Parish Council
Mission of the Parish Council
The mission of the parish as defined in the Uniform Parish Regulations – and therefore the mission of the Parish Council – is “… to keep, practice and proclaim the Orthodox Christian Faith pure and undefiled.” In the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus, the Rich Man walked by poor Lazarus every day. The Rich Man didn't hate Lazarus – he just ignored him, committing the sin of indifference. The opposite of love is not hate. The opposite of love is indifference. We have been blessed with great treasures of the faith and Lazarus lies at our gate. Lazarus is the visitor that walks through the doors of our church on Sunday morning. Lazarus is the non-Orthodox spouse. Lazarus is the lapsed Orthodox Christian visiting the parish after a long absence. Like the Rich Man in the parable, we often walk right by without noticing, and they eat from the crumbs that fall from our table. If we believe that in Orthodoxy we have the fullness of the Truth, then we have the great responsibility – the Great Commission – to share it with everyone. As Jesus said, “Go therefore and make disciples of ALL nations – Εις πάντα τα έθνη.
About Parish Council
Parish council members represent their parish and the Orthodox Christian faith. As leaders of the community, parish council members are on the front lines and are able to have a long-term effect on their parish. To serve on the parish council is a ministry and those who serve are called to represent Christ to all whom they meet in all aspects of life.
The positions of the Executive Council are the following: President, 1st and 2nd Vice Presidents, Tresurer (with one Assistant), Secretary (with one Assistant). Tha Pastor will preside at the meeting of the Executive Council elections and all present members are entitled to vote with a secret ballot after the nominations are concluded as per the Uniform Parish Regulations. We wish all Parish Council members a spiritually fruitful and blessed New Year.
2025 Parish Council
Nikos Poulikidis (President); Nikos Stathopoulos (Vice President); Joe Rocco (2nd Vice President); Thomas Zervas (Treasurer); Triantafilos Tzaras (2nd Treasurer); George Menegatos (Secretary); The names of our 2024 Council members are: Chris Aivaliotis, Evangelos Argyros, Patricia Boultadakis, Angelo Frasiolas, Hristos Karangunis, John Katsigiorgis, Peter Louca, Demetrios Mantikas, George Menegatos, Andreas Pavlou, Michael Plias, Gus Potaris, Nikos Poulikidis, Joseph Rocco, Nicholas Sarantakos, Michael Savvakis, Nick Stathopoulos, Kostas Tsakos, Trantafilos Tzaras, Vasilios Zarboutis and Thomas Zervas. Congratulations!
Dear Parishioners,
Members in good standing, as defined by the Archdiocesan Uniform Parish Regulations (UPR), Article V, sections 1 and 3 (quoted below), are permitted to take part in these elections:
Any person, eighteen years of age or over, who was baptized according to the rites of the (Orthodox) Church, or was received into the Church through chrismation, who lives according to the faith and canons of the Church, who has met his or her stewardship obligation for 2024 and abides by the UPR and the by-laws of the Parish, is a member in good standing of the Parish. No person shall be accepted for membership in good standing in a Parish while retaining membership in a non-Orthodox church or in a non-Christian religion.
Furthermore, “A member duly enrolled but delinquent in his or her Parish stewardship obligations may vote in the election by meeting his or her stewardship obligation at any time prior to balloting”(VIII,4); and “A new member of the Parish may vote in the election if he or she has been enrolled at least three months prior thereto” (VIII,5).
If you have any questions about your membership status, please call the Church Office.
The Elections Committee
Νοέμβριος 2024
Αγαπητοί ενορίτες,
Σύμφωνα με το καταστατικό της Αρχιεπισκοπής μέλη που είναι εγγεγραμένα στο μητρώο της Κοινότητος και έχουν καθυστερήσει την ετήσια συνδρομή τους μπορούν να ψηφίσουν κατά τις εκλογές αφού πρώτα τακτοποιήσουν στο ακέραιο την οικονομική συνδρομή για το 2024, έστω και την ημέρα των εκλογών. Δικαίωμα ψήφου έχουν Χριστιανοί Ορθόδοξοι άνω των 18 ετών, που έχουν βαπτιστεί ή έχουν λάβει χρίσμα υπό τους κανόνες της Ορθοδόξου Εκκλησίας.
Για ερωτήσεις, μπορείτε να τηλεφωνήσετε στο γραφείο της Κοινότητος.
Με εν Κυρίω χαιρετισμούς ,
Εκλογική Επιτροπή
Honoring the Presidents of our Community
(in chronological order)
President - Years
Constantine Kazis (Of Blessed Memory) - 1961
Peter Kakouros (Of Blessed Memory) - 1962
Peter Christopoulos (Of Blessed Memory) - 1963
Sam Diaconis (Of Blessed Memory) - 1964-65
Nick Lerangis (Of Blessed Memory) - 1966
George Lees (Of Blessed Memory) - 1967-69
Peter J. Pappas (Of Blessed Memory) - 1970-72
Nicholas Tsakos (Of Blessed Memory) - 1973-74; 1976-78; 1980
Peter Kanaras (Of Blessed Memory) - 1975
Peter Anagnostopoulos - 1979
Peter Panakos (Of Blessed Memory) - 1981-83
Tom Matthews (Of Blessed Memory) - 1984
Peter Toutoulis (Of Blessed Memory) - 1985-88; 1993
Nick Matthews (Of Blessed Memory) - 1989-90
Peter Carlaftes (Of Blessed Memory) - 1991-92
Stamatios Katsigiorgis (Of Blessed Memory) - 1994-95
Dino Cochikas - 1996-98
Andrew Louca - 1999
Peter Louca - 2000-01
Athanasios Pragias - 2001-03; 2006-07
Demetrios Fillas - 2004-05
Kostas Tsakos - 2008-10
Peter Skenderis - 2011-15
Theoni Anagnostou - 2016
Nikos Poulikidis - 2017-Present