint Barbara’s ladies of Philoptochos and wish them many blessings in their sacred ministry.

At the same time, our Church School is preparing for the Oratorical Festival and our Greek School for the celebration for the 25th of March. This year marks the 200th Anniversary since the Greek Revolution of 1821 and we will see our Greek School students honor that auspicious celebration with videos posted on the Greek School social media and their own class testimonials. We are also preparing for Camp Saint Paul, for this summer, and details are below this message and the weekly announcements.

The following weekend, it is Sunday of Orthodoxy, when all the children will bring their favorite icons and assist the priest in the procession to commemorate the restitution of the sacred images and the formulation of Orthodox dogma.

In other words, pretty much every day of the week, there is a service and an opportunity to connect to Christ even more fervently and adhere to His commandments. It will be a blessing if all of you manage to attend as many as possible out of these services. Try as many as you can at least this week and you will witness why more and more people come every year in prayerful attendance and participation to this sacred journey of Lent. Let the March Madness begin!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


          The Church has designated Lent as a time of preparation for Holy Week and Pascha. We wish each other “have a blessed Lent.”  In order to have a blessed Lent, we need not just a wish but also prayer.  For this reason, during the forty days of preparation for Pascha, the Church has instituted many wonderful and serene divine services, which enhance the Lenten experience of the faithful.  If nothing changes during these days, then we cannot claim that we celebrated a blessed Lent.  If we did not prepare for Pascha, then we cannot announce the Christ’s Resurrection is deemed as the most important event in our lives.  For a conscious Lenten experience, we need to participate in the spiritual preparation of our holy Orthodox Tradition.  An athlete practices fervently before a big game.  We pray fervently before the championship of divine salvation.  The Great Lent is the last stretch before the finish of a spiritual race, since the Resurrection is the most significant event for all faithful.  Therefore, we put all our effort for this last stretch, so that we may be crowned as victors with the crown of holiness and redemption.

          The first service of Great Lent is the Vespers of forgiveness, which is Sunday at 5:30 pm.  Before we go for confession to prepare for Pascha, we ask forgiveness from our spiritual family and we offer forgiveness to our brothers and sisters in Christ.  This way, we do not celebrate these days hypocritically or with a blemished consciousness. Clean Monday marks the beginning of Lent with strict fasting (for everyone who is physically capable to observe fasting).  Clean Week is a time for physical and spiritual cleansing, with fasting and confession.  Clean Monday, we will the Great Compline, which is a beautiful service, graced in richness of meaning and blessing.  Every Monday, during Lent, we will be praying the service of the Great Compline to start the week with a beautiful, serene, evening prayer for all the faithful to find peace and rescue in their Church.  Every Wednesday, we will be celebrating the Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Divine Gifts.  This way, the faithful will be receiving Holy Communion more frequently in preparation for the holiest time of the year.  Every Friday, there will be a service of the Salutations to the Virgin Mary, glorifying and thanking the Mother of God who brought salvation into the world.

          It is a blessing to experience the beauty of our services, which transform us spiritually.  What happens if we are tired after a long day?  We find rest and peace in the serenity of the Church.  What if we have studying and housework to do?  We can do all that, plus the studying of the divine lessons, which are eternal and heavenly, thus much more important.  This way, we may all graduate in Heaven.  This way, we may all have a blessed Lent!

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


          Την Καθαρή Εβδομάδα ευχόμαστε όλοι μας «Καλή Τεσσαρακοστή».  Για να έχουμε καλή Τεσσαρακοστή, χρειάζεται όχι μόνο η ευχή αλλά και η προσευχή μας.  Για το λόγο αυτό, οι σαράντα ημέρες προετοιμασίας προς το Άγιο Πάσχα συνοδεύονται από θεσπέσιες και κατανυκτικές ακολουθίες που καλλιεργούν την συνείδηση των πιστών, ώστε να εορτάσουν και να συμμετέχουν στην εμπειρία μίας καλής Τεσσαρακοστής.  Αν δεν αλλάξει τίποτα στη ζωή μας αυτές τις ημέρες, τότε δεν μπορούμε να νιώσουμε την πνευματική κάθαρση και την ψυχική αγαλλίαση που επιφέρει η πορεία του πιστού προς την Αγία και Μεγάλη Εβδομάδα.  Τί μπορεί να αλλάξει στη ζωή μας;  Όπως ένας αθλητής πριν από την μεγάλη αναμέτρηση, ή ένας μαθητής πριν την σημαντικότερη εξέταση και ένας πολιτικός πριν τις εκλογές, όλοι μας συνενώνουμε τις πνευματικές μας προσπάθειες για να πετύχουμε τον στόχο μας, που δεν είναι άλλος από την σωτηρία.  Η Τεσσαρακοστή είναι η τελική ευθεία πριν από την κορυφή των γεγονότων την πίστεως, την Ανάσταση.  Εντείνουμε τις προσπάθειές μας στην τελική ευθεία, για να στεφθούμε νικητές, με το στέφος της Αγιότητος και της λυτρώσεως.

          Πρώτη ακολουθία της Μεγάλης Τεσσαρακοστής είναι ο Κατανυκτικός Εσπερινός «της συγνώμης» (Κυριακή στις 5:30 μμ).  Πριν εξομολογηθούμε για το Πάσχα, οφείλουμε να συγχωρέσουμε και να συγχωρεθούμε με την πνευματική μας οικογένεια, για να μην εορτάσουμε αυτές τις Άγιες ημέρες με βεβαρημένη συνείδηση ή υποκριτικά.  Την Καθαρά Δευτέρα, αρχίζουμε την αυστηρή νηστεία για όσους η υγεία τους το επιτρέπει.  Το βράδυ της Καθαράς Δευτέρας θα έχουμε το πρώτο Μεγάλο Απόδειπνο, με το απόσπασμα του Μεγάλου Κανόνος του Τριωδίου.  Κάθε Δευτέρα σε όλη τη διάρκεια της Τεσσαρακοστής θα ξεκινούμε τις ακολουθίες με το Μεγάλο Απόδειπνο, μία κατανυκτική και μεστή πνευματικής τροφοδοσίας ακολουθία.  Κάθε Τετάρτη, θα έχουμε την Θεία Λειτουργία των Προηγιασμένων Τιμίων Δώρων.  Το Σώμα και το Αίμα του Κυρίου θα περιμένουν τους πιστούς κάθε Τετάρτη εσπέρας για περισσότερο συχνή Θεία Μετάληψη, ώστε όλοι ως Χριστοφόροι και καθαγιασμένοι να προσεγγίσουμε το Άγια Πάσχα.  Κάθε Παρασκευή, θα ψάλλουμε τους Χαιρετισμούς στην Υπεραγία Θεοτόκο, που μας έδωσε τον Χριστό και έφερε την σωτηρία στο ανθρώπινο γένος.

          Με ιερό πόθο συμμετέχουμε στην εμπειρία της Τεσσαρακοστής για να ζητήσουμε το έλεος του Θεού.  Αν σε όσες ακολουθίες που μπορούμε να συμπροσευχηθούμε φέρουμε τα παιδιά και τις οικογένειές μας, τότε θα μεταλαμπαδεύσουμε την δική μας εμπειρία και σε εκείνους.  Μα, τί γίνεται όταν είναι κουρασμένοι από το απαιτητικό ωράριο της ημέρας;  Θα ξεκουράζονται στην κατάνυξη και ηρεμία της Εκκλησίας.  Αν έχουν μαθήματα;  Θα διδάσκονται τα διδάγματα της σωτηρίας, που είναι Ουράνια και ανώτερα.  Και όλοι μας θα προβιβαστούμε στην θεοπτία του Παραδείσου.  Έτσι θα έχουμε Καλή Τεσσαρακοστή!

+Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος


            The 17th Sunday of Saint Luke narrates one of the most powerful and meaningful parables of the Bible.  It is the story of the Prodigal Son, or, should we call it, the story of the Forgiving Father.  The younger son of a family demanded that his portion of his father’s wealth be given to him.  He spent all that wealth living in sin and corruption.  He wasted so much that the Father had labored to establish.  When the son lost everything, he realized that even his Father’s servants were living a better life than him and he repented for his mistakes.  The story reaches an emotional climax when the son returns home.  The Father rushes to embrace him, to welcome him and to give him presents and a celebration on the occasion of his return.  Only the older son does not share the joy of everyone else.  Rather, he feels bad that his father’s best calf was sacrificed for the celebration.  He laments for the animal more than for a brother who was lost and in danger.

            It sounds irrational, yet, there are many families that have been divided over financial and other differences.  Often times, people would like to monopolize someone’s love and attention.  Jealousy and love for money are the primary causes for the breakup of families and friendships.  Are there prodigal sons today?  Look around!  How many of us don’t we use the property of our Heavenly Father, the wealth that was created and entrusted to us, for reasons other than good, charity and benevolence?  How do we digest the fact that in all “Christian” nations casinos and the industry of pornography prosper, yet Churches and Schools struggle?  There are many prodigal sons who waste the wealth of their Father and live in corruption and sin.

            God is Forgiving and Loving.  He awaits the return of all His children with open arms, as He is depicted in the icon of the Crucifix.  His mercy knows no boundaries and His love is beyond compare.  He gives us the first garment, the radiant grace that was bestowed upon us at the time of creation, when we return and become members of His family, the Church.  For this reason, on the day of our baptism we chant “whoever has been baptized unto Christ, has put on Christ.”  God the Father offers us a ring, a symbol for holy Chrism, which is the seal of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit (in Roman times, seals were made us rings, so that dignitaries always had them with them).  And God gives us shoes; in those days, slaves were not allowed to wear shoes.  God wants us to be free and to rejoice in our lives.  He even sacrificed the fatted calf, the best He has to offer, Jesus Christ, so that we may celebrate the Eucharist and give thanks for the blessing of salvation.  The parable of the Prodigal Son makes reference to all the foundational sacraments of the Church, baptism, chrismation, eucharist and confession, so that we may receive the grace of God through the life-giving mysteries of the Church.

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


            Μία από τις κορυφαίες αφηγήσεις του Ευαγγελίου είναι το σημείο αναφοράς της 17ης Κυριακής του Λουκά.  Η παραβολή του Ασώτου Υιού είναι μία ιστορία που αγγίζει κάθε έναν από εμάς σε προσωπικό επίπεδο αλλά και που αποκαλύπτει την φιλανθρωπία, την παναγαθότητα και την συγχωρητικότητα του Θεού.  Ίσως ένας πιο ακριβής σε νόημα τίτλος θα μπορούσε να είναι όχι η παραβολή του Ασώτου Υιού αλλά η παραβολή του μεγαλόκαρδου Πατέρα.  Ο νεώτερος υιός κατασπατάλησε την περιουσία του Πατέρα, διεκδικόντας την για δική του.  Με θράσσος απαίτησε τα πλούτη που ο Πατέρας του με κόπο δημιούργησε.  Και με ανωριμότητα και αφέλεια σπατάλησε ό,τι με αγάπη του εμπιστεύτηκε ο Πατέρας.  Με πόνο και συντριβή καρδίας ήρθε ο γιος εις εαυτόν στον καιρό της πενίας και της πνευματικής του ακαρπίας.  Διαπίστωσε ότι ακόμη και οι υπηρέτες του Πατέρα του είχαν καλύτερη ζωή από εκείνον που ζούσε μέσα στην αμαρτία, στην ακολασία και στην παρακμή.

            Μία συγκινητική σκηνή της αφηγήσεως είναι η επιστροφή του Ασώτου.  Ο Πατέρας, όχι μόνο συγχωρεί τον γιο του, αλλά τον αγκαλιάζει με όλη του την αγάπη και την μεγαλοκαρδία του.  Του χαρίζει δώρα και του ετοιμάζει ένα γιορτινό τραπέζι ώστε να πανηγυρίσει τον ερχομό του.  Μόνο ο μεγάλος αδερφός δεν συμμερίστηκε την χαρά όλων και ζήλεψε για τις τιμές που δέχτηκε ο μικρότερος αδερφός του.  Δεν γιόρτασε την επιστροφή του αδερφού αλλά στενοχωρέθηκε για το άψυχο μουλάρι που ετοιμάστηκε για την γιορτή.  Ακόμη και το ζώο το συμπάθησε πιο πολύ από το σπλάχνο του, το αίμα του, το αδέρφι του.

            Ακούγεται δυσανάγνωστη η παραβολή; Μα και ανά τους αιώνες, πόσες οικογένειες δεν υπάρχουν που διαπληκτίζονται για περιουσιακά στοιχεία ή αφήνουν τη ζήλεια να καταστρέψει την οικογενειακή αγάπη και θαλπωρή...  Υπάρχουν Άσωτοι Υιοί; Μα πόσοι από εμάς δεν χρησιμοποιούμε την περιουσία του Ουράνιου Πατέρα μας, που με πανσοφία δημιούργησε και χάρισε σε εμάς, αλλά όχι για αγαθούς σκοπούς.  Άλλωστε πως συμβιβάζεστε στην ιδέα, στα Χριστιανικά κράτη τα καζίνο και οι «επιχειρήσεις» πορνείας να θησαυρίζουν αλλά οι Εκκλησίες και τα σχολεία να μαραζώνουν; Είναι από τους πολλούς Ασώτους, που πετάνε ό,τι με αγάπη τους εμπιστεύεται ο Θεός και κατασπαταλούν στην σύγχρονη οικουμενικότητα διαφθοράς.

            Ο Θεός, ο Συγχωρός και Φιλάνθρωπος, έχει ανοικτή την αγκαλιά του για να μάς υποδεχτεί, ώστε να επιστρέψουμε στην θαλπωρή της χάριτος και του ελέους του.  Μάς χαρίζει δώρα, την στολήν την πρώτη, την λευκή και αμόλυντο που ενδυθήκαμε στη Δημιουργία και μετά την πτώση την φορούμε πάλι στη Βάπτισή μας.  Για το λόγο αυτό ψάλλεται μετά την βάπτιση το «’Οσοι εις Χριστόν εβαπτίσθητε, Χριστόν ενεδύσασθε.»  Ενδυόμασθε την Χάρη του Κυρίου που μάς εισοδεύει στο σώμα της Εκκλησίας.  Ο Πατέρας της παραβολής χαρίζει δακτυλίδι, σύμβολο του Χρίσματος που είναι η σφραγίς Πνεύματος Αγίου (οι Ρωμαϊκές σφραγίδες ήταν τοποθετημένες σε δαχτυλίδια).  Και τέλος, δωρίζει υποδύματαμ διότι στα Ρωμαϊκά έτη ανυπόδυτοι ήταν μόνο οι δούλοι.  Ο Θεός μάς θέλει να είμαστε ελεύθεροι και να χαιρόμαστε τα αγαθά του.  Θυσιάζει τον σιτευτό μόσχο, τον Σωτήρα και Κύριο, ώστε να πανηγυρίζουμε την Θεία Ευχαριστία και να εορτάζουμε το γεγονός της σωτηρίας στο δείπνο της ζωής.

+Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος


Dear friends and supporters of Saint Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church,

A lot has changed in the world recently. First, we learned that solar panels do not produce any energy in the dark or when they are entirely covered by snow. In addition, top scientists from around the globe verified that frozen wind generators do not work either. They suspect that they do not produce any electricity at all when there is no wind, but more studies are needed to check different calibrations in no-wind conditions. Amazingly, wind generators are also turned off in high wind situations (to avoid overheating, although they use petroleum-based lubricants, no kidding!); and the metals required for their production are extracted with extremely polluting ways. On the positive side, they kill lots of birds. Don't ask me why this is a positive, my dad always used to say "this is good, we managed to kill 2 birds with 1 stone." And also kill thousands of birds with one wind turbine.

These generators seem to not work in Texas, because of the freezing conditions; in Texas! In addition to the devastating effects of snow and freezing conditions in the midst of global warming, we have another grave danger to face. Brace yourselves.... Feta shortages! Yes, you read right! Due to the unexpected popularity of a certain tik tok recipe, the entire feta supply in certain areas has been depleted. We can survive without electricity, but no feta???!!!! Is this the end of times?

And I hear that electricity shortages in Texas also result for less milk to be produced nationwide; no electricity means no pasteurization and no refrigeration, so the projection is that the feta situation will not improve any time soon. This is exactly what environmentalists had planned all along: without feta, people will be forced to consume the next best alternative, the newly invented worm-based meat and insect-based crackers. This will decrease methane from cows, but might increase methane from humans.

Bill Gates envisions a world without cows, to decrease methane, as well as no pork either and no lamb. Mary will no longer have a little lamb (chops); and no souvlaki!!! No feta and no souvlaki!!! May I remind you all that these are the last weeks before Lent begins and before the fasting? There is no way I may be convinced to have lab-produced meat, made of bacteria, warms and crickets… Call me a traditionalist, but I prefer my souvlaki with absolutely no warms or insects in it. But I know a place in Athens that makes it with those exact ingredients for those interested…

We are about to celebrate the beginning of Triodion (the spiritual period observing the preparation for the Passion of the Lord and the feast of feasts, Holy Pascha), which starts on Sunday. The Fathers of the Church selected the first Gospel reading to be dedicated to the Publican and the Pharisee. The Publican, saw what was wrong with himself and knelt before God in utter contrition and humility asking for mercy and redemption. The Pharisee glorified himself, praising his own good deeds, attending environmental symposiums and getting there by private jet. This last fact was not in the Bible, but we can assume that it relates.

In a world where self-glorified celebrities and elites exchange trophies with each other, it is refreshing to become the Publican. To confess, to identify our own areas of improvement and to pray. The Pharisee went to the temple but never really did need to be there. He was so “good,” he didn’t need God. His only purpose for being there was to exclaim to the world that “I am not like the Publican,” to proclaim that he is better than all of us. Maybe he should be more like the Publican, because the Publican, through his imperfection, allowed God to work with him, to save him. Maybe we should all recognize that we are “publicans,” tax collectors, living on a debt, on borrowed time, and with much interest to pay off.

It will be refreshing to confess with an open heart and testify that we need God’s mercy. To bend down the knee and accept His grace as the antidote to the world’s many “perfect people.” And it’s also ok to enjoy the little things in life, loving others even if none of us is perfect, praying with each other and for each other, enjoying life without the constant guilt and pressure of a stigmatizing society. And for these coming weeks, please, enjoy the souvlaki. I will have mine with Greek salad and feta, no worms or insects, please!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


Valentine’s Day Message

Dear friends and supporters of Saint Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church,

If you talk once a week to your children about God, make sure you also talk 99 times a week to God about your children. This is a teaching I received from my spiritual father before becoming a parent. This teaching inspires us (parents, Godparents, teachers and grandparents, in general all who are commissioned with the upbringing of children) to have a fervent and prayerful connection with God. That connection will form and inform our connection with our children.

Teaching the youth about the faith is relevant to how WE practice the faith. Our life is a sermon. A sermon is best taught without words, it is illustrated with actions. A parent/teacher/priest who lives up to the precepts of the teachings is a powerful deliverer of such a sermon. Sometimes, we also resort to words (in my case every Sunday, after Holy Communion – often times with loooooots of words, sorry). The rest of the week, words are weak. We need to act, and act according to the essence of the faith, not its superficial applications.

Just like the abusive husband who buys flowers and the obligatory “I love you” card on Valentine’s day, a faith devoid of actions is empty of meaning, essence and value. The same way I recommend to the couples that prepare for their wedding to make every day a “Valentine’s Day,” I implore you all to make every day a renewal of your baptism, a cathartic experience of faith and love for Christ.

So, as we celebrate Valentine’s, the “day of love,” I ask you all to make EVERY DAY a day of love and faith. Love Christ! Talk to Him, and talk to Him about your loved ones. Open your heart to Him, just like the Canaanite woman of this Sunday’s Gospel reading. Surrender to His will and connect, through Him, with everyone you love, your family, your friends, even the people you do not know, but pray for. Love life and live it to the fullest. But, here I am again, making a sermon….

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

2021 Oratorical Festival

Public speaking is a great gift that we use no matter what we chose to do in our lives. And the annual Saint John Chrysostom’s Oratorical ensures that our students cultivate the gift of public speaking, as well as their theological knowledge and their faith. Studies have indicated that participants exemplify a greater possibility of success, in their academic and professional career. I also write recommendation letters for all participants for the College applications, for scholarships and for job interviews. The participants also recognize that our faith is a gift that we have in our hearts and we share with others, which is a wonderful characteristic for our youth, who will be, in the future, parents, spouses and people of God who practice their faith in their everyday lives.

Our Saint Demetrios Oratorical Festival will take place on Saturday, March 20th at 12 noon. The links below include the topics as well as the main directions for participation. For further assistance, we hold our annual preparatory public speaking seminar, which this year will take place on Sunday, March 7th after Holy Communion, in the Church Hall. The participants will learn basic skills on public speaking and they will also discuss their topics; we will assist them with ideas to enrich their essays and deliver their presentations eloquently and effectively.

For further information, please, contact Mr. Tom Arianas and Mrs. Panagiota Perlegis, as well as me and your Church School teachers. President’s Week recess is a perfect time to work on their topics and make the most of their free time to enrich their faith and skills.

For 2021 topics, please click the following link:

To view the Oratorical Festival Manual, all forms, and all information, click the following link:

2021 St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival Topics

Junior Division (Grades 7–9)

1. Discuss the challenges and opportunities of watching a church service that is live


2. Prayer is called a “conversation with God.” Discuss the meaning of prayer in

your life.

3. During the pandemic, people noticed that our natural environment became

cleaner. What can this teach us about our care for the natural world?

4. Why is the Church still relevant, especially for young people, in our increasingly

secular, post-COVID world?

5. Choose one parable from the Gospel of Luke chapters 15 or 16 that is particularly

meaningful to you and explain what we can learn from it.

Senior Division (Grades 10–12)

1. During the stay at home period of the pandemic, Orthodox Christians had to

find ways to practice their faith without attending church in person or

participating in parish activities. Discuss what you learned during those days.

2. In July 2020, a Turkish court gave permission for Hagia Sophia to be converted

from a museum into a mosque. Discuss the significance of Hagia Sophia in the

history of Christianity and the power of monuments like it to inspire religious


3. We live in a highly polarized society – left vs. right, personal liberty vs. common

good, and other issues where it seems everything is politicized. How are we as

Orthodox Christians called to navigate this environment?

4. St. Peter writes, “Live as free men, yet without using your freedom as a pretext

for evil; but live as servants of God.” (1 Peter 2:16). What is freedom and how

does it become a basis for being a servant?

5. In the Psalms we read, “If you, Lord, should mark iniquities, Lord, who could

stand? But there is forgiveness with you.” (Psalm 130:3-4, NRSV). Discuss how

an Orthodox Christian understands sin, forgiveness, mercy, and repentance.

Name-day Wishes

I would like to thank you all from the depth of my heart for your kind and generous wishes on the occasion of my Patron Saint’s celebration. I would like to thank the Rev. Fr. Vasilios Louros, who celebrated the Vespers of the Saint and all who attended, sent wishes and pray for me and the ministry I serve. This is the link for the service: . I send my love and blessings to you and your beautiful families!

Father Nikiforos

Embracing All Abilities

Did you know that research shows that spiritual connectedness is extremely beneficial to the well-being and quality of life for individuals with disabilities?  In particular, children with disabilities oftentimes face barriers in engaging within their communities, such as in school, on the playground, with their peers, and even within the church.  Occupational therapists focus on the importance of helping individuals engage in activities that can bring greater meaning to their daily lives. 

Beginning later this month, Saint Demetrios will sponsor a community initiative that will provide our parishioners access to discussion and resources regarding how all can play a very important role in making the church an inclusive environment for all, as the Orthodox faith intends.

Stephanie Fontanez and Nicolette Mallios are graduate occupational therapy students of SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University that are excited to work with Saint Demetrios in this initiative.  They believe in the importance of immersing children in the loving environment of the church to foster growth, development, and a healthy relationship with God and, of course, with each other.

February 21st, February 28th, March 21st: During Sunday School class, Stephanie and Nicolette will spend time with grades 1 – 6 students to discuss what it means to be kind to one another, and why it’s important to embrace those who might be different.

April 9th: An informative presentation for Sunday and Greek school teachers will be via a live Zoom discussion (Zoom link will be sent at a later date). In this discussion, Stephanie and Nicolette will present helpful strategies that can be used in the classroom to enable participation of children with varying needs.

Date to be determined: A video presentation for all parishioners will be provided that will focus on uniting the community through awareness of individuals with different abilities and talents within the church.

Godparent’s Sunday

Dear friends and supporters of Saint Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church,

Most of us do not remember the day of our baptism. There are faithful who have embraced the Orthodox faith later on in life, and my family and I have been honored to become Godparents for two, a bright young Jewish doctor and a talented American chef. But I can also attest to many other truly inspiring stories of faithful who found Orthodoxy as adults in their life journey. So, the destination is the same for all of us (salvation), but the paths are different and unique. No matter how unique, though, the Way is Christ! He is the Way, the Life and the Light! I spoke about this on the most recent YouTube-Sermon, dedicated to the feast of the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple, τήν Ὑπαπαντή τοῦ Σωτῆρος:

One thing we the faithful share in common, is that our path for salvation started with our initiation into the faith through holy Baptism. We were Churched at 40 days old and later baptized, to immerse into the sacraments of the Church. Most of us might not remember any of this. Therefore, this coming Sunday, we are asked to recall its significance, because each day presents us with the opportunity to live up to our baptism.

Sunday, February 7th is Godparents’ Sunday. It is our tradition in the Church to spend it with our extended spiritual family. It does not matter if our Godparents are here or elsewhere. Mine are in Greece and I would love to see my nono Hristo and my nona Fotini. Being that I am not able but, at the tender age of 48, I would love to spend at least one service and one early afternoon with my Godparents, I call you all to do what I can’t do. Come to Church to reunite with Godparents and Godchildren. Prepare to receive the sacraments as a family. During the service we will have an opportunity to also discuss what many of us do not remember: the day of our baptism.

            We celebrate GODPARENTS’ SUNDAY to cherish the loving relationship established amongst Godparents and Godchildren. As Godparents, we made a commitment in the presence of God and people to teach the faith, love our Godchildren and offer them spiritual edification, to support them as friends, relatives, even as spiritual parents. Such commitment presupposes an active and involving role, a loving presence and a positive example. Godparents need to have a conscious spiritual life, participating in the sacramental experience of the Church and setting the paradigm for their spiritual children. Godchildren need to honor, love and respect their Godparents; their life has to illustrate the presence of Christ, a presence ever apparent since our existence is sanctified through holy Baptism.

            Since I came to Saint Demetrios in Merrick, I have been blessed to baptize more than 700 souls, babies and adults! I will pray for them, and their families, all of you, this Sunday! I know some live out of State, but for those who are here and love the faith, this day will give us the opportunity to reunite and remember the day that changed our whole life – to eternity!

On Tuesday, February 9th, we celebrate my nameday, Saint Nikiforos the Martyr. The evening before, on Monday, we have Vespers at 7 pm. On Wednesday, February 10th, we celebrate Saint Haralambos, with Orthros and Divine Liturgy at 9 am.  Last year, during that time, we had our last Parish celebration before the pandemic on the same weekend of my nameday. We had a beautiful concert in our Church Hall and we welcomed a famous composer, Linos Kokkotos, from Greece, who performed with a group of musicians from our Parish and the local New York area. Our Greek School students also performed several songs, under the direction of the famous Greek composer and accompanied by our band. I had attended one of their rehearsals and witnessed them performing those amazing songs:

The live performance was even better; I list some of the songs from that concert, our last Parish celebration, a year ago, on the feast of Saint Nikiforos. Each song is a classic tribute to authentic and quality Greek music, composed by Linos Kokkotos, with lyrics by some of our most distinguished poets and performed by our own musicians here at our Church Hall.

Θαλασσινό τριφύλλι:

Τα τζιτζίκια:

Ο Αύγουστος:

Μικρό παιδί:

Το δελφινοκόριτσο!

Αυτόν το κόσμο τον καλό:

Στα χείλη μας ακόμη το φιλί:

Γεια σου χαρά σου Βενετιά:

It brings tears to my eyes to watch these videos, to see our Church, how the world used to be last year… no masks, no social distancing, all of us dancing and singing together. I was pleading for our Parish members to come and support the event (it was just $20, with food and live music, unbelievable!), not knowing that for a long time, we would have anything similar and our entire lives would change dramatically. My exact words from last year’s email to the Parish were: “Such an event is an once in a lifetime opportunity, which will be cherished by all, especially our youth. You are all invited to participate and have a wonderful afternoon with an unforgettable concert, delicious food and our fellowship with all our friends and our families!”

The fact that our children met this famous composer, sung and learnt songs they do not even teach in Greece, performed with our own musicians and enjoyed our rich tradition is a treasure of memories and life experiences. The insanity of what we encounter now, is that we are getting used to what is not normal… I pray that the time comes soon when we can re-create those experiences. Our Church had plenty of blessings like this, one in a lifetime experiences: The Patriarchal visit. The inauguration of our first icon. The concert with Alkistis Protopsalti and Stefanos Korkolis. The concert with Linos Kokkotos and our Greek School students. But also, do not forget, each Sunday, the Holy Communion, lighting a candle, praying and being with God!!! Godparent’s Sunday. Life experiences. Life saving and soul saving events!!!

Father Nikiforos

Embracing All Abilities

Did you know that research shows that spiritual connectedness is extremely beneficial to the well-being and quality of life for individuals with disabilities?  In particular, children with disabilities oftentimes face barriers in engaging within their communities, such as in school, on the playground, with their peers, and even within the church.  Occupational therapists focus on the importance of helping individuals engage in activities that can bring greater meaning to their daily lives. 

Beginning later this month, Saint Demetrios will sponsor a community initiative that will provide our parishioners access to discussion and resources regarding how all can play a very important role in making the church an inclusive environment for all, as the Orthodox faith intends.

Stephanie Fontanez and Nicolette Mallios are graduate occupational therapy students of SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University that are excited to work with Saint Demetrios in this initiative.  They believe in the importance of immersing children in the loving environment of the church to foster growth, development, and a healthy relationship with God and, of course, with each other.

February 21st, February 28th, March 21st: During Sunday School class, Stephanie and Nicolette will spend time with grades 1 – 6 students to discuss what it means to be kind to one another, and why it’s important to embrace those who might be different.

April 9th: An informative presentation for Sunday and Greek school teachers will be via a live Zoom discussion (Zoom link will be sent at a later date). In this discussion, Stephanie and Nicolette will present helpful strategies that can be used in the classroom to enable participation of children with varying needs.

Date to be determined: A video presentation for all parishioners will be provided that will focus on uniting the community through awareness of individuals with different abilities and talents within the church.

Dear friends and supporters of Saint Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church,

The first weeks of each administration usually mark the priorities of said political authority. Some Presidents resort to even issuing executive orders. I feel that I have been out of the loop. As your Pastor, I never issued any executive orders, and it's time to change that. So here it goes, Father's 2021 Executive Orders to the Parish:

1) If we can diet, we can also fast. It’s simple, the first is to make our body beautiful, the second is for our soul. It is fairly easy to fast and it disciplines our character, maintaining one of the traditions of the faith. There are always exceptions for fasting (sickness, pregnancy or feeling sick during pregnancy); but if you decide to practice fasting, you will be blessed from above. Our Church Calendar has all fasting days as prescribed by the Fathers of the Church.

2) Married Couples, do your prayers. I know that you used to pray all the time as children; and then Cable TV and internet were invented... How about we change some things and we start praying every day? Pray in the morning, at night and at the meals! As I always say: The couples that play together stay together. The couples that pray together, stay together forever! And, in the evening, pray early, so that you don't fall asleep in front of the TV and miss your Compline service. That's the prayer after dinner. After the evening prayer, we have a perfect opportunity to spend quality time with each other, to actually talk, play a game, relax and grow closer to each other.

3) Children, respect your parents. I hear your protests on how terrible life is, with only a 4G cellphone instead of a 5G, and hardly enough food and candy in your fridge and kitchen to feed a small African village, but, please, be strong to put up with all these hardships. Sit in your heated seats quietly for ONE road trip, do your homework on time (we know you google all the answers anyway) and pretend that we are cool, that the 80s music was the best (we are and it was) and simply, show some respect! If you even manage to pick up your plate and clean your room, we are on a good path. The gardeners and the pool cleaners do everything else...

4) Senior citizens: we love you! Also, don't park on the fire lane of the Church. You drive to Church half an hour before the priest arrives, the parking lot is empty, and (some of you) park right at the fire lane. Did we mention how much we love you?

5) Greek School students, speak Greek at home. Να μιλάτε Ελληνικά! It doesn't have to be daily. It would be nice if it were daily, but it doesn't have to be. Anyhow, please, speak Greek. In a few years, when you are actually much cooler, backpacking to the Greek Islands and listening to the best Greek music artists, you will be regretting not having practiced your Greek. You will even enjoy speaking to each other in code, which is a Greeeeeek word from "codikas - κώδικας", so there you go.

6) Chanters and Choir, please, sing a little faster. Sunday belongs to God, but it's not our fault that the Football and Soccer leagues didn't get the memo. Thank you for your talent and beautiful chanting and Godspeed!

7) Babies, you are cute and everything, but you are forcing us to change the entire planet for you. Baby proofing the house, covering the electrical outlets, locking the gates to the basement… When I had babies, I needed the training of a special forces climber just to go from one room to the other. And how about those baby car seats? An F16 pilot is strapped less than a baby in our modern, airbag equipped and armored SUVs. And you need an MIT engineering degree just to unlatch the stroller. I am impressed how we even survived the 70s without any of those belts, buttons, alarms, cameras, motion sensors, water filters, air purifiers and LED paraphernalia, but we did. Babies, you are cute, you are soooo adorable, we love you and you make Instagram worth its existence; but for all that we do for you, you need to do some things for us. One, don't make the really stinky poopoo when we are in close proximity to people we are trying to impress, our boss, our frienemies and the cool parents at the party. And second, respect us when you grow older! For details, look to executive order #3.

8) Newly-weds: you don't know nothing about relationships!!! Enjoy your honeymoon, have fun with the wedding presents, post many pictures from those amazing sunsets and we will talk again in 30 years!

9) Facebook experts: this joke writes itself... in one year you graduated political science, journalism, epidemiology, history, sociology, science and the musical arts. Congratulations! Please, follow the example of the people in the media, who are as clueless as most of the Facebook experts; but at least they get paid for arguing with people over things that NEVER change anyone's mind. So, either, find a sponsor, who will pay you for your Facebook chatter, or get a degree in the above areas of expertise. It might take a few years, and several hundreds of thousands of dollars, but at least you can back up those arguments with real pedigree.

10) Usually leaders issue executive orders to others. That's what makes politicians powerful, authoritative (or authoritarian, depending on which Facebook expert you consult) and respected (or disrespected). But I am here to change the norms. All these orders apply to me. I used to be a baby, a child, a student, a newly-wed and a chanter (I also help the chanters on every service so: guilty again)... I haven't retired yet, but that's only 2 decades away or so....

Therefore, I enforce these orders to me also. You did not expect that, did you?  Making the rules is easy, following them is difficult. In this beautiful world of double standards, with leaders breaking their own rules the day after they make them, I am issuing this ultimate executive order: That we love one another. I know you have heard it before from the Book of Books, the Bible. So, let’s love, and make less rules about non-important things, like parking between the lines, or cleaning our room, or praying on a specific time. When we love, all the other things will come easy. Out of love, we will respect more, help more, contribute more and laugh more. Love and be loved!

P.S.  I made one Executive Order exclusively for me: Father, make the Parish emails shorter!!! I have been trying for years and they seem to get longer and longer. My communications are lengthy, you get tired reading them, but at least, we know that one indication of true love is when one spends time. I spend time to write all these, you spend time to read them. This is love in Christ Jesus. And I see that you are still reading on! You made it this far, you might as well continue to this week's announcements:


1)     Sunday, January 31st, 15th Sunday of Luke – Saints Kyros and John the Unmercenaries, Orthros and Divine Liturgy 9 am. Artoklasia for our Greek School Board, the Educators, the Students, the PTA, the Supporters and their Families. Celebrating the 3 Hierarchs – Greek Letters Day!

2)     Memorial: + Efstratios Briolas (20 years). May his memory be eternal.

3)     Sunday, February 7th is God-Parents’ Sunday. Family worship. We invite all God parents to attend the service with their precious God children. No Church School this Sunday and no Orthodox Life Study on Friday.

4)     Please, support our Greek School Tyropita and Spanakopita sale on Sunday, January 31st after the service.

5)     Church School Registration: Please, register your children by sending the student’s information and your enrollment donation to the Church Office: Saint Demetrios Church, 24 Kenny Avenue, Merrick, NY 11566. Donation: 1st child $55, 2nd $50, third and on $45.

6) The Presentation of the Lord in the Temple: Monday, February 1st at 6 pm, Vesperal Divine Liturgy.



I know first hand that you all love him and he deserves the recognition and the accomplishments he has in public service. He loves our faith and the Greek ideals. He is committed to work hard for the people. He has never been involved in any scandals or negative publicity. He is energetic, dynamic, brilliant, intelligent, articulate and polished.

Our President speaks to everyone with love and compassion. He gives so much and his job is often times thankless and without any material rewards whatsoever. He does not collect a salary to be the President and he dedicates his time, talents and treasure for the people. In addition, he imparts change, because he represents all young people; and, forgive me for all the accolades, but we can also say, objectively speaking, that he is the best-looking President. That’s why we love him and we voted for him. Congratulations to Mr. Nikos Poulikidis! He renewed his titled for the Presidency of the Parish Council and we all stand by him, together with his amazing Executive Committee and the great Parish Council of Saint Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church.

The Vice Presidents are Mr. Nikos Stathopoulos and Mr. Chronis Tsempelis. They are both the closest support and advisors to the President, they help with all the events and fundraisers and they dedicate so much time and energy for the benefit of our Church. The treasurers are Mr. Thomas Zervas and Mr. Kostas Tsakos. They ensure that our finances are always balanced and transparent, they promote stewardship and they help tremendously for the progress of our programs and ministries. And secretary of the Council is Mr. Joseph Rocco. Mr. Rocco maintains the transcripts of the Church, the minutes, which encompass our Church history and future testimony, and he also files all permits (as our legal advisor), tax records and all pertinent legal documents, saving the Church enormous costs and providing expert services with much love and devotion for Saint Demetrios.

Our Council is also comprised of phenomenal volunteers and amazing supporters of Saint Demetrios. They are: Chris Aivaliotis, George Avgeris, Patricia Boultadakis, Ben Indiviglia, Stamatis Katsigiorgis, Peter Louca, Demetrios Mantikas, John Michaels, Andreas Pavlou, Eugene Raczka (new member), Nicholas Sarantakos, Peter Skenderis, Triantafilos Tzaras (new member) and Vasilios Zarboutis. They work hard for the Church and for our youth. They all greet you with a smile every Sunday morning and for every event. Even in these times of the pandemic, they do what most of us cannot do and they help our Church grow and become the loving family of worship we are. They are all very serious about their tasks (maybe with the exception of Andreas, he has not managed to be serious for more than a few minutes in his life) and we are all like a family, working together, devoid of power struggles or egos, just a group of friends, united with one purpose and joined by our love for the faith.

We had our elections for the Executive Committee on Sunday, everyone supported the nominees and everyone voted for them; there is no partisan division here. All the votes were counted and they were valid, there was no violence or fighting and no need for the army to be present. We are all soldiers of Christ, as Saint Paul calls us, fighting the good fight of salvation. But there are no fights in our midst, only love, respect and faith in God. How great if the entire Nation and the world was reflecting our Church… But that’s the theme for another sermon.

Last Sunday, Mr. Steven Christoforou delivered the sermon, always inspiring and thought provoking. You may also listen to the religious educational programs of Mr. Christoforou’s YouTube Channel, Be the Bee. You may listen to the sermon with your family, and I believe that you will find it as a great source of spiritual edification: .

It is wonderful for our children to listen to our weekly services and oration (in Church or via our Facebook page and YouTube channel), in order to better learn our faith and practice our moral principles with devotion. Today is January 21st. The 21st day of the 2021 in the 21st century. We hope and pray that our Church always brings spiritual rejuvenation and joy to our people. We all wish much success and blessings to our 2021 Parish Council, and all our Church volunteers and we embark together on a wonderful spiritual journey, empowered with faith, hope and love!

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

Saint Anthony the Great

Dear friends and supporters of Saint Demetrios Church,

How beautiful was the feast of Epiphany! The waters of Merrick bay were freezing, but our hearts were warm with the zeal of the faith and our love for Christ. I would like to share with you the video of the retrieval of the Cross and the Universal Blessing of the Waters and the Ocean, with His Grace Bishop Apostolos of Medeia, in the link of our YouTube Channel: . Also, you may find the entire service of Epiphany, His Grace presiding, at the following link: . Our beautiful and spiritually uplifting services are broadcasted via Facebook and later also uploaded on YouTube, so that all of you may participate in the sacred worship, or even listen to the sermon at your convenience. We encourage you to also listen to the sermon with the family and especially the youth, as in every service we aim to offer didactic messages on the faith and our personal quest for salvation.

This coming Sunday, Mr. Steven Christoforou will deliver the sermon, always inspiring and thought provoking. You may also listen to the religious educational programs of Mr. Christoforou’s YouTube Channel, Be the Bee. One of my very favorite (and extremely relevant) is his video on “How to Give Thanks in All Circumstances:” .

Apart from remote learning opportunities, we have the most significant way of teaching and practicing the faith, worship. This Sunday, we celebrate the feast of Saint Anthony the Great. And on Monday, the Church celebrates Saint Athanasios the Great. Two Greats of the Church, two amazing and inspiring teachers of the faith. Saint Anthony was called the “professor of the desert.” A person who would be called illiterate in the secular world, and yet, he was most prolific in knowledge, teaching and truth. A Saint of profound holiness, piety and faith. Happy nameday to Anthony, Antonia, Tony, Tonia, Athanasios, Athanasoula, Athanasia, Sakis, Tom, Tommy, Soula and all who celebrate on Sunday and Monday. Χρόνια πολλά!

            We celebrate two Saints of the Orthodox Church, who are characterized as “Greats,” because of their contribution to the faith, to Orthodox theology and for their inspirational example to the faithful. Saint Anthony the Great and Saint Athanasios the Great illuminate throughout the centuries the light of holiness and through their words of wisdom and Evangelical Truth. They are celebrated on the 17th and on the 18th of the month respectively.

            Saint Anthony was an Egyptian Christian, son of a very rich and aristocratic family.  Although he never went to School, he managed to memorize the Scriptures.  Since the age of 20, he gave all his property to the poor and he became a monastic. He lived in a cave, in the company of wild beasts and harsh weather conditions. His warmth emanated from prayer and from divine Grace.  It was his piety and holiness that attracted many to come and seek counsel and wisdom from Saint Anthony.  He supported Christians during persecutions by the pagan Romans. At the age of 90, he faced another persecution; it was the heresy of Arianism that afflicted many people.  That was the second time Saint Anthony had to leave the desert and go to Alexandria, in order to support the faithful to remain on the path of salvation. He considered heresy a betrayal of Christ and a great danger to all Christians.

            Saint Anthony was the reason why Saint Constantine turned to Christianity and became an advocate of the Church. The Emperor of the Roman Empire requested the advice of Saint Anthony and he maintained correspondence with him. The Emperor’s sons, Constantios and Constans, were also mentored by the Saint. Saint Anthony passed in Christ at the age of 105; although he lived a simple and ascetic life, he enjoyed health and clarity of mind until the last day of his life. His only possessions, a garment and two cassocks, were left to his disciples, Serapion and Athanasios the Great.

            Our age has been stigmatized by the sectarianism of Christianity. Although there is only one Christ, many different groups and sects claim authenticity and truth. There can be only one Church, apostolic, genuine and true to the message of the Gospel. Saint Anthony protected the unity of the Church and supported the faithful not to fall in the trap of heresy. Although he was illiterate, he is called “the professor of the desert,” for his wisdom and spiritual admonition. The monks and the nuns consider him as their patron Saint and protector. We all request his prayers and intercessions. We are inspired by his holiness. Saint Anthony teaches us not to be misled by the worldly cares and passions, but to use the gifts of God for our salvation and for charity. Saint Anthony and Saint Athanasios are truly great for their contribution, their example of holiness and their nourishment that transcends time and illuminates Christians throughout the ages.

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


          Η εβδομάδα που ανοίγει ενέχει τον εορτασμό δύο σημαντικών Αγίων της Ορθοδοξίας και φωτισμένων μορφών του Χριστιανισμού. Και οι δύο αυτοί Άγιοι έχουν χαρακτηριστεί με το επωνύμιο «Μέγας» για την προσφορά και την πνευματική τους συνδρομή στην θεολογική σκέψη και στην έμπνευση των πιστών. Ο Άγιος Αντώνιος και ο Άγιος Αθανάσιος είναι οι σεπτές μορφές της πίστεως που εορτάζονται στις 17 και στις 18 Ιανουαρίου αντίστοιχα.

            Ο Άγιος Αντώνιος ήταν Αιγύπτιος Χριστιανός, από αριστοκρατική καταγωγή. Μολονότι δεν είχε γραμματική μόρφωση, απομνημόνευσε τις Γραφές. Από τα 20 χρόνια του έδωσε όλα του τα πλούτη για να ταχθεί στην μοναστική ζωή. Ζούσε στην έρημο, σε ένα σπήλαιο, με συντροφιά την προσευχή και ζεστασιά την θεία Χάρη. Και κατά τους διωγμούς από τους Ρωμαίους και κατά την περίοδο της εξάπλωσης των αιρέσεων, άφηνε το ασκητήριό του ώστε να στηρίξει τους πιστούς, που εβλαβόντουσαν την χάρη και την αγιότητά του. Ιδίως κατά του Αρειανισμού, σε ηλικία 90 ετών, ενέπνευσε τους Χριστιανούς να μην προδώσουν τις αρχές του Ευαγγελίου και της Εκκλησίας και να μην παρεκλίνουν από την οδό της Αλήθειας και της σωτηρίας.

            Ο Άγιος Αντώνιος υπήρξε ο λόγος της μεταστροφής και της πνευματικής στήριξης του Μεγάλου Κωνσταντίνου και των υιών του Κωνστάντιου και Κώνστα. Οι επιστολές του προς τον Αυτοκράτορα έδωσαν ώθηση στην εξάπλωση του Χριστιανισμού, στην προστασία από τις αιρέσεις και στην ελεύθερη λατρεία του Εσταυρωμένου και Αναστημένου Κυρίου. Σε ηλικία 105 ετών εξεδήμησε εν Κυρίω, αφήνοντας στον Σεραπίωνα και στον Μέγα Αθανάσιο τα μοναδικά του κειμήλιο, ένα ιμάτιο και δύο ράσσα.

            Σε μια εποχή που οι Χριστιανοί μας περικυκλώνονται από αιρέσεις και από κακοδοξίες, η φωτισμένη μορφή Αγίων όπως ο Μέγας Αντώνιος και ο Μέγας Αθανάσιος μάς διδάσκει να μην προδώσουμε την πίστη και την λατρεία της Ορθοδοξίας. Ο Άγιος Αντώνιος, ο «καθηγητής της ερήμου», μολονότι αγράμματος μάς νουθετεί και μάς καλλιεργεί στα νάματα του Ευαγγελίου. Οι μοναχοί τον έχουν ως πολιούχο, προστάτη και οδηγό. Όλοι μας ζητούμε το στήριγμα της Αγιότητός του, την χάρη και τις μεσιτείες του. Συνάμα, ευελπιστούμε δια του βίου του να μην τυφλωνόμαστε από κοσμικά και εφήμερα αγαθά, αλλά να τα χρησιμοποιούμε προς σωτηρία και προς φιλανθρωπία. Δια πρεσβειών των Αγίων Αντωνίου και Αθανασίου, να έχετε και εσείς κάθε καλό στην ζωή σας.

+Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος


In order for the year to be joyous, healthy and blessed, we come in prayer to receive the Megalos Agiasmos, the Great Sanctification Service, by His Grace Bishop Apostolos of Medeia, tomorrow, Wednesday, January 6th, the feast of Holy Epiphany (Orthros and Divine Liturgy at 9 am, followed by the Great Sanctification of the Waters and the Blessing of the Ocean).

Already, we have a few brave divers who will retrieve the Cross and we look forward for the much-needed blessing of Epiphany for our lives and our families. His Grace will bless all of us and will witness first hand the beautiful tradition with which we celebrate Epiphany in Merrick, which is very much like His birthplace, Rhodes, Greece!  Many wishes to Photios, Photini, Fani, Theophano, Theophanis. Χρόνια πολλά!

            We all welcome the New Year with the hope that this year will bring peace, love and a better world for us and our families.  And what a better way to pray for the spiritual and social prosperity of everyone than the Great Agiasmos or the Great Blessing of the Waters of holy Theophany.  Holy Epiphany or Holy Theophany is the day when we celebrate the Baptism of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and when we commemorate the appearance (φανέρωσις) of the triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Holy Epiphany is also called the day of lights, because it illuminates the world with the divine inspiration of faith and the knowledge of the True God.  This illumination, this blessing and this divine inspiration are brought to us when we receive the Great Agiasmos.  It is also customary to receive the blessing of divine protection in our homes and our businesses, when the priest sprinkles the Great Agiasmos chanting the hymn «Εν Ιορδάνη βαπτιζομένου σου Κύριε η της Τριάδος εφανερώθη προσκύνησις» (Having being baptized in the river Jordan O Lord, the veneration of the Holy Trinity was revealed).

            Our Community celebrates the sacrament of the Great Blessing of the Waters and the faithful are encouraged to prepare to receive the Great Agiasmos on the day of Holy Epiphany, with fasting and prayer.  Also, we conduct the service of the universal blessing of the waters, by dunking the cross into the ocean.  This way, the oceans are blessed, in commemoration of Christ’s blessing of river Jordan and all the waters of the earth.  We all need the protection of God.  We need God’s inspiration and illumination, so that our choices in life are for our spiritual benefit.  We need to follow the message of the Gospel, in order to fulfill the will of God in our lives.  God revealed Himself to us, so that we may know Him; when we know God, we can communicate with Him more effectively through conscious prayer and the participation in the holy sacraments.  When we know God we can ask Him for His divine protection, His miraculous intervention and salvation.  We hope and pray that God will bless all of us with every gift from above.  May the divine illumination of holy Epiphany inspire the world with peace and faith, so that we may cherish the New Year in harmony, love and solidarity.

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


            Καλή Χρονιά. 

Ευλογημένο, ευτυχισμένο και χαρούμενο το Νέο Έτος, αγαπητοί ενορίτες, με υγεία και ευημερία για όλους.  Στην ανατολή του 2016, προσδοκούμε ένα κόσμο ειρηνικό και αγαπημένο για εμάς και για τις οικογένειές μας.  Και ο καλύτερος τρόπος να γίνει η προσδοκία μας ευχή, προσευχή και πραγματικότητα είναι να ζητήσουμε την θεία πρόνοια με την ακολουθία του Μεγάλου Αγιασμού των Θεοφανείων.  Τα Άγια Θεοφάνεια είναι η ημέρα που εορτάζουμε την Βάπτιση του Κυρίου και Σωτήρος Ιησού Χριστού.  Επίσης ενθυμούμεθα την φανέρωση του Τριαδικού Θεού, του Πατρός, του Υιού και του Αγίου Πνεύματος (εξ ου και ο ορισμός Θεο-φάνεια).  Η εορτή ονομάζεται επίσης ημέρα των φωτών, διότι ο Τριαδικός Θεός φωτίζει την Οικουμένη με την προστάτιδα Χάρη Του.  Επίσης, είθισται να δεχόμαστε την θεία Χάρη με την μετάληψη του Μεγάλου Αγιασμού και τον ραντισμό των σπιτιών και των επιχειρήσεών μας, ώστε ο Θεός να προστατεύει εμάς, τις οικογένειες και τις εργασίες μας.  Ο ιερέας ψάλλει το Απολυτίκιο της εορτής κατά τον ραντισμό: «Εν Ιορδάνη βαπτιζομένου σου Κύριε η της Τριάδος εφανερώθη προσκύνησις».

            Η Κοινότητά μας πανηγυρίζει την περιώνυμο ημέρα της εορτής των Θεοφανείων με το Μεγάλο Αγιασμό και την κατάδυση του Σταυρού στον Ωκεανό.  Μεταλαμβάνουμε τον Μεγάλο Αγιασμό με την κατάλληλη προετοιμασία, που συμπεριλαμβάνει προσευχή και νηστεία.  Όλοι προσευχόμαστε για να έχουμε την φώτιση του Θεού, ώστε οι αποφάσεις της ζωής μας να είναι προς σωτηρία.  Επίσης, αιτούμε την προστασία του Θεού, διότι ζούμε σε ένα κόσμο γεμάτο πνευματικούς και άλλους κινδύνους.  Είθε ο Κύριος να φυλάττει όλους και τις οικογένειές μας, να δωρίζει υγεία και ασφάλεια στον κόσμο και σωτηρία στις ψυχές μας.  Η Χάρις του φανέντος Θεού να γεμίζει το Νέο Έτος με χαρά και κάθε αγαθό.

            Και σίγουρα, το έτος που διανύουμε είναι σημαντικό και ιστορικό,  διότι έχει να κάνει με την πραγμάτωση του πόθου των ενοριτών γιατην ανοικοδόμηση του ιερού μας ναού και την ανέγερση σύγχρονου Πολιτιστικού Κέντρου και σχολείου.  Γένοιτο!

+Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος

From Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Dear friends and supporters of Saint Demetrios Church,

What would you want for Christmas? What is the best gift imaginable? I have a few ideas, but none of them fits under the Tree. “Is it that big a gift?” you may wonder. Yes, it is! It’s not a car (I love mine, and I usually keep them for over 6 to 8 years). It’s not a house (despite the amount of people fleeing New York, where can you ever find a better place than our beautiful Parish?). So, what is it?

What I want (pray for) Christmas is salvation, health, happiness, for all the people we love. It is a Community Center for the Parish. It is for God’s Grace to illumine this world. And tomorrow at 6 pm, for the Christmas Even service, as well as Friday, Christmas day, at 9 am, I will pray for those gifts. I will close my eyes and ask God for health, happiness, peace, prosperity and salvation.

I know, I know… I sound like a beauty pageant contestant… asking for peace in the world and for the hungry children to have food. But, for the most part, peace has been achieved, there are no wars, and even most countries in the Middle East have reached peace and reconciliation agreements. Some of them will even share resources and natural treasures (Israel and United Arab Emirates, who would have thought of that?). And with the generous $600 bucks on the way to our bank accounts, we can all get a couple of weeks of groceries (maybe less in NY), so that ends hunger for the foreseeable future.

All kidding aside, when presvytera and the girls asked me what I wanted for Christmas, I said “nothing material.” And I mean it! And it is not because I was on the “naughty list” (I hope not, except for the times I came in the house without taking my shoes off, or when I skip cleaning the dishes). I really wish for all of us, our Parish, our families, to be well, to be happy, to be healthy and to be saved.

Looking back to 2020, we had some good things to remember, let’s not always focus on the negatives. Here is the list that I would show to God and to Saint Nicholas to grant us some much-needed gifts of blessings and salvation:

1)     Most babies born that any other year in the history of the Parish.

2)     Over 30 baptisms with more to follow.

3)     Fewer funerals than most years I can remember since I came to Saint Demetrios.

4)     Many people receiving Holy Communion regularly and they often times tell me a good story of blessings, healing and faith.

5)     Several miracles of God’s grace that I will always remember.

6)     Even the stories of personal sacrifice, like the families who lost a loved one with COVID and voluntarily offered not to come to Church in person for the funeral, in order to protect everyone and to also ease everyone’s mind that the Church is always safe and secure.

7)     Professional decontamination and regular monitoring and measurements for our beautiful Saint Demetrios, measures that you would only find in the most secure Federal buildings with limited access.

8)     Good volunteers working tirelessly and anonymously to make all these miracles happen.

9)     Generous benefactors who donate their gifts for God and our beautiful Church.

10) The amount of good people who sent Christmas and New Year’s donations, while at the same time their business might be suffering from the pandemic.

11) The many-many-many daily prayers and supplications from all of us for our people, our world and our families.

12) The miracles!

Thank you to all. Thank you for making Christmas meaningful, beautiful, unforgettable! Let us all greet one another with these beautiful words: Have a blessed Christmas. Καλά και ευλογημένα Χριστούγεννα! “Merry Christmas!”

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos

December 17

Dear friends and supporters of Saint Demetrios Church,

Christmas is fast approaching and I would like to thank all of you who sent your thoughtful gifts to Him, Whose Incarnation we celebrate. I know many more will do the same. This year, our Church was limited and we did not have our annual festival and luncheons or any other social events, due to the recent restrictions. Many of us decided to limit our gifts and send presents to worthy causes and to those who suffer. We also gave our best gift to our Church, and many of you sent Christmas donations and your stewardship, despite all the adversities.

When they forced our Churches to close, we realized what is truly significant and meaningful. Please, support those family-owned businesses and restaurants that have been the most affected from the continuous restrictions. And please, continue to express your love and faith for the Church! I never remember this many people coming to Church during the summer, in July and in August. On Panaghia’s, we had to arrange seating outside and our outdoor speakers were on so that we all enjoy the service. I administered the sacrament of Holy Communion and we received together the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. He keeps us and protects us all! When I was giving Communion to the faithful, for half an hour non-stop, feeling the pain in my old arms, I was empowered by the Lord to continue and I was glad to see that your faith made you strong, as faith strengthens us all.

I saw something on Facebook that I feel the need to share, as it captures the year we experienced and how God gives us strength, when we see adversities around us. “I know some have seen the post about The Christmas Star appearing this year on December 21st. I couldn't help but really take a deeper look at how amazing that this occurrence would be happening in the year 2020. In the year when Jesus was born, there was violence, chaos, political and social unrest. It was dark.

The Magi found him by way of the star, which was the "meeting" of 3 stars: Jupiter, Saturn and Mars. They followed the star until it rested on where he was and they began to worship him. In a time when it was dark, Light was brought in to our world. Jesus stepped in to the chaos and brought peace.

Fast forward to this year, 2020. It's a time of violence, chaos, political and social unrest. It is dark. Winter Solstice, December 21st, being a time where the day is the shortest and night is the longest... it's literally the "darkest day" and is the beginning of what most would say the cold, dark winter season.

But on the darkest day this year, Jupiter and Saturn meet, giving us the Christmas Star! How fitting... that in the moment of time during the Christmas season that we get to see this beautiful reminder... that even in the darkest of times, Light will, and has, stepped in. In our chaos He is there. In our darkest time, He is there. He brings Light, and makes all things new.

So, as you look out on December 21st for the Christmas Star, may we be reminded of His power, and His Light that he brings for all mankind. He is perfect at stepping into chaos and bringing it into peace.” We will have services throughout the week, on Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Thursday and Friday. We will be praying together for health, salvation and blessings from God.

I wish you all from the depths of my heart that His Light will shine in your homes and your lives. My gift to you is my love and prayers. May we experience Christmas with the same joy and enthusiasm a 6 year-old has, with the same prudence and piety an 86 year-old has and bring our gifts to Him in faith, love and hope. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2021!

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


Dear friends and contributors of our beautiful Church,

I don't want to romanticize the past. It wasn't idyllic, but I had an amazing childhood. Lots of playing outside, the best friends a person can ask for, awesome games and much fun during the summer at the spectacular Greek shoreline. Sometimes I am amazed how much we did, and how much we learned, with so little in our disposal.

Growing up in the 70s and the 80s wasn't exactly safe, but it was lots of fun. The most dangerous place I can recall was the playground. Yes, the play area designed especially for kids at every neighborhood and School. Monkey bars that you could suspend from upside down (and of course no adult supervision whatsoever). Climbing ropes and bars at over 20 feet. Spiral slides 2 stories tall, flimsy, with a terrible ladder, and always someone climbing from the slide up (and occasionally falling off when the slider came down at 40 mph). And those were the “kid-friendly” areas… Imagine the other places, or even watching the soccer game in the midst of pyrotechnics, explosions and hooligans. Yes, one can argue that our entertainment was not safe at all.

Ohhh, the days of our youth... We survived the playground, only to fight for our lives in order to cross the street or to be driven around. Cars with no ABS and no airbags. Dads driving with one hand on the cigarette tray and the other outside the window (no AC either); the latter hand was occasionally useful for signaling maneuvers, sending greetings and expressing feelings. Did a mention no seat belts? And how about the day our entire volleyball team went to a game in a FIAT 500? Not the new one, that's the size of a limo compared to the old one. How did we survive the 70s and the 80s? Much prayer I guess.

We prayed hard and played hard! We played all day long until it got dark and we couldn't see the soccer ball anymore; catching snakes to scare our sisters and building huts, fishing for fish that occasionally was safe to eat and running away from angry neighbors for accidentally breaking a window with the ball.

What a great time to be alive!!! And the energy we had!... Now young people need energy drinks. C 'mon man!!!! Energy drinks? How much energy does a 22 year old need? When I was 22, my energy drink was water. Working 2 jobs, maintaining a 4.0 average in academics, playing on the University soccer team, being a full time chanter, Sunday School teacher and Greek school teacher, and being married at the same time did not require energy drinks; I only needed a reliable alarm clock and enough gas in my car.

But we had a lot of energy since youth. It was from all the running. My mother was not fond of me running in the house. Probably it wasn't safe for me. Or for the house. Which was never child proofed. Oh no! My mom child proofing the house? That would be unnecessary. The biggest threat for me at the house WAS my mom! And the projectiles she would sent towards my general direction. I didn't know what child proofing was. If I got injured playing with the electrical outlet, the 2nd degree burns were followed by the flying pantofla from kyria Amalia.

And how about asking for help with homework. When I was really young, I attempted to have my dad help. "Ask your mom" he said "she knows everything!" Then I asked my mom. She would never admit she didn't want to help. "Unless you do it yourself, you will never learn." You see, back then there was no Google search.

Google search? No way! Growing up, there was no such thing. We had Encyclopedias, the types that take half your living room bookshelves. You remember books? Papery things with lots of words in them. I had Encyclopedia Britannica, the one you buy with monthly payments, with multiple volumes and occasionally some pictures. We read that thing almost every day. The Encyclopedia was our entertainment.

TV stations in Greece worked from 5 pm to 12 midnight at the time. Cartoons were half an hour. The rest was news, educational programming, folk music and occasionally a really old movie. But we did not care, we mostly played outside, no tablets, no social media, no social distancing at the time. Fortnite was played in the park, often times with actual weapons. Did I mention that growing up was dangerous? But when the weather was really bad, we had nothing to do, and we were reading the Encyclopedia with my sister. We know so much about aadvarks, we should be experts. I personally never made it to Z, I know very little about Zebras, Zimbabwe and Zanzibar. We entertained ourselves writing a lot (probably explains the long Parish emails), playing music and evading mom's projectile attacks.

In retrospect, I love my childhood. Very pure, very innocent, a real life version of survivor, without the cameras, without the selfies, without the dangers of corrupt social media, without the cursing in "music", the atheism in public discourse and the brainwashing in education. It was a scary time to be alive, between the spiral slides, the unsafe cars and mom's pantofla. But not nearly as dangerous as the times we live in now...

Fr. Nikiforos


          Our beloved Community celebrates the feast of the Chapel of Saint Eleftherios the Holy Martyr.  The Chapel is a place of worship and a vessel of divine grace and salvation.  On weekdays, there are many Divine Liturgies for the memory of various Saints throughout the year.  Some of the spiritual events that take place in the Chapel are Vespers, Paraklesis (Invocation to the Virgin Mary) and Compline services, as well as of confessions and Agiasmos (or sanctification of Holy Water) services.  Many blessings are offered in the beautiful, Byzantine Chapel of the Community.

          The Patron Saint of the Chapel, Saint Eleftherios, is an example for all Christians, especially for the youth.  He became a deacon at the age of 15 and a priest at the age of 19.  6 years later he became Bishop of Rome!  Saint Eleftherios offered his God-given talents in the service of Christ’s vineyard without delay or hesitation.  He was eager to serve God and to labor for the salvation of the world.  His mission was to evangelize the people, teaching all to follow the commandments of God and baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

          Saint Eleftherios took important decisions early in his life.  He did not procrastinate, as some people chose to do when it comes to doing the right thing in this life.  There are persons who hesitate to do the right thing, such as charity, going to Church, helping a good cause, etc.  The more we delay to do a good deed, the more opportunities we miss to express our faith and show our love to God.  It has been said that “the road of tomorrow leads to the avenue of never.”  The many delays might destroy our chances to offer something good in this life.  It is a blessing that people serve the Church and come to Church without waiting for the eleventh hour.  It is beautiful when young people serve the Community with love and dedication.  Saint Eleftherios certainly inspires them to do so.

          Saint Eleftherios also teaches us to be courageous.  People might persecute us for living a life of virtue.  There are young people who are made fun of for praying, doing their cross in public, coming to Church, maintaining their purity and abstaining from smoking and drugs.  Saint Eleftherios inspires us to withstand the persecutions of others.  He suffered many tortures professing his faith and converting even his persecutors!  God gave him strength not to feel the pain, but to praise him even during the most painful martyrdom.  We can also look to God for strength and support, during the adversities and tribulations of life.  We can all honor Saint Eleftherios and by following his example of holiness, perseverance and decisiveness, we not only honor him, but we also earn eternal glory!

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


          Οι Ορθόδοξοι Χριστιανοί εκφράζουν ιδιαίτερη αγάπη για τους Αγίους τους.  Όλοι μας τιμούμε την μνήμη των εκλεκτών του Θεού που μεσιτεύουν για τις ψυχές μας από την Επουράνιο Χώρα της Βασιλείας του Θεού.  Στα παιδιά μας, δίνουμε ονόματα Αγίων ώστε να έχουν θετικά πρότυπα στη ζωή τους.  Στις Εκκλησίες μας, τιμούμε τις μορφές των ανθρώπων που βίωσαν τις αρχές του Ευαγγελίου, που έκαναν την πίστη τρόπο ζωής.  Στην ιδιαίτερη πνευματική μας ομήγυρη, την Κοινότητα του Αγίου Μεγαλομάρτυρος Δημητρίου, αριθμούμε πλειάδα εορτών ανά το έτος στις οποίες συντρέχουν οι πιστοί ώστε να πανηγυρίσουν την μνήμη των Αγίων και να λάβουν τη Χάρη και την προστασία τους. Είχαμε την ευλογία να γίνουν τα ονομαστήρια του ιερού Προσκυνήματος του Αγίου Μεγαλομάρτυρος Ελευθερίου, ο οποίος εορτάζεται στις 15 Δεκεμβρίου.  Όχι τυχαία, στο θησαυρό του Αγιολογίου, με τους Παρακλητικούς κανόνες όλων των Αγίων, τεθησαύρισται η Ακολουθία του Αγίου Δημητρίου και του Αγίου Ελευθερίου συναπτά, η μία μετά την άλλη.  Έτσι και στην Κοινότητά μας, τα θυσιαστήρια του ναού, το ένα μετά το άλλο, είναι αφιερωμένα στους δύο αυτούς σημαντικούς Μάρτυρες και Προστάτες της Εκκλησίας.

          Ο Άγιος Ελευθέριος ήταν από νέος αφοσιωμένος στην υπηρεσία του Χριστού.  Χειροτονήθηκε σε εφηβική ηλικία διάκονος και ιερέας, για να γίνει επίσκοπος Ρώμης ένας από τους πιο νέους ιεράρχες της πίστεως.  Διώχθηκε και καταπολεμήθηκε από τους ειδωλολάτρες, αλλά εκείνος με αγάπη κατάφερε να προσυλητίσει ακόμη και τους στρατιώτες-διώκτες του.  Μαρτύρησε με φρικτό θάνατο, αλλά ο ίδιος ηρωϊκά και με θάρρος υπέμεινε τα βασανιστήρια και τις ταπεινώσεις.  Συγχωρώντας τους εκτελεστές του, αινούσε το Θεό, και δεν ένιωθε πόνο παρά μόνο τη Χάρη από το στεφάνι του Μαρτυρίου και της Αγιότητος.

          Οι σύγχρονοι Χριστιανοί, επίσης διωκόμαστε από την ειδωλολατρεία και τον παγανισμό.  Από νεαρή ηλικία, τα παιδιά και όλοι μας έχουμε να αντιμετωπίσουμε τις Χάρυβδες και τις θέλξεις του υλισμού, του πλουτισμού και του καταναλωτισμού.  Αναγκάζεται η νέα γεννιά να βάζει σε ανώτερη προτεραιότητα τα χρήματα, τη μόδα, την διασκέδαση, παρά την ηθική ζωή και την εποικοδομητική ψυχαγωγία. Στα αρχαία Ελληνικά, διασκεδάζω σημαίνει διασκορπίζομαι.  Διασκορπίζονται πολλοί νέοι μας με ψυχοφθόρα μουσική, ναρκωτικά, βία και ανηθικότητα.  Αντί να ψυχαγωγούνται, να άγουν την ψυχή τους σε ανώτερα επίπεδα, την διασκορπίζουν και την πετάνε στα σκουπίδια της σύγχρονης διαφθοράς.  Τα εκατομμύρια των εκτρώσεων, η επέκταση του Έϊτζ, η διάβρωση των ηθών και η διάδοση των ναρκωτικών επιβεβαιώνουν με ακρίβεια την δίωξη των νέων μας από τα σύγχρονα μέσα του παγανισμού και της αθεΐας.

          Ο Άγιος Ελευθέριος, ως νέος Χριστιανός που αντιστάθηκε σε ορατούς και αοράτους εχθρούς κατά της Χριστιανοσύνης, μας εμπνέει να είμαστε δυνατοί και να ζούμε σύμφωνα με τις αρχές του Χριστού. Να απελευθερωθούμε από τα δεσμά των μέσων μαζικής διαφθοράς και να έχουμε δική μας γνώμη και άποψη για το πως οφείλουμε να ζούμε.  Να είμαστε ελεύθεροι μέσα από την αλήθεια του Χριστού και να μαρτυρούμε την πίστη που σώζει τον άνθρωπο.  Την Ορθόδοξο πίστη της Εκκλησίας μας.

+Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος

Saint Barbara

            Saint Barbara, the Patron Saint of the Community’s Philoptochos Fellowship, was an example of self-sacrifice, Christian virtue and faith.  She also inspires the ladies of our Philoptochos Sisterhood to comfort people who need assistance, to offer Christian charity and to support their Community.  It is a blessing for every Orthodox lady to be party of such a worthy cause.  Our Philoptochos members are all women with family and career responsibilities, who, nevertheless, dedicate their time, efforts, resources and talents to benefit others.  They do not forget the commandments of Christ: “Love one another” and “I was hungry and you gave me food.”  These commandments have become a way of life for these exemplary ladies who do not just profess to be Christian, but they also practice a Christian way of life.

            It is a blessing when people of all ages volunteer for a worthy cause. Some say that the basic ingredients for being an active Christian are the following: transcendence, service and community. We come to Church to transcend our routine and hectic reality. We need to explore our spiritual identity and relate to God. We need to be part of something bigger than ourselves, which also gives greater meaning to our lives. Which brings us to service: service is a way to show solidarity and compassion, to help and to offer to others, expecting nothing in return. Then we are truly free from egoism and self-consumption. This is the fundamental denominator of being a community, to come in unity and relate to others, as opposed to being loners and devoid of human interaction.

            Philoptochos is an excellent venue to find these three ingredients of Christian paradigms. It is open for ladies of all ages, from the younger members of the Agape group all the way to the young adult and adult members of Saint Barbara’s sisterhood. Most importantly, the fellowship provides with the ground for good work, philanthropy and the living interpretation of the message of love and compassion professed by the faith. Saint Barbara was –and is- a beacon projecting this illuminating example of love, faith and empathy, an example which is very much the inspiration of our wonderful Philoptochos association.

Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


            Η ημέρα του εορτασμού της Αγίας Παρθενομάρτυρος Βαρβάρας είναι και ημέρα που εορτάζεται η Πολιούχος της Φιλοπτώχου Αδελφότητος της Κοινότητος του Αγίου Δημητρίου του Μέρρικ.  Η Αγία Βαρβάρα, ως παράδειγμα αυτοθυσίας και πίστεως, εμπνέει τις ανά τους αιώνες Χριστιανές να προσφέρουν υπηρεσία φιλαγαθίας και φιλανθρωπίας στον Χριστό.  Αυτός είναι και ο σκοπός της Φιλοπτώχου Αδελφότητος.  Να απαλύνει τον πόνο των ανθρώπων που έχουν ανάγκη την στήριξή μας, να προσφέρει διακονία στην Εκκλησία και να συνδράμει στα καλά έργα που κάνουν τον άνθρωπο – φιλάνθρωπο.

            Είναι ευλογία για κάθε Χριστιανή να διαθέτει τα ταλέντα και τις αρετές της για το κοινό καλό.  Η Φιλόπτωχος Αδελφότητα της Κοινότητός μας, που έχει βραβευτεί για την προσφορά και τις δραστηριότητές της, είναι μία πρότυπη Χριστιανική οργάνωση και ανοίκουν τα δέοντα σε όλες τις κυρίες που θυσιάζουν χρόνο, χρήματα και ταλέντα για την πρόοδο των έργων της. Όλες οι κυρίες τις Φιλοπτώχου έχουν οικογενειακές, ακόμη και επαγγελματικές υποχρεώσεις. Δεν ξεχνούν όμως την Κοινότητά τους και την προσταγή του Χριστού: «αγαπάτε αλλήλους.»  Αυτή την εντολή την έχουν κάνει πράξει, σύνθημα ζωής και την επαγγέλονται με πίστη.

            Οι πιστοί έρχονται στην Εκκλησία για να βιώσουν την υπερβατότητα της πίστεως, που είναι όχημα σωτηρίας των ψυχών, για να υπηρετήσουν τον συνάνθρωπο και για να αποτελέσουν μέλη της Κοινωνίας Θεού, του Σώματος του Παναγάθου Ιησού. Έτσι διασπόνται τα δεσμά της αλλαζονείας, εγωκεντρικότητος και ιδιοτέλειας. Και ο άνιρωπος της πόστης και της αγάπης γίνεται δοχείο Χάριτος ακολουθώντας το παράδειγμα των Αγίων. Όπως η Αγία Βαρβάρα, η οποία μπολιάζει τα μέλη της Φιλοπτώχου που φέρει το όνομά της με το εμπνευσμένο υπόδειγμα της αυταπάρνησης και της προσφοράς. Είστε όλες προσκεκλημένες να υπηρετήσετε τις αγαθοεργίες που η Φιλόπτωχος επιτελεί, προς δόξα Θεού και ως μίσθωμα της Χριστινιακής μας ταυτότητος. Η Αγία Βαρβάρα είναι προστάτης μας και βοηθός μας!

Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος  Νικηφόρος Φακίνος

Dear friends and contributors of our beautiful Church,

This week is marked with the celebration of significant Saints (and the namedays of many Parishioners and family members). On Monday, we had the feast of Saint Andreas, the Protector and Patron Saint of our Mother Church, the Patriarchate of Constantinople, and Patron of Patras, Cyprus and Great Britain (along with Saint George). He was the first called Apostle and his martyrdom was by crucifixion; out of humility he requested that his cross is placed sideways, so that he is not crucified like Jesus. This explains the X shape in the British flag (in honor of Saint Andrew) superimposed by the Cross in honor of Saint George. The Ecumenical Patriarchate evangelized the British people with Orthodox missionaries, many of them Saints of our Church, like Saints Alban, Aristobulus, Brendan, Piran, David of Wales, Columba of Scotland, Theodore, Laurence and Augustine of Canterbury, Melangell of Wales, Aidan, Brannoc, Bede, Felix, Elian, Donald of Scotland, Wilfrid, Bridget, Kieran, Oswald, Edmund, Richard the King, Edward, Gregory Dialogus, Benedict, Herbert, Gerald and many others. Am I forgetting a very significant one? How could I forget Saint Patrick the Apostole of Ireland (493), who illuminated the Irish people with the light of Christian faith? This is why I always say that we have two parades on 5th Avenue every year, one for Greek Independence Day, and one for Saint Patrick’s! And the Orthodox missionaries professed the faith, in representing the Mother Church, under the protection of Saint Andreas!

On Wednesday, we celebrated Saint Porfyrios of Kafsokalyvia, a modern-day Saint who reposed in Christ 30 years ago. I received his blessing as a young High School student and my family loved Saint Porfyrios, whose icon is in our Church amongst other contemporary Saints who blessed our Orthodox faith. His advice and his spiritual instruction are profound and didactic; he was wise and prudent and he brought many of us closer to Christ with his example and love.

Today, we celebrate Saint Barbara the great martyr. She is a miraculous Saint and please, listen to the sermon, which narrates her life and how she is also a protector for abused children and for people suffering from pandemics and contagious diseases. Every year, in my sermon on the feast of Saint Barbara, I make special reference to the sacred duty we all have to protect the innocent and angelic children. They are surrounded by corruption and evil, that invades their lives through atheism, moral deception, corrupt social media and public persecution. Often times, children are pressured to deny their Christian identity and values, especially in School and College. The sanctity of their life is not respected not even after birth. International traffickers and exploiters use and abuse innocent lives and especially children from suffering countries and broken families. Recent arrests of such abusers are only the tip of the iceberg, data shows that thousands are abused daily and such crimes are not punished as they should. Movies and series on famous networks and platforms romanticize abuse; directors and film producers, although with guilty verdicts against them, roam free and with punishments much lesser than someone who opened their business during a lockdown (considering the gravity of the crimes against children).

My daughter Natalia showed me last year something in her textbooks. It was a chronological reference in history, marked by the date and the acronym BCE. She was troubled to see that the current textbooks now refer to BCE/CE in order to avoid the use of AD/BC. According to “Druide informatique,” this new practice aims to “avoid reference to Christianity and, in particular, to avoid naming Christ.” A series of questions arise:

1)    As we are about to celebrate the New Year in a few weeks, what does the number 2021 stand for? It counts how many years since which event?

2)    If the number 2021 counts the years since the Nativity, the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, why is a reference to Jesus “offensive” enough to warrant a change in the acronyms? Did Jesus organize any military invasions or abuse minors, as the leader of another religion did? Did Jesus preach anything but tolerance, love and peace in the world as the essence of His message?

3)    If this propaganda to eliminate anything Christian from public discourse, education and historical documents continues, what is the purpose? Maybe to raise a younger generation devoid of Christian values, or even basic knowledge of history?

4)    If the media manage to name the leader of ISIS, an international terrorist and mass murderer, as “religious scholar and Muslim leader,” and if many Schools and most Universities have shown a clear bias against Christianity and the Church, are we not to believe that these acronyms are only a symptom of a greater disease that plagues our society?

5)    Many College students from the Parish testify that they are afraid to speak in favor of Christ and Christian values in their Schools, for fear of discrimination, persecution or to get bad grades from openly anti-Christian professors. The majority of many such instructors would never say anything against other religions, but constantly attack Christianity and the Church and give Christians terrible epithets. This happened in Communist Russia also, Christians were persecuted, never allowed to have good jobs, often times thrown out of Universities, because they did not fit the “Communist Party line.” Nevertheless, those attacks are mainly against Christianity, and easily persuaded young people either become “agnostics” (that’s the lazy way of saying there is a God but they don’t bother to find him, very convenient for entitled and lazy kids) or “atheists” (they believe the entire Universe happened by coincidence, that time and space, our planet, our intellect, the macrocosm of the Galaxies and the microcosm of the atoms, all happened by chance, a convenient role of the dice). Targeting young people in Schools is the clear proclamation of propaganda, along-sides the worst pages of the Nazi rulebook, isn’t it?

With those questions bearing significant answers, I need to emphatically and categorically state that what they are doing to innocent children is disgusting and repulsive. History cannot change to fit a narrative. We celebrate Christmas. It is 2020 years after the Incarnation of Jesus Christ. His birth was catalogued in the Roman Imperial census and by the official Roman historians. It was foretold by the Hebrew prophets to take place in Bethlehem, although He would be called a Nazarene, and come out of Egypt, as He was exiled after Herod’s persecution. He was to heal, preach, teach and illumine, which He fulfilled. He was to be hung on a Cross, but also Rose from the dead. His Resurrection was witnessed by thousands, who saw Him for 40 days and then they proceeded to walk the earth for many miles, to testify and even die for what they experienced.

His teaching is unparalleled, the greatest Testament of love, empathy and care. His Bible was the first written document in human history to establish the equality of genders, races and nationalities. Read in Galatians 3:28: “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Christ is perfect in every sense of the word, Christianity is the main reason why we do not have arenas where they feed people to the lions, or institutionalized discrimination, like the countries where women have no rights, cannot move without male approval, cannot drive, or places where they get publicly stoned to death.

Despite the many imperfect Christians, Christ IS PERFECT, and Christianity is the reason why we are able to aspire for a better world, where we are not afraid to say thank you to the One Who made all this possible, to say Merry Christmas without fear of persecution. Yes, WE have chosen to celebrate Christmas this year, and every year, as the ultimate expression God’s love, Who came to earth to save us and suffer for us. We have chosen to teach our children the truth, to impart them with those higher ideals and to love Christ with all our heart and mind. And his love for us and our children is beyond compare. Saint Barbara, herself a young girl, was persecuted and executed for being a Christian. What do we do to prevent modern day persecutions against children?

We pray for the innocent babies, the infants, the children and the young adults who have fallen victims of abuse in their home, or in society at large, and Saint Barbara is their protector and guardian. She is also the protector of the army «πυροβολικό», the artillery forces. And I made a reference to her protection against pandemics and contagious diseases at the Vespers service, which, is most than relevant this year, as we ask for her intercessions and prayers from above. Saint Barbara is very importantly the protector of our Philoptochos and we thank the wonderful ladies of the sisterhood for all that they do for those who suffer, to heal their troubles and to offer philanthropy, care and a helping hand to those in need. We prayed for our beloved Philoptochos and we ask for all these great ladies to be safe, healthy and blessed. To listen to the service of Saint Barbara, please, click on this link:

Tomorrow, we celebrate Saint Savvas the Sanctified, who is the protector for cancer patients. I will pray at his Vespers for all the people suffering from cancer in our Parish, and please, send the names of any loved ones, family or friends, to my email ( for further supplication to Saint Savvas. We also wish a happy, healthy and blessed nameday to His Eminence Metropolitan Savvas of Pittsburgh, past Pastor in our Parish, who is loved by everyone in Merrick, and has been commissioned with a significant ministry in the Metropolis of Pittsburgh. Εις πολλά έτη Δέσποτα!

On Sunday, we celebrate the feast of Saint Nicholas. We have many dear family members and Parishioners with the name Nikos and Nikoletta and we wish them all Χρόνια πολλά! We send special wishes to Parish Council President Nikos Poulikidis, Vice President Nick Stathopoulos, member Nick Sarantakos, JOY director Nicky Mastoros, and YAL director Nicoletta Markoulli, among many great and wonderful volunteers and members of the Parish family. On Sunday, I will speak about Saint Nicholas, his life and impact for the faith, and we can wish to all who celebrate, light a candle for them and pray for our Church.

Saint Nicholas is the protector of Sailors and also intercedes for us to escape the troubles of life, τις τρικυμμίες της ζωής, and to navigate to the safe harbor of salvation. He was instrumental in promoting charity through his example, which of course gave prominence to the story of Santa Nicholaus, also known as Santa Claus, who gifts secretly, at night, so that nobody sees him, and helps us when we need something the most. I do not know how he would feel about Playstation 5, but certainly, the Saint would guide us to send our gifts of love and compassion for those in need, for our Church and for our wonderful ministries to the poor. On Sunday, December 13th I have been informed that we might have a special visit for our dearest and youngest Parishioners, to kick off the Christmas season with a beautiful, joyous and festive way. Bring your lists with your favorite presents and toys, kids, and moms and dads, bring your cameras (or just the cellphones) and wait until the end of the service!

On Wednesday, December 9, we celebrate Saint Anna and on Saturday, the 12th Saint Spyridon. Saint Anna, the mother of Panaghia, protects the expecting mothers and those families who ask for a child. Saint Spyridon, the Patron Saint of Corfu, has blessed our Parish especially, since a relic of his is in our Narthex for all to venerate. Happy name-day to all, through the intercessions and prayers of our Saints.

Fr. Nikiforos



November, 2020

Dear Parishioners,

Elections for next year’s Parish Council 2021 will take place on Sunday, December 6th 2020 after the Divine Liturgy. 

The nominated candidates are listed below in alphabetical order:

Patricia Boultadakis

Dimitrios Mantikas

Andreas Pavlou

Eugene Raczka

Tzaras Triantafillos

Zarboutis Vasilios

Members in good standing, as defined by the Archdiocesan Uniform Parish Regulations (UPR), Article V, sections 1 and 3 (quoted below), are permitted to take part in these elections:

Any person, eighteen years of age or over, who was baptized according to the rites of the (Orthodox) Church, or was received into the Church through chrismation, who lives according to the faith and canons of the Church, who has met his or her stewardship obligation for 2020 and abides by the UPR and the by-laws of the Parish, is a member in good standing of the Parish. No person shall be accepted for membership in good standing in a Parish while retaining membership in a non-Orthodox church or in a non-Christian religion.

Furthermore, “A member duly enrolled but delinquent in his or her Parish stewardship obligations may vote in the election by meeting his or her stewardship obligation at any time prior to balloting”(VIII,4); and “A new member of the Parish may vote in the election if he or she has been enrolled at least three months prior thereto” (VIII,5).

Those unable to vote on Sunday may do so on Friday, December 4th, 2020 at the Church Office, from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. If you have any questions about your membership status, please call the Church Office.

The Elections Committee





Νοέμβριος  2020

Αγαπητοί ενορίτες,

Σας υπενθυμίζουμε ότι την Κυριακή 6 Δεκεμβρίου 2020, θα λάβουν χώρα οι εκλογές για το Κοινοτικό Συμβούλιο  για το έτος  2021.  Τα εγγεγραμμένα μέλη της Κοινότητος μπορούν να ψηφίσουν μετά το πέρας της Θείας Λειτουργίας.  Επίσης μπορείτε να ψηφίσετε την Παρασκευή 4 Δεκεμβρίου, στο γραφείο της Εκκλησίας, από τις 10:00 π.μ. μέχρι και τις 4:00 μ.μ.    Οι υποψήφιοι είναι οι εξής (με αλφαβητική σειρά):

Μπουλταδάκη Παρασκευή

Μαντίκας Δημήτριος

Παύλου Ανδρέας

Ράσζκας Ευγένιος

Τζάρας Τριαντάφυλλος

Ζαρπούτης Βασίλειος

Σύμφωνα με το καταστατικό της Αρχιεπισκοπής μέλη που είναι εγγεγραμένα στο μητρώο της Κοινότητος και έχουν καθυστερήσει την ετήσια συνδρομή τους μπορούν να ψηφίσουν κατά τις εκλογές αφού πρώτα τακτοποιήσουν στο ακέραιο την οικονομική συνδρομή για το 2020, έστω και την ημέρα των εκλογών.  Δικαίωμα ψήφου έχουν Χριστιανοί Ορθόδοξοι άνω των 18 ετών, που έχουν βαπτιστεί ή έχουν λάβει χρίσμα υπό τους κανόνες της Ορθοδόξου Εκκλησίας.

Για ερωτήσεις, μπορείτε να τηλεφωνήσετε στο γραφείο της Κοινότητος.

Με εν Κυρίω χαιρετισμούς ,

Εκλογική Επιτροπή


            On December 6th we celebrate the memory of Saint Nicholas, Bishop of Myra in Asia Minor. Saint Nicholas is an example of charity, philanthropy and care for the meek. He lived an ascetic lifestyle and he maintained no personal belongings; he was a monk and a Bishop that should inspire all Christians that happiness in the simple things of life. In the West he is also known as Santa Claus. However, we all know that he lived in Asia Minor, not in the North Pole, and that he was never married (there was no Mrs. Claus). He was also a very thin ascetic, vested in black, not in red.  But his legacy of charity became well known. Saint Nicholas was very discrete when helping someone; he did not want his good deeds to be known, unlike some people who advertise their philanthropy. He helped especially the orphans, the widows, the lame, the sick and the elderly.  He gave smile in the faces that were sprinkled by tears.  He gave joy to the hearts that were broken by sorrow. He was the example of faith and piety, as his hymn (Apolytikion) indicates. He is an example to be followed and imitated by more and more Christians.

            Saint Nicholas inspires contemporary Christians to be persons of charity and love.  Christmas is a season when it is customary to help the institutions and the poor. But our love for our suffering brethren should be expressed throughout the year. There are many souls that need support and consolation. There are many hearts that need a prayer and a loving presence. There are many people who need to see that Christians live up to their Christian vocation.

            Saint Nicholas is also the Patron Saint of Seamen. He protects sailors and people who travel by sea.  Ancient Greeks had Poseidon as the god of the sea. Unlike Poseidon, Saint Nicholas does not trouble the waters, but he mediates for the travelers of the oceans, he protects the people who ask for his intercessions and he saves the travelers who consciously pray to him.

            The icon of Saint Nicholas is one of the most ancient and historical icons of Byzantine art.  It depicts the holiness and the piety of the Saint, who is an example of love and Christian values.  Such an example inspired the faithful to announce at his ordination that his is “worthy;” and at his funeral to exclaim that he is “HOLY!”

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos


Στις 6 Δεκεμβρίου εορτάζουμε την μνήμη του εν Αγίοις Πατρός ημών Αγίου Νικολάου, επισκόπου Μύρων της Λυκίας.  Ο Άγιος Νικόλαος αποτέλεσε πρότυπο αγαθοεργίας και φιλανθρωπίας διότι μολονότι ζούσε απλοϊκώς και ασκητικώς, μοίραζε αγαθά σε κάθε αναξιοπαθούντα.  Στην Δύση είναι γνωστός ως Σάντα Νικόλαους ή Σάντα Κλάους, που έδιδε δώρα σε όσους δεν είχαν τα απαραίτητα για να ζήσουν.  Βέβαια, ο Άγιος Νικόλαος ήταν ένας αδύνατος ασκητής και Αρχιερεύς και ζούσε στα Μύρα της Λυκίας, όχι στον Βόρειο Πόλο.  Ό,τι όμως δώριζε το τοποθετούσε με τέτοιο τρόπο ώστε κανείς να μην γνωρίζει τις αγαθοεργίες του. Βοηθούσε ορφανά, χήρες, παραλύτους, ασθενείς και ηλικιωμένους. Χάριζε το χαμόγελο στα πρόσωπα που ήταν ποτισμένα μέσα στο δάκρυ. Έδινε τη χαρά στις καρδιές εκείνες που ήταν ματωμένες από το πένθος. Ήταν πραγματικά κανόνας πίστεως και εικόνα πραότητος.  Πρότυπο προς μίμηση και μάθημα προς νουθεσία.

Στην εποχή μας χρειαζόμαστε τέτοια παραδείγματα πιστών Χριστιανών, που να δωρίζουν από το περίσσευμα αλλά και (μακάρι) ακόμη και από το υστέρημά τους.  Τα Χριστούγεννα πολλοί άνθρωποι βοηθούν ιδρύματα και τους αδυνάτους. Αλλά η αγάπη μας πρέπει να εκφράζεται όλη τη χρονιά. Να συμπαραστεκόμαστε στους μόνους, τους αρρώστους στα γηρατειά.  Υπάρχουν πολλές ψυχές που χρειάζονται παρρηγορία. Πολλές καρδιές απαιτούν παραμυθία. Πολλά μυαλά θέλουν παρρησία.  Χρειαζόμαστε ανθρώπους με ανθρωπιά.  Με αγάπη για τον πλησίον και πίστη στο Πανάγαθο Θεό.

Ο  Άγιος Νικόλαος είναι επίσης και προστάτης των ναυτικών. Ως πολιούχος της θαλάσσης και των ναυτιλομένων, αγιάζει και προστατεύει κάθε πιστό που παλεύει με τα κύμματα των Ωκεανών.  Για τους Έλληνες, είναι σαν άλλος Ποσειδώνας. Μόνο που αντί να ταράζει τη θάλασσα και να δοκιμάζει τους πλέοντας, φέρνει θεία γαλήνη, προστασία και σωτηρία σε όσους τον επικαλούνται.

Η εικόνα του Αγίου Νικολάου, μία από τις αρχαιότερες και ιστορικότερες απεικονίσεις Αγίου, εξυμνεί το παράστημα και παράδειγμα Αγιότητος και ευλαβείας σύμφωνα με το οποίο έζησε τον ενκόσμιο βίο του.  Ένα παράδειγμα που έκανε τους πιστούς στην χειροτονία του να αναφωνήσουν «Άξιος.» Και στην κηδεία του να ομολογήσουν «Άγιος!»

+Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος

Online Version of 'Journey of Marriage' Launched

The Direct Archdiocesan District (DAD) is pleased to announce the launch of an online version of its popular “Journey of Marriage” pre-marital workshop. For several years the DAD has been offering in-person, all-day workshops at host parishes. Trained facilitators have visited the host parishes and presented the six-session program authored by Dr. Philip Mamalakis and Father Charles Joanides. These workshops received praise from the attendees for the practical and directly applicable lessons that every couple should consider before their wedding.

In March 2020, these workshops were suspended in accordance with Archdiocesan and governmental restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic. For several months this ministry was dormant, but soon facilitators were busy translating the in-person workshop into a virtual one.

Each of the sessions was recorded via Zoom. While this provided most of the content to participants, it lacked the personal interaction between couples and facilitators and among the different couples that was a feature of the in-person events. To remedy this deficiency, each couple who completes the six sessions online is asked to register for a 60-90 minute live Zoom session with facilitators. 

Couples seeking to celebrate the sacrament of marriage in DAD parishes will be directed by the parish priest to go to and register for the online Journey of Marriage. The Dad will send them a pair of Couples’ Workbooks and they can work through the six online sessions at their own pace. Once they have completed those, they can leave feedback in the form of a Participant Evaluation and sign up for a scheduled live Zoom session. These sessions will offer couples a chance to ask questions of the facilitators and to network with other couples. Facilitators will have a chance to share their own personal thoughts and experiences. Finally, the facilitators will send each couple and their priest a Certificate of Completion.

We encourage all DAD couples to take advantage of this unique and wonderful ministry of our Church. It is our sincere hope that it provides them with valuable tools and information to benefit their Journey of Marriage.  

2021 St John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival Registration Open

Parish Registration Now Available

Topic Tips and Resources Now Available

The Department of Religious Education has released the 2021 Topic Tips and Resources for the St John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival. Simultaneously, the parish registration is now available. Both can be found at

Now in its 37th year, the St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival is a speaking program for Junior High and High School Students in our parishes. Each year, approximately 800 young people from grades 7-9, and 10-12, research from one of the approved topics, develop a short speech, and then deliver it at a parish Oratorical Festival. Top speakers move to District (regional) Festivals or straight to a Metropolis (and the Direct District) level Festival. The top speaker in each division then progresses to the Archdiocese Festival.

Due to Covid, the 2020 Festival was cut short, but the planning for 2021 commenced over the summer. His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros approved the topics for 2021, which were released in September. The Topic Tips and Resources offer suggestions for speakers and their teachers about approaches that a speech can take. The Parish Registration information allows the Department to know which parishes are holding a Festival and have that information shared with their local coordinators.

At this time, even with the many challenges that Covid restrictions are still presenting, the Department believes that in-person Parish and District Festivals are possible, given their relatively small size. Each Metropolis and the Direct District will have to determine whether or not it is possible to hold an in-person Metropolis Festival, which are usually held in April or May. Also, at this time, the Department is making plans for an in-person Archdiocese Festival to be held at the St. Spyridon Church in Loveland, Colorado (the 2020 location) in June 2021 but also looking into the possibility of a virtual Festival, should conditions not allow for such a gathering.

Greek Orthodox Archdiocese Center for Family Care Launches Comfort Food for Families Advent Series

The Center for Family Care is pleased to announce the launching of Comfort Food for Families Advent Series, a weekly series that will be released on Mondays, beginning on November 9th and ending on December 28th.

Offered alternatively by the CFC staff members, each brief video message will highlight elements of the Nativity Fast to support families as they prepare to celebrate Christmas.

CFC Director, Father Alexander Goussetis, offers the first message here .

All messages will be viewable at the CFC website:

Face Book page

and YouTube channel

Young Women of Faith in our Secular and Pluralistic World

This webinar is the first in a series of interfaith conversations by and for women where we seek to learn from each other and encourage one another through transformative conversation. Charles Taylor defines secularity not simply as a lack of religious belief, but instead as a complex societal paradigm shift; a new context in which all experiences of both belief and unbelief take place. As women from different faith traditions, we want to explore together what our faiths mean to us in the modern world. Our experiences and perspectives will almost certainly be different. Indeed, thatʼs the point!

Join us on Monday, November 23 at 12:00 PM ET for our first conversation. 

Registration is required:

The webinar is open and free to all and will feature the Ecumenical Department of the Archdiocese.

What is FoRēL? Read more here:

The Eight Dates Marriage Program

Presented by the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of San Francisco

Family Wellness Ministry and the Department of Youth and Young Adult Ministries

The Family Wellness Ministry and the Department of Youth & Young Adult Ministries of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of San Francisco announce their plan to host ten 75-minute marriage sessions bi-monthly on Thursday nights, starting on Thursday, October 15.

The program will run from 6:30 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. PST, and will feature topics from the popular lifestyle book Eight Dates: Essential Conversations for a Lifetime of Love (Workman, 2019) by award-winning authors and psychologists Drs. John and Julie Gottman, and bestselling authors Doug Abrams and Rachel Carlton Abrams, MD.

Each session will be facilitated by members of the Family Wellness Ministry, and are carefully designed to engage couples in essential conversation on a topic of importance within their marriages: trust and commitment; addressing conflict; sex and intimacy; work and money; family; fun and adventure; growth and spirituality; hopes and dreams. These are uncertain, unprecedented times, and the goal is to give couples eight fulfilling, enlightening, and spiritually nurturing dates for improved communication and connection.

“The authors of this book have distilled 40+ years of marriage research into 8 essential conversations that are the hallmark of thriving relationships. They give us the tools to structure these conversations and to enjoy a lifetime of discovery about the person we married. We cannot wait to share this with the couples of our Metropolis,” shared Presvytera Donna Pappas from the Family Wellness Ministry team.

The Eight Dates Marriage Program promises to be a balance of vibrant content, integration of our Orthodox faith, and an opportunity for small group discussion catered specifically to the varied needs young married couples face on a daily basis. Participating couples will be given weekly thought-exercise and intimacy boosters to complete together for additional value outside the scheduled meetings. Ultimately each couple should come away with the resources necessary for strengthened commitment to one another, as well as an expanded Metropolis community of supportive peers in the process.

WHEN:           Bi-Monthly starting October 15 through February 18.

WHERE:         Via Zoom: Thursdays 6:30 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. PST 

WHO:             Orthodox Christian Young Married Couples

HOW:             Interested couples are asked to visit the Family Wellness Ministry website to pre-register and for detailed information:

Check out the Eight Dates promo video:


Prot. No. 202/2020

Feast of the Holy Unmercenaries, Saints Cosmas and Damian

November 1, 2020

Πορευόµενοι δὲ κηρύσσετε λέγοντες ὅτι ἤγγικεν ἡ βασιλεία τῶν οὐρανῶν. Ἀσθενοῦντας θεραπεύετε, λεπροὺς καθαρίζετε, νεκροὺς ἐγείρετε, δαιµόνια ἐκβάλλετε· δωρεὰν ἐλάβετε, δωρεὰν δότε.

And as you go, proclaim that the Kingdom of Heaven is close at hand! Cure the infirm, cleanse and restore the lepers, raise up the dead, cast out demons. Generously you have received, generously give. (Matthew 10:7-8)

To the Most Reverend Hierarchs, the Reverend Priests and Deacons, the Monks and Nuns, the Presidents and Members of the Parish Councils of the Greek Orthodox Communities, the Distinguished Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, the Day, Afternoon, and Church Schools, the Philoptochos Sisterhoods, the Youth, the Hellenic Organizations, and the entire Greek Orthodox Family in America,

Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Today we commemorate the Holy Unmercenaries, Cosmas and Damian – patrons of our National Philoptochos. These physician Saints are called Ἀνάργυροι – “renouncers of silver,” because they applied their healing arts without ever accepting payment of any kind. Theirs was a health care system that treated the whole person: body, mind, heart, and spirit. Their ministry was based above all in love, and love was always their motivation. How appropriate it is that these brothers are the Heavenly Patrons of our National Philoptochos, for the Philoptochos is above all else a sisterhood of love – love for the poor, whether that poverty is economic, emotional, or spiritual.

Therefore, on this Sunday when we celebrate these wondrous Saints, our National Philoptochos has dedicated their collections that are being taken across the Archdiocese for the needs and the support of the benevolent and philanthropic ministries of our Mother Church of Constantinople. The Ecumenical Patriarchate provides concrete services to orphans and the poor at the Baloukli Hospital and Senior Center. When you offer generously, I pray that each of you offer as to your own mother, with an intention to be of the most help possible. We depend on our National Ladies Philoptochos Society and local Philoptochos chapters for this special offering, and they deserve all our gratitude. Especially in the time of the pandemic, the needs are great and conditions are challenging.

Your generosity is a proclamation that the Kingdom of Heaven has arrived, has come unto the world. For the Lord said that the ministries of healing recognize the gift of God that we have all received, and thus we can give to others. Thank you for your love for our Holy Mother Church, and on behalf of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, I express the deep gratitude of the Great Church of Christ for the ongoing support of the Ladies Philoptochos Society and the faithful of our Holy Archdiocese for these precious ministries.

With paternal love in our Lord Jesus Christ,


Archbishop of America



Ἀριθ. Πρωτ.: 202/2020

Ἑορτὴ τῶν Ἁγίων καὶ θαυµατουργῶν ἀναργύρων Κοσµᾶ καὶ Δαµιανοῦ

1 Νοεµβρίου 2020

Πορευόµενοι δὲ κηρύσσετε λέγοντες ὅτι ἤγγικεν ἡ βασιλεία τῶν οὐρανῶν. Ἀσθενοῦντας θεραπεύετε, λεπροὺς καθαρίζετε, νεκροὺς ἐγείρετε, δαιµόνια ἐκβάλλετε· δωρεὰν ἐλάβετε, δωρεὰν δότε. (Ματθαίου ι', 7-8)

Πρὸς τοὺς Σεβασµιωτάτους καὶ Θεοφιλεστάτους Ἀρχιερεῖς, τοὺς Εὐλαβεστάτους Ἱερεῖς καὶ Διακόνους, τοὺς Μοναχοὺς καὶ τὶς Μοναχές, τοὺς Προέδρους καὶ τὰ Μέλη τῶν Κοινοτικῶν Συµβουλίων, τοὺς Ἐντιµολογιωτάτους Ἄρχοντες τοῦ Οἰκουµενικοῦ Πατριαρχείου, τὰ Ἡµερήσια καὶ Ἀπογευµατινὰ Σχολεῖα, τὶς Φιλοπτώχους Ἀδελφότητες, τὴν Νεολαία, τὶς Ἑλληνορθόδοξες Ὀργανώσεις καὶ ὁλόκληρο τὸ Χριστεπώνυµο πλήρωµα τῆς Ἱερᾶς Ἀρχιεπισκοπῆς Ἀµερικῆς.

Προσφιλεῖς ἀδελφοὶ καὶ ἀδελφὲς ἐν Χριστῷ,

Κατὰ τὴ σηµερινὴ ἡµέρα ἑορτάζουµε τοὺς ἁγίους ἀναργύρους Κοσµᾶ καὶ Δαµιανό, προστάτες τῆς Ἐθνικῆς Φιλοπτώχου Ἀδελφότητος Κυριῶν τῆς Ἀρχιεπισκοπῆς µας. Αὐτοὶ οἱ ἅγιοι, ποὺ ἦταν γιατροί στὸ ἐπάγγελµα, ὀνοµάστηκαν ἀνάργυροι γιατὶ ἐξασκούσαν τὴν ἱατρικὴ χωρὶς κάποιου εἴδους πληρωµή. Ἡ ἱατρικὴ γιὰ αὐτοὺς εἶναι ἡ ἐπιστήµη ποὺ γιατρεύει ὁλόκληρο τὸν ἄνθρωπο: τὸ σῶµα, τὸ νοῦ, τὴν καρδιὰ καὶ τὴν ψυχή. Αὐτὴ ἡ διακονία τους βασιζόταν κυρίως στὴν ἀγάπη ποὺ ἦταν καὶ τὸ µοναδικό τους κίνητρο. Πόσο, πράγµατι, ταιριαστό τυγχάνει τὸ γεγονός ὅτι αὐτοὶ οἱ ἀδελφοὶ εἶναι οἱ προστάτες ἅγιοι τῆς Ἐθνικῆς Φιλοπτώχου µας! Γιατὶ ἡ Φιλόπτωχος εἶναι κυρίως ἡ ἀδελφότητα τῆς ἀγάπης. Ἀγάπη γιὰ τοὺς φτωχοὺς καὶ τοὺς καταφρονεµένους ἀπὸ κάθε αἰτία: οἰκονοµική, συναισθηµατικὴ ἢ πνευµατική.

Ἔτσι, λοιπόν, ἡ Ἐθνικὴ Φιλόπτωχος Ἀδελφότητα ἔχει ἀφιερώσει τὸ προϊὸν τοῦ ἐράνου ποὺ πραγµατοποιεῖται σὲ ὅλη τὴν Ἀρχιεπισκοπή µας, αὐτὴ τὴν Κυριακή, ἑορτὴ τῶν θαυµατουργῶν Ἀναργύρων, στὶς κοινωνικὲς καὶ φιλανθρωπικὲς πρωτοβουλίες τῆς Μητέρας Ἐκκλησίας τῆς Κωνσταντινουπόλεως. Τὸ Οἰκουµενικὸ Πατριαρχεῖο ἔχει δηµιουργήσει δοµὲς προστασίας γιὰ τὰ ὀρφανὰ καὶ τοὺς φτωχοὺς στὴν Κωνσταντινούπολη καὶ ἰδίως στὸ Γηροκοµεῖο καὶ τὸ Νοσοκοµεῖο τοῦ Μπαλουκλῆ. Σᾶς προσκαλῶ γιὰ τὴ γεναιόδωρη προσφορά σας, µὲ τὴ διάθεση ὅτι βοηθᾶτε τὴν ἴδια τὴ µητέρα σας. Βασιζόµαστε στὶς κυρίες τῆς Ἐθνικῆς Φιλοπτώχου Ἀδελφότητας καὶ τῶν τοπικῶν τµηµάτων τῆς Φιλοπτώχου γιὰ τὴν ἐρανικὴ διαχείριση καὶ τὶς εὐγνωµονοῦµε. Εἰδικὰ αὐτὴ τὴν ἐποχὴ τῆς πανδηµίας, οἱ ἀνάγκες εἶναι αὐξηµένες καὶ οἱ προκλήσεις µεγάλες.

Ἡ γεναιοδωρία σας διατρανώνει ὅτι ἤγγικε ἡ βασιλεία τῶν οὐρανῶν καὶ εἶναι ἐνεργὴ στὸν κόσµο. Διότι ὁ Κύριος µᾶς εἶπε ὅτι ἡ θεραπεία τῶν ἀσθενούντων καὶ ἡ ἀνάπαυση τῶν φτωχῶν εἶναι δωρεὰ τοῦ Θεοῦ, τὴν ὁποία λάβαµε καὶ τὴν ὁποία προσφέρουµε στὸ συνάνθρωπό µας. Ἐκφράζω τὴν εὐγνωµοσύνη τῆς Μεγάλης τοῦ Χριστοῦ Ἐκκλησίας στὶς κυρίες τῆς Φιλοπτώχου Ἀδελφότητας καὶ σὲ ὅλο τὸ πλήρωµα τῆς Ἱερᾶς Ἀρχιεπισκοπῆς µας γιὰ τὴν ἀνεκτίµητη διακονία τους.

Μετὰ πατρικῶν εὐχῶν καὶ τῆς ἐν Κυρίῳ ἀγάπης,

† ὁ Ἀµερικῆς Ἐλπιδοφόρος

His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America Homily at the Great Vespers of Saint Demetrios the Myrrh-Streamer

October 25, 2020

Saint Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church

Merrick, New York

Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Ὢ τοῦ παραδόξου θαύματος! O most glorious wonder!

With this poetic exclamation, we began our hymns of praise to your Patron Saint, the Great-Martyr and Myrrh-Streamer Demetrios. His Feast and his name are praised and praiseworthy around the world for all pious and Orthodox Christians. His martyrdom is a paradigm of virtue and courage. And his memory, like that of all the righteous from everlasting, is treasured in the liturgical cycle of the Church.

As we read in the Second Prophecy:

Ἐξέστη ὁ οὐρανὸς ἐπὶ τούτῳ καὶ ἔφριξεν ἐπὶ πλεῖον σφόδρα.

Heaven was amazed because of him, and exceedingly astonished!

And how could the Heavens not be struck with perplexity and wonder, at the sight of this Champion of God enduring so many torments for the sake of his Creator. Just as we chant on Holy and Great Friday:

Πᾶσα ἡ Κτίσις, ἠλλοιοῦτο φόβῳ, θεωροῦσά σε, ἐν σταυρῷ κρεμάμενον Χριστέ….

All creation was changed by fear and dread, when it saw You, O Christ, crucified upon the Cross….

Just as the Passion – the Sufferings – of the Lord were too much for Creation to behold, so also is the ‘Holy Week’ of Saint Demetrios terrible to bear, for he suffered with His Christ. His side was pierced by many spears before he died, and so we chanted:

Ὑπὲρ Χριστοῦ λογχευθείς, ὁ τρισμάκαρ Δημήτριος….

For Christ, you were pierced, O Thrice-blesséd Demetrios….

Indeed, my beloved Christians, Saint Demetrios was stabbed while yet alive, unlike the Lord whose side was pierced as proof of His death. As the Evangelist John tells us of this moment at the foot of the Cross:

But when they came to Jesus and saw that he was already dead, they did not break his legs. Rather, one of the soldiers stabbed His side with a lance, and there was an instant outpouring of blood and water.

The blood and the water that come forth from the womb of our mothers, when we are born into this world, symbolize the Holy Mysteries of Eucharist and Baptism, by which we are re-born into the next.

But Saint Demetrios endured this piercing of his flesh while he was yet alive. Why? Because from his living faith in Christ, his loving faith in the Lord, he was shown forth to be a wellspring of healings for the world.

That is why we gather this evening in this beautiful Church dedicated to his name, a Church that our beloved and sacred Spiritual Father, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, presided at, on his last Apostolic Visitation of the United States in 2009.

You are blessed by the Great-Martyr Demetrios, and you were blessed by the footsteps of His All-Holiness in your midst. The former is your Heavenly intercessor; the latter is your fervent intercessor upon this good earth.

You all must know that our Patriarch holds a special place in his heart and mind for your Patron Saint, because his baptismal name is Dimitrios. Thus, your blessing on this day has many layers, because the grace of Saint Demetrios comes upon you with different waves from the ocean of the Divine Spirit, and it washes over your community with healing and peace.

My beloved Christians:

We live in difficult times. The pandemic has yet to be overcome. We need the healing grace of Saint Demetrios now more than ever. His passion upon earth, in imitation of our Savior Jesus Christ, is a source of strength and cures for both body and soul. Let us cleave to him in these times and in every time, and find for ourselves and for our loved ones and families, the valor and fortitude to live our lives with faith, hope, and with love.

Ταῖς αὐτοῦ ἁγίαις πρεσβείαις, ὁ Θεὸς, ἐλέησον ἡμᾶς. Ἀμήν.

October 25, 2020

Remarks of Father Nikiphoros Fakinos at the Great Vespers of Saint Demetrios the Myrrh-Bearer, Merrick, NY


Είναι απαράμιλλη η ευγνωμοσύνη μας για τα εξαιρετικά δώρα της Ποιμαντορίας Υμών. Όντως «Εξαιρετικά»: Όχι συνηθισμένα, ούτε απλά. Αλλά μέσα στον καιρό των εξαιρέσεων από το συνηθισμένο, βρήκαμε τους ανθρώπους που ξεπερνούν το παρωχημένο, ανθρώπους εξαιρετικούς. Η πρωτοβουλίες σας βοήθησαν οικογένειες και η Αρχιεπισκοπή συνέδραμε με χορηγεία ποσών εκατοντάδων χιλιάδων. Μας εμπνεύσατε να βοηθήσουμε τους πληγέντες από την πανδημία παντοιωτρόπως. Σας είδαμε να προσεύχεσθε γονατιστός για τους ασθενείς και δακρύσαμε. Λάβαμε το φως της Αναστάσεως διαφορετικά, διαδικτυακά, διανύουμε καιρούς των εξαιρέσεων, αλλά και έτσι, το μήνυμα της Υμετέρου Σεβασμιώτητος μάς μεταλαμπάδεψε φως ελπίδας και χαράς.

Παρά τις αντιξοότητες και τους περιορισμούς, καταφέρατε να επισκεφθείτε όλες τις Κοινότητες, Μονές και Παρεκκλήσια της Άμεσης Αρχιεπισκοπικής Περιφέρειας, κατόρθωμα που ολοκληρώθηκε την περασμένη εβδομάδα, και συνάμα να είστε παρών και δραστήριος σε κάθε γωνιά της αχανούς και όμορφης Αρχιεπισκοπής Αμερικής, να ταξιδέψετε από το σεπτό Κέντρο της Ορθοδοξίας το Οικουμενικό Πατριαρχείο στην Κωνσταντινούπολη έως και τον Λευκό Οίκο στην Ουάσιγκτον και από την Θεολογική Σχολή της Βοστώνης, στην οποία δώσατε νέα πνοή, ώθηση και εξέλιξη, μέχρι και την Δυτική ακτή και τις ιεραποστολικές Ορθόδοξες Κοινότητες ακόμη και της μακρινής Χαβάης.

Και απόψε, στην 2ή σας επίσκεψη στον ιερό ναό του Αγίου Δημητρίου του Μέρρικ, ενθυμούμαστε όλες τις σημαντικές τομές που έχουν γίνει για την πρόοδο της Εκκλησίας, από την επανεκίννηση των εργασιών για το Εθνικό Προσκήνυμα του Αγίου Νικολάου στο σημείο Μηδέν, μέχρι και την προεργασία, με την εντολή, απόφαση και έγκριση του Οικουμενικού Πατριαρχείου, για την σύνταξη του Νέου Συντάγματος με τον σκοπό να καλύψει τους σύγχρονους ποιμαντικούς και διοικητικούς προσανατολισμούς επί τη επετείω των 100 ετών της Ελληνικής Ορθοδόξου Αρχιεπισκοπής Αμερικής.

Ακολοθώντας το πρόσταγμά Σας Σεβασμιώτατε, επικεντρώσαμε  προσπάθειες στην καταπολέμηση των επιπτώσεων της πανδημίας. Και παρά τους περιορισμούς, περισσότεροι ενορίτες από ποτέ συμπροσευχήθηκαν στις ιερές ακολουθίες μέσω του διαδικτύου και έλαβαν ιδιαίτερα και συχνά μηνύματα, προσωπικές επικοινωνίες, διαδραστικά μαθήματα και ποιμαντική επιμέλεια για κάθε πτυχή της ζωής τους. Κι όταν οι θύρες του Ναού άνοιξαν πάλι, είδαμε περισσότερους πιστούς τον Ιούλιο από κάθε καλοκαίρι στην ιστορία της Κοινότητος, όπως επίσης και τον Αύγουστο και στην γιορτή της Μεταστάσεως της Υπεραγίας Θεοτόκου. Η πίστις έξω βάλλει τον φόβο, νικήσαμε τον φόβο, με πίστη στον Πανάγαθο, όπως μας διδάσκετε με το παράδειγμά σας, Σεβασμιώτατε!

Το σχολεία μας άνοιξαν με 95% των εγγραφών εν συγκρίσει με πέρισυ. Το ιερό μας υπηρετείται με τα παιδιά, τα ίδια παιδιά που πέρισυ υπηρέτησαν στον Αρχιεπισκοπικό Καθεδρικό της Αγίας Τριάδος στην Ενθρόνιση της Υμετέρου Σεβασμιώτητος. Το Κοινοτικό Συμβούλιό μας είναι εδώ και εργάζεται όπως εργάστηκε και πέρισυ για την υποδοχή σας, εκείνη την ημέρα που άλλαξε την ιστορία της Αρχιεπισκοπής, και για την οποία οφείλουμε εγκάρδιο ευγνωμοσύνη στο σεπτό Κέντρο της Ορθοδοξίας, και ιδιαιτέρως στην Αυτού Θειότατη Παναγιώτητα, τον Οικουμενικό Πατριάρχη Βαρθολομαίο. Με την επέτειο της εκλογής του Παναγιωτάτου την 22α Οκτωβρίου, απαριθμούμε τις πλείστες και απαράμιλλες ευλογίες που παρέχει στο κόσμημα του Οικουμενικού Θρόνου, την Αρχιεπισκοπή Αμερικής. Μας ευλόγησε ο Παναγιώτατος όταν επισκέφθηκε τον Άγιο Δημήτριο του Μέρρικ το 2009, μας ευλογεί καθημερινώς με την εκλογή και Ποιμαντορία Υμών εις τον Αρχιεπισκοπικό θώκο.

The conditions in the world are not ordinary. That calls for us to become extraordinary. Last week, Your Eminence completed visits to all the Parishes, Monasteries and Chapels in the Direct Archdiocesan District. Despite the delays caused by the pandemic and all pertinent restrictions, Your Eminence travelled from the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Constantinople, all the way to the White House in Washington DC and from the rejuvenated Seminary in Boston all the way to the West Coast and even the missionary Parishes in Hawaii. And to crown this accomplishment, we are celebrating here, this eve, at the Great Hierarchal Vespers of Saint Demetrios, Your Eminence's second visit to the Greek Orthodox Community of Merrick. Because this accomplishment is extraordinary.

Your Eminence, we have witnessed Your hard work ethic, and this beautiful Parish implements Your example to respond to the challenges presented to us. We were faced with fear, the fear of an unknown virus. To this, we responded with faith, because faith takes away all fear and distress. We responded; more people than ever attended our services through the live stream, more people than ever lit candles, even from afar, and more services, sermons, lessons, electronic messages, telephone and email communications, personal assistance and pastoral support than ever in the history of the Parish were disseminated to our Parishioners. Times are not ordinary, we are called to become extraordinary.

When the doors of the Church opened again, we approached the chalice, we prayed, we reunited in person, safely, and whole-heartedly. By July, we had the best Church attendance than ever before in any July in the history of the Church. The same happened for the daily August Paraklesis services. And for Panaghia's!

We were challenged to reinvent and reorganize our Church and Greek School programs and methodology. Our teachers attended more than 35 seminars. We are fully equipped with all the necessary protective hardware, educational formats and electronic infrastructure to face the needs of 21st century Hellenic and Religious education. We saw 95% registration compared to last year as early as September, with more students still coming in. We commissioned two teachers per class in Greek School, teaching in person and remotely, according to the needs and wishes of each family. We are not giving up our faith, our values nor our heritage. Times are not ordinary, we are called to become extraordinary.

One of our College Students is in the sanctuary, currently studying at the seminary. Next year, more students will join Hellenic College as well. From our Parish programs and religious education we have seen 4 priests get ordained, 3 Archdiocesan employees, 2 work in the Youth Office and one retired from the Orthodox Observer, and one more currently studying for the priesthood, all from this Parish. At the same time, many young professionals, academics, researchers, and first responders have emerged from this beautiful Community. We are called to be extraordinary. And all this talent and potential is placed at the service of the Church, in a harmonious collaboration for the glory of God.

We are blessed to work under Your omoforion, Your Eminence. In the coming weeks, we will be following your leadership participating in the 2nd Annual Educational Conference for Greek language and hosting Parish Council candidates’ seminars, and I humbly express my gratitude for allowing me to be a presenter for both of the above.

I also thank you Your Eminence for trusting me with serving as the Undersecretary of the Holy Eparchial Synod, a member of the Spiritual Court and as the President of the local District Clergy Fellowship. In those capacities, I have been motivated to serve You, and in serving You, commit my efforts to our beloved Great Church of Christ, with gratitude for your generous trust, loving support, and dedicated Hierarchal bequests. You have taught us not to fear, not to back down, not to give up. Times are not ordinary, we are called to become extraordinary! Εις πολλά έτη Δέσποτα!

+Protopresbyter Nikiforos Fakinos



Prot. No. 187/2020

The Commemoration of OXI Day

October 28, 2020

Τὴν Σκέπην σου, Παρθένε, οἱ πιστοὶ µεγαλύνοµεν….

(Ἀπολυτίκιον τῇ 28ῃ Ὀκτωβρίου, Τῶν Νικητηρίων)

Your Protection, O Virgin, do we the faithful magnify….

(Apolytikion for October 28th, the Feast of Victory)

To the Most Reverend Hierarchs, the Reverend Priests and Deacons, the Monks and Nuns, the Presidents and Members of the Parish Councils of the Greek Orthodox Communities, the Distinguished Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, the Day, Afternoon, and Church Schools, the Philoptochos Sisterhoods, the Youth, the Hellenic Organizations, and the entire Greek Orthodox Family in America

Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Today, we celebrate the eightieth anniversary of our magnificent Feast of Victory – τὰ Νικητήρια of the Theotokos, who on October 28, 1940, came to the aid of Greece and her noble people. We honor those Greeks who, as the Lord enjoined in His commandment, ‘let their “yes” be “yes,” and their “no” be “no”’ (Matthew 5:37). On this day, the Greek People said a resounding “Yes” to freedom, to conscience, and to justice; even as they roared ΟΧΙ to the forces of fascism, tyranny, and hatred.

Eighty years later, there are a diminishing few who remember in real time this heroic hour that cost Greece so dearly, and who lived through the days that followed: the suffering, the struggle, and the oppression that were wreaked on the Birthplace of Democracy. But all of us – and not only us but the entire world – have been blessed with the legacy of the sacrifices of full measure that adorn the mountain passes, the fields of honor, and the island bastions of freedom.

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt said: “When the entire world had lost all hope, the Greek people dared….” Indeed, they did! They dared to stand up against the monstrous waves of cruelty unleashed upon Europe. They dared to hope against hope in the Holy Protection of the Virgin whose colors blaze on the banner of the Nation. They dared to say “No” to evil, and risked their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor, as once did other lovers of liberty.

My beloved Christians, let us honor their sacrifice with our prayers for their eternal memory, their everlasting rest, and our commitment to ever remain under the Protection of the Holy Virgin. May we always exercise and defend in righteousness and true piety, the duties and responsibilities of Democracy with decency, dignity, and in defiance of those who would attempt to seize our freedom.

With paternal love in our Lord Jesus Christ,


Archbishop of America



Ἀριθ. Πρωτ.: 187/2020

Ἡ ἡµέρα τοῦ ΟΧΙ

28 Ὀκτωβρίου 2020

Τὴν Σκέπην σου, Παρθένε, οἱ πιστοὶ µεγαλύνοµεν …

(Ἀπολυτίκιον τῇ 28ῃ Ὀκτωβρίου, Τῶν Νικητηρίων)

Πρὸς τοὺς Σεβασµιωτάτους καὶ Θεοφιλεστάτους Ἀρχιερεῖς, τοὺς Εὐλαβεστάτους Ἱερεῖς καὶ Διακόνους, τοὺς Μοναχοὺς καὶ τὶς Μοναχές, τοὺς Προέδρους καὶ τὰ Μέλη τῶν Κοινοτικῶν Συµβουλίων, τοὺς Ἐντιµολογιωτάτους Ἄρχοντες τοῦ Οἰκουµενικοῦ Πατριαρχείου, τὰ Ἡµερήσια καὶ Ἀπογευµατινὰ Σχολεῖα, τὶς Φιλοπτώχους Ἀδελφότητες, τὴν Νεολαία, τὶς Ἑλληνορθόδοξες Ὀργανώσεις καὶ ὁλόκληρο τὸ Χριστεπώνυµο πλήρωµα τῆς Ἱερᾶς Ἀρχιεπισκοπῆς Ἀµερικῆς.

Προσφιλεῖς ἀδελφοὶ καὶ ἀδελφὲς ἐν Χριστῷ,

Σήµερα ἑορτάζουµε τὴν ὀγδοηκοστὴ ἐπέτειο ἀπὸ τὴ λαµπρὴ ἐκείνη ἡµέρα τῆς νίκης, «τὰ Νικητήρια» τῆς Θεοτόκου, ἡ ὁποία ἔσπευσε νὰ προστατεύσει τὸν ἕλληνικὸ λαό κατὰ τὴν 28η Ὀκτωβρίου 1940. Τιµοῦµε ἐκείνους τοὺς ἕλληνες πατριῶτες, ποὺ γιὰ αὐτοὺς κατὰ τὴν ἐντολὴ τοῦ Κυρίου, τὸ «ναί» σηµαίνει «ναί» καὶ τὸ «ὄχι» εἶναι «ὄχι» (Ματθαίου 5:37). Σὰν σήµερα, ὁ ἕλληνικὸς λαὸς ἀπάντησε µὲ ἕνα ἠχηρὸ «ναί» στὴ δικαιοσύνη, στὴν ἐλευθερία καὶ στὴν αὐτοδιάθεση, βροντοφωνάζοντας ΟΧΙ στὶς δυνάµεις τοῦ φασισµοῦ, τοῦ µίσους καὶ τῆς τυραννίας.

Ὀγδόντα χρόνια µετά, βρίσκονται ἀνάµεσά µας ἐλάχιστοι ἀπὸ αὐτοὺς ποὺ ἔζησαν ἐκεῖνες τὶς ἡρωϊκὲς στιγµὲς. Στιγµὲς µὲ σηµαντικὲς θυσίες γιὰ τὴν Ἑλλάδα, ἰδίως τὰ χρόνια ποὺ ἀκολούθησαν, µὲ πείνα, διωγµοὺς καὶ καταπίεση καταστρέφοντας τὸ λίκνο τῆς δηµοκρατίας. Ἐµεῖς ὅµως, καὶ ὄχι µόνο ἐµεῖς ἀλλὰ ὁλόκληρος ὁ κόσµος, αἰσθανόµαστε εὐλογηµένοι µὲ τὴν παρακαταθήκη ὅλων αὐτῶν τῶν θυσιῶν ποὺ φωτίζουν τὰ σκοτεινὰ µονοπάτια, τὶς µυστικὲς κοιλάδες καὶ τοὺς θύλακες τῆς ἐλευθερίας.

Tὸ ἀπόφθεγµα τοῦ Προέδρου τῶν Η.Π.Α. Φράνκλιν Ντελάνο Ρούσβελτ εἶναι χαρακτηριστικό: «Ὅταν ὁλόκληρος ὁ κόσµος ἔχασε τὴν ἐλπίδα, ὁ ἑλληνικὸς λαὸς τόλµησε...». Καὶ πράγµατι, οἱ Ἕλληνες τόλµησαν! Τόλµησαν νὰ ὀρθώσουν τὸ ἀνάστηµά τους ἀπέναντι στὰ πελώρια αἱµοβόρα κύµατα ποὺ πληµµύριζαν τὴν Εὐρώπη! Τόλµησαν νὰ ἐλπίσουν στὴ Φοβερὰ Προστασία τῆς Θεοτόκου, τῆς ὁποίας τὰ χρώµατα κυµατίζουν στὴ σηµαία τοῦ Ἔθνους. Τόλµησαν νὰ ποῦν ΟΧΙ στὶς δυνάµεις τοῦ κακοῦ, ρισκάροντας τὴν ἀξιοπρέπειά τους, τὶς ζωές τους καὶ τὶς περιουσίες τους, ὅπως κάνουν ὅλοι οἱ ἐραστὲς τῆς ἐλευθερίας.

Ἀγαπητοί µου Χριστιανοί, ἂς τιµήσουµε τὶς θυσίες τους προσευχόµενοι γιὰ τὴν ἀνάπαυση τῶν ψυχῶν τους, ὑποσχόµενοι ὅτι θὰ µείνουµε γιὰ πάντα κάτω ἀπὸ τὴν σκέπη καὶ τὴν προστασία τῆς Θεοτόκου. Ἂς ἐκπληρώνουµε πάντοτε τὶς ὑποχρέωσεις ποὺ ἀπορρέουν ἀπὸ τὴ Δηµοκρατία, προστατεύοντάς την µὲ ἀξιοπρέπεια καὶ αὐταπάρνηση, περιφρονώντας ὅσους ἀπειλήσουν τὴν ἐλευθερία µας.

Μετὰ πατρικῶν εὐχῶν καὶ τῆς ἐν Κυρίῳ ἀγάπης,

† ὁ Ἀµερικῆς Ἐλπιδοφόρος


October 28th, 1940 is a date that changed the history of the world.  Renowned historians have come to the conclusion that if the Greeks did not say NO (OXI) to the armies of Mussolini, then the Axis superpowers of the time would gave overwhelmed Europe and the Nazi armies would have entered Russia months earlier, before the harsh Russian winter.  The victory of Greece against the fascists made Hitler change his plans and bring his armies to the South, in order to defeat the resilient Greeks.  Thousands of Germans were sacrificed in Crete, and it took two superpowers to invade a little nation of just over 3 million people population. Like a modern David, the Greek nation faced a Goliath (Greece is the only European country that had to face not one, but two invading Axis powers during World War Two). October 28th is a reminder of the sacrifice of people who chose to be heroes, to fight like heroes and to die like heroes. This is why European leaders exclaimed: “We used to say that Greeks fight like heroes. We should be saying that heroes fight like Greeks!”

            The Holy Protection of the Virgin Mary pushed the soldiers into Northern Hepeiros (today’s Southern Albania). Greeks love freedom so much, that they prefer to die free, rather than to live under captivity! The Mother of God, as a Protecting General, led the nation into more victories. There are many witnesses, Greek and Italian soldiers, who saw the Virgin Mary leading the Greek army on the mountains of Pindos. Goliath did not have God on his side, because unjust and unprovoked wars are crimes. And the Axis powers provoked the war with the cowardly attack in the harbor of Tenos, on the feast day of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary (August 15th, 1940)!

            October 28th, 1940 is a date that represents the sacrifice, the heroism and the quest for freedom of a nation that cultivated the virtues of liberty and human dignity. This date, also, presents us with a challenge. The challenge is for all of us, Greeks and people from all other nationalities and backgrounds, to cherish freedom, to honor the blessed memory of heroes and to live up to their inspiring example. The defeat of fascism on the mountains of Pindos is a triumph that needs to be repeated. We need to defeat all powers of evil. We need to bring peace in a world that suffers from the wounds of war. We need to cultivate freedom in a society that tends to keep people from thinking for their own selves.  Most importantly, we need spiritual freedom, freedom from the limitations of social corruption, sin and faithlessness.  With the Divine Protection motivating us, we may defeat the armies of evil and temptations that surround us.  And we may follow Christ, Who emerged victorious over death to give us the hope of eternity, redemption and salvation.

+Protopresbyter  Nikiforos Fakinos


Το ΟΧΙ του λαού μας  προς τα φασιστικά στρατεύματα είναι η καλύτερη απόδειξη της ανδρείας και της φιλοπατρίας των Ελλήνων. Τα ιστορικά ντοκουμέντα δείχνουν ένα λαό να πηγαίνει προς το μέτωπο με χαρά, με ενθουσιασμό, με τιμή, με περηφάνεια.  Διότι ο αγώνας μας είναι δίκαιος. Διότι η Υπέρμαχος Στρατηγός, η  Παναγιά μας, μας προστατεύει υπό τη θεία σκέπη της. Διότι έτσι οι δυνάμεις μας καθυστέρησαν τα ανίερα σχέδια των ναζιστών και ο δρυμμύς Ρωσικός χειμώνας επέφερε την κόπωση και την αποδυνάμωση των γραμμών ανεφοδιασμού του Χίτλερ. Οι χιλιάδες επιλέκτων Ες Ες που θάφτηκαν στην Κρήτη αποδεικνύουν μέχρι τις ημέρες μας ότι ο ηρωϊσμός και η αγάπη για ελευθερία είναι δύο όπλα που δεν καταβάλλονται από κανένα.  Μόλις 3 εκατομμύρια Ελλήνων αντιμετώπισαν δύο υπερδυνάμεις. Ο Δαυίδ αντιμετώπισε τον Γολιάθ. Κι όλος ο κόσμος αναφώνησε ότι «λέγαμε ότι οι Έλληνες πολεμούν σαν ήρωες, θα έπρεπε να λέμε ότι οι ήρωες πολεμούν σαν τους Έλληνες.»

Η επαίσχυντος και ύπουλη επίθεση στο λιμάνι της Τήνου την ημέρα της Παναγίας (15 Αυγούστου του 1940) ήταν επίθεση κατά του Ελληνισμού και της Ορθοδοξίας. Υπάρχουν μαρτυρίες Ελλήνων και Ιταλών στρατιωτών που είδαν την Υπέρμαχο Στρατηγό να παροτρύνει τα στρατεύματά μας προς την απελευθέρωση της Βορείου Ηπείρου. Τα σχέδια για φραγκοποίηση του λαού μας δεν εκπληρώθηκαν.


Η 28η Οκτωβρίου μας θυμίζει τον ηρωϊσμό, την ανδρεία και την παρρησία του λαού μας.  Το ελεύθερο χώμα της πατρίδος ποτίζεται από το αίμα των ηρώων που θυσίασαν τη ζωή τους για του Χριστού την πίστη την αγία και της πατρίδος την ελευθερία.  Και στην εποχή μας το παράδειγμα των προπατόρων μας εμπνέει να μην προδώσουμε τα ιδεατά της ιστορίας, της πίστεως, της γλώσσας και του πολιτισμού μας. Να μείνουμε ΕΛΛΗΝΕΣ, να δοξάζουμε την αγαπημένη πατρίδα μας και να τιμούμε το αγαθό της ελευθερίας που οι ήρωες του λαού μας παρέδωσαν ως ιερά παρακαταθήκη.

+Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικηφόρος Φακίνος